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This study is concentrated on Irula women population in Chengalpet of Tamil Nadu. The social life of Irula women was studied for the better understanding and to acquire knowledge on Irula tribal community and the social life of women. These Chengalpet Irulas are located in the plain areas near the forestry boundaries. Their social life was mainly concentrated in the present study because their lives are surrounded with non tribal population in the plain areas and also they are the indigenous tribal population of TamilNadu. Their life style, culture, education, economy and social life was included for research purpose in this study. This is a descriptive and comparative component study. The two types of villages were selected, one is developed village and the other one is undeveloped village. These villages were chosen based on the infrastructural facilities. The developed village was with the basic facilities like water, electricity, transport, roads, schools and hospitals. The undeveloped village was without the water, transport, proper roads, and electricity for all the houses, schools and hospitals. The Irula women population from both the village, particularly the age group between 18 and above was considered as a universe of this study. The stratified random sampling method was adopted to select the samples. The sample size was 100, and there were more than 60 Irula families living in respective villages and the samples were collected randomly 50 from each village. The primary data was collected using different techniques. It had framed totally 50 questions based on the hypothesis and objectives. Most of the questions are focused on social and cultural life of Irula women. The other technique was used by the researcher was case study method which focused on the social life of Irula women. It also enables the researcher to get a better in to a polygamy marriage and other cultural aspects. Interview schedule administrated on Irula women were codified and tabulated. Data processing was carried out with the help of computer. Numerical symbols were assigned to the responses in the interview schedule yielding a total of 40 variables. Computer was also used for statistical analyses of data. In the first instance sorting was done to generate frequency tables for the variables. The report that follows incorporates the data, analysis, the interpretation and the inferences draw there from. The major findings were expressed and determined the social life Irula women. In developed village 28 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28 and in undeveloped village 40 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28.Both in developed and undeveloped village 72 and 52 percent of the respondents were illiterates. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 86 and 82 percent of the respondents were married. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 60 and 68 percent of the respondents were working as coolies. In developed village 37.21 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.2000-3000 and in undeveloped village 47.83 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.1000-2000.Both in developed and in undeveloped villages 74 and 50 percent of the respondents were not getting equal wages in their work sector. The major findings were described under 6 main headings as socio-demographic life, educational background, economic conditions, health and awareness and social life. These findings incorporate the social life Irula women in Chengalpet of TamilNadu. -
Influence of Rock/Metal on youth
??Influence of Rock and Metal on youth is a research paper which deals with various kinds of influence that this genre can have over its fan followers. It tries to elaborate on the change that an individual will go through, whilst he/she consumes or listens to rock/heavy metal music. Influence of music on its listeners is an obvious factor. Serious impact on huge fans may vary from different genres and the way the individual perceives it. Music can be a pastime, hobby and a career as well. Rock and heavy metal music have their own characteristics. Known to be highly influential in terms of substance and drug abuse, this genre of music is worshipped throughout the world, with a spectacular growth in its fans and followers. This study, which is based on a focus group discussion emphasizes widely as to how rock and heavy metal music has influenced its fans, but has no serious impact. The research conducted has proved that youngsters and fans who listen to this genre of music are influenced only as far as change in lifestyles, attitudes and behavior is concerned. Exposure to substance abuse, psychological changes, evil thoughts, suicide, etc. cannot be shown as the result of listening to rock and heavy metal music. -
An Expert System for Diabetes Diagnosis
Expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision making ability of a human expert. That is it acts in all respects like a human expert. It uses human knowledge to solve problems that would require human intelligence. The expert system represents expertise knowledge as data or rules within the computer. These rules and data can be called upon when needed to solve problems. Diabetes is a knotty disease and very common in the modern world. Diabetes is a serious disease that affects almost every organ in the body like heart, eyes, kidney, skin, nerves, blood vassals, foot etc. If left the disease unchecked it will make serious complications including death. Though the disease can not possible to cure completely, it can be well managed or control and can lead a very healthy life. Early diabetes diagnosis plays a crucial role in diabetic control, and can prevent further medical complications. This paper presents the design and development of medical expert system for Diabetes disease and it support diagnosis, give information about complications and act as diabetes trainer. It used rule based approach to collect data and forward chaining inference technique. This system provides a user interactive, menu driven environment. Symptoms and risk factors associated with diabetes are taken as the basis of this study. In case of diagnosis the system will ask a bunch of questions about the symptoms and risk factors to the expert system user and user should give yes or no answer. According to the answer the system will make judgment about the possibility of illness, how much severe it is like slight chance, moderate chance, high chance, very high chance, diabetic or not. If the user wants to know the details of diabetes complications he can select the complication option from the menu. It can also used in teaching practice. The system is drawn up with CLIPS expert system building tool version 6.3 and in Windows/Dos environment. -
The effects of non-linear temperature gradients and rotation on the onset of Rayleigh ?? Benard ?? Marangoni magneto ?? convection in an electric conducting Newtonian fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh-Benard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic temperature conditions on the boundaries. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The four non-linear temperature profiles are considered and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. -
A study of Malayalam amateur music videos on YouTube
The research is a study on the amateur music video trend that has created a buzz among the Malayalee audience. The researcher intends to find the reason behind such a success despite of receiving negative criticisms. The topic is given importance as such amateur videos have been becoming very famous among Malayalee audience. The Malayalam amateur video trend on YouTube has paved its way and a lot of people have started noticing this. Though these videos lack in a lot of aspects they are a huge success. The researcher is keen on finding reasons as to how and why these videos gain so much attention. The researcher also wishes to find the audience perspective towards such videos and their opinion about the same. The levels unto which people gain publicity through such videos are remarkable. It also creates an impact on the minds of the viewers. The creators of such videos have a lot of expectations in mind when they create such videos which may or may not be fulfilled. Two songs are taken up by the researcher and a detailed study is done on the same. Quantitative data collection method is followed. The study is supported by a questionnaire which is distributed to 80 respondents. The creators of such amateur videos have gained so much popularity. This raises a lot of questions whether such videos will be still appreciated and encouraged in the future even after so much of criticisms. The researcher wishes to unveil the answers to such questions. -
For centuries newspaper designers have been in the background working to present information and hard news to the society in a creative way. Creating the layout of a newspaper page is a tedious and time consuming process that employs a set of rules and guidelines. For this purpose the technology employed are in the form of various software??s. And such a program that can create layout designs is a very valuable tool. The layout of a newspaper has to undergo revivals to keep in tune with the recent trends and graphic designing techniques. This dissertation will study the change in the layout and design of The New Indian Express in 2008. Whether or not there is a relationship between the change in layout and its popularity will be also be found out. This study blends empirical and theoretical methodologies of graphic designing. The graphic design theories draws from the principles of design like balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, unity and scale. Layout principles and theories are varied, but most fall into one of two camps: grid-based design and non-grid-based design. There are also layout principles like white space and proximity to consider, all of which contribute to the background study related to newspaper designing. Analyzing closely studying the content in this case the designs of The New Indian Express newspaper and the changes brought about there off will be effective method to research the change in the format of the newspaper has brought in its readers and also its prospective readers. The aspects that will be studied are the logo, masthead, layout, fonts, color and visuals or graphics. The newspaper also has some ??invisible elements?? like whitespace, gutter, margins, columns and grids. -
Influence of auto mobile magazines on customers In finalizing a choice of vehicle
Automotive journalism is a new field that became popular in media with arrival of world leading vehicle manufacturers to India. There are number of new vehicle manufacturers entered to Indian market in the last decade. Automotive journalism got its grid with the flood of new vehicles in the market. Initially auto mobile news and related articles were just a part of the main news papers or magazines. The situation changed drastically with the introduction of auto mobile magazines in India. Flow of manufacturers towards Indian market is still happening and the number of vehicles from motorcycles to big trucks launching in Indian market is not easy to count. In this situation finding a right vehicle according to the need and budget is not an easy task to the customers who wants to buy a vehicle. Now, Indian vehicle market it so huge and test driving each and every car is not an easy task to choose one. The situation forced the auto mobile journalism and automotive magazines to function as a separate field of journalism. The research tries to find out how far these auto mobile magazines are helpful to the people who want to buy a vehicle. Research then tries to analyse the readers of the auto mobile magazines and influence of magazine on customers in their decision making process. -
This study unveils the impact of microfinance activities in nine villages in Bangalore rural. The study investigates the variables like women empowerment, savings before and after microfinance, monthly income, socio economic index, financial benefits, and purpose of savings. To study the problem there were six null hypotheses were framed. To test it data were collected from 400 beneficiaries of microfinance through questionnaire. The detailed questionnaire reveals the personal data, economic condition, group organization, knowledge and awareness of microfinance activities, savings pattern, training details, impact of training, credit utilization, impact of microfinance schemes, influence of microfinance schemes on community affairs, and expenditure pattern of the microfinance beneficiaries. The data collected have been analyzed using the Karl Pearsons correlation coefficient, Chi-square Paired t-test and ANOVA using SPSS 11.0 statistical software and the results obtained there by have been interpreted. The following were the objectives of the study. -To study the difference between savings before microfinance and savings after microfinance -To study difference between different occupations as a result of microfinance and monthly income -To study the difference between different occupations and the purpose of savings from microfinance activities -To study the relationship between microfinance with women empowerment and socio economic index -To study the relationship between microfinance with Main Occupation and socio-economic index -To study the relation between Socio Economic Index and Financial Benefits derived out of Micro Finance Schemes The following findings were derived from the study. 1. The study shows that there is significant difference between savings before microfinance and savings after microfinance. It is evident from the study that the savings after micro finance has improved the savings of the beneficiaries tremendously. 2. There is difference between different occupations as a result of microfinance and monthly income. 3. There is difference between different occupations and the purpose of savings from microfinance activities. 4. There is relation between microfinance with women empowerment and socio economic index. 5. There is relation between microfinance with Main Occupation and socio economic index. 6. There is relation between Socio Economic Index and Financial Benefits derived out of Micro Finance Schemes. Formal lenders discriminate against small borrowers because of the high cost of information acquisition and their weak enforcement capacity. This has led to the search for alternative financial service delivery systems for poor borrowers all over the developing world. The most popular alternative has been microfinance. Microfinance services produce positive effect on output, investments and savings of the beneficiaries. To achieve increase in the output, investments and savings of the rural people of India microfinance services should be intensified. Microfinance services result in the women empowerment in the rural and semi urban areas of India. The expansion of microfinance services will empower poor people to stabilize economically through better agricultural productivity, trade, animal husbandry, increased savings and investment. Key words:Micro finance,Women Empowerment ,Socio Economic Index -
In the last few decades, information technologies have changed the banking industry and have provided a way for the banks to offer differentiated products and services to their customers.The advent of technology made the banks which were used to branch based operations for over 200 years,change the nature of financial services offered to its customers. For instance, automated teller machines (ATM) displaced cashier tellers, telephone represented by the call centers replaced the branch banking, the internet replaced mail, credit cards and electronic cash replaced bank transactions. The changes occurring in the banking sector can be attributed to increasing deregulation and globalization, the major stimulus for rationalization, consolidation, and an increasing focus on costs (Ibrahim et al., 2006). Internet Banking also called as on line banking is the new age banking system. Internet banking used the internet as the delivery channel to conduct banking activities like transferring funds,paying bills, viewing account statements, paying mortgages and purchasing financial certificates of deposits (Haque et al, 2009). Banks know that the Internet opens up new horizons for them and moves them from local to global frontiers (Mavri and Ioannou,2006).Banks gain competitive advantage over their rivals by providing electronic banking services as technology induced services reduce cost of operations, removes geographical barriers, provides 24 hours banking, extended hours of business and efficiency in daily banking processes. Without even interacting with the bankers, customers can transact banking activity from any corner of the world. Electronic banking has experienced rapid growth and has transformed the traditional banking practices(Gonzalez et al.,2008).According to Broadie et al(2007) e-banking is leading to a paradigm