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Generation a: Life perspectives, potentials, challenges and future of neurodiverse stars in India
In India, one in 500 people (Balaji, 2019) are diagnosed with ASD. Around 40 non-governmental organizations cater to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) children; out of that, a few organizations focus on adults providing them vocational training to make them employable. One such exercise was initiated by SAP Labs India, a leading software company, and Enable India, an Indian NGO where they developed a focused training program for people with ASD and placed them in vital technical jobs in SAP Labs India (Karwa, 2016). First, we peek into the lifestyles of a few successful neurodiverse rock stars in India and their journey from becoming aware of their profile to establishing a career and becoming a role model to other people with ASD. Second, we present the autism landscape in India. Third, we explore the organizations that have hired people with ASD, their policies connected to neurodiversity, and the organizations that give training and support. Fourth, we present the potentials and the challenges people with ASD face. Fifth and final, we cover the role of different stakeholders to foster support and up-skill people with ASD for better community development. 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved. -
Nurturing the Rudiments and Use Cases of Ongoing Natural Language Generation for a Future Profitable Business More Profitable
Decoding the world of artificial intelligence and its usage in the current intelligence landscape enhance bottom-up growth in building resilient global business. The areas of artificial intelligence (AI) concerned with human-to-machine and machine-to-human interaction. The Next Wave in AI-driven speech is Natural Language Generation (NLG). Natural Language Generation (NLG) is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) programming to produce written or spoken narrative from a dataset. NLG is related to computational linguistics, natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU). NLG research often focuses on building computer programs that provide data points with context. Sophisticated NLG software has the ability to mine large quantities of numerical data, identify patterns and share that information in a way that is easy for humans to understand. The speed of NLG software is especially useful for producing news and other time-sensitive stories on the internet. At its best, NLG output can be published verbatim as web content. The goal of Natural language generation (NLG) is to use AI to produce written or spoken narrative from a dataset. Therefore, this study aims to study how NLG enables machines and humans to communicate seamlessly, simulating human to human conversations and using NLG how organizations are building new customer experiences, monetizing information assets, introducing new offerings and streamlining operational costs. Therefore, the coverage of this chapter will answer to the industrialists and new start-ups. What can NLG do for business? and what are the future applications of NLG? 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Exploring social networking data sets
A network is a collection of objects/devices that are linked to one another through wired and wireless communication. Networks are everywhere, and they are formed to share resources among users. Nodes and edges form a network structure. Nodes describe the objects, whereas edges represent the connections between them. Network analysis is advantageous in a wide variety of live application activities. It enables us to get a thorough knowledge of the structure of a connection in social networks, the structure or process of development in environmental events, and even the study of organisms' biological systems. Additionally, network analysis allows the estimation of complex network patterns, and the network structure may be examined to disclose the network's basic features. If anyone examines a social connection among Facebook users, for example, the nodes indicate the target people and the edges reflect the connections between users, such as friendships or group memberships. The objective of this chapter is to describe and visualize social network analysis (SNA) using Python and NetworkX, a Python framework for analyzing the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks. 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. -
"Case" as "text" in the class: Plethora of pedagogical and structural nuances
The research work undertakes to examine "case, ? "case study, ? and "case pedagogy. ? As the first step, the chapter explores the feel of the Case. This leads to a further investigation and lets out certain malfunctions: gross lapses, loopholes, casualties, and shortcomings. Case then has been subjected to further investigations. Keeping intact the primary concerns of case scan and its explications thereupon, the study takes up the interpretations and intricacies involved in understanding the case. These expose the puzzles involved in the pedagogical exercises in educational institutions. The research with astute expedience does the operation with logical reasoning. The work leads to proper remedial measures and redefines case and case grasp. Using theory of ontology, case is subjected to closer examination. Theory of epistemology further deepens research pursuits to unravel a few more case mysteries. From these, the authors evolve a few keys and tips to study case more effectively. All help readers build up exemplary teaching methods and effective learning concepts. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Exploring the role of social media marketing in the education sector
