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Social media, campus party politics and political participation
Political Participation is a desired quality among citizens in a democracy. Earlier studies have indicated that Political Knowledge, Political Efficacyand Civic Engagement enhance the Political Participation of college students. The current study has its background in two key aspects in the Indian context: First, the proliferation of Social Media Usage among college students in the last decade; Second, the implementation of the
Lyngdoh Commission Report (May 2006) on Campus Party Politics. Studies have not adequately addressed the question of the direct impact of Social Media Usage among college students, on their level of Political Knowledge, Political Efficacy, Civic Engagement, and Political Participation. The present study attempts to assess the impact of Social Media Usage on Political Knowledge, Political Efficacy and Civic Engagement and Political Participation of college students in the context of Kerala. In the context of the implementation of the Lyngdoh Commission report by some of the college and University campuses inIndia thus banning Party Politics in their campuses, while some of the other campuses still retaining Campus Party Politics, the presence/absence of Campus Party Politics is used as a control variable to see the impact of Campus Party Politics on Social Media Usage, Political Knowledge, Political Efficacy, Civic Engagement, and Political Participation. -
Real-time architectural efforts in building a social network using NOSQL databases
Relational database management systems (RDBMS) today are the predominant technology for storing structured data in web and business applications. Along with the increasing size of the datasets, the number of accesses and operations performed increases. This growth, enhanced by the proliferation of social networks, led to a depletion of traditional relational databases that were commonly used to solve a wide range of problems. -
Actualization of the educational vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara through providing higher educational facilities in the formation of human capital in CMI and CMC higher education institutions
Kuriakose Elias Chavara, the great educational visionary of the 19th century, had opened a new path in the education field of our nation through his valuable contributions. He has soared high in the caste-ridden society and took the initial step in the field of education by starting schools with the aim of educating all irrespective of caste or creed. Understanding that education is the best tool to transform the society, he promoted the poor and the marginalized to attend school and made the high caste and the lower caste sit in the same room and on the same bench. Kuriakose Elias Chavara comprehended the immense need for education, and his work has performed a distinct function in the formation of a contemporary nation. To realize his vision, he established two indigenous congregations named Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMI) for men and Congregation of the Mother of Carmel (CMC) for women. Being inspired by the vision of the founder, these two Congregations started many schools and colleges all over India. The current study throws light on the Actualization of the Educational Vision of Kuriakose Elias Chavara in relation to Higher Educational Facilities and Formation of Human Capital as independent variables. -
Identification and standardization of counsellor competencies for masters level counsellor education programs in India
Counselling psychology programs in India have been criticized for being ‘poor replicas of concepts that have originated in western cultures’. The lack of Indian models has been quoted as a drawback indicating that trainees are not necessarily competent to provide effective counselling services. The present study aimed at identifying and standardizing competenciesfor post graduate counsellor training in India based on local needs.The study employed a mixed methods design with four phases. In the first phase, a list of key occupational tasks were drawn up through a systematic review of literature and interviews with three expert practitioners. The second phase was the development of a counsellor competency list which outlined the various competencies required to fulfil the key occupational tasks determined in the previous stage. Seventy one competencies were identified and the list was then given for expert validation. In the third phase, the competency list was given to 75 practicing counsellors across India who rated the competencies on a 5-point likert scale, based on its importance for post graduate counsellor trainees. In the final stage the prioritized competencies were analyzed using a concept development approach to identify core competencies required for master level counselling psychology trainees. The resulting core competencies were three foundational competency domains which included ethical practice, personal and professional development and cultural sensitivity. -
A study on defective colouring of graphs
If different technology represent distinct colours that are to be located on some geographical region which can be represented as vertices of a graph, then the proper colouring is obtained when no two technology of same type share a common edge between the vertices they are placed on. The minimum technology required for such a colouring of a graph is the chromatic number of the graph. However, if the available technology are less than that of the minimum required, then the question arises on how to place the technology on the vertices of a graph in such a way that there is a minimum adjacency between the technology of same type. The solution for this problem can be attained by defining certain rules for the properness of colouring in which a few thresholds are tolerated. We know that, in a proper colouring every colour class is an independent set. If the available colours to colour a graph is less than that of the chromatic number of graphs, then a threshold that can be tolerated is permitting few colour classes to be non-independent set. An edge uv is said to be a monochromatic edge or bad edge if the colours assigned to both u and v are the same. -
