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Passive control of four storied reinforced concrete structure subjected to blast loads
In the recent past in major cities all over the world, public structures are vulnerable to blast loads caused by explosions either accidentally or intentionally. The intentional causes are not on hardened military targets but on important civilian structures, like commercial, financial and civic centers. The study of reinforced concrete Ground + 3 Storied structure subjected to blast loads have gained importance, as conventionally the reinforced newlineconcrete structures are not designed for blast loads as many of the loading codes do not mandate for the same and also due to the fact that quantifying the magnitude of the blast load is difficult to estimate. However, the structures are susceptible to damage from the explosion. To protect the life of people and to minimize the damage to the structure, it has become imperative to consider the effect of blast loads too, in addition to newlinethe conventional loads, considered as per the prevailing codes, during the analysis and design of all public buildings. The charge weights of the explosive used on the structure are 8kg, 16 kg and 24kg. The equivalent blast pressure subjected on the structure is determined, to study its corresponding effects for stand-off distances of 3000 mm and 6000mm using surface blast load. The behavior of the structure is newlinestudied by varying the parameters and verified which of these parameters can newlinebe critical to the performance of the structure. The response of the ground floor + 3 upper storied reinforced concrete skeletal structure is studied for understanding the variation of the displacements, strains and stresses for the parameters considered. Using PTC CREO 3.0 the 3D modeling of structure and structural elements were generated. HYPERMESH was used for the discretization (meshing) of structure and its elements. Static analysis and blast load analysis was carried out using ANSYS. -
Forecasting volatility evidence from the futures market in India
This thesis focuses on modelling and forecasting of select products in the Indian futures market using econometric time series models and artificial neural network based models. These models have been compared for their forecasting accuracy to determine the best forecasting model for a particular futures series. This study applies GARCH, EGARCH, PARCH, TARCH, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to assess the best predicting model for exchange rate futures, commodity index futures and stock index futures. After testing for stationarity of data series, GARCH, EGARCH, PARCH and TARCH models are developed. In addition to in-sample forecasts, 1-day, 5-day, 10-day, 15-day and 30-day out-of-sample forecasts have been carried out. For ANN, data is scaled using the minmax scaling methodology to ensure that newlinethe data series is normalised and in the range of 0 to 1. ANN is developed using the feedforward methodology. While the basic neural network architecture has one input layer, one hidden layer and one output layer, the number of neurons in the input and hidden layers vary from 1 to 20. The optimum number of input and hidden neurons in their respective layers are then selected based on the combination which gives the least error. These network combinations are used for out-of-sample forecasting and errors are compared with the forecast output of the GARCH models. RMSE, MAE, MAPE, Theil s-U statistic and Correlation coefficient is computed for error newlinecomparison. Results indicate that for currency futures and commodity index futures, ANN provides better forecast accuracy. For stock index futures, GARCH family models work better in some cases. -
A critical analysis of the zimbabwean political leadership in the practice of justice
Political leadership is a fundamental philosophical issue influencing governance newlineof states and the success of every state is directly or indirectly linked to the newlineleadership ideology of its political leaders. This study investigated the nature and newlinecharacter of political leaders in Zimbabwe by assessing their political philosophy in the context of the major historical events since 1890 masked by three eras namely the pre-colonial era, (characterised by little political activities) followed by the colonial era (dominated by socio-political system that weakened the African culture and governance) and lastly, the post-independence era (characterised by failure to uphold the constitution by the ruling party leadership). newlineThe scope of this study is based on benchmarking the concepts of the Zimbabwean political philosophy with political ideas from renown philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle and Gandhi. More specifically, the Gandhian philosophy was selected and conceptually applied to the Zimbabwean political situation in an attempt to develop an ideal political philosophy because of its illustrious wisdom with regards to good governance principles. A hermeneutics and newlinephilosophical analytic models were used to interpret relevant literature and leadership responsibilities as provided for in the Zimbabwe Constitution. Study findings revealed challenges in the current political leadership that calls for developing a new Zimbabwean political leadership philosophy. These include but not limited to partisan politics, political violence, unbridled favouritism and nepotism, ethnicity in leadership, state capture of key institutions, negative use of power by the state, political violence, poor electoral systems flouted with impunity and rampant corruption. These political challenges militate against democratic principles of common good that fight human oppression, repression and suppression. -
Developing a democratic constitutional framework through a people driven constitution making process for zimbabwe
Zimbabweans are currently grappling with the question of how to produce a national peopledriven democratic constitution as a permanent solution to the country s myriad problems of poor governance, violent bloody electoral political conflicts, sham elections, governmental illegitimacy, corruption, economic collapse, unemployment, social disintegration, and international isolation. The purpose of the study was to explore a people-driven democratic newlineconstitution-making process that the people of Zimbabwe want. The study was largely newlinebased on phenomenology research philosophy supported by mixed methods of data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The researcher s mental model conceptual newlineframework consisting of operational definitions of terms in chapter 1 was used to guide the exploratory study and to measure data in qualitative analysis. Descriptive statistics of frequencies and percentages were used to measure data in quantitative analysis. The research population comprising the people of Zimbabwe was segmented into two classes of research units: individuals segment; and institutions segment. The institutions segment was further subdivided into six subsidiary segments. Using a non probability purposive sampling method, 1120 individuals and 67 institutions were selected to inform the study. Institutions were interviewed and observed while individuals completed a questionnaire. The phenomenological inductive study discovered major findings of contextual meanings of newlinephenomena associated with a people-driven democratic constitution-making process for newlineZimbabwe such as the people, the constitution, constitution-making, and people-driven. One of the major notable findings revealed by the study is that institutions or organizations are not people, and as such, they cannot make, author or write a constitution. The people think and originate ideas as individuals not as groups, institutions or organizations. Another newlinenotable major finding is that a constitution is made up of ideas not papers. -
Information and communication technology integration in education by harare secondary school teachers in relation to school technology culture and their educational leader competencies
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in education refers newlineto using technology in teaching and learning processes. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the classroom would solve a lot of the problems related to Zimbabwean secondary school education. It motivates students to learn by providing a variety of learning activities such as watching videos, viewing pictures and models and online quizzes. This interests students who are digital natives and is more applicable to their everyday experiences. newlineStudent participation increases when ICT is used in the classroom as students are newlineconversant with the use of technology. ICT integration in education also allows students to learn in circumstances where there are shortages of teachers. The culture which exists in a school and the competencies of the educational leaders cannot be ignored when planning for and assessing the outcome of ICT integration programs. This study focused on Information and Communication newlineTechnology Integration in Education by Harare Secondary School Teachers, in relation to School Technology Culture and their Educational Leader Competencies . A survey was carried out in government and private secondary schools in Harare, Zimbabwe during the period from October 2012 to mid-2013. The population was all the secondary school teachers in Harare district of Zimbabwe. According to the data obtained from the Ministry of Education in October 2012, the target population of secondary school teachers in Harare was 4 244. The sample size was calculated based on an equation cited from Camorin and Calmorin (2007:230). This newlinegave a sample of 248 teachers from Harare secondary schools. 140 were females and 108 males. Four research instruments were used for data collection: a proforma on demographics, the ICT Integration questionnaire (ICTIQ), the School Technology Culture (STC) Scale and the Educational Leader Competency (ELC) scale. -
Effectiveness of performance appraisal systems in relation to teacher dedication in public and private secondary schools in zimbabwe
Performance appraisal systems need to be effective in improving or sustaining employee performance; otherwise, they are a sheer waste of time and money spent on their development and implementation. This study was an evaluation of the effectiveness of the current teacher performance appraisal system, in relation to teacher dedication to work, newlineas practised in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools. Since the introduction of the current teacher appraisal scheme in Zimbabwe in 2011, no research was carried out to determine whether it serves the purposes for which it was designed. Evaluating the effectiveness of the system encompasses a wide scope, including the perceptions of those appraised. The question that comes to the fore is,and#8214; What are teachers perceptions of the effectiveness of the current system of teacher appraisal as practised in public and private secondary schools in Zimbabwe?and#8214; Both quantitative newlineand qualitative methods of research were used to address the question. The study sought to establish the strength of the relationship that exist between the current teacher performance appraisal system and day to day newlineduties of the teacher, the extent to which it leads to improvements in the teaching and students learning process. It also seeks to establish how it addresses teacher development needs and whether the mechanisms and procedures for the management and implementation of the appraisal system in the schools are adequate. The current Performance Appraisal System, Result-Based Management and is output oriented. The main objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of the current performance appraisal system on the performance of teachers in public and private secondary schools in Zimbabwe, by studying its implementation in five of the ten provinces. The overall purpose of the newlinestudy is to contribute to current policy and practice debate on how to improve and strengthen teacher performance appraisal and management system in Zimbabwe. -
A catechism of pentecostal schisms and the efficacy of management in the stabilization of the church in zimbabwe
The Pentecostal church in Zimbabwe has of late experienced a rude awakening with the mushrooming of these incessant schisms which threaten the unity of purpose that should prevail in a religious set up. The current newlineincrease in schisms is of great concern to the Christian community. Are such schisms embedded in its original design, or are there other factors at play. The problem necessitated the commissioning of this study in order to explore the schism scourge with view to arresting it and bring stability to the splintering Pentecostal church. The conceptualization of the study began by identifying six hypothetical perspectives as the root hypothetical causes of church schisms, i.e., doctrinal, controversial relationship, secularization, institutionalism, leadership and management perspectives. Theoretical frameworks in the newlineexisting literature were reviewed to establish knowledge gaps that informed the newlinestudy approach. Using focus group discussion, document analysis, survey questionnaires, and interviews, the study sought causal and remedial validation on the problem at hand. To unveil the intricacies of the problem, an explorative mixed study framework was preferred. In order to generate a desired rich understanding and interpretation of schisms, a more qualitative catechism inquiry based on a combined ethno-methodology and hermeneutics paradigm was adopted. The study proposition was that church schisms are a result of management challenges in the Pentecostal church. The theoretical frame of the study was therefore modeled to explore newlinehow management protocols could be harnessed to induce real growth and stability. The Pentecostal church is renowned for shunning management, considering it secular and hence worldly. On one hand, the church is the most newlinecomplex institution, multifaceted and with multi-bottom lines, yet on the other hand, management is all about dealing with such complexities. -
Leadership management strategies and organisational practices with respect to the hotel sector of rainbow tourism group limited
This was a research exercise which sought to explore leadership management strategies and organisational practices taking place in the hotel sector of Rainbow Tourism Group Limited (RTGL). RTGL is one of Zimbabwe s biggest hotel and tourism sector. The hotel portfolio are comprised of Rainbow Towers and Conference Centre, Bulawayo Rainbow, Victoria Falls Rainbow, Kadoma Rainbow and Conference Centre, A Zambezi River Lodge and Ambassador Hotel. The six hotels have a combined total of 886 rooms, with the largest number of 304 rooms being in the five star hotel, Rainbow Towers and Conference Centre and while the rest in the three star group hotels. Other operations outside Zimbabwe are Hotel Edinburg, the Savoy Hotel and a hotel in Mozambique. The problem statement of the research study was to examine the role of organisational culture in shaping the leadership strategies in hotel and catering sector, organizational leadership and their effectiveness in helping to achieve organizational objectives. The following was newlinethe set of objectives that the research sought to achieve. Firstly, the research sought to determine and analyze the different types of leadership strategies adapted by the hotel sector of Rainbow Tourism Group Limited in the hotel sector a Case Study. The second newlineobjective was to determine the environment forces affecting the acceptance and newlineassimilation of the mentioned strategies. Thirdly the research sought to ascertain the newlineefficacy of mentioned strategies in attaining these organisational strategies in the hotel newlinesector of RTGL. The fourth objective was to suggest if any alternate strategies will be newlinerequired to enhance leadership effectiveness in Hotel Sector of the RTGL. Finally the newlineresearch sought to develop a Leadership Model that can be used in the hotel industry. -
The Impact of corporate governance and capacity utilization on zimbabwe aviation industry
The study investigates the impact of corporate governance and capacity utilization on Zimbabwe Aviation industry, focusing on Air Zimbabwe Holdings. The study examined and newlinecritically analyzed the governance process and level of capacity utilization of the aviation industry in Zimbabwe. The major objectives of the study were to analyze the impact of failures and weaknesses of corporate governance on Air Zimbabwe Holding and to measure the extent of capacity utilization in Air Zimbabwe Holding and its impact on the unit cost of service. The study utilized mixed method where both quantitative and qualitative research methods were combined in the research design. The research philosophy is rooted in both positivism newlineand Interpretivism. The philosophy accommodates the realist ontology and interpretivist. Quantitative approach was used because of its easiness in data analysis. Qualitative method was also used because of its in-depth approach in understanding phenomena under study. The population of this study constituted the board of directors of Air Zimbabwe, the owner newlineand the executive management. The population was considered given the nature of the study newlinethat is corporate governance. The research used questionnaires and interview techniques in collecting primary data. Secondary data was derived from different search engines, books and company periodicals. The research instruments, questionnaires were tested for reliability using Cronbach s Alpha at coefficient of 70. Content analysis of secondary data was used to define a check list of qualitative variables on corporate governance. The hypothesis was tested by means of Analysis of variance. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used to analyse newlineprimary data. The SPSS was used to create a code book that enabled different scientific tests to be carried out. Frequency analysis was run in order to clean the data.ANOVA inferential statistics in the form of p-values for each of the independent variables was performed. -
ICT integration in universities in relation to ict challenges and work motivation of lecturers in harare zimbabwe
This study was ICT integration in universities in relation to ICT challenges and work motivation of lecturers in Harare, Zimbabwe. There exists varying rates of ICT newlineintegration in universities and this has a negative impact on the teaching and learning newlineprocesses. The major aim of the study was to assess the relationship between ICT integration, ICT Challenges and work motivation of lecturers. The findings of the study is expected to show how universities could isolate challenges and tailor-make strategies of overcoming them whilst at the same time getting deeper insight into human behavior in an organisation and its contribution towards ICT integration. The thesis was therefore conducted to match availability of ICTs and their utilization as newlinethis had a direct bearing on the curriculum delivery as well as empowering learners to newlineengage in meaningful, challenging and enlightening tasks since ICTs have the potential to play a powerful role in every university- both inside and outside lecture room/classroom. Institutional responses to ICT influences have inevitably brought about a lot of changes in the teaching / learning processes. The research approach adopted was quantitative. The sample included 200 lecturers drawn from a population of 600 lecturers consisting of two private and four state universities. Harare was conveniently chosen as it is the capital city of Zimbabwe and has the greatest number of state and private universities. Two questionnaires one on ICT integration and another one on ICT challenges were designed by the researcher and the third one on Work Motivation Questionnaire was adopted from Agrawal (1988) and standardized for the Zimbabwean context. The major challenges associated with slow newlineuptake were analysed and assessed in terms of their impact on the teaching and learning newlineprocesses and the motivation of lecturers was also evaluated together with demographic newlinefeatures to find predictors of successful ICT integration in universities. -
Adoption of enterprise risk management erm practices in the zimbabwean banking sector
Corporate failures that occurred in the mid-1990s as well as the global financial crisis that unfolded in the US in 2007 and subsequent banking crises in many countries underscored the need for banking institutions to develop and implement robust risk management systems and controls to prevent the occurrences of such crises. Enterprise risk management (ERM) has emerged as the best practice approach that provided banks with means for mitigating and controlling risks giving rise to such financial crises. Attempts have been made to find out the factors driving the implementation of ERM and the majority of these studies had conflicting newlineconclusions on the effect of some of these factors. Further, weaknesses were noted in variables used by researchers as proxies for ERM adoption. It was noted that several studies used the appointment of a chief risk officer as a variable representing ERM adoption while a number of other researchers focused on surveys or renowned frameworks such as COSO to ascertain the extent of adoption of ERM. These approaches however, had shortcomings. This study therefore sought to address some of the above gaps in literature. The purpose of this study is to determine the degree of adoption of ERM newlinepractices as well to examine factors (adequacy of risk governance structure, newlinequality of organizational culture, intensity of regulatory environment and size of the bank) influencing the adoption and implementation of ERM by banks in Zimbabwe. A mixed method approach was utilized in this study. The population of the study comprised of 18 commercial banks which have been operating in Zimbabwe since the adoption of the multi-currency system in 2009. Respondents for the study were selected using the purposive sampling approach. This was to ensure the respondents had the right experience and expertise to answer questions on enterprise risk management practices newlinewithin their respective banks. -
Rights based approaches to poverty reduction and development reality versus rhetoric
Over the past two decades erudite understanding of poverty has generated an overlapping consensus on what poverty entails. It is now almost universally accepted that poverty is multi-dimensional, and is a human rights violation that arises mainly from structural inequalities. The search for a holy grail of its reduction has seen widespread deployment of Rights-based newlineapproaches (RBAs), fronted by NGOs, since the turn of the century. In spite of this, coupled with a marked increase in development resources, poverty is proving to be robustly sustainable. The study determined the appropriateness and effectiveness of RBAs newlineas a guiding framework for sustainable poverty reduction and development. This entailed an assessment of the practical impact of RBAs and implementation of RBA strategies as well as identification of key variables necessary for successful rights-based development. As a descriptive survey, the study was underpinned by the pragmatism research philosophy, and employed a mixed methods approach with a concurrent embedded strategy that was largely qualitative but embedding a quantitative strand. Data were collected through interviews, observations and focus group discussions. In all 98 newlineparticipants from 25 villages and 9 organisations were directly studied newline(excluding observations) and were selected using probability and nonprobability sampling methods. Data were analysed using the thematic approach and SPSS. The results of the study highlighted that poverty which had increased during the period covered by the study, is still largely defined from the basic needs and income perspectives, and attributed to individual deficiencies. newlineUnderstanding of RBAs is weak and orientation on RBAs to staff and partners was inadequate. While the quality of development programs improved under RBAs, the quantity and distribution of development outputs and outcomes did not improve. -
Studies on the Fresh Water Algal Floria in Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary
Algae is a crucial organism in the environment. They help in maintaining the balance among different ecosystems. According to the geography and climatic conditions, newlineKerala has a suitable environment for algal growth. However, the algal biodiversity newlinestudies conducted in Kerala are significantly less. The wildlife sanctuary comprises a newlineconsiderable scope for algal biodiversity. The Chimmony wildlife sanctuary is situated in Mukundapuram taluk of Thrissur district. It spreads over 85.067 km2 with a water spread area of 10.1 km2. Ten different sampling stations were selected across newlinethe wildlife sanctuary, and extensive field visits were conducted to identify and newlinedocument the algae with respect to three seasons (pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post- newlinemonsoon). The physicochemical parameters of water like dissolved oxygen, temperature, pH, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, light intensity, and rainfall amount were estimated seasonally. In this present study, a total of 121 taxa belonging to 60 genera, 38 families, 24 orders, and 5 classes, namely Chlorophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, Euglenineae, Rhodophyceae, and Cyanophyceae, were identified from 10 different stations. The Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae were the most dominant class in the study area. The algal multiplication will be more in the pre monsoon season and it was observed that the Chlorophyceaen members were dominant, while the Bacillariophyceae were dominant during the post-monsoon season. Cyanophyceae was dominant only during the monsoon season because of its sensitivity toward light. The ANOVA (Two-way) analysis showed no significant difference between stations, and there is a considerable difference between seasons for dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, temperature, and total dissolved solids. While pH, showed no significant difference between seasons and stations, light intensity showed a substantial difference between stations and seasons. The temperature and dissolved oxygen showed a negative correlation. -
Investigations on Affective Computing to Improve Classroom Engagement Analysis in Higher Education by Deep Learning
The learning and teaching experience can be improved by using approaches that are not obtrusive to perform a comprehensive student engagement analysis throughout the classroom. In these modern times, when courses are conducted online, it is vital to accurately measure the levels of participation that each individual student has. It is crucial and essential to provide assistance to educators so that they may annotate and comprehend the signifcant learning rate of the students. A system that can perceive data and transpire it into information automates the learning and teaching experience in a classroom. In this study, videos are collected from online and ofand#64258;ine classes that have one single student per frame or many students per frame and are analysed for emotions and behavioural engagement through a multimodal system. newlineLarge amounts of video data processing call for an increase in the hardware resources newlineas well as the time required for processing images. This is particularly true in a newlineclassroom setting, where there are a large number of frames to analyse each and every minute in order to handle classroom involvement detection. Hierarchical Video newlineSummarization is used as a preliminary step on the videos to detect important frames newlinethat have the sum of all the information in the local neighborhood. These key frames newlineserve as important information units that provide details of facial emotions and behavioural aspects. The local maxima estimation based on the frst derivative provides summative information about the local neighborhood. The key frames serve newlineas an input for face detection and emotional analysis. In this research, the method newlinecan perform video summarization on a varied category of videos and with different newlineresolutions. Face detection in a temporal environment have not been trivial. Though there are methods that can identify multiple faces with varied sizes in a frame, it is still a current research topic to address false localization of faces in a frame. -
Design and Development of Dual Fuzzy Technique to Optimize Job Scheduling and Execution Time in Cloud Environment
Cloud computing is a type of computing that relies on sharing a pool of computing resources, rather than deploying local or personal hardware and software. It enables convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing re- sources (e.g., applications, storage, networks, services, and servers) that can be swiftly provisioned and released with minimal management control or through the interaction of the cloud service provider. The increasing demand for computing resources in the cloud has made elasticity an important issue in the cloud. The availability of extending the resources pool for the user provides an effective alternative to deploying applications with high scalability and processing requirements. Providing a satisfactory Quality of Service (QoS) is an important objective in cloud data centers. The QoS is measured in terms of response time, job completion time and reliability. If the user jobs cannot be executed in high load and the job is crashed, it will enormously increase the response time and also push up the job completion time. Also due to load, the jobs may be still in the waiting queue and could not find a resource to execute. In such a situation, the user notices a big response delay and it will affect the QoS. Towards ensuring QoS, this research proposes the following solution - Dual Fuzzy Load Balancing for jobs. Dual Fuzzy Load Balancing balances the load in the data center with an overall goal of reduction of response and execution time for tasks. The proposed solutions were simulated in the Cloudsim simulator and performance metrics in terms of job response time, job completion time, resource utilization, a number of SLA violations, and along with the cost comparison to the existing algorithms of Load Balancing. The proposed solutions are also implemented in a real cloud environment and the effectiveness of the solution is evaluated. -
Study on Graphs Associated with Groups
In this dissertation, the notions of non-inverse graphs, order sum graphs and coset newlinecomponent graphs associated with groups are introduced. These graphs are simple graphs whose vertices are the elements of the group and the adjacency between the vertices depends on certain properties of the group concerned. Vertices belonging to non-inverse graphs are adjacent if they are not inverses of each other in the group. The vertices in order sum graphs are adjacent if the sum of their orders is strictly greater than the order of the group. The vertices belonging to the coset component graphs are adjacent if their left cosets or right cosets of the subgroups of groups are equal. These algebraic graphs are studied in detail in terms of their structural characteristics, parametric properties and spectral properties. Various characterisations of these graphs are obtained in the study concerned. These notions are further extended to the concept of signed graphs and domination. Properties of signed graphs such as balance, clusterability, consistency, sign-compatibility and so on are investigated for these algebraic signed graphs. The relations between various types of domination are obtained for non-inverse graphs, order sum graphs, complement and line graphs of order sum graphs. -
Effect of Various Double-Frequency Modulations on Rayleigh-Benard Convection
Rayleigh-Bard convection in Newtonian fluid under different types of modulations are studied in this thesis by replacing the single frequency modulations with two frequency modulations with different amplitude and frequency. Linear and non-linear analysis of Rayleigh-Benard convection is considered under two-frequency gravity, rotation, temperature, magnetic field and internal heat generation modulation. The sixteen combinations of sinusoidal (trigonometric sine) and non-sinusoidal (square, triangular, sawtooth) wave forms of different modulations are considered to study the impact of modulations on the onset of convection and heat transport. The expressions for unmodulated Rayleigh number and correction Rayleigh number in the linear case are obtained from linearized Lorentz model using Venezian approach. To study the impact of different types of modulations and wave forms on the heat transport, the expression for the Nusselt number is obtained by solving the non-linear Lorentz model numerically. From the study it is found that the two-frequency modulations make the system more stable compare to no-modulation and single-frequency modulations. The mixing angle of the two frequency plays major role in deciding the stability of the system. The results pertaining to no-modulation and single frequency are obtained as the limiting cases. Onset of Rayleigh-Bard Convection and Heat Transfer under Two-frequency newlineRotation Modulation The study investigates the effect of sixteen sinusoidal (sine) and non-sinusoidal combinations (square, triangular, sawtooth) of time-periodic Coriolis force (rotation modulation) on Rayleigh-Bard convection (RBC) in a Newtonian liquid. The consideration captures the potential effects of two-frequency rotation modulation on stability, newlinespecifically the onset of convection and the amount of heat transfer in the system simultaneously. -
Financial Literacy and Financial Capability among the Urban Street Vendors
Employment in the informal sector has grown rapidly over the years as it requires a limited skill set, limited educational background, and least initial investment. One such vulnerable sector which forms the major portion of the informal workforce is the street vendors. They lack basic facilities to newlinehave a good standard of living. It is observed that they are usually denied newlinevarious opportunities though their contribution to the economic growth and newlinedevelopment is immense. Their unstable income has left them vulnerable to many financial situations and led them into a financial debt trap. This research is carried out entirely from the view of the street vendors. newlineFinancial literacy has gained importance over the years as it enhances and empowers one s financial ability. Financial literacy is promoted through financial inclusion where all the sections of the society come under one roof to avail finance at ease. Basic financial literacy is will aid the users to newlinemake better utilization of financial schemes under financial inclusion. This in turn leads to better financial capability for individuals. It is observed that there is a gap that needs to be bridged between the street vendors and financial accessibility as they lack basic financial knowledge as are from a low educational background in this study. Better financial knowledge will newlinelead to better usage and accessibility of financial inclusion schemes which will result in better financial capability; this concept is being examined in the current study. The identified relationship impact of financial inclusion on financial literacy and financial capability forms an integral part of the study. It is useful in bringing out the gap between the street vendors and their financial distress. The research was designed to develop an instrument. A research instrument to measure variables was built based on previous studies and the expert s newlineconsultation.