shift in the marketing practices of banking industry. A professional banking service can be provided only if the background operations are efficient. The background operations can be effective only if it is integrated with an electronic system. The data, hardware, software, network; people are all the essential part of this system. Customers are happy with the system only when it provides them comfort and convenience while transacting with the bank. Internet enabled electronic system facilitate these operation to obtain the result. According to Christopher, E banking has become an important channel to sell the products and services and is perceived to be a necessity in order to stay profitable and successful. The perception is the result of interpreting the experience. There is a growing interest in understanding the users experience (Hiltunen et al.,2002), as it is observed as a larger concept than user satisfaction. From this it is inferred that assessing the user experience is essential for many technological products and services (Wilson & Sasse 2004). Dabholkar (2000) claims that very little are known about customer preference for self service options, particularly those which are technology based. Researchers have found that significant number of customers are either not aware of Internet Banking Services or do not trust IB as a channel to conduct financial transactions. They have also found that customers may adapt the IB services only if they perceive the technology to be useful. This research paper aims to find out the customers perception to internet banking and also tries to examine whether there is any relation between various demographic variables and customers perception about internet banking. The sample consisted of 200 bank customers, 54 from State Bank of India, 44 from ICICI, 27 from HDFC, 19 from other private sector banks, and 56 from other public sector banks. The convenience sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respondents. Tool for measuring the variables was developed by the researcher with the help of previous studies. A questionnaire was developed on a five point likert scale. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was assessed and found to be 0.7501. The major findings of the study were: 1. There is significant relation between Age and Usage of Internet Banking Services 2. There is significant relation between Profession and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 3. There is no significant relation between Education and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 4. There is no significant relation between Gender and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 5. There is significant relation between Income and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 6. There is significant relation between types of Banks and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 7. There is significant relation between ease of use and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking 8. There is significant relation between operational advantage and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 9. There is significant relation between perceived risk and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 10. There is significant relation between infrastructure constraints and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 11. There is no significant relation between personal limitations and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 12. There is significant relation between IB users and their satisfaction level The implication of the study will help Banks to pay more attention towards creating awareness among its customers so that the usage of Internet Banking is increased. Strategies have been detailed in the study. -
Capital Punishment is a much debated topic in the country and around the world. Films are a major of information where one can propagate an idea to a wide range of audience. Being a topic of general concern, it is important to discuss the relevance of capital punishment on screen (in a movie) and carry forth the happening debate onscreen. The paper tries to do a comparative study between English and Indian movies dealing with the topic. -
With the emergence of new technologies in film making, the increasing access for individuals to social networking spheres owing to web 2.0 technologies and the growth of filming through handheld devices, Collaborative Filmmaking is fast making its mark on the global scene. A number of social networking forums have been established that allow for collaborative filmmaking on the social media sphere, creating opportunities for amateur filmmakers, actors and the like, to contribute and showcase their work while collaborating with other filmmakers on a global scale. This paper aims to explore the concept of collaborative film making and understand what exactly it has to offer for filmmakers and film enthusiasts. The research study looks at collaborative filmmaking as a form of participatory culture and analyses the features that make it a participatory medium. The potential for the emergence of a new genre of cinema through the process of collaborative filmmaking as well as its potential for driving social engagement is also explored. -
Changing trends in the Promotional Strategies of Indian Television Soap Operas
The television has been a primary source of entertainment for masses across the globe. In India itself, people within households are often glued to their television sets in order to be informed or entertained. Drama is a source of life for most people and hence the end up tuning into a variety of daily soap makes that area available to them. Television soap operas have grown tremendously over the past decades and different methods have been adopted and developed to promote these soap operas. The research aims to see how promotions of television soap operas in India have changed between 2008 and 2012 with an analysis of the different kind of strategies adopted by television networks to promote and advertise their different shows. -
