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Geospatial crime analysis and forecasting with machine learning techniques
People use social media to engage, connect, and exchange ideas, for professional interests, and for sharing images, videos, and other contents. According to the investigation, social media allows researchers to examine individual behavior features and geographic and temporal interactions. According to studies, criminology has become a prominent subject of study globally, using data gathered from online social media sites such as Facebook, News feed articles, Twitter, and other sources. It is possible to obtain useful information for the analysis of criminal activity by using spatiotemporal linkages in user-generated content. The study refers to the application of text-based data science by gathering data from several news sources and visualizing it. This research is motivated by the abovementioned work from various social media crimes and government crime statistics. This chapter looks at 68 various crime keywords to help you figure out what kind of crime you are dealing with concerning geographical and temporal data. For categorizing crime into subgroups of categories with geographical and time aspects using news feeds, the Naive Bayes classification algorithm is used. For retrieving keywords from news feeds, the Mallet package is used. The hotspots in crime hotspots are identified using the K-means method. The KDE approach is utilized to address crime density and this methodology has solved the difficulties that the current KDE algorithm has. The study results demonstrated equivalence between the suggested crimes forecasting model as well as the ARIMA model. 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Bacteriocins as Biotechnological Tools in Food and Pharmaceuticals: Applications and Future Prospects
The World Health Organization (WHO) and FAO have defined probiotics as non- pathogenic living organisms that greatly benefit host cells and have several positive outcomes at the level of gut. The intake of probiotics at an adequate amount confers good health and many times is used for several treatments (Hill et al. 2014; Gibson et al. 2017). Not only the microorganisms as a whole, but the proteins or peptides secreted by these species have tremendous applications in food spoilage, pharmaceuticals, antibiotic development, and much more. Thus, antimicrobial peptides from bacteria have drawn more attention for their wide range of applications. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Arti Gupta and Ram Prasad; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Plant- based Metabolites as Source of Antimicrobial Therapeutics: Prospects and Challenges
Plants are used as traditional medicines from ancient times to today as they are the largest living storehouses of bio- chemicals and pharmaceuticals known on Earth (Abdallah, 2011). The World Checklist of Vascular Plants (WCVP) database reported in April 2021 that there are 1,383,297 plant names with 996,093 plants identified at species level, constituting 342,953 accepted vascular plant species (Govaerts et al., 2021). Around 10% of the reported vascular plants are used as medicines (Salmer- Manzano et al., 2020). According to the MPNS, 33,443 species are recorded as being used for medicinal purpose (MNPS, 2021). Medicinal plants are those that have therapeutic properties which can pose pharmacological effect on the human or animal body (Namdeo, 2018). About 80% of the world's population depends on plant- based medicine for treatment of diseases (Okoye et al., 2014). The medicinal property of a plant is attributed to rich and diverse secondary metabolites (Allemailem, 2021). Secondary metabolites are intermediates or products of primary metabolism that are not involves directly in the growth and development of the plant (Jain et al., 2019). Plants generate secondary metabolites in response to stresses posed by biotic factors (bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites, pests, weeds, and herbivore animals) and abiotic environmental factors (temperature, salinity, drought, UV radiation etc.) so as to adapt and survive in response to environmental stimuli during their life time (Yang et al., 2018). 2023 selection and editorial matter, Arti Gupta and Ram Prasad; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Impact of chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles on seed germination: probabilities and prospects
Agriculture is the science and practice of making plants and animals for the food for animals, and humans at large. It is used not only for food but also for other needs like wool, silk, leather, etc and now we start to use these agricultural practices for making plants and animals as bioreactors for making valuable pharmaceuticals. But, the main segment of agriculture is related to the cultivation of plants. Even though many types of plant propagation systems are available, the use of seeds is considered to be the most commonly used method in many crop varieties. The productivity of the crops is largely depending on healthy seedling production. There are many methods including the traditional methods to improve seedling development. Recent scientific developments help in the development of better seedlings and thereby the crop yield. Chitosan and its nanoparticles are being used in agriculture in different aspects starting from seed germination and seedling development apart from the use in controlled release of the nutrients. In the present chapter, the use of chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles in agriculture especially in the stages of seed germination and seedling development in different crop varieties is discussed. 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Portable and Automated Healthcare Platform Integrated with IoT Technology
The diverse applications of Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Bioelectronics - face recognition, pulse wave monitoring and insulin level measurements have been discussed in this chapter. This chapter also emphasizes on the IoT and its applications in biological sensors. The chapter focuses on IoT systems, such as neural networks and other channels that are integrated into a secure healthcare monitoring system in order to make the system operate as a smart model in healthcare sector that determines the priority based on health parameters gathered from the sensor nodes. In this work, the different approaches of IoT with distinct methodologies are also deliberated. 2024 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
Statistical Data Analysis of Anticorrosion and Antifouling: Unveiling Insights from Performance and Trends
