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Sentencing Framework in the Administration of Criminal Justice in India :
This Thesis aims at having uniformity while sentencing the accused in respect of similar newlineoffences by various criminal courts. It is submitted that, in India, there is no separate sentencing Act which provides for the sentencing of the accused. It is submitted that the present thesis also recommends for the post sentencing/research process and administration of Criminal Justice through courts and supervisory power of the court over the executive after newlinethe conviction of the accused and during the pre-trial detention. Emphasis is also laid on newlineBails Act which is required to be legislated in the administration of Criminal Justice in India. The said Bails Act and Sentencing Act are very much in force in different common law countries such as New Zealand, UK, and USA. Similar legislations are the need of hour in the present day for administration of Criminal justice in India. The thesis also aims at highlighting the disparity of Sentencing by the different Criminal Courts in India. There are instances where length of detention itself is held to be sufficient, mitigating grounds are taken into consideration, and the accused is being given set-off for the period that he has already newlineundergone. The administration of post-sentencing process, more particularly probation is also being highlighted. The need for probation is also being highlighted, so also the requirement of plea bargaining being more popularised. The grant of parole by the executive in ignorance of conviction order is also critically analysed. Reforms are suggested for the better administration of criminal justice with special reference to sentencing. -
Towards reading song in performance as aural narrative : Reading a sense of spatiality in select albums of mark knopfler using henri lefebver's notions of space
One of the chief objectives of this study is to explore and offer a strategy to read song in performance as Aural Narratives. This was necessary because verbal texts can be read in multiple ways. Perhaps the chief claim of a text s possibility to be literary lies in its inherent potential to be discursive. Therefore sound texts require a way of understanding sound as an element of storytelling. Shifts in Humanities necessitate an expanding notion of textuality. One of the chief concerns and burdens of the writer of literature is the evocation of a sense of spatiality which can be perceived as an outcome of spatial practice. Spatial practice in turn is defined by social codes and practices. Spaces can be read therefore through the life experiences of the inhabitants of a space as spatial practices are dependent on particular spaces. This study explores the use of Sound in creating a sense of Spatiality. Singer, songwriter and guitarist, Mark Knopfler creates songs that are arranged around a central character s lived experience. Thus the perception and conception of a sense of space that is thus evoked can be negotiated using Henri Lefebvre s triadic notions of newlinespatiality as a reading strategy. -
Non-Invasive Early and Precise Detection of Breast Tumor with Novel UWB Radar Pulse
Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband is emerging as a superior breast cancer detection technique compared to ultrasound, magnetic resonance newlineimaging and X-ray mammography due to its high resolution, nonionizing radiation, effectiveness in dense tissues and cost-effectiveness. Radar-based Ultra-Wideband technology is a viable, non-invasive newlinetechnique for detecting breast cancer. The Ultra-Wideband signal must be safe to penetrate deep into human breast with minimal attenuation and comply with Federal Communication Commission regulations to newlineensure early, precise detection of deep-rooted malignant tumor inside newlineheterogeneous breast. In this research work, a shaped Ultra-Wideband Gaussian pulse of newlineseventh order is employed in a radar-based breast cancer detection system. A sharp transition bandpass Finite Impulse Response filter is designed in this work for safe, deep penetration and optimal transmission through the heterogeneous breast. The pulse shaper filter design has a sharp transition with a low side lobe level and can be tuned newlineto any variable center frequency. This design is suitable for shaping very short-duration pulses, achieving higher data rate and less newlineinterference issues. Also, the pulse tightly fits the Federal Communication Commission spectral mask, thus achieving higher spectral utilization efficiency and meets the signal safety standards for transmission through the breast. The shaped pulse fed to the antenna of the radar system provides higher antenna radiation efficiency and radiating power due to the concentration of power in the main lobe. This research work employs bistatic and monostatic radar systems to detect the deep-rooted and smallest formation of the malignant tumor in the breast. Tumor detection is based on the time and frequency newlinedomain analysis of the backscattered signals from the malignant tumor. These signals have higher amplitude, higher electric field intensity variations and an increase in the scattering parameter values due to the newlinepresence of tumor. -
