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Echo mapping of active galacticn nuclei
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are the persistent high luminosity sources powered by accretion of matter onto super massive black holes (SMBHs) at their centres. They are known to show flux variation and this property can be used as an effective tool to map the extent of the broad line region (BLR) and the dusty torus that surrounds the central SMBH. Though the mass of the SMBH (MBH) can be directly measured using the dynamics of stars that are close to the SMBH, this method is limited to objects in the low redshift Universe (z < 0.1). On the other hand, the technique of reverberation mapping (RM) can provide MBH estimate over a range of redshifts. RM is based on the light travel time delayed response of the line emitting gas as well as the re-processed torus emission to changes in the continuum emission from the accretion disk. As of now, MBH measure-ments are available for more than 100 sources based on RM. The obtained BLR sizes (RBLR) are found to be correlated with the optical luminosity (L5100) at wavelength 5100 This relationship is obtained based on mea-surements of AGN available over a limited range of luminosity. Moreover, many of these measurements also have larger error bars. Therefore, there is an urgent need to increase RM measurements with small errors on more AGN covering a wide range of redshifts to better constrain the RBLR ? L5100 relation. We have carried out photometric reverberation observa- tions on the AGN Mrk 590. Using both broad band (that overlaps with the continuum) and narrow band (that overlaps with the H? emission line) observations, we found the BLR size to be 21.44+1.49 ?2.11 days, which is equiv- alent to 0.018+0.001 ?0.002 pc. Using this measured BLR size and the full width at half maximum of the H? line measured from the newly acquired Subaru spectrum we found a black hole mass of 1.96+0.15 ?0.21 108 M , using virial relationship and adopting a scale factor of 1.12. Similar to BLR reverberation mapping, the extent of the dusty torus in AGN can also be measured using dust reverberation mapping (DRM) based on the delayed response of the near infrared (NIR) flux from the torus to the ionizing UV/optical continuum coming from the accretion disk. From these observations too, a strong correlation is known to exist between the torus size (Rdust) and the optical luminosity (LV). Based on the Rdust ?LV relation, it is also possible to use AGN as standard candle to con- strain the Hubble constant (H0) and other cosmological parameters. But for that, a large number of DRM observations are needed at different red- shifts. As of today, very few NIR interferometric observations are avail-able, but measurements of the torus size via such direct imaging observa-tions are again limited to very near and bright AGN. Moreover, there is a large discrepancy in the size of the torus obtained via the direct imaging method through interferometry and that obtained from DRM. From long term monitoring in the optical and infra-red, we found the inner edge of the dust torus in H0507+164 and Z229?15 to lie at a distance of 0.029+0.010 ?0.008 pc and 0.017+0.005 ?0.005 pc, respectively, from the central optical continuum source. These two new measurements are also found to lie closely on the known Rdust ? LV relation line. Also, by modeling the available BLR RM data in the literature, it is possible to constrain the size, structure and kinemat-ics of the BLR using Bayesian approach. This approach is adopted several times to study the BLR morphology by different ways but is not applied to a large number of sources in an homogeneous manner. From an analysis of the RM data for a total of 57 sources following a Bayesian approach, we could constrain the structure of the BLR in them as well as derive other properties of BLR. -
Attitude towards the medical profession among higher secondary students in relation to medical aptitude, parental innfluene, peer influence and perceived social expectations
Attitude towards the medical profession includes concepts, motives or beliefs associated with the profession of medical science. A profession that challenges the intellectual competency of the aspirant to qualify- with soaring expectations from family and society- the demands of the career entail the individual to possess an appropriate attitude and a realistic understanding of it. The current study explores the role of medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations in the formation of attitude towards the medical profession and their differences among higher secondary students based on their gender and type of pre-university college. The study-cum-survey employed a quantitative approach using the paradigm of post-positivism. The participants comprised of 396 second-year pre-university students from colleges of Bangalore South, who were selected by convenience sampling, with Physics, Chemistry and Biology as their core subjects. The findings reveal peer influence to be essential in the development of professionalism and a sense of service mindedness. Parental influence and the higher secondary adolescent s perceived social expectations act as significant predictors in the formation of favourable attitude. However, gender and the type of pre-university colleges bear no significant difference with respect to their attitude towards the profession. The study has set a base on what needs to be focussed in our country on the next generation of medical professionals. It is hoped that educational and medical institutions, policy and curriculum drafters, parents and teachers realise that a combination of sound medical aptitude, parental influence, peer influence and perceived social expectations resonates in the formation of a favourable attitude towards medical science. Assessing those higher secondary students qualifying into medical science would enable to analyse differences that existed, if any, in their entry-level and post-qualifying attitude towards the medical profession. -
fluorescence diffuse optical tomography : Synthesis characterization and imaging of a novel target specific near infra-red contrast agent for breast cancer detection
Contrast agents are finding profound application in optical imaging of breast cancer for an early detection. In the present work, a novel estrogen receptor (ER) targeted near infra-red fluorescent dye conjugate was synthesized, referred to as Novel Dye Conjugate (nDC) hereafter. nDC is a conjugate of 17and#946;-estradiol with a derivative of indocyanine green dye, bis-1,1-(4-sulfobutyl) indotricarbocyanine-5-carboxylic acid, sodium salt. Structural composition of nDC was validated using Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) and Hydrogen-1 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H-NMR) technique. MCF-7 and MDA MB 231 Cell lines studies proved the special biding ability of nDC with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer cell lines and its photophysical properties were verified to be in near infrared region (NIR). Similar studies were conducted on ER expressing cancerous tissues like Non-Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Non-Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, Non-Invasive Adenocarcinoma and Non-Invasive Medullary Carcinoma. In all the above tissues, nuclear level ER binding of nDC was observed leading to the validations of the unique binding properties of the novel dye. Mathematical modeling for tumor to background mapping using nDC was carried out through Fluorescence Diffuse Optical Tomography (FDOT) simulations. Simulation results were also validated using silicone phantom experiments. An array of 8*8 boundary data was collected using frequency domain-FDOT system which was setup indigenously. Commercially available fluorescent dye Indocyanine Green (ICG) was used in the present study for comparative analysis with nDC. When compared to ICG, proposed dye had 1.5-fold higher target to background contrast with respect to fluorescent lifetime in both simulation and phantom studies. Similarly proposed novel dye had a two-fold higher target to background contrast with respect to fluorophore absorption. Above results proved the superiority of nDC compared to ICG on target(tumor) to background ratio enhancement. -
Impact of microfinance in socio economic development evidence from south India
The role and impact of microfinance in the socio economic development of the low income people who are not credit worthy has been assessing and exploring by researchers for its sustainable operation and the development of formal financial system. The study explores the socio economic development of microfinance in South India. The objectives are based on variables like financial inclusion, employment and earning opportunities, social inclusion, economic development. social development, personal development. family relationship, economic newlineresilience, social capital, and well-being. The scope of the study is limited to the newlinebeneficiaries of microfinance in four states, namely Andhra Pradesh (undivided),Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. The sampling method used in the study is non probability sampling technique of purposive sampling. Both primary and secondary data are used and it is found that microfinance has contributed to financial inclusion, social inclusion and employment and earning opportunities. Besides it has supported substantially social developinent and moderately economic development of the beneficiaries. Further it is noted that it has positive effect on personal development, and family development. Thus it has contributed to develop economic resilience and social capital among low income people which ultimately sustain their well-being, The major findings of the study are: is found that social inclusion, employment and earning opportunity and newlinefinancial inclusion have a significant influence on social development. It is explored that the financial inclusion and employment and earning opportunity can predict the economic development. It is concluded that the financial inclusion and employment and earning opportunity have a significant influence on the family relationship. It is found that the financial inclusion, employment and earning opportunity newlinecan predict the Personal development. It is observed that the personal development newlineand social development can predict the social capital. -
Study of buoyancy and surface tension driven convention in nanaofluid
