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Classification Algorithms Used in the Study of EEG-Based Epileptic Seizure Detection
Epilepsy is a neurological illness that has become more frequent around the world. Nearly 80% of epileptic seizure sufferers live in low- and middle-income nations. In persons with encephalopathy, the risk of dying prematurely is three times higher than in the general population. Three-quarters of people with brain illnesses in low-income countries do not receive the treatment they require. Recurrent seizures are a symptom of epilepsy, characterized by strange bursts of excess energy in mind. Experts agree that most people diagnosed with epilepsy may be managed successfully, provided the episodes are discovered early on. As a result, machine learning plays an essential role in seizure detection and diagnosis. Support Vector Machine(SVM), Extreme Gradient Boosting(Xgboost), Decision Tree Classifier, Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA), Perceptron, Naive Bayes Classifier, k-Nearest Neighbor(k-NN), and Logistic Regression are eight of the most widely used machine learning classification algorithms used to classify EEG based mostly Epileptic Seizures. Almost all classifiers, according to the study, give an efficient process. Despite this, the results show that SVM is the most effective method for detecting epileptic seizures, with a 96.84% accuracy rate. For diagnosing Epileptic Seizures using EEG signals, the perceptron model has a lower accuracy of 76.21% percent. 2021 IEEE. -
An Empirical Study ofSignal Transformation Techniques onEpileptic Seizures Using EEG Data
Signal processing may be a mathematical approach to manipulate the signals for varied applications. A mathematical relation that changes the signal from one kind to a different is named a transformation technique in the signal process. Digital processing of electroencephalography (EEG) signals plays a significant role in a highly multiple application, e.g., seizure detection, prediction, and classification. In these applications, the transformation techniques play an essential role. Signal transformation techniques are acquainted with improved transmission, storage potency, and subjective quality and collectively emphasize or discover components of interest in an extremely measured EEG signal.The transformed signals result in better classification. This article provides a study on some of the important techniques used for transformation of EEG data. During this work, we have studied six signal transformation techniques like linear regression, logistic regression, discrete wavelet transform, wavelet transform, fast Fourier transform, and principal component analysis with Eigen vector to envision their impact on the classification of epileptic seizures. Linear regression, logistic regression, and discrete wavelet transform provides high accuracy of 100%, and wavelet transform produced an accuracy of 96.35%. The proposed work is an empirical study whose main aim is to discuss some typical EEG signal transformation methods, examine their performances for epileptic seizure prediction, and eventually recommend the foremost acceptable technique for signal transformation supported by the performance. This work also highlights the advantages and disadvantages of all seven transformation techniques providing a precise comparative analysis in conjunction with the accuracy. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Active Learning from an Imbalanced Dataset: A Study Conducted on the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Dataset
The proposed chapter deals with psychological data related to depression, anxiety, and stress to study how the classification and analysis is carried out on imbalanced data. The proposed study not only contributes on providing practical information about the balancing techniques such as synthetic minority oversampling technique but also reveals the strategy for dealing with the working of many existing classification algorithms such as the support vector machine, random forest, XGBoost, etc. on the imbalanced dataset. The present use of evaluation metrics that are solely implied for the imbalanced data classification is also illustrated. It was observed that the ordinary model assessment techniques do not precisely quantify model execution when gone up against imbalanced datasets and that the common techniques such as the logistic regression and decision tree have a predisposition toward classes that have many observations. The attributes of the minority class are treated low and are routinely overlooked. Henceforth, there is a high likelihood of misclassification of the minority class when compared to the majority class. A confusion matrix which contains data about the real and predicted class is used as an assessment standard to check the exhibition of grouping calculation. Rather than going for accuracy, F-score and the area under the curve are considered as the measures to evaluate the classification model. 2022 selection and editorial matter, Vishal Jain, Sapna Juneja, Abhinav Juneja, and Ramani Kannan. -
Universal Electrical Motor Acoustic Noise Reduction based on Rotor Surface Modification
Electromagnetic noise is referred to the audible sound which is produced by materials vibrating due to electromagnetic force. In the present day circumstances, a greater attention is being given to the electromagnetic acoustic noise produced by electrical machines. It is found to annoy human beings and other living organisms due to its tonal sound. The current work aims at designing a rotor for a universal motor with the objective to decrease the acoustic noise by minimization of forced density harmonics. The design consists of some irregularities in the rotor surface to decrease the acoustic noise by internally modifying the air gap permeance. Simulation shall be carried out based on FEM. A lot of research is being carried out on the methods of reducing the noise from electrical machines. The results of the current work significantly help in reducing a lot of noise pollution. The change in the rotor surface will reduce the electromagnetic acoustic noise from the electrical machine. It will also affect the torque parameters positively as studied from earlier research work. 2019 IEEE. -
Valorization of pineapple peels through single cell protein production using saccharomyces cerevisiae NCDC 364
Background and objective: Pineapple peels contain significant quantities of carbohydrates, which can be used as cheap raw materials for production of commercially important products through fermentation. The aim of this study was to use this feed stock for the cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCDC 364 and its use as single cell protein. Material and methods: The single cell protein was produced using discarded pineapple peels and Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCDC 364. Optimization of bioprocess variables (temperature, pH, incubation period, carbon source and nitrogen source) affecting single cell protein production was carried out using classical "one factor at a time" approach. The harvested cells from optimized media were screened for amino acid content using high-performance thin-layer chromatography. Results and conclusion: The Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCDC 364 produced maximum single cell protein in pineapple peel based media, compared to non-optimized media. The "one factor at a time" approach showed that the maximum biomass production was achieved at optimized levels of temperature of 25C, pH of 5, incubation period of 120 h, carbon source of 1% sucrose and nitrogen source of 0.5% beef extract. The amino acid profiling of the harvested biomass using high-performance thin-layer chromatography analysis revealed that tryptophan included a comparatively higher concentration of 6.52%, followed by threonine (3.25%). Results of this study suggest that easily available raw materials such as fruit peels offer cost-effective substrates for production of commercially important microbial proteins for alarming global issues linked to protein malnutrition. Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 2019 National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute. -
Biodegradation studies of polyhydroxyalkanoates extracted from Bacillus subtilis NCDC 0671
The major characteristic feature that distinguishes polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) from its synthetic counterparts is its biodegradability. PHAs are the only class of biopolymers reported to be 100% degradable under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions without production of any toxic residues. The biodegradability of PHAs is influenced by several factors like moisture, temperature, pH, surface area and molecular weight of the polymer. The rate of biodegradation varies greatly depending on the environment. Biodegradation studies were carried out using plating method and direct inoculation method using selected Bacillus strains. Fungal degradation of PHA sheets was assessed using Penicillium chrysogenum. Biodegradation of PHA sheets in different soil types like river valley, agricultural land and garden soil was investigated. The degree of PHA degradation in aqueous environment was studied by incubating the sheets in distilled water, sea water, fish tank water and pond water. The highest degradation rate was observed with agriculture land soil (35.47 0.13%) and fish tank soil (36.93 0.13%). The non-toxic nature of the soil incubated with PHA sheets was ensured using plant growth test. 2019, World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
A sustainable approach for fish waste valorization through polyhydroxyalkanoate production by Bacillus megaterium NCDC0679 and its optimization studies
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are considered as the only class of truly biodegradable and biocompatible polymers. Although extensive research has been carried out in producing them from a wide variety of organisms, their commercialization still faces hurdles majorly associated with the cost of production media. This research work exploits the use of discarded fish scale waste as a major media component for biopolymer production. The major novelty of the research work is the utilization of a Bacillus megaterium NCDC0679 for PHA production using fish scale waste that is not reported previously. Furthermore, a sequential and systematic statistical optimization strategy employing response surface methodology was used to trace out the level of the most significant variables and their interaction effects on PHA production add to the significant novelty of this work. The significance of the model developed was determined from the p values of ANOVA. Under optimized levels of glucose (50g/L), NaCl (0.125g/L), and fish scale hydrolysate concentration (62.5% v/v), maximum PHA yield of 6.33g/L was achieved in the shake flask culture system. This was found to be 5.50-fold higher than the unoptimized medium. The ANOVA results established the significance of the model (p < 0.05). The extracted polymer was characterized through Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Thus, the present investigation suggests an innovative method for valorization of fish scale waste for commercial production of PHA. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature. -
