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Safety andWelfare of Children Under Institutional Care in India: A Situation Analysis
A large number of children worldwide live under institutional care due to certain compulsions. The reasons for institutional stay vary on the basis of geopolitical situations and the nature of the children. Some of the reasons include premature loss of parents, poverty, lack of social support, parents substance dependence, neglect, involvement of children in socially undesirable behaviour and/or violation of law, abuse, exploitation and so on. The broad objective of this chapter is to discuss the evolution of childcare measures adopted by the Government of India after independence, highlight upon the need for institutional care and examine the issues and challenges faced by the children under institutional care in India. At the end of the chapter, the way forward measures are suggested for ensuring safety of the children under institutional care, creating improved living environments for them and for creating congenial social and psychological environments through empowerment of the care providers, with knowledge and information for healthy child upbringing. Cooperation from the larger society, by involving retired persons in the institutions for education of the children is suggested, justifying the need for the same. For a holistic child growth and development, the need for extra-curricular activities, physical exercises, as well as group activities, are emphasized upon. Building resilience among these children to develop confidence and face life challenges are also discussed in the chapter. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
Safeguarding the future through the prevention of cybercrime in the quantum computing era
Quantum computing is an emerging field that holds great promise for solving complex problems at an unprecedented speed by harnessing the principles of quantum mechanics. However, this disruptive technology also introduces new challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. Quantum computing can lead to cyberattacks such as cryptographic attacks, data breaches, blockchain vulnerabilities, social engineering, and phishing attacks. It is important to note that, at present, these risks are largely theoretical, as practical, large-scale quantum computers capable of breaking current cryptographic systems are not yet available. However, it is crucial for researchers, organisations, and policymakers to anticipate and address these potential threats in advance by developing quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms, improving security protocols, and raising awareness about the evolving landscape of cyberthreats in the quantum computing era. There is a need for preparing safeguard measures form the quantum threat by investing in quantum-safe technologies, training cybersecurity professionals in quantum-resistant techniques, and fostering collaboration among industry, academia, and government entities. As quantum computing progresses, the landscape of cybercrime is expected to evolve, necessitating the development of robust laws to mitigate potential threats. The chapter aims at understanding the intersection of quantum computing and cybercrime, highlighting the potential implications and risks associated with quantum advancements in the context of cybersecurity. The chapter also emphasises the need for proactive measures and policies to mitigate the risks posed by quantum computing to cybersecurity. 2025 selection and editorial matter, Keshav Kumar and Bishwajeet Kumar Pandey; individual chapters, the contributors. -
Safe cloud: Secure and usable authentication framework for cloud environment
Cloud computing an emerging computing model having its roots in grid and utility computing is gaining increasing attention of both the industry and laymen. The ready availability of storage, compute, and infrastructure services provides a potentially attractive option for business enterprises to process and store data without investing on computing infrastructure. The attractions of Cloud are accompanied by many concerns among which Data Security is the one that requires immediate attention. Strong user authentication mechanisms which prevent illegal access to Cloud services and resources are one of the core requirements to ensure secure access. This paper proposes a user authentication framework for Cloud which facilitates authentication by individual service providers as well as by a third party identity provider. The proposed two-factor authentication protocols uses password as the first factor and a Smart card or Mobile Phone as the second factor. The protocols are resistant to various known security attacks. Springer India 2016. -
Sacred texting : A study on social media language trends in New Delhi And Bengaluru churches /
Amity Journal of Media & Communication Studies, Vol.8 Isue 1, pp.24-35, ISSN No: 2231-1033. -
Sacred gastronomy trails: Exploring the divine fusion of religion, food, and tourism
This study seeks to explain the complex relationships among these three constantly evolving fields, i.e., religion, food, and tourism. The primary objective is to examine the strong link between food and religion by breaking down culinary customs and examining how they influence the formation of gastronomic identities across a range of religious traditions. The second objective explores the connection between food and travel, with a special emphasis on the cultural relevance of pilgrimage food travels. The third goal is to broaden the investigation to include the connection between religion and travel. Through the integration of results from the three aforementioned goals, the research aims to develop a theoretical framework that elucidates the intricate relationship between these components, offering a thorough comprehension of the interdependence of religion, cuisine, and travel in forming personal encounters and cultural environments. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.. -
Saccharomyces - eukaryotic probiotic for human applications
Probiotics are viable microorganisms which are meant to confer health benefits to host after ingestion. Any probiotic strain has a special characteristic to survive in the extremely acidic and hostile conditions of stomach and intestine. Among all the commercially available probiotic strains, prokaryotes constitute the bulk of it, with quite a few belonging to eukaryotic yeasts. Eukaryotic probiotics are very limited and currently there are only two yeast strains (Saccharomyces boulardii and Kluyveromyces sp.), which are approved for human consumption and are available commercially in market. S. boulardii has been reported to have tremendous therapeutic potential. The main mechanism of action for S. boulardii includes strong antagonistic effect against a number of enteric pathogens, trophic effects on the intestinal mucosa, neutralisation of bacterial toxins as well as modification of host cell signaling pathways involved in inflammatory and non-inflammatory intestinal disease. Pertaining to these advantages, S. boulardii have been reported to be exceptionally effective against diarrheal diseases and intestinal inflammatory conditions including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Increasing scientific reports confirming the therapeutic potential of eukaryotic probiotics and their advantages over prokaryotic probiotic strains have dramatically increased the worldwide interest in these probiotics. 2019 Scrivener Publishing LLC. -
SAARC Regional Disaster Law: Need for Progressive Development
[No abstract available] -
Ryu controller's scalability experiment on software defined networks
Software defined networks is the future of Computer networks which claims that traditional networks are getting replaced by SDN. Considering the number of nodes everyday connecting to the global village of internet, it becomes inevitable to adapt to any new technology before testing its scalability in presence of dynamic circumstances. While a lot of research is going on to provide solution as SDN to overcome the limitations of the traditional network, it gives a call to research community to test the applicability and caliber to withstand the fault tolerance of the provided solution in the form of SDN Controllers. Out of the existing multiple controllers providing the SDN functionalities to the network, one of the basic controllers is Ryu Controller. This paper is a contribution towards performance evaluation of scalability of the Ryu Controller by implementing multiple scenarios experimented on the simulation tool of Mininet, Ryu Controller and iPerf. Ryu Controller is tested in the simulation environment by observing throughput of the controller and checked its performance in dynamic networking conditions over Mesh topology by exponentially increasing the number of nodes until it supported tested on high end devices. 2018 IEEE. -
Ruralurban financial inclusion: Implications on the cost sustainability of microfinance lenders
Despite the higher demand for credit among the rural poor, many commercial banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) are averse towards microfinancing activities in rural areas due to their high-cost implication compared to urban areas. Therefore, this study empirically investigates the effect of rural and urban financial inclusion on the cost sustainability of MFIs. To this end, a globally representative sample of 1729 MFIs' data covering the period 20082018 were analyzed. Contrary to the orthodox perception, our overall result revealed that lending in rural areas is more cost-efficient than in urban areas, even after considering various proxies and endogeneity issues. 2021 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. -
Rural consumer preference for mobile phone with reference to villages of Kolar District, Karnataka /
International Journal of Management Studies, Vol.6, Issue 2, pp.16-26, ISSN No: 2249-0302. -
Rupturing Terracotta: Entangled Exchanges of the Hand and the Machine in South India
Through an examination of changing methods for making and using terracotta tile and brick this article explores the complex hybridity and productive tensions that emerged in the nineteenth century between indigenous and colonial systems of architecture and construction in South India. Outlining a general shift from handmade to mechanized processes, it further argues that a decolonial reading may provide a fruitful new approach to comprehending architectural history on the subcontinent. The article brings to the forefront how the indigenous-colonial encounter caused a rupture in the making of buildings that complicated the language and processes of architecture and construction in India forever. 2023, International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE). All rights reserved. -
Rubitics: The Smarter GCMS for Mars
A GCMS stands for a Gas Chromatograph and Mass Spectrometer. These two instruments are used to identify compounds from both soil and atmospheric samples. The GCMS usually has a mass of around 40 kilograms and is the size of a microwave oven, but what if we could downsize it? Downsizing the GCMS means that the number of equipment and instruments that can be used and carried by a rover can drastically increase. Rubitics is essentially a GCMS, only smaller and more efficient. This paper discusses the way Rubitics functions and how a GCMS can be remodeled and used to its fullest potential. The column of the Gas Chromatograph is replaced with composite materials to increase the flexibility of the tube, thereby increasing the number of columns along with finger-like projections on the interiors, which will aid in a much more precise separation of compounds. The inert carrier gas container is changed with a more durable, strong composite that will be instrumental in reducing the mass of the cylinder, and a safer chemically unreactive material will ensure complete pure storage. Rubitics will also contain a cooling system so as to be more power-efficient and aid in obtaining precise results. The material of the oven used in the gas chromatograph will be of much more insulating capacity (thermal resistance), lighter in mass, and smaller in size. Rubitics maintains the optimum shape to provide the most temperature and energy-efficient GCMS ever. Rubitics houses a compact electronic bay with sensors and a microprocessor for analysing the different components. The detectors' values are processed in the onboard microprocessor with the help of TinyML. This light algorithm can help in reducing the bandwidth consumed in transmitting unnecessary data to the ground station through providing in-situ data filtration. The paper also contemplates using such an algorithm to improve the efficiency of GCMS. In conclusion, Rubitics will be the future of GCMS technologies and sample analysis on different planetary terrains. Due to its re-engineered structure, it occupies lesser weight, size, and space. Rubitics thereby changes the number and quality of experiments that can be performed on Mars, leading to better insights for successful future habitation. Copyright 2022 by Ms. Harshini K Balaji. Published by the IAF, with permission and released to the IAF to publish in all forms. -
RPA Revolution in the Healthcare Industry During COVID-19
Over the last year, the evolution in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has been staggering. The automation it brings to applications has yielded efficiency, reduced operating costs, and decreased the time of research, development, and production. Industries have already integrated RPA into their workflow and are profoundly transforming into an intelligent automated industry with minimum human intervention, calling this the fourth industrial revolution. In this race of transformation, the healthcare industry is quite ahead of many other industries. It stood the test of time when COVID-19 was spreading rapidly and was also resilient against all odds. The system did experience an unprecedented crisis that depicted its weakness, fragility, and unpreparedness. The healthcare system was forced to adapt to a new paradigm. And though there was the loss of life and economy, we learned to evolve as a community to tackle this crisis. This chapter sheds light on the role of RPA and covers how these technologies can assist healthcare workers in their day-to-today activities, reviewing what the fourth industrial revolution would look like in the healthcare sector. The intelligent, automated system would provide a seamless experience of gathering information by various means, processing, and assisting healthcare workers to deliver quality treatment. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Roxburgh was right: Aponogeton microphyllus and Aponogeton undulatus are distinct species
Aponogeton microphyllus, previously placed under the synonymy of A. undulatus, is recognized here as a distinct species based on morphology, chromosome number, and molecular phylogenetics (nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed (ITS) spacer region). Observations on the type and live specimens revealed morphological differences between the two species. Aponogeton microphyllus flowered regularly and set seeds. Aponogeton undulatus flowered rarely, did not set seeds, but showed formation of young plantlets on the inflorescence axis. Similarly, different chromosome numbers were recorded in Aponogeton microphyllus and the two forms of A. undulatus, viz., AF1 and AF2, whichoccurin distinct populations. Aponogeton microphyllus exhibited polysomaty with root-tip cells showing 2n=40, 42, and 44 chromosomes. The two forms of A. undulatus, AF1 and AF2, showed 2n=84 and 86 chromosomes, respectively. Based on the ITS data, both speciesoccupiedtwo separate clades. Plastid trnK intron region indicated a close relationship between both species. Our study suggests the need for comprehensive phylogenetic analyses of A. undulatus across its distribution range based on more advanced techniques such as high-throughput sequencing data to understand the A. undulatus species complex and to detect natural hybrids of this species. 2023, Indian Academy of Sciences. -
Routing TQM through HR strategies to achieve organizational effectiveness: themediating role of HR outcomes in India
Purpose: The present research focuses on improving the awareness related to soft total quality management (TQM) practices by looking from the viewpoint of strategic human resources (HR). In addition, it is intended to reflect on the resulting soft TQM-HR outcomes and determine the mediating effect between soft TQM-HR strategies and organizational effectiveness (OE). Design/methodology/approach: An exploratory research methodology with an online survey technique was adopted for the study. Three hundred and three managerial-level personnel from nine large Indian manufacturing organizations participated in the research. A theoretical model is projected and verified using correlation and mediation analysis. Findings: The results show that commitment, reduced turnover intentions and satisfaction levels of employees mediate the relationship between resources, development and retention strategies and OE. However, the retention strategy has the strongest association with the OE of the three strategies. Also, of the three HR outcomes, satisfaction was strongly associated with OE. The analysis proved that the proposed model is an acceptable fit. Practical implications: Implementing HR-related TQM strategies will likely impact OE since it elicits positive HR outcomes such as commitment, reduced turnover intention and satisfaction. Recognizing human resources as a unique strategic asset will help HR managers devise adequate resourcing, development and retention strategies instrumental in executing TQM. Originality/value: The present micro study is unique in scrutinizing the influence of soft TQM-HR practices on organizational effectiveness by analysing the mediating effects of commitment, reduced turnover intention and satisfaction in Indian large-scale manufacturing organizations. The study is unique since no literature deciphers the linkages between HR strategies and organizational effectiveness in the Indian manufacturing sector. 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Network Using Energy Efficient Priority Based Routing
Internet of Thing (IoT) collects huge amount of data from the surrounding by monitoring and sensing. Further, transferring these data from IoT devices to cloud environment seems is very challenging. Such that, this paper concentrates on energy consumption, in which the energy efficient routing and priority dependent techniques are proposed. This technique depends upon the RPL network (Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy), which efficiently predicts routing over contents. Every network slot utilizes timing pattern while forwarding image data, audio data. The proposed method enhances the strength of routing protocol and also avoids congestion. The outcomes of the study illustrates that proposed Energy efficient priority based routing (EEPR) technique minimize overheads on mesh, energy consumption and end-end delay. Also, the proposed method outperforms the existing QRPL methods in IoT platform. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Rough Set Based Ant-Lion Optimizer for Feature Selection
As the area of computational intelligence evolves, the dimensionality of any sort of data gets expanded. To solve this issue, Rough Set Theory (RST) has been successfully used for finding reducts as it requires only supplied data and no additional information. This paper investigates a novel search strategy for minimal attribute reduction based on rough sets and Ant Lion Optimization (ALO). ALO is a nature-inspired algorithm that mimics the hunting mechanism of ant lions, and this is inspired to find the minimum reducts. Datasets from the UCI repository are used in this paper. The experimental results show that the features selected by the proposed method are well classified with reasonable accuracy. 2020 IEEE. -
Rotor Dynamics of TurbineGenerator Shaft with Dampers During Subsynchronous Resonance Generated by Series Capacitors
Purpose In this paper, an electromechanical approach to study the turbinegenerator shaft stability with and without dampers is made. The shaft is subjected to electrical disturbances created by series capacitors. The high power capacitors help the electric power system to improve the reactive power in high voltage transmission lines. Methods Finite element method is used to study the stability of the shaft under subsynchronous resonance when compared to the traditional methods like eigenvalue analysis, frequency scanning method and digital time simulation techniques. At the same time, it leads to subsynchronous resonance. Results Electromechanical stress in the rotating shaft arises when the resonance is created in the system. Maximum stress and strain of the shaft are calculated with other necessary parameters to prove the system instability. In order to maintain stability, dampers are installed at an optimum location. Conclusion Best location of installing damper is found using ANSYS 16.0 by modal analysis, harmonic and phase response analysis. The damper installed at the point reduces the stress caused by subsynchronous resonance and maintains the stability of the system. 2021, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Root cause analysis of COVID-19 cases by enhanced text mining process
The main focus of this research is to find the reasons behind the fresh cases of COVID-19 from the publics perception for data specific to India. The analysis is done using machine learning approaches and validating the inferences with medical professionals. The data processing and analysis is accomplished in three steps. First, the dimensionality of the vector space model (VSM) is reduced with improvised feature engineering (FE) process by using a weighted term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) and forward scan trigrams (FST) followed by removal of weak features using feature hashing technique. In the second step, an enhanced K-means clustering algorithm is used for grouping, based on the public posts from Twitter. In the last step, latent dirichlet allocation (LDA) is applied for discovering the trigram topics relevant to the reasons behind the increase of fresh COVID-19 cases. The enhanced K-means clustering improved Dunn index value by 18.11% when compared with the traditional K-means method. By incorporating improvised two-step FE process, LDA model improved by 14% in terms of coherence score and by 19% and 15% when compared with latent semantic analysis (LSA) and hierarchical dirichlet process (HDP) respectively thereby resulting in 14 root causes for spike in the disease. 2022 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved.