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This research project set out to study the new Google + Project, a new social network by Google. The dissertation looks at the social network as compared to already existing social networks especially Facebook, what the sight possesses that other social networks may not have and how successful the site will be in the years to come and if there is a need for a new social network after what is already there. The researcher went out to find out from users of the social networks, how popular Google plus and Facebook are and how frequently the sites are and what possible future the sites have. The researcher found out that Google plus isnt as popular as Facebook just yet but in years to come if they can learn from the mistakes that the already existing social network have made and develop on that to make the site more user friendly. -
A Study on the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Multi-Brand Apparel Retail
Numerous research studies have been done in the area of retailing, but there is no research that identifies the main factors that influence customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. A study on this aspect is important as the apparel retail industry is growing very fast in India with the advent of many foreign brands in this sector. This study aims to understand the main factors influencing customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. Primary data is collected through survey method, using a structured questionnaire designed to capture the required variables to extract the factors influencing customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. The respondents are surveyed through convenience sampling method. The appropriate variables are identified through literature review of a number of articles on organised apparel retailing. After considering appropriate variables of apparel retail service quality and store characteristics, the structured questionnaire consisting of 17 independent variables and 1 dependent variable measured on a likert scale of 1 to 5, is used to collect data from the apparel retail customers. Factor analysis on these independent variables resulted in extraction of 4 main factors. Then Regression analysis is done on the 4 factors taking customer satisfaction as the dependent variable. The results of the analysis reveal that the factors significantly influence customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. It was also found through regression analysis that there is a significant impact of customer satisfaction on shopping budget in multi-brand apparel retail. Also, a significant relationship was found between family monthly income and shopping budget in multi-brand apparel retail. The implication of this research is that the results would help multi-brand apparel retailers to formulate marketing strategies with a focus on the factors identified, to improve customer satisfaction and refine their approach to reach out to their consumers and retain them, when they come to shop in their apparel retail store. -
The original model developed by Hackman & Oldham (1976, 1980) was tested for the healthcare sector in India following three staged model as proposed by the original authors. Out of several studies conducted so far using this model, majority of the studies had adopted two staged model. Stratified sampling technique was adopted to select the hospitals (equal number of hospitals selected from private, public and trust hospitals). Convenience sampling was adopted to administer the questionnaire (questionnaires were administered to the target sample from hospitals that gave permission under the three categories). Judgmental sampling method was adopted for deciding whom to administer the questionnaire. Inclusion and exclusion criteria included as employees should have worked for minimum 12 months in the present hospital to complete the questionnaire. 1550 questionnaires were distributed and 1244 fully completed questionnaires were compiled for analysis (80% response rate). Initially the model was tested using structural equation modeling. The study found that the job characteristics model as suggested by Oldham and Hackman (1976 and 1980) did not find good fit in the healthcare sector in India. Further the model was tested separately for nursing, paramedical and nonmedical category as they were the major stake holders in the healthcare sector. The result of the second model fit was also poor and found further fall in strength, which was tested based on the categorization ?? paramedical, nursing and nonmedical staff. Hence, the researcher found no scope of testing the structural equation model any further. Therefore, as the measurement model fails, the researcher intended to explore the dimensions using exploratory factor analysis. The result of the exploratory analysis indicated extracted 17 dimensions from 83 items. These 17-factors extracted from the exploratory factor were applicable to the Indian healthcare sector. This new tool needs to be tested in India for measuring the job characteristics, psychological states and personal outcome linkages. In this study we have analyzed the implications based on the results found. Some of the implications of the study were in the area of autonomy and feedback from the core job dimensions, experienced meaningfulness and knowledge of result from the critical psychological states and general satisfaction and specific satisfaction on pay from the personal outcome. We found very low pay satisfaction among the healthcare workers in India. It is suggested to the future scholars to experiment with the proposed new tool in the future research and explore the new model. A focused study interview could be conducted to find out the responses to job design using the qualitative approach and interviewing the most experienced professionals in hospitals. Two stage model could be tested in the Indian healthcare sector that is job characteristics and personal outcome, excluding critical psychological states. Key words: Job characteristics model, Healthcare, Paramedical, Nonmedical, Nurses. -
A Trust Model for Cloud Security and Privacy for Startups in India
The great advantage of cloud computing is elasticity, the ability to add capacity or applications almost at a moments notice. Companies buy exactly the amount of storage, computing power, security and other IT functions that they need from specialists in data-centre computing. On the other side, there are also some disadvantages to using cloud computing that must be considered. In the cloud, the customer may not have the kind of control over their data or the performance of the applications that they need, or the ability to audit or change the processes and policies under which users must work. The security of cloud, and associated privacy concerns, give many organizations pause as they think through their particular cloud computing concerns. Security and privacy concerns include physical security and simple access to facilities and equipment, as well as logical security, industry compliance requirements, audit ability, and more. -
Consumers worldwide are becoming health conscious and are concerned about nutrition (Hart, 2000) and the quality of food consumed. Consumers are also increasingly concerned with food safety issues taking into consideration, the recent salmonella case in Germany and elsewhere. Gil, Gracia and Sanchez (2000) have investigated that consumers are getting health conscious and are paying more attention to qualit y of food consumed. Therefore, food must deliver an added value that are sought after by consumers besides basic hedonistic and functional needs such as nutrition, taste, health, favorable price-quality ratio, etc in the selection of food. This added value may be perceived in the form of ecological, social and individual benefit. Consumer interest in organic and local foods has shown continued growth for the past two decades. Organic food sales in the U.S. have grown at a rate of approximately 20% per year from $1 billion in 1990 to $17 billion in 2006, currently representing about 2.5% of all food sales (Dimitri and Greene, 2002; Klonsky and Greene, 2005; Organic consumers Association, 2007; Organic Trade Association, 2007). In a report on US public opinion, organic food markets evolve at noticeably different rates. For example, the British and German markets have developed at a faster pace as has been investigated by Baker, Thompson and Engelken (2004). Fotopoulos and Krystallis (2002) studied the earlier Greek market which was considered to be a mature market to be lagging behind a decade when compared to the rest of the developed markets. Krystallis and Chryssohoidis (2005) have investigated that a total of 130 countries are engaged in producing certified organic food with 90 of them belonging to the developing countries having a favorable environmental condition for growing organic produce. The organic food market in India is at a nascent stage. Country specific research undertaken by A.C.Neilsen in 2006 has indicated that Indians are among the top ten buyers of food with health supplements but lack access to organic food products. Due to high logistic cost & low volume operation, organic food products are costly. The domestic market is driving organic market in India and 96.7% of Indias 5,85,000 MT of certified organic products produced in 2007 ?? 08 is used in domestic markets. An eight city survey in 2006 has indicated a potential demand to the tune of INR 5.6 billion for organic food products in India (Mukherjee,2008). However, the domestic market is characterized by limited retail presence, low certified branded produce and a small range of organic product offerings with respect to varieties though potential growth is becoming evident. Chen (2007) identified that awareness of organic food products are generally not promoted and public is not well informed. A study on consumer perception towards organic food products may add insight into the nascent but emerging organic food industry in India. The review of related literature in the area of organic food products and consumer perception studied has provided many insights for the study. It has also provided direction in designing the present study. A number of researchers have identified various factors that influence consumer perception of organic food products mainly in developed countries. Some studies have also been undertaken in Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. Very few researchers have attempted to focus in detail the various factors that influence consumer perception towards organic food. Having reviewed several studies and having identified the gap, the investigator felt an imperative need to undertake the present investigation. The sample consisted of 246 respondents across the city of Bangalore. Convenience sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respondents. The questionnaire was developed by the investigator. Pilot study was conducted to test the reliability. The Cronbachs alpha reliabilit y for the scale was 0.790 which is considered as fairly good. The major findings of the study were: 1.Consumers of organic food products evaluate product quality with the price they pay. 2.Demographic variables namely gender has a positive impact on consumer perception towards organic food products while difference in educational qualifications do not have a significant impact. 3.There is significant impact of psychographic factors on overall satisfaction of consumers towards organic food products. 4.Consumers consider organic food products as safe for consumption. 5.The respondents have also felt that organic food products are healthy to consume 6.Consumers generally prefer to consume grain based organic food products followed closely by organic grains and organic fruits. The implication of the study will be to help marketers develop and strategize their offerings of organic food products more effectively and efficiently contributing to the overall well being of the society and the individual consumer. Key Words used in this study: demographic factors, organic food products and psychographic factors influencing consumer perception. -
Optical and Infrared Photometric Study of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in Young Open Cluster NGC 7419 Young Open Cluster NGC 7419
The embryonic stage of development of stars has been a field of astrophysics which still pose many unresolved queries. The problem is largely due to the solitary nature of embryonic stars. Even the largest optical telescopes were not able to reveal many details about such stars as they are formed deep inside molecular cloud thorough which optical wavelength cannot pass through. Forbidding distances to such stars is an added problem. However, recently, this field is slowly turning into observational science. Even though optical radiations fail to reach the destination, longer wavelength infrared (IR) radiations can penetrate through such dusty region. These infrared radiations have been known for decades. But it is only during very recent times that infrared telescopes that have very high sensitivity and resolution came in to scenario. So now the astronomers are able to observe these stellar embryos. Studies about this stage of star formation can help us to solve many questions like how the birth of a star takes place, how these stars accrete matter into it from surroundings, when will this accretion stops, why do some stars have planetary systems around them etc. Current study is an attempt to look for the presence of these embryonic stars in an open cluster using infrared data and to get more details on nature of those stellar embryos. We investigate the properties of young stars and their circumstellar disks in young open cluster NGC 7419. The pre-determined V magnitude and B magnitude of these stars are combined with infrared data from 2MASS J,H, K and 4 band WISE data. The color-color diagrams are made using these 9 bands to identify young stellar objects. The individual SED fitting is done for these identified stars and parameters like their age, mass, temperature, disk radius and disk mass are estimated. These are used to comment on the evolutionary stage of the pre-main sequence stars and their circumstellar disk. Dissertation has been divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to the work done. Literatures referred are explained in Chapter 2. Data used in the current study and methodology adopted is described in chapter 3. Current work done on the young stellar objects in cluster NGC 7419 and results obtained from the study are explained in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 respectively. -
Occupational Stress in workplace occurs when the job demands that are required by the individual cannot be fulfilled at a given time, which in turn leads to adverse effect on individual. Teaching has been identified as one of the most stressful occupations in many countries. The Purpose of this research was to measure the Sources of Occupational Stress and its Consequences among Private and Government Teachers of Pre- University College of Shillong, Meghalaya. The sample of the study consisted of 60 participants from Shillong city, Meghalaya, where 16 male and 44 female teachers and the participants between the age group of 20-51 years and above who are working in Private and Government institutions were considered for the study. The data was collected using structured, open and close ended questionnaire which was mailed to some participants and personally distributed to 70 participants out of which only 60 participants responded from Private and Government institution using Purposive Sampling. The Objectives of the study were, to study the demographic details of the teachers, to identify the sources of occupational stress, to study the consequences among teachers; to compare government and private teachers in terms of sources of occupational stress and its consequences. The Tools used were demographic details, Teacher Stress Inventory (Fimian & Fastenau, 1990). The collected data were analyzed using Statistical Package for social sciences (SPSS) 17.0 version. Frequency and Percentage: was used to interpret the demographic characteristics, sources of occupational stress and its consequences. T-test: was used for the comparison between two groups. Pearson's chi-square test was used to discover if relationship exist between two categorical variables. One way ANOVA was used for the comparison between three groups. The results shows that there were no significant differences found between private teachers and government teachers on sources of occupational stress and its consequences. Significant differences were found between male and female teachers on sources of occupational stress and its consequences. Keywords: Occupational Stress, Higher Secondary Teachers, Consequences of Stress -
For centuries newspaper designers have been in the background working to present information and hard news to the society in a creative way. Creating the layout of a newspaper page is a tedious and time consuming process that employs a set of rules and guidelines. For this purpose the technology employed are in the form of various software??s. And such a program that can create layout designs is a very valuable tool. The layout of a newspaper has to undergo revivals to keep in tune with the recent trends and graphic designing techniques. This dissertation will study the change in the layout and design of The New Indian Express in 2008. Whether or not there is a relationship between the change in layout and its popularity will be also be found out. This study blends empirical and theoretical methodologies of graphic designing. The graphic design theories draws from the principles of design like balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, unity and scale. Layout principles and theories are varied, but most fall into one of two camps: grid-based design and non-grid-based design. There are also layout principles like white space and proximity to consider, all of which contribute to the background study related to newspaper designing. Analyzing closely studying the content in this case the designs of The New Indian Express newspaper and the changes brought about there off will be effective method to research the change in the format of the newspaper has brought in its readers and also its prospective readers. The aspects that will be studied are the logo, masthead, layout, fonts, color and visuals or graphics. The newspaper also has some ??invisible elements?? like whitespace, gutter, margins, columns and grids. -
