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A secure and light weight privacy preserving data aggregation algorithm for wireless sensor networks
WSN is a collection of sensors, which senses critical information related to military, opponent tracking, patient health details etc. These sensed critical and private data will be collected and aggregated by aggregators and forward it to the base station. Due to the involvement of sensitive data, there is a demand for secure transmission and privacy preserving data aggregation. In this paper, we propose a light weight, secure, multi party, privacy preserving data aggregation scheme, in which one or more sensors share their private data with aggregator securely without revealing the original content. The aggregators also perform the aggregation operation without knowing the original content. 2020 Alpha Publishers. -
A secure bio-hash-based multiparty mutual authentication protocol for remote health monitoring applications
Remote health monitoring can benefit a large number of stake holders in healthcare industry, and it has the potential to make healthcare facilities available to a large number of masses at a reduced cost. Wireless Body Area networks (WBAN) comprising of sensors, capable of capturing and transferring physiological parameters of patients, provide an efficient and cost-effective solution for remote health monitoring. Data security is one among the major concerns preventing the widespread adoption of this technology by patients and healthcare sector. This chapter on remote health monitoring, presents a biometric-based authentication protocol. The work also proposes a multiparty mutual authentication protocol for authenticating the entities, such as users, sensors, personal devices, and medical gateway, participating in a WBAN. In the proposed protocol, a verifier table is not required to store the password of users. Formal security analysis and verification of the discussed protocols are performed using Scyther tool, and the results reveal that the protocols are resistant to privileged-administrator resilience attack, man-in-the-middle attack, replay attack, and impersonation attack. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. -
A Secure Communication Gateway with Parity Generator Implementation in QCA Platform
Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata (QCA) has arisen as a potential option in contrast to CMOS in the late time of nanotechnology. Some appealing highlights of QCA incorporate incredibly low force utilization and dissemination, high gadget pressing thickness, high velocity (arranged by THz). QCA based plans of normal advanced modules were concentrated broadly in the ongoing past. Equality generator and equality checker circuits assume a significant part in blunder discovery and subsequently, go about as fundamental segments in correspondence circuits. In any case, not very many endeavors were made for an efficient plan of QCA based equality generator as well as equality checker circuits up until now. In addition, these current plans need functional feasibility as they bargain a ton with normally acknowledged plan measurements like territory, postponement, intricacy, and manufacture cost. This article depicts new plans of equality generator and equality checker circuits in QCA which beat every one of the current plans as far as previously mentioned measurements. The proposed plans can likewise be effortlessly reached out to deal with an enormous number of contributions with a straight expansion in territory and inactivity. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
A Secure Data Encryption Mechanism in Cloud Using Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Cloud computing is undergoing continuous evolution and is widely regarded as the next generation architecture for computing. Cloud computing technology allows users to store their data and applications on a remote server infrastructure known as the cloud. Cloud service providers, such Amazon, Rackspace, VMware, iCloud, Dropbox, Google's Application, and Microsoft Azure, provide customers the opportunity to create and deploy their own applications inside a cloud-based environment. These providers also grant users the ability to access and use these applications from any location worldwide. The subject of security poses significant challenges in contemporary times. The primary objective of cloud security is to establish a sense of confidence between cloud service providers and data owners inside the cloud environment. The cloud service provider is responsible for ensuring user data's security and integrity. Therefore, the use of several encryption techniques may effectively ensure cloud security. Data encryption is a commonly used procedure utilised to ensure the security of data. This study analyses the Elliptic Curve Cryptography method, focusing on its implementation in the context of encryption and digital signature processes. The objective is to enhance the security of cloud applications. Elliptic curve cryptography is a very effective and robust encryption system due to its ability to provide reduced key sizes, decreased CPU time requirements, and lower memory utilisation. 2024 IEEE. -
A Secure Deep Q-Reinforcement Learning Framework for Network Intrusion Detection in IoT-Fog Systems
IoT-Fog system security depends on intrusion detection system (IDS) since the growing number of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices has increased the attack surface for cyber threats. The dynamic nature of cyberattacks often makes it difficult for traditional IDS techniques to stay up to date. Because it can adapt to changing threat landscapes, deep Q-reinforcement learning (DQRL) has become a potential technique for ID in IoT-Fog situations. In this paper, an IDS system for IoT-Fog networks based on DQRL is proposed. The suggested solution makes use of fog nodes' distributed computing power to provide real-time IDS with excellent accuracy and minimal latency. With feedback from the network environment, the DQRL agent learns to recognize and categorize network traffic patterns as either normal or intrusive. Adaptive exploration techniques, effective reward functions, and deep neural networks for feature extraction are adopted by the system to improve predictive performance. The evaluation findings show that, in terms of detection accuracy, precision, recall and f-measure, the proposed DQRL provides flexibility to changing threat patterns as compared to conventional IDS techniques. A vast array of cyberattacks, such as malware infections, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, and command-and-control communications, are successfully recognized and categorized by the system. It is possible that the suggested solution will be crucial in safeguarding IoT-Fog networks and preventing cyberattacks 2024 IEEE. -
A secure image-based authentication scheme employing DNA crypto and steganography
Authentication is considered as one of the critical aspects of Information security to ensure identity. Authentication is generally carried out using conventional authentication methods such as text based passwords, but considering the increased usage of electronic services a user has to remember many id-password pairs which often leads to memorability issues. This inspire users to reuse passwords across e-services, but this practice is vulnerable to security attacks. To improve security strength, various authentication techniques have been proposed including two factor schemes based on smart card, tokens etc. and advanced biometric techniques. Graphical Image based authentication systems has received relevant diligence as it provides better usability by way of memorable image passwords. But the tradeoff between usability and security is a major concern while strengthening authentication. This paper proposes a novel twoway secure authentication scheme using DNA cryptography and steganography considering both security and usability. The protocol uses text and image password of which text password is converted into cipher text using DNA cryptography and embedded into image password by applying steganography. Hash value of the generated stego image is calculated using SHA-256 and the same will be used for verification to authenticate legitimate user. 2015 ACM. -
A Secure Resilient Scheme for Autonomous Vehicles against External Attacks
Autonomous vehicular ad hoc networks are networks created with autonomous vehicles and other entities in the vehicular environment. Like traditional vehicular ad hoc networks, autonomous ad hoc networks are also prone to internal and external attacks. Many authentication schemes are proposed to overcome internal attacks, whereas external attacks are not focused on. Though the impact of external attacks is less when compared to that of internal attacks, external attackers observe and analyze the network traffic information, which will be helpful for the internal attackers to affect the performance of the network. Hence, this chapter proposes a secure identity-based authentication scheme without pairings against external attacks. It uses an elliptic curve cryptography-based identity-based signature to authenticate vehicles. The proposed authentication scheme ensures secure vehicular communications, including inter-vehicular communication, without RSUs during emergencies. Simulation results demonstrate its superior performance. 2024 River Publishers. All rights reserved. -
A secured predictive analytics using genetic algorithm and evolution strategies
In the banking sector, the major challenge will be retaining customers. Different banks will be offering various schemes to attract new customers and retain existing customers. The details about the customers will be provided by various features like account number, credit score, balance, credit card usage, salary deposited, and so on. Thus, in this work an attempt is made to identify the churning rate of the possible customers leaving the organization by using genetic algorithm. The outcome of the work may be used by the banks to take measures to reduce churning rates of the possible customers in leaving the respective bank. Modern cyber security attacks have surely played with the effects of the users. Cryptography is one such technique to create certainty, authentication, integrity, availability, confidentiality, and identification of user data can be maintained and security and privacy of data can be provided to the user. The detailed study on identity-based encryption removes the need for certificates. 2020 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
