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On the Laplacian energy of interval valued fuzzy graphs
Interval valued fuzzy Laplacian matrix (IVFLM) associated with an interval valued fuzzy graph (IVFG) is studied in this paper. We define spectrum, energy, Laplacian spectrum and Laplacian energy and obtain some bounds for energy and Laplacian energy. 2020 Author(s). -
Handwritten Character Recognition of MODI Script using Convolutional Neural Network Based Feature Extraction Method and Support Vector Machine Classifier
Deep learning based algorithms are used in various pattern recognition tasks, including character recognition. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is effectively implemented for character recognition and is one of the best performing deep learning models. CNN can be used for character recognition directly or it can be used for extracting features in the character recognition process. Implementation of a feature extraction method using CNN autoencoder for MODI script character recognition is discussed in the paper. The extracted features are then subjected to Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the purpose of classification. The On-the-fly data augmentation method is used to add variability and generalization of the data set. MODI Script is an ancient Indian script and was used for writing Marathi until 1950. Various libraries and temples in India and abroad have a large collection of MODI documents. Character recognition related research of MODI script is still in infancy and research and development is necessary to extract the information from MODI manuscripts stored in various libraries. The performance of the proposed method, which uses CNN autoencoder as a feature extractor and an SVM based classifier gives very high accuracy and is better compared to the most accurate MODI character recognition method reported so far. 2020 IEEE. -
Svsl on combination of star with path
Super Vertex Sum Graph is a graph which admits super vertex sum labeling. In this paper, we combine stars and paths under different combinations which results in formation of new graphs and construct algorithm to obtain optimal super vertex sum labeling for the new graphs formed and their super subdivided graphs. 2020 Author(s). -
C-cordial labeling of line signed graphs-I
Let S=(G, ?) be a signed graph. S admits C-cordial labeling if the difference between the number of negative and positive edges (vertices) differ by at most one under canonical marking of S. In this paper, we characterize signed paths and cycles having given number of negative sections where the line signed graphs admit C-cordial labeling. 2020 Author(s). -
Twitter Hate Speech Detection using Stacked Weighted Ensemble (SWE) Model
Online Social Media has expanded the freedom of expression in the internet, which has become a disturbing problem if it has an impact on the situation or the interest of a country. Hate speech refers to the use of hostile, abusive or offensive language, directed at a certain group of people who share common property, whether it is their gender, ethnicity or race (i.e. racism), faith and religion. Therefore, auto detection of hate speeches has an increased importance in Online Social Media for filtering any message that has hatred language before posting it to the network. In this paper, a Stacked Weighted Ensemble (SWE) model is proposed for the detection of hate speeches. The model ensembles five standalone classifiers: Linear Regression, Nae Bayes', Random Forest, Hard Voting and Soft Voting. The experimental results on a Twitter dataset has shown an accuracy of 95.54% in binary classification of tweets into hateful speech and an improved performance is noted compared to the standalone classifiers. 2020 IEEE. -
PSA-MP: Path Selection Algorithm for MANET depends on Mobility Prediction to Enhance Link Stability
Link failure is a much crucial issue to be addressed for improving the stability of the routing. Selection of a stable path is an important task since nodes are mobile. The instability of a link leads to frequent link failure, which further causes to link re-establishment. In this paper, a Path Selection Algorithm based on Mobility Prediction (PSA-MP) is proposed that uses Mobility, Direction and Link Expiration Time (LET) as metrics to evaluate the link stability. In the existing algorithm, if any link gets fails during the link-establishment phase, it informs the previous node for selecting alternate link. But, in PSA-MP the alternate link is selected before a link fails by predicting Mobility, Direction and LET of nodes. As a result, it reduces link re-establishment delay. Ultimately, PSA-MP reduces E2Edelay, which in turn boosts Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR). Eventually, link stability is enhanced in MANETs, which is the focus of this paper. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Spray dried nano oxide ceramics for free flowing plasma spray coating powders and battery material processing
Advanced materials are widely used in electronics, aerospace and automobile industry devices and also in substances synthesized for food, medical and pharmaceutical industries. The quality of the base material powder has high influence on the resulting material body (the product) which goes into the manufacture of the device. To name a few (a) flowable ceramic powders from agglomerated nano ceramic powders for plasma spray coatings with the right sprayable powder characteristics (b) advanced graphene encapsulated nano ceramic oxide powders with uniform conductive coating layers as promising electrodes in Li-Ion batteries, (c) advanced bio-ceramic oxides such as hydroxy-apatite ceramic materials with right amounts of moisture, density and composition consistency as bone and dental implants in bio-ceramics research are examples. Among the many processing methods to achieve the base powders from nano ceramic raw materials the most capable and efficient is 'Spray Drying' which results in powders with high purity with well-defined properties. Complex composite by spray drying is achieved where the 'matrix host' material is encapsulated by the 'guest layer' with special properties. This paper illustrates results pertaining to experimentation via spray drying and microscopic investigation by using SEM associated with EDS on (a) Yttria stabilized zirconia plasma sprayable powders for Thermal Barrier Coatings application and (b) nano yttria stabilized zirconia incorporated into microns sized alumina powders for enhanced densification, to understand the significant role of process parameters on uniformity and consistency of the spray dried products. Information based on review on spray dried Li-ion battery materials is also included. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Kakkot List- An Improved Variant of Skip List
