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The little I receive is not enough: A qualitative study of food insecurity in the South Bronx
The objective of this study was to explore the lived experiences of food insecurity amongst Bronx residents. Applying a community-based participatory research approach, we conducted a qualitative study, entailing 38 interviews with food pantry recipients, 4 key informant interviews with social service administrators, and two focus groups with 12 food pantry staff and social service providers in New York City (NYC). Applying a precarity framework, we identified three themes: (1) unaffordability of living expenses in NYC; (2) financial hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (3) institutional and technological barriers to food access. We identified the following subthemes under theme one: rising food costs and high cost of living. Under theme two, we identified four subthemes: (a) large household size driving poverty for Bronx families; (b) vulnerabilities to food insecurity among older adults; (c) budgeting for reduced incomes during the COVID-19 pandemic; and (d) managing unstable employment. Under the third theme, we identified three subthemes: (a) lack of access to healthy, culturally appropriate foods; (b) need for wider service availability; (c) and not having smartphones for telehealth. Study findings demonstrate how precarity impacts the lived experiences of food insecurity and financial hardship for residents of the South Bronx during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2024 Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS). -
The linkage between green banking practices and green loyalty: A customer perspective
The aim of this study is to explore the bank customers perceptions towards green banking practices. This study uses a convenient sampling method. Pre-tested questionnaires were employed to collect data. The data were collected conveniently from 358 bank customers. However, the final sample includes 304 responses after ignoring null responses (n = 304). The Structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied for the analyses. The significant results of the study indicate that green banking practices positively influence green image (p = 0.001) and green trust (p = 0.025), while it does not significantly affect green loyalty (p = 0.642). The mediation analysis reveals that green image mediates the relationship between green banking practices and green loyalty, while green trust does not mediate the relationship between the same. The results have practical implications for banking institutions in India to recognize the importance of environmental initiatives in influencing the decisions of bank customers. Deepthi S. Pawar, Jothi Munuswamy, 2022. -
The LimbuTamang Communities of Sikkim History and Future of Their Demand for Reservation
Since its merger in 1975 with the Indian union, one of the major sociopolitical issues in Sikkim has been the demand for reservation in the state legislative assembly for two communitiesLimbu and Tamang. The demand of reservation for the Limbus and Tamangs crystallised in Sikkim when these communities were notified as Scheduled Tribes under the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act, 2002. The history and future of this political demand has been analysed. 2023 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
The Learning Organization for attaining inclusive growth: A new paradigm for the emerging educational market
This chapter aims to apply the concept of the learning organization for the higher educational institutions (HEIs) for attaining inclusive growth. For the theoretical underpinning, the concept of the professional learning community has been considered because there exists only a very thin difference with the learning organization concept. The researchers used a qualitative approach to analyze the literature resources to find the most promising variables associated with the learning organization and used Dedoose (qualitative software) to select the variables. It is found that variables such as knowledge management, inspired learning, team learning, and transcending organizational boundaries are the most important variables associated with a learning organization. The corporates which have implemented LO have been very successful and one of them is Royal Dutch Shell. The Indian Higher Educational Institutions are the backbone of the Indian economy. However, there is no yardstick to measure success. LO can be implemented to check the growth. This research work will serve as a base for motivating future researchers to make use of the LO concept for drafting educational policy for inclusive growth. If all HEIs are learning organizations, India will soon be a highly rich country. Indian HEI has not practised the concept of learning organization. Henceforth, the suggestions and recommendations will be a new yardstick, which can be used to measure the present status and to frame strategies to improvise and scale success. 2022 selection and editorial matter, Sudhir Rana and Avinash K Shrivastava. -
The Latest Technology and its Integration for the Development of Healthcare(Medical)
Healthcare advances that use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyze data, use devices, and identify patients offer new possibilities for better patient care, cutting costs, and growing the medical sector. The age of specialized human health tests has begun. It uses noninvasive instruments, sound, visual the use of photography, electronic health tools, embedded health instruments, fluidic diagnostic tracking, and combined data analysis to provide people with tailored medical suggestions. These technologies contribute to early identification and comprehending of health issues linked to chronic illnesses and general health using information analysis and AI-driven ideas. Notable uses include a Parkinson's and Huntington's Under certain circumstances, diabetes, cancer, kidney disease, heart problems, elderly care, and a number of healthcare areas. Industry changes are expected as a result of the latest breakthroughs in outdoor monitors, AI-driven evaluation of data, and healthcare testing technologies. AI systems give data to people and health workers, possibly better their way of life and cutting healthcare costs. These include: tracking the effectiveness of medicines, finding chronic illnesses early, and offering individualized care using medical trends and DNA. In relation to healthcare studies and sensor tracking, this study explains new technologies and advances in diverse fusion methods, materials, and processes. Precise diagnostic info, small merchandise dimensions, and cost are high considerations. Healthcare workers, patients, consumers all benefit from more personal health care services thanks to the merging of AI with information streams. The text highlights both advantages and hurdles while showing the way toward upcoming displays and academic papers that follow a path of growth in the industry. 2024 IEEE. -
The Kerala, India Experience of Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kerala, a southwestern state of India, reported the first COVID-19 case in India. Its alert health department went into a detailed preparation to face the pandemic and its related effects. Kerala soon earned international attention for its handling of the COVID-19 emergency. Some of the factors that are outstanding about Kerala, apart from its achievements in education and healthcare, are decentralized governance, active public involvement, and a high level of womens participation. This chapter explores Keralas COVID-19 crisis management during the first phase of the pandemic. It explains how the welfare system of Kerala, which is the outcome of the years of accountable governance, has worked to provide a protective safety net to the people of Kerala. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. -
The Jigsaw of Capital Structure
European Journal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No.13, pp. 192-197, ISSN No. 2222-288X -
The Jesuit educational mission in rural Chotanagpur, India: historical achievements and contemporary challenges
Jesuit schools, in particular, have been known for a long time to be centres of learning in Chotanagpur area, India, where tremendous efforts were made to achieve a high level of academic excellence; yet it appears that this legacy is not being sustained among rural, tribal, vernacular schools of Chotanagpur these days because of varied reasons. In addition, it is observed that the agents of education, namely teachers, working in these schools have ceased to represent desirable attitudes (psychological wellbeing and affective commitment) which are essential for the teaching-learning process. If Jesuits want to maintain relevant and inspirational education in Chotanagpur, then they need to discern, decide, and dedicate themselves to guarantee teachers psychological well-being and affective commitment so that teachers can become creators of the Jesuit education ethos. Against this backdrop, the present research paper discusses the scenario of Jesuit run rural schools in Chotanagpur its historical achievements and contemporary challenges. In addition, practical implications and recommendations for a better future are discussed. 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The interval valued fuzzy graph associated with a Crisp graph
We define the interval valued fuzzy graph (IVFG) associated with a crisp graph based on the degrees of the nodes of the crisp graph and study its various properties. The nature of arcs of the IVFG associated with a crisp graph can be determined if the adjacency matrix of the crisp graph is given. We show that the IVFG associated with a regular graph is regular, totally regular, edge regular and totally edge regular, but the IVFG associated with a complete graph is not a complete IVFG. We prove that the IVFG associated with Cn, n ? 3 is an interval valued fuzzy cycle and the IVFG associated with the wheel graph Wn, n ? 5 is an interval valued fuzzy tree. 2021 Forum-Editrice Universitaria Udinese SRL. All rights reserved. -
The Intersectionality of Social Exclusion and International Comparison: Rethinking the Methodological Nuances
This chapter foregrounds the methodological considerations involved in a cross-national comparison of qualitative data on social exclusion and marginalization. Drawing on the possibilities of intersectional multilevel analysis in Indian and Swiss contexts, the chapter further discusses the nuances of juxtaposing these data. It follows attempts by a Swiss-Indian research team to study how marginalization involves multiple intersectionalities that operate simultaneously. It aims to capture the experiences of migrant workers in India and people without legal residency status in Switzerland during the COVID-19 lockdown, placing them against the cultural histories, social structures, and state interventions. Using intersectionality, the study explores how structures of exclusion operate at multiple levels of subjectivity and, through epistemic violence, naturalize social inequalities. The project attempts to identify how they are still being rendered invisible and their miseries normalized, invoking the impression that it is perpetual. Cross-border research becomes significant in the context of internationalization and globalization, and the chapter discusses the issues and the promises of such a comparison. Beyond the cultural boundaries and differences and the conceptual-methodological incongruities, we argue that the comparison can illuminate how power relations operate at multiple levels in different contexts, reproducing and normalizing discriminatory mechanisms. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024, corrected publication 2024. -
The intersection of academics and career readiness
This chapter emphasizes the significant correlation between vocation readiness and academic achievement, highlighting the thoughtful consequences for students' triumphs. This highlights the significance of effectively integrating theoretical knowledge with hands-on vocational training, cultivating aptitudes for analysis, resolution of challenges, and flexibility. Case studies that have achieved success serve as illustrations of successful integration, highlighting the cooperative nature of academic departments and career services. Exploration of early career options, practical experience, and transferable skills are crucial components. Collaborative platforms, curricular redesign, and technology integration are all reasonable solutions. Notwithstanding the obstacles encountered, educators are motivated to maintain their commitment to this incorporation as a top priority, guaranteeing that students are adequately equipped to confront the workforce's ever-changing demands and facilitate a smooth transition into the professional realm. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The Interplay Between Artificial Intelligence and Operations Management
Artificial intelligence incorporated into machines utilizes capacities to work and replaces people. Knowledge is the method of assembling empowered machines that can mirror human tasks as unique. With digitalization, organizations are remodifying their enterprises and making new business possibilities. Because of AI innovation, organizations change their dynamic cycles and systems and everyday tasks to accomplish the upper hand. An impressive development in the utilization of AI for activities, the board, is fully intent on observing answers for issues that are expanding in intricacy and scale. With the turn of growth and advancement of data innovation, competitiveness has become increasingly more in-depth worldwide. The AI has its own explanations behind examining and settling the sorts of issues that prompted a critical measure of exploration along with the conventional operational research discipline. Many organizations have estimated the fate of operations management. This paper lines with a descriptive research study highlighting the importance of process operations. This paper gives insights about AI technology into operations management and suggests selecting process technology and deploying AI into operations management. 2023 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
The Internet of Things (IoT): A Cripple to Data Privacy and Security
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has paved the way for the intersection of technological advancements and innovation. Its widespread utility and convenience has had an overwhelming impact the world over. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one such advancement. It is an Internet-enabled system of physical sensory objects that have the ability to identify, share and analyse data. The goal of such advancement is to positively impact the quality of human life and to ease its everyday functioning. IoT functions on data, which can be general, personal and sensitive data. Law enforces and assures protection of personal data under the banner of privacy, known to be the right to data protection. It is recognized as an internationally accepted human right and, to nation-states, a fundamental right. The overall aim of such provisions in internationally recognised documents like the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR, 1948), the European Charter of Fundamental Rights (2000) and domestic laws like the Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) are to protect users and their data in light of the dynamic world of technology and innovation. IoT is user-friendly, enabling and convenient, but comes with its own set of challenges that cripples the fundamental and human right of data privacy and security. The current legislations on privacy hold data protection in highest reverence, assuring the user of absolute control. Though captivating in its definition of protection, in reality it falls short due to inefficiency in enforcement and application. The chapter offers a summary of the idea of data being ones own property and the crucial intervention of users data in the functioning of IoT. Highlighting the eagerness of embracing technological advancements, the chapter draws attention to the challenges of the IoT through the lens of data privacy and security. It traces its importance by using various case studies that reveal the loosely drafted, or rather incomprehensible, regulations of nation-states in protecting the right of privacy of users. The chapter concludes by considering a few ways of effective enforcement to keep intact the sanctity of the right to data privacy and security. 2025 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
The International Capital Flows and Domestic Savingsdomestic Investment Nexus: A Comparative Evidence Between Heterogeneous Developing Regions
Drawing inspiration from Feldstein and Horiokas (1980) (FH) puzzle, our study elucidates the impact of remittances and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on domestic savings and investment in two disparate yet globalized developing regions: Latin America and the Caribbean and South Asia. Utilizing an extensive dataset spanning from 1984 to 2021 and employing diverse methodologies, including Dynamic System generalized method of moment, DriscollKraay standard error, fully modified ordinary least squares, and dynamic ordinary least squares, our findings reveal that remittances exert a positive influence on both domestic investment and savings across both regions. However, South Asia predominantly directs remittance inflows towards investment, while Latin America and the Caribbean exhibit a propensity towards saving these funds. As for FDI, the primary developing region predominantly channels these funds into investment, whereas the lower region prioritizes savings. The impact of control variables manifests varied effects across both regions. Ultimately, our study underscores the pivotal role of foreign remittances in supporting investment and savings, underscoring the profound influence of economic growth on these dynamics. This accentuates the imperative for governments to proactively allocate financial resources to optimize economic growth and fortify financial frameworks. Moreover, focused strategies are indispensable for adeptly managing foreign inflows while navigating external shocks such as international repayments, external debt, and aid. Additionally, enhancements in monetary and fiscal policies are imperative to sustain competitive interest rates and foster stable macroeconomic conditions, thereby fostering conducive environments for both public and private domestic savings. JEL Classification: F24; F3; P33; C23; O18 2024 The Author(s). -
The intermix of social media in propelling the social change /
Indian Journal Of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue 7, pp.540-541, ISSN No: 2249-555X. -
The Interaction Jigsaw: investigating star formation in interacting galaxies
Interaction between galaxies plays a pivotal role in their evolution. Ongoing star formation in spiral galaxies can be affected by these processes. Interacting galaxy pairs provide an opportunity to study these effects. We select a sample of interacting galaxies in field environments at various interaction stages and are nearly face-on and chose galaxy pairs NGC 2207/IC 2163, NGC 4017/4016 (ARP 305), and NGC 7753/7752 (ARP 86). We use the UltraViolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) onboard AstroSat to characterize the star-forming regions in the galaxy with a superior resolution of ? 1.4 arcsec. We identified and characterized star-forming regions in the UVIT images of the sample and correlated them with the neutral hydrogen (H I) distribution. We detected localized regions of enhancement in star formation surface density (?SFR) and distortions in the sample of galaxies. We found this consistent with the distribution of H I in the galaxy. These are possible evidence of past and ongoing interactions affecting the star formation properties in the galaxies. We then conducted a study to understand whether the observed enhancements hold true for a wider sample of interacting galaxies. We observe a moderate enhancement in the star formation rate (SFR) with the interaction class, with a maximum of 1.8 being in the merger class of galaxies. We studied the SFR enhancement for the main galaxies in our sample as a function of pair mass ratio and pair separation. We observe a strong anticorrelation between the SFR enhancement and pair mass ratio and no linear correlation between the enhancement and pair separation. This suggests that the enhancement in interaction-induced star formation may be more strongly influenced by the pair mass ratios, rather than the pair separation. We also infer that the pair separation can possibly act as a limiting parameter for the SFR enhancement. 2024 The Author(s). -
The Intellectual Structure of Application of Artificial Intelligence in Forecasting Methods: A Literature Review using Bibliometric Thematic Analysis
Crude oil is a valuable asset class which forms the nucleus of the energy core of the transport sector for any country. According to report [1], crude oil helps in meeting 93% of energy needs for the transportation sector globally. It has been projected across various forums that crude oil along with coal and natural gas is going to satisfy world energy needs for the forthcoming years. Consequently, it has been observed that fluctuations in crude oil prices tilt the economies of scale across the world. 2024 Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Preethi Nanjundan and Tejaswini Kar. -
The integration of servicelearning andragogy for achieving learning outcomes and cultivating 21st century skills in the commerce domain
The educational landscape has rapidly transformed to address the growing complexities, uncertainties, and ambiguities in the world. Modern education requires teachers to impart knowledge and skills that empower students for life and societal contributions. Education systems have shifted from independent entities to integral components of larger ecosystems, as per the OECD Learning Compass 2030. Students are expected to acquire 21st-century skills, which include learning and innovation skills, life and career skills, and social and ICT skills. In commerce education, service learning is pivotal, allowing the practical application of theoretical knowledge. This engagement with both theory and practice enhances understanding. The proposed chapter outlines service-learning activities by commerce education institutions, reinforcing academic knowledge and community engagement. It advocates for adopting a service-learning andragogic approach, emphasizing the integration of theory and practice in commerce education. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The Integration of HMS using IOMT and CE Through ANFIS
Advances in the IoMT-enabled cloud computing and interactive applications provide a basis for reconsidering the landscape for delivery of healthcare services. Even though the IoMT-cloud-based systems monitor patients remotely, it fails to take into account the sustainability of the healthcare systems. The paper presents the integrated framework of green healthcare under the umbrella of unique technology to enhance user interactivity. Our system is user-friendly, considering scalability and performance for both patients and doctors. Patients can send their health data to the doctor in real time with the help of the wearable sensor. We propose that in the presence of Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms and adaptive neuo-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) for identification and analysis of the data, the applied solutions could enhance the healthcare experience interaction among all the stakeholders. 2024 IEEE.