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Creator Title Type Subject
Dey, Prerona. - 1537149A study on the portrayal of women characters in Zoya Aktar's films /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Leaving behind the social fabric which has time and again labelled Indian women merely as good wives, home makers and mothers , Indian women took it in their stride to take up the duties which are essentially thought of being male only, and proved that they are equal to their male counterparts; if not better in some cases. [show more]
Mathemera, Philip. - 1140013A study on the prospects of zimbabwe fertilizer industry for a sustainable market match /PhDManagement
Anand John ChristopherA study on the relationship between internal branding and affective commitment of customer contact employees in multi-brand retail stores in Bangalore /Journal ArticleManagement
Type:Journal Article
Description: International Journal of Business and Administration Research, Vol.1, Issue 7, pp.189-197, ISSN No: 2348-0653.
Davis, Anaida. - 1537131A study on the representation of hisorical figures in bollywood film: Bajirao mastani and Jodha akbar /Masters DissertationMedia studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media studies
Description:The purpose of the study is to find out whether there is a difference in the representation of historical figures by historical film and historical textbooks. The researcher focuses on the various factors affecting the representation of the historical figures in historical film. The analysis conducted on the two films Bajirao Mastani and Jodha Akbar points at the modifications in the representation of the historical figures. The researcher conducts a textual analysis on the films which are analyzed during the research. [show more]
Vinod, Chinnu. - 1424061A study on the role of academic web application among children an analysis through parents /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:The education systems in today’s world have greatly changed with the emergence of new technologies. With the advent of digital media, variety of applications are developed which aid the children to step into their primary education. This research paper aims at finding out the role of such academic web applications among children. [show more]
Vaz, Janice Agnetha. - 1424031A study on the role of media in the promotion of the konkani language /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Traditions and language have become crucial aspects in keeping up the culture of a particular place. A language is one of the most important means through which a culture can be sustained and even prevented from dying in the light of the westernization and globalization of the society that we are living in today. One such language that has been facing immense threat against the growing strengths and forces of the Westernised world is that of Konkani, a language most typically spoken on the Western coast of India, also known as the Konkan coast. [show more]
Description:Tourism can be seen as one of the major industries across the world in preservation, conservation and revitalization of culture. One of the major forms of tourism which is engaged in this activity is cultural tourism. This form of tourism provides experience of rural lifestyle with tourists visiting villages and staying with local communities in order to understand and experience their way of living. Different scholars have defined cultural tourism differently, in view of cultural attraction emerging as a major motivational factor for tourists to visit destinations. It has been described as a tourist activity; which helps in overcoming social isolation and sharing culture through tourism. In the present scenario, the art forms can be seen only in the tourist destinations and other tourist generating regions. There is not much effort taken by the Government and stakeholders in sustaining these cultures for future generation. In India, the state of Kerala is known as the major hub of art forms and this is one of the principle reasons for the tourism growth in this state. The current status of the art forms of Kerala is in a dying state. Hence the present study deals with the role of the resorts in the revitalization of art forms. Various research studies conducted in this area are very general in nature and there is a gap with regard to studying specific art forms. The area of study covers various resorts located in Kerala. In this study an effort has been taken to link the relationship between resorts and art forms and the way in which it is revitalized. For this purpose the study was conducted by collecting data from both primary and secondary sources. The sets of questionnaire for the study was developed and administered with the help of a statistician. Some of the major findings of the study showed that 97% of resorts have performances of art forms on daily basis and the performances are conducted on tourist demand. Resort owners are accompanying various tourism components and offering attractive package to the tourists. Culture is a part of life and an individuals identity which ultimately becomes the image of the society. Art forms, cuisines, customs, lifestyle, traditions etc constitute culture. Further research can be done on these areas linking with tourism which will not only help in the preservation of culture but also in a way attracting tourists to particular destinations. [show more]
George, Ginu and Vaishali GowsamiA Study on the Role of Tea Tourism in Assam Tourism Studies
Subject:Tourism Studies
Description:Tourism Development Journal Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 1-14, ISSN No. 0975-7376
Kareem Jacqueline and Ravirot BuphaA study on the self-concept of teachers working in government, aided and unaided colleges in BangaloreEducation
Description:The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol-13(1), pp. 60-70. ISSN-0972-687X
Description:According to World Health Organization Learning disability is a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind. The most common learning disabilities are Dyslexia, Dyscalculia Dysgraphia, Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. Adolescents with learning difficulty have trouble expressing their feelings, calming themselves down, and reading non-verbal cues which can lead to difficulty in the classroom and with their peers. In India approximately 13 to 14 per cent of all school children suffer from learning disorders (Sadaket 2009). The social relationships of the adolescents with learning disability have a positive influence on their self esteem. It helps them to maintain a constructive relationship with their peers, teachers and parents. The study was focused to know the relationship of self esteem and social relation in adolescents with learning disability. The study was conducted among all the Adolescents with Learning Disability, in an alternative school in Bangalore. The size of the sample was 50 which include both genders and the sampling design was purposive sampling. Adolescents with learning disability of the age group 11 to 18 years were included for the study. The students level of self-esteem was assessed by using a 10-item scale developed by Rosenberg (1965). The Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale was rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). The researcher reverse scored five items that were negative in nature so that higher scores would indicate higher level of self-esteem. The scale ranges from 0-30. Scores between 15 and 25 are within normal range; scores below 15 suggest low self- esteem. A semi structured questionnaire was designed to gather information on the socio demographic profile and social relation of adolescents with learning disability. A pilot study was conducted among 10 percent of samples and necessary modifications were made. The statistical analysis was done on the data using SPSS. The level of significance was fixed at 0.005(p<0.05). The results show that, among the total respondents, 62.0 percent of them are male respondents (n=31) and 38.0 percent are female respondents (n=19).56 percent of the respondents are being compared with their siblings by their parents. The study indicates that 44 percent of the respondents feel stressed due to parental pressure. The respondents who fall under the age group of 16-19 years have a higher self-esteem than the respondents who fall under the age group of 11-15 years. The study shows that, statically there is a significant relationship between the respondents relationship with parents with respect to respondents self-esteem. There is less significant relationship between the respondents relationship with peers with respect to respondents self-esteem. Present study indicates that, statically there is a significant relationship between the respondents relationship with teachers with respect to respondents self-esteem. Learning disability is a disorder which can be remedied using appropriate instructional strategies. The early identification helps in remedial teaching and building self-esteem. The present study indicates that adolescents with learning disability with better social relationship will have high self-esteem. Realizing the importance of self-esteem and its relationship with social relation, a multidisciplinary approach is required to initiate appropriate interventions in building self-esteem and teaching learning disabled child. Thus the learning disabled child can be mainstreamed effectively. [show more]
K Deepu AbrahamA study on the self-esteem and social relations of adolescents with learning disability /M PhilSocial Work
Type:M Phil
Subject:Social Work
Description:According to World Health Organization Learning disability is a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind. The most common learning disabilities are Dyslexia, Dyscalculia Dysgraphia, Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. Adolescents with learning difficulty have trouble expressing their feelings, calming themselves down, and reading non-verbal cues which can lead to difficulty in the classroom and with their peers. In India approximately 13 to 14 per cent of all school children suffer from learning disorders (Sadaket 2009). The social relationships of the adolescents with learning disability have a positive influence on their self esteem. It helps them to maintain a constructive relationship with their peers, teachers and parents. The study was focused to know the relationship of self esteem and social relation in adolescents with learning disability. The study was conducted among all the Adolescents with Learning Disability, in an alternative school in Bangalore. The size of the sample was 50 which include both genders and the sampling design was purposive sampling. [show more]
C VarshaA study on the voting patterns and the impact of Kormangala smart votescampaign in ward 151, Kormangala , Bangalore /
Description:The study on the voting patterns and the impact of Koramangala Smart Votes campaign, in Koramangala Ward 151, Bangalore. This aims at studying the voting pattern of the residents of Koramangala from two wards 151 and 147. Koramangala Smart Votes, a campaign which was conducted by the Smart Vote members to help the residents vote and vote for a right candidate by distributing profiles and organizing debates connecting the residents and the contesting candidates. The impact of this campaign has been assessed with the help of Lok Sabha and BBMP elections 2010 and the voter turn out in wards 151 and 147. To measure the impact, the researcher has done a quantitative and comparative study among the residents of wards 151 and 147 with a sample size of 60 respondents from each ward. It could be observed that Education helps to create better democratic environment and the Koramangala Smart Votes campaign was fairly successful in getting the residents to vote for the BBMP elections 2010. [show more]
Libin Chacko Samuel - 1881510A study on upper domatic number and its variants in graphs PhDMathematics
Ravikumar T.A Study on Women Consumers' Preferences Towards Visual Media (With Reference to Chennai City)Management
Description:Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences Research, Vol-1 (3), pp. 38-49. ISSN-2319-5614
Mary Francis Anu A Study on Work Engagement among the School Teachers
Description:Work engagement is a measurable degree of an persons positive or negative emotional attachment to their job, colleagues and organization which profoundly influences their willingness to learn and perform at work. Now a days it is observed that the commitment and dedication of the teachers in their profession as decreasing. It is also seen that teacher turnover is also becoming high. Even though the teachers in the schools were paid good, the turn over seems to be increasing. The study here tries to investigate the relationship with the work engagement and the socio demographic characteristics of teachers where the demographic variables could explain the relationship between the dimensions of work engagement. Descriptive research design is being used in the study . This design is helpful to identify the socio demographic characteristics and its relationship between the Work engagement among School teachers . The sample consisted of 100 school teachers who having more than one years of experience and the sample was selected by using the convenient sampling method. The study was done using the UWES Scale developed by Wilmar Schaufeli and Arnold Bakker in 2003 and nineteen other questionnaires were developed to know the other factors contributing to work engagement. The resourceful work environment can foster teachers work engagement. Consequently, the study shows that the older experienced married teachers shows the high level of work engagement where the educational qualification has no much role in it. This means that the young generation is not much interested in the profession with a a passion rather than they themselves consider it as a job. The work engagement can be increased among them through making interventions like improving and enhancing effective job and personal resources. [show more]
Begum, Thatheera - 1244902A study on work engagement of secondary school teachers in relation to their psychological well-being, leadership behaviour of principals and organizational health /PhDEducation
Description:Organizational success is determined by work engagement and psychological well-being of the workforce. Efficient leadership and a healthy teaching environment determine the professional conduct of school teachers. Work engagement not only reflects teachers’ performance but also implies the performance of pupils and the school. Work engagement depends on the congeniality of the working conditions. The present study explores work engagement of 516 secondary school teachers working in Bengaluru, India. [show more]
Khirbat SurbhiA study to identify Critical Factors affecting

Performance of Low Cost Airlines in India

Description: The main objective of the study is to identify the critical factors affecting performance of low cost airlines in India For this purpose, the research focused on the low cost airline industry with regards to their macro environment, its strategic aspects and an analysis of the industry The study incorporated the Porters Five Forces Model to study the five forces having an impact on the industry and thus directing a firms strategic actions The study also conducted an industry analysis from the point of view of travel agents through questionnaire A customer satisfaction survey was also done to know their satisfaction levels and loyalty to a particular airline. This is achieved by the adoption of primary research techniques including surveys and interviews of the industry specialist and customers and secondary research including reading the existing literature on the subject, industry reports and articles published in journals A critical analysis of the industry highlighted the factors having an impact on the industry as a whole The porters five forces analysis revealed the current and future trends for the industry and provided an understanding for future survival strategies for the airlines. Industry professionals state that the Airline industry is in infancy stage They have a long way to go The factors such as airport infrastructure, massive expansion plans, aggressive growth strategies, demand and supply patterns and the exchange rate mechanism affects their performance But the highest factor restricting the growth of any airline is the high price of ATF All the three- industry professionals, travel agents and consumers believe that LCCs have benefited the industry providing low fares and making air travel affordable They are quite positive about the times ahead and hope that the industry will bounce back Consumers are quite satisfied and content with the offerings As suggested by a consumer that they should be named as ??value for money airlines and not LCCs The Porters Five Forces analysis revealed that there are high entry barriers as this is a highly capital intensive industry and that buyers and suppliers both have high bargaining power There is moderate threat of substitute like railways looking at the future potential of the aviation sector The analysis further revealed that the market is highly competitive with very few players and to reach the customers expectations the players have to cut their prices most often thus creating an imbalance in the cost and revenue Also, unhealthy competitive practices prevail in the industry which hamper the overall growth process and thus affect the performance The research provided insight on the future opportunities and the several future industry success and survival factors The research also gives further scope of the study and thereby concludes that there needs to be a consensus so that both the regulatory bodies and the airlines are benefited thus promoting growth and prosperity of the country. Dissertation Layout: The first chapter of the dissertation titled ??Introduction primarily covered a range of aspects from history to the LCC situation globally and then following it traces to India thus leading to the statement of the problem and the objectives of the study The second chapter ??Review of Literature covered the previous research on the factors impacting the performance of low cost airlines The third chapter ??Research Methodology covered the data collection process, sampling description and the methodology for data analysis The fourth chapter titled ??Data Analysis and Interpretation covered the customer satisfaction and industry analysis The fifth chapter ??Summary and Conclusion listed the major findings, implications and limitations, scope for further research and conclusion drawn from the research. Keywords: LCCs, critical factors, performance, airlines, low cost, ATF, aviation. [show more]
Sarkar, Rupa - 1630071A study towards constructing a reproductive health account as sub-account of health at sub-district level of IndiaPhDEconomics
Description:Reproductive health is a state where everyone of the reproductive age cohort can make informed choices based on their reproductive health needs and reach a state of bliss and well-being. Informed choices are a possibility only if there is awareness regarding options of healthcare available. Awareness further indicates capacity to measure the worth of the options available in hand. One major aspect of measuring this worth is dominated by the financial aspect of awareness. [show more]
Ganesh L and Mehta ArpitaA Survey Instrument for Ranking of the Critical Success Factors for the Successful ERP Implementation at Indian SMEsManagement
Description:Bioinfo Business Economics, Vol-1 (1), pp. 06-12. ISSN-2249-1775
Iyer, Sridhar.A survey on next-generation Mixed Line Rate (MLR) and energy-driven Wavelength-Division Multiplexed (WDM) optical networks /Journal ArticleEnergy Efficiency
Type:Journal Article
Subject:Energy Efficiency
Description:Journal of Optical Communications, Vol.36, Issue 2, pp.516-532, ISSN No: 2191-6322.