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β-cyclodextrin functionalized graphitic carbon nitride as a promising electrocatalyst for the selective oxidation of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol /
Electrochimica Acta, Vol.430, ISSN No: 0013-4686.
Selective electrochemical conversion of Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA) was facilitated employing β−cyclodextrin (β−CD) functionalized graphitic carbon nitride (GCN) based nanocomposite. The GCN bulk were obtained by subjecting melamine to pyrolysis and further the material was exfoliated to improve its optoelectronic properties. Non-covalent attachment of β−CD over GCN via ultrasonication creates reactive surface sites on the electrode (β−CD/GCN/CFP) facilitating a better host-guest interaction. -
Zone based relative density feature extraction algorithm for unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition /
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol.64, Issue 1, pp.304-314, ISSN No: 1992-8645 (Print), 1817-3195 (Online) -
Zone based relative density feature extraction algorithm for unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition
The recognition of handwritten characters and numerals has been a challenging problem among the researchers for few decades. This paper proposes a relative density feature extraction algorithm for recognizing unconstrained single connected handwritten numerals independent of the languages. The proposed method consists of four phases, namely, image enhancement (dilation), representation (zone based), feature extraction (relative density) and recognition (minimum distance classifier). The handwritten numerals must be enhanced with dilation, in order to connect the broken digits. After enhancement, the dilated binary images can be represented as a mid-point aspect ratio class interval values. There can be M * N zones and subsequently there would be 2M*N relational density exist using mid-point aspect ratio class interval values. In order to minimize the number of features, a subset of W relative densities has been extracted from the binary image since the relative density is too large to be handled efficiently. The minimum distance classifier technique has been used to recognize the given numerals. The proposed algorithm would be an alternative to recognize the handwritten numerals for recognizing unconstrained single connected handwritten numerals. The method sounds promising with a recognition rate of 92.8567%. 2005 - 2014 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved. -
Zomatos dilemma a case of disgruntled delivery partners at Zomato
Learning outcomes: This case study provides students/managers an opportunity to learn about:??Learning objective 1: Critically analyse reasons for the disgruntlement of delivery partners of Zomato.??Learning objective 2: Evaluate Zomatos moral obligations to gig workers in the absence of government regulations.??Learning objective 3: Analyse the drivers of well-being affecting e-commerce delivery partners.??Learning objective 4: Evaluate the welfare schemes undertaken by Zomato for its delivery partners and infer well-being measures that can be adopted to improve worker engagement. Case overview/synopsis: The focus of this case was the crisis at Zomato as a result of the protests by gig workers engaged as delivery partners at the company. This case discussed the CEOs dilemma in resolving the crisis. Zomato's business model was discussed to provide students an overview of the dynamics and challenges of online food delivery business; the companys initiatives to enhance the robustness of its business model and the resulting media backlash questioning some of these initiatives that could endanger the lives of its delivery partners. In addition, this case explored the lack of regulatory provisions for gig workers in India. Finally, the options available to the protagonist to mitigate the crisis were discussed. The focal point was the well-being initiatives that the protagonist could consider implementing to address the concerns voiced by the delivery partners and encourage them to engage in Zomato's business with positivity. Complexity academic level: The case is best suited for postgraduate and executive students studying Human Resources subjects in Commerce and Business Management streams. Supplementary material: Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS 6: Human Resource Management. 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Zomato Instant - "10-Minute Delivery Plan" Controversy
[No abstract available] -
ZnO:Al thin films from (Al2O3)x(ZnO)(1-x) powder targets by magnetron sputtering
In the present work we prepared Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) thin films from powder targets. Various concentrations (W/W percentages) of Al2O3 such as1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%, 6%, 7% and 8% were mixed in ZnO powder and made in the form of a 3 inch disc target. These ceramic targets are sputtered in RF magnetron sputtering unit for the deposition of AZO thin films. Optical and electrical properties are analyzed to get an optimized percentage of mixing for achieving high transparency and low resistivity. At Al2O3 percentage of 3% there is a considerable decrement in the resistivity, and at 7% there is a considerable decrease in the optical transmittance. Mobility and carrier concentration are increasing with Al2O3 percentage. Bandgap of the films is observed to be decreasing with increasing the Al2O3 percentage. 2021 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. -
ZnO nanorods on POPD/GCN/TCFP with ternary synergy for promoting electro-oxidation of furfuryl alcohol
In this work, Poly(o-phenylenediamine) (POPD) and zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles were electrochemically deposited on GCN (graphitic carbon nitride) coated TCFP (Toray carbon fiber paper) electrode. The modified electrode ZnO-POPD-GCN-TCFP was assessed by Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies. The electrochemical studies were carried out via cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) methods. The developed electrode was employed for the oxidation of furfuryl alcohol (FA) using 4-ACT (4-acetamido TEMPO) as a mediator in an alkaline medium via bulk electrolysis. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy was used to characterize the final product. The oxidation of FA to furfural was accelerated by the heterogeneous catalyst ZnO-POPD-GCN-TCFP electrode owing to its good electrocatalytic activity and stability. Hence, a sustainable electrochemical method for synthesizing furfural, with significance in the realm of green chemistry, was developed. The Electro-oxidation of FA offers a clean alternative to traditional methods utilizing electricity, potentially from renewable sources, to drive the reaction, reducing reliance on harsh chemicals and minimizing environmental impact. By adjusting parameters like electrode potential and electrolyte composition, it is possible to optimize the reaction conditions for furfural production with optimal yield, which has several applications in daily life. 2024 Elsevier Ltd -
ZnO doped SnO2 nano flower decorated on graphene oxide/polypyrrole nanotubes for symmetric supercapacitor applications
Due to their high power density, lengthy cyclability, quick charge-discharge rates, and environmentally friendly design, supercapacitors are incredibly effective electrochemical energy storage devices. A lot of work has been progressed in this direction to increase the specific power and cyclic stability of supercapacitor mainly by using various metal oxides with 2D composites and high concentration electrolytes. But, there are some challenging issues like low energy density, high production cost, and short cyclic life. In this work, we aimed to resolve the low energy density and operating voltage of electrodes by selecting multiphase inorganic-organic material with a suitable concentration of electrolyte. To create such supercapacitor electrodes for high energy storage applications, ZnO doped SnO2 nanoflower decorated on graphene oxide/polypyrrole nanocomposite, which are novel materials with large specific surface area and cyclic stability were studied. The electrochemical study of the nanocomposite materials is done by studying the cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD), and electrochemical impedance (EIS) techniques. The supercapacitor device fabrication is processed using ZS/GP2 electrode, and the analysis of supercapacitor performance is also studied. As a result, ZS/GP2 nanocomposite showed a good capacitive behavior with a maximum specific capacitance of 392 F g?1 at 75 mV s?1 scan rate with significantly high specific energy and power density of 31.6 Wh kg?1 and 5177 W kg?1, respectively after the 27,000 consecutive charge-discharge (GCD) cycles at the current density of 0.25 A g?1. The results evidence that these hybrid materials are highly promising electrode materials for energy storage applications. 2023 Elsevier Ltd -
Zirconia Supported on Rice Husk Silica from Biowaste: A Novel, Efficient, and Recoverable Nanocatalyst for the Green Synthesis of Tetrahydro-1-benzopyrans
Abstract: Zirconia supported silica from rice husk (an agricultural waste) has been utilized as a novel and efficient heterogeneous catalyst for the synthesis of bioactive tetrahydro-1-benzopyran derivatives via multicomponent condensation of various aldehydes with dimedone and malononitrile. This protocol offers various advantages such as high yields, simple experimental work-up procedure, short reaction time, no by-products, economic availability, easy purification, and reusability of the catalyst. 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. -
Zirconia based pyrochlore thermal barrier coatings
Improvements in thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) technology, further than what is already in service to enable adequate protection to metallic components from higher (>1100C) operating temperatures requires newer developments in materials. Many research activities have been undertaken by scientists to seek alternatives after discovering the threshold of Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) TBCs on standard aero-space materials at elevated temperatures. To increase the thermal performance of gas turbine engines, alternate TBC materials with better sintering resistance and lower thermal conductivity are required. One of the promising candidates for the TBCs is Pyrochlore-type rare earth zirconium oxides (Re2Zr2O7, Re = rare earth). Re2Zr2O7 TBCs have higher phase stability, lower thermal conductivity, lower sintering rate, no phase transformation, and lower coefficient of thermal expansion at elevated temperatures when compared with YSZ. In this work, plasma spray powders of Lanthanum Zirconate (La2Zr2O7) and Lanthanum Ceria Zirconate (La2 (Zr0.7Ce0.3)2O7) were synthesized by the solid-state reaction method with the goal to develop pyrochlore oxide-based coatings with desired properties at high temperatures (>1200C), better than the YSZ TBCs: Currently the most popular choice for TBCs. These TBCs are expected to increase gas turbine efficiencies while protecting the underlying metallic substrate at high operation temperatures. The evaluation of the synthesised TBCs has been carrying out by studying their performances at 1200C. Results of evaluation for phase composition by employing X-Ray Diffractometry (XRD), microstructure via Scanning electron Microscope (SEM) and chemical composition via Energy Dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) also have been included. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Zinc oxide/tin oxide nanoflower-based asymmetric supercapacitors for enhanced energy storage devices
Research on energy storage devices has focused on improving asymmetric supercapacitors (ASCs) by utilizing two different electrode materials. In this work, we have successfully prepared a unique material, ZnO/SnO2 nanoflower, via the hydrothermal method. Graphene oxide (GO) was synthesized by applying the modified Hummers' technique. The ZnO/SnO2 nanoflower was deposited on a polypyrrole (PPY) nanotube/graphene oxide composite (ZS/GP) in two steps: in situ chemical polymerization, followed by a hydrothermal method. Electrochemical properties of the prepared material nanocomposite were analyzed by applying cyclic voltammetry (CV), galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. An asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC) was constructed using ZS/GP nanocomposite as the positive electrode and Caesalpinia pod-based carbonaceous material as the negative electrode material, and its performance was investigated. As a result, the fabricated ASCs were found to have an excellent specific capacitance of 165.88 F g?1 at 1.4 V, with an energy density of 5.12 W h kg?1 and a power density of 2672 W kg?1. The prepared nanocomposite material for the ASC showed a cycle stability of 17k cycles at a current density of 5 A g?1. This study revealed that the electrode material ZS/GP nanocomposite is highly suitable for supercapacitor applications. The ASC device's extended cycle life experiments for 17k cycles produced a coulombic efficiency of 97% and a capacitance retention of 73%, demonstrating the promising potential of the electrode materials for greener as well as efficient energy storage applications while converting abundant bio waste into effective energy. 2024 The Royal Society of Chemistry. -
Zero Waste Package Free Shops in India: The Green Road Ahead
Package-free stores or zero waste stores are emerging as an innovative sustainable concept these days.This paper attempts to analyze the modus operandi of package free stores in India, their main features and the challenges that they face.Data was collected from five package-free shops in India among which one store has multiple branches across the nation.As of today, these stores cover almost the entire population.The findings suggest that these stores promote sustainable consumption among the people and also meet three important sustainable development goals (SDGs).They uplift the local economy and contribute to the economic prosperity of local residents and businesses by supporting local and regional farmers.It provides toxic-free products contributing to a healthy society by renouncing plastic completely.It protects the environment thereby increasing the growth of the local economy.Since the movement towards sustainable economic practices is inadequate, proactive steps should be taken to adopt innovative practices. 2022 Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved. -
Zero Trust-Based Adaptive Authentication using Composite Attribute Set
Rapid evolution of internet-oriented applications has increased the threats to confidential data. Single-factor authentication approaches are no longer sufficient to ensure user credibility. Multi-factor authentication schemes are also not tamper-proof. A Zero Trust, adaptive authentication-based approach that uses the user's past behavior can offer protection in this scenario. This paper proposes a system that collects a composite attribute set that includes the user behavior, attributes of the application through which the user is requesting access, and the device used. The enhanced collection allows the creation of detailed context that allows granular variance calculation and risk score. 2021 IEEE. All Rights Reserved. -
Zero forcing number of degree splitting graphs and complete degree splitting graphs
A subset Z V(G) of initially colored black vertices of a graph G is known as a zero forcing set if we can alter the color of all ver- tices in G as black by iteratively applying the subsequent color change condition. At each step, any black colored vertex has exactly one white neighbor, then change the color of this white vertex as black. The zero forcing number Z(G), is the minimum number of vertices in a zero forcing set Z of G (see [11]). In this paper, we compute the zero forcing num- ber of the degree splitting graph (DS-Graph) and the complete degree splitting graph (CDS-Graph) of a graph. We prove that for any simple graph, Z[DS(G)] k + t, where Z(G) = k and t is the number of newly introduced vertices in DS(G) to construct it. 2019 Sciendo. All rights reserved. -
Zeolite Framework-Anchored Carbon-Doped White Graphene as Antipoisoning Cathode Materials for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
Efficient, robust, and highly sustainable platinum (Pt)-free electrocatalysts are pivotal for advancing the fuel cell (FC) performance. This study introduces a facile and green approach for synthesizing a rationally designed Co-based zeolite imidazole framework (ZIF) anchored onto carbon (C)-doped white graphene (C-WG) as an electrocatalyst (Z@-C-WG) for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). The synergistic effects between the ZIF and C-WG yield an electrocatalyst with enriched active sites. The intrinsic dual active sites coupled with favorable physicochemical properties promote oxygen adsorption and enhance the mass transfer rate. The hybrid catalyst demonstrates significantly improved activity, stability, and poisoning resistivity compared to Pt/C. The synthesized electrocatalyst exhibits superior ORR activity with an onset potential of Eon ?0.967 V (EonPt/C ?0.94 V) in acidic medium and Eon ?0.931 V (Eon(Pt/C) ?0.919) in alkaline medium. Validation through intrinsic parameters including electrochemical active area (ECSA), active site density (ASD), mass activity (MA), and turnover frequency (TOF) corroborates the catalysts enhanced performance. The stability tested for over 35 h coupled with high methanol tolerance affirms the catalysts robust activity. The Z@-C-WG electrocatalyst surpasses Pt/C in resisting poisoning species (CO and KSCN); also, poststripping analysis strongly confirms the presence of abundant active centers. Overall, this study offers a unique perspective toward the engineering of ORR catalyst architecture for fuel cell cathode applications. 2024 American Chemical Society. -
Zagreb Radio Indices and Coindices
Zagreb radio index or coindex of a graph is defined based on the optimal radio labelling of the graph, where optimal refers to the labeling with a span equal to the radio number of the graph. We have defined the first and second Zagreb radio coindex, third Zagreb radio index, and coindex and calculated its value for some famous graphs. Furthermore, we established a certain relationship between Zagreb radio indices and the coindices of graphs. 2021 by the authors. -
Yulu: Moving Towards a Sustainable Future
The rapidly rising rate of urbanization, which is closely linked to economic growth, has exposed the world to several challenges such as inequality, environmental degradation, traffic congestion, infrastructural concerns and social conflicts. Therefore, urban sustainability has emerged as one of the most debatable discussions across the world. The existing network of transportation can no longer keep up with the growing demand in metropolitan cities. Short distance travel has become an unresolved issue for daily commuters. The case presents how MMVs have emerged as an alternative mode of transport for resolving issues of daily commuters regarding the first-mile connectivity, last-mile connectivity and short distance travel to reach their final destination. MMVs are basically light-weight vehicles which occupy less space on road. These vehicles include bicycles, e-bikes, skateboards, hoverboards and other battery-operated vehicles. The case narrates the journey of Yulu, a dockless bike-sharing venture which promoted the concept of green consumerism among the daily commuters at affordable rates. The venture initially started in the IT city of Bangalore and later expanded its operations to other cities such as Pune, Navi Mumbai, Gurugram and Bhubaneswar. The speciality of this venture is that it offers a sustainable solution to ever-increasing problems of traffic congestion and aggravating air pollution issues in metropolitan cities. Dilemma: How to offer a sustainable solution to the ever-increasing problem of traffic congestion and aggravating air pollution due to rising vehicular traffic? How to make short distance travel affordable and more convenient for daily commuters? Theory: Three pillars of sustainable development. Type of Case: Problem solving applied case. Protagonist: Present. Discussion and Case Questions: What strategies should be employed by the start-up to make it a more popular form of commute? How can the increasing rate of damage to the vehicles be brought down? How does organization structure and cluster management practices of Yulu help it to become more sustainable? How can the regulatory bodies and government promote and adopt such start-ups in their urban planning projects? 2020 SAGE Publications. -
Yttrium(III) oxide catalyzed facile synthesis of novel hydrazinyl thiazoles by multicomponent approach
A facile and a one-pot procedure for the synthesis of novel hydrazinyl thiazoles by the cyclo condensation reaction between substituted phenacyl bromides, aromatic aldehydes, and semicarbazides using Yttrium(III) oxide as reusable catalyst under acetic acid as a solvent medium is described. The chromatography-free methodology has several benefits such as being facile, atom economic, higher functional group tolerance and provides excellent yield in shorter reaction time. All the synthesized compounds were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and HRMS (ESI) analysis. 2021 -
Youth of North East States of India: Issues, Concerns and Need for Mental Health Support as Perceived by NCC Officers
The youth of North-East India are in disadvantaged situations as compared to youth from the rest of the country in all respects. The objective of this article was to examine the views of the NCC Officers of North-East states about youth welfare in the region as they have first-hand experience in dealing with youth. Participants views were obtained on-line, by using a Semi-structured Questionnaire in the form of Google Form. A group of 142 NCC Officers provided feedback. Data collected were subjected to thematic analysis. Findings disclosed that youth of North-East states experience a range of challenges including poverty, lack of internet facilities, inability to attend NCC camps due to ongoing classes, substance dependence, lack of guidance and support leading to dropout and lack of values. The NCC Officers opined that a good number of North-East youths require mental health support and career guidance, in addition to mental health awareness. 2023 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Youth and Media Literacy in the Age of Social Media
Living in the age of information means information is all pervasive, uncensored, unreliable, and with the potential to influence. The unfettered access to information and communication through social media is a double-edged sword in the hands of youth. The impact of this was explored from sociocultural and mental health perspectives. Specifically, the role of media literacy in combating the challenges posed by usage of social media was explored in this chapter. Various theories, frameworks, models, and components of media literacy were analysed. Impact of the various media literacy interventions on the youth, case studies of specific information literacy programs across regions, and other relevant critiques were reviewed and consolidated. Further to this, recommendations have been presented on creating robust in-school, and outside-school media literacy programs for the youth. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2023.