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Convergence of Health Expenditure and Health Outcomes in Central Europe and the Baltic Region
This research work examines the convergence of health expenditure in Central Europe and the Baltic region. The study reveals the absolute convergence in per capita health expenditures, indicating similar health outcomes for all eleven countries of the region. However, there is a divergence in health expenditure and outcomes across the eleven countries. Notably, public health expenditure diverges in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, and Norway, while, private health expenditure converges in Poland, Russia, and Sweden. Despite an overall convergence in life expectancy at birth across the countries, mortality rates due to non-communicable diseases only converge in Estonia. 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
The Role of Perceived Organisational Support in Predicting Organisational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Professional Organizations
The study examined the "role of perceived organisational support in predicting organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour in professional organisations". The primary data was acquired through a questionnaire from 200 respondents (employees from the finance and technology sectors) via a stratified random sampling technique. Excel and SPSS 26 were utilised for data analysis, and Statistical tools such as Anova, regression and correlation were used. The results demonstrated that perceived organisational support (POS) positively influences organisational commitment. Moreover, it has been found that perceived organisational support (POS) and organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB) in professional organisations have a substantial correlation, and there are significant differences in the perception of organisational support, commitment, and OCB among professionals working in the technology and finance sectors. This study can assist decision-makers and managers in the finance and technology sector in creating a comprehensive plan for organisational support and development programs that effectively include employees in their job responsibilities. The study provides valuable insights into the importance of perceived organisational support in fostering organisational commitment and citizenship behaviour. 2024, Creative Publishing House. All rights reserved. -
Development and validation of multi-dimensional scale of grit
Positive psychology nurtures the potent qualities of individuals and aids them in carving a niche for themselves. Based on this theoretical foundation, a non-cognitive trait-like grit plays an imperative role in attaining high achievement. Previous studies have identified three dimensions of grit: perseverance of effort, consistency of interest and adaptability to situations. Recent research has criticized the dimension consistency of interest in a collectivist context. The present study provides an account of grit in view of eastern perspectives to check the suitability of the construct in India. Current findings provide a framework for the development and validation of Multi-Dimensional Scale of Grit reveals four dimensions of grit, namely, adaptability to situation, perseverance of effort, spirited initiative and steadfastness in adverse situations. It also provides an insight regarding the duration of goal attainment with respect to grit. The research conducted over three studies included Indian university students to develop and examine the psychometric properties of grit. Study 1 focused on item analysis and development of the factor structure through exploratory factor analysis. Study 2 confirmed the previously obtained factor structure through confirmatory factor analysis. In study 3, the psychometric properties of the scale were measured through test-retest reliability and validity, criterion, convergent and divergent. Results indicated that Multi-Dimensional Scale of Grit is a reliable and valid measure. It also indicated that the obtained 12 items and four dimensions were in synchronization with the relevant eastern perspective. 2021 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. -
As the society has shifted from the industrial to the information era, recreation activities in organisations represents ever more important area of social responsibility and organisational growth. Organisations of all hue and texture- governmental,private or commercial enterprises- will need well planned and aligned recreational facilities to ramp up their productivity.Todays challenging social context increasingly calls on the leadership expertise of these organisations to address the important issue of human resources ??burnout. Their charge is to contribute to quality of life of the people at their organisations in the dynamic context of new modes of communication, new information, changing demographics, changing attitudes towards work and play, individualism and globalisation. A recreation facility is provided in premises or precincts of an organisation,for fun,diversion,enjoyment relaxation,amusement and physical, psychological, spiritual or social well being of members of the organisation. Activities engaged in the facility are planned by management with the view to enhance productivity by looking at the well being and development of employees. It is inclusive of hiring recreation organisations services. The steel baron Andrew Carnegie endowed hundreds of public libraries across the country in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, explaining, "How a man spends his time