This thesis presents a detail study of linear and non-linear analysis of buoyancy and surface tension driven convection in nanofluid. The linear Rayleigh-Bard / Rayleigh- Bard Marangoni convection in nanofluids in the presence of external constraints like magnetic field, rotation and newlineinternal heat generation is investigated. The effect of temperature and volumetric concentration modulation of nanoparticles at the boundary and gravity modulation are studied on the onset of Rayleigh- Bard newlineconvection. The obtained results are discussed qualitatively and presented newlinegraphically. The problem discussed have important applications in the field of oceanography, geophysics, nuclear fuel, astrophysics, geothermal reservoirs, engineering and space situations with g-jitter connected with gravity simulation studies.Given the rising relevance of nanofluid application, we discuss four newlineproblems in this thesis whose detail summary is presented below: (i) LINEAR AND WEAKLY NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS OF GRAVITY MODULATION ON THE ONSET OF RAYLEIGH BARD CONVECTION IN NANOFLUID The effect of modulation of gravity or time-periodic body force on newlinethe onset of Rayleigh-Bard convection in nanofluid is studied using newlinelinear and non-linear analysis. The stability of the fluid layer heated from newlinebelow is analysed by considering time-periodic body acceleration. This newlinehappens generally in the vehicles and satellites associated with studies of newlinemicro gravity simulation. In order to study the effect of gravity modulation newlineon the system stability limit, linear and weakly non-linear analysis is performed. Normal mode technique and perturbation method is applied to study linear stability. The critical Rayleigh number and wave number is newlinecalculated by taking modulation of small amplitude. It is found that the critical thermal Rayleigh number can be increase or decrease by a massive amount depending upon the distribution of nanoparticles.In this thesis we considered bottom heavy distribution of nanoparticles. -
Morphology of interstellar medium using multi-wavelength obervations
The interstellar medium (ISM) is the matter that exists between the stars in a galactic system. The structure and composition of a galaxy can be understood by a study of the ISM. Our Galaxy is the only place where the observations of the ISM can be resolved and studied in great detail. There are various archived observations from space-based and ground based telescopes spanning a large region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Combining these different observations with one another will help to study the ISM on a large scale. We have compiled some such observations and analyzed the column density data, to study the ISM and make the database available to the scientific community for further investigations. The data was taken from papers published over a span of 60 years (1951 to 2010). The column densities in these papers were derived using different methods and observations from various telescopes operating in different wavelengths. We compiled these diverse data into a single catalogue and analysed the data. We studied the correlations between the line of sight gas and dust and reported new correlations not published before (APJS, 119(1), 8, 2012). We also studied the spatial distribution of the interstellar gas and dust and have estimated the corresponding exponential vertical scale heights. There also exists a wide range of photometric data from various telescopes which can be combined to cover a large range of wavelengths. We have made use of Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) photometric data in conjunction with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data to obtain the point sources observed by both missions. GALEX observed in two bands simultaneously, the far-ultraviolet (FUV: 1350 1750 and the near-ultraviolet (NUV: 1750 - 2750 , while SDSS observed in five bands u, g, r, i and z, with effective wavelengths ranging from 3551 to 8931 GALEX and SDSS together provide photometric data ranging from the far-ultraviolet to the near-infrared. -
Study of linear and non-linear analyses of rayleigh-benard chandrasekhar convection in micropolar fluid with saturated porous medium
Thermal instability of Chandrasekhar convection in a micropolar fluid, saturated porous layer is being investigated in this study. The model is confined between two horizon- tal plates of infinite length and separated by a fixed distance. A uniform temperature gradient is provided at the lower plate, while the upper plate is cooled. The study is analysed for both linear as well as non-linear cases to understand the stability, transfer of heat and mass within the model. The study is carried out in extending the model for Rayleigh-Benard and double diffusive convection with external constraints such as in-ternal heat, concentration source, gravity modulation, temperature modulation, coupled cross diffusion and throughflow. The outcome of the study is discussed in detail and presented pictorially through graphs. Linear and Non-linear Analyses of Double Diffusive Chandrasekhar Convection with Heat and Concentration Source in Micropolar Fluid with Saturated Porous Media under Gravity Modulation. A thermosolutal convective study is carried out in the presence of externally imposed magnetic field and gravity modulation together with heat and concentration source in a micropolar fluid. This problem is analysed for both linear and non-linear cases by as- suming the strength of heat and concentration source same. The expression for critical thermal Rayleigh number and correction thermal Rayleigh number are obtained using regular perturbation method to understand the stability of problem. The transfer of heat and mass transport is investigated by deriving the eighth order Lorentz equation. It is found that internal Rayleigh number and Darcy number speeds up the onset of instabil-ity while the coupling parameter and Chandrasekhar number has a reverse effect. Also, the transfer of mass is more compared to the transfer of heat. Linear and Non-linear Analyses of Double Diffusive Chandrasekhar Convection Coupled with Cross-diffusion in Micropolar Fluid over Saturated Porous Medium The problem aims to find the effects of coupled cross-diffusion in a micropolar fluid over a porous medium, subjected to double-diffusive-Chandrasekhar convection. The usual stability analysis has been employed to determine the critical thermal Rayleigh number. Non-linear analysis is carried out by deriving the Lorentz equations using trun- cated Fourier series representation. Heat and Mass transport are quantified by Nusselt and Sherwood number respectively. Analysis related to the effect of various parameter are plotted and the result for the same are interpreted. As Dufour parameter increases, the diffusion of heat and solute takes place which increases the temperature difference and thereby delays the onset of convection by making the system stable. It is observed from the results that Dufour parameter and Soret parameter have opposite influence on the stability of the problem. Linear and Non-linear Analyses of Throughflow Effect on the Onset of Rayleigh-Benard-Chandrasekhar Convection in Micropolar Fluid with Porous Medium. The Rayleigh-Benard convection over a porous medium saturated with micropolar fluid is simulated via externally imposed magnetic effect. The stability of the system is ex- amined using linear analysis by the method of normal mode. The rate of heat and mass transport within the system is examined by deriving sixth order Lorentz equation using non-linear analysis. It is observed that by regulating the throughflow effect, the con- vection of the system can be controlled. Also, the pro-gravity and anti-gravity cases has a stabilizing effect on the system. From mathematical calculation, it can be seen that heat transfer rate is same for both pro-gravity and anti-gravity cases, because of the symmetric nature of the boundaries considered. Linear and Non-linear Analyses on the Effect of Time Periodic Boundary Temper- ature and Internal Heat Source in a Micropolar Fluid on the Onset of Rayleigh- Benard-Chandrasekhar Convection with Porous Medium The impact of temperature modulation at the boundaries over a surface containing voids that is soaked in micropolar fluid is investigated to understand the thermal instability of the convection exposed to magnetic effect and internal heating of the system. A small amplitude of perturbation is given to the system to analyse the thermal instability by performing a linear study through the method of regular perturbation, which yields Rayleigh number for unmodulated and modulated system. Three cases of study is car-ried out to inspect the vibrating temperature field at the boundaries, namely symmetric case where the temperature is modulated in-phase, asymmetric case where the temper-ature is modulated out-phase and the case where only the bottom wall temperature is modulated. The non-linear analysis is employed to find the heat in the system, using Lorentz model. The outcome of the study conveys that sub critical motion occurs dur- ing in-phase modulation while the out-phase modulation leads to a more stable system. Moreover, internal Rayleigh number hastens the onset of convection. -
A study on socio-economic impact of remittances on forward migrants household of tibetan refugees in india
Migration and Development is an agenda of every country s economic policy in recent time. Migration has been linked to the flow of remittances influencing socio-economic development particularly of developing countries. Studies on remittances have also reflected its positive side having potential effect at all levels including micro (households), macro (country) and meso newline(community) levels.The existing literature on remittance manifested the prominent role of remittance in enhancing livelihood of receiving households. Empirical study conducted on developing economies concluded that households receiving remittances are better off than those of non-receiving newlinehouseholds. International remittance has a direct role on household s economy by raising newlinehousehold s standard of living. Remittances were used for household consumption activities including education, health, housing, accumulating assets leading to human capital development. Likewise, literature pointed out the potential role of remittance inducing investment in business and entrepreneurship development by employing households in becoming self-reliant. Further, remittance improves trust and network within households and community which indirectly helps poor in the community. Thus, it is evident from the previous literature that newlineremittances have enhanced human and financial and social capital development. However, the existing literature lacks information on remittance affecting livelihood in Tibetan newlinecontext. Hence, there is a need of in-depth study in this area of research which is latent and unexplored. In this study, it has made an attempt to understand the role of remittance on Tibetan refugee communities in India who rely on remittance as one of the major sources of income. The study focuses on the impact of remittances from forward migrants who migrated from India towards newlinewestern and European countries. They send remittances back home leading to socio-economic development in the country of origin. -
Empirical evidence on usability of mobiles in health care
Healthcare industry today has seen a lot of innovation and transformation like any other industry. With technological advancements it is growing leaps and bounds. One of the major challenges before the world today is effective management of diseases. The healthcare industry has been benefitted with the usage of information and communication technology (ICT). When integrated properly this technology has the potential to provide solutions to increased demands in quality, efficiency and improved workflow to help streamline healthcare operations. newlineDeveloping countries today are facing an increasing incidence of non communicable and communicable disease. M-health has the potential to extend help in both the fronts. Peep into various scenarios reveal that majority of diseases that kill people in the rural areas are curable with little information and this information dissemination can happen through mobiles which have a deeper penetration than any other technology. Most of the innovations in mobile technologies have not been evaluated beyond the pilot stage. Thus there is a need newlineto evaluate these interventions for them to become acceptable and usable by the patients and healthcare professionals. Various researchers time and again have argued the need for usability studies in healthcare innovations. This study is unique as it caters to both the aspects: technology acceptance and health technology acceptance and the context of usability. There is a large pool of studies which are available for technology acceptance but for healthcare context there has to be a mix of technology acceptance behavior and health behavior newlineacceptance. Researchers like Nutbeam (1998) have highlighted the importance of health behavior which is defined as activities which individuals take up irrespective of their health status for the objective of health maintenance even if such behavior may not be effective in the end. -
Identification and standardization of counsellor competencies for master level counsellor education programs in india
Counselling psychology programs in India have been criticized for being poor replicas of newlineconcepts that have originated in western cultures . The lack of Indian models has been quoted as a drawback indicating that trainees are not necessarily competent to provide effective counselling services. The present study aimed at identifying and standardizing competencies for post graduate counsellor training in India based on local needs.The study employed a mixed methods design with four phases. In the first phase, a list of key occupational tasks were drawn up through a systematic review of literature and interviews with three expert practitioners. The second phase was the development of a counsellor competency list which outlined the various competencies required to fulfil the key occupational tasks determined in the previous stage. Seventy one competencies were identified and the list was then given for newlineexpert validation. In the third phase, the competency list was given to 75 practicing newlinecounsellors across India who rated the competencies on a 5-point likert scale, based on its importance for post graduate counsellor trainees. In the final stage the prioritized competencies were analyzed using a concept development approach to identify core competencies required for master level counselling psychology trainees. The resulting core competencies were three foundational competency domains which included ethical practice, personal and professional development and cultural sensitivity. There were also three newlinefunctional competency domains which included the counselling process, the supervision newlineprocess and the promotion of counselling in India. Specific competencies under each domain were also listed along with behavioral indicators for the same. Thus the core competencies that counsellor trainees must develop to provide an effective service were identified and this has implications for training and practice. -
Analysis of some important fulid flow problems using differential geometry based methods
In this thesis we have studied MHD and EMFD flow of viscous and inviscid fluid for different cases when magnetic field and velocity are variably or constantly inclined. In particular magnetic and velocity vector are orthogonal. The pattern of streamlines and magnetic lines are derived in every problem and the effect of density and magnetic permeability on the variation of pressure is studied. The problems studied in this thesis give further investigation on the analytical solution of magnetohydrodynamic and electromagnetic fluid dynamic flow. The problems that studied analytically in this thesis have possible application in theoretical analysis of fluid dynamics and the analytical findings in this thesis can be applied in engineering fields such as aeronautics, plasmas, liquid metals and salt water or electrolytes. We have studied five problems here in this thesis. These problems are to find analytical solution of different types of fluid flows in the presence of magnetic field. Here we give a brief summary about the problems discussed in detail in this research work. (i) GEOMETRY OF CONSTANTLY INCLINED VISCOUS MHD FLOWS newlineProblems on incompressible MHD flow of viscous and inviscid fluids having newlinefinite or infinite electrical conductivity have been investigated by many researchers newlineusing different transformation methods. Transformation method is applied from newlineone plane to another plane for studying the flows by reducing the order of the equation. In this problem we have studied a viscous MHD flow having infinite electrical conductivity when the magnetic field is inclined to the velocity vector in a constant angle. Hodograph transformation is applied to shift variables from the physical plane to the hodograph plane. Streamlines and magnetic lines are analyzed along with determining the solutions to the flow problems. Finally the newlinepressure variation is analyzed graphically. Flow pattern along with pressure variation, also studied in this problem for an orthogonal MHD flow. -
Synthesis of Benzothiazinones Benzothiazines and Their Selenium Analogues Through Novel Synthetic Routes
Benzo fused N-heterocyclic scaffolds containing oxygen, sulphur or selenium have found wide interest in the field of drug-discovery. Among these N-heterocycles, benzothiazine, benzoxazine, benzoselenazine and benzothiazinone derivatives are a unique class of compounds and have a larger scope towards the development of efficient and simple synthetic methodologies for their synthesis with readily available substrates. newlineDuring the course of the present thesis a convenient and simple synthetic procedures were developed for the synthesis of benzothiazines, benzoxazines, benzoselenazines and benzothiazinones in an onepot methodology. 2-aryl/alkyl substituted 1,3-benzothiazines and selenazines were synthesized by reacting 2-amino benzyl alcohols and thio or seleno benzamides in the presence of T3P.A reagent controlled methodology was developed for the synthesis of 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzothiazines and oxazines. Initially, various 2-amino benzylalcohols are reacted with newlineisothiocyanates to form the corresponding thioureas. The formed thioureas undergo newlinecyclodehydration in the presence of T3P to yield 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzothiazines newlineand on the other hand molecular iodine facilitates desulfurization of the thiourea to yield 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzoxazines. 2-amino substituted 1,3-benzothiazinones were synthesized by reacting anthranilic acids and isothiocyanates in the presence of EDC.HCl. 2-aryl substituted 1,3-benzothiazinones were synthesized by employing thiobenzamides in the presence of T3P. All the compounds synthesized were characterized by 1HNMR, 13C, Mass spectroscopic (LCMS, HRMS) analysis. Docking studies against TANKYRASE-1 enzyme for colorectal cancer (CRC) and antibacterial studies were also discussed. -
Effectivrness of family centered psychosocial intervention programme for primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is one of the multiple disabilities affecting 2 to 2.5 per thousand new born babies in India. It usually affects both individual and families. Though care giving is a normal part of being the parent of a child, caring a child with special needs takes on an entirely different life perspective when a child with disabilities, and especially one with multiple disabilities like cerebral palsy which have an effect on long-term dependence. The task of rearing and caring for a child with complex disabilities like cerebral palsy at home might be a great challenge for parents. The aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of family centered psychosocial intervention programe for the primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Objectives are to assess anxiety, stress, family burden and perceived social support, and to determine the newlineeffectiveness of family centered psycho social intervention programme on primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy. The study followed before and after research experimental research design without control group. The sample of this study consisted of thirty five mothers of the children with cerebral palsy. The heterogeneous socio demographic background was drawn for the present study. The results revealed that extent of psycho social problem was present in the domains of anxiety, stress, family burden and perceived social support among mothers. It also revealed newlinethat the extent of psycho social problems was significantly reduced in the domains of newlineanxiety, stress and family burden and increased perceived social support after family centered psycho social intervention programme. It is indicated that the family centered viji psychosocial intervention is effective in psychosocial domains of the primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy. -
A search for a grounding source in interpersonal relationships through metaxology in the select novels of bernard malmud
This research examines interpersonal relationships in the select novels of newlineBernard Malamud from a metaxological perspective. By examining the formation of newlinethe community through individuals where there are agapeic service and transformation newlineof individuals, it attempts to bring out the relevance of metaxological relationships that newlinegive importance to dialogue, ethical relationships and love. It is essential to understand the space between interpersonal relationships to lead a meaningful life in the contemporary world. It explores to ascertain whether human beings attain fulfilment in the community through transformation. This thesis addresses the issues that are relevant to the novelist in the context of Jewish identity and assumes that this study is essential since the study informs us about the interpersonal relationships which are very relevant newlinein today s context. This study claims that the interpersonal relationships portrayed in newlinethe novels of Malamud are metaxological because it affirms the self and transcends newlinetowards the other and forms a community where there is agapeic love and service. This newlineresearch claims that interpersonal relationships attain its fulfilment through newlinemetaxological relationships. This mode of interpersonal relationships is relevant since newlineit enables us to understand many existing problems between people, culture and nations, newlineand to find a solution to it. The question of how to maintain a proper relationship with newlineother human beings by giving equal importance to the individuals who are involved in the relationship is prominent today. The analysis of the novels based on metaxology newlinechanges our existing understanding of the interpersonal relationships and gives a new newlinedimension to it.