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Thermal optimisation through the stratified bioconvective jetflow of nanofluid
Bioconvection is a fascinating phenomenon observed in various biological systems, where the motion of motile microorganisms generates fluid flow patterns. This article explores the occurrence and characteristics of bioconvection within the context of a jet flow. The study of bioconvection in jet flow involves the interaction between motile microorganisms and the fluid dynamics of the surrounding medium. Microorganisms such as bacteria and algae are known to exhibit directed swimming behavior, which can lead to the formation of dynamic flow structures. Investigating the mechanisms underlying bioconvection in jet flow requires a multidisciplinary approach encompassing fluid dynamics, microbial ecology, and mathematical modeling. Experimental techniques, such as microscopy and particle image velocimetry, along with computational simulations, are employed to analyze the complex interactions between microorganisms and the fluid flow. In this regard, a supportive mathematical model is designed using partial differential equations (PDEs) which are later transformed into ordinary differential equations using similarity transformations. The resulting system of equations is solved using the RKF-45 method and the outcomes are recorded in tables and graphs. The consideration of thermophoresis has shown a significant impact on the heat and mass transfer of the jet flow and both these profiles are observed to increase with thermophoresis. Meanwhile, the Schmidt number decrease their respective mass profiles. Furthermore, the porosity is found to create a drag force which tends to oppose the fluid flow. 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Thermal optimisation through multilayer convective flow of CuO- MWCNT hybrid nanofluid in a composite porous annulus
The present article deals with the analysis of the three-layer convective flow of immiscible nanofluids in a composite porous annulus. Water and kerosene are chosen as base fluids due to their immiscible property that leads to the formation of a non-physical boundary separation and thus forming a multi-layer flow. In this model, the hybrid nanofluid is formed by suspending copper oxide (CuO) and multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in water which is sandwiched between layers of nanofluid formed by suspending CuO in kerosene leading to two boundary separations that give rise to the interface regions. Such a flow finds applications in the field of solar reactors, electronic cooling, etc. The model based on the above assumptions is in the form of a system of ordinary differential equations that are solved using the differential transformation method. The solutions are found to be in agreement with the existing literature and the results of this study are interpreted graphically. It is to be noted that the interfacial region in the multilayer nanofluid flow helps in maintaining the system at an optimum temperature which helps to cool down the systems. Further, the increase in the Eckert number increases the heat conduction of the nanofluid and pressure enhances the flow speed of the nanofluid. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Thermal Marangoni convection in two-phase flow of dusty Casson fluid
This paper deals with the thermal Marangoni convection effects in magneto-Casson liquid flow through suspension of dust particles. The transpiration cooling aspect is accounted. The surface tension is assumed to be fluctuating linearly with temperature. The fluid and dust particle's temperature of the interface is chosen as a quadratic function of interface arc length. The governing problem is modelled by conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy for fluid and dust particle phase. Stretching transformation technique is utilized to form ordinary differential equations from the partial differential equations. Later, the numerical solutions based on Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method are established. The momentum and heat transport distributions are focused on the outcome of distinct governing parameters. The results of Nusselt number is also presented and discussed. It is established that the heat transfer rate is higher in the case of dusty non-Newtonian fluid than dusty Newtonian fluid. The rate of heat transfer can be enhanced by suspending dust particles in a base liquid. 2017 -
Thermal fatigue characteristics of 8Y2O3-ZrO2, La2Zr2O7, La2(Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7 and La2Ce2O7 thermal barrier coatings in duplex, multilayer functionally graded and multilayer configurations
La2Zr2O7, La2(Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7 and La2Ce2O7 pyrochlore plasma sprayable powders were synthesized and plasma spray coated on steel plates with NiCrAlY bond coat. Three different configurations were used: duplex, multilayer functionally graded and multilayer, with different combinations of commercial 8% yttria stabilized zirconia (8YSZ) and NiCrAlY (bond coat) layers. The prepared coatings were compared with the standard duplex 8YSZ thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with a goal to study their suitability to serve as TBCs. TBCs layer thicknesses and interfaces were studied via SEM on polished cross section metallographic samples removed from the spray coated TBCs. Thermal fatigue resistance was evaluated by directing a gas flame on the ceramic surface at 1200 and 1400 C, followed by its rapid withdrawal and forced cooling by pedestal fan. The maximum number of thermal shock cycles the coatings could withstand before failure was determined. The multilayered TBCs with lanthanum cerate composition stacked with 8YSZ exhibited the superior thermal fatigue resistance characteristics compared to all other studied TBCs. The findings were correlated with the crystalline phases of the ceramic coatings, obtained via XRD, and discussed in the light of existing literature. 2023 University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology. All rights reserved. -
