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Efficiency evaluation of total manufacturing sectors of India DEA approach
Efficiency, Productivity and Competitiveness are some of the performance indicators of any manufacturing firm. In Indian soil manufacturing industry plays predominant role in the countrys economy. Industrialization of manufacturing sectors generates employment, income and promotes GNP. To institute suitable policy measures it is desirable to divide the total manufacturing sectors of Indian states into efficient and inefficient. This study treats the total manufacturing sectors of a state as a decision making unit. 14 states account for more than 80% of total value added. Data Envelopment Analysis models are used to assess the efficiency of total manufacturing sectors of 14 Indian states. Research India Publications. -
Base mediated spirocyclization of quinazoline: One-step synthesis of spiro-isoindolinone dihydroquinazolinones
A novel approach for the spiro-isoindolinone dihydroquinazolinones has been demonstrated from 2-aminobenzamide and 2-cyanomethyl benzoate in the presence of KHMDS as a base to get moderate yields. The reaction has been screened in various bases followed by solvents and a gram scale reaction has also been executed under the given conditions. Based on the controlled experiments a plausible reaction mechanism has been proposed. Further the substrate scope of this reaction has also been studied. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry. -
Second Order Parallel Tensor on Almost Kenmotsu Manifolds
Let M be an almost Kenmotsu manifold of dimension 2n + 1 having nonvanishing ?-sectional curvature such that tr? > -2n -2. We prove that any second order parallel tensor on M is a constant multiple of the associated metric tensor and obtained some consequences of this. Vector fields keeping curvature tensor invariant are characterized on M. Kyungpook Mathematical Journal -
Real hypersurfaces of complex space forms satisfying FischerMarsden equation
Let M be a real hypersurface of a complex space form of constant curvature c. In this paper, we study the hypersurface M which admits a nontrivial solution to FischerMarsden equation, that is, the induce metric g of M satisfies Hessg(?) = (?g?) g+ ?Sg, where ? is a nontrivial function. We prove that there does not exist a complete Hopf real hypersurface in a non-flat complex space form satisfying FischerMarsden equation. Finally, we show that a complete real hypersurface with A?= ??, ?? 0 , of a complex Euclidean space Cn satisfying FischerMarsden equation is locally congruent to a sphere or S1R2n-2. 2021, Universitdegli Studi di Ferrara. -
Ricci recurrent almost kenmotsu 3-manifolds
In this paper, we obtain that a Ricci recurrent 3-dimensional almost Kenmotsu manifold with constant scalar curvature satisfying ?? h = 0, h ? 0, is locally isometric to the Riemannian product H2 (?4). 2021, University of Nis. All rights reserved. -
On m-quasi Einstein almost Kenmotsu manifolds
In this article, we consider m-quasi Einstein structures on two class of almost Kenmotsu manifolds. Firstly, we study a closed m-quasi Einstein metric on a Kenmotsu manifold. Next, we proved that if a Kenmotsu manifold M admits an m-quasi Einstein metric with conformal vector field V, then M is Einstein. Finally, we prove that a non-Kenmotsu almost Kenmotsu (?,?)' -manifold admitting a closed m-quasi Einstein metric is locally isometric to the Riemannian product Hn+1Rn, provided that ?-?(2n+m)/2m = 1. 2021 Universita degli Studi di Parma. All rights reserved. -
Developing a Model of Content Marketing in Creative Economy Marketing Strategies to Influence Consumer Purchase Intentions
The creative economy, which is a cluster of industries encompassing arts and crafts, audio and video, visual arts, architecture, performing arts, fashion, design, and so on, building on human creativity, knowledge, and technology, is to be given more precedence in the Indian economy. This work aims at building a model that can act as a foundation to promote the creative economys performance by keeping marketing function as the key component to success. The model contemplates what factors of content marketing activities have to be prioritized so as to help a creative business unit increase its visibility and impact the attention of consumers. This study classifies the model into two components. Component 1: creative business unit model and Component 2 of the content marketing strategy model. As the model is a working model and is not proven empirically, it can be further used by researchers and marketers for advanced research and development. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Infusing Circular Reporting Model and Creative Marketing Mix for a Progressive Orange Economy: A Study with reference to Creative Business Units in Karnataka, India in the Post Covid-19 Pandemic
The orange economy which is also known as the creative economy has been an unrecognized industry though it has been a major contributor to economic growth and development. In this research an introspection has been done on four major economic factors such as: Choice of creativity with available resources, Marketing the good with unique strategies, Supply chain of good and services and tackling the demand fluctuations. These four factors rule the creative economy and hence the interlink between all these factors and its impact on the success of orange economy has been discussed in this research. The data has been collected from 30 small-owned creative business units which are spread across Karnataka. An interview schedule has been conducted with the creative business owners to understand the creative business units and its functionality. The structured interview has three layers which include (layer 1: questions related to creative business, layer 2: impact of Covid-19 pandemic on creative business units and layer 3: questions related to marketing, promotion and sales strategies used by creative business units. All the collected data has been exposed to a manual qualitative content coding to find new variables, new themes, cause, and effect and to construct a new conceptual model. The model has been suggested to the creative business units for active consideration and implementation. If the creative business units make use of the suggested marketing mix and strategies, they will be able to sustain themselves in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. The Author(s) 2023. -
