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Perspectives about Illness, Attitudes, and Caregiving Experiences among Siblings of Persons with Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Analysis
Background: Siblings of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia (SPS) are one among the major sources of support for persons with schizophrenia. There is a dearth of psychosocial literature on SPS in India. This qualitative study explored the perspectives about the illness, attitudes, and caregiving experiences of SPS. Materials and Methods: Qualitative audio-recorded interviews were conducted with 15 SPS, purposively selected from a tertiary mental health hospital of Southern India. A general inductive approach was adopted to analyze the qualitative data. Results: Four broad themes were identified from qualitative data analysis. (1) SPS described several explanatory models of mental illness in terms of causal attributions and treatment care. (2) They had expressed emotion toward their ill siblings, such as criticality, hostility, and emotional over-involvement. (3) They experienced objective and subjective burden while caring for their ill sibling. In spite of all these, (4) they were part of their ill siblings' care in terms of ensuring regular follow-ups and drug adherence and supported their livelihood. They coped up with adaptive as well as maladaptive strategies. Conclusion: SPS provide significant support to their affected siblings. However, they do have non-biomedical models of mental illness and negative attitudes toward patients and experience burden. Hence, psychosocial interventions may help SPS while caregiving for their affected siblings. 2019 Indian Psychiatric Society - South Zonal Branch. -
Community-based educational intervention on emotion regulation, self-esteem, and behavioural problems among school children
Recently, there has been a trend where higher education institutions are designing and implementing community-based educational interventions for underprivileged children in the community. It is important to understand whether these interventions are useful to the children in improving their psychosocial development. In this chapter, the author discusses the learnings from an explanatory sequential mixed methods study which aimed at assessing the impact of community educational intervention provided by a higher educational institution on self-esteem, emotional regulation and bbehavioralproblems among adolescents in rural Karnataka. The study included 250 adolescents who were beneficiaries of community educational intervention and another 250 who were non-beneficiaries. Besides this, the chapter also highlights the qualitative results grounded in the focus group discussions to understand the stakeholder's perspective on community educational interventions. Finally, the author demonstrates the processes and mechanisms of change and presents a critical discussion from the quantitative and qualitative data analytic lens. The author anticipates that community educational interventions provided by higher educational institutions are extremely impactful. Several critical factors of stakeholders, institutional, and rural communities might bring change and sustainability in benefits among rural adolescents. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. -
Short term effects of brief need based psychoeducation on knowledge, self-stigma, and burden among siblings of persons with schizophrenia: A prospective controlled trial
Siblings of persons with schizophrenia are important in providing long-term social support to the patients. Interventions addressing their needs are very sparse. Hence, this study aimed at testing the short-term effects of brief need based psychoeducation on knowledge, self-stigma, and burden among siblings of persons with schizophrenia. In this prospective controlled open label trial, 80 siblings of persons with schizophrenia were allocated in equal numbers to the brief need based psychoeducation group and the treatment-as-usual group. The outcomes were measured at baseline, and after the first and third month post-intervention. RM-ANCOVA was conducted to test the effect of the brief psychoeducation on outcome scores. The groups were similar with respect to socio-demographic, clinical, and outcome scores at the baseline. There was a significant group time interaction effect on knowledge (F = 8.71; p < 0.01; ?p 2 = 0.14) and self-stigma scores (F = 14.47; p < 0.001; ?p 2 = 0.21), wherein the brief psychoeducation group showed a significant increase in knowledge and reduction in self-stigma with medium effect size through baseline to the third month follow-up as compared to the treatment as usual group. We also observed a significant main effect of time; irrespective of the group allocation, there was a significant increase in the knowledge through baseline to third month follow-up (F = 5.69; p = 0.02; ?p 2 = 0.09). No main or interaction effects of group and time were observed on burden. The findings suggest that brief need based psychoeducation may increase knowledge about the illness and reduce self-stigma. Further systematic studies are warranted to test this intervention for long-term effects. 2017 Elsevier B.V. -
Short term effects of brief need based psychoeducation on knowledge, self-stigma, and burden among siblings of persons with schizophrenia: A prospective controlled trial /
Asian Journal of Psychiatry, Vol.7, pp.59-66, ISSN: 2211-3797. -
Personality and Psychological Predictors of Instagram Personalized Ad Avoidance
The purpose of this paper is to apply the meta-theoretical model of motivation and personality (3M) of Mowen to study consumers ad avoidance in the context of online personalized advertisements on Instagram. The current study developed a theoretical framework that links personality traits with reactance arousal and ad avoidance behaviours. Based on the data analysis, it was found that consumers with higher general self-efficacy tend to have more reactance arousal (situational level trait) compared to ad irritation, ad skepticism (surface traits), and ad avoidance behaviours towards personalized advertising on Instagram. The findings will help advertisers and marketers in segmenting the market better based on young users efficacy levels, navigational habits, personality traits, functional motives, and demographic variables to effectively reach the targeted consumers. 2023 IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Revolutionizing the financial landscape: A review on human-centric AI thinking in emerging markets
