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A Novel Survey for Young Substellar Objects with the W-band Filter. VI. Spectroscopic Census of Substellar Members and the IMF of the ? Orionis Cluster
Low-mass stars and substellar objects are essential in tracing the initial mass function (IMF). We study the nearby young ? Orionis cluster (d ? 408 pc, age ? 1.8 Myr) using deep near-infrared (NIR) photometric data in the J, W, and H bands from WIRCam on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. We use the water absorption feature to select brown dwarfs photometrically and confirm their nature spectroscopically with IRTF-SpeX. Additionally we select candidate low-mass stars for spectroscopy and analyze their membership and those of literature sources using astrometry from Gaia DR3. We obtain NIR spectra for 28 very-low-mass stars and brown dwarfs and estimate their spectral type between M3 and M8.5 (masses ranging between 0.3 and 0.01 M ?). Apart from these, we also identify five new planetary-mass candidates which require further spectroscopic confirmation of youth. We compile a comprehensive catalog of 170 spectroscopically confirmed members in the central region of the cluster, for a wide mass range of ?19-0.004 M ?. We estimate the star-to-brown-dwarf ratio to be ?4, within the range reported for other nearby star-forming regions. With the updated catalog of members we trace the IMF down to 4 M Jup and we find that a two-segment power law fits the substellar IMF better than a log-normal distribution. 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society. -
A novel technique for leaf disease classification using Legion Kernels with parallel support vector machine (LK-PSVM) and fuzzy C means image segmentation
Detection of plant disease and classificationare being investigated in many parts of the worldto save precious medical plants from becoming extinct.Major problem in this task, include the lack of advanced and technology driven solution. Manual identification is often time-consuming and prone to inaccuracies. Therefore, there is an urgent need for an automated and efficient method that can accurately identify and classify plant diseases. This article focuses on detecting the disease through classificationthrough a new technique using leaf images for automatic classification. This paper proposes a novel segmentation technique using Fuzzy C means and Particle Swarm Optimization for effective segmentation of leaf images and feature extraction that can help in classification of disease.The approach emphasizes on the integration of techniques such as image processing, segmentation and feature extraction and finally the classification, which offers a comprehensive solution for the disease detection. The work leverages on the advantages of Legion Kernels and Parallal support vector Machine (LK-PSVM) clubbed with fuzzy C means Image segmentation to offer a framework that can handle diverse leaf images and which can effectively differentiate the type of the disease.The proposed method LK-PSVM combined with Fuzzy C means presents a novel approach that is significantly deviated from the conventional methods of leaf disease classification.The proposed wok brings an integrated framework which can synergistically combine the Legion Kernels with the PSVM technique coupled with Fuzzy C Means Image segmentation which can handle the issue of overlapped data sets and support vector machines are used to handle the situation where the number of dimensions are more than the number of samples, which is more probable in the classification problem under consideration.By integrating these components, the proposed method achieves more accuracy and robustness when compared to the existing methods in the literature. The segmentation is carried out using PSO after pre-processing of images. The Gaussian functions are used to eliminate the background subtraction. Different features of the images are then computed. A total of 55,400 images were used for the experiment consisting of various plants leaves spreading across 38 labels. A classifier is then proposed using Machine learning methods for the detection of disease in apple fruit leaves. The experiments prove that the proposed method have high degree of classification accuracy when compared to existing methods. The proposed method not only cater to the need in terms of accuracy but also making it scalable for different types of leaves. 2024 The Authors -
A Novel Technique for Magnetic Particle Separation Using Current-Carrying Slotted Plate
In this paper, a novel method for separating and trapping different magnetic particles is presented. Changes in the current-carrying structure yield disturbing the generated magnetic field. Here, slots were innovatively crafted on the current-carrying plate positioned beneath the microchannel, resulting in a non-uniform magnetic field distribution. This breakthrough enables the separation of different particle types using a constant and low electric current for the very first time, leading to a significant advancement in the field. More importantly, this proposed technique offers several advantages, including the generation of low levels of current and heat, ease of construction, and the ability to control the magnetic field produced by the electric current. In this study, the capability to effectively separate various particle types using a constant electric current was demonstrated with a remarkable separation efficiency of about 100%. By applying a 100[mA] electric current to the plate that carries electric current, the separation of two particle types M-450 and M-280 was achieved at a velocity of 2[?m/s]. 2024 IEEE. -