A research on profitability and dividend using Arima model with reference to steel sector
In India Indian, Iron and Steel Industry plays significantly for the overall growth and development of the country. Based on the budget of Ministry of Steel declares that steel industry contributes 2% of the Indias GDP, and its weight is 6.2% in the Index of Industrial Production(IPP). The sector able to grow by itself globally. In India steel production in one Million Tones in 1947, now its become the world's 2nd largest producer next to China. India's GDP declines 5% in 2019 on account of rising Inflation, GST and strict monetary control. This medium made the domestic demand weeker which grew 3.3% in 2019, Despite the rise in last Quater. BEIESP. -
Naxalism in India: The Challenge of Child Soldiers and its Remedy
This article focuses on Naxalism, a form of communism, in India, investigating the impact on children of growing up in Naxal-affected areas and the often-overlooked issue of child soldiers in India. It also highlights the various laws, treaties and constitutional provisions in India concerning children and makes suggestions for ways of tackling the problems of child soldiering and Naxalism that can ensure more inclusive and harmonious growth and development in these regions. 2020 Melbourne University Law Review. All rights reserved. -
Sensitivity Analysis of Operational Parameters of a High Temperature-Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
The lack of widespread commercialization of High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (HT-PEMFC) is primarily due to their poor performance and durability. Various factors impact the performance of fuel cells, one such crucial factor being the operational parameters. Suitable operating conditions not only enhance the output cell performance but also extend a fuel cell's life. Current research on the impact of operational factors on HT-PEMFC performance is largely qualitative in nature, with no quantitative indication of affecting the sensitivity of these parameters. In the present work, a three-dimensional, non-isothermal HT-PEMFC model developed earlier is used to investigate the influential sensitivities of five crucial operating parameters, each with four different levels, and is analyzed quantitatively using six evaluation indexes. The orthogonal/Taguchi method L16(45) is implemented to investigate the impact of operating parameters quantitatively. Further, the effect of each operating parameter on evaluation indexes under different operational current density regimes is investigated. The findings show that, of the parameters chosen, the working temperature and cathode pressure are the most sensitive to cell voltage and cathode overpotential distribution under all operating current density regimes. The findings would provide more precise recommendations for experimental research targeted at improving cell performance by optimizing operational parameters. 2023 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited.; Highlights Influential sensitivities of crucial operating parameters are investigated. The orthogonal method is employed to investigate the impact of operating parameters. Impact of operational parameters on uniformity of species distribution is examined. The sensitivity of each operating parameter on evaluation indexes is investigated. The varying trends of operating parameters under different current density regimes is studied. 2023 The Electrochemical Society ("ECS"). Published on behalf of ECS by IOP Publishing Limited. -
Stability Testing and Restoration of a DEIG-Based Wind Power Plant with Indirect Grid Control Strategies
In the current scenario, because of government policies, environmental factors, and technological improvements, there is a rapid growth in renewable energy sector. The emphasis is to obtain better system performance by effective resource utilization and providing security and reliability. This paper discusses the design and implementation of indirect grid control of a wind power plant by controlling the parameters in both grid and rotor side converters. The proposed system consists of Doubly Excited Induction Generator (DEIG) with Wind turbine system (WTS) and Mechanical and Electrical Power Controlling Systems (MPCS-EPCS). Various transmission line faults (symmetrical and asymmetrical faults) incur power imbalances in power grid. The developed MPCS and EPCS are helpful to perform grid monitoring and controlling under different types of faulty conditions. The MPCS monitors the effective source utilization and EPCS helpful for matching the grid energy levels under normal and faulty conditions. Modification in the converter topologies to minimize the impact of adverse effects of faults on the DEIG-WTS and to improve resiliency in the power grid is also discussed. To improve the stability and enhancing resource utilization to improve the efficiency of the overall system with the enhancement of fault voltage ride-through capability in DEIG-WTS under fault conditions are also considered. The stability of the system is tested under steady-state and dynamic-state conditions by applying faulty conditions in MATLAB/Simulink environment. 2023 IETE. -