The emergence of Industry 4.0 has transformed the financial landscape by integrating unconventional technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) into consumer interactions. This chapter explores the evolving paradigm of human-centric AI-thinking in the context of emerging customer interactions in making financial decisions. The review analyses the opportunities and the challenges that arise from the integration of AI tools and human-centric approaches in addressing the diverse needs and behaviours of consumers within emerging financial markets. More specifically, the review critically examines the utilization of AI-driven technologies, such as predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning algorithms, in customising the financial services to cater the emerging-market consumers. Moreover, the current study explicates how AI enables personalized customer interactions, risk assessments, and ethical decision making and financial inclusion strategies while considering the socioeconomic and cultural landscapes. The study has focussed on addressing the concerns related to data privacy, risk assessment, and transparency towards AI-powered financial solutions with ethical standards. Through an exhaustive analysis of current trends, and empirical evidence from the existing literature, this review highlights the inevitability of human-centric AI-thinking approach towards financial services decision making. It emphasizes the importance of congruent AIdriven financial solutions in the context of banking where the determinants such as empathy, financial literacy, ethical considerations, and human values plays a significant role in finding the financial services in emerging markets. This research explores the challenges and prospects and has made commendations to all the major stakeholders such as industry stakeholders, policymakers, practitioners, customers, and service providers to create a dynamic financial landscape of Industry 4.0 in AI technologies that embrace a human-centric ethos to meet the evolving needs of consumers within emerging financial ecosystems. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Towards a Framework for Supply Chain Financing for Order-Level Risk Prediction: An Innovative Stacked A-GRU Based Technique
Order financing is changing the game in the banking and financial supply chain industry. It's great for SMEs and opens up new revenue streams for logistics and finance companies. But in order to find the weak spots offered by banks and other financial institutions, companies need to undertake thorough risk assessments right now. Careful timing is crucial for training the model, extracting features, and preprocessing. Outlier identification and missing value handling are the first steps in preprocessing, which also includes normalization and standardization to improve data integrity and reduce unit discrepancies. Principal component analysis makes use of multivariate statistics to aid in feature extraction, guaranteeing effective data representation. Careful consideration of every detail is required during the training of a Stacked-A-GRU model, which follows attribute selection. Impressively outperforming state-of-the-art algorithms SAFE and GRU, the suggested solution achieves a remarkable correctness rating of 97.34%, indicating notable progress in predicting accuracy. 2024 IEEE. -
Leaf Disease Detection in Crops based on Single-Hidden Layer Feed-Forward Neural Network and Hierarchal Temporary Memory
Insects, mites, and fungi are common causes in plant disease, which can significantly reduce yields if not addressed promptly. Farmers are losing money as a result of crop illnesses. As the average under cultivation increases, it becomes more of a burden for farmers to keep an eye on everything. In this study, the median filter is used as a preprocessing step to transform the input image into a grayscale representation which used YCbCr color space. Otsu's segmentation is used to divide photographs that contain bright items on a dark background. Feature extraction using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). The proposed technique, known as ELM-HTM combines a simple yet adaptable extreme learning machine (ELM) with a Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM). This approach outperforms the ELM and HTM model with an accuracy of about 98.8%. 2023 IEEE. -
Adoption Laws in India : A critical Analysis through a Sociological Lens
Golden Research Thoughts Vol.2, Issue 6, pp.1-7 ISSN No. 2231-5063 -
Critical analysis of national and international laws in relations to intimate partner violence :
The term violence refers to varied perceptions of unacceptable behaviour. The newlinenature of the act suggests that it is inflicted by the superior over the inferior. newlineThus gender constitutes a significant factor of the study. The research identifies that women are subjected to gender based inequalities in different areas of life newlineand domestic environment is not an exception. Domestic Violence , a manifestation of gender inequality, is prevalent in many forms. The most newlinecommon form of domestic violence is identified as Intimate Partner Violence newline(IPV) by the national and international statistics. newlineThe research is drawn upon the objective to understand the different factors that newlinecontribute to IPV and to critically examine the legal framework for the protection of women against IPV in India. Research adopts a human rights based approach to understand the inferior status of women drawn upon gender newlineinequality and thus to critically examine the legal framework in India for protection of women against IPV. newlineThe study is divided into five chapters which specifically analyses the status of women in the Indian society and the role of law to protect women in intimate relationships. Comparative study of UK and US laws with special reference to international instruments is conducted. Identifying the major drawback of law, the study proves that the existing legal framework is inadequate to protect women from intimate partner violence . newline newline newline -