A Selective Excited-State Intramolecular-Proton-Transfer (ESIPT) Sensor for Copper(II) Based on Chelation-Enhanced Quenching and Off-On Detection of Amino Acids
We report the synthesis of 2-(4,5-diphenyl-1H-imidazole-2-yl)phenol (TPI-9) as an interesting fluorescent molecule displaying Excited-State Intramolecular-Proton-Transfer (ESIPT) with stokes shift of 120 nm. Phenolic compounds with the ability to form intramolecular hydrogen bonds and subsequent proton transfer are known as ESIPT fluorophores. Proton accepting ability can increase significantly by tailoring electron-donating groups. With the assistance of an environment-friendly organocatalyst, 10-camphor sulfonic acid (10-CSA), TPI-9 was synthesized to introduce substituents with electron-donating abilities to develop an efficient ESIPT mechanism. Factors influencing the emission, such as solvent, pH, and metal ions, are investigated. Quenching of fluorescence by Cu2+ through chelation enhancement quenching effect with a high selectivity allowed the establishment of a Cu2+ sensor with an LoD of 0.57 ppm and a ratiometric estimation with an LoD of 0.73 ppm. Metal binding (2 : 1) stoichiometry and quenching constant (0.0072 mol?1s?1) are calculated from Job's and Stern-Volmer plots. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations are in accordance with the experimental results. Competitive replacement of TPI-9 by amino acids restores ESIPT, consequently, the fluorescence. Thus, an off-on fluorescence sensor for amino acid estimation is developed under 1 minute incubation. A linear relationship between amino acid concentration and fluorescence intensity is in 0-20 ?g/mL range, and the LoD is less than 2.2 ?g/mL. 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH. -
A self protection shoe to safegaurd women against dangers /
Patent Number: 2020102825, Applicant: Yuvaraj Natarajan. -
A Self-Attention Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory for Cold Start Movie Recommendation Models
Movie recommendation systems are useful tools that help users find relevant results and prevent information overload. On the other hand, the user cold-start issue has arisen because the system lacks sufficient user data. Furthermore, they are not very scalable for use in extensive real-world applications. One of the key strategies to address the sparsity and cold-start problems is to leverage other sources of information, including item or user profiles or user reviews. Processing client feedback is typically a challenging process that involves challenging the interpretation and analysis of the textual data. Thus, this research implements an efficient deep learning-based recommendation architecture. Following the acquisition of textual data from the Amazon product reviews database, stop word removal, lemmatization, and stemming techniques are applied to the data pre-processing which eliminate inconsistent and redundant data, facilitating the process of interpreting and utilising data. Then, the Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) method is applied to extract the feature values from the pre-processed text data. The extracted feature values are fed to the Self-Attention Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (SA-BiLSTM) that utilises the matrix factorization method framework's information sources. The SA-BiLSTM model obtained 95.93% of recall, 94.76% of precision, and 97.84% of accuracy on the amazon product reviews database. 2023 IEEE. -
A self-cooperative trust scheme against black hole attacks in vehicular ad hoc networks
The main objective of the Vehicular Adhoc NETwork (VANET) is to provide secure communications for the vehicles in the network without fixed infrastructures. It inherits all the properties of the MANET. Achieving reliable routing to avoid various routing attacks is the major concern in the vehicular network. Routing attacks degrade the performance of the network. Black hole attack is one of the routing attacks, which drops the data packets without forwarding them to the destination vehicle. Different routing schemes are proposed to provide security against these attacks, which still have security issues. Hence a new self-cooperative trust scheme is proposed in this paper, to detect single as well as collaborative black hole attackers in the network. Two processes: self-detection and cooperative detection, are used to detect attackers in the network. Results show that the proposed scheme has better performance in terms of throughput, PDR and delay. Copyright 2021 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
A Self-Reflective and Empathy Based Environmental Education Intervention to Enhance Environmental Values and Knowledge of Preadolescents
Environmental degradation and climate change have become common phenomena and they are attributable to human actions focusing solely on economic growth. Therefore, it is necessary to fetch drastic changes in the lifestyles of majority of the public and to acquire the collective capacity of ecological intelligence. The accumulation of ecological intelligence results in environmental knowledge, values, and skills to deal effectively with the environment. The present study is an attempt to develop and apply a self-reflection and empathy-based Environmental Education module for 11-12 years old children to enhance their environmental values and knowledge. The study utilized a pre-test post-test quasi experimental design for which two existing sixth grade classes (intervention group and control group) from different schools, selected through purposive sampling formed the sample. A pre-test and a post-test were conducted on the participants environmental values, attitude, knowledge for the intervention and control groups. Additionally, environmental behaviour, self-reflection and insight were assessed before and after the intervention and the student workbooks were undergone content analysis for the intervention group. The self- reflective and empathy-based Environmental Education intervention was administered for the class selected as the intervention group in between the pre and post-tests. The researcher observed the interventions effectiveness on environmental values with the help of the attitude scale of the Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale (CHEAKS), through the content analysis of student workbooks, and through session feedback form. The positive impact of the intervention on environmental knowledge was understood from the analysis of the knowledge scale of the Children's Environmental Attitude and Knowledge Scale (CHEAKS) and from the session feedback form. Additionally, there is an improvement in the intervention groups reflective thinking ability and environmental behaviour when assessed through Self-Reflection and Insight Scale for Youth and parent observation checklist. The study has implications concerning the implementation of Environmental Education. -
A Semiotic Analysis of Political Cartoons in Malayalam Newspapers during the 2016 Assembly Election
I am immensely grateful for the everlasting love and grace of the Almighty God for granting me wisdom and guiding me to complete this study successfully. I would like to thank Dr (Fr) Abraham V M, Vice- Chancellor, Christ University, Bengaluru for giving me the opportunity to pursue research and facilitating me to complete my study. I thank Mr. Padmakumar, Head of the Department of Media Studies for being always approachable, understanding and infusing positivity that motivated me to persist in my endeavours with conviction that has enabled me to complete my thesis. I express my sincere thanks to my guide and supervisor Dr. Pradeep Thomas J.A Department of Media studies, Christ University, Bengaluru for his constant supervision, mentoring and valuable inputs throughout the course of my study. I thank the department of Media Studies for taking time out and guiding my thesis at every stage. I have been able to build my thesis with all your valuable insights. I sincerely thank all my M.Phil. professors for their constant help and guidance. I express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Sukumaran Potti (Chairman, Kerala Cartoon Academy), Mr. Baiju Paulose (Staff Cartoonist, Malayala Manorama), Unnikrishnan K (Chief Sub Editor, Mathrubhumi), V R Rajesh (cartoonist, Madhyamam), T.K Sujith (staff cartoonist, Keralakaumudi) and Satish Acharya, renowned Indian cartoonist for taking part in the study and giving valuable contribution for the study. Finally, I am thankful to my parents, brother and my friends for their constant encouragement, moral support, continuous inspiration and prayers to carry out this dissertation successfully. -
A short review on environmental impacts and application of iron ore tailings in development of sustainable eco-friendly bricks
Increased mining activity of iron ore has led to the generation of voluminous wastes of various nature, especially during the different stages of its extraction and production. The improper disposal of such waste causes negative impact on the environment. One such waste which is generated during the beneficiation process of iron ore is waste iron ore tailings, which is also termed as IOT. Further, dumping of IOT on open ground creates huge dumping sites. This dumping sites have been a concern to the environment and human population in its close vicinity. Therefore, a need to effectively use IOT has become one of the subjects of interest for many researchers. This article provides a short review of environmental problems caused due to improper disposal of IOT, and also reviews on the reuse methods of IOT in the construction sector, which helps to alleviate the environmental pollution associated with improper disposal of IOT. Furthermore, reuse of IOT in construction sector reduces the exploitation of the virgin materials for production of construction material, and thus reducing depletion of natural resources. Based on the existing literatures and findings it was observed that the use of IOT to develop stable building blocks using unconventional methods showed great potential and improved performance, when compared with conventional materials such as clay fired bricks. 2021 -