Valorization of pineapple peel waste for fungal pigment production using Talaromyces albobiverticillius: Insights into antibacterial, antioxidant and textile dyeing properties
The present study explores natural pigments as sustainable alternatives to synthetic textile dyes. Due to their therapeutic applications and easy production, fungal pigments have gained attention. However, data on pigment production using solid-state fermentation and optimization is limited. Milk whey was used to grow Talaromyces sp., followed by an evaluation of pigment production in solid and liquid media. Pineapple peels were used as a cost-effective substrate for pigment production, and a one-factor-at-a-time approach was used to enhance pigment production. Pineapple peel-based media produced 0.523 0.231 mg/g of pigment after eight days of incubation. The crude pigment had promising antibacterial and significant antioxidant properties. The extraction fungal pigment's possible use as an eco-friendly textile dye was assessed through fabric dyeing experiments with different mordants. This work contributes to the valorization of agricultural waste and provides insight into using fungal pigments as sustainable alternatives to synthetic textile dyes. 2023 Elsevier Inc. -
Progress in bio-based biodegradable polymer as the effective replacement for the engineering applicators
The development of biopolymers has significantly touched each and every sphere of human life due to their eco friendliness and biodegradability. In recent decades, the production of biopolymers gained profound attention due to the serious environmental concerns and threat to the non-renewable resources. The increased use of synthetic plastic in biomedical and engineering applications stays as a major threat to environment when these xenobiotics enter the food chain and soil upon their careless discharge after use. The significant material properties of plastic has made it as an inevitable part in our day to day life, but the concern over the environment directs the research focus on searching and developing biopolymers and bio composites as sustainable alternatives for their synthetic counterparts. Biopolymers of commercial interest can be majorly produced intracellularly by microbes or can be extracted through chemical or biological methods from plant and animal based substrates. The potential candidates with high market value with specific reference to biomedical engineering and tissue engineering include as polyhydroxyalkanoates, cellulose, chitosan and chitin, hydroxyapatite, and pectin. Despite of having high degree of biocompatibility, the major hurdle that retracts their widespread use commercially is attributed to the cost of production. This can be tackled out by exploiting cheap raw materials like agro waste as substrate and by employing green approaches over solvent based conventional extraction methods. The reduction in the material properties of purified biopolymers restricts their widespread application especially in the fabrication of thermoplastic blends. This can be resolved by production of bio composites with improved properties than their parent biopolymers. The current review focuses on the recent developments in biopolymer science especially with regard to its application in engineering majorly biomedical and tissue engineering. This study throws light on the biosynthetic pathways, extraction methods and applications of commercially important biopolymers. Furthermore, the challenges, limitations, and future prospects in the production and commercialization of biopolymers is briefly discussed in this review. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Sustainable Biodegradable and Bio-based Materials
The quest for sustainable biodegradable and bio-based materials is ever increasing due to their versatile properties and also their ability to serve as potential alternatives to their synthetic counterparts. The major types of bio-based materials of commercial importance can be derived majorly from plant, animal, and microbial sources through physical, chemical, or biological extraction methods. Despite their potential applications, biocompatibility, and biodegradability, these bio-based polymers still face hurdles in competing with conventional plastics. The major factors contributing to this involve the production and extraction cost. In recent years, the integration of waste valorization with biopolymer production and the development of eco-friendly green extraction protocols with minimum usage of chemicals were visualized as efficient strategies for the sustainable production of biopolymers. This study summarizes the important biodegradable and bio-based materials of commercial importance along with their production methods and application in diverse sectors. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Ajay, Parveen, Sharif Ahmad, Jyotsna Sharma, Victor Gambhir. -
Extraction, characterization, and fabrication of cellulose biopolymer sheets from Pistia stratiotes as a biodegradative coating material: an unique strategy for the conversion of invasive weeds into value-added products
This study explores the possibility of using Water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) as a cost-effective substrate for the commercial extraction of cellulose biopolymer using a wide variety of physicochemical treatment methods to compare their efficiency in cellulose extraction. The extraction of cellulose from water lettuce, although promising due to their high cellulose content, was less explored as per the available literature. In this study, functional properties like bulk density-packed density, hydrated density, water retention capacity, oil retention capacity, emulsifying activity and setting volume of the extracted cellulose were studied. The cellulose content from water lettuce was found to be 38.94 0.10% by anthrone method. Preliminary confirmation of cellulose biopolymer was done using the study of functional groups using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) analysis. Further characterization studies like Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X- Ray Diffraction (XRD), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were conducted to understand the molecular architecture and purity of the cellulose extracted. Fabrication of cellulose sheets was carried out using starch as the plasticizer. Biodegradation studies were conducted in garden soil for four weeks and a high degradation rate of 78.22 0.71% was observed in the fourth week of soil burial. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Fruit Waste as Sustainable Resources for Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Production
Production of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) using commercially available carbon sources like glucose or sucrose makes the bioprocess economically nonviable, thereby hindering its commercialization. As an alternative to this issue, inexpensive and easily available agro-industrial wastes are now being exploited as feedstock for PHA production. Fruit wastes are generally discarded as they are considered to be the non-product leftovers which do not have any economic value when compared with the cost of their collection and recovery steps for reuse. But through the use of appropriate technological applications, these wastes can be converted to valuable by-products, which can increase the value of the products much higher than the cost associated with recovery steps. By recycling and reprocessing the fruit wastes, they can be channeled into many applications, and thereby the amount of fruit wastes discharged into the environment can be completely reduced along with their detrimental effects. Large amounts of fruit wastes are produced by fruit-based industries. The waste products can be both solids and liquids, and these wastes are of high nutritional and biomass values for microorganism; thus their addition to waterbodies can make them highly polluted (high BOD or COD). These fruit-based wastes still have a promising potential for bioconversion into products of commercial importance or can be successfully exploited as cheap raw materials for industrial production of commercially important metabolites. This chapter deals with the strategies for production of PHA from fruit waste substrates, extraction and characterization of PHA, and their applications in diverse sectors. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021. -
Fish waste valorisation through production of biodiesel and biopolymers for sustainable development: A mini review
Fish processing waste accounts for one of the major classes of food waste generated worldwide in terms of the high volume of waste generated. The presence of high amounts of organic compounds (proteins: 1530 %, lipids: 520 %) in fish waste makes them highly susceptible to autolysis which when not managed properly pose adverse effects on the environment like production of offensive odor, generation of hydrogen sulfide, higher biological oxygen demand (1000 mg/L to 12,000 mg/L or even higher) (BOD), and multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Fish waste is rich in lipids and polysaccharides that can be channelized for biodiesel and biopolymer production respectively. Biodiesel refers to the biofuel produced from transesterification of plant and animal fats. Extraction of oils from fish waste followed by transesterification reactions can yield biodiesel through a biorefinery approach. Biorefinery concept emphasizes the conversion of biomass into commercially important byproducts. Biopolymers refers to the natural polymers that can be extracted from the natural sources or produced through microbial fermentation process. Furthermore, commercially important biopolymers like chitosan and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) can be used as biorefineries. This review work presents the sequential strategies for conversion of fish waste to biodiesel, PHA and chitosan through various physicochemical and biological methods. The review also presents the existing challenges and the future in the fish waste biorefinery concept. The scope of this review is to present a broader concept of integrating fish waste biorefinery for production of multiple value added products like biodiesel and biopolymers. 2025 Elsevier Ltd -
Microbial Fuel Cells: The Microbial Route for Bioelectricity
