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Planetarism and eco humanism in the buddhist beat bards allen ginsberg and gary snyder an interdisciplinary thematic study on their literature philosophy and ecological perspectives
The Beat Generation, also known as the Beat movement, were a group of American writers who emerged in 1950s. Among its most influential members were Allen Ginsberg, Gary Snyder, Jack Kerouac, William Burrough, William Carlos Williams and Lawrence Ferlenghetti. What could be loosely described as the underlying philosophy was visionary enlightenment, Zen Buddhism, environmentalism and Amerindian culture. The Beat Generation invented a literary collage movement as a counter-brain wash method for reversing effect of Mass media-Military-Industrial-Communist-Capitalist-CIA-KGB disinformation reality image bank. A common theme that linked them together was a rejection of the newlineprevailing American middle class values, deterioration of the Planet s health, the newlinepurposelessness of modern society and the need for withdrawal and protest. The Beats have tried to break the restraints imposed on the western man s mind by the official ways of thinking. They find the official morality unacceptable and tried to arrive at metaphysical and ethical enlightenment through the methods adopted by the oriental thinkers like Gauthama Buddha, and Zen ascetics. They begin with the problems the western civilization is encountering, like the one of war and ecological degradation and use the concepts of oriental civilizations to find causes and remedies of the miseries people and the planet have been ecountering. The mechanistic paradigm underlying the industrial society gives way to the newlineviirealization that we belong to a living, self-organizing cosmos. General systems newlinetheory, emerging from the life sciences, brings fresh evidence to confirm ancient newlineindigenous teachings; the earth is live, mind is pervasive, all beings are our relations. newlineThe Beats rediscovered this perennial truth which changed our views about the planet newlineand its life systems. The beats were a product of the Second World War and of the cold war. -
Job Involvement of secondary school teachers of bangalore in relation to their work ethics organisational culture and leader behaviour of heads of institutions
Education has been the mainstay of our culture, right from the time of the Gurukul to the present day. Even today, the single most important factor in our education system is the teacher and his qualities. The issue of teacher motivation and Job Involvement is an essential factor for classroom newlineeffectiveness and improvement of educational institutions. Though many studies have been conducted in the area of Job Satisfaction of teachers in India, Job Involvement of teachers has received comparatively little attention. Literature review indicates that Work Ethics, Organizational Culture, Leader Behaviour of Heads of Institutions do newlineinfluence Job Involvement along with other variables. In this area, few independent studies are available, but a study related to all these variables is not available. Moreover, most of these studies related to Job Involvement are overseas studies. Hence the investigator felt the need to take up the present study titled Job Involvement of secondary school teachers of Bangalore in relation to their Work Ethics, Organizational newlineCulture and Leader Behaviour of Heads of Institutions. The main objectives of the study were: 1) To find out the relationship between Job Involvement of secondary school teachers their work ethics, organizational culture and Leader Behaviour of Heads of newlineInstitutions. 2) To find out whether differences in background variables like Gender, Subject specialization etc would account for significant difference in Job Involvement. 3) To find out whether any differences in levels of Work Ethics, Organizational Culture, and Leader Behaviour of Heads of Institutions results in any significant difference in Job Involvement of secondary school teachers 4) To find out the interactionxvi effect of the independent variables on Job Involvement 5) To find out newlinewhether the independent variables selected by the researcher are significant predictors of Job Involvement of secondary school teachers. Based on these objectives, researcher formulated 30 hypotheses. -
An evaluation of workplace HIV and AIDS programme development in zimbabwe stock exchange listed companies based in harare zimbabwe
The study explores the state of workplace HIV and AIDS interventions in Zimbabwe with specific reference to programming interventions in Zimbabwe Stock Exchange newlinelisted Companies in the Harare Metropolitan Province. The scientific knowledge domain-location of the study involves Strategic Human Resource management, Human Resource Management, Business (Corporate) planning and Labour administration (integrated occupation health and safety, employee welfare and newlinewellness) and Policy development and implementation. The key consideration is that newlinethe company has an enlightened self-interest to facilitate workplace HIV and AIDS because it leads to employee welfare, wellness and longevity which translate to increased productivity in the context of in Zimbabwe Stock Exchange-listed Companies. In this background, Zimbabwe Workplace HIV and AIDS programmes are generally considered to be fragile, fragmented, under-developed, weak and unsustainable in both design and management by a wide range of stakeholders despite close to two decades of implementation since promulgation and establishment. The study tries to identify key determinants of workplace HIV and AIDS program development in Harare, assesses the current state of workplace HIV and AIDS newlineprogramme development in Harare, tries to establish the significance of senior newlinemanagement commitment on workplace HIV programme development, ascertains the newlinerelationship between having a Comprehensive Staff Welfare Program (CSWP) and workplace HIV and AIDS program development and evaluates the extent to which companies comply with workplace HIV program development standards. The study was conducted using mixed methods and data was collected using a survey questionnaire and focus group discussions. Based on the study it was found that the general state of the Workplace HIV and AIDS Programme Development is in a state newlineof serious underdevelopment. -
Effects of central bank intervention through quasi fiscal policies evidence from reserve bank of zimbabwe
This was a research exercise which was conducted to establish the impact of newlineZimbabwe s Central Bank s interventions on the economy. As Zimbabwe s economic newlinecondition went through a nose-dive, the government found itself unable to respond to newlinethe numerous needs with no resources. The country was achieving negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate every year since the turn of the new millennium. The country could not borrow from the Bretton Woods institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) because of the illegal sanctions imposed by the United States and European Union following the country s land reform program which acquired farms from the majority of the 4,000 white farmers who owned about 80 percent of the country s arable area. The Zimbabwe Economic and Democracy newlineRecovery Act of 2001 (ZEDERA), enacted in the USA prevented American companies from doing business in Zimbabwe. The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe stepped in to assist. The research was aimed at establishing the effect the central bank intervention on the economy. Was the effect of the intervention good, or bad? Did the central bank s intervention really make things worse or did it ameliorate the effects of the downturn in the economy? For newlineinstance, did it contribute to the increase in inflation? What would have been the newlinesituation had the Bank not intervened? This study sought to answer the basic question: newline What was the overall impact of the RBZ s quasi-fiscal activities on the Zimbabwean newlineeconomy? Hypotheses were formulated on the basis of the above objectives and were tested newlinevia a variety of statistical techniques. The research instruments for data collection newlinewere a questionnaire and interviews guides. The questionnaire was the main research newlineinstrument followed by interviews. The questionnaire had a fusion of open ended and newlineclosed questions. The research showed that the RBZ s quasi-fiscal operations helped newlinethe country most in containing emergency situations and improved access to financial newlineresources by the productive sectors. -
A critical analysis of the complexity of leadership in zimbabwean anglican churches
This study examines the leadership controversy in the Anglican Churches of newlineZimbabwe and evaluates the extent to which the exigencies of power impacted upon this newlineconflict. This study is necessitated by the fact that the Anglican Church Province of Central Africa has been affected by an unprecedented conflict hinged on leadership wrangle and a crisis of legitimacy. This has resulted in the excommunication of Bishop of the diocese of Harare who had deliberately withdrawn from the Anglican international communion to form the province of Zimbabwe. Key to this dispute was the allegation of gay marriages presumably blessed by the Church of the Province of Central Africa (CPCA) although it appears that there were other multifarious factors behind the controversy. Given this background, this study seeks to present a critical exploration of the cardinal factors at play within the context of the Episcopalian polity and try to link church governance and ecclesiology to the context of the Anglican conflict in Zimbabwe. It should be appreciated that, as the world is setting into the 21st Century and Globalization becomes inescapable, a new breed of leaders and leadership paradigm is needed in Christian organizations. There is newlinea general consensus among scholars that the term leadership can be defined from various newlinevantage points. But for the purposes of this study, the term leadership designates the art of inducing competence, an instrument of goal achievement, a form of persuasion. Leadership newlineis the most important factor determining the future of any organization. The style of newlineleadership in a religious organization is a critical determinant in enhancing the stability and growth of the church. To this end, leadership has to do with the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing plans for institutional development, staff development progress in pursuit of organizational excellence. -
An investigation into the causes of non compliance with labour laws by zimbabwean local authorities
The current research; which I carried out in Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe between 2012 and 2014 was prompted by the surge newlinein labour related disputes in sub-national governments in Zimbabwe as well as the evident poor levels of compliance to labour laws by local authorities which also happen to be a poorly rated sector of the economy in terms of service delivery. In carrying out the study, I was guided by the following newlineresearch objectives: to identify the challenges being faced by Zimbabwean newlinelocal authorities in complying with the labour laws, to establish the extent to which non compliance affects labour relations in local government in Zimbabwe, to ascertain the impact of non-compliance on service delivery and finally to assess the government monitoring aspect. The targeted population for the study comprised all the ten local authorities and ministry of local government employees from the province. The study mainly newlineemployed the exploratory research design and I found that non-compliance with labour laws by Zimbabwean local authorities was not only as a result of the quality of labour relations and management systems (internal controls and corruption) but also lack of governmental financial support, political newlineinterference, skills migration (brain drain), increased poverty (economic meltdown) and high unemployment rate. In light of the research findings, I recommend that the government formulates deliberate policies to re-engage the international community as this will help attract foreign direct investment; thereby reducing poverty, unemployment, skills migration and corruption. I also recommend an increase in the financial support by government to its sub national governments. There should also be total newlinedecentralization of all sub national governments to ensure efficiency and newlinenon-interference with local authorities operations. -
A study on the prospects of zimbabwe fertilizer industry for a sustainable market match
This paper is as a result of a process of seeking a solution to theperennial challenge of mismatch of fertilizer demand and supply in Zimbabwe. The study investigated the causes of the mismatch of fertilizer demand and supply in the post agrarian reform with a view to finding the factors that cause the mismatch. The study has been necessitated by the fact that Zimbabwe?s economy is agro-based and supportsmore than twelve million people. The study was informed by the following objectives: (i) To know and understand the existing demand and supply of fertilizer in Zimbabwe(ii) To find reasons for the gap in the market and its impact on Zimbabwe?s agricultural sector (iii) To examine the role of banks and financial institutions in leveraging farmer access to loans in Zimbabwe (iv) To understand the farmers' perceptions of the situation and make justifications of the mismatch and (v) To suggest and adopt suitable strategies which reinforce sustainable demand and supply of fertilizer in the country. In context and pursuit of the objectives, this study used both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. A survey questionnaire was administered on the total of 380 respondents within the study returned questionnaires. The study was premised on 3 null hypotheses, one testing significance difference between product brand and market demand for fertilizer, another testing significance difference between availability and accessibility of fertilizer and yet another tested significance difference in the perception among farmers and stakeholders on the use of fertilizer. To do the hypothesis testing,data frequencies were run to note descriptive data patterns, cross-tabulations to establish a relationship between variable through various statistical tests: chi- square, correlations, ANOVA correlation coefficients, regression analysis and R-square value. Regression analysis was conducted to establish squared multiple correlation coefficient(R2) between Fertilizer Market,the unobserved dependent variable comprised of Demand (need for fertilizer, Supply/usage of fertilizer and availability of fertilizer) and independent composite variables of location/place of the fertilizer, fertilizer company brands, i.e. products, respondents in the study(people) and costs of financing fertilizer.This study accepted the first 2 null hypotheses and rejected the last hypothesis respectively.During the content thematic analysis salient themes and issues were; fertilizer availability at specific locations, high usage of ammonia brand, low application of fertilizer, inadequate fertilizer storage facilities, quality of fertilizer and accessibility to markets and specific fertilizers brands at specific periods. Upon triangulation, thequalitative responses were similar and complimentary to the quantitative responses.The composite or unobserved predictor variables; Place/Location of fertilizer, Type of fertilizer/Product brand, cost price and people accounted for the squared multiple correlation coefficient.573 or 57.3% (R2) adjusted R2 0.568 of the variance of Fertilizer Market dependent composite variable. This proportion in other words was the contribution of the independent variables. This suggests relationships that has the moderate effect (substantial) on Market the dependent variable based on the criterion that 0.573 is moderate. Regression analysis pointed to a strong Pearson correlations relation between fertilizer market and location (place where fertilizer was available) .004 and product 0.21. The unobserved predictor independent variable fertilizer type product or brand multiple correlation coefficient.517 or 51.3% (R2), fertilizer location or location could be found .542 or 54.2% (R2) with unobserved predictor dependent variable fertilizer market.Following onto this, the study highlights a model to help us better manage the mismatch. This model is developed from a collaborative ramework.The thesis ultimately makes conclusions and recommendations about crafting policies that will assist to match fertilizer demand and supply in Zimbabwe. -
Strategy formulation and implementation in the zimbabwean food manufacturing sector
This study focused on examining the influence of strategy formulation and implementation on the performance and competitive advantage of the foodmanufacturing companies in Zimbabwe. The study was prompted by the fact that newlinestrategy is essential in every organisation and that competing in the market is like newlinewar, you have injuries and casualties and the best strategy wins . More so, even though the food-manufacturing companies are essential to the Zimbabwean economy, there has been limited research on the area of strategy formulation and implementation. The study applied both quantitative and qualitative approaches because looking at the same problem from several viewpoints is an excellent way to verify data and come up with interpretation and conclusions. It is in view of this fact that the researcher used the triangulation approach, which is a combination of both philosophies, qualitative and quantitative data. The research was a survey because it allowed the research to collect data from a sizeable number of participants in 10 foodmanufacturing companies in Zimbabwe. The researcher used personal judgement in selecting the companies to be part of the study. The data was collected from directors and managerial employees, who are largely involved in the process of strategy formulation and implementation. The researcher used the questionnaires and the indepth interviews as research instruments. SPSS was the quantitative data analysis and qualitative data analysis was using thematic analysis. The study found out that foodmanufacturing companies in Zimbabwe were facing performance related challenges and there were mixed responses on the extent to which they were failing to meet financial, customer, internal business process improvement, and learning and growth targets. The food-manufacturing companies implemented marketing, human resource, financial and operations strategies but were not successful in their endeavours. -
A study on operational efficiency of scheduled commercial banks in India
Banking institutions play an important role in the economic development of the entire nation. Financial services industry is dominated by banking sector. Performance of any economy largely depends on the efficiency of commercial banks. Efficiency of banks depends upon diversified banking system that attracts savings and channelizes them into productive investments to generate income. The strength of the bank depends on newlineefficiency of these operations. Banks need to convert its deposits into loans, advances and investments efficiently. Efficiency in operations results in productivity. Productivity brings in faster economic growth. The cost of these operations should be kept to the minimum in order that they are efficient. With stiff competition that characterises banking industry, the competitive advantage that one bank has over the other depends on various efficiencies. This research attempts to measure the various efficiencies of scheduled commercial banks in India and investigate the factors that influence the same. Review of related newlineLiterature has been carried out to identify the research gap. Scheduled commercial banks in India include public sector banks, private newlinesector banks, foreign banks and regional rural banks. Regional rural banks are excluded from the study. As per the RBI report, currently (as on 31 March 2014) there are 26 public sector banks, 22 private sector newlinebanks and 43 foreign banks. However, this study considers the banks which have existed before, during and after the study period in order to measure the technical and cost efficiency of each bank and compare those efficiencies within the group as well as across the group. Accordingly 25 PSBs, 18 PvSBs and 25 FBs have been considered for the present study. Operational efficiency in this study includes the banks with technical and newlinecost efficiency. Technical efficiency is measured using the primary operating variables like fixed assets, loanable funds, employees, loans and advances and investments. -
Cultural Politics of sports and nationalism in indian popular cinema
The idea of India does not naturally happen. Like Benedict Anderson points out in his Imagined Communities, the media plays a huge role in ensuring that the public upholds certain notions of the nation. So, the imagining of a nation into existence as well as the sustenance of the collective are media-enabled. If print media had influenced people to envisage a nation by narrativizing a cultural commonality within members of a particular political setup in a particular geography (as in the case of 19th century Europe), the part played by popular cinema in independent India in feeding the imagining of Indianness cannot be considered less significant. Cinema texts based on war, terrorism, partition, etc. lend themselves for a nationalist treatment. Sports-themed Indian popular cinema too chooses to establish a marriage of convenience with nationalism. While sports and nationalism right from the first decade of the 20th century have had a history of helping each other thrive, - owing to nationality-based participation in Olympics and a similar format adopted by most other global events - it is in the 21st century that Indian Popular Cinema started exploiting the sports-nationalism relationship for its own progress. This research studies the discourse on Indian nationalism that three sports-themed texts of Indian popular cinema offer. Apart from proving to be huge box office hits, Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India, Chak De! India, and M S Dhoni: The Untold Story offer a lot for culture and nation theorists to ponder upon. -
An Analysis of the effectiveness of HIV and AIDS policy implementation in teacher training colleges in zimbabwe
The study analyzed the effectiveness of implementation of the HIV and AIDS Policy for teachers colleges. The policy was enacted by the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education in 2004 and implemented by teacher training colleges in Zimbabwe. Teacher training colleges were a ready captive audience for the young people with the potential to newlineinfluence behaviour change among student teachers, with a snowball effect to pupils in primary and secondary schools. Despite the newlinedevelopment of the policy, incidences of sexually transmitted infections continued to increase. The objectives of the study were to determine to what extent the HIV and AIDS Policy has been operationalized and its newlineeffects on the sexual and reproductive health of students. Literature reviewed explored the HIV and AIDS policy implementation and quality assurance practices in teaching of HIV and AIDS in the colleges. Effective implementation was discussed within the context of the reproductive health challenges faced by students and access to quality newlineservices. Pragmatism philosophical paradigm was used for the study, since it combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques, methods and approaches into a single study. The population, sample and sampling procedure for the study were defined. Selection of the colleges was newlinepurposive and stratified according to location (urban or rural); administrative authorities (government and church-related colleges). While research questions guided the collection of qualitative data from newlineinterviews and focus group discussions for college authorities and stakeholders, hypotheses guided quantitative data collected from questionnaires completed by male and female third year students and Lecturers. Key informants were selected based on their role in policy implementation at the colleges. Validity and reliability of both qualitative newlineand quantitative data collecting instruments was assured. -
Impact of gamification on learning outcomes in organizations
Background Operational Excellence is a philosophy of leadership, teamwork and problem solving, to focus on the needs of the consumer, to empower employees, for ptimizing existing activities, continuous improvement and excellence. It is a competitive advantage which translates increased flexibility to improved consumer responsiveness, and lean management. Quality of care is about patient safety, institutional culture, attitude, clinical performance, clinical freedom with management as facilitators, efficient delivery of quality, high standard services, effective patient outcome, integration of legislation with regards to communities, health service providers, local health authorities and the government (WHO, 2013). The outcome of quality of care is health consumer (patient) satisfaction. High newlineperformance Engagement reflects how employees are engaged in their work, with commitment and passion, rather than mere compliance to impact performance. Health care is a balancing act between business excellence newlineand quality outcomes in practice. It is from the premise of high performance engagement and quality of care provided to health consumers with patient centered focus, the pedestal of success in operational excellence is achieved. Purpose This study focuses on establishing Operational Excellence in relation to High Performance Engagement and Quality of Care among executives in the health care sector. Method A descriptive study was carried out using quantitative method with a sample of 410 health care executives from NABH accredited and nonaccredited hospitals and qualitative analysis among patients in Kerala. Results newlineThe results indicate a positive correlation of operational excellence with high performance engagement and quality of care. The independent variables, high performance engagement and quality of care are significant predictors of operational excellence. -
Modified carbon substrates for electrocatalytic oxidation of selected heterocyclic carbinols
Electrochemically modified carbon electrodes are used as a substrate for electrocatalytic oxidation of different heterocyclic carbinols. Carbon fiber paper (CFP) is newlineused as the electrode substrate on which various modifications are employed. Modified newlineelectrodes were prepared by using different surface modification strategies such as newlineelectrodeposition of Pd nanoparticles or Pd-Pt bimetallic nanoparticles on a conducting newlinepolymer, polyaniline which is electropolymerized on to CFP. Biomass derived porous carbon nanoparticle coated CFP was also used for electrodeposition of Pd nanoparticles or MnO2-Pi nanoparticles. These modified electrodes were physicochemically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, Optical profilometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemically characterized using Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). This modification methods have attracted a lot of attention due to their exceptional stability, high electronic conductivity, mechanical strength, and good adhesive property to the substrate and to the modified electrode. The modified electrodes show excellent electrochemical and newlinephysicochemical properties which are demonstrated using various analytical techniques. The organocatalytic reagent, TEMPO is used as a mediator throughout the studies which helps to carry out the oxidation of organic molecules in an aqueous acidic medium. The developed electrodes have been successfully applied for the oxidation of different heterocyclic alcohol such as 4-pyridinemethanol, 2-thiophene methanol, and 2-Furfuryl alcohol to corresponding 4-pyridinemethanal, 2-thiophene methanol and 2-Furfural. -
Modified carbon based electrodes for electrochemical sensing of biomolecules
Now-a-days a large variety of biological analytes are detected by highly sensitive newlineelectrochemical sensors which are inexpensive and simple as compared to conventional methods such as UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, spectrofluorometry, HPLC and gas chromatography. Electrochemical analysis is exceptional owing to its economical, low energy consuming and unique approach in the method design, and high sensitivity for the analyte determination. Carbon based electrochemical sensors are commonly used because of their low cost, good electron newlinetransfer kinetics, good chemical stability, and biocompatibility. Recently electrochemical properties of pencil graphite electrodes (PGEs) have been explored in the analysis of various organic compounds. High electrochemical reactivity, easy modification, commercial accessibility, fine rigidity, disposability and low-cost of PGE make it ideal to be used as an effective working electrode. The thesis presented explains different modified PGEs have been employed in the electrocatalytic determination biomolecules such as cholesterol, cortisol, Vitamin B6 and morin. newlineThe modified electrodes are effectively used for the ultra-level sensing of these biomolecules in real samples. The electroactive surface area and the conduvtivity of bare PGE is enhanced newlinedifferent electrode modifiers such as and#946;-CD, graphene, conducting polymer, metal oxides and metal nanoparticles. The modified electrodes are found to exhibit good electrocatalytic behavior towards the target biomolecules. Cyclic voltammetric (CV) studies and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic (EIS) technique were used to investigate the electrochemical properties of the modified sensing platform. The newlinemorphology and step wise fabrication process of the modified electrodes were characterized byvii Ramana spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS),scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). -
An efficient framework for scientific article recommendation system
Excess data makes it challenging to extract information that is relevant to a domain of study or research. Existing state-of-the-art systems focus majorly on the selection of highly connected, prestigious and cited articles, regardless of the relevance of papers. To improve quality of findings, recommender systems which are a subclass of information filtration systems are used. They filter out relevant information over prestigious data from an existing repository of information. There are various sub-domains under recommender systems. This study focuses on citation recommendation. Citations are an integral part of any scientific paper, academic dissertation or projects. Finding appropriate citations for any work is a scholar's most time-consuming task. Thus, a well-defined citation recommendation system provides fulfillment and completeness for citing the giants works. The thesis aims to study existing frameworks for citation recommendation systems and identify the best dataset to work on graph- based recommender systems. A framework that recommends the most similar and relevant article to the user rather than prestigious authors or papers is here by proposed. The study explores various machine learning and deep learning techniques and methods which can be used effectively in recommending loosely connected yet highly relevant articles. -
Antecedents of psychological capital and its consequences on affective commitment and psychological wellbeing
Jharkhand Education Board stakeholders face the problem of dealing with the educational environment, thereby escalating a teacher's morale. To address this situation, a positive mindset in education, particularly among teachers, is desirable. Hence, based on positive psychology discipline, conservation of resource theory, and broaden and build theory, the study was carried out using a sequential explanatory mixed-method study design. The research questions addressed in the study were as follows: To what extent can the categories of proactive personality, emotional intelligence, servant leadership, and perceived organizational support predict PsyCap of teachers? To what extent will PsyCap predict the categories of affective commitment and psychological wellbeing? I considered both quantitative and qualitative methods; hence, this study had two phases. In the first phase, the data was gathered from 722 teachers using the survey instruments. The statistical analyses performed were Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling with the software SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0. For teachers of rural Jharkhand, the study found that psychological capital has three dimensions. Besides proactive personality, emotional intelligence, and servant leadership also impact psychological capital. Further, psychological capital affects affective commitment and psychological wellbeing. In the second phase, this study examined the way and the reason behind the functioning of the antecedents of psychological capital using qualitative content analysis. The results offered a comprehensive understanding and identification of the antecedents that form rural teachers' psychological capital. Implications of the research include recommendations for recruiting teachers with higher levels of psychological capital and professional development through in-service teachers' training with a specific focus on psychological capital. -
Design and development of an efficient model for handwritten modi script recognition
Machine simulation of human reading has caught the attention of computer science newlineresearchers since the introduction of digital computers. Character recognition, a branch of pattern recognition and computer vision, is the process of identifying either printed or handwritten text from document images and converting it into machinecoded text. Character recognition has been successfully implemented for various foreign language scripts like English, Chinese and Latin. In the case of Indian language scripts, the character recognition process is comparatively difficult due to various complexities such as the presence of the vowel modifiers and a large number of characters (class). MODI script is a shorthand form of Devanagari script and it was used as an official script for writing Marathi until 1952. Presently the script is not used officially, but has historical importance. MODI script is a cursive script and the character recognition task is difficult due to various reasons such as variations in the shapes of a character with different individuals and the presence of identical looking characters. MODI documents do not have any word demarcation symbols and that adds to the complexity of the task. The advances in various Machine Learning newlinetechniques have greatly contributed to the success of optical character recognition. newlineThe proposed work is aimed at exploring various Machine Learning techniques/ newlinemethods which can be effectively used in(to) recognizing(recognize) MODI script and newlinebuild a reliable and robust character recognition model for handwritten MODI script. This research work also aims at the development of a Machine Transliteration and text recognition system for MODI manuscripts. -
Operational excellence in relation to high performance engagement and quality of care among executives in the healthcare sector in kerala
Background Operational Excellence is a philosophy of leadership, teamwork and problem solving, to focus on the needs of the consumer, to empower employees, for ptimizing existing activities, continuous improvement and excellence. It is a competitive advantage which translates increased flexibility to improved consumer responsiveness, and lean management. Quality of care is about patient safety, institutional culture, attitude, clinical performance, clinical freedom with management as facilitators, efficient delivery of quality, high standard services, effective patient outcome, integration of legislation with regards to communities, health service providers, local health authorities and the government (WHO, 2013). The outcome of quality of care is health consumer (patient) satisfaction. High newlineperformance Engagement reflects how employees are engaged in their work, with commitment and passion, rather than mere compliance to impact performance. Health care is a balancing act between business excellence newlineand quality outcomes in practice. It is from the premise of high performance engagement and quality of care provided to health consumers with patient centered focus, the pedestal of success in operational excellence is achieved. Purpose This study focuses on establishing Operational Excellence in relation to High Performance Engagement and Quality of Care among executives in the health care sector. Method A descriptive study was carried out using quantitative method with a sample of 410 health care executives from NABH accredited and nonaccredited hospitals and qualitative analysis among patients in Kerala. Results newlineThe results indicate a positive correlation of operational excellence with high performance engagement and quality of care. The independent variables, high performance engagement and quality of care are significant predictors of operational excellence.