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Towards sustainable business: Review of sentiment analysis to promote business and well-being
Sustainability in business is expected considering the growth in the long run. Sustainable development goals are important for our sustainability on this planet. In case of a business, it is essential to ensure sustainable processes and sustainability of the existing customers. Sustainable customers can in turn contribute to improving the process by providing constructive suggestions to the business. This paper is an attempt to review sentiment analysis techniques to improve the customer experience of a business. 2024 Srinesh Thakur, Anvita Electronics, 16-11-762, Vijetha Golden Empire, Hyderabad. -
Towards reading song in performance as aural narrative : Reading a sense of spatiality in select albums of mark knopfler using henri lefebver's notions of space
One of the chief objectives of this study is to explore and offer a strategy to read song in performance as Aural Narratives. This was necessary because verbal texts can be read in multiple ways. Perhaps the chief claim of a text s possibility to be literary lies in its inherent potential to be discursive. Therefore sound texts require a way of understanding sound as an element of storytelling. Shifts in Humanities necessitate an expanding notion of textuality. One of the chief concerns and burdens of the writer of literature is the evocation of a sense of spatiality which can be perceived as an outcome of spatial practice. Spatial practice in turn is defined by social codes and practices. Spaces can be read therefore through the life experiences of the inhabitants of a space as spatial practices are dependent on particular spaces. This study explores the use of Sound in creating a sense of Spatiality. Singer, songwriter and guitarist, Mark Knopfler creates songs that are arranged around a central character s lived experience. Thus the perception and conception of a sense of space that is thus evoked can be negotiated using Henri Lefebvre s triadic notions of newlinespatiality as a reading strategy. -
Towards developing an automated technique for glaucomatous image classification and diagnosis (AT-GICD) using neural networks
Glaucoma is the eye defect that has become the second leading cause of blindness worldwide and also stated as incurable, may cause complete vision loss. The earlier diagnosis of glaucoma in Human Eye is a great confrontation and very important in present scenario, for providing efficient and appropriate treatments to the persons. Though there is much advancement in Ocular Imaging that affords methods for earlier detection, the appropriate results can be obtained by integrating the data from structural and functional evaluations. With that note, this paper involves in developing automated technique for glaucomatous image classification and diagnosis (AT-GICD). The model considers both the textural and energy features for effectively diagnosing the defect. Image Segmentation is processed for obtaining the exact area of optic nerve head; histogram gradient based conversion is employed for enhancing the fundus image features. Further, Wavelet Energy features are extracted and applied to the artificial neural networks (ANN) for classifying the NORMAL and GLAUCOMA images. The Accuracy rate based comparison with other existing models is carried out for evidencing the effectiveness of the proposed model in glaucomatous image classification. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Bharati Vidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications and Management. -
Towards connected government services: A cloud software engineering framework
Cloud computing technologies are being used highly successfully in large-scale businesses. Therefore, it is useful for governments to adopt cloud-driven multi-channel, and multiple devices to offer their services such as e-tax, e-vote, e-health, etc. Since these applications require open, flexible, interoperable, collaborative, and integrated architecture, service-oriented architecture approach can be usefully adopted to achieve flexibility and multi-platform and multi-channel integration. However, its adoption needs to be systematic, secure, and privacy-driven. In this context, micro services architecture (MSA), a direct offshoot of SOA, is also a highly attractive mechanism for building and deploying enterprise-scale applications. This chapter proposes a systematic framework for cloud e-government services based on the cloud software engineering approach and suggests a cloud adoption model for e-government, leveraging the benefits of MSA patterns. The proposed model is based on a set of evaluated application characteristics that, in turn, support emerging IT-based technologies. 2021 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Towards Computation Offloading Approaches in IoT-Fog-Cloud Environment: Survey on Concepts, Architectures, Tools and Methodologies
The Internet of Things (IoT) provides communication and processing power to different entities connected to it, thereby redefining the way objects interact with one another. IoT has evolved as a promising platform within short duration of time due to its less complexity and wide applicability. IoT applications generally rely on cloud for extended storage, processing and analytics. Cloud computing increased the acceptance of IoT applications due to enhanced storage and processing. However, the integration does not offer support for latency-sensitive IoT applications. The latency-sensitive IoT applications had greatly benefited with the introduction of fog/edge layer to the existing IoT-Cloud architecture. The fog layer lies close to the edge of the network making the response time better and reducing the delay considerably. The three-tier architecture is still in its earlier phase and needs to be researched further. This paper addresses the offloading issues in IoT-Fog-Cloud architecture which helps to evenly distribute the incoming workload to available fog nodes. Offloading algorithms have to be carefully chosen to improve the performance of application. The different algorithms available in literature, the methodologies and simulation environments used for the implementation, the benefits of each approach and future research trends for offloading are surveyed in this paper. The survey shows that the offloading algorithms are an active research area where more explorations have to be done. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Towards Automated and Optimized Security Orchestration in Cloud SLA
