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Architecture of visible-light induced Z-scheme MoS2/g-C3N4/ZnO ternary photocatalysts for malachite green dye degradation
The synthesis of bilayer heterojunctions has received considerable attention recently. Fabrication of novel bilayer composites is of significant interest to improve their photocatalytic efficiency. In this study, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), a layered dichalcogenide material exhibiting unique properties, in combination with graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), a carbon-based layered material, was fabricated with small amounts of zinc oxide (ZnO). Three composites, MoS2/g-C3N4, MoS2/ZnO, and MoS2/g-C3N4/ZnO were prepared via a simple exfoliation method and characterized by various physicochemical methods. The Z-scheme charge transfer mechanism in the prepared ternary composite improves efficiency by inhibiting the recombination rate of electron-hole pairs. It has shown excellent performance in degrading a major water contaminant, malachite green (MG) dye, under visible light irradiation. 2022 Elsevier Inc. -
Arduino based IOT platform for remote monitoring of heart attacks and patients falls
Internet of things (IoT) is a networking concept that allows connection of various smart devices. This concept plays a huge role in the healthcare industry. The developed system is a working prototype for realtime monitoring of patient falls and heart attacks. The process of developing this system included an architecture, which was built using Arduino UNO and Arduino NANO along with pulse sensors and accelerometer sensors. The main idea is to collect health-related data from time to time and the collected data is made available using a real-time interface called Thingspeak. With the help of this process, the person can be monitored from time to time without any hassle. The proposed system also makes use of delivering notifications at the time of emergency using the GSM technology, which is embedded with the Arduino architecture. This system will be of greater help to elderly people, people suffering from Frankenstein disease or people who are in a history of getting heart attacks due to genetic disorders. 2018 Manikandan Shanmugam and Monisha Singh. -
Are expensive decisions impulsive? Young adults impulsive housing and real estate buying behavior in India
Purpose: The purpose of the study is to determine website quality, materialism, psychological factors, hedonic value and social media as factors that influence the young adults impulsive housing and real estate buying behavior in India. In addition, this study also measures the mediating effects of social media influence between psychological factors and hedonic value and young adults impulsive housing and real estate buying behavior. Design/methodology/approach: Related literature, quantifiable variables with a five-point Likert Scale, hypothesis testing and mediators are used to study the model. A systematic questionnaire that was divided into six sections was used. A total of 385 valid responses were collected and analyzed through a structural equation model. Findings: The results suggest that materialism, psychological factors and social media have a considerable impact on young adults impulsive housing and real estate buying behavior. The findings also ascertained that website quality and hedonic value do not have a considerable impact on young adults impulsive housing and real estate buying behavior. Research limitations/implications: This study is limited to the responses of young consumers from a limited number of brokers and regions in India. Future studies could be more widespread across the globe. Originality/value: As per the review of existing literature, this research is the first, to the best of the authors knowledge, to determine the factors affecting the impulse buying decision mainly in the housing and real estate sector with the target consumers being young. 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Are Indian higher education institutions doing their bit towards empowerment of mid-career women?: A study of public and private universities in India
Gender diversity and empowerment of mid-career women in the workplace have rightfully gained importance over the last decade. However, there is a paucity of research pertaining to the position of mid-career women in higher education institutions (HEI) in India. The data suggest that while there has been an increase in the number of women in the academic sphere, yet there is a visible lack of women in the top academic leadership positions across Indian HEIs. This chapter explores the HR practices adopted by top public and private universities to support women's career progression. Using a mixed-method approach, the chapter identifies barriers to women 's growth in academia. And finally, the authors make suggestions for promoting female academicians by comparing existing practices to those practised in gender-equal countries across the globe. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Are management graduates market ready? Exploring the relationship between the demographic factors and the perceived level job preparedness /
International Bulletin of Management And Economics, Vol.10, pp.165-175, ISSN No: 2349-7165. -
Are muslims incurring higher out-of-pocket expenditures than hindus in reproductive healthcare at sub-district levels in Karnataka?
Background and Objective: This study was undertaken to evaluate level of differences found in Out-of-pocket expenditures (OOPE) among Hindus and Muslims, OOPE being a sub-component while constructing reproductive health account (RHA) matrices for Ramanagara district, Karnataka. Method: Adopting multistage stratified sampling method, individual level data was collected using survey tools, catering to six dimensions of RH functions, taken from WHO Guide to produce RH Sub-Account. 517 Hindu and Muslim men and women meeting inclusion criteria of reproductive age (15-49) incurring RH expenditures in last one year were included followed later by only 382 uninsured individuals for hypothesis testing. Results: Muslims showing almost double OOPE in RH necessitated hypothesis testing of significant difference in OOPE, equating groups, post exclusion of insured individuals. Statistically significant difference was revealed in RH expenditures using Mann-Whitney U test. Interpretations and conclusions: Vicious cycle of disparity in education levels, lower income levels, negligible health coverage, strenuous work conditions, poor living standards, repeated RH contingencies leading to massive borrowing financed OOPE in RH continues. 2019, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. All rights reserved. -
Are Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies Powered by Low-mass Black Holes?
Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) are believed to be powered by the accretion of matter onto low-mass black holes (BHs) in spiral host galaxies with BH masses M BH ? 106-108 M o. However, the broadband spectral energy distribution of the ?-ray-emitting NLS1s are found to be similar to flat-spectrum radio quasars. This challenges our current notion of NLS1s having low M BH. To resolve this tension of low M BH values in NLS1s, we fitted the observed optical spectrum of a sample of radio-loud NLS1s (RL-NLS1s), radio-quiet NLS1s (RQ-NLS1s), and radio-quiet broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (RQ-BLS1s) of ?500 each with the standard Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk (AD) model. For RL-NLS1s we found a mean log() of 7.98 0.54. For RQ-NLS1s and RQ-BLS1s we found mean log() of 8.00 0.43 and 7.90 0.57, respectively. While the derived values of RQ-BLS1s are similar to their virial masses, for NLS1s the derived values are about an order of magnitude larger than their virial estimates. Our analysis thus indicates that NLS1s have M BH similar to RQ-BLS1s and their available virial M BH values are underestimated, influenced by their observed relatively small emission line widths. Considering Eddington ratio as an estimation of the accretion rate and using , we found the mean accretion rate of our RQ-NLS1s, RL-NLS1s, and RQ-BLS1s as , and , respectively. Our results therefore suggest that NLS1s have BH masses and accretion rates that are similar to BLS1s. 2019. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. -
Are the determinants of foreign direct investment the same within the service sector? Evidence from bootstrap based bias corrected fixed effects model
Using sectoral as well as subsectoral foreign direct investments (FDI) data, we explore the determinants of FDI in services at both sectoral and sub-sector levels of 25 emerging economies for the period 19992016. We employ a bootstrap-based bias-corrected fixed effects model to analyze whether FDI's determinants vary within the service sector. Our results show that market size, market potential, natural resources endowments, and agglomeration effects are positively associated with the FDI in services and its subsectoral levels. The sectoral disaggregated analysis shows that the variables that attract FDI in services do not vary much from financial to nonfinancial services. This study suggests that there is no need for a separate theory for explaining FDI determinants in financial and nonfinancial services though some modifications are to be made. Before making modifications, we have to consider the salient features of service sector FDI, such as intangibility, inseparability, perishability, heterogeneity, and commercial presence. 2021 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -
Are there bubbles in sectoral indices? Evidence from national stock exchange
Trading at prices above their fundamental values has been referred to as stock market Bubbles. These Bubbles, when Busted, can lead to a market Crash. From experience, it is a well-known fact that Bubbles initially occur in one particular sector and later spread to the aggregate markets, leading to the collapse of the entire market. This paper attempts to test the existence of bubbles in Indian Sectoral Indices. Previous studies have proven that sectoral indices do not mimic the market behaviour and the reaction of the sectors tends to be different compared to the markets response. In that context, the paper aims to explore the existence of bubbles sector-wise rather than aggregate market-wise. The presence of bubbles is confirmed through the Superior and flawless method called the GSADF test is more flexible and reliable than RADF (Rolling Augmented Dickey-Fuller) and Supremum Augmented DickeyFuller (SADF) methods. Findings reveal that not all sectors experience bubbles at the same time. During the study period, the Automobile, financial services, Media and Private sector banking sectors experienced bubbles. Detected bubbles were also found at different times in these sectors. The study helps investors who focus investments in a specific sector to capitalise on price movements once they can time-stamp the occurrence of bubbles. The study provides essential input for investors in taking timely investment decisions. Further results of our study could enable policymakers to instil corrective actions to put the markets back on track when the index falsely deviates from intrinsic values. 2022 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. -
Are Women Employees in Engineering Institutions Suffer from the Stress: An Investigation Approach
Workplace stress could be detrimental to both the employer and its employees. The greatest ways to keep distress at bay in the workplace are via competent management and well-organized processes. Supervisors must recognize signs of staff distress and be prepared to provide assistance. Whenever an individual is confronted with job expectations and pressures exceeding their skillset and expertise, they experience stress connected to their employment. Workplace stress is common and could exacerbate stress when workers don't perceive they have the backing of management or coworkers in dealing with the challenges they face. The term 'stressed' is frequently used as a justification for ineffective management and inadequate supervision, even though it is typically caused by a misunderstanding of the difference between pressure and challenge. Stress and other forms of adversity are at an all-time high, both in the job and in personal life. Employee stress could be further exacerbated by things like job uncertainty, excessive hours, frequent changes, workload, and unattainable targets. The purpose of this article is to understand the variables that contribute to high-stress levels amongst female faculty members in engineering institutions strain in the job atmosphere. One's ability to manage stressful work situations, the amount of social help and assistance one receives, and the coping mechanisms one employs all play significant roles in how much stress one endures on the job. This research was done because it was necessary and important. In addition, women play a larger role in society than males do. This study suggests that women experience much high levels of stress than men do employment reasons, repercussions, roles and obligations of women faculty in engineering education, and possible remedies are all explored in this paper. 2023 IEEE. -
Are you the one to stick around despite the high rate of attrition? Typical personality traits using Myers-Briggs framewor
Most employees say they have unfavourable sentiments about their organization, yet they often seem hesitant to follow through with their decision to leave. This presents a painful dichotomy for organizations that look for long term manpower solutions. This study examined the relationships between the Myers-Briggs' four personality dimensions (extraversion/introversion, sensing/intuition, thinking/feeling, and judging/perceiving) and the behaviour of employees to stick around with the organization for years even amidst a high attrition rate. After compiling all these observations, the authors propose the following five strategies for employers to take into consideration: Leveraging the power of belongingness, form addictive positive work environment, capitalise on the spillover effect, communicate with either the heart or the head, andprioritise having experiences above an employee status. This research will offer an introspection to both employees and the employers. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Area and Energy Efficient Method Using AI for Noise Cancellation in Ear Phones
Adaptive filters are suitable for most of the Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications such as channel equalization, noise cancellation, echo cancellation, channel estimation and system identification. Nowadays due to the advancement in semiconductor technology, the need for Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) headphones in compact devices is increased. The major idea behind this proposed work is to design an area and energy efficient novel adaptive filter suitable for in-ear headphones by combining Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) and Block LMS (BLMS). The proposed filter is designed and simulated using Xilinx ISE 13.2. The simulation results shows that the proposed design mitigates the unwanted noises in various frequency bands. 2023 IEEE. -