Role of mixed nanofluids on fluid flow and intensify energy transfer in a boundary layer region driven by a free convective force
This research study explores boundary layer flow and intensification of heat transfer through a porous medium accompanied by buoyant forces with the support of appended mixed nanofluids. The generated partial differentiation model is altered to a couple of the highly complicated nonlinear differentiation model by support of the similarity conversion. The resultant model is then resolved by the shooting method for finding the initial approximation and thereafter the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 45th-order method is used to get the desired result. The energy transfer and the flow of mixed nanofluids are analyzed by considering vital factors, like convection, porous and volume fraction. The acquired results fairly agree with erstwhile published articles. The major finding is that for greater values of the volume fraction, both fluid flow and energy transfer of a mixed nanofluid will be greater when compared with a regular nanofluid. 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. -
Effect of variable viscosity on marangoni convective boundary layer flow of nanofluid in the presence of mixed convection
The effect of variable viscosity on Marangoni convection in immediate vicinity of the plate is discussed. The mathematical model of the problem is highly nonlinear partial differential equations transforms into two nonlinear ordinary differential equations by applying suitable similarity transformations. The reduced similarity equivalences are then solved numerically by RungeKutta Fehlberg-45 order method. The consequences of pertinent parameters like variable viscosity parameter, convection parameter and volume fraction are analyzed on various flow fields. The results acquired are on par with erstwhile published results. The results of the present study shows that for greater values of angular momentum the buoyancy effects dominate, augmentation in mixed convection carries away the free convection currents from the plate, increase in volume fraction of solid enhances the thermal conductivity of the fluid and it is important to note that Marangoni effect is constructive for cooling processes. 2019 by American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved. -
Non-inverse signed graph of a group
Let G be a group with binary operation *. The non-inverse graph (in short, i*-graph) of G, denoted by ?, is a simple graph with vertex set consisting of elements of G and two vertices x, y ? ? are adjacent if x and y are not inverses of each other. That is, x ? y if and only if x * y ?= iG ?= y*x, where iG is the identity element of G. In this paper, we extend the study of i*-graphs to signed graphs by defining i*-signed graphs. We characterize the graphs for which the i*-signed graphs and negated i*-signed graphs are balanced, sign-compatible, consistent and k-clusterable. We also obtain the frustration index of the i*-signed graph. Further, we characterize the homogeneous non-inverse signed graphs and study the properties like net-regularity and switching equivalence. Amreen J., Naduvath S., 2024. -
Coset component signed graph of a group
In this paper, the notion of a newly derived signed graph called a coset component graph, based on cosets of subgroups of a group is introduced. Let G be a group and H be its subgroup. Then, the coset component graph of H in G, denoted by ?cc, is a simple graph with the vertex set consisting of elements of G and two vertices say, a, b ? ?cc are adjacent if either aH = bH or Ha = Hb. A coset component signed graph of H in G is a signed graph whose edges get the sign in accordance with their inclusion in the edge set of the corresponding coset component graph. The structure and important properties of the coset component signed graphs are determined in this paper. 2024 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Order Sum Graph of a Group
The concept of the order sum graph associated with a finite group based on the order of the group and order of group elements is introduced. Some of the properties and characteristics such as size, chromatic number, domination number, diameter, circumference, independence number, clique number, vertex connectivity, spectra, and Laplacian spectra of the order sum graph are determined. Characterizations of the order sum graph to be complete, perfect, etc. are also obtained. 2023 University of Baghdad. All rights reserved. -
On the Non-Inverse Graph of a Group
Let (G, ?) be a finite group and S = {u G|u u-1}, then the inverse graph is defined as a graph whose vertices coincide with G such that two distinct vertices u and v are adjacent if and only if either u ? v S or v ? u S. In this paper, we introduce a modified version of the inverse graph, called i?-graph associated with a group G. The i?-graph is a simple graph with vertex set consisting of elements of G and two vertices x, y ? are adjacent if x and y are not inverses of each other. We study certain properties and characteristics of this graph. Some parameters of the i?-graph are also determined. 2022 Javeria Amreen et al., published by Sciendo. -
Some New Results on Non-inverse Graph of a Group
The non-inverse graph corresponding to a group G, is a simple graph with vertices being elements of the group G and there is an edge between two vertices if they are not mutual inverses. In the current paper, we study few properties of the non-inverse graphs of groups. We also discuss the parameters related different types of domination no.s of the non-inverse graph. We further obtain the Laplacian spectra and signless Laplacian spectra of the non-inverse graphs. 2022 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Some Variations of Domination in Order Sum Graphs
An order sum graph of a group G, denoted by ? os(G), is a graph with vertex set consisting of elements of G and two vertices say a, b? ? os(G) are adjacent if o(a) + o(b) > o(G). In this paper, we extend the study of order sum graphs of groups to domination. We determine different types of domination such as connected, global, strong, secure, restrained domination and so on for order sum graphs, their complement and line graphs of order sum graphs. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.