In cloud computing, providers pool their resources and make them available to customers. Next-generation computer scientists are flocking to the cutting-edge field of cloud computing for their research and exploration of uncharted territory. There are still several barriers that cloud service providers must overcome in order to provide cloud services in accordance with service level agreements. Each cloud service provider aspires to achieve maximum performance as per Service Level Agreements (SLAs), and this is especially true when it comes to the delivery of services. A cloud service level agreement (SLA) guarantees that cloud service providers will satisfy the needs of large businesses and offer their clients with a specified list of services. The authors offer a web service level agreementinspired approach for cloud service agreements. We adopt patterns and antipatterns to symbolize the best and worst practices of OCCI (Open Cloud Computing Interface Standard), REST (Representational State Transfer), and TOSCA (Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications) with DevOps solutions, all of which API developers should bear in mind when designing APIs. When using this method, everything pertaining to the cloud service, from creation to deployment to measurement to evaluation to management to termination, may be handled mechanically. When distributing resources to cloud apps, our system takes into account the likelihood of SLA breaches and responds by providing more resources if necessary. We say that for optimal performance, our suggested solution should be used in a private cloud computing setting. As more and more people rely on cloud computing for their day-to-day workloads, there has been a corresponding rise in the need for efficient orchestration and management strategies that foster interoperability. 2023 International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. All rights reserved. -
Towards an Improved Model for Stability Score Prediction: Harnessing Machine Learning in National Stability Forecasting
In our increasingly interconnected world, national stability holds immense significance, impacting global economics, politics, and security. This study leverages machine learning to forecast stability scores, essential for understanding the intricate dynamics of country stability. By evaluating various regression models, our research aims to identify the most effective methods for predicting these scores, thus deepening our insight into the determinants of national stability. The field of machine learning has seen remarkable progress, with regression models ranging from conventional Linear Regression (LR) to more complex algorithms like Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest (RF), and Gradient Boosting (GB). Each model has distinct strengths and weaknesses, necessitating a comparative analysis to determine the most suitable model for specific predictive tasks. Our methodology involves a comparative examination of models such as LR, Polynomial Regression (PR), Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net (ENR), Decision Tree (DT), RF, GB, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and SVR. Performance metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and R-squared (R2) assess each model's predictive accuracy using a diverse dataset of country stability indicators. This study's comprehensive model comparison adds novelty to predictive analytics literature. Our findings reveal significant variations in the performance of different regression models, with certain models exhibiting exceptional predictive accuracy, as indicated by high R2 values and low error metrics. Notably, models such as LR, SVR, and Elastic Net demonstrate outstanding performance, suggesting their suitability for stability score prediction. 2024 IEEE. -
Towards an Epistemology of Reading: Defining the Process of Reading in Modern Terms
The chaotic space caused by information explosion in present times has made the process and purpose of reading to be always questioned. Technological advancement has made reading appear as a mere mockery at the very outset. But the world still prioritizes knowledge that is acquired through observation, valuation and interpretation. At the time of Big Data, there still persists a sense of agency to define a given information as episteme. The present essay emphasizes on looking at reading as a modern phenomenon by presupposing the epistemological presence at the centre of any rational pursuit. Based on the Kantian precepts on enlightenment, the paper attempts to understand this presence of knowledge by delving into the major disciplines of modern philosophy that help in observing, valuing and interpreting the act of reading in present times. More than laying terms for defining the text within the modern space, the study essentializes reading in a virtually driven algorithmic world. AesthetixMS 2021 -
Towards An 'Alternate' Mythical Reality : A Postmodern Reading of the Graphic Narratives of Appupen and Amruta Patil
The graphic novel landscape in India has witnessed a significant change with newlineinnovative and revolutionary ideas. The new age writers of the gra -
Towards a theory of well-being in digital sports viewing behavior
Purpose: Social television (Social TV) viewing of live sports events is an emerging trend. The realm of transformative service research (TSR) envisions that every service consumption experience must lead to consumer well-being. Currently, a full appreciation of the well-being factors obtained through Social TV viewing is lacking. This study aims to gain a holistic understanding of the concept of digital sports well-being obtained through live Social TV viewing of sports events. Design/methodology/approach: Focus group interviews were used to collect data from the 40 regular sports viewers, and the qualitative data obtained is analyzed thematically using NVivo 12. A post hoc verification of the identified themes is done to narrow down the most critical themes. Findings: The exploration helped understand the concept of digital sports well-being (DSW) obtained through live Social TV sports spectating and identified five critical themes that constitute its formation. The themes that emerged were virtual connectedness, vividness, uncertainty reduction, online disinhibition and perceived autonomy. This study defines the concept and develops a conceptual model for DSW. Research limitations/implications: This study adds to the body of knowledge in TSR, transformative sport service research, digital customer engagement, value co-creation in digital platforms, self-determination theory and flow theory. The qualitative study is exploratory, with participants views based on a single match in one particular sport, and as such, its findings are restrained by the small sample size and the specific sport. To extend this studys implications, empirical research involving a larger and more diversified sample involving multiple sports Social TV viewing experiences would help better understand the DSW concept. Practical implications: The research provides insights to Social TV live streamers of sporting events and digital media marketers about the DSW construct and identifies the valued DSW dimensions that could provide a competitive advantage. Originality/value: To the best of the authors knowledge, the exploration is the first attempt to describe the concept of DSW and identify associated themes. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE: Need for Posthuman Ethics in the Anthropocene Era
Ethics, which constitutes principles that guide human conduct, deserves particular attention in this era of the Anthropocene, when human actions greatly influence ecology. Renaissance humans have hegemonised humanistic ethics of living and interacting with the world since the Enlightenment. While exalting human exceptionalism, humanism has relegated all other forms of existence to a subservient taxonomy, categorising them as raw material for human empowerment. The self-exalted autonomous subject, homo sapiens, faces the threat of extinction in the wake of unprecedented and violent ecological reactions. The exponential growth of the agency of intelligent machines also calls to question the autonomous human agency propagated by humanism. A paradigm shift is the moments need; this paper suggests posthuman ethics as an alternative. The new worldview, post-humanism, places the homo sapiens in relation to the rest of the universe. Philosophical post-humanism, proposed by Francesca Ferrando, foregrounds posthuman ethics that are post-humanistic, post-anthropocentric, and post-dualistic. They form a roadmap towards a sustainable future. 2023 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies. -
Towards a Smarter Connected Society by Enhancing Internet Service Providers' QoS metrics using Data Envelopment Analysis
This paper analyses wireline broadband Quality of Service (QoS) metrics of India's small and medium Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used in this analysis are - Fault repair (>90% in 1 working day and >=99% in 3 working days), Response time to customer for voice-to-voice operator assistance (in 60 sec. >60% and in 90 sec. >90%), Broadband connection speed from ISP to node (Download speed) and Service availability/uptime. Benchmarks are arrived at, using the Slack Based Measure (SBM) in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Twenty Decision Making Units (DMUs - ISPs) were used in the analysis with eight of them needing to improve their QoS on some of the mentioned parameters. Relative benchmark providers for all providers needing improvement with their weightage are found and optimal targets by each QoS metric is mathematically arrived at. The Electrochemical Society -
Towards a Model: Examining the Positive Associations of Warmth, Competence, and Familiarity with Musicians' Attitudes Towards AI
This study investigates attitudes towards AI musicians through a Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. Data analysis focuses on the interplay between Anthropomorphism Degree (AD), Listening Type (LT), Warmth (W), Competence (C), Attitude (A), and Familiarity (F). The sample comprises 211 valid responses from college students, exploring perceptions via a questionnaire. Results indicate significant positive associations between attitudes towards AI and Competence, Familiarity, and Warmth. However, predictive validity analysis suggests caution in relying solely on the PLS-SEM model. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPMA) highlights competence as the primary influencer of attitudes towards AI, emphasizing its critical role over Warmth and Familiarity. This study contributes to understanding the nuanced dimensions of human interactions with AI musicians. 2024 IEEE. -
Towards a Framework for Supply Chain Financing for Order-Level Risk Prediction: An Innovative Stacked A-GRU Based Technique
Order financing is changing the game in the banking and financial supply chain industry. It's great for SMEs and opens up new revenue streams for logistics and finance companies. But in order to find the weak spots offered by banks and other financial institutions, companies need to undertake thorough risk assessments right now. Careful timing is crucial for training the model, extracting features, and preprocessing. Outlier identification and missing value handling are the first steps in preprocessing, which also includes normalization and standardization to improve data integrity and reduce unit discrepancies. Principal component analysis makes use of multivariate statistics to aid in feature extraction, guaranteeing effective data representation. Careful consideration of every detail is required during the training of a Stacked-A-GRU model, which follows attribute selection. Impressively outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms SAFE and GRU, the suggested solution achieves a remarkable correctness rating of 97.34%, indicating notable progress in predicting accuracy. 2024 IEEE. -
Towards a culturally-informed counselling and psychotherapy
