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Balancing module in evolutionary optimization and Deep Reinforcement Learning for multi-path selection in Software Defined Networks
Software Defined Network (SDN) has been used in many organizations due to its efficiency in transmission. Machine learning techniques have been applied in SDN to improve its efficiency in resource scheduling. The existing models in SDN have limitations of overfitting, local optima trap and lower efficiency in path selection. This study applied Balancing Module (BM)-Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO)-Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) for multi path selection in SDN to improve its efficiency. The balancing module applies Gaussian distribution to balance between exploration and exploitation in the multi-path selection process. The Balancing module helps to escape local optima trap and increases the convergence rate. Deep Reinforcement learning is applied for resource scheduling in SDN. The Deep reinforcement learning technique uses the reward function to improve the learning performance, and the BM-SMO-CSA technique has 30 J energy consumption, where the existing models: DRL has 40 J energy consumption, and Graph-ACO has 62 J energy consumption. 2022 -
Balancing work and life inacademia: unraveling theemployee engagement mystery
Purpose: This study aims to further the understanding of employees engagement by explaining their organizational commitment through their perception of the availability of work-life benefits in the organization. This study also investigates the mediating role of job satisfaction in this context. Design/methodology/approach: The model was tested on the primary data collected in two phases from 270 teaching professionals in higher education institutes in Northern India. Barren and Kennys algorithm and hierarchical regression analysis were used to test the hypotheses. Findings: The results reveal that employees perception of work-life benefits strongly influences their organizational commitment. Also, the results support that employees job satisfaction mediates the above-mentioned relationship. Research limitations/implications: Self-reported data could be considered as a key limitation of this study and for more accurate results supervisors (line managers) perspective could also be included in future studies. Also, in addition to perceived work-life benefits, supervisors support could also have an impact on employees commitment, thus its inclusion in the model could draw a clearer picture. Originality/value: This research has two key contributions: first, it adds to the limited literature examining the employees engagement issues in the academic sector. Second, this research is one of, if not the first, to investigate perceived work-life benefits among third-level teaching staff in India to explain employees commitment to their organizations. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Ban or boon: Consumer attitude towards plastic bags ban
In Tamil Nadu, the state government has imposed a ban on plastic bags two years ago. This has created a major impact of the day to day life of common people. Though it has positive effect on the environment, the common public had different perception as a consumer. This paper aimed at studying the consumer attitude towards the ban on plastic bags. A descriptive research design adopted to address the various dimension of consumer perception towards the ban on plastic ban. A sample size of 400 respondents was selected on the basis of systematic random sampling technique to collect data through structured questionnaire. For conducting the survey, consumers of retail shops in urban and rural places were chosen as target respondents. The collected data were analyzed with the help of statistical tools such as ANOVA, t-Test, Correlation, Linear Regression and Structural equation modelling and the interpretation reported. The result revealed that only 34 percentage of respondent were aware the environmental impact of plastic bags. About 71 percentage of consumers reported that they have faced difficulties in their day to day life due to plastic ban. 2021 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Banana peels as a cost effective substrate for fungal chitosan synthesis: optimisation and characterisation
Massive accumulation of unprocessed banana peels enthralls sustainable issues as they are eventually dumped as landfills leading to emission of obnoxious gasses. To avoid these persisting challenges the present study shims lights on chitosan production from the characterised fungal strain using banana peel hydrolysate as an effective medium. Substantial amount of carbohydrate in banana peels serves as a potential solution for fungal chitosan production in a view to attain a circular bioeconomy and repurposed for synthesis of beneficial products in a cost effective manner. Presence of fermentable sugars in banana peels qualifies them as a feasible substrate which could be exploited for scaling up of fungal chitosan synthesis. Screened isolate was subjected to statistical optimisation using formulated medium to elucidate the influential factors that had significant effect on chitosan production. The harvested chitosan biomass was characterised through standardised techniques and evaluated for further studies. Statistical optimisation reveals that ammonium nitrate (5 g/L), pH (6) and incubation time (144 hrs) were the three PBD variables that had a greater influence on fungal chitosan yield. The validated developed model exhibited maximum yield of 200 mg/L, a 4.4 fold increase than unoptimised medium (45 mg/L). These findings emphasise the fermentative synthesis of chitosan through valorisation of banana peel prop up a complementary approach in concomitant with preserving renewable resources and bioproduct formation. 2023 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Banking System and Financial Inclusion Process in India: Issues and Perspectives
