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EFFECTIVENESS OF FILMS IN PROPAGATING ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES- A comparison between live action and animation films - A comparison between live action and animation films
The thesis aims at finding out which is a better medium to communicate environmental issues. For the purpose of the research, four films were selected, two live action films and two animation films. 2012 and 8 Below are the two live action films and Wall-E and Madagascar are the two animation films. The study had a sample of 86 people, 45 females and 41 males respectively between the age group of 18 to 28 years. A survey was conducted, consisting of four questions each for the four films. The questions were devised to find out the theme of the films, whether or not the film has scientific grounding and if yes as to the reason why. After tabulating and analysing the results it can be seen that animation films are more popular as 76% of the sample has seen the animation films and majority of the sample believes the films have scientific grounding and that the issues and rendered in a comic fashion. 2012 and Madagascar have been watched equally by the sample, both of them have 80 percent. -
A study on emotional intelligence and work life balance of employees in the information technology industry in Bangalore, India /
Emotional Intelligence is a set of qualities and competencies that captures a broad collection of individual skills and dispositions, usually referred to as soft skills or inter and intra-personal skills, that are outside the traditional areas of specific knowledge, general intelligence, and technical or professional skills. Emotions are an intrinsic part of our biological makeup, and every morning they march into the office with us and influence our behavior. -
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated sparsely distributed porous medium with chemical reaction is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy-Brinkman law is used to model the momentum equation. Closed form solution for the basic quiescent state is first obtained. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary media-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter, the Frank-Kamenetskii number, the porous parameter and the Brinkman number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures. -
An Autonomic Systems approach to Online Retail Systems
In 2003, IBM released a document presenting its vision of autonomic computing. In this article, the author observes that the ever increasing complexity of computing systems will cross the borders of human capabilities, leading to systems that are too complex to be administrated by human beings. System administrators will no longer be able to install, configure, maintain and optimize these computing systems of the future. The solution to this problem is developing a technology that allows computing systems to manage themselves. This solution is referred to as autonomic computing. In today??s economic scenario, Online Retail Systems are gaining prominence and day by day increasing in size, leading to complexities difficult to be managed by human beings. E-Commerce Shops with thousands of articles are becoming the rule of the day. With hundreds of articles being added everyday, the administration required for efficient management of these articles, especially display selection, rejection etc are becoming a mind boggling task for human beings to manage. Parallel developments in study of buying behaviors based on various techniques like data mining, decision trees, neural networks etc are gaining significant practical ground, which also increases the complexity to be managed. The basic idea is lay foundation for creation of autonomic systems based on the outputs from behavioral study, inventory management, etc to autonomically handle management of display, inventory predictions etc. The efficiencies achieved should in turn result in higher revenue as well as profits. In short, the study intends to explore the feasibility of applying autonomic techniques for efficient display organization in online retail contexts by borrowing the intelligence from techniques evolving from data mining, artificial intelligence. This paper will address the development of a taxonomy, a model framework for ??autonomic online retail?? systems and the application of related standards. It will also delve into the theoretical background of specific techniques, which can be applied in this scenario. A basic model of the framework is also implemented. The complete implementation of the framework and measurement of the efficiency gains and other effects will be continued in the doctoral research. The design of the framework and also the measurement framework is being discussed in this document. -
Prime Influential Factors Determining Prime Influential Factors Determining Employability of Engineering Graduates in Bangalore
The question of employability has risen as a problem worldwide. India produces around 400000 engineers every year. But, according to a study done by Nasscom, only one in four engineering graduates is employable. The remaining lagged in technical skills and know-how, ability to converse in English, make oral presentations or work in teams. According to a recent survey jointly carried out by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and the World Bank, 64 percent of surveyed employers are ??somewhat, ??not really or ??not at all satisfied with the quality of the engineering graduates skills. Graduates are found lacking in important skills like entrepreneurship, communication in English and use of modern tools and technologies. It has been argued that if colleges want to improve the employability of their graduates, they have to focus on reducing these important skill gaps through improvements in curriculum and teaching methods. The primary objective of the paper is to identify a set of factors that may have a bearing on the employability of engineering graduates in Bangalore and then find out how they are being rated by the institutions engaged in training these graduates on one hand and their prospective employers on the other and then find out the prime factors or dimensions influencing the kind of response received from each side, i.e. the institution and the industry. Lastly, if differences are found between the decisive factors or principal components of the industry and the institution, the study also intends to propose qualitative suggestions that can help to bridge the gaps thereby accelerating chances of employability of engineering graduates. -