ARise to the occasion: Elevating customer engagement
Augmented reality (AR) is being used to transform the landscape of online retail by enhancing customer engagement and experience. This chapter delves into how AR's unique capabilities, such as virtual try-on and interactive product visualisation, can overcome the limitations of traditional online shopping and create deeper connections between brands and consumers. It explains how AR personalises the customer journey by providing customised product recommendations and immersive virtual experiences that drive purchase decisions. By analysing past implementations and future trends, this chapter demonstrates how ARM can usher in a new era of customer engagement and personalised experiences in online retail. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Arithmetic integer additive set-valued graphs: A creative review
For a non-empty ground set X, finite or infinite, the set-valuation or set-labeling of a given graph G is an injective function f: V (G) ? P(X), where P(X) is the power set of the set X. A set-indexer of a graph G is an injective set-valued function f: V (G) ? P(X) such that the function f?: E(G) ? P(X) ? { defined by f? (uv) = f (u)? f (v) for every uv?E(G) is also injective, where ? is a binary operation on sets. Let N0 be the set of all non-negative integers and P(N0) is its power set. An integer additive set-labeling (IASL) of a graph G is an injective function f: V (G) ? P(N0) such that the induced function f+: E(G) ? P(N0) is defined by f+ (uv) = f (u) + f (v), where f (u) + f (v) is the sumset of the sets f (u) and f (v). An IASL f of a graph G is said to be an integer additive set-indexer (IASI) of G if the induced function f+ is also injective. In this paper, we critically and creatively review the concepts and properties of a particular type integer additive set-valuation, called arithmetic integer additive set-valuation of graphs. 2020 the author(s). -
Arming Farmers with Smart Farming: The Future of Agriculture
Internet of Things (IoT) innovation is currently one of the growing fields across a diversity of industries, together with agriculture. IoT enhances our lives by making and promoting developments in a wide range of actions to encourage them to become more appropriate, practicality, and enhanced using suitable man-made recognition. Smart agricultural frameworks recognize a social trade toward more helpful, lower-cost agribusiness because of this innovation. The proposed work is to use IoT in the agriculture industry to collect real-time data (soil moisture, temperature, and so on) to help one look at a few climate scenarios from afar, efficiently, and greatly increase production. A global solution for monitoring and managing the agricultural field remotely has been proposed. Implementation of a local stand-alone field control unit that includes detection and activation capabilities. Developed a cloud solution for data storage, real-time monitoring, and historical data visualization based on the ThingSpeak cloud platform. Remote managing and control functions have been realized in both the local unit and the cloud using IoT infrastructure. 2022 IEEE. -
AROSTEV: A Unified Framework to Enhance Secure Routing in IoT Environment
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a global network which collects, process, and analyzes the data. IoT sensors and devices are limited to low memory, power, and processing capabilities. The RPL is a proactive routing protocol which is mainly intended for the IoT. There is a possibility of routing vulnerabilities, which masquerade the data in IoT environment. In order to overcome this problem, a framework called AROSTEV is proposed which comprises of three techniques such as RDAID, RIAIDRPL, and E2V. The primary objective of AROSTEV framework is to detect and mitigate the routing attacks such as rank decreased attack (RDA), rank increased attack (RIA), and rank inconsistency attack (RInA), respectively. Each technique takes the responsibility to progress its activity against the internal routing attacks. This framework can be used to implement the smart city environment. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Art Therapy for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in India
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of art therapy for 9 children with autism spectrum disorder in India using a prepost experimental design with a control group. The Childhood Autism Rating Scale was used to measure symptoms before and after 8 individual art therapy sessions, and changes in the childrens art development was also examined. Analysis of covariance results showed that art therapy was effective and content analysis of the drawings indicated progress seen in the developmental art stages, based on Lowenfeld theory. The positive changes were notable in the participants cognitive, social, and motor skills. 2019, AATA, Inc. 2019. -
Artemisia stelleriana-mediated ZnO nanoparticles for textile dye treatment: a green and sustainable approach
Textile effluents being one of the major reasons for water pollution raises major concern for water bodies and the habitation surrounding them. The lack of biologically safer treatment solutions creates a major concern for the disposal of these effluents. The present study focuses on the degradation of textile dyes using leaf extract of Artemisia stelleriana-assisted nanoparticles of zinc oxide (ZnO-NPs). ZnO NPs synthesized were confirmed using spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction and microscopic analysis. The current research utilizes widely used major textile dyes, Reactive Yellow-145 (RY-145), Reactive Red-120 (RR-120), Reactive Blue-220 (RB-220) and Reactive Blue-222A (RB-222A), which are released accidentally or due to the non-availability of cost-effi-cient, dependable and environment-friendly degradation methods, making this work a much-needed one for preventing the discharge before treatment. The biosynthesized ZnO-NPs were top-notch catalysts for the reduction of these dyes, which is witnessed by a gradual decrease in absorbance maximum values. After 320 min, ZnO-NPs under UV light exposure showed 99, 95, 94 and 45% degradations of RY-145, RR-120, RB-220 and RB-222A dyes, respectively. The phytotoxicity study conducted at two trophic levels revealed that the A. stelleriana-mediated ZnO-NPs have great potential for the degradation of textile dyes, allowing them to be scaled up to large-scale treatments. 2023 The Authors. -
Artemisinin: A potent antimalarial drug
Artemisinin is known to be a potent antimalarial drug which is naturally obtained from the plant Artemisia annua L. Malaria is a global health problem with nearly 1.2 billion people at high risk. In 2001, WHO recognised artemisinin based combination therapies (ACTs), as the frontline drugs to fight against malaria and therefore, artemisinin is the most effective anti-malarial drug. It appears to be a safe drug with no adverse reactions or noticeable side effects, even for pregnant women. However, access to ACTs by malarial patients, especially in poor countries, is inadequate due to high volatility in price, unpredictable demand and low yield from A. annua. The huge gap in demand and supply has motivated researchers to explore artemisinin production in alternative systems like bacteria, yeast and tobacco. Scientists have been successful in producing this wonder molecule in heterologous hosts. Challenges associated with large-scale production and drug resistance against artemisinin has also been discussed to present a comprehensive picture of artemisnin production, application and limitations. 2019 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. -
Artificial Butterfly Optimizer Based Two-Layer Convolutional Neural Network with Polarized Attention Mechanism for Human Activity Recognition
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a focal point of study in the realms of human perception and computer vision due to its widespread applicability in various contexts, such as intelligent video surveillance, ambient assisted living, HCI, HRI, IR, entertainment, and intelligent driving. With the prevalence of deep learning techniques for image classification, researchers have shifted away from the labor-intensive practice of hand-crafting in favor of these methods in HAR. However, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) face challenges such as the receptive field problem and limited sample issues that remain unsolved. This paper introduces a two-branch convolutional neural network for HAR classification, incorporating a polarized full attention method to address the aforementioned issues. The Artificial Butterfly Optimization (ABO) is employed for optimal hyper-parameter tuning. The proposed network utilizes twobranch CNNs to efficiently extract data, simplifying convolutional layers' kernel sizes to enhance network training and suitability for low-data settings. Feature extraction effectiveness is improved by implementing the one-shot assembly method. To amalgamate feature maps and provide global context, an enhanced full attention block called polarized full attention is utilized. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model in detecting human behaviors on the LoDVP Abnormal Behaviors dataset and the UCF50 dataset. Furthermore, the suggested model is adaptable to incorporate new sensor data, making it particularly valuable for real-time human activity identification applications. The Recall is 100 for the 1st dataset, 94 for the 2nd dataset, and 100 for the 3rd dataset, respectively. The F1-Score is 96.61836 for the 1st dataset, 96.90722 for the 2nd dataset, and 98.03922 for the 3rd dataset, respectively. 2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license ( All Rights Reserved.