PSNA Journal of Business and System, Vol-3 (1), pp. 74-83. ISSN-2319-2909 -
Barbell-shaped giant radio galaxy with ? 100 kpc kink in the jet
We present for the first time a study of peculiar giant radio galaxy (GRG) J223301+131502 using deep multi-frequency radio observations from GMRT (323, 612, and 1300 MHz) and LOFAR (144 MHz) along with optical spectroscopic observations with the WHT 4.2m optical telescope. Our observations have firmly established its redshift of 0.09956 and unveiled its exceptional jet structure extending more than ? 200 kpc leading to a peculiar kink structure of ? 100 kpc. We measure the overall size of this GRG to be ? 1.83 Mpc; it exhibits lobes without any prominent hotspots and closely resembles a barbell. Our deep low-frequency radio maps clearly reveal the steep-spectrum diffuse emission from the lobes of the GRG. The magnetic field strength of ? 5 ?G and spectral ages between about 110 to 200 mega years for the radio lobes were estimated using radio data from LOFAR 144 MHz observations and GMRT 323 and 612 MHz observations. We discuss the possible causes leading to the formation of the observed kink feature for the GRG, which include precession of the jet axis, development of instabilities and magnetic reconnection. Despite its enormous size, the Barbell GRG is found to be residing in a low-mass (M200 ? 1014 M) galaxy cluster. This GRG with two-sided large-scale jets with a kink and diffuse outer lobes residing in a cluster environment, provides an opportunity to explore the structure and growth of GRGs in different environments. 2022 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved. -
Bard-Taylor ferroconvection with time-dependent sinusoidal boundary temperatures
The combined effect of centrifugal acceleration and time-varying boundary temperatures on the onset of convective instability of a rotating magnetic fluid layer is investigated by means of the regular perturbation method. A perturbation expansion in terms of the amplitude of applied temperature field is implemented to effectively deal with the effects of temperature modulation. The criterion for the threshold is established based on the condition of stationary instability manifesting prior to oscillatory convection. The modulated critical Rayleigh number is computed in terms of Prandtl number, magnetic parameters, Taylor number and the frequency of thermal modulation. It is shown that subcritical motion exists only for symmetric excitation and the destabilizing effect of magnetic mechanism is perceived only for asymmetric and bottom wall excitations. It is also delineated that, for bottom wall modulation, rotation tends to stabilize the system at low frequencies and the opposite is true for moderate and large frequencies. Furthermore, it is established that, notwithstanding the type of thermal excitation, the modulation mechanism attenuates the influences of both magnetic stresses and rotation for moderate and large frequencies. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Bardic Destinies: A Comparative Study of European Poetic and Indian Kavya-Itihasa Tradition
This volume critically explores the cultural significance and fate of the literary in the European and the Indian traditions as it traces the history of the reception of works that have had a deep hold on the lives and sensibilities of people across time and cultures. The book grapples with three major concepts in the humanitiesthe literary, the philosophical/theological and the historical. It looks at Homers reception by Plato; Virgils reception by Christianity; the many responses that The Mahabharata has received over centuries and across cultures in India; and the reception of Kumaravyasas Kumaravyasabharata, among other works, and analyses the understanding of truth, time and history that influence the reading of these works in different times and cultural contexts. Part of the Critical Humanities across Cultures series, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of philosophy, literature, history, comparative literature, cultural studies and post-colonial studies. 2024 Krishna Kanchith R. -
Barriers hindering digital transformation in SMEs
The chapter aims to find interdependencies between barriers that hinder adoption of digital transformation technologies in small and medium firms. Barriers were identified using an extensive literature review and finalized after consulting an expert panel. Next, a pairwise questionnaire was developed, and responses from essential stakeholders working with small and medium firms were collected. Data were analyzed using the DEMATEL technique. Salient challenges for implementing digital transformation technologies were identified, and the cause-and-effect relationship between the barriers was established. Lack of proper digital vision and strategy was identified as the most critical barrier that hinders adoption of digital transformation technologies in small and medium firms. Digital technologies help to improve the efficiency of the firms and improve resource utilization by facilitating timely and accurate decision making. Hence, overcoming the identified challenges in transformation will improve the operations of the production system and organizational process. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Barriers to career advancement of women chefs leading to their poor visibility in hotel industry: A study with special reference to Bengaluru /
