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Assessment of artificial intelligence-based digital learning systems in higher education amid the pandemic using analytic hierarchy
The devastating effects of the 2020 worldwide COVID-19 virus epidemic prompted widespread lockdowns and restrictions, which will continue to be felt for decades. The repercussions of the pandemic have been most noticeable among educators and their students, which boosts the effectiveness of various AI-based learning systems in the education system. This study examines the AI-based digital learning platforms in higher education institutions based on various characteristics and uses of these systems. Several significant aspects of AI-based digital learning systems were obtained from the available literature, and significant articles were selected to properly examine various characteristics and functions of AI-based digital learning platforms used by multiple higher education institutions. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) is employed to rank multiple AI-based learning systems based on key factors and their sub-factors. The studys outcome revealed which AI systems are effectively used in developing digital learning systems by various higher education institutions. The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2024. -
Assessment of Attitude and Knowledge of Law Students towards Tele-evidence Facility for Doctors
A doctor's role not only includes patient care but also to provide evidence in the court as and when called upon to do so. Evidence giving in the court leads to an additional burden on the doctor with regards to the time and money spent on travelling, cancellation of the hearing after reaching the court, etc. An alternative for all these problems can be tele-evidence. This study aims to know the attitude and perception of final year undergraduate law students towards tele-evidence facilities for doctors. A cross sectional study was done using a questionnaire-based survey. The Likert scale questionnaire was used to assess the attitude, and the Cronbach alpha coefficient checked the Likert items' internal consistency. The analysis of the data was done using SPSS version 25. When summarised by median and mode for the individual Likert items, the results showed that the final year undergraduate law students have a positive outlook towards tele-evidence facilities for doctors but lack exposure to such advances. A study taking into account the opinion of practising lawyers and judges, especially those who have done court hearings using tele-evidence facilities for doctors, needs to be done. 2024, Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. All rights reserved. -
Assessment of Battery Technologies for Future of Electro-Mobility in Emerging Markets
In the outset of economic growth, the emerging country like India faces challenges due to rapid urbanization, infrastructure and city-congestion. The increased demand for mobility and a pivotal role of internal combustion engines from decades in the transportation segment have led to two influencing factors i.e., increased dependency on the oil import from fuel rich countries and alarming levels of emission. Hence it is essential for a country like India to venture into newer technologies to reform the transportation segment, reduce the dependency on the oil import and also has a positive impact on the pollutants. There are few technological barriers for the development of electric vehicles over internal combustion (IC) engines in terms of cost and performance of the vehicle. Along with the reduction of emissions, the electric vehicles should exhibit considerably good specific energy density and specific power density to emulate over the conventional (IC) engines. The three major constituents of electric vehicles are the battery, electric engine and the controller. The energy storage device forms the crux of the electric vehicle and has a significant role in its performance as well as forms the expensive component of the vehicle. Hence this paper involves the evaluation of various battery technologies, their performance requirements and options feasible for electric vehicles of the future. 2018 IEEE. -
Assessment of bioactivity of the novel exopolysaccharide secreted by Bacillus subtilis isolated from the gut of marine anchovies
The current work focuses on the isolation, characterization, and purification of an exopolysaccharide secreted by a novel bacterium isolated from dried anchovies. The bacterium was identified as Bacillus subtilis using 16S sequencing. B. subtilis in MRS medium produced exopolysaccharide (EPS), which gave a maximum yield of 1928 mg/L. The total molecular weight of the polysaccharide present was around 20 kDa. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy of the EPS displays the existence of methylene, carboxyl, and hydroxyl groups. Atomic force microscopy indicates a highly cross-linked structure with lumps. Scanning electron microscopy studies showed a coarse surface. The EPS also showed emulsification potential. This study shows that the EPS is a prospective candidate for further studies on their applications. 2024 Thejaswi Bhandary and Paari Kuppusamy Alagesan. -
Assessment of composite materials on encrypted secret message in image steganography using RSA algorithm