Assessment of male millennial digital purchase intent with regard to online fashion
There has been a tremendous growth in the number of people opting for online purchases in recent years especially among the tech savvy millennials not just in tier 1 city by also in tier 2 and 3 cities of Karnataka, Reasons for such a massive growth can be a result of several benefits offered by online shopping such as convenience, time-saving, reduces time and cost of travelling and avoiding traffic chaos in metro cities and so on. Also, we can observe from previous studies that online shopping is widely preferred by females when compared to males in India and also male millennials are reluctant to opt for online purchases (Chaudhary et al.2022). Thus, there exists a need to find out the factors affecting digital purchase intent among male millennials with regard to online fashion Purchases. This study aims to assess the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument, assess the issues and challenges faced by male millennials and mediating effect of e-satisfaction and e-experience. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Green Synthesis of Reduced Graphene Nanostructure from Cinnamomum Camphora
A facile green synthesis for carbon nanoparticle production using Cinnamomum camphora (Camphor) is presented. Camphor upon carbonization and chemical oxidation leads to the formation of nano-carbon structures with lateral size 7.33nm to 4.14nm, respectively. The nanomaterial's stacking height is about 2.76nm and 3.10nm, leading to the formation of about 10 layers of carbon. The AFM analysis confirms that the graphene layer formed is wrinkled or folded. Developments of a layered structure with spheroids are observed on the sample's surface, confirming the graphitization of the amorphous carbon. The relative intensity of the defect to the graphite band is found to be 0.98 for the nanostructure indicating a lesser degree of defects. The C1s band of the nanostructure is deconvoluted to components at 284.7, 286.5, 287.3, and 289 eV, which are assigned to non-oxygenated ring carbon (sp2 carbon), C in C-O (bound to O either as epoxy or hydroxyl), C in C=O (of alcohols, phenols or ether), and C in C(O)O (carboxylic acid) respectively. The study reveals the formation of few-layer oxygenated carbon layers from the botanical hydrocarbon. 2020 by the authors. -
Novel carbon nano-onions from paraffinum liquidum for rapid and efficient removal of industrial dye from wastewater
Carbon nano-onions (CNOs) are fascinating zero-dimensional carbon materials owning distinct multi-shell architecture. Their physicochemical properties are highly related to the parent material selected and the synthesis protocol involved. In the present work, we report for the first time novel CNO structures encompassing discrete carbon allotropes, namely, H18 carbon, Rh6 carbon, and n-diamond. These structures were cost-effectively synthesized in gram scale by facile flame pyrolysis of paraffinum liquidum, a highly refined mineral oil. The as-synthesized and chemically refashioned CNOs are quasi-spherical self-assembled mesopores, manifesting remarkable stability and hydrophilicity. The CNO structures exhibit excellent dye adsorption characteristics with high removal capacity of 1397.35mg/g and rapid adsorption kinetics with a minimal adsorbent dosage of 10mg/L, for a low concentration of 20mg/L methylene blue dye. The novel CNOs assure potential implementation in the remediation of low concentration and high volume of dye-contaminated wastewater. Graphical abstract [Figure not available: see fulltext.] 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. -
Internet of things based metaheuristic reliability centered maintenance of distribution transformers
The transformer is a vital component of the power system. Continuous stress on the transformer due to overload, transient and faults will lead to physical damages. The isolation of the transformer causes significant revenue loss and inconvenience to the consumers at the distribution level. This invites the need to achieve a reliable power supply to the consumers and to perform maintenance activity appropriately. Optimized and predictive maintenance strategies are evolved to improve power availability for consumers. The model considers dispersive generation at the customer end, namely solar photovoltaics standalone system, diesel generation, and vehicle to load capabilities. Incipient or critical status of transformers' functional parameters are observed through the transformer terminal unit and sent to the internet of things platform. The remote processing unit acquires the information from all the distribution transformer and generates the optimized and reliability-centered maintenance schedule. In the proposed work, new reliability indices concerning the consumer dispersive generation are defined. The maximization of the reliability problem is solved using the coconut tree optimization technique. The highest reliability of power supply to the consumer and maintenance schedule are obtained. Economic facet of the estimated maintenance schedule exhibit benefit for both utility and consumer as it encapsulate time of use tariff. The heuristic dataset is used to synthesize the trained model by the machine learning algorithm and future maintenance schedule is predicted. The comparative study is made for the outcome of time-based optimized and predicted maintenance schedules against reliability. 2020 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. -
Deformation Diagnostic Methods for Transformer Winding through System Identification