School Counseling in India : School Counselor Roles, Policy and Implementation
With a lack of comprehensive policy and literature on stakeholders perspectives and the counseling program s implementation, there is much to be known about the present status of school counseling in India. Three research questions examined in two phases were the perception of actual and preferred roles of the school counselors from the perspective of school administrators, school counselors, teachers, students, and parents; awareness and implementation of school counseling policy from the perspective of administrator and counselors; and implementation of the school counseling program. Quantitative phase I met newlineobjectives one and two using cluster sampling to select 1029 participants. School newlineadministrators and counselors completed the Survey on Knowledge and Implementation of newlinePolicies Regarding School Counseling which was developed and validated by two experts in newlinethe study. All participants completed the International Survey of School Counselor Activities (ISSCA) (Fan et al., 2018). Statistical analysis included descriptive statistics, the KruskalWallis H test, and post-hoc Bonferroni-Dunn. Qualitative phase II met objective three using purposive sampling to recruit 14 participants for a semi-structured interview. Qualitative newlinecontent analysis indicated that school counseling in India is still developing, with newlineinconsistencies in understanding the counselor s role among stakeholders. There were differences in awareness and knowledge about the responsibility of implementing school counseling policies. School counseling programs were affected by role ambiguity, stigma about mental health issues, lack of comprehensive structure to the counseling program, and lack of research and evaluation. Implications of the study are discussed. -
Identifying 'Self' Through Society : A Socio-Psychological Perspective of A Song of Ice and Fire
The Socio-Psychological Character Analysis Model (SPCAM) is developed to analyse complex literary characters. It helps readers of Literature understand the characters psyche and behaviour by keeping in mind their social background and influences. To develop the literary model, SPCAM, concepts from two theories are synthesised, which are Symbolic Interactionism (SI) and Cognitive newlineBehavioural Theory (CBT). The common threads between the two theories weave them together, and the complementary threads strengthen the developed model. SPCAM studies how characters make meaning while interacting with themselves and others in the society, while also identifying and evaluating their thoughts and beliefs. Using SPCAM helps the user to systematically extract necessary data newlinefrom the text, tabulate it according to the parameters set by the model, and examine the character s internal and external factors, as provided in the text, leading to a comprehensive review of the character and a character conceptualisation. SPCAM helps the users to substantiate their claims about a newlinecomplex character by helping them be more methodical and thorough. The introductory chapter establishes the need and scope of the research. It reviews the benefits of collaborating with Social Psychology for a literary analysis. After which, it defines the theories merged to build the model. The newlinedeveloped model, SPCAM is then explained in detail. This is followed by the rationale for using fantasy fiction, a brief about the author, George R.R. -
Antecedents of Behavioural Intention : Study of Indian Consumer Perceptions Towards P2P Lending Using Technology Adoption Model
Fintech is a rapidly developing area of the financial services business where tech-focused startups and other new players are upending how the sector has historically operated. One of the emerging fintech areas under digital lending is Peer to Peer lending or (P2P) lending; Consumers and authorities are both showing interest in this alternative lending innovation. Results of a literature review show that India is still in the early stages of P2P lending research. The study examines the association between behavioural intention to use P2P lending in India and technological and personal adoption factors. The study model was developed with the help of a literature review and tested using data from 536 respondents who completed an online survey and was tested using covariance-based structural equation modelling (SEM). The results confirm that personal innovativeness, performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, effort expectancy, social influence, and perceived risk are the antecedents of the adoption of P2P lending, except for facilitating conditions and price value. In addition, gender moderates the relationship between performance expectancy, hedonic motivation, personal innovativeness, and intention to adopt P2P lending. The study also throws light on the perceptions of both users and non users in terms of the antecedents. The study's conclusions significantly impact the P2P lending industry and provide practical insights for developers, platforms and regulators to improve and enhance the service. The study suggests looking at other moderating factors like age, voluntariness, experience, and actual usage behaviour for further research. Overall, the research contributes to the academic literature by confirming the predictive power of the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). It highlights personal innovativeness after performance expectancy and motivation as an important factor in predicting the usage of P2P lending. Finally, the study lists managerial implications in the domains of technological adoption, which will assist in the P2P lending long-term success in India. -