The use of the internet in this modern era is increased many fold. The communications between different peers take place in digital form. While sharing the messages between different recipients, the confidentiality of the messages is very important. For creating the high level of security while sharing the secret messages, the cryptographic algorithms are introduced along with steganography. Image Steganography is a methodology used to hide the messages inside of the cover image. Initially, the secret information is encrypted by using the RSA Algorithm. Then the encrypted secret information is hidden in the Least Significant Bit (LSB) of the different components of the color image in such a way that the original quality of the image to be minimized. The recipient of the message is able to retrieve the encrypted secret message from the LSB bit of stego_image and then the cipher text is converted into original plain text by using the RSA algorithm. The proposed algorithm verified and analysed its performance against the different combinations of key pairs. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
Assessment of diversity, abundance, and seasonal variatons of bird species in Bengaluru District, India during COVID-19 lockdown
The study investgates bird populaton dynamics in Bengaluru, India, post-lockdown, focusing on occurrence, seasonal abundance, species diversity, richness, dominance, and evenness. It covers 55 bird species across 52 genera, grouped into 32 families within 13 orders, with a notable peak in winter. Various indices, including Shannon Wiener, Margalefs, Pielous, and Simpsons, reveal signifcant seasonal diferences in bird populaton characteristcs. The Rock Pigeon Columba livia dominates, while the Black-headed Ibis Threskiornis melanocephalus is less prevalent. The study identfes Near Threatened species like Black-headed Ibis and Oriental Darter Anhinga melanogaster, along with Least Concern species per the IUCN Red List. Common species include Rock Pigeon, Large-billed Crow Corvus macrorhynchos, House Crow Corvus splendens, Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus, Brown Shrike Lanius cristatus, Common Myna Acridotheres trists, Jungle Myna Acridotheres fuscus, Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus, and Streak-throated Swallow Petrochelidon fuvicola. The study aims to inform improved management and conservaton strategies for Bengalurus diverse bird species. Hemanth et al. 2024. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of this artcle in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton -
Assessment of Enablers for Adoption of Blockchain Technology in the Indian Hospitality Industry
Purpose The chapter attempts to analyse various enablers for implementing blockchain technology in the Indian hospitality sector and examine the appropriate set of facilitators through the causal interactions among the enablers. Design/methodology/approach To analyse the enablers for the adoption of blockchain, the tool used is the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL), which captures the judgements provided by the experts in the field for the cause-and-effect enablers and the interaction effect among these enablers. Findings The literature suggests fifteen enablers classified into cause-and-effect enabler groups and interactions (i.e., enabling and enabled) among each blockchain adoption practice. The study reveals a reduction in cost and transparency as the most significant cause enablers and the effect variables as trust and database security. Research limitations/implications The results generate various enablers that can be focused upon for bringing out various significant interventions in the field. The study, however, provides an understanding of the enablers for this specific industry in the Indian context. Practical implications The results may be useful for devising policies and managerial implications related to adopting blockchain technology in the hospitality sector. Originality/value Very few researchers have integrated the role of grey DEMATEL techniques in the hospitality industry. 2024 selection and editorial matter, Park Thaichon, Pushan Kumar Dutta, Pethuru Raj Chelliah and Sachin Gupta; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Assessment of male millennial digital purchase intent with regard to online fashion
There has been a tremendous growth in the number of people opting for online purchases in recent years especially among the tech savvy millennials not just in tier 1 city by also in tier 2 and 3 cities of Karnataka, Reasons for such a massive growth can be a result of several benefits offered by online shopping such as convenience, time-saving, reduces time and cost of travelling and avoiding traffic chaos in metro cities and so on. Also, we can observe from previous studies that online shopping is widely preferred by females when compared to males in India and also male millennials are reluctant to opt for online purchases (Chaudhary et al.2022). Thus, there exists a need to find out the factors affecting digital purchase intent among male millennials with regard to online fashion Purchases. This study aims to assess the validity and reliability of the measurement instrument, assess the issues and challenges faced by male millennials and mediating effect of e-satisfaction and e-experience. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Assessment of microsatellite instability for screening bladder cancer in high-risk population
Aims: This study aims to determine the diagnostic efficacy of microsatellite markers for screening bladder cancer in population at high risk. Materials and Methods: A population of 200 people was screened for bladder cancer using a set of microsatellite markers. Urine samples were obtained from four different types of population groups - Group 1 (healthy population group), Group 2 (current smokers with a smoking history of more than 10 years), Group 3 (bladder cancer group), and Group 4 (bladder cancer group who were former smokers with a history of more than 10 years). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify microsatellite sequences at D9S63, D9S156, and D9S283. PCR products were separated on 1.8% agarose gel and were scanned using ultraviolet transilluminator. Results: In Group 2 (high-risk population group, mainly current smokers with a history of more than 10 years), microsatellite alterations were found in 36 out of 50 people. We observed microsatellite alterations in 38 out of 50 people in Group 3 (bladder cancer group) and in 39 out of 50 people in Group 4 (bladder cancer group, mainly former smokers with a history of more than 10 years). The sensitivity of this test in Group 2, Group 3, and Group 4 was found to be 72%, 76% and 78%, respectively. The specificity of this test in each group was found to be 90%. Conclusion: Using these set of microsatellite markers, medium sensitivity and high specificity were reported for this test. The current findings suggest that a set of microsatellite markers (D9S63, D9S156, and D9S283) can be used to detect bladder cancer in high-risk population. 2018 Medknow Publications. All Rights Reserved. -
Assessment of ML techniques and suitability to predict the compressive strength of high-performance concrete (HPC)
Using industrial soil waste or secondary materials for making cement and concrete has encouraged the construction industry because it uses fewer natural resources. High-performance concrete (HPC) is recognized for its exceptional strength and sturdiness compared to conventional concrete. Accurate prediction of the compressive concentration of HPC is vital for optimizing the concrete mix design and ensuring structural integrity. Machine learning (ML) techniques have shown promise in predicting concrete properties, including compressive strength. This research focuses on various ML techniques for their suitability in predicting the compressive dilution of HPC. In this research, the Extended Deep Neural Network (EDNN) technique is used to analyze the strengths, limitations, and performance of different ML algorithms and identify the most effective methods for this specific prediction task. However, there is a problem with accuracy. Therefore, our research approach is the EDNN-centred strength characteristics prediction of HPC. In the suggested approach, data is initially acquired. Afterward, the data is pre-processed through normalization and removing missing data. Thus, the data are fed into the EDNN algorithm, which forecasts the strength characteristics of the particular mixed input designs. With the Multi-Objective Jellyfish Optimization (MOJO) technique, the value of weight is initialized in the EDNN. The activation function is the Gaussian radial function. In the experimental analysis, the implementation of the suggested EDNN is evaluated to the performance of the prevailing algorithms. When compared to current research methodologies, the proposed method performs better in this regard. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Assessment of mutagenicity caused by popular baby foods and baby plastic-ware products: An imperative study using microbial bioassays and migration analysis
Specialized products for infants have become every parent's first choice. Although these products claim to be safe and mild for infant use, yet there is a need to monitor them using different tools for mutagenicity detection to ensure further safety. In this study, a range of popular ready to eat and powdered baby foods, formula milk powders and attractive plasticware for infants were picked from the Indian market and tested for their mutagenicity using two microbial bioassays based on Salmonella typhimurium, viz., Ames bacterial reversion assay and fluctuation assay. Furthermore, chemical migration analysis was done on the most toxic baby food and baby plasticware samples as shown by the bioassays to detect possible leaching of Bisphenol a (BPA), lead and Di-2 ethyl hexyl phthalate (DEHP). It was surprising to find that the products made for the most risk-prone group in the society, i.e., infants have a significant potential to cause mutagenicity. 2018 Elsevier Inc. -
Assessment of SERVQUAL Model in Hospitals Located in Tier II Cities of India
Service quality, being an assessment of services offered to a customer or the extent to which the services offered meets customers expectations, plays a significant role in healthcare industry. Patients pay hefty prices for the services they avail from specialty hospitals and they demand quality services. Hospitals have a larger challenge in delivering these services effectively to the patients. The current study helps us understand the role of information systems in service delivery process. Most of the hospitals have adopted healthcare information systems due to the benefit it provides. The study attempts to analyze the impact of information systems on service quality in the hospitals which are located in Tier II cities. The popular SERVQUAL model is adopted for this purpose. Patients who visit the hospitals were part of the respondent group. Gap score is found in order to observe the expected and actual experience of the patients based on five dimensions. 2018, 2018 Indian Institute of Health Management Research. -
Assessment of Shear Stress Distribution in Meandering Compound Channels with Differential Roughness Through Various Artificial Intelligence Approach
Accurate prediction of shear stress distribution along the boundary in an open channel is the key to solving numerous critical engineering problems such as flood control, sediment transport, riverbank protection, and others. Similarly, the estimation of flow discharge in flood conditions is also challenging for engineers and scientists. The flow structure in compound channels becomes complicated due to the transfer of momentum between the deep main channel and the adjoining floodplains, which affects the distribution of shear force and flow rate across the width. Percentage sharing of shear force at floodplain (%Sfp) is dependent on the non-dimensional parameters like width ratio of the channel (?) , relative depth (?) , sinuosity (s) , longitudinal channel bed slope (So) , meander belt width ratio (?) , and differential roughness (?). In this paper, various artificial intelligence approaches such as multivariate adaptive regression spline (MARS), group method of data handling Neural Network (GMDH-NN), and gene-expression programming (GEP) are adopted to construct model equations for determining %Sfp for meandering compound channels with relative roughness. The influence of each parameter used in the model for predicting the %Sfp is also analyzed through sensitivity analysis. Statistical indices are employed to assess the performance of these models. Validation of the developed %Sfp model is performed for the experimental observations by conventional analytical models; to verify their effectiveness. Results indicate that the proposed GMDH-NN model predicted the %Sfp satisfactorily with the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.98 and 0.97 and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 0.05% and 0.04% for training and testing dataset, respectively as compared to GEP and MARS. The developed model is also validated with various sinuous channels having sinuosity 1.343, 1.91 and 2.06. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. -
Assessment of the strength of grignard reagent for the synthesis of secondary and tertiary alcohols of terpenes using metal plate flow reactor
The secondary and tertiary alcohols of terpenes were synthesized from aldehydes, and ketones using allyl magnesium chloride by the continuous metal flow reactor method. The flow process was conducted using metal plate reactors of 10 ml capacity in the presence of solvent mixtures, instead of large amounts of pure solvent like tetrahydrofuran. The products were isolated, and confirmed using gas chromatography and Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques respectively. Subsequently, the optimization studies were conducted to obtain mild, and economical reaction conditions, by varying the amount of allyl magnesium chloride, temperature, pressure, retention time, and flow rates. A comparison between batch processes and flow processes proved the advantages of the flow process in terms of reproducibility and product yield without the requirement of excess reagents compared to the batch process. The product yield was found to be excellent (6097 %) and reproducible at (150) gram scale through flow process. The scope of the reaction was studied by synthesizing terpene alcohols using different carbonyl compounds at optimized reaction conditions, which resulted in high product yield. This research addresses a crucial gap in terpene alcohol synthesis, offering a scalable and environmentally friendly approach with broad applicability. 2024 -
Assessment of thermal barrier effects across 8%Y2O3-ZrO2 coatings on Al-Si substrates via electrical heating source
Ceramic Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) provide protection to metals from degradation at high temperature. A major factor deciding the effectiveness of the coating in service is the temperature drop across the thickness of the coating. Common practice to determine the temperature drop is to subject the coating with a high heat providing flame with preset velocity by using combustible gases focused towards the coated surface, that keep the surface at desired stabilization temperature and the temperature is measured at the back side of the coating, i.e. at the metal side. The challenge is to heat the complete specimen surface using the flame and to reach an accurate stabilization temperature by using the flame as the heating source. In the present work, this challenge was overcome by using a uniform source of heat i.e. an electric heater on the entire coating surface. This paper presents the results obtained by studying the thermal barrier effects across TBCs by using the electrical heating source that provided the heat on the ceramic surface in a controlled and uniform manner, thereby establishing a newer assessment method. The TBCs were prepared by plasma spray coating commercial 8%Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (8YSZ) as the top ceramic coat on flat plates of Aluminium 11% Silicon alloy removed from diesel engine pistons. TBC thicknesses varied between 100?m and 600?m. Air Plasma Spray coating was employed to coat the substrates which initially were spray coated with 50-75 ?m thick bond coat of Nickel Aluminide. Thermal barrier test was conducted by heating the entire coated surface uniformly and by keeping the ceramic surface temperature constant till the stabilization in the range of 300C to 500C. The temperature drop achieved was in the range of 46C to 127C depending upon the coating thickness. Details of the tests conducted and results obtained are presented. 2019 Author(s). -
This study aims to address the effect of water quality on crop productivity on saline soils. Water quality parameters to be studied include salinity level, pH, oxygen concentration, nutrient, and heavy metal level. The study will particularly focus on irrigation water sources that are situated in regions characterised by saline soils. Moreover, there are intended growth experiments for the evaluation of various specific crops such as rice, wheat or maize with different levels of water quality. The study will incorporate sophisticated analytical tools including ion chromatography, atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), and electric field mapping (EMI) to shed light on the current water quality and soil conditions of the selected area. The experiments that we plan to conduct will involve studying the growth parameters, yield, water use efficiency and the percentage of uptake of nutrients under several water quality scenarios. The data collected in this work will ascertain the link between the values of water quality parameters, soil salinity extent and productivity of crops and will provide the basis for the creation of innovative saline soil agriculture irrigation management practices. 2024, Scibulcom Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Teaching internship assessment is a blurred area in teacher education, as it involves multiple items to assess and require multiple measurement tools. The present chapter attempts to mention various teaching internship assessment practices prevailing in teacher education programmes across the globe. It also discusses a few established training assessment frameworks, assessment standards of a few countries, new experiments assessing internships as per the review of literature, value added assessment models, overall internship effectiveness, assessment after teacher training programme, and current teaching internship assessment practices of a few countries. While exploring the assessment, the chapter also details various components considered by teacher education institutes of assessment in teaching internships. The chapter provides a birds eye view of teaching internship assessment and helps the stakeholders to note, reflect, and create an indigenous effective assessment method for teaching internships. 2023 selection and editorial matter G.S. Prakasha and Anthony Kenneth; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Asset liability management to control the volatility in net interest income and economic value through gap analysis of selected public and private sector banks /
International Journal Of Academic Research In Business And Social Science, Vol.6, Issue 1, pp.123-142, ISSN: 2222-6990. -
Asset productivity in organisations at the intersection of big data analytics and supply chain management
A close investigation is required on the fundamental instruments of an establishments big data analytics usage. This research paper mainly addresses how is an organizations value creation affected due to big data analytics usage, what is big data analytics, and what are its key antecedents in an organization to understand the aspects that influence the actual usage of big data analytics. Hence, the technology, organization, and environment framework are used. The review data collected from Indian founded corporations confirm that: organizational value creation is significantly affected by big data analytics usage in that organization; organizational BDA usage is indirectly influenced by environmental factors, technological factors, and organizational factors through top management support. Collectively, this research study will guide the business managers on the usage of big data analytics, and a theory-based comprehensive analysis of big data analytics usage and its key antecedents. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021. -
Assimilating sense into disaster recovery databases and judgement framing proceedings for the fastest recovery
The replication between the primary and secondary (standby) databases can be configured in either synchronous or asynchronous mode. It is referred to as out-of-sync in either mode if there is any lag between the primary and standby databases. In the previous research, the advantages of the asynchronous method were demonstrated over the synchronous method on highly transactional databases. The asynchronous method requires human intervention and a great deal of manual effort to configure disaster recovery database setups. Moreover, in existing setups there was no accurate calculation process for estimating the lag between the primary and standby databases in terms of sequences and time factors with intelligence. To address these research gaps, the current work has implemented a self-image looping database link process and provided decision-making capabilities at standby databases. Those decisions from standby are always in favor of selecting the most efficient data retrieval method and being in sync with the primary database. The purpose of this paper is to add intelligence and automation to the standby database to begin taking decisions based on the rate of concurrency in transactions at primary and out-of-sync status at standby. 2023 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.