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The Impactful Role of ML Algo in the Field of Enactment Nostrum: An Intensive/Deep Review
Machine translation (MT) research has explored a variety of models, including statistical machine translation (SMT), rule-based machine translation (RBMT), and hybrid approaches. Hybrid MT systems aim to improve translation quality by using the strengths of different models. However, the complex set of functions associated with MT systems is still difficult to understand and optimize. This instant study propose an approach based on ML with respect to hybrid MT that addresses these issues by automatically interpreting and weighting features using ML tools. This research framework includes a classification approach to classify and compare translations from multiple black-box A system that uses ML classifiers trained on feature vectors derived from natural language processing tools. This study presents a method to train and use an SVM-based classifier to generate hybrid interpretations. The test results for English-Chinese pairs show the potential of this research approach to improve translation quality. The proposed framework is a simple and efficient way to combine different MT systems, improving translation results without manual intervention. 2024 IEEE. -
The Impact of Workforce Diversity on Organizational Climate in the Banking Industry
Liberalization, privatization, and globalization have paved the way to open the economy and integrate new philosophies and ideologies into the organization. The banking organization and other MNCs had opted for the ethos of enhancing the diversity of working professionals with the adoption of LPG. The novel approach to workforce diversity and organizational climate in the banking industry is considered in this study. The relevance of workforce diversity and the formation of an organizational climate are emphasized in this research work. The study's goal was reached through a series of steps, such as reviewing relevant literature and creating an appropriate theoretical framework. These steps laid the groundwork for creating and finalising research tools, which were done with the help of experts in the field. The creation of instruments for evaluating diversity and organizational climate was the final phase in this process. The study was carried out by using stratified sampling method with the participation of 778 bank employees from public and private banks located in the geographical area of Bangalore. The study's outcome states that There is no significant relationship between workforce diversity and organizational climate in the banking industry is rejected; this can be interpreted as the better organizational climate is highly correlated with the employees attitude towards organizational diversity. It indicated the importance of inculcating diversity and a favourable attitude towards diversity in the banking sector for the smooth conduction of work. "There is a significant relationship between workforce diversity and organizational climate in the banking industry". "Workforce diversity significantly influences the variation in the Organizational Climate". "Employee's belief differs significantly based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry" findings show only a few categories in the hypothesis. The gender of the reporting authority and the classification of the bank offers the difference in employees belief about gender diversity. "Employee's attitude differs significantly based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry" only a few demographic categories (marital status, gender of the reporting authority, and classification of bank) have a difference. Employee perception differs based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry. The study found that gender, gender of reporting authority, classification of the bank, monthly salary, and employee work experience show the difference in employees' perception towards workforce diversity. Employee culture differs based on demographic profile, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry; the gender of the authority and classification of the bank show the difference in employees' culture. "Employee's organizational climate differs significantly based on a demographic variable, job profile, and organizational profile on workforce diversity in the banking industry, age, gender, gender of the reporting authority, and classification of the bank show the difference in organizational climate. The study found a positive correlation between the variable and the independent variables are the constant and strong predictors of the dependent variable. Employees' attitude towards workforce diversity is assessed based on demographics, job, and organisational profiles. Workforce diversity is appraised by evaluating different components of it, such as employees' beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and culture. The results show that employees with same-gender reporting authority have a positive attitude towards workforce diversity and experience a positive organizational diversity climate. The public bank employees have a positive attitude towards workforce diversity and experience a positive organizational diversity climate. Employees' attitudes differ based on