Kakkot list is a new data structure used for quick searching in a well ordered sequence of list like Skip list. This ordered sequence of list is created using linked list data structure and the maximum number of levels here will be limited to log n in all input behavioral cases. The maximum number of items in each level is halved to that of previous levels and thus guarantees a fast searching in a list. The basic difference between Kakkot list and Skip list lies in the creation of levels and decision of when an item has to be included in the higher levels. In skip list the levels are created and items are added to each level during the insertion of an item where as in Kakkot list this will be done at the time of searching an item. This modification have made drastic impact in searching time complexity in the Kakkot list. Another issue in Skip list is that it is not cache friendly and does not optimize locality of reference wherein this problem is also addressed in Kakkot List. 2020 IEEE. -
Effect of calcium sulfoaluminate additive on linear deformation at different humidity and strength of cement mortars
The effect of calcium Sulfoaluminate additives (CSA) on the compression and bending strength of mortar, as well as linear deformation of prism samples at different environmental humidity was studied. Test results indicate that bending strength of mortars with CSA and the referent at the age of 28 days are practically equal. Compressive strength of mortars with CSA reduced by 20... 23% for all dosages of CSA. Relative linear deformations depend on the humidity of the environment. At a humidity of 100%, the relative linear deformations are positive and the expansion increases with increasing dosage of the expanding additive. When hardening in dry air at a humidity of 55%, the greatest shrinkage deformations were observed for mortars with CSA. We can conclude that the expanding effect of CSA is fully manifested at high humidity, i.e. under construction conditions, this means very high-quality moisture care for concrete structures. The Authors 2020. -
Modernized energy management system: A review
The usage of renewable energy system (RES) and its management is vital for reliable electrical energy delivery without pollution. In the scenario of increase in distributed generations (DGs), to utilize the generated electricity from RES without any wastage, to avoid the consumption of electricity during peak hours, to store and retrieve energy in an efficient way from the battery, there is a need for overall energy management system (EMS). As the prices for electricity and pollution are reduced, the review of available methodologies is discussed in this paper. The EMS takes decision based on the predicted load demand. So, the different prediction methodologies and their benefits are also discussed here. Though the electric vehicles (EVs) are considered as load in power system, the storage facility of the EVs are also used as power backup facilities through vehicle to grid (V2G) technology. This paper provides a review on the complete management of RES, EVs, batteries and load. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Graphene doped spray dried ceramic nano oxides for high capacity battery electrodes
Electric vehicles or portable electronic devices have come to rely heavily upon electrochemical devices, such as rechargeable batteries with optimum charge discharge characteristics, current ratings, charge-discharge rate (rate capability), cyclability etc. to perform under the expected service conditions. One of the goals of a rechargeable battery materials researcher is to fabricate materials to realize solid-state batteries with high reliability and lithium-air batteries with ultimate capacities. Most of the materials although possess high theoretical energy density values: invariably suffer from inferior cyclic performance. The performance of these batteries is guided by the electrodes within these devices which in turn depend upon the materials used to fabricate them. Chemical composition and its uniformity, consistency in microstructural features, and adequate choice of various layers that may be in the form of coatings to be overlaid on the base materials mostly comprised of ceramic oxides such as oxides of Li doped with niobates, manganates, vanadate etc. with carbon or graphene coated over layers to provide with the suitable interfacial conductivity as electrode materials in Li-ion batteries. The interfacial layers and the mechanism of interfacial phenomena encompassing the grains play a significant role in determining the performance. Optimum microstructure is obtained by choosing the right processing equipment and spray drying the composition in slurry form provides the most optimum solution. Further, spray drying offers high potential for a transfer from a lab scale technology to industrial level extrapolation. In this paper, nano graphene has been spray dried along with nano alumina grains in water media and polyvinyl alcohol binder to ascertain the free flowability, consistency in formation of graphene over layer on alumina grains as well as uniformity in graphene on alumina composition. The free flowing spray dried graphene coated alumina powders were analysed via SEM, EDS and XRD and results are presented. Additional information based on a review conducted on published information on most popular compositions in terms of electrode materials such as in Li-ion, sodium-ion etc have also been included. In the review section the rapidly increasing literature on spray drying of solutions and suspensions are also included. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Application of Spray Drying process to convert Beneficial Compounds extracted from Plants into free-flowing powder