A Study on Labeling Problems in Signed Graphs
A signed graph can be considered as a weighted graph G; that is, edges of G have been given the weights + and and#8722;. We discuss two ways to assign signs to the vertices of a line signed graph of a signed graph, namely S-marking and Canonical marking (C-marking) of L(S). We characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are S-cordial or total S-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through S-marking. Also, we characterize signed graphs whose line signed graphs are C-cordial or total C-cordial provided the vertices of L(S) receive signs through C-marking. Signed graphs can be eand#64256;ectively used to model relationships and individual preferences toward one another. To represent this scenario we defne a signed graph from a given graph. The colors of the vertices can be used to represent individuals or sets, and the signs on the edges of the graph represent the relationship between them. So, we defne two labelings of a properly colored graph, namely parity labeling of a properly colored graph and product labeling of a properly colored graph. newlineThe parity labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the colors on the adjacent vertices of that edge are both even or both odd, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as parity colored signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit parity coloring. We also characterized signed graphs whose line signed graphs admit parity coloring. We initiate the study on parity labeling of a properly colored graph and the chromatic rna number of a graph. Also, we defne product labeling of a properly colored graph. The product labeling of a properly colored graph G under and#967;(G) colors is defned by assigning the sign of the edge of G as + if the color of one of the incident vertex of that edge is even, and#8722; otherwise. The obtained signed graph is known as color product signed graph of a graph. We characterize signed graphs which admit color product coloring. -
Effect of Phonological and Phonetic Intervention on Proficiency in English Pronunciation and Oral Reading Among Bengaluru Teacher Trainees
The current research aimed to determine the effect of phonological and phonetic intervention in enhancing proficiency in English pronunciation and oral reading among teacher trainees. The study adopted a single-group pre and post-test intervention design. The researcher developed intervention modules on phonology and phonetics, and a segmental approach was adopted to teach individual sounds. The research design was executed in five stages: experts' opinions on the need for such a study, a preliminary study to find the need for the study, the development of intervention modules and validation of the modules, the pilot study to check the reliability of the tools, and the main study. The researcher applied Oscillo-graphic and observation methods to analyse and test the participants' pronunciation and oral reading progress during the experiment. Communicative Language Learning (CLL) and Audiolingual approaches were adopted to teach individual sounds to participants. The National Assessment of Educational Progress Scale for Reading and Pronunciation (NAEP 2012) was adopted to measure the scores. The other instruments, i.e., audio-to-test phonetic transcription software and Audacity recording software, were used in the experiment to record and analyse the audio clips. The experiment was conducted on n=104 teacher trainees of Bengaluru, India. The current study targeted teacher trainees/ B Ed college students of English method as a population. The population of teacher trainees was 1470 English methods from Bangalore north, south, and central. Further, the sample size for the main study was 104, and it was selected through a stratified random sampling technique. The assessment tools overall reliability (Cronbach Alpha value) (NAEP) on Pronunciation and Oral reading is 0.873. The data normality was tested with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The data EFFECT OF PHONOLOGICAL AND PHONETIC INTERVENTION was normally distributed. Hence, the data was not normally distributed; the non- parametric tests were used to test the hypotheses. The hypotheses testing on phonological and phonetic awareness revealed the difference between pre- intervention and post-intervention scores in phonological and phonemic awareness and oral reading among teacher trainees, the sig. Value is less than 0.05 across all the attributes. The Wilcoxon signed rank test revealed the scores after the intervention, a post-test with a statistically significant value of 0.001. The post-test score, which was after the