The quest for sustainable energy sources serves as the essential pillar for development of humans since the dawn of civilization. The alarming increase in demand of energy, especially electricity propelled the need to screen for alternative sources of energy over the conventional fossil based non-renewable counterparts. Electricity generation through microbial route functions by the fundamental phenomena of electron transport chain and the microbes operate as the source of energy production utilizing the substrate. Since its initiation, microbial fuel cell has gained a lot of research focus from all over the world. The integration of waste treatment with power generation was highlighted as the most productive and sustainable part of microbial fuel cells. Over the past few decades, a lot of research and development was done on improving the design of fuel cells, searching for cost-effective electrodes and membranes for commercialization. Despite tremendous research done on this domain, its commercialization still faces a lot of hurdles especially once it comes to the overall maintenance and production cost. This chapter summarizes the basic architecture of different microbial fuel cells and the challenges that need to be addressed for making microbial fuel cells a sustainable route for the bioelectricity generation from microorganisms. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020. -
Eggshells biowaste for hydroxyapatite green synthesis using extract piper betel leaf - Evaluation of antibacterial and antibiofilm activity
The present research work reports the biosynthesis of hydroxyapatite (HAp) from eggshells and green synthesis of HAp from eggshells with incorporation of Piper betel leaf extract (PBL-HAp) using microwave conversion method. Although there are several works on synthesis of HAp from eggshells and other calcium and phosphorus rich substrates, the incorporation of herbal extract with HAp to promote antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity is less explored and reported. This research work highlights a simple and cost-effective method for development of antimicrobial biomaterials by combining the concepts of waste management, biomaterial science, and herbal medicine. In the present study, characterization of synthesized HAp was applied by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy, and morphological analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The characterization results indicated that the prepared HAp and PBL-HAp were pure b-type carbonated HAp. The PBL-HAp was checked for its antibacterial activity using the well diffusion method and biofilm inhibitory activity by crystal violet assay against some common pathogens. The antibacterial activities against Staphylococcus aureus and biofilm inhibitory activities against Escherichia coli, Vibrio harveyi, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus of Piper betel leaf extract coated HAp (PBL-HAp) were showed to be significant and offered a promising role for the development of potent dental biomaterials. 2021 Elsevier Inc. -
Waste Management for Waste Entrepreneurship: An Emerging Concept
Since the very beginning of civilization, waste has always been an incessant problem and their management remains burdensome till date, as the rate of waste generation is increasing with the increase in population, land use and development of economy. Waste is generally considered as an unavoidable trash/nuisance with zero value and concerns which can be overruled by the waste management system. It is a well-organized holistic expensive process that includes segregation at sources, on-time collection, transportation, reuse, recycle, reprocess and disposal of the leftover materials into the landfills, which usually receives inadequate attention as public get easily acclimatized to live along with the generated wastes. Managing waste in an environmentally favorable, culturally acceptable and techno-economically feasible manner is a need in recent times. Society is in a need to think of ways to minimize and utilize waste for other uses. Understanding waste management in terms of its challenges involves knowledge dissemination to the public, waste prevention, valorization, responsible material production and packaging, maximum recycling, conservation of resources, enhancement of sustainability and reduction of greenhouse gasses. Opportunities in waste management could be achieved by exercising circular economy practices which reinforce environmental, societal and economic benefits. Role of entrepreneurs in the waste management system encompasses a cluster of skilled as well as unskilled workers, as it is a labor-intensive system. Entrepreneurs may invest money as well as infuse novel skills and technologies to transform trash into treasures. The efficacy and significance of waste management will eventually increase with the active participation of entrepreneurs. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Unsteady squeezing flow of a magnetized nano-lubricant between parallel disks with Robin boundary conditions