their marital status also. Employees' perception differs based on their work experience in the same bank and the monthly salary; those with 11 to 15 years of experience tend to have a positive perception. Age, gender, gender of the reporting authority, and the bank's classification are considered contributing factors to the organizational climate. The current study found the gender of reporting authority shows a difference in perception of gender diversity and organizational climate; the employees who have same-gender reporting authority tend to experience a positive organizational climate and a positive attitude towards workforce diversity. Classification of the bank also shows a difference where public bank employees experience a positive organizational climate and a positive attitude towards workforce diversity. Six hypotheses were tested, and a model for the banking industry in Bangalore was developed based on the results of these hypotheses testing. Theoretical models support all hypotheses. Fit indices show that all CB-CFA and CB-SEM models are a good fit. -
The Impact of Website Design on Online Customer Buying Satisfaction and Loyalty to E-Tailers: An Exploratory Study of E-Tailers in India
The popularity of e-tailers has distorted the retail industry in India. Websites are becoming an important means through which customers get product information and purchase items for their needs. This research paper focuses on four dimensions (i.e., user interface, convenience, personalized recommendations, and perceived security of the website) to assess their impact on online customer satisfaction with and loyalty towards e-tailers. The study questionnaire used established measures. The data was collected from four large cities in India, namely Chennai, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Delhi. Analysis of the survey results suggests that perceived website security is the most important dimension for customer loyalty. E-tailers have to ensure adequate security provisions in their websites to build up consumer perceptions of trust and so repeat business loyalty. Copyright 2022, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited. -
The impact of the movement of the gyrotactic microorganisms on the heat and mass transfer characteristics of Casson nanofluid
This article focuses on analyzing the impact of the movement of gyrotactic microorganisms on the heat and mass transfer characteristics of Casson nanofluid flowing between divergent. Further, the analysis is performed through simulation to have a better understanding of the impact. Since the microorganisms are self-propelled, they move on their own in the nanofluid due to the concentration gradient and stabilize the nanoparticle suspension. This movement of microorganisms constitutes the formation of bioconvection. Further, the random motion of nanoparticles gives rise to two major slip mechanisms termed thermophoresis and Brownian motion. The mathematical model comprising these effects is designed using partial differential equations that are converted to ordinary differential equations with the help of suitable similarity transformation. The resulting system of equations is then solved using the differential transformation method and the outcomes are interpreted through graphs. It is indicated that the nanoparticle concentration and the motile density profiles increase with the increase in Schmidt number and also, the concentration profile is found to be increasing for higher Brownian motion parameter and lower thermophoretic parameter. The simulations performed through the finite element method portrayed that the heat flow in the diverging channel is occurring along the isothermal planes. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on e-learning adoption in an emerging market: a longitudinal study using the UTAUT model
Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic provided unprecedented impetus to the evolution of the e-learning learning ecosystem by compelling students to adopt e-learning systems. This paper aims to use the UTAUT model to provide insight into the differences in factors influencing the adoption of e-learning systems before and after the pandemic. Design/methodology/approach: This longitudinal study uses two surveys conducted among graduate students in the city of Bengaluru in India. One prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and a second in its aftermath. PLS-SEM is used to analyze both data sets to draw insights into the constructs that influence Behavioral intention to adopt e-learning systems. The moderating effect of gender is also analyzed. Findings: Pre COVID-19, Facilitating Conditions, Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy (quadratic behavior) were dominant factors influencing the adoption of e-learning technologies. Post pandemic, Performance Expectancy and Social Influence are drivers of e-learning adoption. Effort Expectancy and Facilitating Conditions grouped as Ease of Use is a significant driver of e-learning adoption post pandemic. Gender is found to not have a moderating influence. Originality/value: The unique longitudinal study of the differences in factors influencing students intention to adopt e-learning pre- and post-COVID-19 can prove useful to policy makers in the higher education sector. Academics can use the post-pandemic e-learning models findings in multiple contexts such as generational cohorts, educational contexts and social contexts. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The Impact of Supportive Factors on the Academic Reintegration of Students with Mental Illness: A Qualitative Study