intervention, is significantly higher. The values across all the attributes related to oral reading and pronunciation with a statistically significant value of 0.001. The other hypotheses testing on gender, age, and qualification, the Mann-Whitney test, and Kruskal Wallis were used, and the results were not statistically significant. The statistical test was used to test the progressive improvement of teacher trainees during the intervention, and it was statistically significant with 0.001 across all the attributes. The data analysis revealed a positive impact of intervention at the post-test on teacher trainees. The study has navigated the need for language proficiency among teacher trainees, especially in English pronunciation and oral reading. The study substantiates the evidence that effective intervention and teachers' knowledge of pronunciation would enhance proficiency levels in pronunciation and oral reading among teacher trainees. The study also hopes that Policy Makers, Universities, B.Ed. Colleges and teacher educators will be beckoned to use technology-integrated intervention to teach phonology and phonetics. -
Multi Parameterized Modified Local Binary Pattern for Lung Cancer Detection by Deep Learning Methods
The research work is focusing on developing a classification model for Lung Cancer detection by integrating the image features with Modified Local Binary Pattern (MLBP), Modified Principal Component Analysis (MPCA), newlinesymptoms and Risk factors using Deep Learning methods and converting the image features into three dimensional (3D) images. The aim of this research is to identify the malignant and normal tumours from the Computer newlineTomography (CT) images with improved accuracy. The 2D CT images of Lung Cancer patients have been preprocessed with Median and Gabor filtering methods and watershed segmentation. The CT images are also newlineprocessed with the Zero Component Analysis (ZCA) whitening and Modified Local Binary Pattern. The processed image is used in the research for classification. The Lung Cancer dataset in the research are collected from newlinevarious medical colleges. The dataset contain CT images with Lung Cancer and without Lung Cancer. The research is conducted by integrating the selected Image features, Risk factor and symptoms of Lung Cancer of the newlinesame patients. The Integration using feature selections is carried out with Modified Principal Component Analysis. The Modified Principal Component Analysis is used in the research to reduce the time complexity. The results are evaluated with Gini coefficient, Confusion Matrix parameters and ROC newlinecurve. Two Dimensional (2D) CT images are converted into a Three Dimensional (3D) image for the clarity and the visibility of Lung Cancer nodules. The conversion from 2D to 3D has been using combining two methods, the orthogonality and visualization of 4D rotation. This enabled to find the location of the Lung Cancer from different angle and with different viewpoints. The 3D image shows the location of the Lung Cancer by Four Dimensional (4D) visualization and 3D rotation, thus giving clarity to the newlineexisting 2D images. -
Construction of Prime Time Television News Discussions
Studies in the western context have shown consistent observations of Television News being one of their prime modes of news and current affairs in the past. In India, watching the news has been an age-old requirement, for many reasons. English news in a non-native English-speaking country like India has encouraged citizens to learn the language, engage in focused viewership and rely on Television news for stories, news, views, and the episodic reality. Ever since news reception was transitioned to the realm of social media and new media, Television prime time news strived to be in the limelight. To understand the existence of prime time news, the study focused on two objectives : to identify constituents of communicative techniques framed in prime time news discussions of Indian English Television News Channels and to establish the role of prime time News Discussions as creators of complex news narratives. With the help of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as the umbrella theory, Multimodal Discourse Analysis (MDA), and Stuart Hall s Encoding and Decoding, the research progressed to understand the ways and means to analyse news. Each of the episodic news presentations from 5 December 2017 to 13 December 2017 pertaining to prime-time news debates of Republic TV and Times Now were used. were analysed using a qualitative method of textual analysis. The manifestation of all cues on the screen were deconstructed to comprehend their existence. Each episode was connotatively derived to understand conversations and use of graphics. There are multiple findings under each of the units. On understanding the manifestation and intermingling of various units of analysis with each other, it was unanimously concluded that polarization of opinions is the key to engage a concise news narrative of the day. Whilst important news is not the source, political debates, underestimation, and complex visualization enhance the brand name of the news channel. -
Pain Detection System In Real Time Healthcare Environment
The negative feeling of pain is often involuntarily expressed through facial expressions. Facial expression therefore is an important non-verbal cue to determine if a person is in pain. This property can be applied for diagnosis of pain especially among patients who are differently newlinechallenged and lack the ability of expressing their issue. In spite of the developments made so far, this field still lags behind in finding pain expressing faces in an uncontrolled environment through unprocessed newlinereal time images and videos. To bridge this gap, the study proposed a hybrid or fusion model that could adequately detect a face expressing pain. The model was executed with inputs taken from pre-recorded or stored newlinevideos and live streamed videos. It involved the combination of Patch Based Model (PBM), Constrained Local Model (CLM), and Active newlineAppearance Model (AAM) in concurrence with image algebra. This allowed the efficient pain identification from raw home-made stored newlinevideos and live stream even through a bad recording device and under poor illumination. The hybrid model was implemented in a frame-by-frame manner for feature extraction and pain detection. The feature extraction part was done in pixel-based and point-based representation. For point-based representation, a concept called image algebra was used. For classification, three approaches viz. histogram technique, Feed newlineForward Neural Network (FFNN), and Multilayer Back Propagation Neural Network (MLBPNN) were implemented and analyzed. The videos newlineof different subjects showed facial expressions of pain::face, not::pain face and neutral::face. A home-made dataset was produced for storing the videos which was later used as the input and the selected features were stored. This dataset served as the training set for the proposed model. Though the data was not highly sensitive it was sufficient to confer adequate information for detecting pain expression. -
Outcome Evaluation of Child Sponsorship Programme of A Non-Governmental Organization
Child sponsorship programme is a vital tool for the integral development of the children at risk. Family based child sponsorship programme is one of the best services for the marginalized children which ensure their education while also respecting the rights of the children. The current study attempts to evaluate the outcome of child sponsorship programme of a non-Governmental organization newlinethrough a mixed method. Quasi-experimental post-test only design is the methodology used to conduct the study. The study evaluated the programme with regard to Self-esteem, Achievement motivation and family functioning of the sponsored children. The data was collected from 80 individuals for the quantitative study; using 3 standardized scales. Thematic analysis of qualitative data collected by interviewing 5 pairs of beneficiaries of the child sponsorship programme. The data was analysed using SPSS and R. The findings that there is a significant difference in terms of self-esteem and achievement motivation between the two groups of children. With regard to family newlinefunctioning conflict is much lesser among sponsored children (M=20.75) while compared to non-sponsored children (M=43.80). In terms of parenting and intimacy, the sponsored children are having higher score. Also, it was found out that self-esteem significantly mediated the impact of family functioning on achievement motivation of the individual(plt0.05). It is noticed that the effect of family functioning on achievement motivation was 0.504 and the direct effect was found to be 0.333. Selfesteem was found to strengthen the impact of family functioning on achievement motivation.Academic excellence improves the employability of respondents. Employment of newlinethose who received sponsorship can provide financial stability to the family. Therefore, this evaluation study confirmed the phenomenal effect of child sponsorship newlinein realizing inclusivity goals, as well as facilitate the personal, familial, economic, and social growth of sponsored children. -
Information and communication technology integration in education by harare secondary school teachers in relation to school technology culture and their educational leader competencies
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in education refers newlineto using technology in teaching and learning processes. The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the classroom would solve a lot of the problems related to Zimbabwean secondary school education. It motivates students to learn by providing a variety of learning activities such as watching videos, viewing pictures and models and online quizzes. This interests students who are digital natives and is more applicable to their everyday experiences. newlineStudent participation increases when ICT is used in the classroom as students are newlineconversant with the use of technology. ICT integration in education also allows students to learn in circumstances where there are shortages of teachers. The culture which exists in a school and the competencies of the educational leaders cannot be ignored when planning for and assessing the outcome of ICT integration programs. This study focused on Information and Communication newlineTechnology Integration in Education by Harare Secondary School Teachers, in relation to School Technology Culture and their Educational Leader Competencies . A survey was carried out in government and private secondary schools in Harare, Zimbabwe during the period from October 2012 to mid-2013. The population was all the secondary school teachers in Harare district of Zimbabwe. According to the data obtained from the Ministry of Education in October 2012, the target population of secondary school teachers in Harare was 4 244. The sample size was calculated based on an equation cited from Camorin and Calmorin (2007:230). This newlinegave a sample of 248 teachers from Harare secondary schools. 