The educational system across the world is undergoing a transition and is affected by numerous factors encompassing technology to psychology. The traditional model of face-to-face teacher-led learning approach has been gradually shifted to student-centric and outcome-based learning. Though the intellect and learning capacities among students differ in many aspects, personalized attention of the teacher to student and practical exposure to subjects are considered as few significant areas of concern in curriculum and pedagogy. The late 2000s witnessed the dawn of many EdTech companies proclaiming personalized attention and experiential learning through online platforms. EdTech companies make fine use of social media marketing and adopt well-thought-out strategies to reach out to the student segment and parents. The prime objective of this chapter is to study the role of social media marketing strategies in capturing student segments and the influence that makes on parents' purchase decisions. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Confrontations faced by women in higher education institutions and strategies to overcome the anomalies in the mid-career
Women do succeed in higher positions in the higher education system but only to a certain point, and many women are really motivated by the traditional academic values such as passion to the discipline, pursuit of knowledge, good working environment, and flexibility. Women in higher education .spend the majority of their life at the mid-career stage. Some of them feel wedged, undervalued, and find no motivation to go forward in their mid-career. Hence, the mid-career stage is very much important with women academicians, and they feel there is little support or mentoring. Hence, the mid-career period is increasingly difficult to navigate. Women encounter enormous obstacles in their academic career, including unequal task distribution and balancing caring responsibilities to name a few. The aim of this chapter is to discuss in detail the challenges and obstacles faced by women in their mid-career in higher education and a few strategies to overcome the encounters. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Women in higher education institutions: Challenges faced by women in HEI and emerging opportunities
A multitasking Queen plays a heterogeneous role in each and everyone 's tremendous journey of life right from the beginning until the end. As a wife, mother, sister, daughter, mentor, philosopher, friend, lover, and most importantly, 'first teacher', her contributions are noteworthy. Nobody can even dream up life without a woman. Women are capable enough in learning, teaching, and sustenance throughout their life. The art of learning and teaching encompasses the art of living. As a teacher, she is a source of inspiration, knowledge, and reason for the future. The first smile, step, voice, and any word are being routed by the first teacher called mother cum woman. This chapter explores women in higher education institutions. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Learn, unlearn, and relearn: A step towards bringing resilience in business organizations in the post-COVID-19 regime
The world on a whole has undergone a paradigm shift in its journey with the onset of the COVID-19 threat. Business houses of any stature tremendously suffered towards their consistent and competitive survival. Means and measures are few to implement and very challenging in reaping the benefits. Sheer fall in GDP, dropping in the rate of industrialization and productivity are no unknown facts in the present-day scenario. Indians are unfortunate to embrace the pandemic at the juncture of planning and forecasting of India becoming a five trillion dollar economy by 2025. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Effective HR practices in family business in technology disruption era
Today's world of 21st-century business is said to be a VUCA (Volatility-Uncertainty-Complexity-Ambiguity) world. VUCA describes the fast pace of change in the business environment. It has largely been led by the disruption brought about by technology-led human resources departments within organisations to revise strategy approaches and methods to face these emerging challenges. Research studies show that more than two-thirds of the companies in the world belong to family businesses. In the family business, the owners and HR should see what is going on in the business environment and update the situation. As most family businesses have family members in key positions, the tricky issues faced by family businesses are mostly about handling family and non-family members and creating effective HR policies. The COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 and 2020 has disrupted their business in unexpected ways. This chapter explores different HR practices adopted by the family business and suggests effective HR practices and procedures to meet the multiple challenges in the family business. The chapter also analyses the strategies of HR practices followed by some top family business firms worldwide. The chapter is formed as a meta-synthesis. It provides more qualitative inputs related to recent challenges and effective HR practices adopted in the technologically competitive era and during the COVID-19 pandemic period. 2022 World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. -
Cyber secure man-in-the-middle attack intrusion detection using machine learning algorithms
The main objective of this chapter is to enhance security system in network communication by using machine learning algorithm. Cyber security network attack issues and possible machine learning solutions are also elaborated. The basic network communication component and working principle are also addressed. Cyber security and data analytics are two major pillars in modern technology. Data attackers try to attack network data in the name of man-in-the-middle attack. Machine learning algorithm is providing numerous solutions for this cyber-attack. Application of machine learning algorithm is also discussed in this chapter. The proposed method is to solve man-in-the-middle attack problem by using reinforcement machine learning algorithm. The reinforcement learning is to create virtual agent that should predict cyber-attack based on previous history. This proposed solution is to avoid future cyber middle man attack in network transmission. 2022 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Female masculinities and women of third nature: Analyzing the gender and sexual politics of identity and visibility of alternative masculinities through indian mythologies and literary narratives
Alternative sexualities have been a part of the Indian past since time immemorial, and mention of them is often visible in Sanskrit mythological texts. As much as the presence of hijras and other gendered cultural identities is in Indian and Western public discourses, there is a narrow space occupied by women of the third kind with female masculinities, with scant attention leading to the higher invisibility of women of the third kind. Female masculinity is often considered a "rejected shred, " while male masculinity is seen as real and heroic. This chapter focuses on "masculinity without men" to explore alternative masculinities-the concept popularized by Judith Halberstam (Judith Halberstam, Female Masculinity. Zubaan Books, New Delhi, 1998). We delve into the politics of alternative modes of enactment and production where male masculinity is embedded. This chapter centers on female masculinity and alternative forms of masculinities performed, enacted, and embodied by female individuals as reflected in the Indian past and mythology. This chapter further delves into identifying histories and representations of female masculinities in Indian literature to bring female masculinities and women of the third kind into academic discourse. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2022. All rights reserved. -
Detection of cyber crime based on facial pattern enhancement using machine learning and image processing techniques
Cybercrime has several antecedents, including the rapid expansion of the internet and the wide variety of users around the world. It is now possible to use this data for a variety of purposes, whether for profit, non-profit, or purely for the benefit of the individual. As a result, tracing and detecting online acts of terrorism requires the development of a sound technique. Detection and prevention of cybercrime has been the subject of numerous studies and investigations throughout the years. An effective criminal detection system based on face recognition has been developed to prevent this from happening. Principle component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) algorithms can be used to identify criminals based on facial recognition data. Quality, illumination, and vision are all factors that affect the efficiency of the system. The goal of this chapter is to improve accuracy in the facial recognition process for criminal identification over currently used conventional methods. Using proposed hybrid model, we can get the accuracy of 99.9.5%. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Responding to the pandemic: A case of the indian hotel industry
The chapter presents a case study on how Indian hotel industry was affected by COVID-19. Three hotels-Lemon Tree, Oyo Rooms, and Taj Hotels-were selected to elaborate. The study found that the hotel industry developed various policies to keep running their hotels during the pandemic. Lemon Tree joined various hospitals to provide rooms to COVID patients, provided free food and face masks to individuals. Oyo Rooms gave employee stock ownership plans of Rs 130 crore to its COVID-hit employees. Taj Hotels did not cut down the salaries of their employees and reduced its seating capacity by 50%. The study concluded that as the hospitality sector battled hard to continue during the pandemic, modernization would become an imperative tool in the post-COVID period to beat obstructions and spotlight advancement. So, the companies should minimize fixed costs and maximize variable costs. They should preferably have liquid cash available that could enable them to mitigate the risk. 2022, IGI Global. -
Unlocking IoT: AI-enabled green fintech innovations
Meeting ESG (environmental, social, and governance) standards is becoming an essential goal for businesses, one that is supported by both investors and customers. FinTech can help companies evaluate and reduce their environmental effect, as well as investors channel their operations toward more sustainable assets. Embracing sustainability has become one of the priorities for many fintech companies today. Green fintech innovations have provided technologically enabled solutions for financial services that help in increasing the flow of financial resources for sustainable development. Recognizing the importance of green fintech in today's scenario, this chapter will initially focus on the components of the fintech ecosystem and IoT and AI-enabled fintech innovations in India, drivers of green fintech potentials of green fintech IoT, and AI-enabled green fintech from global perspective and has highlighted the green fintech solutions provided by the topmost companies. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Psychological capital as an antecedent of employee engagement and its relationship with intention to stay
Employee engagement is an evolving concept in human resources (HR). Most organizations strive to attain employee engagement because of the various organization-related outcomes. It is important for employees to feel engaged emotionally, socially, and intellectually with the work and organization. Various antecedents affect employee engagement and, in turn, result in an organization-related positive outcome. This chapter discusses in-depth PsyCap as an antecedent of employee engagement and how it relates to intent to stay regarding employees working in travel organizations in India and aims to build relevant theoretical frameworks based on the findings. The chapter also discusses some strategies organizations can implement to achieve employee engagement based on the findings. 2022, IGI Global. -
Nanovaccinology and superbugs
Superbugs pose a serious threat to humans as many of the currently available antibiotics are not effective in treating the diseases inflicted by these microbes.Among the different bacteria causing clinical infections, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Serratia marcescens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcusaureus, Proteus mirabilis, and so on, are some of the most vicious ones emergingat an unprecedented rate with huge impact on public health. In this context, prophylacticmeasures for these diseases assume great significance and NVs indeedfit in as a promising measure. Sustained release, improved antigen stability, betterimmunogenicity, better access to lymph nodes and low minimum immunotoxicitytranslates to the better efficacy of nano-based vaccines. Lipid-based NP (nanoparticles),dendrimers, Polymeric NP, self-assembled peptide NP, virus like particles(VLPs), and so on, are the promising NV (nanovaccines) delivery approaches.Improvisations of NVs by decorating NP surfaces with ligands that target specificimmune cells like the dendritic cells is also a promising approach to induce both Tand B cell responses. The current review focuses on the breakthroughs in the NVdomain with the challenges and opportunities of creating NVs to curb the menaceof superbugs. 2022 Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved. -
Tools and technologies for the governance of knowledge management
Knowledge management is a consolidation of various endeavours and disciplines. This chapter assesses the space of knowledge management and examines the significance of running a successful business with an efficient management system. To have a smooth management in a company, all the employees in the company need to access all the required information, which may be comprised of documents, collaboration of teams, policies in various departments, etc. All of these require an efficient knowledge management system. A framework for characterising the various tools and techniques available to knowledge management practitioners are well explored in the chapter. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Countering educational disruptions through an inclusive approach: Bridging the digital divide in distance education
The COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc across the globe, irrespective of governments, industries, and societies. The education sector is one of the most extensively affected by the global health crisis, manifesting expansive negative consequences to learners from various age groups and socioeconomic statuses. Despite the predicaments posed by the pandemic, academic institutions continue to provide education through a distance learning approach. However, the educational disruptions have underscored the lack of digital resources and competencies, excluding poor and unconnected students. Likewise, transitioning to remote education exposed the digital divide and inequalities that have been neglected for a long time. If the ultimate objective is to provide distance education, it is vital to devise solutions to problems faced by underprivileged students. This chapter investigates these challenges that impede the successful adoption of distance education and offers strategies to counter the disruptions as it seems apparent that online education is here to stay. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Are Indian higher education institutions doing their bit towards empowerment of mid-career women?: A study of public and private universities in India
Gender diversity and empowerment of mid-career women in the workplace have rightfully gained importance over the last decade. However, there is a paucity of research pertaining to the position of mid-career women in higher education institutions (HEI) in India. The data suggest that while there has been an increase in the number of women in the academic sphere, yet there is a visible lack of women in the top academic leadership positions across Indian HEIs. This chapter explores the HR practices adopted by top public and private universities to support women's career progression. Using a mixed-method approach, the chapter identifies barriers to women 's growth in academia. And finally, the authors make suggestions for promoting female academicians by comparing existing practices to those practised in gender-equal countries across the globe. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved.