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A study of the natural convection of water- AA 7075 nanoliquids in low-porosity cylindrical annuli using a local thermal non-equilibrium model
Natural convection in nanoliquid-saturated porous cylindrical annuli due to uniform heat and mass influxes from the solid cylinder and effluxes from the outer hollow cylinder is investigated analytically. The Darcy model and the modified version of the Buongiorno two-phase model are used, and local thermal non-equilibrium between the phases is assumed. A nanoliquid-saturated porous medium made up of glass balls with a dilute concentration of AA7075 alloy nanoparticles well-dispersed in water is considered. Out of three types of annuli considered, shallow annuli provide the best heat transport and tall annuli show the worst performance. The presence of a dilute concentration of nanoparticles significantly enhances the heat transport in the system. Of nine nanoparticle shapes considered, lamina-shaped nanoparticles enhance heat transport the most. Heat transport is enhanced in the case of heat-and-mass-driven convection compared to the case of purely heat-driven convection. The results for a rectangular enclosure are obtained as a particular case of the present study. Two asymptotic routes that take us to the results of thermal equilibrium are shown. The vanishing limit of the concentration Rayleigh number yields the result for a single-phase model. Results for the base-liquid-saturated porous medium form a limiting case of the present study. We conclude that a shallow cylindrical annulus saturated with water-AA7075 lamina-shaped alloy nanoparticles is best suited for heat transfer due to its high effective thermal conductivity in comparison with that of other shaped nanoparticles and a tall rectangular enclosure saturated by water is best suited for heat storage applications. 2021 Author(s). -
A study of the structure, luminescence and cytotoxicity of new green-emitting terbium-doped CaS nanophosphors
CaS nanoparticles have attracted significant attention due to their wide range of optoelectronic applications. The synthesis of CaS nanophosphors doped with different terbium concentrations through a simple wet chemical co-precipitation method using triethanolamine (TEOA) as a capping agent is reported here. X-ray diffractogram ensured that the nanoparticles were crystallized in the cubic phase with space groupFm3 m. Morphology and particle size of the TEOA-capped CaS:Tb nanophosphors were determined using scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The optical properties of the samples were studied by photoluminescence spectroscopy and UVVis absorption measurements. The prepared nanoparticles exhibited green luminescence, which is attributed to 5D47FJ transitions of terbium ions incorporated into the CaS lattice. The existence of various functional groups in the synthesized products was identified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The lifetime decay measurements showed that the lifetime of the samples was in the nanosecond range. Cytotoxicity analysis of the nanoparticles was carried out on L929 fibroblast cells, which confirmed that the nanoparticles are biocompatible across a wide range of concentrations. Our findings indicate that CaS:Tb nanophosphor could be a potential candidate as a green-emitting phosphor in optoelectronics and biomedical field. 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
A study of thinking style, teacher effectiveness and emotional intelligence of secondary school teachers of Bangalore city
Education is a social process by which knowledge is transferred to students through the intermediaries, the teachers. It can be had from non - formal and formal systems of Education. All formal systems are based on the classroom teaching. "The destiny of India is being shaped in her classroom", has been pointed out by the Indian Education Commission (KOTHARI COMMISSION) (1964-66) and to that, it may be safely added that the destiny of these classrooms is being shaped by the teachers. According to the American Commission, the quality of the nation depends upon the quality of the citizens. The quality of its citizens depends, not exclusively, but in critical measure upon the quality of their Education. The quality of their education depends more upon the quality of teachers. Humayun Kabir rightly said once, "Without good teachers even the best of system is bound to fall, with good teachers, even the defects of a system can be largely overcome". The teacher is the flywheel of the whole educational machine. Elaborate blue prints, modern school plans, the best equipment, the newest of the new
media or progressive methods will remain dead fossils unless there is the right use of teachers. The document, Challenge of Education -A Policy Perspective (1985) has highlighted that teacher performance is the most crucial input in Education. No development has reached the threshold of development of new technology which is likely to revolutionize the classroom teaching. -
A study on Healthcare Professionals Attitude towards Euthanasia for the Terminally Ill
The study tries to explore the attitudes that healthcare professionals have towards euthanasia for the terminally ill. In order to understand euthanasia, having knowledge of the term euthanasia and the history of euthanasia is crucial. Previous studies conducted on euthanasia and attitudes towards euthanasia showed that majority of the studies focussed on separate analysis of attitudes of the healthcare professionals. A total of 75 participants were taken for the study, out of that 52% had a positive attitude towards euthanasia whereas 48% had a negative attitude. The study has used Euthanasia Attitude Scale to determine the level of positive or negative attitudes with regard to euthanasia. In conclusion, the study found out that majority of the participants had a favourable attitude towards euthanasia. The stated result did not show to be statistically significant. The author is of the view that with the advancement in times, the society also becomes aware and more accepting to concepts which are socially ostracised. The scope for further studies on a similar topic is wide and encouraged, as there are many more areas that need to be explored and studied. Keywords: Euthanasia, Physician Assisted Suicide, Healthcare Professionals, Attitudes on Euthanasia, Terminally Ill. -
A study on women benificiaries of national rural health mission with special a reference to barwani district madhya pradesh
Regardless of several growth-orientated policies implemented by the government, the widening economic, regional and gender disparities are posing challenges for the health sector. The health status of Indians, especially women is still a cause for serious concern, especially that of the rural population. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by Government of India with a view to bring about dramatic improvement in the health system and health status of the people, especially those living in rural areas. The study aimed to understand the knowledge level of women beneficiaries on NRHM related services. The study further focussed on understanding the extent of availability and accessibility, challenges faced and the benefits received by women. The research work was carried out in three Village Panchayats of Barwani district in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Multi stage sampling method was adopted to select the sample group for the study. The study was conducted among 278 women beneficiciaries of NRHM. The researcher used 120 item semi structured and validated interview schedule for collecting the data. The study results show that there is a need to strengthen the grass root level interventions in terms of strengthening the sub-centres and involvement of Gram Panchayat in fulfilling the health mission objectives of the country. test indicated significant association between Caste and electricity at home and Knowledge about NRHM among women. The Correlation between the knowledge scores and benefits scores was significant (r = .705, Pgt.001). The study suggests having effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms at all levels with clearly designed indicators and means of verification to ensure the success of the programme. newline -
A study on "student preferece towards the use of Edmodo as a learning platfrom to create responsible learning environment" /
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.144, pp.142-148, ISSN No: 1877-0428. -
ABSTRACT Accountability of Teachers referred to as teacher accountability in educational literature is a multi-dimensional concept consisting of teacher participation in school decision making. It further focuses on what is best for the student and the profession of teaching. Self-determination theory postulates that when teachers perceive an autonomy supportive work climate which satisfies their three core psychological needs, (Competence, Autonomy and Relatedness) they experience a feeling of wellness and belongingness to the institution and are energized to exert extra effort in all the activities of the institution they engage in. The present study on Accountability and Perceived Autonomy Support among Pre-university College Teachers undertaken by the investigator focused on the relationship between ??Accountability of Teachers and Perceived Autonomy Support among Pre-university college teachers of Bangalore north and south belonging to three types of management such as government, private aided and private unaided. The aim of this study was to find out whether there is any relationship between Accountability of Teachers and Perceived Autonomy Support. The sample of the study consisted of 392 pre-university college teachers (both male and female) of three types of colleges; namely government, private aided and private unaided. The results of the study show that there is a significant relationship between ??Accountability of Teachers and Perceived Autonomy Support among pre-university college teachers. Further female teachers are more accountable than their male counterparts and Married teachers are found be more accountable than unmarried teachers. It was also found that there is a significant difference in the Competence dimension of ??Perceived Autonomy Support among pre-university college teachers belonging to three types of management and the Private Aided pre-university college teachers have a higher level of Competence (dimension of Perceived Autonomy Support) compared to Private unaided pre-university college teachers. Private Aided Pre-university college teachers have higher level of Relatedness (dimension of Perceived Autonomy Support) as compared to Private unaided College Teachers. These findings give a clear indication to principals and administrators of private unaided pre-university colleges regarding the imperative need to implement appropriate strategies in order to enhance perceived autonomy support of their teachers. Key words: Accountability of Teachers, Perceived Autonomy Support, Pre-university college teachers -