The Internet has only about 6% penetration in India. These are words we repeatedly hear whenever there is a discussion about the power of social media and the Internet in general. Even though we say that the Internet penetration in India is very little, the figure in numbers is 100,000,000, as of 2010, which is a penetration of 8.5%. (Internet Usage and Population Statistics, 2010). In a country like India, even one percent is a few million people. That's not a discountable figure in a democracy. Therefore, the effect it has in the social context because of social media, cannot be undermined. This paper aims to study the effects of social media campaigns by doing a study on the socio- political campaigns in India. Some campaigns like the Pink Chaddi Campaign and the ??Support Anna Hazare Campaign?? have made extensive use of the social media. Social media activism today has come to be known as ??slacktivism?? as cited and explained in the further sections of this research paper. This research paper aims to find out if this term applies to activism on social media for socio-political campaigns in the Indian context. The aim is to understand if and how the social media has been effective in propagating different causes and how it has affected the new media users and sensitized them to issues. The implications of the findings, if proven that social media has a mass effect on the people of India, will be that using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other public information sharing sites will have to be integrated into every social message that circulates around in the media industry and the loss the campaign will incur if this isn??t fulfilled. -
Organizational justice is very important because it has been linked to critical organizational processes such as commitment, job satisfaction, citizenship and performance (Colquitt et al.,2001, 2002; Greenberg, 1993; Tatum et al., 2002).Literature suggested that there is an intimate link between leadership style, decision-making, and organizational justice (Bradberry and Tatum,2002; Tatum et al., 2002). Organizational justice is concerned with the ways in which employees determine if they have been treated fairly in their jobs and the ways in which those determinations influence other work-related variables [Moorman, 1991, p. 845]. The research is done to analyze organizational justice and its influence on work engagement and intentions to stay in IT firms. The major objectives of the study: To find out the fairness perception of distributive and procedural justice (organizational justice)of employees in IT organizations, to find out the level of work Engagement of employees in IT Organizations, to find out the turnover intentions of IT employees, to find out if organizational justice influences work engagement and turnover intentions, to find out differences across demographics and organizational justice ,work engagement and turnover intentions. Hypothesis was tested and results discussed. 338 employees of an IT Firm were involved in the present study. The judgmental sampling technique was adopted. Employees with a minimum of two years of experience in the organization was administered the questionnaire. The sample was drawn from the IT industries. The tools adopted for present study were: Perceptions of distributive justice were measured with the Distributive Justice Index, developed by Price and Mueller (1986). This five-item scale measures the degree to which rewards received by employees are perceived to be related to performance inputs. Perceptions of procedural justice were measured using 15 items developed by Niehoff and Moorman (1993), because the scale consists of two factors: systematic and informational justice. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale(Version 1.1 2004,Schaufeli,W.and Bakker, A.)was used to measure work engagement and for turnover intentions the questionnaire was adopted from Dilys Robinson. The major findings of the study were 1. The level of Organizational justice was found to be moderate among the IT professionals. 2. IT Employees perceive procedural justice moderately. They feel that Decisions made by their organizations are to some extent based on certain norms or protocols or system driven which are followed. 3. IT employees perceived Informational procedural justice fairly low. Respondents felt that their concerns were not addressed nor perceived as a serious matter by the organizations. 4.Systematic procedural justice is fairly high in IT companies. There is high consistency in procedures and decisions when they are applied. 5. IT Employees perceive distributive justice fairly moderate. Employees feel that rewards, recognitions, and career opportunities are moderately proportional to their inputs. 6. The level of work engagement was found to be fairly high among the employees in IT organizations. 7. From the dimensions of work engagement, the level of Absorption is fairly high across the IT employees. 8. The level of dedication was found to be moderate among the levels of IT employees. 9. IT employees perceived vigor fairly low which says that the energy level towards the work was pretty down comparing to other dimensions. 10. The most of the respondents were from the age group between 26-30 and among all 338 Reponses, male respondents were higher. CONCLUSION The results of present study indicated that fairness perceptions play a vital role in IT Organizations in terms of increasing Work engagement and lowering their intention to leave their organization. The success of a company depends on the quality, productivity and dedication of an employee and the dedication can be improved by organizations fair treatment. When rewards and recognition are perceived to be systematic, the work engagement increases. Whereas systematic justice influences intention to stay which implies that organizations should drive their policies to be flexible to a certain extent. Fair treatment and justice at the workplace in turn will increase work engagement and lower turnover intentions. -