Thermal Enhancement of Radiating Magneto-Nanoliquid with Nanoparticles Aggregation and Joule Heating: A Three-Dimensional Flow
This article studies the effect of nanoparticle aggregation on the 3D flow of titanium nanoliquid based on ethylene glycol (C 2H 6O 2- TiO 2) due to an exponentially elongated surface. Thermal analysis is carried out considering linear thermal radiation, Joule heating, and mechanisms of the heat source/sink, while the aspect of the homogeneous single-order chemical reaction is included in the analysis of the solute. The variable magnetic field is also accounted. The modified Maxwell model (MaxwellBruggeman) is implemented to estimate the effective conductivity of the nanoliquid. The displayed equations are moderated in quantities without dimensions. The 2-point nonlinear boundary value problem (BVP) is solved by the shooting procedure. The importance of effective parameters is described through graphs. Numerical data are presented to study the friction factor, the heat transfer rate, and the mass transfer rate. It has been established that the aggregation of nanoparticles significantly improves the thermal field. Furthermore, the effect of magnetism is more in ordinary fluid than in nanofluid. 2020, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. -
Thermal diffusivity study of one-pot synthesised polypyrrole silver nanocomposite by thermal lens method
We are reporting the results of our exploration of the thermal lens method to determine the thermal diffusivity of Ppy and Ppy/Ag nanocomposites synthesised by simple, cost effective in situ chemical oxidative polymerisation. EDAX spectrum confirms the presence of silver in the samples. Raman analysis shows that the increase in the concentration of silver in composite results in an increase in the conjugation length of the samples. We have adopted the dual-beam pump-probe technique to determine the thermal diffusivity of polypyrrole and polypyrrole silver nanocomposite with varying silver concentrations. We report suppression of thermal diffusivity of polypyrrole with the addition of a small concentration of silver and an enhanced thermal diffusivity with an increase in the concentration of silver with ethanol as the base fluid. Increased thermal diffusivity of the samples makes them suitable for use as coolants. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Thermal behavior of PC-ABS based graphene filled polymer nanocomposite synthesized by FDM process
Property enhancement of polymers could be achieved through blending of two or more polymers and via addition of filler materials to meet the application requirements. In the present investigation Polycarbonate (PC) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), the two polymers were blended together and Graphene platelets as nanofiller was added in the ratio of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 wt% respectively. Polymer blend and graphene platelets were mixed at appropriate temperature and extruded out in the form of filament of 1.75 mm diameter. Filament was used as a feed material for Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) to develop the test samples. The nanocomposites developed using FDM were subjected to differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) to study the effect of graphene platelets. Addition of graphene platelets resulted in significant increase in Young's modulus with highest value of 4.038 GPa obtained for nanocomposite with 0.8% graphene content. Thermal analysis showed that addition of graphene platelets increases the glass transition temperature and reduces the mass with increase in temperature. 2019 -
Thermal Barrier Coating Development on Automobile Piston Material (Al-Si alloy), Numerical Analysis and Validation
This work is focused on the thermal barrier coating (TBC) development on aluminium-silicon (Al-Si) alloy casting materials, widely used as automobile components (cylinder blocks, pistons etc.). TBCs enable enhanced combustion within the chambers of diesel engines resulting in improved performance and components life. Uniform coating thickness development on complex contours of automobile pistons is a challenging task worldwide which results in varying thermal barrier characteristics across the non-uniform thickness. In consistent (in thickness) coatings are most likely to lead to uneven thermal barrier effects across the TBC thicknesses which directly affect the performance and the lubrication system of the engine. This warrants the development of stable and consistently thick coatings for ideal performance of the Low Heat rejection (LHR) engine. The present research work involved building different thicknesses (100, 125 and 150?m) of commercial 6-8%Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) TBCs on 50? to 75? thick nickel aluminide (NiAl) bond coat. The influence