Indigenizing health psychological practices in the background of cultural diversity in India needs to address the tremendous resources of healing practices embedded in the Indian traditions. Looking for cultural imprints in mental health has received attention among academicians and researchers in the last two decades significantly. Teaching, training and practice of counseling and psychotherapy has also greatly been benefitted and progressed eventually. Several academic and research initiatives have been taken to build a culturally informed counseling and psychotherapy in India. There is need to internalize cultural differences and incorporating them consciously in the training and practice of therapy. A cultural sensitive approach in counseling and psychotherapy is mindful of the observance of a community-oriented perspective. Springer (India) Pvt. Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2018. -
Toward sustainable and eco-friendly production of coffee: abatement of wastewater and evaluation of its potential valorization
Abstract: Coffee is one of the most significant beverages consumed worldwide, dating to times immemorial. It plays a pivotal role in several economies owing to its second position in the list of trading commodity, after petroleum. The growing demand for coffee has resulted in a great amount of coffee production and processing and subsequent release of large volumes of wastewater. This wastewater is characterized to have very high chemical oxygen demand and biological oxygen demand with potential to cause environmental pollution thus requiring smart strategies to effectively reduce their load of the wastewater before releasing them into the habitable ambiance. The existing research on coffee wastewater treatment should be critically analyzed for their sustainability and economic viability for them to be commercially used in developing countries for effluent mitigation. This literature review aims to suggest an effective way to treat the wastewater by combining various methods, coupling it with value addition like energy generation. The goal of this review is to provide a direction for future research to integrated treatment with valorization along with a focus on emerging technologies. Graphic abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. 2020, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. -
Toward sustainability 4.0: A comprehensive analysis of sustainability in corporate environment
Sustainability is one of the key requirements for any business, and continuously changing business requirements and the environment are the main drivers of sustainable business practices. However, there exist gaps in recognizing and aligning these sustainable practices with everyday operational activities. This study's aim is to explore the current awareness level in business leaders and stakeholders about corporate responsibility toward sustainability and reflects on the obstacles encountered by them in diverse built environments, laying the groundwork for addressing these hurdles and contributing toward the overall sustainable development. The study has two major findings: the analysis revealed that there is a paradigm shift in the understanding of sustainability; in contrast to earlier publications, newer publications focus on technological advancements such as the use of "Green Building Information Management" and "Green Internet of Things" illustrating the real-time implications of sustainable practices. Further analysis found a knowledge gap that exists among business leaders in understanding the concept of sustainable development. This, in essence, poses a burden for corporate leaders to keep up with ongoing technological developments. The study concludes that to achieve sustainable growth, leadership in the corporate environment needs a 360-degree view of sustainability, allowing them to assign equal value to the environment, social, and economic pillars of sustainability to address the current issues leveraging from the state-of-the-art technological innovations. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. All rights reserved. -
Toward precision agriculture in Cyber-Physical Agricultural System
Agriculture 4.0 or Agri 4.0 is a newly developed system that consists of various digital technologies adapted from Industry 4.0 based on smart automation. Agriculture 4.0 is a subset of Industry 4.0 aimed at sustainable precision agriculture (PA) and increasing agricultural efficiency using digital technologies and the Internet of Things. The cyber-physical system (CPS) is the seamless integration of digital and physical domains and when CPS is applied in agriculture, it is termed cyber-physical agricultural system (CPAS). The application of CPS in carrying out PA with sustainable management of resources is termed Agri 4.0. Research papers are reviewed to understand the bigger picture behind various details of digital technologies and CPS with a focus on agriculture 4.0 and to determine its applications, challenges, and developments in the field. It is apparent that most of the small and marginal farms in remote areas are not able to use this technology due to a lack of knowledge and resources. It is the need of the hour to support these farmers by making favorable policies and appropriating budgets such that it will lead to more profitable and sustained PA and in the process contribute to the social and economic upliftment of farmers of India. 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Toward knowledge societies in the gandhian perspective and the civil rights movement
Mohandas K Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr as disciples of nonviolence fought against oppression. Gandhi and King strove to learn beyond what their schools taught them and became better educated men. Gandhi had a vision and King a dream. Through education Gandhi helped those who had Kings dream to connect the dream with the vision to deal with the awful reality of injustice and helped to make the world a better place. This paper through the four Pillars of Learning will demonstrate how Gandhi impacted the Civil Rights Movement with his vision and how leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and King among them appropriated the vision of Gandhi and used nonviolence as a tool to deal with the oppression under which they lived. 2019 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies (DVK, Bangalore).