A Study on Bivariate Inverse Topp-Leone Model to Counter Heterogeneous Data: Properties, Dependence Studies, Classical and Bayesian Estimation
In probability and statistics, reliable modeling of bivariate continuous characteristics remains a real insurmountable consideration. During the analysis of bivariate data, we have to deal with heterogeneity that is present in data. Therefore, for dealing with such a scenario, we investigate a novel technique based on a Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) copula and the inverse Topp-Leone (ITL) model in this study. The idea is to use the oscillating functionalities of the FGM copula and the flexibility of the ITL model to propose a serious bivariate solution for the modeling of bivariate lifetime phenomena to counter the heterogeneity present in data. Both theory and practice are developed. In particular, we determine the main functions related to the model, like the cumulative model function, probability density function, and various useful dependence measures for bivariate modeling. The model parameters are estimated using the maximum likelihood method and Bayesian framework of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology. Following that, model comparison methods are used to compare models. To explain the findings and show that better models are recommended, the famous Drought and Burr data sets are used. 2025, Thai Statistical Association. All rights reserved. -
A study on causes of job stress in the IT sector of Bangalore
International Journal of Research in Commerce, IT & Management Vol.2, Issue 2, pp. 126-128 ISSN No. 2231-5756 -
A study on Celebrity endorsement as an effective tourism destination marketing tool with reference to Bangalore
Celebrity Endorsement is one of the major forms of advertising in which a business organisation makes use of famous individuals or well known organizations in order to boost consumer interest in the product and/or services that they want to sell. Now-a-days every company is trying to bring in a brand ambassador for their brands. Slowly the trend of tying up with a celebrity in promoting has moved towards promoting tourism destinations. This paper tries to find out the effect of celebrity endorsement as an effective marketing destination tool. The objectives framed to reach to this goal were to identify whether the consumers are consider the tourism advertisements that are endorsed by celebrities, to find out the various factors of celebrity endorsers that motivates people to visit the advertised tourist destination and to determine whether the use of celebrities have greater effect than the use of non celebrities when advertising a tourist destination. Data was collected from 250 respondents from Bangalore city in a questionnaire form. Some of the tools that are been used to test the hypothesis are One sample t- test, ANOVA, Chi Square test, Friedman test and Tukey test . The major findings from the study are that the main factors that a celebrity has to have when endorsing a tourism product is the match between the product and the celebrity and the factor that is not at all looked into by the consumers in a tourism product is physical attractiveness. It was also identified that most of the respondents would have better brand recognition and recall when done by a celebrity endorsement but more weightage for the advertisement, more convincing, easy to choose from the different destinations is only possible with the help of if the advertisement that are not done by celebrity. It was found out that occupation of the consumers would have no impact in getting attracted to celebrity endorsers but students were one category that loved to see celebrity endorsers on screen. Key words: Celebrity Endorsement, tourism destination advertisements, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Similarity, Familiarity, Likeability, Match between the celebrity, transfer meaning, Physical attractiveness. -
A Study on certain chromatic parameters and polynomials of graphs
In graph theory, graph colouring pertains to the assignment of colours to the elements of a graph such as vertices, edges and faces. Because of the theoretical and practical implications of graph colourings in real-life situations, it is an adequate mathematical model for a wide range of applications such as network analysis, genomic, routing, newlineoptimisation techniques, digital networks and so forth.Motivated by various problems in chemical graph theory and information networks, chromatic topological indices were introduced in recent literature [81], opening ample and vibrant research area in graph theory.In the research reported in this thesis,the vertices of a graph are assigned with colours subject to certain conditions and manipulating their colour codes, a rich research area on chromatic topological indices and different chromatic polynomials are established. newlineAfter mentioning some fundamental terminologies, the study handles the notions of chromatic topological indices and chromatic irregularity indices. A detailed discussion of their upper and lower bounds concerning certain colouring conditions is carried out in this thesis. Chromatic topological indices of a wide variety of graph classes such as wheels, double wheels, helm graphs, closed helm graphs, flower graphs, sunflower graphs and blossom graphs are considered and investigated. The chromatic topological indices of certain derived graphs such as Mycielskian of paths and cycles are also included. Equitable chromatic topological and irregularity indices and injective chromatic topological and irregularity indices are defined and their values are determined for a handful of graph classes. As an indirect analogue to chromatic polynomials in the literature, the notion of chromatic Zagreb polynomials and chromatic irregularity polynomials are being introduced and the same is determined and discussed for paths, cycles and certain cycle related graph classes. -
A Study on Certain Topological Indices and Related Polynomials In Graphs
Topological indices are invariants of molecular graphs which are used for quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) or quantitative structure-activity newlinerelationship (QSAR) correlations. In this study, we have worked upon the bounds and exact expressions of certain specifc topological indices related with some graph newlineoperations. Further, we have determined the formulations of certain topological indices and co-indices for the total transformation graph. In addition, we have worked upon the reformulated forgotten index and obtained its exact expressions with respect to the transformation graphs and other graph product variants. We describe graph transformations, by means of which the reformulated forgotten index increases or decreases. Using these transformations, the trees, unicyclic and newlinebicyclic graphs extremal with respect to the index are characterized. We carried out newlinethe computation of equitable and non-equitable Zagreb and the relative equitable newlineand non-equitable Zagreb indices of certain chemical compounds like the polycyclic newlinearomatic hydrocarbons, the rhombus silicate, rhombus oxide and copper oxide networks using the equitable Zagreb polynomial formulations. As to demonstrate the application of our study, we have carried out the QSPR analysis of the anti-HIV and anti-Covid drugs with respect to the physico-chemical drug characteristics using the notion of Mand#8722;polynomial and topological indices, thus asserting that the indices taken under study are inherent units for the QSPR inspection of the drugs. -
A Study on Challenges and Solutions in the Uptake of Agricultural Technology Startups Services in Karnataka
In congruence with overarching trend of digitalization sweeping across India, agricultural sector is currently experiencing remarkable advancements propelled by innovative technological solutions introduced by emerging startups in agritech domain. The state of Karnataka is swiftly solidifying its position as preeminent leader in agritech industry attracting heightened interest from venture capital investors in recent times and emerging as dominant recipient of these investments garnering substantial 52% share followed by Maharashtra at 18% and Tamil Nadu at 9.2%. The principal aim of this research endeavor is to scrutinize socioeconomic impediments hindering adoption of AgriTech within rural precincts of Karnataka specifically in districts of Rural Bangalore (Doddabalapura and Nelmangala) and Davanagere (Shiramagondonahalli). The study seeks to gauge perceptions of farmers regarding potential solutions aimed at fostering greater adoption of AgriTech in these aforementioned regions. The study employed descriptive analysis by utilizing data obtained from judiciously selected sample of 120 farmers dichotomized into those who had availed themselves of AgriTech services and those who had not as provided by AgriTech firms. Empirical findings illuminate formidable impact of socioeconomic factors encompassing economic standing, land ownership classification and educational attainment in shaping farmers receptivity toward AgriTech utilization. The study unearthed valuable insights pertaining to propositions put forth by farmers to enhance adoption of AgriTech practices among their peers. The study furnishes valuable elucidations concerning barriers impeding adoption of AgriTech and offers viable solutions to invigorate increased participation among farmers in realm of AgriTech proffering pertinent recommendations to stakeholders such as AgriTech startup executives, researchers and policymakers urging them to meticulously assess local socioeconomic dynamics and tailor AgriTech services in accordance with discerned needs and preferences of farming community. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
A study on Challenges of Indian Hospitality Industry and Remedies For Sustainability in the Ever Changing Market Scenario.
VOLUME NO. 3 (2013), ISSUE NO. 11 (NOVEMBER) ISSN: 231-1009