The aim of the present work is to examine the impact of magnetized nanoparticles (NPs) in enhancement of heat transport in a tribological system subjected to convective type heating (Robin) boundary conditions. The regime examined comprises the squeezing transition of a magnetic (smart) Newtonian nano-lubricant between two analogous disks under an axial magnetism. The lower disk is permeable whereas the upper disk is solid. The mechanisms of haphazard motion of NPs and thermophoresis are simulated. The non-dimensional problem is solved numerically using a finite difference method in the MATLAB bvp4c solver based on Lobotto quadrature, to scrutinize the significance of thermophoresis parameter, squeezing number, Hartmann number, Prandtl number, and Brownian motion parameter on velocity, temperature, nanoparticle concentration, Nusselt number, factor of friction, and Sherwood number distributions. The obtained results for the friction factor are validated against previously published results. It is found that friction factor at the disk increases with intensity in applied magnetic field. The haphazard (Brownian) motion of nanoparticles causes an enhancement in thermal field. Suction and injection are found to induce different effects on transport characteristics depending on the specification of equal or unequal Biot numbers at the disks. The main quantitative outcome is that, unequal Biot numbers produce significant cooling of the regime for both cases of disk suction or injection, indicating that Robin boundary conditions yield substantial deviation from conventional thermal boundary conditions. Higher thermophoretic parameter also elevates temperatures in the regime. The nanoparticles concentration at the disk is boosted with higher values of Brownian motion parameter. The response of temperature is similar in both suction and injection cases; however, this tendency is quite opposite for nanoparticle concentrations. In the core zone, the resistive magnetic body force dominates and this manifests in a significant reduction in velocity, that is damping. The heat build-up in squeeze films (which can lead to corrosion and degradation of surfaces) can be successfully removed with magnetic nanoparticles leading to prolonged serviceability of lubrication systems and the need for less maintenance. IMechE 2021. -
Study of multilayer flow of two immiscible nanofluids in a duct with viscous dissipation
Numerical simulations for the mixed convective multilayer flow of two different immiscible nanofluids in a duct with viscous heating effects were performed in this study. The left and right faces of the duct are maintained to be isothermal, while other side faces are insulated. The mathematical governing system for each layer consists of an incompressibility condition equation, the Navier-Stokes momentum equation, and the conservation of energy equation. At the interface of the immiscible layer, the continuity of velocity, shear stress, temperature, and heat flux are considered. The dimensionless equations governing each layer were numerically integrated using the finite difference method and the Southwell-over-relaxation method. A mesh independence test is conducted. Furthermore, a parametric study is performed to analyze how the different nanoparticle volume fractions and viscous heating affect the transport characteristics of engine oil-copper and mineral oil-silver nanofluids. The study also examined the effects of various types of nanoparticles and base fluids. The results demonstrated that heat transport could be efficiently controlled by considering the viscous heating aspect. Moreover, the effects of different nanoparticles on heat transport were found to be more significant than those of base fluids. Finally, a point-wise comparison of our numerical results demonstrates a good agreement with existing studies in the literature. 2023 Author(s). -
Influence of manufacturing process on distribution of MWCNT in aluminium alloy matrix and its effect on microhardness
Nano composites are finding increased focus and their influence on improving the matrix properties are very attractive. But the success is fully dependent on the uniform distribution and dispersion of nano reinforcements in the matrix. Manufacturing process was found to have greater role in distribution of the reinforcements. The liquid processing and solid processing like SPS and hot coining found to have different effect on the matrix due to the nature of reinforcements. Current study focussed on the microstructure study using Back scattered images and the microhardness with and without reinforcements. MWCNT was occupying the particle boundary. Hot coining was found to distribute MWCNT on the particle surface as well as on the particle boundary. Clustering was absent and resulted in improved hardness in comparison with casting as well as spark plasma sintering. 2018 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. -
Ban or boon: Consumer attitude towards plastic bags ban
In Tamil Nadu, the state government has imposed a ban on plastic bags two years ago. This has created a major impact of the day to day life of common people. Though it has positive effect on the environment, the common public had different perception as a consumer. This paper aimed at studying the consumer attitude towards the ban on plastic bags. A descriptive research design adopted to address the various dimension of consumer perception towards the ban on plastic ban. A sample size of 400 respondents was selected on the basis of systematic random sampling technique to collect data through structured questionnaire. For conducting the survey, consumers of retail shops in urban and rural places were chosen as target respondents. The collected data were analyzed with the help of statistical tools such as ANOVA, t-Test, Correlation, Linear Regression and Structural equation modelling and the interpretation reported. The result revealed that only 34 percentage of respondent were aware the environmental impact of plastic bags. About 71 percentage of consumers reported that they have faced difficulties in their day to day life due to plastic ban. 2021 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved.