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Bhardwaj PoonamA Study on the Dual Role of Working Women in the Information Technology Sector in Bangalore
Description:This study is conducted among married working women in the Information Technology sector in Bangalore. It is an effort to understand the marginalized position of married working women in terms of decision making power and pay scale parity at the workplace. It also tries to study the challenges married women face while dealing with both spheres of life i.e. domestic and place of work. This study is also an attempt to understand those factors that affect womens work participation in the Information Technology sector. In a patriarchal society, socialization differs for men and women. Women are socialized to be feminine, family and household work is considered their main priority; while men are always socialized to be the head of the family and are considered the primary breadwinners. The study looks at the aspect of dual roles of women and tries to explain how the dual roles affect their work. The topic of the study has been formulated after conducting informal conversations with married women in the Information Technology sector. The data revealed that despite having good educational degrees ?? equivalent to men ?? they face differential treatment while getting opportunities at the workplace such as onsite opportunities. They also do not enjoy the status of being the primary earner in their family and household work is still considered their primary work. The title clearly reflects the impact of dual roles of married women on work participation in the Information Technology sector. The Information Technology sector has been chosen for the present study in order to understand the position of women in this sector, to understand their level of work participation and how the dual role affects their work participation. Snowball sampling method has been used to select the samples. The total sample size was 120. Five companies were selected among the top 100 companies in the south area of Bangalore. The primary data has been collected using questionnaires and unstructured interviews. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction to the study which includes the Information Technology industry in India and Bangalore, and the dual role of women. It discusses how the Information Technology industry has boomed in India. It also describes the two roles i.e. domestic and professional roles in the lives of working women. The second chapter discusses review of literatures. It includes journal articles and books on the dual role of women and the Information Technology industry. The third chapter explains the methodology used for the study. This has offered guidance to the researcher in framing objectives and described the population and sampling technique for the study. The analysis and interpretation of the data have been discussed in chapter four. The data was analysed and graphic representation has been done using SPSS (Statistical Package of Social Sciences). Chapter five explains the summary and conclusion of the study. The findings of the study have been categorized on the basis of the research objectives. [show more]
George, GinuA Study on the Effect of Food Advertisements on Children and their influence on Parents Buying DecisionManagement Studies
Subject:Management Studies
Description:International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management Vol. 3, No. 7, pp 92-104, ISSN No. 0976-2183
Joseph Saly A Study On The Effectiveness Of New Technology Integrated Teaching Of English Grammar On Achievement Of First Degree
K V SebastianA Study on the Entrepreneurial Traits and Characteristics of Waste Pickers and Their Contributions to the Economy and Ecology
Description:Solid waste is problem created by mankind due to thoughtless consumerism and actions. But for surprise, a group of people of the same mankind is working day and night without support, acceptance or even without the consideration that they are also human being, to reduce the same problem. They are called waste pickers. The study intends to describe the aspects/qualities possessed by waste pickers to carry out waste picking and recycling for their existence. A sample of hundred waste pickers (n=100) were involved in completing the interview schedule to identify their entrepreneurship qualities and their contributions to economy and ecology, for the study a schedule which contain demographic and occupational details along with entrepreneurship audit and entrepreneurial traits Center (Vasant Desai) was used.. The ANOVA test helped to know whether there is a significant difference in the entrepreneurial trait among different variables. T-test analysis was used to compare entrepreneurial trait score and entrepreneurship characteristics score with independent sample variations. All statistical computations were carried out using SPSS. Results revealed that majority of the waste pickers are with innate qualities of entrepreneurs and they are largely contributing to economy and ecology. It also reveals facts related to demographic details like gender, education types of residents and duration in this occupation etc. They reveal that they get lot of public abuse and not at all getting any support. [show more]
Mohan, Ram , Bhama T.A Study on the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Multi-brand Apparel RetailCUIM
Description:International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management Vol.1, Issue No. 7 ISSN No. 2227-1287
Mohan RamA Study on the Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction in Multi-Brand Apparel Retail
Description:Numerous research studies have been done in the area of retailing, but there is no research that identifies the main factors that influence customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. A study on this aspect is important as the apparel retail industry is growing very fast in India with the advent of many foreign brands in this sector. This study aims to understand the main factors influencing customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. Primary data is collected through survey method, using a structured questionnaire designed to capture the required variables to extract the factors influencing customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. The respondents are surveyed through convenience sampling method. The appropriate variables are identified through literature review of a number of articles on organised apparel retailing. After considering appropriate variables of apparel retail service quality and store characteristics, the structured questionnaire consisting of 17 independent variables and 1 dependent variable measured on a likert scale of 1 to 5, is used to collect data from the apparel retail customers. Factor analysis on these independent variables resulted in extraction of 4 main factors. Then Regression analysis is done on the 4 factors taking customer satisfaction as the dependent variable. The results of the analysis reveal that the factors significantly influence customer satisfaction in multi-brand apparel retail. It was also found through regression analysis that there is a significant impact of customer satisfaction on shopping budget in multi-brand apparel retail. Also, a significant relationship was found between family monthly income and shopping budget in multi-brand apparel retail. The implication of this research is that the results would help multi-brand apparel retailers to formulate marketing strategies with a focus on the factors identified, to improve customer satisfaction and refine their approach to reach out to their consumers and retain them, when they come to shop in their apparel retail store. [show more]
.B PadmanabhA Study on the Factors Influencing Online Buying in Fast Moving Consumer Goods with Particular Reference to Household Items
Description:Internet impact on retailing has been tremendous and it has provided the retailers another channel through which to reach customers situated far away. The internet penetration in the country is 11.4 % as per the latest figures. The E ??commerce space is growing by 47 % to more than $460 billion in 2011 ( IAMAI) The online buying has provided huge benefits to customers like 24/7 convenience shopping, saving time, discounts, more choice and assortment of goods, and price comparisons across brands. At present the online retail Industry is Rs 2500 crores and growing at 35 % annually. It is expected to reach Rs 7000 cr by 2015 ( Assocham 2011 ) In this study attempt has been made to identify factors responsible for buying online and also factors impacting customers for not buying through online household essentials. In the study demographic profile of the customers were looked into. The study is limited to Bangalore city only. Based on the literature survey, hypotheses have been developed. Out of 500 questionnaires distributed across Bangalore city, about 362 fully filled questionnaires were got and this was used for the study. The respondents profile and descriptive statistics has been analysed for online and non ?? online respondents. . Factor analysis has been done to find out the minimum factors involved in the online and non online buying decision. Hypotheses testing have been done using relevant tests. Some recommendations have been made on the strategies which Online retailers can adopt to attract more online buyers by taking care of some of their concerns. Some of the key findings of the study are:-- o Non - Online buyers feel there is lack of security of transactions in online shopping. o Non - Online buyers feel Touch and feel is important for buying household essentials. o One of the Reasons for Non ?? Online buyers not adopting online buying is they consider it is difficult to return goods. o Non ?? online buyers who are in the age group (36 -55yrs) are reluctant to switch to online buying. [show more]
Kurian RobinsA study on the family environment of persons with thalassemia major
Description:The objective of the study was to assess the family environment of persons with thalassemia major disorder. The clinical profile of the persons with thalassemia, the family awareness about the disorder and the social, financial, emotional and the couple relationship aspects due to thalassemia were also studied. The parents of the persons with thalassemia major were included in the study. Interviews were carried out with each of the subjects using a standard questionnaire to assess the family environment. The other aspects were studied using a semi structured questionnaire. The results show that 42 percent has a family income of less than 5000 Rupees per month. There is no mutual emotional support among 54 percent of the couples. 66 percent of the parents are not involved in any social activities. 14 percent of the parents feel burden and another 14 percent feel burnout and 38 percent are anxious about the sick child. The relationship with the non thalassemic child in the family is affected among 55 percent of the parents. 86 percent of the parents are aware about the need of iron chelation and the genetic nature of thalassemia. Family environment is significantly affected by the duration of the illness, treatment cost, number of thalassemia persons in the family, lack of awareness on the genetic nature on thalassemia. Hospital admissions restrict the recreational activities and also lead to lose of control in the family. Organization in the family is significantly affected where there is more number of persons with thalassemia. The subjects assessed expressed varying concerns about the family relationships, life long illness of the child and other psycho social issues. They feel that their competitiveness, career development, financial needs and relationships with their spouse and with their normal child are hampered by the illness of the child. It establishes that various psycho social interventions are imperative for such families. [show more]
S, Usha - 1240106A study on the impact of foreign investment in infrastructure sector in India /PhDCommerce
Description:The growth of an economy is determined by the amount of investment made or the capital created in the economy. Capital creation happens when the economy has excess of income over expenditure, in other words, savings. Foreign Investment is a good source of fund for developing economies whose savings is low. [show more]

Description:This study unveils the impact of microfinance activities in nine villages in Bangalore rural. The study investigates the variables like women empowerment, savings before and after microfinance, monthly income, socio economic index, financial benefits, and purpose of savings. To study the problem there were six null hypotheses were framed. To test it data were collected from 400 beneficiaries of microfinance through questionnaire. The detailed questionnaire reveals the personal data, economic condition, group organization, knowledge and awareness of microfinance activities, savings pattern, training details, impact of training, credit utilization, impact of microfinance schemes, influence of microfinance schemes on community affairs, and expenditure pattern of the microfinance beneficiaries. The data collected have been analyzed using the Karl Pearsons correlation coefficient, Chi-square Paired t-test and ANOVA using SPSS 11.0 statistical software and the results obtained there by have been interpreted. The following were the objectives of the study. -To study the difference between savings before microfinance and savings after microfinance -To study difference between different occupations as a result of microfinance and monthly income -To study the difference between different occupations and the purpose of savings from microfinance activities -To study the relationship between microfinance with women empowerment and socio economic index -To study the relationship between microfinance with Main Occupation and socio-economic index -To study the relation between Socio Economic Index and Financial Benefits derived out of Micro Finance Schemes The following findings were derived from the study. 1. The study shows that there is significant difference between savings before microfinance and savings after microfinance. It is evident from the study that the savings after micro finance has improved the savings of the beneficiaries tremendously. 2. There is difference between different occupations as a result of microfinance and monthly income. 3. There is difference between different occupations and the purpose of savings from microfinance activities. 4. There is relation between microfinance with women empowerment and socio economic index. 5. There is relation between microfinance with Main Occupation and socio economic index. 6. There is relation between Socio Economic Index and Financial Benefits derived out of Micro Finance Schemes. Formal lenders discriminate against small borrowers because of the high cost of information acquisition and their weak enforcement capacity. This has led to the search for alternative financial service delivery systems for poor borrowers all over the developing world. The most popular alternative has been microfinance. Microfinance services produce positive effect on output, investments and savings of the beneficiaries. To achieve increase in the output, investments and savings of the rural people of India microfinance services should be intensified. Microfinance services result in the women empowerment in the rural and semi urban areas of India. The expansion of microfinance services will empower poor people to stabilize economically through better agricultural productivity, trade, animal husbandry, increased savings and investment. Key words:Micro finance,Women Empowerment ,Socio Economic Index [show more]
C.J Koshy A Study on the Impact of Microfinance in Women Empowerment with Specific Reference to ESAF Microfinance and Investments Pvt. Ltd. (EMFIL)
Description:This study attempts to understand the impact of microfinance on women empowerment, in terms of changes in income and savings, preference for formal sources of credit, socio-economic status, and political participation. The study also attempts to find whether the members of a private microfinance institution are satisfied with the services offered by them. The study was conducted on a sample of 220 women beneficiaries of microfinance services of a leading MFI operating in Kerala state. The sample was selected by convenience sampling. The results of the study show that microfinance programs have created a positive impact to its beneficiaries. Majority of the respondents are engaged in various income generating activities because of the credit facilities provided by microfinance institutions. This resulted in a significant change in their income level and savings after participating in microfinance programs. This has helped them to earn income for their family and also enabled them to play an important role in their family and also in society. After joining microfinance programs they also preferred formal financial institutions for availing credit facilities. It was also found that microfinance has empowered women socially, economically and politically. The results also indicated that the MFI selected for the study was able to provide good service to its members and the members were satisfied on the services offered by the MFI. Keywords: Microfinance, Microfinance Institutions (MFI), Women Empowerment, Social, Economic and Political Empowerment. [show more]
Maxim Concessao VeerusA Study on the Impact of Microfinance on the Members of the Self Help Groups in Karnataka State, India
Description:The present study focuses on assessing the extent to which the Microfinance programs have been effective in bringing about the change it is supposed to in the state of Karnataka, India. Therefore, an impact assessment is suited to know the ground reality of these programs. The study takes into consideration the socio-economic variables in order to assess the over-all effect of the programs. Apart from interventions and influences coming from the Microfinance programs, there are also other factors that influence the effect. These other factors are largely associated with the location where these programs are conducted. Locations or Regions bring with it difference in culture, social, occupational and demographical aspects which are also taken into account the study. The study shows that there is a significant change in the socio-economic lives of the poor of the different regions of Karnataka. However, the results are not as impressive as they should have been. All in all, the impact of the microfinance programs exhibits a dull, or rather, yet-to-explore field, urging efforts to reach out more effectively to the rural poor. Keywords: Impact Assessment, Microfinance, Karnataka, Self Help Groups, Savings Accumulation, Consumption Pattern, Accessibility to Credit [show more]
Antony Jose K A study on the impact of perceived risks in destination choice process
Sunita KumarA Study on the impact of print advertisement on the youth populationManagement Studies
Subject:Management Studies
Description:International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 1, Issue 12 (IV) pp. 91-98, ISSN No. 2277-9302
Thamarai Selvi N, Vincent NithilaA Study on the Indian Small Car Market and Factors Influencing Customers' Decisions Towards Purchase of Small CarsManagement
Description:International Journal of Research in Computer Application & Management, Vol-2 (11), pp. 65-69. ISSN-2231-1009

Description: This study designates the influence of family environment in the development of aggressive behavior in children. The purpose of the study was to find out how the family environment influences the aggressive behavior in children. The study was conducted in 5 government aided schools run by the diocese of Mananthavady in Wayanad district of Kerala State. The study included fifty, 10 to 12 year old school going children and their mothers. Family environment scale was used to find the family environment of the children and Aggressive Questionnaire was used to find the level of aggression in children. The raw data were subjected to various statistical analyses. The study brings in (1) the structure and systems in the families (2) the types and levels of aggression in children. The study found that 54 % of the children are with high aggression and 36 % of the children are with very high aggression. Over all the result found that the family environment has a significant role in the development of aggressive behavior in children. The more poor structure and systems in family environment creates the more aggressive children. Key words: family environment, physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, hostility. [show more]
Devi SoumyajaA Study on the Influence of Personality Traits on Entrepreneurial intentioManagement
Description:Pacific Business Review International, Vol. 9, Issue 5. pp. 12-19, ISSN No. 0974-438X
Devi SoumyarajaA Study on the Influence of personality traits on entrepreneurial intention among working professionals in the Indian technical organizations Management
Description:Pacific Business Review International, Vol. 9, Issue 5, pp. 12-19, ISSN 097X-438X
R Ronita A study on the Operational Risks in International Tour Operations in Bangalore
Khare, Aishwarya. - 1424021A study on the perception of MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) amongst the students of Christ University, Bengaluru /Masters DissertationMedia Studies
Type:Masters Dissertation
Subject:Media Studies
Description:Massive open online courses (MOOC) are a recent innovation in the field of online learning. Several top-tier universities around the world have started offering MOOC programmes in a wide array of professional, technical as well as creative fields. Top MOOC providers such as Coursera, Udacity and edX have a student fellowship from all across the world, pursuing one or more from the thousands of courses offered by these MOOC giants. [show more]