This content analysis of a sample of advertisements of 20 print copies of various Indian products during the 1990s and 2000 examined the impact of the national economic conditions on advertising and its effect on 4 major aspects- text, visuals, typeface and layout. This study suggests that the impact of national economic conditions and the prevailing culture in the 1990s and 2000 on the use of advertisement elements in the different FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) product advertisements seemed visible. Advertising is part of the changing social, economic, and cultural environment, and its visuals might have been created in a way that could reflect those changes that people would want to adjust themselves to. Another way of linking advertising and its visuals to society and culture is the cultural approach to advertising. Cultural historians argue that advertising is an important window through which different aspects of society and culture can be explained. But also, the advertising itself can be explained to determine how it might have been shaped by society. While identifying the purpose of this study, more knowledge about the evolution in print advertisements is acquired. The research has given a better idea in recognizing the past advertisements which were during the beginning of the Globalization period and has compare it with print advertisements of the year 2000. -
This research project set out to study the new Google + Project, a new social network by Google. The dissertation looks at the social network as compared to already existing social networks especially Facebook, what the sight possesses that other social networks may not have and how successful the site will be in the years to come and if there is a need for a new social network after what is already there. The researcher went out to find out from users of the social networks, how popular Google plus and Facebook are and how frequently the sites are and what possible future the sites have. The researcher found out that Google plus isnt as popular as Facebook just yet but in years to come if they can learn from the mistakes that the already existing social network have made and develop on that to make the site more user friendly. -
A Study on Consumer Behaviour and Attitude towards Green Building in Bangalore An Exploratory Study
As we step into the era of green revolution, people are becoming more conscious towards the usage of eco-friendly products, starting from bio-degradable hardware products to hybrid automobiles. This change is not restricted towards social acceptance, but has become a conscience effort towards betterment of society as a whole. There have been a plethora of studies that have sprung up from this shift in societal paradigm, concentrating on the independent thought schools, like future and impact of hybrid automobiles, feasibility and necessity of bio-degradable cellular phones. This particular research covers one of the facets of such consciousness which is on the rise ?? Green Homes. The market for green building is at a nascent stage where the success of it depends on three elements: government, consumer and developer. The present study tries to focus on the end user of the product, the consumers. The major findings of the study are related to the demographic variables like age, income and education having positive impact on consumer attitude and behaviour towards green building. An understanding of consumer attitude and behaviour leads to the creation of better policies and marketing strategies. This study will help developers formulate a strong communication strategy in order to influence consumer attitude and behaviour towards green building. Developers can then convert these strategies into profit by making the consumer more aware and knowledgeable towards the benefit derived from the green building. Keywords: Green Building, Consumer Attitude, Consumer Behaviour -
The integral part of any management process is to manage the people at work. A well managed organisation sees worker as the root cause of quality and productivity .An effective organisation will always promote a sense of commitment and satisfaction among its employees. The significance and importance of the concept of organizational commitment in terms of leading to beneficial organizational and desirable outcomes such as increased productivity, reducing absenteeism and turnover, has been documented by many studies such as those of Steers (1977); Porter et al. (1974); Reiches (1985) and Tett and Meyer (1993). One way to address issue of employee turnover is to understand the job satisfaction and commitment level of employees. Organizations often try to foster commitment in their employees to achieve stability and reduce costly turnover. It is commonly believed that committed employees will also work harder and be more likely to go the extra mile to achieve organizational objectives. Research has consistently demonstrated that commitment does indeed contribute to a reduction in turnover. Motivated employees are needed in our rapidly changing workplaces. Motivated employees help organizations survive. Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, managers need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. A lot of studies are conducted separately on commitment, satisfaction and motivation but very few studies are there on IT sector linking these three .So it is crucial to conduct a study on job satisfaction and organizational commitment in information technology industry and also to identify the important motivating factors to retain the highly talented workforce. The review of related literature on Organizational commitment, Job satisfaction and Motivation has helped the researcher to identify the gap and has provided an insight to the direction of current study. The population for the study was all technical employees in the Information technology Industry in Bangalore city. For the present study data was collected with the help of structured questionnaire from 300 employees working in software industry. The study is concentrated on Bangalore IT industry. The researcher used non probabilistic sampling (purposive sampling) method as sampling design. Samples were selected from 10 top IT multinational companies. Samples were drawn from three levels of management including entry level, middle level and top level employees. The pertinent information for the study is collected from both primary and secondary sources. The independent variable in this study is job satisfaction. The overall Job satisfaction was measured using the 15-item questionnaire developed by Prof.Harold Andrew Patrick in 2009, designed to measure 15 aspects of job. The aspects of overall job satisfaction are job security,interest,opportunity for advancement,appreciation,company policy and management practises, intrinsic aspects of a job,salary,supervision,social aspects of job, working conditions,communication,hours,ease, benefits ,and fair treatment. Responses were collected with the help of 7 point likert scale. The dependant variable, organizational commitment was measured using the revised Organizational Commitment Scales (Meyer, Allen and Smith 1993) that is, the Affective Commitment Scale (ACS), the Continuance Commitment Scale (CCS) and the Normative Commitment Scale (NCS) with 24 questions on 7-point Likert scales. The Kovach ten job- related factors developed by kovach , Kenneth (1999) were used to determine what motivates the employees in software industry. The respondents were asked to indicate the degree of importance of the factors and relative ranking according to motivational importance. The statistical technique used to analyse the data were descriptive statistics, The Pearsons correlation, ANOVA, Regression and Friedman test. Data was analysed with the help of SPSS. The major findings of the study were: 1. The level of organizational commitment was moderate, with relatively higher variability in affective commitment. Mean value was highest for Continuance commitment indicating employees are staying back with the organization because of the cost of leaving the organisation or its too much trouble to go somewhere else. 2. IT employees were showing only a moderate level of job satisfaction. Amongst the items comprising the scale for job satisfaction, the items with highest satisfaction levels were related to the social aspects of the job, working conditions (excluding working hours), interest (from intrinsic aspects of the job), job security, communication, and ease of the job (as an intrinsic aspect of the job). On the other hand, employees had lowest satisfaction levels for working hours, supervision, appreciation from management, and salary. It shows that IT employees are dissatisfied with the working hours, supervision, appreciation from management and the salary they are getting. 3. To increase the Job satisfaction and commitment it is very important to identify the motivational factors. . The most important motivational factors for IT employees were good wages, promotion/growth, job security, interesting work, and appreciation of work. 4. There was significant positive correlation of job satisfaction with affective commitment and normative commitment, and negative correlation with continuance commitment. This indicates that higher the level of job satisfaction greater the level of affective commitment and normative commitment. If employees are staying back with the organization because of the cost of leaving the organisation or its too much trouble to go somewhere else then there will be less satisfaction. 5. Amongst the items comprising the scale for job satisfaction, the items with highest correlation with affective commitment were related to the salary, benefits, fair treatment, opportunity for advancement, and supervision. The items with moderate correlation were appreciation (from management),interest (from intrinsic aspects of job),job security and intrinsic aspects of job(excluding ease).The job satisfaction items with lowest correlation were working conditions(excluding hours),social aspects of job, and communication. So it clearly indicates the importance of salary, benefit, fair treatment, opportunity for advancement and a good supervision in increasing the positive emotional attachment to the organisation. 6. Regression analysis revealed that job satisfaction had a significant impact on Organizational commitment. Job satisfaction was found to have a significant positive impact on affective commitment, explaining 67.0% of the variation in affective commitment. Thus, when job satisfaction increases, affective commitment would tend to increase with it. Job satisfaction was not found to have a significant impact on continuance commitment, explaining only 1.2% of the variation in continuance commitment. Thus, when job satisfaction increases, continuance commitment would be expected to slightly decrease with it. Job satisfaction was found to have a significant positive impact on normative commitment, explaining 35.1% of the variation in normative commitment. Thus, when job satisfaction increases, normative commitment would tend to increase with it, but less so than affective commitment. It is the interest of all organization to secure commitment and reduce employee turnover. So this topic has attracted the interest of many researchers. This study confirms the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. So managers need to make effort to develop human resource policies that are in alignment to the needs and motivation of the employees. The findings of this study have pointed out some salient issues in the IT field. It is imperative for IT company management to meet the demands of their personnel to strengthen their motivation, satisfaction, and commitment to minimize turnover. -