Introduction: Returning to college following a psychiatric illness can be overwhelming for students as academic reintegration is a significant undertaking. Psychological distress can negatively impact a student's performance and levels of academic achievement. A better understandingof the factors that facilitateacademicreintegration would helpmental health professionals, educators, and family members support students more effectively. Methods and Materials: The study followed an explorative research design and utilized a purposivesampling technique. The Institute's(National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, NIMHANS) Ethics Committee evaluated and approved this study, while four (4) mental health experts validated the interview schedule. Theprimary researcher (ASR) audio-recorded, transcribed and coded fourteen (14) in-depth interviews.The study supervisors (AJ and TK) verified this procedure.Themes and sub-themes were derivedfrom the codes,and thenthematic analysis was conducted. Results: Fivesupportive factors (themes and sub-themes) were derived: 1. Family:Educational qualification of the members, Family accommodations (travelling to the city where the student is studying for additional support).Academic assistance, Freedom to select their educational course; 2.Support from friends and peers: Academic support, Emotional support (caregiving,home visits, sharing problems with them), Logistic support (physically accompanying the student to and from class, providing transport); 3.Support from Teachers and Collegeadministration: Additional academic support from teachers, Reasonable classroom accommodations; 4.SupportfromMental health professionals (MHPs):Providing Pharmacological or Psychosocial Interventions, Follow up,andcontinuous guidance (handholding); 5. Individual factors (students' strengths): High degree of motivation or interest in studies, strong academic record, and healthy coping mechanisms. Conclusion: Students with mental illnesses require additional support with academic reintegration. As a result, assisting students in successfully returning to academics is frequently a collaborative effort involving family, peers, mental health professionals, teachers, and college administration. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature India Private Limited. -
The impact of slip mechanisms on the flow of hybrid nanofluid past a wedge subjected to thermal and solutal stratification
This investigation aims to inspect the flow and thermal characteristics of hybrid nanoparticles under the effect of thermophoresis and Brownian motion. The hybrid nanofluid is formed by dispersing the silver nanoparticles into the base fluid composed of tungsten oxide and water. The resulting hybrid nanofluid is assumed to flow over a moving wedge. The wedge is a geometry that can be commonly seen in many manufacturing industries, moulding industries, etc., where friction creates more heat and cooling becomes a necessary process. This study currently focuses on such areas of the industries. In this regard, the flow expressions in the form of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are obtained by incorporating the modified Buongiorno's model and using boundary layer approximations. The modified Buongiorno model helps us analyze the impact of volume fraction along with the slip mechanisms. Suitable transformations are used to achieve the nondimensional form of governing equations, and further, it transforms the PDE to Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE). The RKF-45 is used to solve the obtained ODE and the boundary conditions. Furthermore, graphic analysis of the solutions for fluid velocity, energy distributions and dimensionless concentration is provided. It was noted that the behavior of the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers was determined by analyzing numerous parameters. The conclusions show that they decrease with greater values of the stratification factors. Additionally, with higher values of the wedge parameter, the magnitude of the velocity field and the thermal boundary layer diminish. 2023 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
The impact of India's formal and informal (street vending) sectors, as well as their issues, challenges, and opportunities /
Patent Number: 202141048337, Applicant: Arumugam Ranjith.
People in countries such as Cambodia and India are increasingly reliant on road vending as a major source of income in urban areas, sparking new areas of social science research. We compiled data on the products sold by street vendors in markets in Delhi and Cambodia, revealing the nuanced interplay between what is categorized as informal and what is categorized as formal in urban economies, as evidenced by our findings. -
The impact of India's formal and informal (street vending) sectors, as well as their issues, challenges, and opportunities /
Patent Number: 202141048337, Applicant: Arumugam Ranjith.
People in countries such as Cambodia and India are increasingly reliant on road vending as a major source of income in urban areas, sparking new areas of social science research. We compiled data on the products sold by street vendors in markets in Delhi and Cambodia, revealing the nuanced interplay between what is categorized as informal and what is categorized as formal in urban economies, as evidenced by our findings. -
The impact of holistic education on value preference social comperence and leadership skills of engineering students
Students usually begin their academic journey in college or university during the late adolescence (17-20 years). In this dynamic period of lifespan, they are highly vulnerable to the limitations in personality development related issues of gender, self-esteem, competition, and cultural membership which may result in many challenges in life. Viewing positively, students at this age could be trained for integral growth holistically. Holistic education involves the complete and solid formation of every aspect of a student s personality. Its goal is to nurture individuals to be intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable (CMI Vision, 1991). Hence, the focus is to enable an individual to go beyond the acquisition, generation and application of knowledge but to transcend to higher realms of self-development, social integration and contribution. Thus, Holistic Education makes an attempt to take one through various aspects of personal, interpersonal and social dimensions of human life, and finally, helps individuals to understand the reality of life to live fully as human beings. This study was embarked to assess the impact of Holistic Education on the value preference, social competence, and leadership skills of engineering students. newlineThe research design was single group pre-test, post-test and delayed post-test experimental design. The researcher developed and standardised the Holistic Education curriculum with the support of the relevant literature and the subject experts. A pilot study was conducted on first year engineering students to get hands-on experience of the programme and to assess the impact of the facilitative tool. For the present intervention, 55 students from the first-year engineering class of a university in Bengaluru were selected using stratified random sampling method. -
The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Social and Political Empowerment: Mediating Role of Economic Empowerment
The primary purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of financial inclusion on womens social and political empowerment through the mediation of economic empowerment. A multidimensional index is created, using methodology by UNDP, to measure financial inclusion. Womens empowerment is measured through economic, social, and political dimensions. The datacollected from 545 women in slums through a structured schedule on a 5-point Likert scale. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was performed to measure the construct. Multivariate statistical techniques such as regression were used to test the relationship between financial inclusion and women empowerment. The findings underscore a discernibly modest representation of women attaining high financial inclusion in slum settings. It is essential to recognise the pivotal role of economic empowerment as a partial mediator within the intricate interplay linking financial inclusion to social and political empowerment.This investigation is grounded in an examination of urban slums but has the potential for broader applicability, encompassing rural regions and locales proximate to financial centers within metropolitan areas to formulate a comprehensive framework for the empowerment of women. The findings underscore the impact of socio-economic and politico-economic factors on the incorporation of marginalized communities into the formal financial system. The current investigation results have implications for policymakers in developing countries that can serve as a valuable resource to enhance womens participation in the formal financial system. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
The impact of excess CSR expenditure on firm value anddividend payout in India: ananalysis using firm age andsize dynamics
Purpose: The paper looks at the impact of excess amount of CSR expenditure (CSRE) in relation to mandatory CSRE in an Indian context on dividend payout (DP) and firm value (FV) where CSRE is mandatory, as well as how this relationship varies between firms based on their age and size. Design/methodology/approach: A sample of the 657 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) from 201415 to 202021 is used in the study, for which spending on CSR was mandatory. A two-step generalised method of the moment is employed to examine the relationship between the variables of interest. Findings: The results show that excess CSREs neither increase the firms valuation nor benefit shareholders' economic benefits, i.e. dividend distribution. However, a deeper analysis reveals that excess CSRE is positively associated with FV in the case of smaller firms and also positively corresponds with DP in the case of younger firms. Originality/value: The present study explicitly considers the excess CSR spending beyond the mandated requirements. It investigates whether such spending contributes to firms improving their valuation and explores its connection to DPs. Peer review: The peer review history for this article is available at: 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The impact of ESG inclusion on price, liquidity and financial performance of Indian stocks: Evidence from stocks listed in BSE and NSE ESG indices
In recent years, investors have perceived that Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices significantly increase the value of companies' stocks. This study investigates the impact of ESG inclusion on the price, liquidity and financial performance of stocks listed in the Indian ESG indices. Two major Indian benchmark ESG Indices, the BSE100 ESG and Nifty 100 ESG, were considered for the study. A total sample of 64 firms from the BSE100 ESG index and 86 firms from the Nifty100 ESG index were selected. The market model of the event study methodology was employed to measure AAR and CAAR and to demonstrate the effect before and after the inclusion of the stocks in the ESG indices. The empirical results show a highly significant negative AAR on the announcement day, i.e., on (day = 0) for BSE100 ESG index stocks and an insignificant positive AAR for Nifty100 ESG index stocks. In addition, the results also document a significant negative CAAR for BSE 100 ESG stocks and a positive insignificant CAAR for Nifty100 ESG stocks. Moreover, the liquidity test results revealed a considerable liquidity enhancement in the stocks posts their inclusion in the BSE100 ESG. At the same time, there were no significant changes in the liquidity ratio of stocks after being included in the Nifty100 ESG index. This study concludes that there will be a substantial improvement in the companies' financial performance as indicated by EPS and market capitalization after their inclusion in the ESG indices. Suresha B., Srinidhi V. R., Dippi Verma, Manu K. S., Krishna T. A., 2022. -
The impact of eco-innovation ongreen buying behaviour: the moderating effect of emotional loyalty and generation
Purpose: This study intends to contribute to the literature of eco-innovation by examining the pro-environmental intentions and behaviour among consumers through their understanding of eco-innovation. Thus, the relationship among eco-innovation, general pro-social attitude, generativity, environmental concern, purchasing intentions and buying environmentally friendly products and the differences of the relationship between high and low emotional loyalty and Generation Y and Z were investigated via structural equation modelling (SEM). Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected through an online questionnaire directed to Indian consumers, and analysis was done through partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) in two stages, i.e. measurement model and structural model. Findings: Results confirm the relationships established in the proposed model, and some differences were found between the levels of emotional loyalty and the Generations Y and Z. The research shows that individualistic norms and perceived marketplace influence play a purposeful role in transforming environmental concerns into buying behaviour towards eco-innovation-driven products. Practical implications: From a policy and management perspective, the results not only imply the importance of continuous performance and environmental improvement but also those policies hindering diffusion and adoption need to be addressed. Green buying is an elusive task but can be opportunely attained by marketers by adding elements of eco-innovations and understanding mindsets of consumers to create winwin situations for themselves and consumers. Originality/value: The results reinforced that emotional loyalty and Generations Y and Z vitally impact consumers' green buying decision within the framework of eco-innovation and cognitive factors. 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The Impact of Digital Marketing Strategies on Customer Attitude and Purchase Intention Towards Electronic Gadgets: A Study on Indian Students
A portion of a companys long-term strategy should be devoted to digital marketing transformation. It is a challenging task to select the effective marketing strategy when conducting business in modern digital world. This study seeks to elucidate the influences of digital marketing strategy forms on customer attitude and purchase intention of students towards electronic gadgets. The relationship between four digital marketing strategies such as search engine advertising, social media, content marketing and email marketing towards customer attitudes and purchase intention was investigated in accordance with hypotheses, 225 students from Bangalore city, India, who had experience in online purchase of electronic gadgets comprised as a research sample. The relationship among the selected variables are tested with help of Correlation, ANOVA and regression analysis. The study conclude that there is an impact of various forms of digital marketing strategies on customers attitude and the purchase intention of young (Students) customer. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2025. -
The impact of Covid-19 on the capital structure in emerging economies: evidence from India
Purpose: Capital structure is an important corporate financing decision, particularly for companies in emerging economies. This paper attempts to understand whether the pandemic had any significant impact on the capital structure of companies in emerging economies. India being a prominent emerging economy is an ideal candidate for the analysis. Design/methodology/approach: The study utilizes three leverage ratios in an extended market index, BSE500, for the period 20152021. The ratios considered are short-term leverage ratio (STLR), long-term leverage ratio (LTLR) and total leverage ratio (TLR). A dummy variable differentiates the pre-epidemic (20152019) and pandemic (20202021) period. Control variables are used to represent firm characteristics such as growth, tangibility, profit, size and liquidity. Dynamic panel data regression is employed to address endogeneity. Findings: The findings point out that Covid-19 has had a significant, negative effect on LTLR, while the impact on STLR and TLR was insignificant. The findings indicate that companies based in a culturally risk-averse environment, such as India, would reduce the long-term debt to avoid bankruptcy in times of uncertainty. Research limitations/implications: The study covers the impact of the pandemic on Indian companies. Hence, generalization of the findings to global context might not be valid. Practical implications: To maintain economic growth in the post-crisis period, Indian policymakers should ensure accessibility to low-cost capital. The findings provide impetus to deepen the insignificant corporate bond market in India for future economic revival. Originality/value: Developing countries are struggling to revive the economies postpandemic. This is particularly true for Asian economies which are heavily reliant on banks for survival. This research finds evidence to utilize bond market as a source of raising capital for economic revival. 2022, Nisha Prakash, Aditya Maheshwari and Aparna Hawaldar. -
The impact of Covid-19 on global upstream and downstream supply chain management activities
COVID-19 pandemic has affected thousands of people worldwide; with significant economic changes in the past and to the changes to be made for future. Many organisations especially; The Intergovernmental economic organisation (OECD - The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) warned the companies and industries on the global economic cut, the corona virus will be boarding. The global economy and international markets pitched down with the spread of corona virus spreading from China which is the world's second largest economy to other countries including Asia; Europe; Australia; Europe; America and the Middle East. Many economies came up with many policies to prevent the further spread of this virus; including restrictions on travel and quarantines; which has disrupted international supply chains affecting a lot of business operations and dwindle revenues. About 75 percent of business including Wholesale; Manufacturing; Retail and Services in China and about 51,000 companies have this impact at a global level according to data from Dun and Bradstreet. The success or failure of every Business depends on how well they manage their supply chain management activities. The impact of corona virus on supply chain activities is twofold. One is; Upstream Supply chain management where companies should monitor the backward integrated activities in procuring the inventory; which has accommodated a loss in the production because of closure of factories and a slowdown in the economy. Second is; Downstream Supply chain management where the intermediaries and middlemen face a lot of problems because of scarcity in inventory and many quarantine measures taken by many economies. Many disruptions in both Upstream and Downstream Supply chains lead to severe scarcity of inventory which was experienced globally by all the economies. This situation has made many economies to think of the inter connectivity and inter dependency among global nations in terms of supply chain. This article is aimed to highlight the effects and changes COVID-19 pandemic has brought in the supply chain industry from both Upstream and Downstream perspective. 2022 Author(s). -
The Impact of corporate governance and capacity utilization on zimbabwe aviation industry
The study investigates the impact of corporate governance and capacity utilization on Zimbabwe Aviation industry, focusing on Air Zimbabwe Holdings. The study examined and newlinecritically analyzed the governance process and level of capacity utilization of the aviation industry in Zimbabwe. The major objectives of the study were to analyze the impact of failures and weaknesses of corporate governance on Air Zimbabwe Holding and to measure the extent of capacity utilization in Air Zimbabwe Holding and its impact on the unit cost of service. The study utilized mixed method where both quantitative and qualitative research methods were combined in the research design. The research philosophy is rooted in both positivism newlineand Interpretivism. The philosophy accommodates the realist ontology and interpretivist. Quantitative approach was used because of its easiness in data analysis. Qualitative method was also used because of its in-depth approach in understanding phenomena under study. The population of this study constituted the board of directors of Air Zimbabwe, the owner newlineand the executive management. The population was considered given the nature of the study newlinethat is corporate governance. The research used questionnaires and interview techniques in collecting primary data. Secondary data was derived from different search engines, books and company periodicals. The research instruments, questionnaires were tested for reliability using Cronbach s Alpha at coefficient of 70. Content analysis of secondary data was used to define a check list of qualitative variables on corporate governance. The hypothesis was tested by means of Analysis of variance. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyse newlineprimary data. The SPSS was used to create a code book that enabled different scientific tests to be carried out. Frequency analysis was run in order to clean the data.ANOVA inferential statistics in the form of p-values for each of the independent variables was performed.