at work may be taken for granted but how he spends his hours of recreation is really the key to his progress in all the virtues." Among the important literatures, study by Sabarirajan, Meharajan & Arun. (2010) titled Positive correlation between welfare activities and employee attitude in textile mills, remains prominent beacon of welfare studies on Indian organisations. In this exploratory research the authors have established the positive influence of various welfare activities practiced in Indian organisations on employee attitudes including employee productivity.The study has concluded that,generally, welfare measures are recreational,medical, educational, housing, sanitation and so on. Every organization provides the statutory welfare measures but some organizations provides some more welfare facilities to the employees so that they may retain the employees and by improving their quality of work life. By the result of improved quality of work life among the employees their involvement in job gets increased and results in increased productivity of the organization. The organizations maintaining smooth relationship between workers and management, which leads to attainment of organisation goals. Recreational facilities has received a great deal of interest by human resources management, professionals and organisational behaviour researchers in Western countries over the years; however, its practice is fairly nascent in Indian organisations. The organisations in India are facing many diverse and complex challenges of the growing economy and ever increasing demands of the workplace. Recreational facilities at the place of work play bigger and a vital role in ensuring an organisational sustained productivity by systematically building team, leadership and communicative skills. Enhanced and informal contact amongst all employees across hierarchy enriches and secures retention of cultural, social and intellectual assets, its skill and inventiveness. This study analysed organisational employees perceptions of Recreational facilities, Recreation activities and Employee contribution as one of the consequences of recreational facilities. 202 employees from 10 organizations (5 manufacturing and 5 IT services) were surveyed. The judgemental sampling technique was adopted to draw the sample. A questionnaire was designed and pilot tested. The reliability of the questionnaire was above . 850 (Cronchbachs Alpha reliability). The major findings of the study were: 1.Statistical analysis and interpretation of data reveal that organisations have provided varying level of recreational facilities to their employees since the level of perception of importance of recreational facilities varied considerably.Overall, the perception of the facilities was moderate. 2. Employees perception of level of recreation activities provided was higher than recreational facilities although the perception varied considerably again. Employee perception of recreation facilities was high. 3.The level of perception of importance of employee contribution as a result of recreational facilities varied considerably in the range. The mean value was considerably high at mean value of 5.89, with standard deviation 1.00. 4.There was significant correlation between the perception of importance of recreational facilities and recreational activities and the level of employee contribution. Thus, the level of employee contribution has been found to be related to each of the perception of importance of recreational facilities and recreational activities. 5.Multiple linear regression of level of employee contribution on the independent variables of perception of importance of recreational facilities and perception of importance of recreational activities was found to be statistically significant. Both of the independent variables were found to have a significant impact on the level of employee contribution, and together explained 60.2% of the overall variation in level of employee contribution. 6.There were significant differences in the perception of importance of recreational facilities, recreation activities and the level of employee contribution across variable demographics. The study empirically indicates that employee contribution made to the organisation productivity is strongly linked to recreational facilities provided by the organisation to their employees.In addition,at the same time it also reveals that the employees perceive only moderate recreational facilities from their organisations.This means that the system of recreational facilities and recreation activities in the organisations is yet not formalised and is ad-hoc and haphazard. Organisations should dedicate efforts to increase perception of recreation among the employees by including the aspects and goals of recreation in the organisational strategy. -
MARS: Manual andAutomatic Robotic Sanitization onSocial Milieu
Sanitization is not a new term, but with the evolution of deadly COVID-19, the process came into the limelight quickly. The process was already utilized widely in hospitals, vaccination centers, food processing units, and medicine industries and suddenly became crucial in every domain related to our lives. Even though sanitization is considered the first line of defense against pandemic viruses like COVID-19, it is highly difficult to sanitize every nook and corner of bigger buildings and external structures like airports, railway stations, theaters, institutions, and hospitals. Slight carelessness to eliminate the virus from the sanitization process can reciprocate in the pandemic spread. Our proposed work deals with utilizing the accuracy and precision of robots to effectively sanitize bigger structures. The multi-faceted methodology of the work manages the comprehensive investigation of the robotic unit for the social setting. The concentrate additionally stretches out to refine the standard human behavioral reaction for modern robotic consideration in our lives. This will ease up the process and, at the same time, will reduce the chance of human error. The robotic structure is powered by a 12 V rechargeable battery, which has manual and automation cleaning modes. During manual mode, we control the robot with an Android application installed on the phone and connected with the robot through Bluetooth wireless connectivity. During automation, the mode robot moves in different directions and cleans and sanitizes the area independently. There is an ESP8266-based IoT connection unit to update the overall process for the cloud. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
Imagining the sustainable future with Industry 6.0: A smarter pathway for modern society and manufacturing industries
Industry is defined as the production of goods and services through the transformation of raw materials and resources into valuable products. It involves the creation of finished products or services through various stages of production that may include manufacturing, processing, assembly, packaging, and distribution. Industries have played a significant role in the economic growth and development of nations throughout history. They have contributed to the creation of employment opportunities, the development of new technologies, and the improvement of living standards. Over the years, the industrial sector has gone through numerous changes, and each of these changes has been termed as an "Industry Revolution." 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Analysing Collaborative Contributions and Sentiments in the Quantum Computing Ecosystem
Quantum computing, a revolutionary paradigm leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, has emerged as a transformative technology with the potential to solve complex problems at unparalleled speeds. Within the quantum computing ecosystem, companies and research institutes play pivotal roles in advancing hardware, algorithms, and applications. This research explores the transformative landscape of quantum computing, focusing on key contributors such as Google, IBM, D-Wave, Azure, Amazon, Intel, EeroQ, and IonQ. Through sentiment analysis, topic modelling, and thematic analysis, the study aims to comprehensively understand the current state and trends within the quantum computing ecosystem. The findings unveil an overall positive sentiment and identified topics ranging from cloud computing services to quantum computing advancements. Thematic analysis provides actionable insights, emphasizing collaboration within the ecosystem. Rooted in the analysis of secondary data from key companies' articles, the methodology establishes a robust framework for discerning contributions, collaborations, and strategic orientations in quantum computing. 2024 IEEE. -
A comprehensive view of artificial intelligence (ai)-based technologies for sustainable development goals (sdgs)
Agenda 2030, aimed at sustainable and inclusive development through seventeen SDGs formulated by the United Nations (UN), has become a massive challenge for most nations around the world. Many countries are setting a plan of action for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. Due to this, industries are under immense pressure to mitigate harmful emissions and incorporate SD in their business activities. In the past decade, AI has grown as the dominating technology which influences nearly every aspect of human life, i.e., society, business, environment, etc. This chapter provides a comprehensive view of AI-driven technological applications in achieving SDGs. It provides a snapshot of the emerging relationship between AI applications and sustainable development and how AI could be used to create sustainable business models. Large-scale adoption of AI-driven technologies has enormous potential from the sustainable development perspective. The purpose of this chapter is to map the application of AI-based technological tools and solutions with the various SDGs. Further, this chapter also extends the discussion on AI-based technology as an enabler of or barrier to addressing sustainable development issues. It provides an important insight for policymakers, practitioners, investors, and other stakeholders about the conducive influence of AI on society, governance, and ecology in line with the priorities underlined in the UN SDGs. 2024 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. -
Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and Secure Data Sharing enabled through Blockchain
Blockchain technologies are sweeping the globe. Cloud computing & secure data sharing have emerged as new technologies, owing to current advances in machine learning. Conventional machine learning algorithms need the collection & processing of training information on centralized systems. With the introduction of new decentralized machine learning algorithms & cloud computing, ML on-device information learning is now a reality. IoT gadgets may outsource training duties to cloud computing services to enable AI at the network's perimeter. Furthermore, these dispersed edges intelligence architectures bring additional issues, also including consumer confidentiality & information safety. Blockchain has been proposed as a viable alternative to these issues. Blockchain, as a dispersed intelligent database, has evolved as a revolutionary innovation for the future phase of multiple industries' uses due to its decentralized, accessible, & safe structure. This system also includes trustworthy automatic scripting running & unchangeable information recordings. As quantum technologies have proven more viable in the latest days, blockchain has faced prospective challenges from quantum computations. In this paper, we summarize the existing material in the study fields of blockchain-based cloud computing, machine learning, and secure data sharing, as well as a basic orientation to post-quantum blockchain to offer a summary of the existing state-of-the-art in these cutting-edge innovations. 2022 IEEE. -
Students Perception of Chat GPT
An artificial intelligence based Chatbot, ChatGPT was launched by Open AI in November 2022. In the field of education, ChatGPT has several benefits as well as challenges. Chat GPT can be considered as an advanced and a powerful tool to enhance the learning experience. It adds value to the education system only when it is used wisely. However, it is important to understand that the challenges must be addressed. It may act as a good source for collating the information, but it is always advised by the researchers that ones own perspective must be added to draw inferences from the output generated by ChatGPT. Our study supports the finding that ChatGPT can be used for the generation of ideas or to learn a new language. It also becomes imperative for the faculties to motivate students to use ChatGPT and add their inferences as well. AI models like ChatGPT can provide assistance, answer questions and provide explanations on various topics, making learning more accessible and tailored to individual needs. With this paper, we aim to provide a more informed discussion around the usage of ChatGPT in education. 2023 IEEE. -
Influence of radiative transfer on Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni canvection in a couple-stress fluid saturated porous medium
The problem of Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection in a couple-stress fluid saturated porous medium with thermal radiation is studied within the framework of linear stability analysis. Only infinitesimal disturbances are considered. The linear stability analysis is based on the normal mode technique. The Darcy law is used to model the momentum equation. The fluid between the boundaries absorbs and emits thermal radiation. The boundaries are treated as black bodies. The absorption coefficient of the fluid is assumed to be the same at all wavelengths and to be independent of the physical state. The principle of exchange of stabilities is valid and the existence of oscillatory instability is ruled out. The expression for the stationary Darcy-Rayleigh number is obtained as a function of the governing parameters, viz., the wave number, the couple-stress parameter, the conduction-radiation parameter, the absorptivity parameter, the Marangoni number and the Biot number. The Galerkin method is used to determine the eigenvalues. The effect of various parameters on the stability of the fluid layer is discussed through figures and tables. -
A Heuristic Model For Personalised Risk Assesment of PCOS
According to WHO 8-13% of women are affected by Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) out of which 70% women remain undiagnosed, it is a common endocrine disorder necessitating early diagnosis for timely intervention. In this paper a heuristic model is developed for PCOS prediction, by combining XGBoost and Random Forest through stacking techniques. Class imbalance was addressed using Random Oversampling. Cross-validation demonstrated the meta-model's superior accuracy compared to individual XGBoost and Random Forest models, highlighting its potential for reliable PCOS prediction. It is observed that the best possible results that the meta-model was able to provide was a score of 93.5% which was acquired in the 4th sample, the lowest score was 87.90% attained in the 2nd sample. To finalise the results, the mean accuracy was calculated which is 90.98% with a standard deviation of 1.96. deterministic model offers reproducible results and interpretability, aiding clinical decision-making. Future research could explore additional biomarkers and probabilistic techniques for personalized risk assessment. 2024 IEEE. -
Analysis of secure cloud storage provisioning for medical image management system
Medical images are considered to be the most sensitive images as it contains various health related sensitive information of an individual and it is necessary for the health care organization to maintain the sensitivity of these images without anybody misusing these data. When these images are transferred digitally through a network in order to store it in cloud for easy access for the authorities of the health care system, it is important to compress and encrypt these images to reduce the size and safeguard the information before storing and make sure that these images are transferred securely. In this paper, we use Huffman Coding technique in order to compress the image for easy transmission and to consume less storage space in cloud. To maintain the confidentiality of these images Blowfish encryption methodology is used. Once the image undergoes compression and encryption, the encrypted image is transferred and stored in a cloud storage. IAEME Publication. -
Application of artificial neural networks in optimizing MPPT control for standalone solar PV system
Increasing demand of power supply and the limited nature of fossil fuel has resulted for the world to focus on renewable energy resources. Solar photovoltaic (PV) energy source being the most easily available, it is considered to have the potential to meet the ever increasing energy demand. Developing an intelligent system with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to track the Maximum Power Point (MPP) of a PV Array is being proposed in this paper. The system adopts Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) architecture to optimize the control of Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for PV Systems. A PV array has non-linear output characteristics due to the insolation, temperature variations and the optimum operating point needs to be tracked in order to draw maximum power from the system. The output of the intelligent MPPT controller can be used to control the DC/DC converters to achieve maximum efficiency. 2014 IEEE. -
The Accountability of Stakeholders in Combating Domestic Violence with Women in India
As per the Hindu tradition, women are considered as ardhangini and the western civilisation considers them as better half. Since ancient times, women have been considered as the epitome of love, kindness, care and above all the mother of mankind. But on the contrary, the most terrible and horrifying cruelties are imposed upon her. The predominant type of violence which is inflicted upon a woman is domestic violence also known as intimate partner violence. According to the World Health Organisation, almost one third, i.e., 27% of the women aged between 15 and 49 years, who have been in a relationship report that they have been subjected to some form of physical or sexual violence by their intimate partner. The issue of domestic violence has been addressed at both international and national levels, but still there exists a persistent gap in enforcing and implementing them. And this can be easily proved from the continuous rise in the cases of domestic violence worldwide, especially during the COVID times. The problem that needs to be addressed at hand is the role of several accountable stakeholders involved in the process of providing access to justice to the women affected by domestic violence. According to the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (2005), in India, the several stakeholders include the protection officers, service providers, lawyers, police officers, shelter homes and judges. These are the people with whom the power to protect and help the women are vested, but instead the affected women fall a prey to this system due to various reasons like lack of resources, fewer power and many more which will be further discussed in the article. 2024 selection and editorial matter Dr. Shilpi Sharma and Baidya nath Mukherjee; individual chapters, the contributors. -
The most common kind of sexual or physical abuse suffered by women is that by a partner. Human rights are violated when males or boys use violence against women or girls. When it comes to domestic abuse, it is estimated that one in three women will experience some kind of gender-based violence at some point in their lives. The number of women who have been abused by a romantic partner or a non-relationship sexual partner is estimated to reach 736 million. For years, the worlds leaders have recognised its seriousness. In 1995, the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action said that violence against women must be eliminated. Within the UNs 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, aworldwide goal to abolish all kinds of violence against women and girls in public and private spaces was added. Global action was called for in 2016 by the World Health Assemblys Resolution 69.5, which urged anational multisector approach to combating violence against women and young girls. In spite of all of these responsibilities, 49 countries still dont have a clear policy on domestic abuse. Lower and lower-middle-income women nations are particularly vulnerable to this violence, which has long-term effects on their health and well-being. In the worlds poorest nations, women aged 15 to 49 have a lifetime frequency of domestic abuse of 37 percent. One in every four women who have ever been in a relationship has been a victim of domestic abuse at some point in their lives. 2023, University of Tyumen. All rights reserved. -
Graphene doped spray dried ceramic nano oxides for high capacity battery electrodes
Electric vehicles or portable electronic devices have come to rely heavily upon electrochemical devices, such as rechargeable batteries with optimum charge discharge characteristics, current ratings, charge-discharge rate (rate capability), cyclability etc. to perform under the expected service conditions. One of the goals of a rechargeable battery materials researcher is to fabricate materials to realize solid-state batteries with high reliability and lithium-air batteries with ultimate capacities. Most of the materials although possess high theoretical energy density values: invariably suffer from inferior cyclic performance. The performance of these batteries is guided by the electrodes within these devices which in turn depend upon the materials used to fabricate them. Chemical composition and its uniformity, consistency in microstructural features, and adequate choice of various layers that may be in the form of coatings to be overlaid on the base materials mostly comprised of ceramic oxides such as oxides of Li doped with niobates, manganates, vanadate etc. with carbon or graphene coated over layers to provide with the suitable interfacial conductivity as electrode materials in Li-ion batteries. The interfacial layers and the mechanism of interfacial phenomena encompassing the grains play a significant role in determining the performance. Optimum microstructure is obtained by choosing the right processing equipment and spray drying the composition in slurry form provides the most optimum solution. Further, spray drying offers high potential for a transfer from a lab scale technology to industrial level extrapolation. In this paper, nano graphene has been spray dried along with nano alumina grains in water media and polyvinyl alcohol binder to ascertain the free flowability, consistency in formation of graphene over layer on alumina grains as well as uniformity in graphene on alumina composition. The free flowing spray dried graphene coated alumina powders were analysed via SEM, EDS and XRD and results are presented. Additional information based on a review conducted on published information on most popular compositions in terms of electrode materials such as in Li-ion, sodium-ion etc have also been included. In the review section the rapidly increasing literature on spray drying of solutions and suspensions are also included. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
EASM: An efficient AttnSleep model for sleep Apnea detection from EEG signals
This paper addresses the crucial task of automatic sleep stage classification to assist sleep experts in diagnosing sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and insomnia. The proposed solution presents a novel attention-based deep learning model called, Efficient Attention-sleep Model (EASM), designed specifically for sleep apnea detection using EEG signals. EASM incorporates a streamlined architecture that includes a modified Muti-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network (MRCNN), Adaptive Feature Recalibration (AFR), and a simplified Temporal Context Encoder (TCE) module to reduce complexity. To mitigate overfitting, ridge regression is utilized, which incorporates a penalty term to enhance model generalization. Furthermore, the proposed EASM utilizes a class-balanced focal loss function to address data imbalance issues. The effectiveness of EASM is evaluated on two publicly available datasets, SLEEP EDF-20 and SLEEP EDF-78. Comparative analysis of EASM against state-of-the-art models demonstrates its superior performance in terms of accuracy, training time, and model complexity. Notably, the proposed model achieves a 50% reduction in training time and a 55.7% decrease in complexity compared to the Attnsleep model. The EASM achieves a classification accuracy of 85.8% with minimum loss when compared to the Attnsleep model. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
Farm field security system using CNN and GSM module
Loss of crops and the destruction of livestock have been a major problem for many people in rural areas due to grass-fed animals whose food is derived from plants. According to research 32% are herbivores [1]. Reduced emissions from deforestation as well as deforestation are the main reason for wildlife moving towards urban areas. It results in wildlife infestation and human and animal conflicts. Therefore, compensating for the rapid loss of crops and the slaughter of livestock requires animal shelter and isolation in order to restrict the entry of animals into farm fields. The paper describes an effective and reliable way to identify and repel wildlife from farmland and to send real-time data to the farmer indicating animal attack on fields. An image of an animal will be obtained by convolution neural networks using intensive reading algorithms that provide a message to the farmer using the GSM module. It uses a user alert system and the animal scaring method. The test results show that the proposed algorithm has high visual accuracy. The detection level of the test set is achievable and the detection result is reliable. 2024 Author(s). -
Test case reduction and SWOA optimization for distributed agile software development using regression testing
Regression testing is a well-established practice in software development, but its position and importance have shifted in recent years as agile approaches have grown in popularity, emphasizing the fundamental role of regression testing in preserving software quality. In previous techniques, the challenge to address is determining the number and size of clusters and optimization to stabilize the cost and efficacy of the strategy. To overcome all the existing drawbacks; this research study proposes test case reduction and Support-based Whale Optimization Algorithm (SWOA) for distributed agile software development using regression testing. The purpose of this research study is to look into regression testing strategies in agile development teams and to find out what they are optimum clustered test cases. The proposed strategy is divided into two stages: prioritization as well as selection. Prioritization and selection are carried out once the test instances have been retrieved and grouped. The test case clusters are sorted and prioritized in this stage to ensure that the most critical instances are chosen first. During this stage, the test case clusters undergo sorting and prioritization to guarantee that the most essential cases are selected initially. Second, the SWOA is used to choose test cases with a greater frequency of failure or coverage criterion. The results of the assessment metrics show that the proposed approach outperforms other current regression testing strategies substantially. Based on experimental findings, our proposed approach betters existing methods in terms of information performance. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024.