The term development, advancement and technology may not be the right set of words to describe rural areas of a country, as generally we associate rural parts of a country as backward, dirty, uncivilized and poverty. Today, Media is one of the most important and powerful medium that plays a very significant role in the lives of millions of people in the country because from centuries before media has helped and made people aware of the available options and the new technologies which make the lives of millions of people easy especially for the development of backward or the rural areas of a country catering to the needs of different people. Advertising is an indirect way of bringing or turning the masses or peoples towards the advertised services by providing plenty of information that is premeditated in order to bring effectiveness with a complimentary thought, now advertising is one such aspect of media that plays a vital role. Hence, the researcher in this research tries to find out the role of IASF and its effectiveness through advertisement by analysis its creative tactics. -
Jewellery being mainly a womans product is largely being sold by celebrity men now in Malayalam advertisements, indicating a shift in pattern from using female models. Mohanlal, Dileep, Suresh Gopi, Vikram and Vijay are some of the celebrities who have been endorsing jewellery. The objectives of this study were to analyse the different elements of the jewellery advertisements using celebrity men, study the reasons for the changing trends (from female models to celebrity men) ?? audience perspective and study any patterns across the advertisements. A content analysis of some of the advertisements were done based on the following parameters: the celebrity, attire of the celebrity, dialogues, main message in the advertisements, advertising appeal, background setting and objects, use of text, kind of background score or music, and jewellery presentation. A survey was conducted on a sample size of 50 to help answer the research questions from an audience perspective. It was found that all the celebrities were those who have had long standing careers. It was also found that all the advertisements were in accordance with the Match Up theory. It was found that in terms of dialogue delivery there was a mix of both the spokesperson and presenter styles that were adopted in the advertisements. The format of the advertisement and the way in which content is presented seems to be chosen based on the celebrity who is endorsing. It was found that both emotional messages as well as messages that require more logical or rational thinking are dealt with almost in equal numbers by the celebrities, hence breaking this stereotypical notion. From the survey analysis it was found that the on-film personalities of all the celebrities are kept intact in the ads as well; glittering generality is the most frequently used persuasion technique in the ads. -
This research focuses two fundamental aspects of sense of humor and work culture in a hotel setting. Work culture is a complex construct in hotels, consisting of different attitudes, perceptions, values and beliefs and plays a significant role in moderating the relationship between sense of humor and work culture. The present investigation was carried out on 156 employees (managers, middle and front line staff)of different private sector hotels in Bangalore. Participants age range was 21 years to 50 years. The major objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between sense of humor and work culture among in hotel industry. Work opinion survey scale developed by Zeynep Aycan (2000) and for sense of humor a seven point scale developed by Paul Mc Ghee was administered. This research concludes that even though the interest in sense of humor by employees has been sporadic, sense of humor remains a pervasive and important topic and has potential of providing significant insights into management and work culture. Keywords: sense of humor, work culture, hotel industry -
K shell Radiative and Total Vacancy Transfer Probabilities of Barium & Thallium from Internal Conversion Electron Sources
The information obtained from X-ray fluorescence parameters is very important in the study of some basic phenomena, in atomic molecular and radiation physics. This demands for accurate values of XRF parameters such as shell wise and sub-shell wise X-ray fluorescence yield, fluorescence X-ray production cross-section, shell and sub-shell intensity ratios, K to L vacancy transfer probabilities and so on. Nuclear processes like orbital electron capture or internal conversion of gamma transition and interaction of photons or charged particles give rise to X-ray fluorescence. It is reported that the probability of emission of X-rays by decay process is different from the probability of emission of X-rays by photoionisation[1-3]. The K shell XRF parameters of elements have been extensively studied by several researchers by photon exciation methods and varieties of detectors [4-9]. But there are not many reports on the measurements of K shell X-ray intensity ratios of elements following decay processes. This may be due to the requirement of the radioactive sources of the order of 100mCi and preparing many electron capture and internal conversion sources of this strength may be a difficult task. In view of this, we have made an attempt to study the effect of internal conversion on the probability of X-ray emission of thallium and barium by determining K shell intensity ratios, K ?? Li, K-M radiative and K-L total