Asian Journal of Managerial Science, Vol.7, Issue 2, pp.34-36, ISSN No: 2249-6300. -
Barriers to corporate social responsibility implementation in the medium size manufacturing sector: an interpretive structure modelling approach
Purpose: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices are gaining momentum globally but their implementation becomes problematic due to the presence of barriers. So, this study aims to identify the barriers to CSR implementation among manufacturing enterprises, develop their classification and establish relationships among the barriers. Design/methodology/approach: An exhaustive list of barriers was identified from the literature, and following surveys and expert opinions, 19 critical barriers were extracted. Interpretive structure modelling was used to understand the hierarchal and contextual relationships among barriers of CSR implementation. Findings: The results show that are no autonomous variables present in the study. The proposed conceptual framework presents the hierarchy and interlinkage of barriers to CSR implementation in manufacturing enterprises. The results also indicate that rigidity in culture and corruption in the system and within the governance system of the country are the two most influential barriers that impede CSR implementation in manufacturing enterprises. Originality/value: The interactions among CSR barriers provide policymakers, industrial practitioners and managers with a framework to recognise and evaluate mutual relationships and interlinking among barriers. CSR training and undertaking CSR in collaboration can help medium enterprises overcome these barriers and prepare strategies to mitigate their impact. 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Barriers to Smart Home Technologies in India
Smart home technologies (SHT) are critical for effectively managing homes in a digital society. However, SHTs face challenges related to their limited use in developing country contexts. This study investigates the factors that act as barriers to SHT adoption among individuals in Bengaluru, India. The roles of perceived risk, performance and after-sale service, and demographics in using smart home technologies (SHT). This study used the data from the primary survey of 133 respondents. The collected data were analyzed using regression analysis. The results supported five of the proposed hypotheses, namely, perceived performance risk, perceived financial risk, perceived psychological risk, and technological uncertainty, which influence the Behavioral intention to adopt SHT. However, service intangibility is influenced by performance risk. Income and age influence the psychological risk and adoption of SHT. The study identifies the barriers to SHT adoption. The supportive environment for SHT needs to be strengthened to reduce the associated risks. IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2024. -
Base mediated spirocyclization of quinazoline: One-step synthesis of spiro-isoindolinone dihydroquinazolinones
A novel approach for the spiro-isoindolinone dihydroquinazolinones has been demonstrated from 2-aminobenzamide and 2-cyanomethyl benzoate in the presence of KHMDS as a base to get moderate yields. The reaction has been screened in various bases followed by solvents and a gram scale reaction has also been executed under the given conditions. Based on the controlled experiments a plausible reaction mechanism has been proposed. Further the substrate scope of this reaction has also been studied. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry. -
Basic human values of Indian management professionals: a demographic profile
This study tries to check the degree of basic human values among management professionals in India with considerable cultural and linguistic differences and how it varies across the different demographic influences. We have checked the impact of demographic variables like gender, age, education, type of organisation, place of residence, and work experience on basic human values. Hypotheses testing were conducted using MANOVA. It was inferred that the perception regarding the degree of basic human values differs among different management professionals based on their age, gender, education, type of organisation, and place of residence. Surprisingly, the work experience of the person does not have a significant influence on basic human values. Consequently, we imply that the demographics of an individual carve their basic human values. The findings and inferences of the proposed study will be of great importance to policymakers and recruiting managers to fetch the right candidate. Copyright 2023 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Battle fatigue of Covid 19 warriors Heal the healers
[No abstract available] -
Becoming knowledge societies: A happiness framework for institutions of higher education in India
The transformation of Indian Higher Education Institutions (IHEIs) to knowledge societies require multiple coordinated interventions and actions on both the local and the global levels of institution administration, management, supply and demands of the economy and society. A vibrant knowledge society will not only require institutions support to plan and amend practices but also require the engagement of all stakeholders and the ability of individuals and society to imbibe new ways of thinking, working, and acting. It is vital to chart a direction and an approach that is in alignment with the local context and culture. At the supply front, IHEIs should initiate intervention programmes to enhance human capital through investment in a Happiness Framework and a shift in the workplace culture that requires conscious measures of intervention, which will drive institutional effectiveness and improve student experiences. This happiness framework should be integral and reinforced, first as an induction-training programme, and practised as institutional culture. Individuals, who are thus, trained at the local level of institutions, while participating in the global labour market with their increased skills and competencies will drive the IHEIs towards a fully functioning knowledge-based society. A knowledge-based society thus built to generate, disseminate, and use knowledge to improve the standard of living and the quality of life of citizens in an ethical and sustainable way will certainly make happiness as its ultimate goal and will focus on happiness as a process to improve efficiency and efficacy of the work force. 2019 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies (DVK, Bangalore),. -
Bed shear stress distribution across a meander path
Laboratory experimentation for bed shear stress distribution has been carried out in two sets of meandering channels. The channels have crossover angles of 110 and 60 constructed by sine-generated curves over a flume of 4 m width. Variations in bed roughness were studied for the meandering main channel. Bed shear stress distribution across a meandering length for the 110 and 60 channels was examined for different sinuosities and roughnesses. The boundary shear stress study illustrated the position of maximum shear along the apex section and across the meandering path. These variations were observed for different flow depths. A comparison of the bed shear among the three experimental channels was conducted, and the results were analyzed. 2024, IWA Publishing. All rights reserved. -
Before the Gig Economy Tracing the Transformations in Delhis Taxi Industry
Studying Delhis radio taxi industry, this paper traces the transitional process of traditional taxi services in the capital to radio taxi services and finally to the current app-based taxi aggregators. The radio taxi companies ruptured old kinship ties and informal relations with a combination of technology, surveillance, and financea process app-based taxi aggregators have further refined. There is also an account of the labour struggles in the industry that preceded the advent of the platform economy. 2022 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
Behavioral Bias as an Instrumental Factor in Investment Decision-An Empirical Analysis
Investment decisions are always complex in nature. Investment assets are volatile in nature there are less volatile, medium volatile and high volatile investment assets in the financial market. In the current study how, the behavioral biases of the investors affecting their investment decisions in the less volatile asset classes is examined using an extensive survey method among the IT professionals in the Bangalore city. The relationship between the demographic variables and behavioral biases is tested. Also, a detailed study is conducted to examine the risk-taking behavior of the investors in the less volatile assets. There are basically three type of investors on the basis of their risk-taking behavior i.e. Risk seeking, Risk Neutral and Risk averse investors. Current study reveals that investors in the less volatile asset classes are very much cautious about the risk factor and therefore they are risk averse in nature. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2024. -
Behavioral Time Management Analysis: Clustering Productivity Patterns using K-Means
This paper focuses on investigating the efficiency profile through the three-time management behaviors using the K-Means clustering method. In the case of the study, the data gathered from digital time management tools for 100 participants for one month was preprocessed to distil features surrounding productivity, including daily working hours, focus time, break duration and frequency, and task completion ratios. The four groups that were agreed upon through K-Means clustering differed in terms of time management behaviours and productivity. Insert table 6 IT cluster 1 worked long hours with high productivity owing to the fact that they are IT professionals but had a tendency of multitasking. Employment Cluster 2 (marketing and sales professionals) achieved both personal and work-related self-care but identified the need for more concentrated time per task. As for the differences in the breaks, it can be noted that cluster 3 (management and administration personnel) had significantly higher task completion times and focus times, but their break intervals needed to be optimized. Hypothesis 2 stated that there will be many hours of leisure for Cluster 4 (students and interns) imply that their work hours should be adjusted to several small tasks a day, and their rates of task completion should be increased. From the study, it is possible to stress that time management should be considered as an individual activity that requires specific approaches to the given subject area and to the learner in particular. Specifically, demographic profiling identified the roles that age and occupational status may play in averting or exacerbating productivity deficiencies: insights that could be actionable in specific scenarios. The implications of this research offer practical insights into individual and organizational time management, as the usability aspects of machine learning techniques were considered and their applicability established, which further extends the scope of time management by revealing patterns and improving time management plans and practices. 2024 IEEE.