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Educational Achievement of Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Children from Urban Slums of Bengaluru City
In the Indian context, marginalized and oppressed individuals often reside in slums newlineand on the streets, facing poor living conditions and inadequate facilities. While newlineurban areas boast elite lifestyles characterized by high levels of educational newlineattainment, access to the latest technologies, and substantial incomes, marginalized groups experience a significant lack of basic living standards and encounter limited access to essential services such as education, healthcare, and employment newlineopportunities. Education, in particular, poses one of the greatest challenges in slum newlineareas. Various factors, including socio-economic background, family characteristics, newlineand educational opportunities, can influence the academic performance of slum children. Additionally, teachers perceptions and classroom practices play crucial roles. The current study aims to explore how family characteristics, socio-economic background, educational opportunities, and teachers perceptions impact the educational achievements of slum children in Bengaluru city. To investigate educators perspectives on socially and economically disadvantaged children, a questionnaire was administered to teachers. The study utilized a mixed-method newlineresearch design to address its research questions. Quantitative data were collected newlinefrom 100 slum children and 100 non-slum children aged 6 to 14 years. During semistructured interviews, the researcher used an open-ended questionnaire to gather newlineresponses from principals and teachers. Thirty-six teachers working with various newlineschool boards in the Byrasandra and Siddapura areas were included in this study. newlineAdditionally, class observations were conducted to assess classroom interactions, the rapport between teachers and students, and levels of student involvement. A newlinepurposive random sampling technique was employed to select participants from the newlinestudy population. Data were meticulously collected and analyzed. -
Mapping location and identity in the works of indian english novelists:
This thesis examines the context of location in relation to constructs of identity in Salman Rushdie s MC, Vikram Seth s ASB and Amitav Ghosh s TSL. It is contended that articulation of selfhood is achieved through its interaction with narrative constructions of space and these depictions serve to map representations of nation. Writers migrant experiences are shown to have a bearing on the aesthetics and geopolitics of these representations. Even though these texts challenge the reductive processes of homogenization at work in the formation of nationalcultural identities, it is contended that they foreground transnational lifestyles and identities.Some of the questions that the thesis asks are: Does the cultural-geographical location of the writer shape the aesthetics of the work? If so, to what extent? In what ways does the diasporic newlineexperience influence the (re)presentation of mediated and inter-connected spaces? How is a newlinecharacter, who does not share the author s diasporic location and experience, depicted? Do the works cater to a Western readership by presenting a palatable version that is only purportedly transnational? Or, are the writers lapsing into a master narrative of universalism? newlineThe creative paradigm allows for the unfolding of the enigma of identity by the interplay of the questions surrounding place - Where am I and what is my place in the world, which reveals who I am. There are real geographies of social action, as well as metaphorical spaces and sites of power that have to be understood in their own right and in the context of shared loci that come together to construct identity. Thus, a comparative study of the novels is conducted on various registers such as dynamics of space, negotiation of borders and boundaries, delineation of multiple identities and representation of nation via language and history. The thesis argues for newlineaesthetic negotiation of borders across locations that maybe geographic and psychic; in order to grapple with and empower subjectivities. -
Critical analysis of national and international laws in relations to intimate partner violence :
The term violence refers to varied perceptions of unacceptable behaviour. The newlinenature of the act suggests that it is inflicted by the superior over the inferior. newlineThus gender constitutes a significant factor of the study. The research identifies that women are subjected to gender based inequalities in different areas of life newlineand domestic environment is not an exception. Domestic Violence , a manifestation of gender inequality, is prevalent in many forms. The most newlinecommon form of domestic violence is identified as Intimate Partner Violence newline(IPV) by the national and international statistics. newlineThe research is drawn upon the objective to understand the different factors that newlinecontribute to IPV and to critically examine the legal framework for the protection of women against IPV in India. Research adopts a human rights based approach to understand the inferior status of women drawn upon gender newlineinequality and thus to critically examine the legal framework in India for protection of women against IPV. newlineThe study is divided into five chapters which specifically analyses the status of women in the Indian society and the role of law to protect women in intimate relationships. Comparative study of UK and US laws with special reference to international instruments is conducted. Identifying the major drawback of law, the study proves that the existing legal framework is inadequate to protect women from intimate partner violence . newline newline newline -
Study on Graphs Associated with Groups
In this dissertation, the notions of non-inverse graphs, order sum graphs and coset newlinecomponent graphs associated with groups are introduced. These graphs are simple graphs whose vertices are the elements of the group and the adjacency between the vertices depends on certain properties of the group concerned. Vertices belonging to non-inverse graphs are adjacent if they are not inverses of each other in the group. The vertices in order sum graphs are adjacent if the sum of their orders is strictly greater than the order of the group. The vertices belonging to the coset component graphs are adjacent if their left cosets or right cosets of the subgroups of groups are equal. These algebraic graphs are studied in detail in terms of their structural characteristics, parametric properties and spectral properties. Various characterisations of these graphs are obtained in the study concerned. These notions are further extended to the concept of signed graphs and domination. Properties of signed graphs such as balance, clusterability, consistency, sign-compatibility and so on are investigated for these algebraic signed graphs. The relations between various types of domination are obtained for non-inverse graphs, order sum graphs, complement and line graphs of order sum graphs. -
A Frame Work For Continous Indian Sign Language Recognition Using Computer Vision
Sign language is a non-vocal, visually oriented natural language used by the hearing newlineimpaired and the hard-for-hearing part of society. It combines multiple modalities newlinelike hand movements, facial expressions and body poses. Static gestures involve basic finger movements such as numbers and alphabets, dynamic signs include words, and a sign sentence consists of grammatically connected and meaningful dynamic words. Sign Language Translation (SLT) models have been an actively evolving research topic under computer vision. One of the most challenging aspects in earlier iterations of SLTs was accurately capturing the intricate and constantly changing hand movements and facial expressions characteristic of sign language. newlineHowever, the advent of deep learning models has facilitated significant advancements in the field, particularly in the realm of continuous sign language translation. newlineThe research endeavours to develop a lightweight deep-learning framework newlinespecifically tailored for the translation of Indian Sign Language (ISL) into text and newlineaudio. The proposed framework introduces two collaborative deep-learning components that extract and classify features synergistically. The ISL video sequence serves as the input, which undergoes feature extraction utilizing the Inception V3 architecture, enabling the extraction of features from each frame. Classification models tend to be bulky and intricate, consuming substantial memory space and requiring extended training periods. This challenge has been addressed by introducing a lightweight LSTM model, which effectively utilizes the feature map generated by the Inception model for accurate classification. It is important to note that each sign possesses unique characteristics yet exhibits similar feature maps. The performance of the framework is assessed based on the speed and accuracy achieved in converting the input video into text and audio formats. -
A Mixed methods study of psyhosocial factors in career decision making in adolescents
Career choice is an important developmental task in adolescence and is influenced by many factors. Using a mixed methods research design, this study aimed to understand career decision making and factors influencing the same in adolescents. In the quantitative phase the relationship between career maturity and perceived parenting style, personality traits, metacognition, socio- economic status, gender, college type, stream of study and decision status was studied in students studying in II Year Pre- University in Bangalore, India. Career decisions, personal and family factors in career decision making were explored in the qualitative phase. Informed consent was obtained from the participants and parents of the participants of the study. newlineQuantitative data was collected from 548 students studying in Arts, Science and Commerce stream in second year Pre- University in Bangalore. Students from eight private and seven government colleges were recruited for the study. Quantitative data was collected using a socio- demographic data sheet, Career Maturity Inventory, Parental Authority Questionnaire, Neo Five Factor Inventory and Metacognitive Awareness Inventory. The scales were translated to Kannada and back translated. In the qualitative phase, data was collected through a semi- structured interview schedule designed for this study. 30 students who were a part of the quantitative phase took part in this phase. The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis. Statistical analysis was done to analyze quantitative data. Descriptive statistics, correlation, regression analysis, t tests and one-way ANOVA was done. Qualitative data was analyzed by template analysis and themes were derived from the data. The results revealed associations between personality traits neuroticism, openness and conscientiousness and specific aspects of career maturity attitude and competence. -
Studies on K X Ray fluorescence parameters of low and medium Z elements
K X-ray fluorescence parameters for pure elements have been determined using different single and double reflection geometry by several researchers over the years. Horakeri et al.have shown that the K X-ray fluorescence parameters can also be determined by a simple 2and#960;-geometrical configuration method and a NaI(Tl) detector spectrometer for high Z elements. newlineHowever, in order to study the K XRF parameters for low Z elements, high resolution detector spectrometers are required.But in high resolution detectors like HPGe and Si(Li), due to the gap between window and the active area of the detector, the solid angle subtended by the detector at the target is not 2and#960;. Hence a suitable geometry correction is required for accurate newlinemeasurement of incident photons and the emitted K X-ray photons in order to determine the K XRF parameters in low Z elements. In the present study, employing a nearly 2and#960;-geometrical configuration and applying suitable geometry correction, we have determined the K X-ray fluorescence parameters of a few low and medium Z elements in the range of 27 and#8804; Z and#8804; 30 and 42 and#8804; Z and#8804; 47 respectively. The elements were procured in the form of thin foils and were irradiated by a weak radioactive source. The emitted K X-ray photons were detected using a low energy high resolution HPGe detector spectrometer. The incident photons, emitted K X-ray photons and the transmitted photons at newlinethe incident energy is measured and were corrected for window attenuation, efficiency, self-attenuation and geometry correction newlineto obtain the true intensities of incident photons, emitted K Xray photons and the transmitted photons at the incident energy. -
Heat amd Mass Transfer Analyses of Nanofluid in a Multilayer Model
The study offers an in-depth exploration into the dynamics and properties of multilayered nanofluids and hybrid nanofluid flow in newlinedifferent geometries. The in-vestigation ranges from sinusoidal channels with micropolar hybrid nanoliquids to concentric cylinders that exhibit electrokinetic effects and rotating disks. Also, the DarcyForchheimer model is introduced to assess non-Newtonian and Newtonian fluid interplay, emphasizing the role of asymmetric slip conditions which reduces the fluid flow. Moreover, the study on bioconvection obtained newlineby addition of gyrotac-tic microorganisms which enhances mass and heat transfer in multilayer Newtonian fluid channels. Studies explain the importance of interfacial regions in achieving optimal system temperature. The subsequent study examines the two-layer hybrid nanofluid (HNF) with magnetohydrodynamic properties between two newlineidentical ro-tating disks. The governing equations of the mathematical models are explained using PDE and solutions are attained using numerical and semi-analytical methods such as the DTM and Range Kutta method. Further, the obtained results have been explained with the help of tables and graphs. The study reveals that the immisci-bility of the base fluids forms an interfacial layer, revealing that the addition of two different fluids restricts the fluid motion nearer to the interfacial region, maintaining an optimum temperature in the system. Collectively, these findings pave the way for advanced applications in industries like solar, nuclear, biomedical, and electronic cooling, promising enhanced newlineperformance and efficiency. -
A Revocable Multi-Authority Attribute Based Encryption Scheme Based On Nonlinear Access Policy
Due to the tremendous increase of data, currently individuals and organizations are increasingly opting to store their data with third-party providers as a solution to their storage issues. Ciphertext Policy Attribute Based Encryption facilitates data outsourcing by encrypting the data at the source and uploading it to a third-party storage provider with some restricted access which is mentioned using access policy. In classical Identity-based Encryption (IBE), when a data owner needs to transmit a message to a data user, they would send it together with the data user's specific identity, such as their email address. This ensures that only the intended recipient can access and read the message. The primary issue is that the data owner must possess knowledge of the identity of each user. Other than the traditional IBE, a data owner can utilize attribute-based encryption to deliver a message to a group of individuals who have the same attributes. Here, the data owner does not need to be aware of every user's identity; instead, he can send messages using the attributes and access policies that have been provided, such as which users can access this message. This research work primarily focuses on three CP-ABE aspects: access policy, number of attribute authority, and revocation. The current access policies are insecure due to their linear character, as they always calculate shares using the same linear equation. For this particular issue in this work, a non-linear secret sharing model that enhances the security of the model is proposed. For addressing the key escrow problem, a solution using multiauthority systems were introduced. These systems involve multiple attribute authorities, each responsible for holding a specific subset of attributes for each user. And access policy will be based on non-linear secret sharing scheme. In the third aspect related to revocation, this work has addressed both user and attribute revocation so that it will make this model a perfect implementation model in terms of improved security. Some of the existing approach for revocation are re-encryption, periodic updating of ciphertext instead this work used a polynomial called Lagrange polynomial which helps to address this problem in less complex and more efficient way. These features will make the proposed scheme a real model that is secure and can be implement in any organization. -
Investment Decisions : Behavioral Biases in Selected Less Volatile Asset Classes
This study investigates the behavioral biases in selected less volatile asset classes and their influence on investment decisions(IDs). This study compares and contrasts demographic factors(DF) that influence behavioral biases(BB), examines the relationship between behavioral biases(BB) and risk-taking newlinebehaviors (RTB), determines whether BBs can be used to predict RTB and IDs, and looks at covariance patterns between factors that influence BBs, RTB, and IDs.A comprehensive analysis was conducted, considering various DF such as age, gender, education, annual income, marital status, total annual savings newlinepercentage, and the number of dependents in the family. The findings revealed no statistically significant interaction effects between these demographic variables and the combined dependent variables. Additionally, no significant main effects of age, gender, annual income, education, marital status, or paying tax were observed on the combined dependent variables. The study identified several correlations among the behavioral biases examined, including overconfidence(OC), representativeness(R), anchoring(A), herding(H), mental accounting(MA), and conservatism bias(CB). Positive correlations were found between OC and R, A and OC, A and R, H and OC, H newlineand R, MA and OC, MA and R, CB and OC, CB and R, CB and A, CB and H, CB and MA, risk-taking behaviors and overconfidence, risk-taking behaviors and representativeness, risk-taking behaviors and anchoring, risk-taking newlinebehaviors and herding, risk-taking behaviors and mental accounting, and risktaking behaviors and conservatism bias. Furthermore, herding and conservatism bias was significantly associated with risk-taking behaviors, while anchoring, herding, mental accounting, and conservatism bias were associated considerably with IDs. As part of the assessment techniques utilized in this study, seven characteristics or latent constructs were examined using various observable variables or scale items. -
Topologies Emanating From Graphs
A topology on a set is a collection of its subsets, including the set itself and the empty set, which is closed under union and fnite intersections. This dissertation introduces the notions such as graph topology, spanning graph topology, generalised graph topology, and generalised spanning graph topology by considering subgraphs and spanning subgraphs of a graph. Analogous to the set-theoretic notion, a graph topology is a collection of subgraphs of a given graph, including the null graph K0 and the graph itself, that is closed under newlineany union and any intersection. At the same time, a spanning graph topology of a graph is a collection of spanning subgraphs, including the spanning empty graph Nn, where n is the order of the graph and the graph G, which is closed under any union and any intersection. The topological concepts such as open sets, closed sets, base, subbase, neighbourhood, interior, subspace, and connectedness of spaces are extended to graph topology and spanning graph topology. In order to study the closed graphs in the above-mentioned graph topologies, two new graph complements are introduced in these graph topologies, such as decomposition and neighbourhood complements, to defne decomposition closed newlineand neighbourhood closed graphs. The decomposition complement is defned with respect to the edge set and the neighbourhood complement with respect to the vertex set. Since all the members of a spanning graph topology have the same vertex set, the neighbourhood closed graphs are described in terms of the edge set. The notion and characteristics of subspaces of both these graph topologies are defned, and the properties of closed graphs in these subspaces are also studied. Connectedness in topology holds a prominent role and applications in various felds of mathematics. The idea of connectedness is extended newlineto these graph topologies, and the same is characterised in the context of graph newlinetopology. -
Modified Carbon-Based Composites and Their Electrochemical Studies
Energy storage has emerged as the world's most important issue, attracting the focus of researchers and commercial developers due to the economy's rapid growth and the rise in the usage of portable electronics and electronic vehicles. These devices make it possible to efficiently capture and store the excess energy produced during times of high generation, so that it can be used when there is little or no generation. Devices for storing renewable energy contribute to grid stability and lessen the reliance on fossil fuel-based power plants. Moreover, they contribute to the decarbonization of the energy industry, mitigating climate change, and promoting a sustainable future. This thesis explores the potential of modified carbon-based composites as advanced materials for energy storage applications particularly supercapacitors and solar thermal fuels. The research focuses on the careful design and synthesis of ternary composites, incorporating carbonaceous materials such as carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide, and graphitic carbon nitrides, metal sulphides, nitrogen rich moieties, and conductive additives like polyaniline and polypyrrole. A wide variety of methodologies were used to describe the structural and morphological characteristics of the composite materials. Thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and other techniques were used. These methods gave important information about the composite materials' chemical structure, type of bonding and arrangements, surface morphology, and thermal stability. Electrochemical techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry, galvanostatic charge-discharge, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, have been extensively employed to investigate the performance and behaviour of supercapacitor electrodes and devices. The results demonstrate significant improvements in electrochemical performance, including enhanced specific capacitance, excellent cycling stability, and remarkable rate capability. These findings indicate that the modified carbon-based ternary composites hold promise for high-performance energy storage devices. Ultimately, this research contributes to the development of next-generation energy storage technologies, offering more efficient and sustainable solutions for storing energy. -
Studey of different types of modulations on double diffusive convection in lodroyd-b liquids
The problem aims to find the effects of temperature modulation in viscoelastic newlinefluids namely Oldroyd B liquids subjected to double diffusive convection. Both linear as well as a non-linear study has been carried out. A regular perturbation technique has been employed to determine the correction Rayleigh number. The results show that the Lewis number and strain retardation parameter induces stability to the system whereas stress relaxation parameter destabilizes the system for synchronous modulation. Truncated Fourier series represents the non-linear newlineanalysis. Mean Nusselt number and mean Sherwood number are used to quantify the newlineheat and mass transfer respectively. Strain retardation parameter and the Lewis number decrease the heat and mass transfer for synchronous modulation while stress relaxation parameter increases them. The opposite results are obtained for newlineasynchronous and lower wall modulations. Modulation is shown mostly to give rise newlineto super critical motion. -
Classification of extragalactic point sources and flux variability characteristics of blazars
Classification of different types of astronomical objects in large surveys usually done through spectroscopy requires enormous amounts of time. Hence, many attempts have been made using broad band photometric magnitudes and spectroscopic observations to classify the sources, particularly extragalactic sources such as active galactic nuclei (AGNs), starburst galaxies and newlinenormal galaxies. However, a method which does not involve spectroscopic data would be ideal. With this in view, in this work we have made an effort to classify a sample of 37,492 point sources into Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSOs), galaxies and stars using template fitting technique and multiwavelength photometric magnitudes from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and newlinethe Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) with coverage from the optical (z: 8931 to the far ultraviolet (FUV: 1516 . Templates for QSOs, galaxies and stars were used to fit the data of the objects to the seven photometric bands of SDSS and GALEX. The results were compared with SDSS spectroscopic classification. Two UV bands (NUV and FUV) were included to remove the possible degeneracies in the classification based only on optical bands or in color-color method. UV bands play a crucial role in the classification and characterization of astronomical objects that emit over a wide range of wavelengths, especially for those that are bright at UV. Classification using template fitting method is consistent with spectroscopic methods, provided UV information of the objects is available. UV bands are particularly important for separating quasars and stars, as well as spiral and starburst galaxies. We have achieved the efficiency of 89% for QSOs, 63% for galaxies and 84% for stars. Objects for which spectroscopic data is not available can also be classified using this method which does not require spectroscopic information. -
QSRP Studies of Chemical Compunds Using Topological Indices
In this study, we explore the intersection of graph theory and chemistry, focusing on how graph theory s principles can model molecular structures and predict their physiochemical properties. Specifcally, it applies topological indices (mathematical descriptors) derived from the graph-theoretic representation of molecules to establish quantitative structure-property relationships (QSPR) for octane isomers and polychlorobiphenyls. The investigation encompasses 30 topological indices, including the Harary, Wiener, Zagreb, and connectivity indices, and assesses their correlation with key physiochemical properties. Through rigorous analysis, the study successfully develops QSPR models capable of predicting properties like BP, HVAP, DHVAP, HFORM, AcenFac, TSA, and RRT signifcantly advancing newlinethe predictive accuracy of chemical properties. The study of inverse problems about topological indices and QSPR is a testament to the interdisciplinary nature of modern scientifc research, bridging gaps between mathematics, chemistry, and computer science. Inverse problems in graph theory newlinehold a special place due to their capacity to address fundamental questions about the structure and behavior of graphs based on given properties. They are often more complex and challenging than direct problems. The study of inverse problems in our research contributes to the theoretical foundations of chemical graph theory by characterizing trees and unicyclic graphs with specifc topological indices and oand#64256;ering novel insights into the inverse problem for Zagreb indices. The newlineinclusion of Python programs for calculating various topological indices further bridges theoretical chemistry with practical application, highlighting the thesis s newlineaim to enhance both the efciency and accuracy of predicting chemical compound properties. This work not only demonstrates the profound impact of graph theory on chemical informatics but also opens new avenues for research in the feld. -
Molecularly Imprinted Nanomaterials for the Electrochemical Sensing of Environmental Pollutants
ntegrating molecularly imprinted nanoparticles, environmental contaminants are detected electrochemically on a glassy carbon electrode that caters as the transducer host. The modification of electrodes using different noble nanoparticles resulted in enhanced electrooxidation of analytes. The allocation of chitosan as a reducing and stabilizing agent in the green synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles enhances the sensor's efficiency. Different characterizations like UV-Visible Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, and Dynamic Light Scattering analysis further confirm the synthesized nanoparticles' morphology, stability, and size. The different experimental conditions needed for effective detection, like electrolytes, potential window, scan rate, and pH, were optimized with utmost careful examination. The morphological characterization of the electrodes were executed utilizing Scanning Electron Microscopy and Optical profilometry, whereas the electrochemical characterization was performed using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. The Nyquist plot showcased the low resistance and high charge transfer of modified imprinted electrodes with enhanced surface area. Using Differential Pulse Voltammetry, the sensor was validated with nano to femto-level detection limits and a wide linear range with good sensitivity. The imprinting factor displays the superior electroactivity of imprinted sensors compared to non-imprinted sensors. The molecularly imprinted electrode effectively detected environmental pollutants in different water samples. Hence, all the works point to the exceptional approach of imprinted nanomaterials in electrochemical detection with its simplicity and facile preparation. It may be used to develop a susceptible voltammetric sensor for researching environmental pollutants. -
Study of linear and non-linear analyses of rayleigh-benard chandrasekhar convection in micropolar fluid with saturated porous medium
Thermal instability of Chandrasekhar convection in a micropolar fluid, saturated porous layer is being investigated in this study. The model is confined between two horizon- tal plates of infinite length and separated by a fixed distance. A uniform temperature gradient is provided at the lower plate, while the upper plate is cooled. The study is analysed for both linear as well as non-linear cases to understand the stability, transfer of heat and mass within the model. The study is carried out in extending the model for Rayleigh-Benard and double diffusive convection with external constraints such as in-ternal heat, concentration source, gravity modulation, temperature modulation, coupled cross diffusion and throughflow. The outcome of the study is discussed in detail and presented pictorially through graphs. Linear and Non-linear Analyses of Double Diffusive Chandrasekhar Convection with Heat and Concentration Source in Micropolar Fluid with Saturated Porous Media under Gravity Modulation. A thermosolutal convective study is carried out in the presence of externally imposed magnetic field and gravity modulation together with heat and concentration source in a micropolar fluid. This problem is analysed for both linear and non-linear cases by as- suming the strength of heat and concentration source same. The expression for critical thermal Rayleigh number and correction thermal Rayleigh number are obtained using regular perturbation method to understand the stability of problem. The transfer of heat and mass transport is investigated by deriving the eighth order Lorentz equation. It is found that internal Rayleigh number and Darcy number speeds up the onset of instabil-ity while the coupling parameter and Chandrasekhar number has a reverse effect. Also, the transfer of mass is more compared to the transfer of heat. Linear and Non-linear Analyses of Double Diffusive Chandrasekhar Convection Coupled with Cross-diffusion in Micropolar Fluid over Saturated Porous Medium The problem aims to find the effects of coupled cross-diffusion in a micropolar fluid over a porous medium, subjected to double-diffusive-Chandrasekhar convection. The usual stability analysis has been employed to determine the critical thermal Rayleigh number. Non-linear analysis is carried out by deriving the Lorentz equations using trun- cated Fourier series representation. Heat and Mass transport are quantified by Nusselt and Sherwood number respectively. Analysis related to the effect of various parameter are plotted and the result for the same are interpreted. As Dufour parameter increases, the diffusion of heat and solute takes place which increases the temperature difference and thereby delays the onset of convection by making the system stable. It is observed from the results that Dufour parameter and Soret parameter have opposite influence on the stability of the problem. Linear and Non-linear Analyses of Throughflow Effect on the Onset of Rayleigh-Benard-Chandrasekhar Convection in Micropolar Fluid with Porous Medium. The Rayleigh-Benard convection over a porous medium saturated with micropolar fluid is simulated via externally imposed magnetic effect. The stability of the system is ex- amined using linear analysis by the method of normal mode. The rate of heat and mass transport within the system is examined by deriving sixth order Lorentz equation using non-linear analysis. It is observed that by regulating the throughflow effect, the con- vection of the system can be controlled. Also, the pro-gravity and anti-gravity cases has a stabilizing effect on the system. From mathematical calculation, it can be seen that heat