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Psychological contract and oragnisational commitment in the aviation sector
Psychological contract and the organisational commitment in the Aviation sector is the topic chosen for the study. The researcher tries to map the effects of four types of psychological contracts viz: transactional, transitional, behavioural and balanced on the three components of organisational commitment namely Affective, Normative and continuance. The study tries to focus whether the type of company and work experience act as moderating variables in this exploration. The study also checks whether employers Psychological Contract has any medaiating effect in the relationship between employees Psychological newlineContract and Organisational Commitment. Researchers in the past have not considered the Airline sector as far as these two variables are concerned and hence the specific reference to this industry. The study throws light on what type of psychological contracts the airline companies need to foster to get the desired organisational commitment keeping in mind the tenure of the employee and the type of industry. The researcher gathered the employees of the airlines and explained the items in the questionnaire to them and later administered the same. The critical impact of the research is that and#8215;Relational contract obligations and and#8215;Balanced contract obligations are the most important predictors of the employees organisational commitment in the Indian aviation industry. Therefore, airline companies need to adapt measures to foster these contracts inorder to boost the desired commitment. -
The role of internal control and firm specific characteristics on firm value
Firm value is considered as a vital aspect in analysing a company s financial health. It is the total value of a company. This study determines the role of firm-specific characteristics such as firm size, firm age, newlineliquidity, firm complexity, board independence, institutional ownership, newlinenon-performing assets, annual volatility of stock returns, leverage and internal control represented by Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and Big4 auditor on the firm value measured using Tobin s Q, Return On Equity (ROE) and Return On Assets (ROA). This proposition was addressed with the sound statistical investigation of 127 companies listed in the NSE financial services and manufacturing sectors by utilising annual newlinepanel data for 11 years from 2007-17. Regression results indicated that in the financial services sector, the purchasers consider firm size, firm age, liquidity, the volatility of stock returns and non-performing assets. ROA shows that the management has to focus on firm size, firm age and volatility of stock returns. ROE informs that the investors will look into newlinefirm size, firm age, institutional ownership, non-performing assets, leverage, firm complexity and volatility of stock returns. Whereas in the manufacturing sector, the purchasers focus on adoption of ERM, firm size, firm age and liquidity. ROA showed that management has to give importance to ERM, firm size, firm age, firm complexity, liquidity, and leverage. ROE revealed that the investors look into firm size, firm newlinecomplexity, liquidity and leverage. These findings are of particular interest newlineto investors, researchers and practising managers in the financial services and manufacturing sector. -
Fabrication of electrochemical sensors for pharmaceuticals and biologically significant molecules
Newer properties of electrochemical sensors for various target molecules are being developed in continuum. Such sensors have attracted a lot of attention due to their simplicity, high sensitivity and trace-level detection of analytes in real samples. Sensor is a system that on stimulation by any form of energy undergoes change in its own state which helps to analyze the stimulant qualitatively and quantitatively. In the thesis studies presented, we have also described the development of electrochemical sensors for the determination of pharmaceuticals and biologically significant molecules. This can be achieved by modifying newlineelectrodes by electrochemical method. Electrode modifiers like metal nanoparticles dispersed on conducting polymers and carbon nanospheres were employed for modification of carbon fiber paper working electrode substrate. These modified electrodes were physicochemically characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field emission scanning newlineelectron microscopy (FESEM) with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron newlinespectroscopy (XPS) and electrochemically characterized using Cyclic voltammetry and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). newlineThe modified electrodes have exhibited remarkable electrocatalytic behaviour towards oxidation or reduction of chosen analytes. These modified electrodes were used as electrochemical sensors after optimization of experimental conditions. Under optimal conditions, the sensors have displayed significantly an ultra-low level detection limit with wide linear response and high selectivity towards analyte in the newlinepresence of other interfering substances. newlineThe ultrasensitivity and reliability of the fabricated sensors towards analyte of interest were effectively determined in real samples. -
Collaboration between gram panchayat and women self-help groups on rural development in karnataka
Mahatma Gandhi said, Indiaand#8223;s development relays on development in rural India. To see a developed India, we must develop villages in India. India is trying to improve the living standard of rural people since Independence. Government, Non-Government Organizations, Voluntary Groups, and many individuals are making continuous efforts for decades to improve rural condition. There is a positive change and growth, but the achieved results are not satisfactory in relation to need, the available resources, opportunities, and the efforts made. What are the root causes of failures? Are there necessary coordination and collaboration among the development efforts to optimize the fruits and minimize the loss of human and material resources? Gram Panchayat Institutions and Self-Help Groups by women are two of major efforts which became very powerful means to empower and develop rural people. The Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 became a land-mark by establishing Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRI) in Indiaand#8223;s effort for rural development and reaching out the democracy to grass-root level by newlineforming Panchayat Raj Institutions with three tier system. The Reservation policy of 72nd newlineAmendment Act was another turning point in empowering effort. NGOs initiated Self-Help newlineGroups in India in early 1990s and later Government also supported and promoted the newlineinitiative. Will the Collaboration between the Gram Panchayat Institutions and Women SelfHelp Groups enhance development of rural area through higher level of Community newlineParticipation is the research question here. newlineThere are many writings, studies and evaluations on Gram Panchayat Institutions and SelfHelp Groups by women to assess the existing condition, and to make the efforts more efficient and effective towards rural empowerment and development. Still, studies on impact of collaboration between Gram Panchayat and Women Self-Help Groups on rural newlinedevelopment are missing. -
Green synthesis of modified ceria nanoparticles and their catalytic activity studies
Catalysis is a phenomenon where a reaction is taken through an alternative pathway involving lesser energy. Thus, it has an energy saving dimension implicit in its definition. This thesis involves the study of catalysts, synthesized by the solution combustion method. The fuel required for the newlinecombustion is aqueous extract obtained from the leaves of selected plants which gives added credence to the ecofriendly aspirations that dominated our work. A series of ceria based nano sized catalyst materials, pure and modified using rare earth metal oxides, transition metal oxides and a non-metallic substance have been synthesized by the above method. The catalysts have then been newlinecharacterized for their composition, crystallinity, morphology, surface properties, thermal stability etc. The prepared catalysts were subsequently evaluated for their catalytic and photocatalytic efficacy. The photocatalytic potential of the catalysts was evaluated on the degradation studies of two dyes Malachite Green (MG) and Congo Red (CR) under visible light and one antibiotic drug ciprofloxacin (CIP) under UV light. The catalysts were found to show good photocatalytic efficiency newlineon all the three substances mentioned above. The catalytic efficiency was evaluated on two chemical reactions. One, the reduction of 4-nitrophenol to 4-aminophenol and the other, the synthesis of compounds of Biginelli reaction. To achieve maximum reduction the experimental conditions for the catalyst were newlineoptimized. Biginelli reaction involves the condensation of ethyl acetoacetate, newlinebenzaldehyde and urea in presence of modified ceria catalysts to form dihydropyrimidines. The reaction was performed with different catalysts and the one which gave the best yield was selected for further optimization of other reaction conditions. Employing the optimized conditions, a set of different newlinedihydropyrimidinone derivatives were synthesized by varying the precursor newlinealdehydes and ketones. Reusability studies for the catalysts were conducted for all the reactions mentioned above. -
Perceived organizational support and its influence on employee engagement in informatiom technology organizations
The effective management of Human Resources (HR) or People Resources of an organization through proactive and futuristic design of HR policies is pivotal for an organization s growth. Many of the current challenges faced by businesses globally are owing to industry slowdowns, loss of clientele, lower margins, stiff competition for skilled resources, and high attrition. A diverse set of workforce belonging to different generations having aspirations and expectations galore has entered the corporate sector. This diversity and advent of the generational workforce needs to be taken into consideration while designing HR policies, Reward systems and benefits; as also the factors such as changing family structures and the emergence of a gender equal workforce. Human Resources professionals and organizations are hence tasked with the responsibility of employing different ways and means to fine-tune existing HR strategies and develop new one s that could potentially increase Employee Engagement (EE) and reduce the Intention the Quit (ITQ) among the Information Technology (IT) workforce. The prime emphasis of the current study has been on assessing appropriate HR strategies that can increase engagement and retention at a minimal or no cost to the organization. This study leveraged upon organizational support and care variables such as Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Perceived Supervisor Support (PSS), and Flexible Work Options (FWO) in increasing Employee Engagement (EE) and reducing the Intention to Quit (ITQ). This study goes on to prove that by leveraging upon organizational support and care variables such as POS, PSS, and FWO; organizations can increase the level of engagement of employees, as well as improve employee retention. -
Preparation characterization and applications of mixed oxides ceria-samaria supported on rice husk ash as catalysts for organic synthesis
Catalysis is a well-established scientific discipline, dealing with fundamental principles involved in the preparation, properties, applications and mechanisms of catalytic reactions of various catalysts. The preparation of silica from agricultural waste rice husk is an economical and environmentally benign process. Mixed oxides of ceria and samaria are a multifunctional catalytic system that has attracted wide-range of research in different fields. These mixed oxide catalysts are generally used for redox reactions and acid-base reactions in organic synthesis. The catalytic activity of these materials can be enhanced by using silica as a support system. To achieve the best structural and morphological features, different synthetic protocols were tried out while incorporating CeO2 and Sm2O3 on SiO2 to maximize the catalytic efficacy. In the present study, bimetallic oxides of ceria and samaria supported on silica catalysts were prepared by ultra sonicator, rota vapour method, wet impregnation and incipient wet impregnation methods. Further modification of ceria-samaria-silica catalysts using MoO3, La2O3 and mixed forms of MoO3 and La2O3 led to the formation of tri or tetra metallic mixed oxides on silica system. A detailed physico chemical characterization of the prepared catalysts using different spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic methods was carried out to understand the nature, stability and the functional groups present in the system. The heterogeneous catalytic route for organic synthesis is of major interest as it is sustainable and eco-friendlier. Utilizing biowaste like rice husk and its modified forms to synthesize useful and industrially significant organic compounds has been attempted with success in the present work. Thus, the prepared catalysts were subsequently evaluated for their catalytic activity towards oxidation, esterification, transesterification and Friedel Crafts' benzylation reactions. To achieve maximum yield and good selectivity, the different reaction parameters were optimized for all the reactions that were studied. Oxidation of cyclohexanone with benzyl alcohol to caprolactone and benzaldehyde has been studied after optimizing the reaction parameters. Recycle and leaching studies were conducted to understand the stability and reusability of the catalytic system for the above-mentioned reactions. These catalysts were also found effective in the synthesis of caprolactone, which is an intermediate in the synthesis of biodegrading polymers. Selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol to benzaldehyde too has been achieved using these catalysts. Surface area and acidity have played major roles in these reactions. Finally, dibenzyl toluene was synthesized by benzylation of toluene using benzyl chloride. In all the studies, plausible mechanisms involving the catalyst have also been suggested. Thus, a comprehensive study of rice husk silica-supported ceria and samaria systems and the multi metal oxide silica systems has been conducted and it has proved to be an efficient, recoverable, stable and eco-friendly catalyst combined with simple workup for industrially important organic syntheses. -
Development of personalized diet and exercise recommender system based on clinical data
The present health scenario indicates that thyroid diseases are a common challenge experienced by most individuals. According to the statistics in India, one out of eight women suffer from thyroid-related conditions. Hyperthyroid, hypothyroid, or thyroid cancer are categories of thyroid disorder. It is imperative to maintain optimum levels of secretion of the thyroid hormones as the imbalance could lead to thyroid diseases. Therefore, thyroid patients must be vigilant regarding their iodine intake and follow a customized daily diet and exercise plan. The diet plan, along with balanced iodine levels, must also be able to meet the patient's nutritional needs. A personalized diet plan could help thyroid patients to be more aware and focused on their body metabolism. Existing recommender systems usually provide generic diet recommendations, and unfortunately, it may not be beneficial to patients suffering from a specific disease. Content-based Neighborhood-Conditional RBM (CB-NCRBM) model has posited to recommend Top-3 diet and exercise plans for thyroid patients. The proposed model considers the joint probability distribution of different scores using the user profile. Similarly, preference and health scores are estimated based on content features. The model feeds these scores as visible units to conditional RBM. The proposed model also integrates several content-based features such as users' physiological profiles, thyroid disease information, food, and exercise preferences. The proposed recommender model validates the experimental results using recommendation error and classification accuracy metrics. The proposed hybrid model outperforms several popularly used recommendation models, such as collaborative filtering, content-based, and pure RBM models. The system also provides a feedback loop to enhance the quality of the recommended diet and exercise plans based on user experience. -
English language traning for core course instruction in commerce courses :
Tracing the scope and growth of English in the globalised world, this research focusses on helping the learners to improve their English language proficiency through core course instruction. The research has identified the scope of study in the Commerce discipline of higher education setting. The study aims to locate the possibility of learning and improving general vocabulary for the purpose of communication. It traces the existing studies in integrating English language in core course content at various levels and establishes the gap in the study. The mileage that English Language Teaching has covered in the past few decades is far newlinefrom listing. However, areas of study that might seem familiar and established still newlineseem to provide more scope for research. English language, no doubt has become newlinethe medium of instruction in most of the higher education settings. Students get newlineexposed to different course content through English, and training teachers for various skills has become an important quarter in the education setting. With each passing generation, there is a need to create a training approach that suits the lifestyle, advancements in various forums and needs of the learners. This research attempts to create a training module for the purpose of equipping teachers with the ability to teach English, which is the medium of instruction, through core course instruction in the higher education scenario. The research provides a module that could serve as a model for teachers to use language effectively and equip their learners not just with the knowledge of the subject, but also the knowledge of the language through which the content is delivered. The purpose of this study is to highlight the need for a holistic understanding of the language used for content delivery and also to enable students to be able to use the language inputs received here, in daily life communication too. -
Studies on dark matter dark energy and possible alternate models
The nature of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE) which is supposed to constitute about 95% of the energy density of the universe is still a mystery. There is no shortage of ideas regarding the nature of both. While some candidates for DM are clearly ruled out, there is still a plethora of viable particles that fit the bill. In the context of DE, while current observations favour a cosmological constant picture, there are other competing models which may be equally likely. The standard model for the formation of structure assumes that there newlineexisted small fluctuations in the early universe that grew due to gravitational instability. The origin of these fluctuations are still unclear. In this study, we proposed the role of dark matter in providing the seed for star formation in the early universe, which is supported by very recent observations. With this we set observable constraints on luminosities, temperatures, and lifetimes of the early stars with an admixture of dark matter. We also studied the effects of the background repulsive dark energy density for large scale cosmic structures. The relation, and#119872;and#8260;and#119877;2 and#8776; 1and#119892;/and#119888;and#119898;2, seems to hold true for primeval galaxies as well as those at present epoch. From this, we set constraints on the nature and evolution of dark energy. Besides, we also set constraints on the size of galaxy clusters and superclusters due to the repulsive cosmological dark energy. This could indicate as to why large scale cosmic structures much larger than and#8764;200 Mpc are not seen.This study also looked at the evolution of the concept of the cosmological constant from its inception a little over a hundred years ago when Einstein introduced the cosmological constant in his General Theory of Relativity newlinein order to obtain a static universe to conform to the philosophical view of newlinethe universe at that time to it possibly making up close to about 70% of the energy density of the universe. -
Towards reading song in performance as aural narrative : Reading a sense of spatiality in select albums of mark knopfler using henri lefebver's notions of space
One of the chief objectives of this study is to explore and offer a strategy to read song in performance as Aural Narratives. This was necessary because verbal texts can be read in multiple ways. Perhaps the chief claim of a text s possibility to be literary lies in its inherent potential to be discursive. Therefore sound texts require a way of understanding sound as an element of storytelling. Shifts in Humanities necessitate an expanding notion of textuality. One of the chief concerns and burdens of the writer of literature is the evocation of a sense of spatiality which can be perceived as an outcome of spatial practice. Spatial practice in turn is defined by social codes and practices. Spaces can be read therefore through the life experiences of the inhabitants of a space as spatial practices are dependent on particular spaces. This study explores the use of Sound in creating a sense of Spatiality. Singer, songwriter and guitarist, Mark Knopfler creates songs that are arranged around a central character s lived experience. Thus the perception and conception of a sense of space that is thus evoked can be negotiated using Henri Lefebvre s triadic notions of newlinespatiality as a reading strategy. -
Antecedents and Outcomes of Employee Engagement : A Study on Employees in Travel Organizations
Employee engagement is becoming very vital in the recent years because organizations with engaged employees tend to out-perform than employees who are disengaged. The outcomes of engaged employees are higher performance, lower turnover, increased profitability and many more. However there are some industries ignorant and neglect the importance of having engaged employees. Hence it is necessary to conduct more research on employee engagement which create more awareness to the organizations about the prominence of focusing on employee engagement and also augment to the existing literature. The study was conducted on a sample size of 433 employees working in travel organizations set up in Bengaluru and tested the relationship of psychological climate and psychological capital (antecedent variables) has on employee engagement and in turn its newlinerelationship with organizational citizenship behavior and intent to stay (outcome newlinevariables). The study also tested the mediating relationship of employee engagement newlinebetween the antecedent and outcome variables. Results indicated that psychological newlineclimate and psychological capital has a significant and positive relationship on employee engagement and with respect to outcome variables it was determined that higher the engagement level it leads to higher level of organizational citizenship behavior and intent to stay. Results of the study also indicated that employee engagement mediates the relationship between the antecedent and outcome variables. -
Migration to bangalore : A study of return migration of IT professionals
Bengaluru, Karnataka, is widely known as India s Silicon Valley and an important centre for Information Technology (IT). It is also one of the fastest growing cities in India. Migration to the city has contributed to its growth and this study has focussed on the phenomenon of return migration with specific reference to the return migration of IT professionals to Bengaluru. The main newlineobjectives of the study were to explore some of the factors underlying return migration in general and return migration to Bengaluru in particular, to examine the reasons underlying the decision to migrate, to examine the process of return migration, to describe transnationalism in the context of this return migration and to observe the experience of being back home This study used mixed methods and adopted concurrent triangulation to analyse and interpret the data in the study of the research problem. The framework adopted by Lee was also used to understand the factors that influence the decision to migrate within a broader theoretical framework to study return migration. The researcher explored the factors that influenced the decision to return which were an outcome of the push factors operating from the place of origin and the pull factors operating in the place of destination, India and Bengaluru in this case, both sets of which relate to the socio-cultural, economic and political realms. The newlineresearcher examined the factors that operated as push factors in the host country as well as those that operated as pull factors upon professionals working in the IT sector in the context of return migration to Bengaluru.According to the study, the pull factors being exercised from the city of newlineBengaluru were more relevant in terms of the forces underlying the decision to move. Bengaluru s reputation as a technopole or a high tech cluster has contributed largely to the way in which the migrants have been drawn to the city. -
Study of effect of modulations on the onset of rayleigh benard convection in a couple stress fluid
In this thesis we study the linear and non-linear analyses of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple stress fluid. The effect of rotational modulation, temperature modulation and gravity modulation in the presence of external constraints like magnetic field and electric field are studied. The problems investigated in this thesis throw light on externally controlled convection in a couple stress fluid. The problems investigated in this thesis have possible applications in geophysics, astrophysics, oceanography engineering and experiment/ space situations with g-jitter connected with gravity simulation studies. with this motivation, we investigate in this thesis four problems and, their summary is given below one by one. (i)Linear and non-liner analyses of rotational modulation on Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple stress fluid. The linear and non-linear analyses of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple stress fluid with rotational modulation is studied. The linear and non-linear analyses are, respectively based on normal mode technique and truncated representation of fourier series. The expression for Rayleigh number and correction Rayleigh number are obtained using regular perturbation method in the case of liner theory. The resulting no-autonomous lorenz model obtained in no-linear analysis is solved numerically using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg45 method to quantify the heat transport. The effect of rotational modulation is shown to be stabilizing there by leading to a situation of reduced heat transfer. The problem suggests an elegant method of controlling internal convection.(ii) Linear and non-linear analyses of gravity modulation on Rayleigh-Benard convection in a weakly electrically conducting couple strss fluid.The effect of time-periodic body force on the onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection in weak electrically conducting couple stress fluid is investigated. The stability of the horizontal fluid layer heated from below is examined by assuming time periodic body acceleration. -
Studies on K X Ray fluorescence parameters of low and medium Z elements
K X-ray fluorescence parameters for pure elements have been determined using different single and double reflection geometry by several researchers over the years. Horakeri et al.have shown that the K X-ray fluorescence parameters can also be determined by a simple 2and#960;-geometrical configuration method and a NaI(Tl) detector spectrometer for high Z elements. newlineHowever, in order to study the K XRF parameters for low Z elements, high resolution detector spectrometers are required.But in high resolution detectors like HPGe and Si(Li), due to the gap between window and the active area of the detector, the solid angle subtended by the detector at the target is not 2and#960;. Hence a suitable geometry correction is required for accurate newlinemeasurement of incident photons and the emitted K X-ray photons in order to determine the K XRF parameters in low Z elements. In the present study, employing a nearly 2and#960;-geometrical configuration and applying suitable geometry correction, we have determined the K X-ray fluorescence parameters of a few low and medium Z elements in the range of 27 and#8804; Z and#8804; 30 and 42 and#8804; Z and#8804; 47 respectively. The elements were procured in the form of thin foils and were irradiated by a weak radioactive source. The emitted K X-ray photons were detected using a low energy high resolution HPGe detector spectrometer. The incident photons, emitted K X-ray photons and the transmitted photons at newlinethe incident energy is measured and were corrected for window attenuation, efficiency, self-attenuation and geometry correction newlineto obtain the true intensities of incident photons, emitted K Xray photons and the transmitted photons at the incident energy. -
Social group work intervention for adolescents with learning difficulty
School social workers have a significant role in imparting holistic education in schools. Life skill training program in schools is an appropriate intervention strategy. Specialized skills and intervention methods like social group work, learnt by school social workers help in proper assessment and implementation of required services in school settings. Adolescents with learning difficulty have trouble expressing their feelings, claiming themselves down and reading non-verbal cues which can lead to difficulty in the classroom and with their peers. The aim of current research is to study the efficacy of life skill training program through social group work intervention in enhancing the self-esteem, interpersonal relationship and coping newlinebehavior of adolescents with learning difficulty in Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh. newlineAdolescents studying in Hindupur were selected for the intervention study which has newlinea quasi experimental design. The study results advocate several hypotheses for the newlinepossible causes and prevalence of learning difficulty. The results highlights that newlinelearning difficulty is associated with low income families and education of the parents. The pre test and post test scores of the group revealed that the self esteem of newlineadolescents with learning difficulty improved significantly after the group work intervention, Indicating that the intervention may have contributed to the change in self-esteem of adolescents with learning difficulty. The empathic concern domain showed significant improvement in post test scores with regard to interpersonal newlinerelationship. Other domains like perspective taking, fantasy and personal distress newlinedidn t show significant change in the post test indicating that the intervention may newlinehave to be modified accordingly. This is even seen with the results of coping newlinebehavior. -
A Study on psycho-social problems of persons with chronic renal failure with specific reference to bangalore cosmopolitan city
The present research is an attempt to describe the psychosocial problems faced by individuals with chronic renal failure in Bangalore cosmopolitan city. The aim of the study was to describe the level of psycho social problems experienced by them and to develop a psychosocial intervention programme to address this issue. The researcher adopted newlinedescriptive research design. The sample of 200 individual with chronic renal failure was newlineselected with consecutive sampling technique from St. John s Hospital and Medical College, newlineJayanagar Government Hospital and Manipal Hospital. The researcher used structured newlineinterview schedule to collect the data; to study the psychosocial problems, Psychosocial newlineAssessment Tool (PAT-5)-A measure of psychosocial problems in Haemodialysis Patients (Kansal, 2010) was adopted. newlineThe results of the study depict that, in the health awareness domain more than half (52%) of the patients were having moderate level of problems and 13.5% reported severe level of newlineproblems. In the occupational domain, three fourth (75.5%) of the patients reported severe level of problems; in family and social domain, nearly half of the patients (46%) reported severe level of problems. In the financial domain, two third (66%) reported severe problems. In the psychological domain it is seen that near about half (41%) reported severe level of newlinepsychological distress. The overall psychosocial score of the patients reveal that nearly half (47.5%) of patients felt severe level of psychosocial problems. Based on the finding of the study, needs assessment and discussion with the experts in the field a psychosocial intervention programme has evolved. It is suggested that effective use of this intervention programme can reduce the psychosocial problems faced by the patients and lead to better clinical outcomes. -
Sale and transplantation of human organs in india critical evaluation of the legal framework
The demand for the organ transplantation far exceeds the availability of organs or donors. This leads to unfair trade and commerce in human organs. Though India has a legal framework to regulate various aspects of organ transplantation the same does not seemed to have addressed the issue either adequately or comprehensively. The supply of donated organs has been inadequate for years. Current methods of obtaining organs and tissues have not provided an adequate supply of organs for use in transplantation. Obviously, the problem of scarcity is acute newlinefor the individuals who require organ transplants.Organ Transplantation is a lifesaving method.But, still it is unclear whether existing law is adequate to curb the organ sale and regulate organ transplantation. Although the general field of transplantation is still in a state of change and growth, there have been recent developments in legislation, especially giving priority to the genuine consent of the donor. Although the majority of legislation has been written for cadaver organ donation, slowly, regulation is developing for living organ donation as well.The advantages of cadaver transplantation are obvious: the dead donor encounters no risk in the performance of the transplantation operation. At present this is the only way that a vital organ newlinecan be replaced. The donor, once pronounced dead, is not exposed to any of the hazards which face the live donor. The laws of different countries allow either the potential organ donor to consent or dissent to the donation during his life time, or his relatives to consent or dissent after newlinehis death. Due to these different legislative possibilities, the number of donations per million people varies substantially in different countries. In most countries with the dissent solutions, newlinethere is no waiting list for donations, or the list is short, while most countries with consent solutions have substantial organ shortages. -
Explanations for anomalies in semi strong from of efficient market hypithesis
The tradition notion of efficient market described in the academic literature is quite strong and probably is unrealistic because of following factors: short selling, short covering, fresh buying and profit booking. After all, science is just a human idea about phenomena which can change over time. In real markets, traders can cause markets to be inefficient. According to verifiability newlinetheory of meaning, most of statements are meaningless such as prices reflect earning .in order to make a statement meaningful that statements have to be tested with all ideas related to it. Researcher is testing EMH under various conditions to make meaningful. In this study, researcher is testing so called semi strong under market condition and firm size which is based upon market capitalization. National stock exchange provides classification of companies based newlineupon market capitalization. This is an event study to study stock return to earning newlineannouncements in recession and post recession periods. In other words, testing so called semi strong under market conditions and firm size of market capitalization such as large cap, mid cap and small cap. Researcher uses AARs, CAARS and T-test to study the impact of earning announcements on stock returns. Result of this study shows its onerous to accept semi strong so Fama received the Nobel prize in economics for what?