of thickness on thermal barrier characteristics via experimentation and numerical analysis has been studied. Flat plates machined from automobile pistons were used as substrates. The coatings were characterized for thermal barrier effects for hot ceramic surface face temperatures up to 550C (by using oxy-acetylene flame to heat up the TBC surface), structural phase analysis by X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and microstructure analysis in metallographic cross section by employing Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). An analytical investigation also was carried out to determine the approximate temperature at each interface. A code was developed to calculate the temperature drops across the coated plate and the net heat available at the coated surface using MATLAB. This is important considering the effects, small changes in temperatures will bring on the creep life on the metal. 2019 Elsevier Ltd. -
Thermal and solutal stratified Heimanz flow of AA7072-deionized water over a wedge in the presence of bioconvection
The bioconvective Heimanz flow of nanofluid across a wedge with thermal stratification is analyzed in this article. The wedges are often seen in glider aircraft, rocket climbing frames, etc. The nanofluid considered in this study is composed of aluminum alloys of AA7072 and deionized water. The AA7072 alloys are specially manufactured materials composed of Aluminum and Zinc in the ratio of (Formula presented.) along with metals like silicon, ferrous, and copper so that they possess enhanced heat transfer features. The mathematical model is formed using the modified Buongiornos model that includes the discussions related to slip mechanisms and volumetric analysis in terms of the weight of the nanoparticle. The model is in the form of partial differential equations and is later converted to ordinary differential equations with the assistance of similarity transformation. This set of equations is solved by the Differential Transformation Method (DTM) and the outcomes are discussed through graphs.,. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Thermal and entropy generation of non-Newtonian magneto-Carreau fluid flow in microchannel
The heat flow in microchannels can be established in numerous applications such as micro air vehicles, mechanicalelectromechanical systems, cooling of electronic devices and micro heat exchanger systems. Heat flow optimization deliberates the function of entropy generation minimization (EGM) in engineering applications. Hence, this paper investigates the heat transport of non-Newtonian magneto-Carreau fluid in a microchannel with EGM. Mathematical modeling incorporates the Carreau fluid model. Further, viscous heating, Joule heating and convective heating aspects are also analyzed. The physical features of entropy production in the flow of non-Newtonian Carreau fluid in a microchannel are the major focus of this model. Dimensionless variables are executed for the simplicity of basic equations. The subsequent system is treated by using finite element method. Behaviors of effective parameters on velocity, Bejan number, entropy generation rate and temperature are interpreted. It is established that EGM is occurred for larger values of Weissenberg number. The Carreau fluid exponent is positively related to Bejan number, whereas it is negatively related to EG, temperature and velocity fields. 2020, Akadiai Kiad Budapest, Hungary. -
Thermal analysis of nanofluid flow containing gyrotactic microorganisms in bioconvection and second-order slip with convective condition
Bioconvection in magneto-nanoliquid embedded with gyrotactic microorganisms across an elongated sheet with velocity slip of second order is addressed. Nonlinear thermal radiation and chemical reaction aspects are retained in energy and concentration equations. Numerical simulations for the modeled problem are proposed via RungeKuttaFehlberg-based shooting technique. Special attention is given to the impact of involved parameters on the profiles of motile microorganisms, nanoparticle volume fraction, temperature and velocity. Our simulations figured out that assisting flow generates more heat transfer than the opposing flow situation. The motile microorganisms boundary layer decayed for higher bioconvection Peclet and bioconvection Lewis numbers. 2018, Akadiai Kiad Budapest, Hungary. -
Thermal analysis of a radiative nanofluid over a stretching/shrinking cylinder with viscous dissipation
This study explores the impact of thermal radiation and viscous dissipation on the stagnation point flow of a copperwater nanofluid across a convective stretching/shrinking cylinder. The copper suspension in the base fluid water enables the fluid to conduct more heat by increasing its thermal conductivity. The mathematical model that governs the flow of Cu-H2O nanofluid is formulated by the system of partial differential equations (PDEs) which are then subjected to transformation by introducing suitable similarity variables so the system is transformed to the Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). These equations have been solved numerically via the bvp4c package in MATLAB. The outcomes have been signified graphically in the form of heat transfer rate, temperature, skin friction and velocity which are dependent on the concerning flow parameters. For each of these result, dual solutions have been produced which are conditional on the shrinking of cylinder. These results declare that the skin friction increases for the shrinking cylinder and decreases for the stretching cylinder whereas an opposite trend is seen for the rate of heat transfer. Similarly, heat transfer is found to be decreasing for the increase in both Biot and Eckert number. Meanwhile, the existence of greater values of curvature parameter causes to enhance both first and second solution of velocity as well as the temperature is augmenting with the increase in Eckert number and volume fraction of nano particles. 2022 Elsevier B.V. -