140 were females and 108 males. Four research instruments were used for data collection: a proforma on demographics, the ICT Integration questionnaire (ICTIQ), the School Technology Culture (STC) Scale and the Educational Leader Competency (ELC) scale. -
Classification of Alzheimer's Disease Stages Using Machine Learning Techniques
Alzheimer s disease (AD) is a type of mental disorder which deteriorates the normal functioning of human brain by reducing the memory capacity of an individual. Age is the most common factor for AD and this disease cannot be reversed or stopped. Doctors can only treat the symptoms of AD which include personality changes and brain structural changes. Analyzing neuro-degenerative disorders, neuroimaging plays an important role in diagnosing subjects with AD and other stages of AD. The proposed research identified this gap and using MRI and PET newlineimages for recognizing AD in its early occurrences by the professionals. This helps in tailoring an appropriate treatment procedure for treating AD. As per literature survey, many researchers have worked with convolutional methods like inbuilt skull stripping with two or more conversions and classified with different CNN architectures. The proposed research experimented advanced skull stripping method and classified using deep learning architectures. This research emphasizes the implementation of ResNet50 architecture with T1 weighted MRI and Amyloid PET images for detecting the abnormalities in the brain patterns based on the image attributes. For the proposed experiment, a total of 5000 T1 weighted MRI data and 3000 newlineAmyloid PET data were used. The collected images were pre-processed with noise removal newlinetechniques and skull stripping method. The ResNet50 is used to classify AD from the data newlineobtained from the ADNI dataset. Pre-processed images /data were fed to the tuned for three class classification on ADNI image data at 200 Epochs shows the accuracy of 97.3% for T1 weighted MRI data and 98% for Amyloid PET data. The experimental results of the proposed model prove that it classifies the images according to various stages with better accuracy than the other existing models by achieving excellent results. -
Synthesis spectroscopic and DFT studies of some benzimidazole and benzothiazole derivatives
Benzimidazole, benzothiazole and benzoxazole compounds and their derivatives having azole newlinemoieties are biologically active and are extensively used in pharmaceutical industry. newlineBenzimidazoles/benzothiazoles scaffolds have also been widely used as and#61552;and#8722;spacers and newlinedonor/acceptor units. The lone pair electrons and conjugated structures of these heterocyclic molecules assist in tuning of electronic properties enabling their use in devices like dye sensitized solar cells, organic light emitting diodes etc. However, the design and synthesis of organic ligands newlinefor these applications is still a challenging task. Though we have made an effort in this direction fabricating a dye sensitized solar cell with benzimidazole based sensitizer, the moderate Stokes shift and efficiency prompted us to tune these molecules and improve their electronic properties. Considering that some of the benzimidazole/benzothiazole fluorophores possessing metal-ion newlinechelating properties and having hydrogen donor-acceptor sites in close proximity play vital role in sensor and bioimaging applications, we have designed and synthesized novel fluorophores for newlinemetal ion sensing applications. Since most of the available literature shows studies on fluorophores with single excited state intramolecular proton transfer sites or dual proton transfer sites with symmetrical structures, we have considered investigating fluorophores having asymmetrical newlinestructures and proton donating sites. In this perspective, we have synthesized and conducted spectroscopic and density functional theory studies on some novel fluorophores based on benzimidazole/benzothiazole Schiff bases and the details are presented in this thesis. Chapter 1 gives an introduction to the benzimidazole/benzothiazole heterocycles and the different photophysical and chemical phenomena involved. A brief literature survey in support of our studies is presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 gives a brief description of the experimental methods newlineand techniques used in our work. -
Photocatalytic Degradation of Textile Dyes Using Strobilanthes Species Mediated Nanoparticles
Discharge of dye pollutants from textile industries jeopardizes ecosystem by leading to grave threats like contamination of water resources and hazardous health effects. The current study points and focuses at the synthesis, characterization, dye degradation and toxicity analysis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) derived from Strobilanthes barbatus and Strobilanthes hamiltoniana leaf extracts. UV-visible spectrum analysis validated the biogenesis of ZnO and Ag NPs, revealing unique peaks at 359 nm for ZnOSB NPs, 360 nm for ZnOSH NPs, 428 nm for AgSB NPs, and 432 nm for AgSH NPs. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) investigation identified phytochemicals involved in nanoparticle synthesis, manifesting the presence of flavonoids, saponins and alkaloids. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) examination disclosed the crystalline structures of ZnOSB NPs, ZnOSH NPs, AgSB NPs and AgSH NPs displayed an average crystalline size of 22.29 nm, 26.9 nm, 23.5 nm and 20.6 nm. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) study revealed information on the hydrodynamic diameter and colloidal stability of the NPs, which showed average particle size for ZnOSB NPs, ZnOSH NPs, AgSB NPs and AgSH NPs as 91.6 nm, 165.4 nm, 142.3 nm and 255.3 nm. Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) were used to investigate the morphology and elemental composition of ZnO NPs and Ag NPs, revealing particle shape and size variations. The morphological shapes of ZnOSB NPs were spherically shaped NPs, ZnOSH NPs showed rod-shaped NPs, AgSB NPs and AgSH NPs both showed spherical-shaped NPs. The High-resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) validated the nanoparticles' size and crystalline characteristics, similar to FESEM. The photocatalytic degradation of textile dyes using ZnO NPs and Ag NPs were researched, and the results revealed that diverse dyes degraded efficiently under UV light exposure. The ZnO NPs and Ag NPs showed excellent catalytic degradation at dye (Reactive Blue 220, Reactive Blue 222A, Reactive Yellow 145, and Reactive Yellow 86) concentrations of 1 ppm, 5 ppm, and 10 ppm with NP concentrations of 1 mg/ml. Chemical kinetics research unveiled that the degrading processes had pseudo-first-order kinetics. It has been observed that nanoparticles such as ZnO NPs and Ag NPs can maintain their photocatalytic activity across multiple cycles of dye degradation. Phytotoxicity tests conveyed that ZnO and Ag NPs were beneficial in lowering seed germination inhibition and toxicity in Vigna radiata. The brine shrimp lethality experiment indicated that the synthesized nanoparticles were not hazardous. This comprehensive work gives insight and sheds light on the synthesis, characterization, and use of ZnO and Ag NPs utilizing plant extracts, highlighting their promise for environmental remediation and sustainable nanoparticle synthesis. -
Indian Approach to International Commercial and Investment Arbitration Vis-A-Vis Global Arbitral Institutes : A Critical Analysis
The rise of international trade and investments by the foreign states has led to increased number of contractual relationships between the parties. The world is now moving towards a new regime of dispute settlement via alternative dispute redressal mechanisms like arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and negotiation. Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and amendments in 2015, 2019 and 2021 have promoted international commercial newlineand institutional arbitration in India. The amendments provide a slight sigh of relief but do not completely cater to the global needs of making India a preferred seat for international arbitration. The title of the thesis is INDIAN APPROACH TO INTERNATIONAL newlineCOMMERCIAL AND INVESTMENT ARBITRATION VIS- A- VIS GLOBAL ARBITRAL INSTITUTES: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS . It is covering the conceptual and theoretical framework of International commercial and International Investment arbitration, evolution of arbitration laws in India, comparative study of Indian arbitral institutes with respect to Singapore, UK and USA and judicial approach in international arbitration. It also analyses the judicial approach towards arbitration regime pertaining to enforcement of awards, newlineappointment of arbitrators or interim reliefs. The judicial intervention must be minimized and there is requirement of trained arbitration personals including foreign lawyers or academicians. Provisions must be made for third party funding and consolidation of arbitration proceedings providing data privacy. This study applies doctrinal methodology and through legislations, cases study, books, articles and research papers, relevant material newlinehas been collected. Along with doctrinal methodology, the empirical methodology newline(qualitative) has been adopted whereby hypothesis has been tested to reach out the findings and to find the answers of research questions. -
Antecedents and Outcomes of Employee Engagement : A Study on Employees in Travel Organizations
Employee engagement is becoming very vital in the recent years because organizations with engaged employees tend to out-perform than employees who are disengaged. The outcomes of engaged employees are higher performance, lower turnover, increased profitability and many more. However there are some industries ignorant and neglect the importance of having engaged employees. Hence it is necessary to conduct more research on employee engagement which create more awareness to the organizations about the prominence of focusing on employee engagement and also augment to the existing literature. The study was conducted on a sample size of 433 employees working in travel organizations set up in Bengaluru and tested the relationship of psychological climate and psychological capital (antecedent variables) has on employee engagement and in turn its newlinerelationship with organizational citizenship behavior and intent to stay (outcome newlinevariables). The study also tested the mediating relationship of employee engagement newlinebetween the antecedent and outcome variables. Results indicated that psychological newlineclimate and psychological capital has a significant and positive relationship on employee engagement and with respect to outcome variables it was determined that higher the engagement level it leads to higher level of organizational citizenship behavior and intent to stay. Results of the study also indicated that employee engagement mediates the relationship between the antecedent and outcome variables. -
Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles Leading to the Biocontrol of Aedes Aegypti
Mosquitoes are the potential vectors of many diseases such as malaria, dengue, brain newlinefever, etc. There is a need to check the proliferation of the population of vector newlinemosquitoes to reduce vector-borne diseases by appropriate control methods. Nanotechnology, a promising field of research, opens up in the present decade and is expected to give major impulses to technical innovations. Over the past few decades, nanoparticles of noble metals such as silver exhibited significantly distinct physical, chemical and biological properties. Presently, there is a need for increased efforts to develop newer and more effective methods to control mosquito vectors. Due to different technical and operational reasons, the existing chemical and biological methods are not as effective as in the earlier period. Therefore, this study is designed to extract silver newlinenanoparticles from plant, fungal and bacterial species and assess their impact on the third and fourth-instar mosquito larvae and the adult mosquito (Aedes spp). The study has formulated a gel material that is composed of nanomaterials that exhibited promising properties to develop a nano gel product. The study is designed in a way to have an impact on the control of mosquito larvae using biologically synthesized nanoparticle formulations. Green synthesis is expected to show a higher yield of nano products that can be formulated in various forms to standardize the biocontrol of mosquito species. Bioinformatic studies revealed the good binding potential of the extracted bio compounds against the juvenile hormone binding proteins in A. aegypti. The study deduced meaningful outcomes that can benefit the environment by controlling the mosquito population and thereby reducing disease transmission in many developing countries. -
Development of Efficient Biometric Recognition algorithms based on Fingerprint and Face
The reliable verification systems are required to verify and confirm the identity of an individual requesting their service. Secure access to the buildings, laptops, cellular phones, ATM etc. is an example of such applications. In the absence of robust verification systems, these systems are vulnerable to the wiles of an impostor. The traditional ways of authentications are passwords (knowledge based security) and the ID Cards (token based security). These methods can be easily breached due to the chance of stolen, lost or forget. The development and progress of biometrics technology, the fear of stolen, lost or forget can be eliminated. Biometrics refers to the automatic identification (or verification) of an individual (or a claimed identity) by using certain physiological or newlinebehavioral traits associated with the person. newlineThe biometrics identifies the person based on features vector derived from physiological or behavioural characteristics such as uniqueness, permanence, accessibility, collectability with minimum cost. The newlinephysiological biometrics are Fingerprint, Hand Scan, Iris Scan, Facial Scan and Retina Scan etc., and behavioural biometric are Voice, Keystroke, Gait, Signature etc., The physiological biometrics measures the specific part of the structure or shape of a portion of a subject s body. But the behavioural biometric are more concerned with mood and environment.Chapter one presents the introduction to biometrics and its various newlinetraits. Further description like structure of the biometric system, different newlineapproaches are discussed. Also the design issues in biometric system such as universality, collectability, distinctiveness, permanence, acceptability, newlineuniqueness, performance, circumvention etc., are discussed. Chapter two gives a detailed survey of biometric techniques. It includes the literature survey of fingerprint and face biometric traits and various approaches.