New media play an important role in the spreading of plagiarism in the modern world. The facilities that are provided by new media like websites; blogs etc provide information to the knowledge seeker which may cause for plagiarism in many cases. Plagiarism is an issue faced by academic field and researcher due to the influence of new media. This paper is studying whether students consider plagiarism as ethical issue. Study is analyzing students attitude towards plagiarism especially students attitude toward online plagiarism. This is a study conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study is very much important in the contemporary time due the changing treads in the concept of academic due to the impact of new media and information flow. The paper evaluates the understanding of student regarding plagiarism. The study is also evaluating the factors that force students to do plagiarism in their works. The study uses the techniques like survey, in-depth interview and focus group discussion to reach conclusion. -
The study analyses the influence of new generation Malayalam cinema and the trend of new generation cinema in Malayalam film industry. In the new generation films, realism has been given preference. The preferred portrayals are of death, blood, conceit, adultery, jealousy, cunningness, unfaithfulness and sorrow. It aims to analyse how the new generation affects the Malayalam cinema and its pattern of story or plot used by the industry. The researcher used content analysis to find out the similarities and common similarities from the four films. Through the content analysis and qualitative research we can find out that the plot or the way of stories were moving in the same direction. -
New media is prevalent tool and a mass medium since it became associated with social networking. Public relations companies and executives used new media like YouTube; Facebook extensively since the dominance and wide implications of these mediums was first witnessed. With the existing new media strategies of Facebook events, advertisements and campaigns there is an increase in demand for unconventional new media strategies. The new media audience is rapidly changing and adapts rather quickly to already existing new media tools. This research paper intends to study the imporantnce of Public engagement and innovation in new media strategies. It will help in field of public relations and advertisement at large by answering significant questions on public engagement, its application in Indian campaings, if applied its success or failure and other detailed synthesis of its existance or lack or willingness of the Indian masses and industry experts to adopt or embrace public engagement and innovation in new media strategizing. -
Films represent society and in a society there is a struggle between people and classes made by the people. In any type of film there is an underlying philosophy. Marxist philosophy or Marxism came out of classical German philosophy and it has a strong presence in countries like Russia and India. Marxism deals with various ideologies like capitalism, class struggle, class conflict and economy struggle. The study aims to analyze the portrayal of those ideologies through two Russian and two Indian films by applying qualitative (content analysis and in depth interview) methodology. -
Movies have been an integral part of the society along with other aspects of social life. The societys reflection can be seen in movies and the impact of movies on the society is very much visible, hence it is a two way process. People watch movies either for passing time or it is their hobby. There is a niche audience who watch movies because they consider movies as an educational tool; it increases their knowledge about different aspects of society and life. The researcher is focusing on the movies, having animals as protagonists because such films are rarely made in Indian film industry. Due to the rarity of such films, Indian audience have to shift their focus or depend on Hollywood. Here, the researcher tries to find out audiences perception on movies having animals as protagonist and the reason for having only few movies in Indian film industry in the present scenario. -
The study analyses the Narration techniques that were used in the Hollywood movies, which were taken from the Tamizh cinema, which is known as Kollywood. The researcher used content analysis to find out the similarities and common similarities from the four films, two from Tamizh and two from English. Through the content analysis and qualitative research we can find out that the plot or the ways of stories were moving in the same direction and the techniques in the narrative that makes the plot looks same. -
Certain comics achieve cult status, a status which ensures they are replicated in other forms to reach out to a wider audience. The Adventures of Tintin is one such cult series which has been loved by generations across the globe. Each reader of Tintin is unique in his/her own way and the research aims to figure out if the educational background of the readers influences the way in which they perceive the series. This perception is being looked at from two the point of view of two groups, one consisting of readers from the Journalism/media background and another consisting of readers from various other backgrounds.