vacancy transfer probabilities from weak internal conversion sources Hg203 and Cs137respectively. To examine the effect of decay process on X-ray emission the K shell fluorescence parameters determined are compared with the theoretical values and other experimental results obtained using radioactive decay and photon excitation methods. The dissertation consists of five Chapters. In the first Chapter, we introduce the project work carried out. In Chapter 2, we present the brief theory of XRF and literature survey. It consists of two sections; in section 2.1, we give the theoretical aspects of the K X-ray fluorescence and in section 2.2, we present the literature survey related to the determination of K X-ray intensity ratios and vacancy transfer probabilities through photoionization methods and decay processes. Chapter 3 deals with experimental details such as the radioactive sources, detector and electronic modules used in our experiment, the experimental arrangement and standardization of spectrometer, and experimental procedure adopted in the collection and analysis of the data. In Chapter 4, we present the results on K X-ray intensity ratios and vacancy transfer probabilities along with the theoretical, semi-empirical and others experimental values. In Chapter 5, we give the conclusions. -
Synthesis and Characterization of Vanadyl Complexes of Heterocyclic Acid Hydrazones
Two acid hydrazones, Furan-2-carbaldehyde nicotinic hydrazone and Furan-2-carbaldehyde benzhydrazone have been synthesised and they are characterized by elemental analysis, IR, NMR and UV spectral analysis. Vanadyl complexes of these two hydrazones were synthesised and characterised by elemental analysis, IR, UV, EPR, molar conductivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Spectral data indicates the square pyramidal geometry for the monomeric ve coordinated oxovanadium (IV) complexes with the general formula [VO(L)(OCH3 )].The vanadium complex of the acid hydrazone was studied for its catalytic activity. The complex was found to be a good catalyst in quinoxaline synthesis. -
A Study on Consumer Behaviour and Attitude towards Green Building in Bangalore An Exploratory Study
As we step into the era of green revolution, people are becoming more conscious towards the usage of eco-friendly products, starting from bio-degradable hardware products to hybrid automobiles. This change is not restricted towards social acceptance, but has become a conscience effort towards betterment of society as a whole. There have been a plethora of studies that have sprung up from this shift in societal paradigm, concentrating on the independent thought schools, like future and impact of hybrid automobiles, feasibility and necessity of bio-degradable cellular phones. This particular research covers one of the facets of such consciousness which is on the rise ?? Green Homes. The market for green building is at a nascent stage where the success of it depends on three elements: government, consumer and developer. The present study tries to focus on the end user of the product, the consumers. The major findings of the study are related to the demographic variables like age, income and education having positive impact on consumer attitude and behaviour towards green building. An understanding of consumer attitude and behaviour leads to the creation of better policies and marketing strategies. This study will help developers formulate a strong communication strategy in order to influence consumer attitude and behaviour towards green building. Developers can then convert these strategies into profit by making the consumer more aware and knowledgeable towards the benefit derived from the green building. Keywords: Green Building, Consumer Attitude, Consumer Behaviour -
The Influence of Geographical Separation on Marital Satisfaction and Subjective Well Being among Married Couples
Married couples undergoing geographical separation in their married life due to reasons other than marital discord is becoming a very common phenomenon in the Indian scenario. The aim of this study was to determine whether there is a significant difference in Marital Satisfaction (and Subjective Well Being) among married couples who are staying together and married couples who are staying geographically apart. It was hypothesized that there is a significant difference among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart in their Marital Satisfaction (H1), there is a significant difference among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart in their Subjective Well Being (H2), and that there is a significant positive relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Subjective Well Being (H3). This study was conducted on 30 married couples who were staying together and 40 married couples who were staying geographically apart between the age ranges of 30-45 years. The participants were selected using the purposive sampling technique. The marital satisfaction and subjective well being of the participants were measured using the Marital Satisfaction Scale (MSS) and Subjective Well-being Inventory (SUBI) respectively. The data obtained for statistically analyzed. The Independent Samples t test was done to find the significance of difference between means of marital satisfaction among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart. The t value was found to be significant at 0.01 levels, thereby, accepting the first hypothesis (H1). In order to find the significance of difference between means of subjective well being among married couples who are living together and living geographically apart, the Independent Samples t test was done. And the t value was found to be significant at 0.01 levels, thereby, accepting the second hypothesis (H2). Pearsons product moment correlation was done in order to find the direction and strength of relationship between Marital Satisfaction and Subjective Well Being. The correlation coefficient showed a strong positive relationship between both the variables thus accepting the third hypothesis (H3).