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Political cartoons are an important part in any newspaper. Political cartoons adorn a small part of a newspaper, often in a corner. The position of this piece although small the impact is huge. A cartoon conveys a lot of information in very few words. The emotions behind the political cartoons are genuine and although harsh, are taken with a sense of humour. While incomparison editorials are, firstly for the elite masses who understand the highly intellectual content of the piece, also editorials have a tendency to be politically correct and hold back, unlike cartoons. Cartoons are generally blatant about their stand on the issue. There have been controversial cartoons like JyllandsPostenthe Mohammad cartoon and the effective yet less controversial R.K.Laxman. The dissertation will concentrate on how political cartoon are infact one of the most important parts of any newspaper. It will try to understand the effectiveness of political cartoons over editorials. How political cartoons are a means of communication. The researcher will also try to understand how R.K.Laxman and the common man have become symbols for the ??aamaadmi??. The methods of research will include a qualitative analysis of political cartoons by interview and a quantitative analysis by questionnaire method to understand how people perceive cartoons over editorials. The researcher having completed the researcher is in a position to make comments about the effectiveness and popularity of cartoons. -
The study analyses the influence of new generation Malayalam cinema and the trend of new generation cinema in Malayalam film industry. In the new generation films, realism has been given preference. The preferred portrayals are of death, blood, conceit, adultery, jealousy, cunningness, unfaithfulness and sorrow. It aims to analyse how the new generation affects the Malayalam cinema and its pattern of story or plot used by the industry. The researcher used content analysis to find out the similarities and common similarities from the four films. Through the content analysis and qualitative research we can find out that the plot or the way of stories were moving in the same direction. -
Design and Fabrication of Differential Thermal Analyser for Thermal Characterization of Materials
Thermal analysis techniques are widely used in both industrial and scientific domains to understand the changes in structural and chemical composition of materials. The structural and chemical composition of most of the materials undergoes changes when heated. Using various thermal analysis techniques such changes are monitored in various atmospheres of interest. Through these analytical experimental techniques the physical properties of the substance can be studied as a function of temperature. These techniques can be used to characterize, qualitatively and quantitatively a huge range of materials over a substantial temperature range. Results from the thermal analysis instruments can be obtained quickly and henceforth it has wide variety of applications. These thermal methods find widespread use for both quality control and research applications on polymers, pharmaceutical preparations, clay, minerals, metals and alloys. Differential thermal analysis is one of the thermal analysis methods, which records the difference in temperature (??T) between a substance and an inert reference material as a function of furnace temperature or time. Any transformation ?? change in specific heat or an enthalpy of transition ?? can be detected by Differential Thermal Analyser (DTA). The automated DTA is available readily from various manufacturers but it is expensive. Therefore researchers usually prefer to design and build their own instruments as per the individual requirements of experiments under various specialized conditions. Furnace, sample holder, controlled heating source, low noise-high gain amplifier and differential recorder are the main units of a differential thermal analyser. In the present work, we have made an attempt to design and fabricate a low cost differential thermal analyser for the thermal analysis of materials. -
K shell X-ray Fluorescence Parameters of Platinum and Lead
X-ray fluorescence phenomenon (XRF) has gained importance as a tool the fields of atomic, nuclear and radiation physics, material science, medical physics, and in such diverse fields as industry, agriculture, archaeology, forensic science and so on for elemental analysis. This demands for accurate values of XRF parameters such as shell wise and sub-shell wise x-ray fluorescence yield, fluorescence x-ray production cross-section, Auger transition rate, shell and sub-shell intensity ratios, K to L vacancy transfer probabilities and so on. In addition, measurements of these parameters are useful in obtaining physical parameters such as photoelectric cross-sections, jump ratios and x-ray emission rates. Over the years several researchers have measured these parameters employing variety of methods and detectors (Apaydin and Tira?o?lu 2012; Hopman et al. 2012; Kahoul et al. 2011; Cengiz et al. 2011; Cengiz et al. 2010; M??nesguen and M. -C. L??py 2010; S????t et al. 2009a; S????t et al. 2009b; Reyes-Herrera and Miranda 2008; Ertu?rul et al. 2007; Aylikci et al. 2007; Demir and ?ahin 2007; ?ahin et al. 2005; ??zdemir et al. 2002; ?imsek et al. 2002; Durak et al. 2001; 1998; Allawadhi et al. 1993). However these methods involve complicated single and double reflection geometries armed with sophisticated equipments and strong sources of the order of 109 Bq or more. These experiments involve many corrections such as attenuation of x-rays in the target itself (self attenuation correction), attenuation in the window of the detector (window attenuation correction), solid angle correction, photopeak efficiency and total detection efficiency of the detector, etc. Estimation of intensity of radiations incident on the target is a difficult task in these methods. The incident intensity and the total x-ray fluorescence intensity generated in the target are the quantities, which determine the accuracy of the K x-ray fluorescence parameters. Recently Gudennavar et al. (2003a; 2003b) and Horakeri et al. (2011; 1998; 1997) have developed a simple method to measure K-shell fluorescence yields, production cross