Virtual tourism is known to evoke experiences of moving through 3D space. It is also known that several virtual projects have been useful for various purposes. Google is a hub for several applications, projects and internet based features. One of them is the Google Art Project, established by Google in February, 2011. Although there has been research on several topics related to virtual tourism, there is still a gap when it comes to awareness created about Art Museums through Google, which has come about very recently. This study aims n o t o n l y at filling this gap but also understand the impact that this art project has created among its audiences. The research is an effort to understand how Google has promoted virtual tourism as well as art and if it has taken an effect into reality. This study will help recognize the dynamics and dimensions of the medium better. It is an attempt to understand if the project can transform the computer-arbitrated communication through Google Art Project. Another objective of the study is to find out people??s perception of the art pieces being as reliable as that, which is there in real time. The method employed to obtain findings is by means of survey, using questionnaire. The study establishes a relationship between those who are associated with art and paintings and those who are inspired to take a real-time tour. The findings of the survey have been interesting, where respondents preferred to take a real time tour after visiting the online version of the museum. -
The dissertation titled Influence of social issues portrayed in commercial movies on the youth audience speaks about the effectiveness of the film as a means of communication to the large audience especially to the youth. As in the recent times the film industry is growing tremendously and many films are Bourne to experimentation, and commercial films also changing. In this regard this research paper analyses the implication of the commercial films on the youth audience as they are more prone to the changes of the media. The researcher analysis in this research paper the effectiveness of the commercial films on the youth audience, For this purpose the researcher conducted survey analysis taking 100 respondents as the sample size of youth group ranging from 15 -30 age group. In the literature review the researcher have used few theories to explain the phenomenon and also have collected few previously done researches related to the area of the subject. After conducting the research the researcher finds out that the respondents are not influenced by the social issues portrayed in the commercial movies as they feel that it is a tool used by the film makers to make profit. But the research found out that these commercial movies makes them aware of the issues portrayed in these commercial movies. -
Classification and Retrieval of Research Classification and Retrieval of Research Papers: A Semantic Hierarchical Approach
"Classification and Retrieval of Research papers: A Semantic Hierarchical Approach" demonstrates an effective and efficient technique for classification of Research documents pertaining to Computer Science. The explosion in the number of documents and research publications in electronic form and the need to perform a semantic search for their retrieval has been the incentive for this research. The popularity and the widespread use of electronic documents and publications, has necessitated the development of an efficient document archival and retrieval mechanism. Categorizing journal papers by assigning them relevant and meaningful classes, predicting the latent concept or the topic of research, based on the relevant terms and assigning the appropriate Classification labels is the objective of this thesis. This thesis takes a semantic approach and applies the text mining techniques in a hierarchical manner in order to classify the documents. The use of a lexicon containing domain specific terms (DSL) adds a semantic dimension to classification and document retrieval. The Concept Prediction based on Term Relevance (CPTR) technique demonstrates a semantic model for assigning concepts or topics to papers. This Thesis proposes a conceptual framework for organizing and classifying the research papers pertaining to Computer Science. The efficacy of the proposed concepts is demonstrated with the help of Classification experiments. Classification experiments reveal that the DSL technique of training works efficiently when categorization is based on keywords. The CPTR technique, on the other hand, shows very high accuracy; when the classification is based on the contents of the document. Both these techniques lend a semantic dimension to classification. Narrowing down the scope of search at each level of hierarchy enables time efficient retrieval and access of the goal documents. The hierarchical interface for Document Retrieval enables retrieval of the target documents by gradually restricting the scope of search at each level of hierarchy This work comprises of two main components. 1. The Framework for Hierarchical Classification. 2. The Hierarchical Interface for Document Retrieval. Two distinct techniques for classification are proposed in this thesis. These include 1. The use of Domain Specific Lexicon (DSL) which is comparable to a Domain Specific Ontology. 2. The Concept Prediction Based on Term Relevance (CPTR) technique These techniques lend a semantic dimension to classification. Keywords: Text Mining, Classification, Document Retrieval, Hierarchical, Domain specific lexicon (DSL), Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) , Concept Prediction based on Term frequency (CPTR) -
Keeping the demand of Infotainment programs, the media houses started producing news magazines, entertainment magazines and news programs for different channels. Within a short span of time news journalism became so popular in Kerala and now more and more media houses were planning to setup their news channels in the state. By several measures news channels has come to realize the potential for news broadcasting. Each network has dramatically expanded their news programming over the decades and TV news producers take great pains to make their stories visually appealing to present news instantaneously and to make viewers feel they are a part of the events shown. New computerized graphical techniques present technical and statistical data in compelling formats. Broadcast organizations routinely conduct researches to keep up to date on what audiences preferences about the news and continuous feedback also make television an ideal medium to satisfy the demands of the people. In addition to the presentation of more news in more technically advanced formats, there's an audience presumably better able to understand news. Thus the study will find out the characteristics and preferences of news viewing population in Kerala. -
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated porous medium with thermal radiation is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy law is used to model the momentum equation. The fluid between the boundaries absorbs and emits thermal radiation. The boundaries are treated as black bodies. The absorption coefficient of the fluid is assumed to be the same at all wavelengths and to be independent of the physical state. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary Darcy-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter, the conduction-radiation parameter, the absorptivity parameter, the Marangoni number and the Biot number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures and tables. -
The remake is a phenomenon both well-known and immediately recognizable but in India it is not theoretically analyzed. However, by analyzing these remakes, we can understand how these films reflect some specific cultural differences between one state and other State in India. Here researcher has taken four original and its remake films to understand the phenomena of remake. The highly intensed watching the films has helped researcher to understand the difference of films original and remakes. Researcher took one Tamil Movie and its remake in Hindi and also a Malayalam Movie and its remake in Tamil. Films are Tamil Singam to Hindi Singam and Malayalam Manichithrathazhu to Tamil Chandramukhi. All the changes made in movies are on the basis of the cultural differences between the regions where the film is introduced. As researcher have done two Tamil movies he came to know that Tamil Industry possess one culture even though it is a remade they try to change it according to their culture. The basic element of films are the audience, a film is made according to them. So that film Industry sticks to the culture of the audiences. -
Mother Daughter Relationship: Daughters' Experience
This study explores daughters' experience of their relationship with their mothers, and how this relationship has been perceived and interpreted by them during different periods in their lives, starting from childhood till the time of their motherhood. Further it recognizes the changes in the mother daughter relationship and factors contributing to these changes over a period of time. The study also explores stressful times in the mother daughter relationship, and the impact that the mother has on the daughter. 11 married women with at least one child were interviewed using life history method and data was analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Findings indicated changes in daughters' communication with her mother over the life cycle and change in roles for the daughter as evident through role reversal and mutual mothering. Factors contributing to growth and change in the relationship were identified as the daughter experiencing wife and mother roles herself. Daughters' pregnancy, and birth of grand children have been identified as factors which evoked a lot of support from mothers. Further, adolescence was reported as a stressful period in the mother daughter relationship. In addition, the mother's values, and behaviour was found to have a direct or indirect impact on the role attitudes and behaviours of some daughters in the study. The power of the mother's influence lied in her implicit and explicit messages given to the daughter more than her actual role choice. Some mothers and daughters had gender based expectations for each other. -
This work investigates the price discovery, causality, conditional volatility and forecasting in S&P CNX Nifty spot Market returns and S&P CNX Nifty Future Market Returns. The overall data study is classified into In-sample and Out-sample observations and the research work has been carried out by using the daily data from 1st January 2001 to Dec 31st 2011. The Out-sample analysis is carried on from 1st Jan 2011 to 31st Dec 2011. The dataset for the above analysis was retrieved from The research also refines down with long term and short term dynamics of prices between spot and futures market by using various forecasting models such as Root Mean Square Error, Mean Absolute Error, Theil??s Inequality U test etc for Out- sample observation. Apart from this, the In-sample analysis has been carried out by Market Model, Johansen Cointegration test, Granger Causality test, Vector Error Correlation Model and GARCH Model. The results of the above tests indicate futures become the base for building up the spot, the causality tests and response analysis function indicate that future prices tend to discover new information more rapidly than spot, and the hence this will indicate more accurate forecasts of spot prices but not the spot to future and this price discovery function of futures prices has strengthened of homogenous structure of Index over recent years and it is disseminated in price discovery and risk management functions Keywords: Price Discovery, NSE, Volatility, GARCH, Cointegration, VECM JEL Classification: C22, C32, F47, G11 -
The effects resulting from the substitution of the classical Fourier law by the non-classical Maxwell-Cattaneo law in Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection in a rotating Newtonian fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. The effects of one linear and five nonlinear basic temperature gradients are studied on the onset of convection. In the case of Rayleigh ?? B??nard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic boundaries. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-B??nard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The classical approach predicts an infinite speed for the propagation of heat. The present non-classical theory involves a wave type heat transport (SECOND SOUND) and does not suffer from the physically unacceptable drawback of infinite heat propagation speed. It is found that the results are noteworthy at short times and the critical eigenvalues are less than the classical ones.