Key factors elevating omni-channel retail experience: A study of critical capability dimensions
Increasing digital disruption is driving the necessity for Omni-Channel Retailing, compelling the integration of online and offline channels. The line between online and physical retailing is blurring as retailers intend to deliver a unified experience anytime anywhere, than a mere channel specific experience. As customer expectation for seamless experience intensifies, and retailers’ organizational, operational and technical barriers persist, it would be vital to formulate a suitable strategy towards elevating Omni-Channel Retail Experience. Though prior studies have observed the need for realigning the strategy around blended advantages of multiple channels, there is a limited understanding with regards to Omni-Channel Capabilities influencing customer experience elements. Besides, it is challenging to adopt all the capabilities within a competitive timeframe. Thus, the importance of prioritizing these capabilities remains fairly underexplored. This research aims to close this gap by ascertaining key Omni-Channel Dimensions and Capabilities influencing experiential aspects, pertaining to Apparel and Fashion retail, which is a leading category in India. The research first employs a qualitative study to corroborate the appropriateness of the Omni-Channel constructs identified from literature review, in the context of Indian retail market, followed by a quantitative study to validate their influence on OmniChannel Retail Experience. The research determines key capabilities and dimensions from a retailers’ perspective that underpin key experience elements. -
Influence of emotional intelligence as mediator between workplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviour
Spirituality at work has developed as a research discipline over the last decade. There have been a few theoretical studies emphasizing on the significance of the construct. The external and internal factors affecting the relationship of this construct need to be analysed for enabling its implementation in the business world. The construct needs further empirical studies to establish itself as an implementable HR practice, contributing significantly to the bottom line. Organisational citizenship behaviour is critical for performance amidst uncertainty. Emotional intelligence has become more critical in overcoming the challenges faced by the Information Technology (IT) sector in India. This study fills the gap in the current literature studying the influence of emotional intelligence in the relationship between workplace spirituality and organisational citizenship behaviour in the Indian IT sector context. The challenges faced by the Indian IT sector are unique and needs alternative solution to avoid a downfall in the sector contributing majorly to the national GDP. The sample is 800 IT sector employees selected through judgmental sampling. The data is collected by using online survey instruments. SEM modelling has been used to analyse the data and use the same for development of an implementable model relating the dependent and the independent variables. -
Elemental abundances in the interstellar medium
One method to investigate the chemical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM) and interstellar dust grains is to conduct interstellar elemental depletion studies, especially of highly abundant species. The role refractory element, silicon (Si) in extinction is not clearly understood and the distribution and evolution of moderately volatile sulfur (S) in the ISM is still an open problem. The key motivation of the work is to investigatethe chemical composition of ISM of our Galaxy, and the formation, processing and distribution of interstellar dust in its different environments, mainly focusing on silicon and sulfur abundances, both in gas and dust.In the work outlined in this thesis, I will be describing the gas and dust phase abundances of Si and S in the interstellar medium using archival observations, and their probable role in the observed extinction. In this work, we also have measured the column density of S II along 9 Galactic sight lines using archival high-resolution observations from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph and determined the abundances of S in both gas and dust phases. Using Archival spectral data towards 131 target stars in the Galaxy, interstellar Si abundances and depletion along those lines of sight has been surveyed. Oscillator strength correction has been performed to account for its improvements, using most recent values. This is an extensive survey done using a much larger data sample compared to previous investigations, but it substantiate the majority of the findings, which show that Si depletion is linked to both the average hydrogen density (n (H)) and the fraction of molecular hydrogen (f(H2)) along the lines of sight. -
Studies on single crystals and thin films on tin sulfide (SnS) for photovoltaic applications
There is an increasing demand for renewable energy sources due to the limited availability of fossil, risk factor associated with nuclear fuel and due to growing environmental concern. Photovoltaic (PV) energy conversion has the potential to contribute significantly to the electrical energy of the main obstacles preventing production and application on a large scale. Availability of the materials and their processing cost are the two major constraints associated with the presently leading PV technologies. Hence, cost of the electricity produced by these technologies are not yet competitive compared to the electricity produced by conventional sources. -
An investigative approach to hard machining of inconel 718 with coated carbide tool
Super alloys sustain good strength at high temperature and pressure conditions. Such