A Novel Threshold based Method for Vessel Intensity Detection and Extraction from Retinal Images
Retinal vessel segmentation is an active research area in medical image processing. Several research outcomes on retinal vessel segmentation have emerged in recent years. Each method has its own pros and cons, either in the vessel detection stage or in its extraction. Based on a detailed empirical investigation, a novel retinal vessel extraction architecture is proposed, which makes use of a couple of existing algorithms. In the proposed algorithm, vessel detection is carried out using a cumulative distribution function-based thresholding scheme. The resultant vessel intensities are extracted based on the hysteresis thresholding scheme. Experiments are carried out with retinal images from DRIVE and STARE databases. The results in terms of Sensitivity, Specificity, and Accuracy are compared with five standard methods. The proposed method outperforms all methods in terms of Sensitivity and Accuracy for the DRIVE data set, whereas for STARE, the performance is comparable with the best method. 2021. All Rights Reserved. -
A Novel Two-Step Bayesian Hyperparameter Optimization Strategy for DoS Attack Detection in IoT
Variations of Hyperparameter in Machine Learning (ML) algorithm effectively strikes the model's performance in terms of accuracy, loss, F1 score and many others. In the current study a two-step hyperparameter optimization approach is represented to analyse selected ML models' performance in detecting specific Denial of Service attacks in IoT. These attacks are Synchronization Flooding Attack at Transport layer, DIS Flooding attack and Sinkhole attack at Network layer. The two-step approach is a combination of Manual Hyperparameter tuning followed by Bayesian Optimization technique. The first stage manually analyses the hyperparameters of ML algorithms by considering the nature of the attack datasets. This technique is quite rigorous as it demands thorough analysis of the dependencies of the nature of datasets with hyperparameter types. At the same time this process is time consuming. The output of the first stage is the ranges of independent hyperparameter values that give maximum accuracy (minimum error rate). In the next stage Bayesian Hyperparameter tuning is used to specifically derive the single set of all hyperparameters values that give optimized accuracy faster than the BO. The input to the second stage is the ranges of individual hyperparameters that gave maximum accuracy in the first stage. The efficiency of the approach is depicted by comparative analysis of training time between the proposed and existing BO. NetSim simulator is used for generating attack datasets and Python packages are used for executing the two-step approach. 2024 IEEE. -
A novel two-tier feature selection model for Alzheimers disease prediction
The interdisciplinary research studies of artificial intelligence in health sector is bringing drastic life saving changes in the healthcare domain. One such aspect is the early disease prediction using machine learning and regression algorithms. The purpose of this research is to improve the prediction accuracy of Alzheimers disease by analysing the correlation of unexplored Alzheimer causing diseases. The work proposes Chi square-lasso ridge linear (Chi-LRL) model, a new two-tier feature ranking model which recognizes the significance of including diabetes, blood pressure and body mass index as potential Alzhiemer predictive parameters. The newly added predictive parameters of Alzheimers disease were statistically verified along with the conventional prediction parameters using chi-square method (Chi) as Tier 1 and an embedded model of lasso, ridge and linear (LRL) Regression for feature ranking as Tier 2. The performance of the proposed Chi-LRL model with selected features were then analysed using machine learning algorithms for performance analysis. The result shows a noticeable performance by selecting eleven significant features and a 4.5% increase in the prediction accuracy of Alzheirmer disease. 2024 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
A numerical approach to the coupled atmospheric ocean model using a fractional operator
In the present framework, the coupled mathematical model of the atmosphere-ocean system called El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is analyzed with the aid Adams-Bashforth numerical scheme. The fundamental aim of the present work is to demonstrate the chaotic behaviour of the coupled fractional-order system. The existence and uniqueness are demonstrated within the frame of the fixed-point hypothesis with the CaputoFabrizio fractional operator. Moreover, we captured the chaotic behaviour for the attained results with diverse order. The effect of the perturbation parameter and others associated with the model is captured. The obtained results elucidate that, the present study helps to understand the importance of fractional order and also initial conditions for the nonlinear models to analyze and capture the corresponding consequence of the fractional-order dynamical systems. 2021 by the authors. -
A Numerical Investigation on Thermal Gradients and Stresses in High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell During Start-up
The High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell (HT-PEMFC) stacks using polybenzimidazole (PBI) based membranes have an inability to internally heat up at low temperatures to their nominal operating temperature (160C180C) during the start-up process. Several strategies, such as direct electrical heating, coolant/gas channel heating, catalytic hydrogen-oxygen combustion, etc., are proposed in the literature to assist the heating for quick start-up situations. However, little knowledge exists on the transient thermomechanical stresses induced during the start-up heating process due to non-uniformity in heat supply and disparity in thermal properties of the cell components. The objective of the present research is to analyze the thermal gradients and thermal stresses developed in the HT-PEMFC structure during the start-up with various heating methods discussed in the literature, as well as during the cell operation by exploiting the Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) approach. The use of polyalkylene glycol (Fragoltherm S-15-A) based Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) in the coolant channel has substantially improved the start-up time due to the high Nusselt number. However, a significant gradient in temperature distribution is observed during the preheating process, which resulted in great inhomogeneous stresses in the membrane, particularly in the in-plane direction. Interestingly, the degree of uniformity in membrane current density distribution during cell operation is increased. A detailed heat analysis in the cell showed that the heat generated in the cell due to electrochemical reactions is sufficient to raise the cell temperature from 120C to operating temperature in a short time. Being subjected to a compressive stress of above 40 MPa, which is higher than the ultimate strength of a typical acid doped PBI membrane, the electrolyte is the most vulnerable component during the start-up. Hence, to inhibit the concomitant effect on cell performance and degradation, a novel start-up strategy should be implemented. 2021 Elsevier Ltd -
A pair of kinematically related space curves
We investigate the relation between two types of space curves, the Mannheim curves and constant-pitch curves and primarily explicate a method of deriving Mannheim curves and constant-pitch curves from each other by means of a suitable deformation of a space curve. We define a "radius" function and a "pitch" function for any arbitrary regular space curve and use these to characterize the two classes of curves. A few non-trivial examples of both Mannheim and constant pitch curves are discussed. The geometric nature of Mannheim curves is established by using the notion of osculating helices. The Frenet-Serret motion of a rigid body in theoretical kinematics is studied for the special case of a Mannheim curve and the axodes in this case are deduced. In particular, we show that the fixed axode is developable if and only if the motion trajectory is a Mannheim curve. 2018 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
A Paradigm shift in Family therapy in India : Exploration from Socioeconomic, Cultural and Spiritual Perspectives
International Journal of Physical and Social Sciences Vol. 3, Issue 3,pp. 153-166 , ISSN No. 2249-5894 -
A parallel approach for region-growing segmentation
Image Segmentations play a heavy role in areas such as computer vision and image processing due to its broad usage and immense applications. Because of the large importance of image segmentation a number of algorithms have been proposed and different approaches have been adopted. In this theme I tried to parallelize the image segmentation using a region growing algorithm. The primary goal behind this theme is to enhance performance or speed up the image segmentation on large volume image data sets, i.e. Very high resolution images (VHR). In parliamentary law to get the full advantage of GPU computing, equally spread the workload among the available threads. Threads assigned to individual pixels iteratively merge with adjacent segments and always ensuring the standards that the heterogeneity of image objects should be belittled. An experimental analysis upon different orbital sensor images has made out in order to assess the quality of results. 2015 IEEE. -
A Particle Swarm Optimization-Backpropagation (PSO-BP) Model for the Prediction of Earthquake in Japan
Japan is a country that suffers a lot of earthquakes and disasters because it lies across four major tectonic plates. Subduction zones at the Japanese island curves are geologically complex and create various earthquakes from various sources. Earthquake prediction helps in evacuating areas, which are suspected and could save the lives of people. Artificial neural network is a computing model inspired by biological neurons, which learn from examples and can be able to do predictions. In this paper, we present an artificial neural network with PSO-BP model for the prediction of an earthquake in Japan. In PSO-BP model, particle swarm optimization method is used to optimize the input parameters of backpropagation neural network. Information regarding all major, minor and aftershock earthquake is taken into account for the input of backpropagation neural network. These parameters are taken from Japan seismic catalogue provided by USGS (United States Geological Survey) such as latitude, longitude, magnitude, depth, etc., of earthquake. 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Performance Investigations of Modular Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switch Count