Transformers play a critical role in the power system. Dynamics of the power system changes if the transformers are out of service for scheduled and unscheduled maintenance work under contingency situations. Faults, overloading, and mechanical abnormalities causes the incipient and critical damages to the transformer. The isolation of transformers leads to the voltage profile change, load curtailments, high compensation, economic loss, and many more problems. It is very important to know the problems occurred in the transformer parts to repair and restore it into the system to attain better stability, reliability, and economics. The transformer health monitoring system consisting of prediction, identification, and diagnostics in online as well as offline mode that will provide sufficient content to the managerial utility to take actions against the problem anticipated or occurred. The heuristic survey inks, the probability of damage in the transformer winding is more compared to the other parts. A novel method using system identification is proposed for the diagnosis of transformer winding. The location and extent of mechanical deformations can be ascertained along with specifically detecting radial and axial deformations in the transformer windings. A system identification approach in frequency and time domain were employed in the diagnostic algorithms for the sweep frequency response dataset. For both transfer function and state space model, a reference table called deformation information tableau has been synthesized for lumped parameter transformer model by varying series and shunt circuit elements systematically. The details of deformation are extracted from the tableau for actual frequency response data for a specified frequency range and winding type. The crosscorrelation of two-dimensional frequency response arrays, one being a signature array and other being deformation array, is used to represent relativity as a singleton. A toolbox is developed for the generation of heuristic deformation information tableau and to diagnose using the diagnostics algorithm developed. The proposed algorithms were verified and simulated for continuous disk type winding. 2019 IEEE. -
Development of Internet of Things Platform and Its Application in Remote Monitoring and Control of Transformer Operation
Internet of Things platforms deployed on the system will exhibit numerous benefits such as real time monitoring, faster operation and cost effectiveness. A system oriented IoT platform is developed which features database connotation, web services, setup portal, cloud hosting, drivers or listener for programming languages and hardware devices. The functional parameters of transformer in electrical power system vary around the limit and beyond, which is observed by the IoT platform for remote analysis and to report deformation in the winding. The frequency response measurement from the transformer terminal unit is send to cloud database which is then fetched to remote application through IoT client. At remote monitoring tool, the diagnostic algorithm is executed to estimate the location and extent of deformation. IoT based frequency response analyzer and transformer diagnostic tools developed reports the status of the transformer health condition. Depending upon the extent of deformation, the transformer is isolated from power system. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
Transformer performance enhancement by optimized charging strategy for electric vehicles
Transformer efficiency and regulation, are to be maintained at maximum and minimum respectively by optimal loading, control, and compensation. Charging of electric vehicles at random charging stations will result in uncertain loading on the distribution transformer. The efficiency reduces and regulation increases as a consequence of this loading. In this work, a novel optimization strategy is proposed to map electric vehicles to a charging station, that is optimal with respect to the physical distance, traveling time, charging cost, the effect on transformer efficiency and regulation. Consumer and utility factors are considered for mapping electric vehicles to charging stations. An Internet of Things platform is used to fetch the dynamic location of electric vehicles. The dynamic locations are fed to a binary optimization problem to find an optimal routing table that maps electric vehicles to a charging station. A comparative study is carried out, with and without optimization, to validate the proposed methodology. 2022. The Author(s) -
Internet of Things Based Autonomous Borewell Management System
Water is a basic need for all living beings. At present, due to a large population, water level is getting depleted at an alarming rate particularly in urban region. During summer season, there is no continuous flow of water or availability of water. In electrical contingency situations, bore-wells are prone to damages. The utilization of power at dry run condition affects the economy of the consumers. Despite having no water in the bore-well, if the motor runs, the motor windings may burdened and gives rise to unnecessary power loss. In the present scenario, conservation of energy is a major concern. The conservation of energy as a whole will take place when an individual take an active part by using autonomous and effective methodologies or controllers. The issue is solved by managing the borewell using Internet of Things (IoT) as a platform to automate and manage. The IoT based borewell management system is designed to provision scheduling, manual operation, avoidance of borewell motor running at dry run condition and also nullifies energy loss. The automated borewell operations can be executed from a remote control and measurement unit by the measurement of electrical parameters and analytics. The proposed system minimizes man power, saves time and conserve energy loss. The paper presents operating the conventional borewell by deployment of smart controller which handles the information and communication technology at client and base units. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020.