This chapter provides intended insights about the current antifouling and anticorrosion conventional coatings, each with a distinct quality, that fall short of fully satisfying the contemporary requirements of material preservation in a marine environment. To solve these issues and accomplish the required goals, a number of novel terminologies and procedures have been investigated and several recently published research works were referred to and briefly examined in order to provide appropriate conclusions. In order to explore new methodologies that provide total protection for materials from biofouling and corrosion in maritime environments, this study looks into the complex realm of antifouling and anticorrosion methods. 2024 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
Barriers hindering digital transformation in SMEs
The chapter aims to find interdependencies between barriers that hinder adoption of digital transformation technologies in small and medium firms. Barriers were identified using an extensive literature review and finalized after consulting an expert panel. Next, a pairwise questionnaire was developed, and responses from essential stakeholders working with small and medium firms were collected. Data were analyzed using the DEMATEL technique. Salient challenges for implementing digital transformation technologies were identified, and the cause-and-effect relationship between the barriers was established. Lack of proper digital vision and strategy was identified as the most critical barrier that hinders adoption of digital transformation technologies in small and medium firms. Digital technologies help to improve the efficiency of the firms and improve resource utilization by facilitating timely and accurate decision making. Hence, overcoming the identified challenges in transformation will improve the operations of the production system and organizational process. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Omnichannel supply chain in india: A study using sap-lap approach
Organizations are increasingly adding new service delivery channels to make their products and services readily available in such an environment. Omnichannel retailing will help organizations to provide better consumer service while making it easy for them to do business when appropriately implemented. By implementing omnichannel retailing, organizations will benefit from high operational efficiency, better financial performance, smoother communication, and a satisfied, loyal customer base. Therefore, this study tries to explore the current situation of the retail industry in India, the major actors or players of the business ecosystem, and processes adopted in organizations to provide products and services to their customers. The study will be qualitative in nature and is approached through an SAP (situation-actor-processes)-LAP (learnings-actions-performance) framework to synthesize learning from the current scenario to propose actions and set the performance measures. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Perspectives and Implications of Probiotics as Beneficial Mediators in Aquaculture Industry
The diseases and nutrient deficiency in fish and other cultured aquatic species are of crucial concern as they cause severe economic loss in aquaculture sectors. The use of probiotics has proven to be an effective option to reduce the infections improve the overall health and enhance the productivity. This review comprehensively brought out significance of probiotics, their mode of administration via encapsulation methods and their mechanism of action reported by several research works. We have also highlighted the other beneficial aspects of probiotics as potent functional agents influencing gut microbiota, competence with pathogenic bacteria, release of antimicrobial secretions and maintain the water quality in environmental friendly manner which ensures sustainable aquaculture and fish farming. This review has also covered up the role of probiotics in wide spectrum of functions such as antiviral and antifungal properties, reducing stress and diseases, modifying the gut microbiota, improving the fecundity, survival and modulating the immune system of the host. We have discussed every aspect of probiotics and correlated with the existing research and review articles till date. However, most of the studies are reported based on the laboratory trials and experiments; commercial and large-scale demonstration has to be scaled up and utilization of them in natural environments like ponds and lakes will be effective way to broaden aquaculture industry. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
Digital transformation in clinical legal education, virtual law clinics, and access to justice
Clinical legal education (CLE)promotes skill training and service learning. It provides an opening to comprehend the law and practice through practical training. Access to justice with lawyering skills is the fundamental objective of CLE. Law students can uphold the 'rule of law' and play the leading role in legal services to the needy. Millions of people continue to be denied access to the legal system. The success of the digital transformation in CLE depends on the availability and efficiency of the adoption of advanced technology. The main theme of this chapter is to examine how the law schools approached the mode of CLE amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges faced while delivering services through VLC and examine the various types of online pro bono works. This chapter is designed in both doctrinal and analytical in terms of methodology. It also focuses on the new experiences globally in using IT and the methods that law schools can use through technology to improve access to justice. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
On some classes of equitable irregular graphs
Graph labeling techniques are used by data scientists to represent data points and their relationships with each other. The segregation/sorting of similar datasets/points are easily done using labeling of vertices or edges in a graph. An equitable irregular edge labeling is a function $$f: E(G) \rightarrow N$$ (not necessarily be injective) such that the vertex sums of any two adjacent vertices of $$G$$ differ by at most one, where vertex sum of a vertex is the sum of the labels under $$f$$ of the edges incident with that vertex. A graph admitting an equitable irregular edge labeling is called an equitable irregular graph (EIG). In this paper, more classes of equitable irregular graphs are presented. We further generalize the concept of equitable irregular edge labeling to $$k$$-equitable irregular edge labeling by demanding the difference of the vertex sum of adjacent vertices to be $$k \ge 1$$. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
Faulty Node Detection Using Vertex Magic Total Labelling in Distributed System
Distributed system consists of huge number of nodes that are connected to a network, which is mainly intended and predominantly used for information sharing. Large users are prone to share data through the network and the stability and reliability of the nodes are remaining as the major concern in this system. Therefore, the inconsistent message transmission causes the nodes in the network to act differently, which would not be acceptable. A rapid method of malfunctioning nodes detection can improve the QoS of distributed computing environment. In this paper, a novel algorithm is proposed based on the calculation of vertex magic total labelling (VMTL) value for each and every node in the network. Upon receiving the message from the sender node, the receiver node will quickly detect the faulty node by comparing the VMTL pivot value (Pv). Experimental results show that the proposed approach leads to high true fault rate (TFR) detection accuracy compared to the false fault rate (FFR) detection. Finally, all the information related to the faulty nodes will be sent to the server node for further investigation and action. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021. -
CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing of crops: Food and nutritional security
The United Nations established the goal of achieving global food security by 2030 as one of its top sustainable development goals in 2015. The current agricultural harvest is insufficient to accomplish the zero-hunger objective and feed the world's growing population. It would require more extensive and consistent crop production. Gene-editing technologies have recently emerged as viable alternatives to permit precise modifications in genomes with increased efficiency and yield higher agricultural productivity. Due to their simplicity, adaptability, and reproducibility across a diverse variety of species, genetic engineering techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 have become quite prominent. CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology can improve crop yields, quality, stress resistance, food safety, nutritional security, and shelf-life, reduce antibiotic resistance, and hasten plant domestication. Cutting-edge techniques like genome editing (GE) allow for the precise introduction or mutation of specified genes into plant genomes. The advent of programmable nucleases like CRISPR-Cas9 has improved gene editing and potentially improved food production and nutritional security. Knock-out, knock-in, gene activation, gene repression, nuclear rearrangements, base editing, molecular breeding, and epigenome engineering are just a few ways that CRISPR systems can target and change genes. For novel applications in plant genetic engineering, CRISPR-Cas systems can be repurposed for GE toward de-novo speciation; mitochondrial and plastid genome engineering toward enhancing photosynthesis, submergence, and drought tolerance. The versatility of CRISPR-associated systems broadens the scope of crop development applications that they can be used for, especially in improving food and nutritional security, which is the focus of this chapter. 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. -
Hermeneutic keys and pedagogic tips: Enrich case research
Pedagogy sharpens and complements hermeneutics to form the prolegomena statement for this chapter. The chapter undertakes two approaches: It deals with closer understanding of the text in depth and also explains the findings of the text for pedagogical applications. The science of interpretations will provide a proliferation of meanings and interpretations. The lessons from pedagogy will facilitate a lot of assistance for academic and teaching purposes. Radhakrishnan Nair's hermeneutic keys and Justin Joy's pedagogic tips form the crux of the matter in the research paper. Here, research in case studies culminate in some useful findings related to comprehension and conception of case as text. However, quite legitimately the research demands a specialist partner in complementary pedagogical research, which compels to find a research association from the management faculty, at once competent in pedagogy. Justin Joy shares and resolves the problems Nair has confronted with. 2023 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Role of AI in the inventory management of agri-fresh produce at HOPCOMS
Inventory management is vital for maintaining the efficiency of supply chain management. Fruits and vegetables being perishable in nature should involve inventory management to avoid wastage and loss in terms of over stocking and stock out situations. The present study focuses on the role of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered inventory management of fruits and vegetables at HOPCOMS, a cooperative society founded in Bangalore. In the road to satisfy the customers, it is necessary for the society to come up with different strategies to manage the inventories in which a retailer confronts overstock and stock out situation, affecting the profit of the society. Therefore, a study was conducted with the help of structured questionnaire among 122 retailers of HOPCOMS outlets in Bangalore. The results obtained from the study suggest that inventory valuation method positively influences AI-powered demand forecasting and customer order fulfillment, and AI-powered demand forecasting is positively related to customer order fulfillment. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Transforming future startups through servant leadership and social entrepreneurship profitability
This book chapter delves into the influence of servant leadership on the profitability of social entrepreneurship, a phenomenon widely recognized by thriving startups worldwide. It generates hypothesis about the effect of seven facets of servant leadership viz., empowerment, conceptualization, followers influence, emotional convalescence, follower's growth and succession, value-creation for the community, and ethical behavior on social entrepreneurship profitability. The data was received through e-mail survey from 158 entrepreneurs located in Bengaluru. Hypothesis testing was done using multi-regression analysis technique. Results of the study specify that the seven dimensions of servant leadership except conceptualization have significant impact on the social entrepreneurship profitability. Further, the study continues with discussion of the inferences for practice by the social entrepreneurship, suggestions for future studies, and the continuous advancement of leadership tactics as well as styles that support upcoming social entrepreneurship ventures. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Enhancing academic credential verification through blockchain technology adoption in university academic management systems
Blockchain technology has emerged as promising solution in various sectors, including higher education. This research investigates the impact of usage of blockchain technology in student credential verification within university academic management system. This study employs a descriptive research through quantitative analysis of data collected from universities that have integrated or planning to integrate blockchain technology into their academic management systems. Key parameters examined include awareness and familiarity with blockchain, extent of blockchain usage, user experience and satisfaction, the perceived impact and benefits. The findings suggest that blockchain technology positively influences academic credential verification process, streamlining data sharing and reducing administrative burdens. As blockchain continues to transform the academic management landscape, this study offers timely guidance for stakeholders navigating the intersection of technology and education. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Impact of visual hierarchy on user experience in e-commerce websites
The primary aim of this book chapter is to propose a model that explains the influence of four elements of visual hierarchy-colour, size, alignment, and font/characters-on the user experience of e-commerce websites. The study's sample comprised 312 customers of e-commerce websites, with the four elements of visual hierarchy as independent variables, and the user experience of e-commerce websites as dependent variable. To analyze the data obtained from e-commerce website users, the researchers employed structural equation modeling to assess the relationships. The results of the analysis showed that the proposed model had acceptable fit indices and all the four elements of visual hierarchy had a positive impact on the user experience of e-commerce websites. While this book chapter examined the individual contributions of visual hierarchy elements, investigating how different combinations of visual hierarchy elements influence user experience could provide insights into optimal design strategies for e-commerce websites. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
A Real-Time Approach with Deep Learning for Pandemic Management
It has never been so critical to managing pandemic situations created by a virus like COVID-19, which has brought the world almost to a standstill, claiming millions of lives. Learning from all earlier viruses and building a quick tackling mechanism is a need of the hour. There is a greater need for technology to collaborate with healthcare and leverage each of the domains expertise. With less time in hand, this collaboration must happen in a short time. There is a need to study the exiting progression in technology and the healthcare landscape to bring them to a common path for practical solutions. In the chapter, an attempt was made to put together some thoughts in both fields to relate them to pandemic managements frequent subject. Caution is drawn towards some crucial aspects, such as security and transparency, that cannot be compromised in this journey. Artificial intelligence (AI), being at the forefront of the technology supporting lives, provides a greater hope in this direction. Some of the prominent approaches can be looked at from a pandemic management point of view, which can start a more in-depth discussion on AI and healthcare going hand in hand in managing this pandemic situation. Essential areas of pandemic management, such as building on the knowledge gathered over a period, plugging in the real-time data from the society, building efficient data management systems and building transparent and interpretable solutions are the focus areas of exploration in this chapter. 2022, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Exploring the Impact of Behavioral Biases on Young Investors Portfolio Performance: An Examination through the Lens of Nudging Green: Behavioral Economics for Environmental Sustainability
PurposeThis research paper delves into identification of interaction and relationship among numerous factors like investors behavior, psychological factors of investors, specific biases, financial knowledge and literacy, and portfolio value of young investors. Through this research paper we can conclude that investors are increasingly affected by the biases that exist. These biases act as a hindrance in their process of decision making. Design/methodology/approachIn this research paper a survey was conducted and the poll consisted of various questions. In this research paper, a convenience sampling technique was used and responses from 295 investors were collected for analysis of the data. In this paper we have used descriptive analysis and regression correlation for the purpose of analysis which ultimately unfolds the relationship between biases and investors portfolios. FindingsThis paper unfolds the various behavioral factors and other factors that shape the investment portfolio of youth. The paper dwells into the intricate study of behavioral factors that affect youth and determines their investment pattern. Research limitation/implicationsLimited samples have been collected for this paper and that is the limitation of this paper. As the sample size is limited there is a high probability that with a larger group of investors, the behaviour pattern and biases may differ. As most of the investors are young their knowledge about trading market and investment market is quite limited which ultimately generates hindrances in analysis. Maximum number of investors are quite young which increases the probability of biases in the decision making process. Practical implicationsThis paper will help scholars, analysts, academicians, practitioners, policymakers, brokers, and investors to frame better strategies in order to deal with behavioural biases and other behavioural factors. In order to not get influenced with behavioral biases and other behavioral factors, young people can plan out their investments in a better way. The youth of our country can have greater understanding regarding investments if they are given enough wisdom regarding the same through workshops, webinars, seminars, lectures, curriculum. Originality/valueIn this paper investors behavior, psychological factors, specific biases, financial knowledge and literacy are factors that influence the investment portfolio of young investors. Young investors can keep these factors in mind in order to increase their portfolios value which will ultimately lead to better investment decisions among them. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.