ThermAI: Exploring Temperature Analysis Through Diverse Machine Learning Models
Meteorological forecasting is crucial in multiple industries, including agriculture, aviation, and daily routines. The objective of this inquiry is to improve temperature predictions by examining and comparing several machine learning methods, such as linear regression, decision trees, and random forests. This work aims to fill the gap in assessing machine learning models for temperature forecasting on a broader scale by utilising the comprehensive Indian meteorological dataset, which covers a wide range of geographical regions. The research utilises a thorough technique that includes gathering data, selecting relevant features, choosing appropriate models, and evaluating the results using R-squared and Mean Square Error metrics. The findings demonstrate that the Random Forest model surpasses both multiple linear regression and decision trees in terms of performance, displaying superior accuracy and reduced prediction errors. This study enhances proactive weather management and decision-making processes by offering valuable insights and tools to stakeholders in various industries. The work is organised into distinct sections that encompass a literature review, methodology, results, and conclusions, providing a comprehensive viewpoint on developments in temperature forecasting. 2024 IEEE. -
Therapy recommendation based on level of depression using social media data
Social media is a massive platform with currently over 100 million registered users. It is a platform where individuals express themselves along with their interests. These expressions of individual can be used to identify their mental status. That being said, depression and anxiety are the dominant cause for illness and ill-health across the world. Studies show that users mental health can be predicted by their everyday use of language. This paper examines the tweets for analyzing the linguistic and behavioral features for classifying the levels of depression among the users. In order to classify the levels of depression, a knowledge base of the words that are associated with depression/anxiety has been created. The model evaluated this using simple text mining techniques to measure the mental health status of the users and provide appropriate recommendations. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
Therapists Issues in Understanding Stuttering
[No abstract available] -
Therapeutic potential of marine macrolides: An overview from 1990 to 2022
The sea is a vast ecosystem that has remained primarily unexploited and untapped, resulting in numerous organisms. Consequently, marine organisms have piqued the interest of scientists as an abundant source of natural resources with unique structural features and fascinating biological activities. Marine macrolide is a top-class natural product with a heavily oxygenated polyene backbone containing macrocyclic lactone. In the last few decades, significant efforts have been made to isolate and characterize macrolides' chemical and biological properties. Numerous macrolides are extracted from different marine organisms such as marine microorganisms, sponges, zooplankton, molluscs, cnidarians, red algae, tunicates, and bryozoans. Notably, the prominent macrolide sources are fungi, dinoflagellates, and sponges. Marine macrolides have several bioactive characteristics such as antimicrobial (antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial, antiviral), anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, cytotoxic, and neuroprotective activities. In brief, marine organisms are plentiful in naturally occurring macrolides, which can become the source of efficient and effective therapeutics for many diseases. This current review summarizes these exciting and promising novel marine macrolides in biological activities and possible therapeutic applications. 2022 The Authors -
Therapeutic effects of vitamin D and cancer: An overview
Since vitamin D's discovery, strenuous efforts to investigate its physiological exploit and deficiency on human health were done. Our body synthesizes fat-soluble vitamin D when get exposed to sunlight. In recent years, experimental data indicate that sunlight exposure and an adequate level of circulating vitamin D can reduce the incidence of cancer. Several in vitro and in vivo studies also suggest vitamin D as a potentially valuable supplement for cancer treatment and prevention. Nevertheless, there need to be adequate clinical studies performed to substantiate the suppressive ability of vitamin D concerning cancer incidence. Thus, understanding the cellular mechanisms of vitamin D can be advantageous for preventing several chronic diseases. Consequently, this review concentrates on different studies that have been conducted to characterize the outcome of vitamin D in reducing cancer incidence and its medication by cellular progression mechanism. 2021 The Authors. Food Frontiers published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd and Nanchang University, Northwest University, Jiangsu University, Zhejiang University, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University. -