A Short Review on Recent Applications of Chitosan Biopolymer in Gene and Drug Delivery
The battle of the human race with genetic disorders was prevailing from the time immemorial. Revolutions and modernizations in science and technology have clearly improved our understanding regarding the molecular basis of genetic disorders thereby aiding in designing new therapeutic interventions in their treatment and prevention. With the advent and development of gene therapy in the last few decades, promising windows were opened for treatment and prevention of genetic disorders and cancer. Despite of its remarkable significance in medicine, the common practice of using viral vectors as gene delivery agents has created controversies and concerns among the scientific community. This made the research focus on biobased polymers as alternative non-viral vector systems for gene and drug delivery for treating genetic disorders and cancer. Chitosan is a cationic polymer that can be easily tailored to serve as gene and drug delivery due to their biocompatibility and biodegradability. Their structural integrity and stability have made them widely used for various applications in the biomedical field. Chitosan and its derivatives have gained more attention as vectors for gene delivery and cancer therapy in the past decade. The amenability of structural modification, non-toxicity and high biodegradability of chitosan derivatives can make them prospective carriers for controlled drug delivery in future. 2022 Chemical Publishing Co.. All rights reserved. -
A Shortest Path Problem for Drug Delivery Using Domination and Eccentricity
The concept of domination was first introduced in by Ore in 1962. With this, the study of domination gained importance and has been vigorously studied since then. The idea about eccentricity for vertices in a graph was given by Buckley and Harary in 1990. This paper combined the ideas about domination and eccentricity and provides the observation obtained during the study. Most of the basic ideas about domination and eccentricity has been covered and also a comparative study between these two has been stated along with problem of drug transportation through networks. These ideas can be further used to solve the real-world problems which uses concepts of domination and eccentricity like for example drug delivery game theory problems, routing problem, assignment problem and many more. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Signature-Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for Remote Health Monitoring
Remote health monitoring can offer a lot of advantage to all the players in healthcare industry and it can contribute to reduced healthcare expenses. Wireless medical sensor networks capable of accumulating and transferring vital parameters of patients play a crucial role in remote health monitoring. Security and privacy are major concerns preventing the patients from adopting this technology with an open mind. This paper presents a signature-based authentication protocol for remote health monitoring. The work also discusses an authentication protocol for the mutual authentication of users and medical server. The protocol does not require the server to maintain a password table. The proposed algorithms are resistant to various attacks such as replay attack, stolen verifier attack, and privileged insider attack. The work includes the informal and formal security analysis of the proposed protocols. Scyther tool is used for formal security analysis and the results show that the protocol is resistant to various common and automated attacks. 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
A Simple and Efficient [(n-Bu3Sn)2MO4]n Catalyzed Synthesis of Quinazolinones and Dihydroquinazolinones
A novel unprecedented approach for the synthesis of various quinazolinones and dihydroquinazolinones has been using [(n-Bu3Sn)2MO4]n as a catalyst. The reaction has been screened in various solvents and a gram scale experiment has also been demonstrated under given conditions. Further, the substrate scope of the reaction and the recyclability of the catalyst have also been studied. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
A Simple and Efficient Ligand-Free Copper-Catalyzed C-N Bond Formation of Aryl (Hetero) Halides and N-Heteroaryl Amines
In this protocol, we report a simple, inexpensive, and user-friendly conventional method for C-N cross coupling between aryl/heteroaryl halides and hetero aryl amines using copper iodide as a catalyst in DMSO as a solvent to prepare pyrimidines and pyrazines derivatives. The reaction conditions were optimized by screening in various copper catalysts and bases. The substrate scope of the reaction was also carried out to prepare novel functionalized N-arylated compounds in good yields. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.