materials have high demand in Aerospace industry, Marine industry, and Nuclear power plants. They have a great demand in Nuclear and Aerospace applications because of it retain its properties at temperature over 700 °C. Machinability of nickel based super - alloys is extremely poor, mainly due to their low thermal conductivity, build up edge and self-hardening, which leads to high dynamic cutting forces. They are difficult to machine because of its high shear strength, work hardening and precipitation hardening. High abrasive particles in its microstructure and tendency forming chip to weld to tool and form Built Up Edge (BUE) make it more difficult to machine. Friction between tool and material and its low thermal conductivity results in high temperature generation. They have Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Ferrous (Fe) or Cobalt (Co) as base contains. Small amount of Al, Ti, Nb, Ta, W, Mo added to these alloys to sustain at high temperature. Chromium is important alloying element in order to obtain the hot corrosion resistance property. Due to these factors the tool wear is extremely high and increasing the tool life by minutes is an enormous success. To overcome this situation, various materials have been developed for Inconel 718 machining. Though Ceramic tools, Silicon Carbide whiskers, reinforced alumina tools, carbide tools have been used to machine Inconel 718 but they have failed to produce good surface, better accuracy and minimum tool wear. -
Organizational culture, leadership styles, personal commitment and learning organization:An exploratory study
There is an accelerating change in the scope of all areas of human existence in this century. There are tidal waves of changes being felt by academicians also. To accept change that provides internal steadiness while moving ahead is one of the challenges academic institutions have to face. To improve an organization's quality there are many routes for organizational development through change. -
Organic and inorganic compounds anchored graphene frameworks as materials for sensor and supercapacitor applications
The specific atoms or group of atoms that can attach to the other organic or inorganic compounds due to the strong affinity is called as the anchoring group. The electrons from these organic and inorganic compounds are potent to travel through the anchor group. This leads to specific features with the change in the arrangement of atoms in the entire molecule/system. Hence, the redox reaction properties, molecular chain length and the extent of conjugation of the resultant anchored product vary. Depending upon the binding nature, anchoring groups can be divided into monodentate, bidentate, and multidentate. Among these, multidentate anchoring groups are more significant since it can bind either partially to the molecules or withthe whole surface. Though many multidentate anchoring groups like fullerene, carbon nanotubes, polymers, calixarenes, and graphene are presented in the literature, graphene oxide anchored organic and inorganic compounds are important because of its amazing contributions to the material science and design. The high thermal and electrical conductivity, large surface area, mechanical strength, and availability of more mobile electrons make graphene as the suitable anchor group for diverse applications in the field of adsorption of polluted gases, catalyst for the organic conversions, medicinal chemistry, electrochemical sensing, and energy storage devices. Therefore, Graphene oxide (GO) is one of the good choices to develop supercapacitance systems and electrochemical sensing materials. Heteroatom doping, conducting polymer, metal complexes, and metal oxides anchored graphene oxide are more significant because they change the electroactive properties significantly. Considering these, we studied the photophysical and electrochemical properties of chromium complex anchored GO synthesised by silane and diazonium coupling. The results exhibited that both silane functionalized GO and azo dye enable an electronic interaction due to the recombination of sp2 and sp3 states and electron-hole pairs which have extensive importance in developing optoelectronic devices. -
Actualization of educational vision of Chavara by principals of congregation of mother of carmel(CMC) schools as perceived by teachers in relation to transformational leadership, organizational socialization and organizational learning
Education is one of the most powerful instruments of desirable social changes and transformation. It plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development. St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, a transformational leader of the 19th Century strived to transform the society through education. His educational vision immensely contributed in the development of the archaic society of Kerala. The education envisaged by Chavara was a flawless blend of intellectual, practical and spiritual formation. -
Effect of personality, psychological capital, institutional support on job satisfaction and affective commitment among private school teachers on South Karnataka
A teacher's personality traits are important to create and maintain a
classroom learning environment. The behaviour of Teachers depends on the characteristics of the personality. There have been many pieces of research based on the positive aspects of teachers' behaviour through enhancing some psychological states which are based on the positive institutional behaviour. This particular research has its focus on the positive strengths of the teachers, and this construct has an essential influence on job satisfaction. Hence, a satisfied and engaged teacher is very much necessary to strengthen the competitive student base of every School. To explore the fact, the researcher has chosen the constructs such as Personality, Positive psychological capital, Institutional factors (Perceived Institutional support, Work-life policies, Work autonomy), Job satisfaction factors, and Affective commitment to study the impact of the Big five dimensions of personality on job satisfaction and affective commitment of private school teachers in South Karnataka and to investigate the impact of psychological capital on job satisfaction and affective commitment of teachers. The study also attempts to understand the influence of Institutional factors (perceived Institutional support, work-life policies, and work autonomy) on job satisfaction and affective commitment. -
Development and effectiveness of an art therapy application for children