section and other parameters by adopting a 2geometrical configuration and employing weak radioactive sources. K x-ray fluorescence parameters are independent of angle of emission because K x-rays are emitted isotropically from the target atom. It was found that the method yields K x-ray fluorescence parameter values as accurate as any standard reflection geometry experiment. The simplicity of method helps one to utilize it to develop student laboratory experiments to train students in x-ray fluorescence field. Since the method requires weak sources, it is of great advantage to student laboratories for they do not need special permission to acquire sources and sources can be handled safely without any personal radiation hazards. However the validity of the target thickness criterion and the method needs to checked with other X-ray detectors such as CdZnTe, HPGe as their construction arrangements are different from NaI(Tl) detectors and for all the elements in the periodic table. In the present study, we have measured the K x-ray fluorescence parameters for the elements platinum and lead using HPGe detector spectrometer and 57Co excitation source. The results are compared with the theoretical, semi-empirical fitted and other experimental values. -
Kamal Haasan is one actor who has a dynamic image in Tamil film Industry. He is one actor who is never scared of experimenting with his roles. This paper tries to find the change in image of the actor. In the present scenario the cinegoers look up to him as an actor, because of his versatility and he his predominantly known for his acting. In a time where the actors were making big budget films for commercialization, Kamal Haasan wanted to make films that had an in-depth story which people could relate to. With Apporva Raagangal he started off his career and got the Filmfare Award for the best actor. He is one actor who never stops from experimenting in films and taking up new roles as a director, producer etc. The paper would analyze twelve of his movies. Thus through this visual analysis the researcher tries to find out whether an actual image transition has happened in the actor and whether the change has been maintained. The researcher has short listed twelve movies for visual analysis, they are: Sigappu Rojakkal, Moondram Pirai, Nayagan, Apoorva Sagodharangal, Thevar Magan, Indian, Avvai Shanmughi, Hey Ram, Thenali, Virumandi, and Vishwaroopam. -
Cinema has a huge amount of capacity to influence the audience. And it is because of this attribute that films either go on to become huge hits or a big disappointment. Everything depends on how the audience receives each film. Director S. Shankar has a track record of 100% success and this by any means, is a big achievement. Favourably for Shankar, even the critics have stayed away from dismissing his films from being just a commercial entertainer and for most of his work; there has been immense appreciation from their side. To contemplate more on the success story, there is a specific pattern observed in all his films and arguably, they have played a vital role in deciding the success. And these patterns are not just about the theme or the casting for which many other directors are known for. As a matter of fact, he does not follow the theory of developing a success combination with the actors. This is one such example of many other important yet unnoticed patterns followed by the director. The research paper attempts to identify and explain each pattern found in all or at least, in most of his films. The research also tries to identify the role of the film crew behind the success of Shankars films. -
New media is prevalent tool and a mass medium since it became associated with social networking. Public relations companies and executives used new media like YouTube; Facebook extensively since the dominance and wide implications of these mediums was first witnessed. With the existing new media strategies of Facebook events, advertisements and campaigns there is an increase in demand for unconventional new media strategies. The new media audience is rapidly changing and adapts rather quickly to already existing new media tools. This research paper intends to study the imporantnce of Public engagement and innovation in new media strategies. It will help in field of public relations and advertisement at large by answering significant questions on public engagement, its application in Indian campaings, if applied its success or failure and other detailed synthesis of its existance or lack or willingness of the Indian masses and industry experts to adopt or embrace public engagement and innovation in new media strategizing. -
This study unveils the impact of microfinance activities in nine villages in Bangalore rural. The study investigates the variables like women empowerment, savings before and after microfinance, monthly income, socio economic index, financial benefits, and purpose of savings. To study the problem there were six null hypotheses were framed. To test it data were collected from 400 beneficiaries of microfinance through questionnaire. The detailed questionnaire reveals the personal data, economic condition, group organization, knowledge and awareness of microfinance activities, savings pattern, training details, impact of training, credit utilization, impact of microfinance schemes, influence of microfinance schemes on community affairs, and expenditure pattern of the microfinance beneficiaries. The data collected have been analyzed using the Karl Pearsons correlation coefficient, Chi-square Paired t-test and ANOVA using SPSS 11.0 statistical software and the results obtained there by have been interpreted. The following were the objectives of the study. -To study the difference between savings before microfinance and savings after microfinance -To study difference between different occupations as a result of microfinance and monthly income -To study the difference between different occupations and the purpose of savings from microfinance activities -To study the relationship between microfinance with women empowerment and socio economic index -To study the relationship between microfinance with Main Occupation and socio-economic index -To study the relation between Socio Economic Index and Financial Benefits derived out of Micro Finance Schemes The following findings were derived from the study. 1. The study shows that there is significant difference between savings before microfinance and savings after microfinance. It is evident from the study that the savings after micro finance has improved the savings of the beneficiaries tremendously. 2. There is difference between different occupations as a result of microfinance and monthly income. 3. There is difference between different occupations and the purpose of savings from microfinance activities. 4. There is relation between microfinance with women empowerment and socio economic index. 5. There is relation between microfinance with Main Occupation and socio economic index. 6. There is relation between Socio Economic Index and Financial Benefits derived out of Micro Finance Schemes. Formal lenders discriminate against small borrowers because of the high cost of information acquisition and their weak enforcement capacity. This has led to the search for alternative financial service delivery systems for poor borrowers all over the developing world. The most popular alternative has been microfinance. Microfinance services produce positive effect on output, investments and savings of the beneficiaries. To achieve increase in the output, investments and savings of the rural people of India microfinance services should be intensified. Microfinance services result in the women empowerment in the rural and semi urban areas of India. The expansion of microfinance services will empower poor people to stabilize economically through better agricultural productivity, trade, animal husbandry, increased savings and investment. Key words:Micro finance,Women Empowerment ,Socio Economic Index -
Fitness is possibly a new found scientific understanding of health and nutrition in people today. Off late, people have realised the importance of fitness. Each medium sells the concept of fitness differently to its audience. The manner in which it projects the same may have a positive or negative understanding of the same. Therefore, this study attempts to answer whether there is any credibility in media content on fitness. Content analysis on a print medium and two social media pages have been conducted followed by a focus group discussion to understand the audience perception of the said credibility if any. Conclusion has been drawn based on the content analysis of the medium considered along with opinions of the respondents of the focus group discussion. -
The Experience of Flow among Kathak Dancers
Flow is a state of optimal experience proposed by Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (1975). Flow is the holistic experience that people feel when they act with total involvement and is characterized by intense engagement and enjoyment. The flow state has been explored diverse contexts such as art, music, theater, education and sports. The main contribution of flow studies to positive psychology involves adding value, purpose and enjoyment to subjective experience, thereby leading to a richer and intentional life existence. Dance is one such activity that increases enjoyment by integrating ones awareness with oneself and the surroundings. Kathak is a form of North Indian Classical dancing that lays emphasis on speed and rhythm. The present study aims to analyze the experience of flow in the context of Kathak performance. It also seeks to describe the experience of flow by linking challenge in the performance and skill of the dancer, the importance of feedback in performance and the unique competencies that enable a person to enter and maintain the state of flow. Seven Kathak dancers from Bangalore were interviewed in order to analyze how they experience flow. The research paradigm employed was phenomenology and in-depth interviews were used to gather data. Thematic analysis was the technique used in the study to generate themes. The findings of the study state that the dancers perceive Kathak as a challenging dance. The dancers perception of their skills influences their flow experience during performance. The Guru was seen to be an influential person whose feedback was considered valuable. The response from the audience and the dancers own self reflection were also important sources of feedback. The dancers had identified different purposes for performing Kathak. They were all motivated by their inner drives. The dancers also experienced a transformation from their personal selves when they were immersed in the dance. Self-confidence was seen to be an important facilitator of flow whereas anxiety was seen to be a major inhibitor. The results will be able to help dancers understand the importance of optimal experiences during dancing. An awareness of the what facilitates and inhibits flow can lead dancers to intentionally work on having clearer goals, better concentration, less self consciousness and raising the challenge level for themselves. The findings can be applied to dance therapy and also contributes to both research of dance and the relationship between dance and psychology in India. Keywords: Flow, experience, Kathak, challenge, feedback. -
A study on Celebrity endorsement as an effective tourism destination marketing tool with reference to Bangalore
Celebrity Endorsement is one of the major forms of advertising in which a business organisation makes use of famous individuals or well known organizations in order to boost consumer interest in the product and/or services that they want to sell. Now-a-days every company is trying to bring in a brand ambassador for their brands. Slowly the trend of tying up with a celebrity in promoting has moved towards promoting tourism destinations. This paper tries to find out the effect of celebrity endorsement as an effective marketing destination tool. The objectives framed to reach to this goal were to identify whether the consumers are consider the tourism advertisements that are endorsed by celebrities, to find out the various factors of celebrity endorsers that motivates people to visit the advertised tourist destination and to determine whether the use of celebrities have greater effect than the use of non celebrities when advertising a tourist destination. Data was collected from 250 respondents from Bangalore city in a questionnaire form. Some of the tools that are been used to test the hypothesis are One sample t- test, ANOVA, Chi Square test, Friedman test and Tukey test . The major findings from the study are that the main factors that a celebrity has to have when endorsing a tourism product is the match between the product and the celebrity and the factor that is not at all looked into by the consumers in a tourism product is physical attractiveness. It was also identified that most of the respondents would have better brand recognition and recall when done by a celebrity endorsement but more weightage for the advertisement, more convincing, easy to choose from the different destinations is only possible with the help of if the advertisement that are not done by celebrity. It was found out that occupation of the consumers would have no impact in getting attracted to celebrity endorsers but students were one category that loved to see celebrity endorsers on screen. Key words: Celebrity Endorsement, tourism destination advertisements, Expertise, Trustworthiness, Similarity, Familiarity, Likeability, Match between the celebrity, transfer meaning, Physical attractiveness. -
The daily soaps that we view every day in our living room reflect how our society works and functions, for few people their day starts and ends with these television shows. What happens in our favorite television serials, also tend to influence the lives we lead, like the way they dress up, the manner in which they socialize; tend to have a huge impact on our behavior and actions. Hindi daily soaps during the late 1990s and early 2000s served the Indian audiences with more of human relationships such as saas bahu dilemmas, parent child understanding that predominantly focused more on family values and ethics, in other words it preached to the Indian viewers how an ideal family is ought to be, showcasing a perfect family setting. In the present context there has been a gradual shift in terms of themes, character portrayal, trends, visualization and effects along with messages that these shows want to convey, such as gay marriages, extra-marital affairs, domestic violence are now becoming the central themes of much popular Hindi daily soaps .This study would map the shift in Hindi daily soaps during the early 2000s to the present day on the basis of- themes, character portrayal, trends, visualizations and effects and the messages that each of these shows convey. -
The strong influence of single crystals in the present day technology is evident from the recent advancements in semiconductors, polarisers, transducers, infrared detectors, photosensitive materials and crystalline thin films for microelectronics and computer industries. Nonlinear optical crystals (NLO) are in great demand in view of their applications in areas like optical modulation, optical switching, frequency shifting and optical data storage for developing technologies in telecommunications and signal processing. Organometallic single crystals are specially noted among the new generation NLO crystal due their structural diversity and applications. In this present work, organometallic compounds of manganese mercury thiocyanate (MMTC) and Co2+ doped MMTC were synthesised and single crystals were grown by slow evaporation method. The grown crystals were subjected to various characterisation techniques like X-ray diffraction analysis, FT-IR analysis and UV spectroscopy. Dielectric and photo conductivity studies were also performed. The first chapter in the dissertation brings out the importance of organometallic NLO crystals. Literature survey on the NLO crystals is also included in this chapter. An introduction to solution growth techniques is given in the second chapter. All the characterization techniques used for the work are introduced in the third chapter. The fourth chapter describes the synthesis, growth and characterization studies of MMTC and Co2+ doped MMTC. The last chapter contains results and discussions leading to the conclusion. -
New media play an important role in the spreading of plagiarism in the modern world. The facilities that are provided by new media like websites; blogs etc provide information to the knowledge seeker which may cause for plagiarism in many cases. Plagiarism is an issue faced by academic field and researcher due to the influence of new media. This paper is studying whether students consider plagiarism as ethical issue. Study is analyzing students attitude towards plagiarism especially students attitude toward online plagiarism. This is a study conducted using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The study is very much important in the contemporary time due the changing treads in the concept of academic due to the impact of new media and information flow. The paper evaluates the understanding of student regarding plagiarism. The study is also evaluating the factors that force students to do plagiarism in their works. The study uses the techniques like survey, in-depth interview and focus group discussion to reach conclusion. -
A Study on the Impact of Microfinance on the Members of the Self Help Groups in Karnataka State, India
The present study focuses on assessing the extent to which the Microfinance programs have been effective in bringing about the change it is supposed to in the state of Karnataka, India. Therefore, an impact assessment is suited to know the ground reality of these programs. The study takes into consideration the socio-economic variables in order to assess the over-all effect of the programs. Apart from interventions and influences coming from the Microfinance programs, there are also other factors that influence the effect. These other factors are largely associated with the location where these programs are conducted. Locations or Regions bring with it difference in culture, social, occupational and demographical aspects which are also taken into account the study. The study shows that there is a significant change in the socio-economic lives of the poor of the different regions of Karnataka. However, the results are not as impressive as they should have been. All in all, the impact of the microfinance programs exhibits a dull, or rather, yet-to-explore field, urging efforts to reach out more effectively to the rural poor. Keywords: Impact Assessment, Microfinance, Karnataka, Self Help Groups, Savings Accumulation, Consumption Pattern, Accessibility to Credit