transfer rate is same for both pro-gravity and anti-gravity cases, because of the symmetric nature of the boundaries considered. Linear and Non-linear Analyses on the Effect of Time Periodic Boundary Temper- ature and Internal Heat Source in a Micropolar Fluid on the Onset of Rayleigh- Benard-Chandrasekhar Convection with Porous Medium The impact of temperature modulation at the boundaries over a surface containing voids that is soaked in micropolar fluid is investigated to understand the thermal instability of the convection exposed to magnetic effect and internal heating of the system. A small amplitude of perturbation is given to the system to analyse the thermal instability by performing a linear study through the method of regular perturbation, which yields Rayleigh number for unmodulated and modulated system. Three cases of study is car-ried out to inspect the vibrating temperature field at the boundaries, namely symmetric case where the temperature is modulated in-phase, asymmetric case where the temper-ature is modulated out-phase and the case where only the bottom wall temperature is modulated. The non-linear analysis is employed to find the heat in the system, using Lorentz model. The outcome of the study conveys that sub critical motion occurs dur- ing in-phase modulation while the out-phase modulation leads to a more stable system. Moreover, internal Rayleigh number hastens the onset of convection. -
Towards An 'Alternate' Mythical Reality : A Postmodern Reading of the Graphic Narratives of Appupen and Amruta Patil
The graphic novel landscape in India has witnessed a significant change with newlineinnovative and revolutionary ideas. The new age writers of the gra -
Divorce prevention programme an intervention based on qualitatively derived psychological themes from newlywed distressed and divorced couples
This study has aimed to develop a competent intervention program as a preventive measure to tackle the increasing divorce rate in the current Indian scenario. Towards this end, the study has been arranged in three phases, with specific objectives guided by specific research questions in each phase. Holding pragmatic philosophical stance, a mixed method framework has directed the entire study, precisely, exploratory mixed design. newlineThe first phase of the study has focused on investigating the in-depth psychological components or etiology of marital distress and divorce in the problem context. Using an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) design, the lived marital experiences of 14 separated and 36 divorced (n=50) newlywed participants has been rigorously explored. Five superordinate themes along with 23 subordinate and 35 emergent themes have been derived in the data analysis, as reasons for marital distress and divorce in newlywed couples. newlineThe challenge of the second phase was to spin a proficient intervention program that is competent to address the identified reasons for marital distress, during the phase-one of the study. Towards this target, the theoretical framework developed by Hughes (1994, 2012 and 2014), Framework for Developing Family Life Education Programme is the model utilized. Following the five steps in the Hughes s framework, the intervention program has been designed and titled Divorce Prevention Programme (DPP). Finally, the phase three task of the study includes experimentation over the immediate and short-term (two-month) effect of the DPP as to what extent marital satisfaction and consummate love would improve to prevent divorce. The pretest, posttest experimental, and waitlist control group design was utilized with a two months follow-up with the experimental group. -
Studies on dark matter dark energy and possible alternate models
The nature of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE) which is supposed to constitute about 95% of the energy density of the universe is still a mystery. There is no shortage of ideas regarding the nature of both. While some candidates for DM are clearly ruled out, there is still a plethora of viable particles that fit the bill. In the context of DE, while current observations favour a cosmological constant picture, there are other competing models which may be equally likely. The standard model for the formation of structure assumes that there newlineexisted small fluctuations in the early universe that grew due to gravitational instability. The origin of these fluctuations are still unclear. In this study, we proposed the role of dark matter in providing the seed for star formation in the early universe, which is supported by very recent observations. With this we set observable constraints on luminosities, temperatures, and lifetimes of the early stars with an admixture of dark matter. We also studied the effects of the background repulsive dark energy density for large scale cosmic structures. The relation, and#119872;and#8260;and#119877;2 and#8776; 1and#119892;/and#119888;and#119898;2, seems to hold true for primeval galaxies as well as those at present epoch. From this, we set constraints on the nature and evolution of dark energy. Besides, we also set constraints on the size of galaxy clusters and superclusters due to the repulsive cosmological dark energy. This could indicate as to why large scale cosmic structures much larger than and#8764;200 Mpc are not seen.This study also looked at the evolution of the concept of the cosmological constant from its inception a little over a hundred years ago when Einstein introduced the cosmological constant in his General Theory of Relativity newlinein order to obtain a static universe to conform to the philosophical view of newlinethe universe at that time to it possibly making up close to about 70% of the energy density of the universe.