This study involved developing an art therapy app and explored the effectiveness of art therapy using the app on enhancing children's’ self-esteem. Digital technology has become a part of human life and has also influenced mental health services. There is a recommendation to use digital technology in low-resource countries to bridge the mental health service gap for individuals with mental health problems. To meet the needs of art therapists and clients, an app called ‘Art about Me’ was designed as a new medium/tool in art therapy intervention by the researcher, an art therapist. Confidentiality, security, documentation, and a backing up system were the primary features considered while developing the app. Three school counselors who participated in an art therapy workshop provided art therapy intervention using the app for children in school settings to improve their self-esteem. The results indicated that art therapy using the app was significantly effective in enhancing their self-esteem. This study concluded that the app could replace traditional art materials and work as a substitute medium. It helped build a therapeutic
alliance with clients, develop self-growth and potential for children, and was appreciated by counselors. The art therapy app would be an adequate solution to provide therapeutic services and overcome the limitation of art materials for art therapy, especially in low resource countries. -
Development of efficient biometric recognition algorithms based on fingerprint and face
The reliable verification systems are required to verify and confirm the identity of an individual requesting their service. Secure access to the buildings, laptops, cellular phones, ATM etc. is an example of such applications. In the absence of robust verification systems, these systems are vulnerable to the wiles of an impostor. The traditional ways of authentications are passwords (knowledge – based security) and the ID Cards (token – based security). These methods can be easily breached due to the chance of stolen, lost or forget. The development and progress of biometrics technology, the fear of stolen, lost or forget can be eliminated. Biometrics refers to the automatic identification (or verification) of an individual (or a claimed identity) by using certain physiological or behavioral traits associated with the person. The biometrics identifies the person based on features vector derived from physiological or behavioural characteristics such as uniqueness, permanence, accessibility, collectability with minimum cost. The physiological biometrics are Fingerprint, Hand Scan, Iris Scan, Facial
Scan and Retina Scan etc., and behavioural biometric are Voice, Keystroke, Gait, Signature etc., The physiological biometrics measures the specific part of the structure or shape of a portion of a subject’s body. -
Organizational sustainability:A study of corporate organizations in the Indian context
Creating and Sustaining an Organization is an all time challenge. The primary research question is mainly of an explorative nature, seeking to comprehend how the Corporate Organization, meaning Multi National Corporations, Public Sector Undertakings and other Private Organizations. The findings of the study facilitate recommendations to the various organizations to improve the managerial practice and guide them to the ways of sustainability. The aim of the study is to examine the different stages of development of various organizations that best describes the organization and strategy of the organization in sustaining the organization. -
Role of employee value proposition in creating employer brand value for employee attraction and retention
Employee Value Proposition is a set of associations and offerings provided by an organisation in return for the skills, capabilities and experiences an employee brings to the organisation. Employee expectations from the employer is now shifted from monetary to more intrinsic values like rewards, recognition, and flexible work. Understanding the value proposition is vital to devise appropriate human resource strategies for employee attraction and retention. Human resource managers have realised that the communicating the value propositions to the employees is as important as devising them. This has led human resource managers to collaborate with marketing team to develop right communicating strategies to build a lucrative employer brand to attract right talent into the organisation. Previous studies lack focus on dual
outcomes of employer brand. The current study develops an employer brand for internal employees and potential employees. Although the value proposition components remain same for both category of employees, the order of preference differs. The study has used structured questionnaire to
understand the order of preference of value proportion components for
internal and potential employees among generation X, Y and Z. The findings assist human resource managers to use the developed framework to identify the value proposition preferred and develop and communicate the Employee Value Proposition accordingly. The theoretical contribution includes proposing differentiated Employer Brand framework for internal and potential employees. -
Job satisfaction among women scientists in Karnataka with special reference to Bangalore
Innovations in Science and Technology form the basis of most changes in all world societies. Harnessing these discoveries, for the benefit and progress of various social groups, then becomes the greatest contribution of the community of Natural Scientists within any society. In Bangalore, as in other parts of India, discoveries and innovations are brought about in Science and Technology laboratories, on a daily basis. -
Impact of microfinance on socio economic development-evidence from South India
The role and impact of microfinance in the socio economic development of the low income people who are not credit worthy has been assessing and exploring by researchers for its sustainable operation and the development of formal financial system. The study explores the socio economic development of microfinance in South India. The objectives are based on variables like financial inclusion, employment and earning opportunities, social capital, and well-being.