A multilevel inverter is a special variant of converter for dc-Ac conversion in medium and high voltage and power requirements. In this paper, a novel configuration with fewer switches needed has been developed for the staircase output voltage levels. Two direct current voltage sources and eight transistors are required to synthesize five levels across the load using the conventional topology. The modular topology has two dc voltage sources, and six switches with a five-level output. Using the optimum multi-carrier pulse width modulation approach, the voltage quality is enhanced and total harmonic distortion is reduced. Furthermore, the viability of the proposed topology in contrast to the conventional cascaded H-bridged multilevel inverter with five levels is established by presenting comparable results showing reduced power losses with varied modulation indexes and increased efficiency. The simulation analysis has been carried out using the MATLAB/SIMULINK tool. 2022 IEEE. -
A perspective analysis of emotional appeal used in television advertising /
The purpose of the study is to find out whether emotional appeal is still prevailing in television advertising. The researcher focuses on the various elements used by advertisers to evoke emotional response on the audience‟s side. The advertisements decided by the researcher portray important relationships that are valued and maintained in the society. -
A perspective analysis on doodle art used in five educational materials /
Doodle Art are simple drawings that have concrete representational meaning in abstract shapes. A doodler intently shifts through information to generate substantial understandings. Doodle Art is one of the evolving styles that are attracting young audience especially through subject materials. Themain aim ofthe study is to understand whether doodling has emerged as a new trend in brand recall. -
A Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities of Supply Chain Management
Global Journal of Arts and Management Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 227 - 231, ISSN No. 2249-2658 -
A perspective reading of photographs of the Ahmedabad city /
The present study talks about the usage of photographs as a major tool for storytelling. It shows how various photographs of various places, if shown to people and analyzed according to their perspectives and experiences can give us a rich definition and an idea about the events that had shaped the place and led to their current being. Also, it describes the place according to the way or the angle the respondents saw it to be. -
A pharmacognostic approach, including phytochemical and GC-MS analysis, targeted towards the authentication of Strobilanthes jomyi P. Biju, Josekutty, Rekha & J.R.I.Wood
The genera Strobilanthes Blume have a rich history in therapeutic culture all over the world. Asian countries like India, China, Myanmar and Thailand still use Strobilanthes genus-based medicinal preparations for various diseases. Strobilanthes jomyi is a newly discovered species from Kerala, India. Some tribal communities of Kasaragod district still use S. jomyi leaf extract as a wound healing medication. The current study aims to investigate the pharmacognostic, phytochemical and GC-MS analysis of the leaves, stems and roots of S. jomyi. The microscopic, macroscopic, organoleptic, fluorescent, phytochemicals and GC-MS analysis of the leaves, stem, and root of S. jomyi were estimated using various standard protocols. The macroscopic and microscopic characters of leaves revealed the presence of non-glandular trichomes with paracytic stomata in the leaves. The transverse section of the stem and petiole showed the presence of raphides and the root showed the presence of tannin cells. Cystoliths were observed only in the petiole. Powder morphology of leaves, stems and roots revealed the presence of fibers, trichomes, palisade cells, spiral xylem vessels, bordered pit vessels and raphides. The vegetative part of S. jomyi powder exhibited various fluorescent coloration based on numerous chemical treatments along with different tastes, smells, colors and textures by organoleptic assays. Qualitative phytochemical analysis of different vegetative parts revealed the presence of flavonoids and other phytochemicals. GC-MS study revealed that lupeol a significant bioactive compound was present in all the vegetative parts of S. jomyi. The results acquired from this study can be used for the standardization, identification, quality and purity check of plant samples. The Author(s). -
A Phased approach to solve the University Course Scheduling System
International Journal of Computational Engineering Research Vol.3, Issue 4, pp. 258-261, ISSN No. 2250-3005 -
A phenomenological exploration of Indian women's body image within intersecting identities in a globalizing nation
The goal of the study was to examine Indian women's body image experiences utilizing an intersectional framework. Using phenomenological method, the study attempted to explore how experiences of gender oppression intersect with salient social identities to produce experiences of body dissatisfaction in Indian women. Thirty-Five Indian women in the age group 1840 years participated in semi-structured interviews. Overall, women experienced and discussed their bodies in terms of physical features they liked and disliked. Three themes emerged that comprised body image experiences of Indian women- (a) Beautiful, thin and fair- three social imperatives for women, (b) Internalization and (c) Body image management. Each of these impacted women negatively and contributed to greater body monitoring, increased indulgence in unhealthy behaviours and heightened body dissatisfaction. Women also discussed coping techniques for managing such experiences. Researchers and practitioners are encouraged to take into account culturally constructed beauty norms and unique socio-cultural factors for Indian women that determine body image. Findings are interpreted in the context of evolving socio-cultural norms that have recolonised Indian women's embodiment in a globalizing nation. 2023 Elsevier Ltd