The use of herbal tablets has been rapidly growing and significant research work is being carried out worldwide with the goal to reap the benefits of the many useful plants that are available with medicinal values. Many of these plants go largely underutilized either due to lack of information on not only just the medicinal properties but simple and effective extraction methodologies as well, without sacrificing the properties of the extracts. Once extracted, the concentrates also must be converted into a suitable form that can be loaded in a capsule etc., ready to be consumed. While there many process methodologies being used worldwide to extract the useful resources from the plant, focus also must be on the process methodology that is being practiced to convert the extract (liquid or semi solid) into a solid free flowing powder form. Thus, in an herbal tablet, there many factors concerned with the manufacturing. They are (i) Identifying the most suitable plant for a particular immunity boosting purpose (ii) extraction of the useful contents, mostly in a liquid or slurry form (iii) transform the extract into a user-friendly product such as powder and finally (iv) encapsulation of the powder for ease of human consumption. This paper brings in a review of the several useful plants available around us across the world. In addition, the paper also highlights the suitable experimental results of the usefulness of spray-drying technology, which is a highly versatile process methodology to transform the extracts into free-flowing powder. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Pseudo Color Region Features for Plant Disease Detection
This study reports a novel pseudo color region features for a computer vision system for the identification of diseases in Tomato Plants. The HSV based algorithm identifies eccentric and non- eccentric dots, spots, patches and region of different pseudo colors. Proposed method uses region properties and creates an enhanced and effective feature vector for plant disease detection. The features are more intuitive for humans to understand and help in tuning the underlying Artificial Intelligence Model better. The algorithm uses a scalable data structure to store regions counts using a hash function. It has wide application in the Computer Vision domain. 2020 IEEE. -
Evaluation of the inhibition efficiency of Pogonatum microstomum for mild steel in acid medium using gravimetric, kinetics, electrochemical studies and statistical modeling
Mosses from a distinct lineage of bryophyte family are found as thick green carpet on the moist rocks, trees, soil or streams. It is acclaimed for its good antimicrobial properties and is a reservoir of various phytochemicals. The nontoxicity nature and abundant availability in nature was exploited for the first time to investigate its effectiveness as novel and green corrosion. Present study deals with the evaluation of corrosion inhibition efficiency of the moss, Pogonatum microstomum using the electrochemical studies and weight loss studies. The moss extract showed a maximum corrosion inhibition efficiency of 95.28 % for 3hrs of immersion period at 303 K. Increase in the inhibition efficiency with concentration of moss extract is the result of adsorption of the constituents which are active on the surface of the metal. Tafel polarization and electrochemical impedance studies gave results on par with the weight loss measurements. The experimental results obtained were further validated by statistical analysis and statistical modeling using SPSS 20 software. 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Mental Workload Estimation Using EEG
Mental workload contributes considerably to the outcome or the performance of any task. The concern of human workload increases during a human-machine collaboration task or in a multitasking environment. This paper presents a comparative study of machine learning algorithms used to estimate workload using Electroencephalography (EEG) data. An open-access EEG dataset acquired during a 'simultaneous capacity (SIMKAP) experiment' and 'no task' is used to create and validate models for binary classification of workload as present and absent respectively. The paper presents an implementation of various classification models that use EEG data to predict the workload. In this paper, implementation for KNN classifier (57.3%), Random Forest classifier (57.19%), MLP network classifier (58.2%), CNN+ LSTM network classifier (58.68%), and LSTM network classifier (61.08%) has been reported. The paper can be further extended to study operator workload in real-time using a brain-computer interface paradigm for any kind of task in a real-world application. The workload classification can be further used in human-machine tasks to decide task allocation between the system to achieve optimal performance in a complex critical system. 2020 IEEE. -
Rational suitability of low cost activated carbon in removing hexavalent chromium ions from wastewater by uninterrupted mode of adsorption
Heavy metals such as chromium, lead, arsenic and others are dense metals whose contamination of water may exterminate life on earth at the niche in industrial activities, foodstuffs or medicines and so on. Activated carbons are very helpful in removing heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption, and have been investigated by many researchers so far. The practical relevance of activated carbon made from de oiled soya in the removal of hexavalent chromium ions through continuous adsorption mode is reported in this paper. A breakthrough plot was plotted in finding the effect of initial concentration and adsorbent bed height in the adsorption of hexavalent chromium through activated carbon of de oiled soya. The breakthrough time and saturation time increased as the concentration of the initial solution shot up from 40 mg/L to 60 mg/L. The saturation time was in an incremental mode when the thickness of the adsorbent bed height in a fixed bed was increased from 5cm to 7cm for 40 mg/L initial concentration of hexavalent chromium. The Adams-Bohart's model was found to fit perfectly the fixed bed column in the removal of hexavalent chromium from aqueous solutions. The fabricated adsorbent worked well in detoxifying hexavalent chromium metal ion contaminated wastewater. 2020 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
A Comparative Assessment of Cascaded Double Voltage Lift Boost Converter
In several power conversion applications, dc-dc boost converters with voltage boost techniques are extensively used in order to meet the growing power demand. The main drawback of conventional dc-dc boost converter is obtaining high DC voltages, when operated at high duty ratio which causes switching losses and decreases overall efficiency because of the switch being used to be in 'ON' state for long time and voltage stresses across switch increases. The main objective of proposed converter is to obtain high voltage without extreme duty ratio. When input voltage of 15V DC is given, 201.1V DC output voltage is attained at duty ratio of 0.4 by the cascaded double voltage lift boost converter. To validate the performance of proposed converter, simulation is carried out in LTspice XVII and a comparative assessment of proposed converter with other converters at different duty ratio are realized. 2020 IEEE. -
Study on Spray Dried Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Dental Implants
Medical implants are devices, tissues or supports that are positioned in a suitable manner on any defective part of the human body to facilitate its smooth functioning again. Known as 'prosthetics', they may be used to offer support to a specific organ or tissues, distribute medication, or observe the body condition. While many of the implants are made from skin, bone or other tissues removed from the body itself, the artificial ones are made from engineering materials which could be any of the compatible metals, plastics, ceramics or even composites. The high end technologically advanced implant material is expected to withstand severe barriers and compatibility issues when in contact with the human body. One such application is dental implants, where, the materials must possess superior mechanical properties, exhibit good hydro-chemical and low thermal degradation characteristics. They are also required to possess characteristics such as low friction, strong wear resistance, good wettability and biocompatibility, when placed in the mouth. The only materials that come close to meeting the needs are ceramics, limited by the associated high fracture rate. Stabilized zirconia (stabilized with yttria, ceria etc.) has provided potential solution. Among the two stabilizers, ceria stabilized zirconia may be a better alternative to yttria stabilized zirconia. Other alternatives are alumina, apatites: but their use are constrained based upon technological and cost considerations. Implant product is a highly demanding technology. Spray drying is a suitable process methodology to obtain free flowing powders with uniform morphology and chemical composition, essential for an implant production. This paper presents (i) results from spray drying 8% Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 and (ii) a review of published literature pertaining to dental implant materials, the various processing methodologies, with special reference to stabilized zirconia and spray drying. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Review on Emerging Internet of Things Technologies to Fight the COVID-19
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been gaining attention in various disciplines ranging from agriculture, health, industries and home automation. When a pandemic first breaks out early detection, isolating the infected, and tracing the contacts are the most important challenges. IoT protocols like Radio-frequency identification (RFID), Wireless Fidelity (WiFi), Global Positioning System (GPS) are gaining popularity for providing solutions to these challenges. IoT based applications in the health sector are benefitting COVID-19 (coronavirus disease of 2019) patients during this pandemic situation. This article explores and reviews the various Internet of Things enabled technologies and applications used in screening, contact tracing, and surveillance. IoT based telemedicine processes are very useful during the pandemic COVID-19. The purpose of this paper is to deliver an overall understanding of the existing and proposed technologies of IoT based solutions to make the situations better during COVID-19. 2020 IEEE. -
Transparent Data Encryption: Comparative Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Oracle Databases
This Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) can provide enormous benefits to the Relational Databases in the aspects of Data Security, Cryptographic Encryption, and Compliances. For every transaction, the stored data must be decrypted before applying the updates as well as should be encrypted before permanently storing back at the storage level. By adding this extra functionality to the database, the general thinking denotes that the Database (DB) going to hit some performance overhead at the CPU and storage level. However, The Oracle Corporation has adversely claimed that their latest Oracle DB version 19c TDE feature can provide significant improvement in the optimization of CPU and no overhead at the storage level for data processing. Impressively, it is true. the results of this paper prove too. Most interestingly the results also revealed about highly impacted components in the servers which are not yet disclosed in any of the previous research work. This paper completely concentrates on CPU, IO, and RAM performance analysis and identifying the bottlenecks along with possible solutions. 2020 IEEE.