Theory of planned behavior in predicting the construction of eco-friendly houses
Purpose: The present study aimed to explore the applicability of theory of planned behavior in construction of eco-friendly houses. Design/methodology/approach: Study utilized cross-sectional correlational research design, collected data from 269 adult house owners of Kerala, India, with the help of a self-report measures namely, attitude towards eco-friendly house construction, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, behavioral intention to build eco-friendly houses, check list of eco-friendly house and socio-demographic data sheet. Descriptive statistics, Karl Pearson product moment correlation, confirmatory factor analysis and mediation analysis with the help of AMOS were used to describe the distribution of study variables and to test the research hypotheses and proposed model. Findings: Study revealed that behavioral intention to build eco-friendly house was the immediate and strongest predictor of actual behavior of constructing an eco-friendly house. Behavioral intention mediated the relationship of attitudinal variables, normative variables and control variables with the behavior of constructing eco-friendly houses. Research limitations/implications: The results vouched the applicability of theory of planned behavior as a comprehensive model in explaining the behavior of eco-friendly house construction. Practical implications: Results of the study iterates the utility of attitudinal, normative and control factors in enhancing the choice of constructing eco-friendly houses. The results can be applied to develop a marketing tool to enhance the behavior of choosing or constructing eco-friendly houses in the population. Originality/value: Role of conventional concrete construction in climate crisis is unquestioned, and adopting eco-friendly architecture is a potential solution to the impending doom of climate crisis. Behavioral changes play a significant role in the success of global actions to curb the climate crisis. Present study discusses the role of psychological variables in constructing eco-friendly houses. 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Theory of mind (ToM) is the ability of an individual to identify or predict others emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. In the context of religious cognition and eudaimonic well-being, ToM can be understood as the cognitive process through which individuals interpret and understand religious experiences, knowledge, behaviour, attitudes, and beliefs. These variables are known for sustained psychological and religious consistency in an individual's life. Eudaimonic well-being, on the other hand, refers to the long-lasting effects on individuals mental and spiritual health, enabling them to find purpose and meaning in life, depending on the individual, religion, and society. ToM is an emerging aspect of cognitive neuroscience, rapidly expanding its field to evolution, brain imaging, and religious cognition. The period of adolescence is when adolescents are put into a turbulence of terrible confusion about their identity, beliefs, and autonomy. A thorough understanding of ToM based on religious cognition will foster adolescents' spiritual and mental health. This article connects ToM to religious cognition and the eudaimonic well-being of adolescents in Christian traditions. We propose that ToM could illuminate the relationship between religious cognition and eudaimonic well-being and provide a deepened understanding of these variables in psycho-spiritual therapy. This article also reveals the healing role of ToM on religious cognition and eudaimonic well-being during adolescence and the importance of focusing on spiritual and mental health as developmental assets that can potentially influence them in the future. 2024 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies (DVK, Bangalore). -
Theory and practice of a bivariate trigonometric Burr XII distribution
The precise modeling of bivariate continuous characteristics remains an actual challenge in probability and statistics. In this paper, we explore a new strategy based on the combination of a simple polynomial-sine copula and the Burr XII distribution. The idea is to use the oscillating functionalities of the polynomial-sine copula and the flexibility of the Burr XII distribution to propose a serious bivariate solution for the modelling of bivariate lifetime phenomena. Both theory and practice are developed. In particular, we determine the main functions related to the distribution, like the cumulative distribution function, probability density function, conditional density function, and hazard rate function, and perform a moment analysis, including various useful measures for bivariate modeling. On the practical plan, we derive the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimates for the unknown parameters. Also, the bootstrap confidence interval and the highest posterior density interval are obtained. The performance of the proposed bivariate distributions is examined using a simulation study. Finally, one data set is considered to illustrate its flexibility for real-life applications. 2023, African Mathematical Union and Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature.