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The Effect of Lyrical Music on Hopelessness in College Students
Hopelessness is a product of negative future expectations, negative feelings toward the future and feeling a lack of control over future improvements. One of the major factors that play a role in hopelessness are Negative Life Events (NLE) along with the interaction of negative inferential styles. College students are seen to experience both NLE and engage in negative inferential styles which is seen in their portrayal of hopelessness. The aim of the study was to reduce levels of hopelessness in college students through an intervention that involved listening to songs having hopeful lyrics. The study strived to answer the following question: Can hopeful lyrics in songs can have an effect on hopelessness? The sample consisted of college students (N=66), who were randomly assigned to three groups, namely the lyrical music group (hopeful lyrics and music), music group (only music) and the control group (no intervention). The Beck???s hopelessness scale was used to measure their levels of hopelessness before the intervention and at the end of 4 weeks. The lyrical music group and the music group participants were exposed to songs and instrumental tracks twice a week, for a duration of 4 weeks. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank test for related samples was used to analyse the effect of the intervention or lack of, on levels of hopelessness. The Kruskal-Wallis was used to analyse the difference score between the three groups. Results indicated that the lyrical music group (p = .001) had a significant difference in levels of hopelessness after the intervention, however the music group (p = .072) and the control group (p = .402) showed no significant difference. There was a significant difference between the three groups with regard to the difference obtained from their pre-test and post-test scores (p = .03). Pairwise comparisons have helped to see where that difference lies. Thus it can be concluded that hopeful lyrical music does have an effect on hopelessness and can be seen as differing from the functions of music alone. -
The Effect of Logotherapy on Meaning and Quality of Life of the Elderly in Old Age Homes.
Today the elderly in India is faced with a changing life situation where the traditional joint family system, according to which the elders were recognized and respected have given way to nuclear families where the elderly try to fit in. The number of old age homes in India is on increase especially in the state of Kerala. The existing literature shows that the elderly in old age homes in India undergo the problems like, relational issues, poverty, health issues, rejection from children, death of the partner, death anxiety etc, which lead to meaninglessness and poor quality of life. The current research is aimed at studying the effectiveness of a logotherapy intervention called Meaning in Life Programme on the meaning and quality of life of the elderly in old age homes. For the purpose of the study three old age homes with similar administration were selected from the districts of Kottayam, Kannur and Ernakulam district of Kerala where the highest number of old age homes of India are situated. 60 of them who met the inclusion criteria were randomely put into two groups, namely control group and experimental group. At par with the existing literature the study proves that the elderly in old age homes have a low meaning and quality of life. The average mean score of meaning in the pre-test was 14.23 in MiLS and the average mean score of quality of life in the pre-test is 51.83 in WHOQOL. The experimental group was given an intensive Logotherapy- meaning in life programme for five days and the control group had normal life. After a period of one month both groups were tested with MiLS and WHOQOL and there was significant difference between the control group and the experimental group. The Experimental group scored 22.06 in MiLS at the significant level of p < .001 and 59.73 in WHOQOL at the significant level of p < .001. The study revealed that logotherapy is effective in enhancing meaning and quality of life of the elderly in old age homes. Key words: meaning, quality, elderly, logotherapy -
The effect of hopeful lyrics on levels of hopelessness among college students
Hopelessness is a product of negative future expectations, negative feelings toward the future, and feeling a lack of control over future improvements. College students are seen to experience hopelessness. This study aimed to reduce levels of hopelessness in college students through an intervention that involved listening to songs having hopeful lyrics. The sample consisted of college students (N = 66), who were randomly assigned to three groups, namely the lyrics-music group, music-only group, and the control group (no intervention). The Becks Hopelessness Scale was used to measure their levels of hopelessness before the intervention and at the end of four weeks. The lyrics-music group and the music group participants were exposed to songs and instrumental tracks, respectively, twice a week, for four weeks. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test for related samples was used to analyze the effect of the intervention on levels of hopelessness. The KruskalWallis test was used to analyze the differences across the three groups. Results indicated that the lyrics-music group had a significant decrease in levels of hopelessness after the intervention. However, the music group and the control group showed no significant decrease. There was a significant difference between the three groups with regard to the difference score obtained from pre to post intervention. Thus, the evidence suggests that hopeful lyrics do have an effect on hopelessness and can be seen as differing from the functions of music alone. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
The effect of dietary supplementation of proteases on growth, digestive enzymes, oxidative stress, and intestinal morphology in fishes A review
Optimizing utilization of nutrients and improving protein digestibility, particularly in the early stages of cultivable species, is a challenging task for the sustainable development of aquaculture. The use of protein-digesting enzymes as a feed supplement is an eco-friendly approach to improve protein digestibility. Exogenous enzymes, particularly proteases, have been shown to improve fish growth, nutrient digestibility, immunological parameters, intestinal topography, and most importantly, water quality. Although there is a clear understanding of the role of proteases and their mechanism of action, their role as a feed supplement in aquaculture remains controversial. In this review, we present updated information on the impact of proteases in improving various development indicators and fish health in general. Based on the information gathered from the current state of knowledge, it is clear that extensive research has to be made to broaden the application of proteases overcoming the drawbacks that could hinder its application in the field. Graphical Abstract: (Figure presented.) The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023. Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. a society or other partner) holds exclusive rights to this article under a publishing agreement with the author(s) or other rightsholder(s); author self-archiving of the accepted manuscript version of this article is solely governed by the terms of such publishing agreement and applicable law. -
The effect of cutting fluid in improving the machinability of Inconel 718 using ceramic AS20 tool
Industries demand a vast usage of superalloys in heat resistant and high temperature applications. These include nozzle of rocket fuel engines, throttle valve of turbojet engines, turbine blade discs of aerospace industries, rivets and fittings of chemical and production industries, biomedical applications in super strength resistive steels. These superalloys such as Inconel 718 finds its vast applications in all such industries. To machine such materials a lot of wear and tear occurs at the cutting tool. Hence, cutting fluid helps in reduction of tool wear and improving surface roughness. In this paper, two cutting fluids Koolkut 40 and Hicut 590 have been used in emulsified form during the machining of Inconel 718 with Ceramic cutting tool. Hicut 590 has been seen a better heat resistive cutting fluid in reducing the tool wear and thus improving the life of the tool. 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Global Conference on Recent Advances in Sustainable Materials 2021. -
The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Use Continuance in Bank Chatbot Service
Chatbots are text-based conversational agents that use Natural Language Processing to converse with customers. Chatbot has revolutionized the service industry by providing a customer-centric environment and a cost-effective business pattern to service providers. This technology is still maturing and has already influenced a lot of businesses due to its effective human-like interaction in different sectors. The banking industry too has adopted this very well. However, the acceptance level of this service is relatively slow among banking customers when compared to other sectors. This study focuses on the role of customer satisfaction factors that influence the use continuance of Chatbot services in the banking sector. A quantitative research design, using a purposive sampling method with a sample size of 422 respondents was considered. The data was analysed using SPSS and JMP. The results gave some new perspectives that will help the service providers to identify the antecedents that influence the use continuance of Chatbot service. IJCESEN. -
The effect of climate change on the dynamics of a modified surface energy balance-mass balance model of Cryosphere under the frame of a non-local operator
One of the major causes of the intermittent nature of long-term climate changes is the interaction between the surface energy balance and the mass balance of the Cryosphere. In this paper, the pre-existing surface energy balance-mass balance model of the Cryosphere is modified by incorporating the radiative forcing of CO2 to observe the effect of global warming on the nature of the previous model. The modified model is generalized using Caputo's non-local operator. The stability of the new model is analyzed at all the equilibrium points and also it is shown that there exists a unique and bounded solution for the modified system. Using bifurcation analysis and calculating the values of Lyapunov exponents for different fractional orders of the modified system, it is found that the system exhibits chaos for certain values of the radiating forcing of CO2 To observe and visualize the changes in the nature of the new model, the system is solved using the highly efficient 7th-order RungeKutta method. It is observed that with the inclusion of the radiative forcing of CO2, the nature of the system changes from asymptotically stable to chaotic as we decrease the order of the system. The Poincare map shows that the modified model even has characteristics of a strange attractor which is highly chaotic. The system becomes unstable when the value of the radiative forcing of CO2 is increased. As a result, the predictive power of the surface energy balance-mass balance model of the Cryosphere decreases. In addition to providing insights into the transition from stability to chaos in the Cryosphere model due to CO2 radiative forcing, this research offers a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between climate dynamics and complex systems behavior. 2023 The Authors -
The effect of celebrity trustworthiness on endorsement effectiveness: A comparison of congruence and hybrid model /
Vision, Vol.23, Issue 3, pp.275-286 -
The Effect of Celebrity Trustworthiness on Endorsement Effectiveness: A Comparison of Congruence and Hybrid Model
The research evaluates the effect of celebrity trustworthiness in creating effective endorsements. The previous research in the field has suggested two competing theories in explaining the influence of celebrity trustworthiness on endorsement effectiveness. This study tries to incorporate this theory for developing a comprehensive model for explaining the effectiveness of celebrity trustworthiness. The article opted cross-validation methodology for evaluating the models. The study selected two advertisements based on a pretest conducted in MG University. The highly recalled female celebrity advertisement formed calibration stage and highly recalled male celebrity advertisement formed validation stage. The calibration stage of the study had 386 respondents and validation stage had 378 respondents. Path analysis, chi-square analysis for model difference and critical ratio analysis for the model difference were employed in the study. The findings of the study suggest that the hybrid model brought statistically significant improvements to the congruence model. The study also found that the trustworthiness was the second highest influencer in case of male celebrity whereas in case of female celebrity, attitude towards brand was second highest influencer. Further the chi-square analysis of group difference showed no significant difference in model among male and female celebrity confirming the robustness of the model. 2019 Management Development Institute. -
The effect of boundary conditions on the onset of chaos in RayleighBard convection using energy-conserving Lorenz models
The influence of 16 boundary conditions on linear and nonlinear stability analyses of RayleighBard system is reported. A StuartLandau amplitude equation for the RayleighBard system between stress-free, isothermal boundary conditions is derived and the procedure used in this derivation serves as guidance for constructing an appropriate FourierGalerkin expansion for the other 15 boundary conditions to derive a generalized Lorenz model. The influence of the boundary conditions comes within the coefficients of the generalized Lorenz model. It is shown that the obtained generalized Lorenz model is energy conserving and for certain boundary conditions it retains features of the classical Lorenz model. Further, the principle of exchange of stabilities is shown to be valid for the present problem and hence it is the steady-state, linearized version of the generalized Lorenz model which yields an analytical expression for the Rayleigh number. On minimizing this expression with respect to wave number the critical Rayleigh number at which the onset of regular convective motion occurs in the form of rolls is determined for all 16 boundary conditions. It is found that these values are in good agreement with those of previous investigations leading to the conclusion that the chosen minimal FourierGalerkin expansion is a valid one. Exhibition of chaotic motion in the generalized Lorenz system at the Hopf Rayleigh number is studied. The phase-space plots which indicate a clear-cut visualization of the transition from regular convective motion to chaotic motion in the generalized Lorenz system are presented. Further, existence of a developing region for chaos (mildly chaotic motion) and windows of periodicity are captured using the bifurcation diagrams. It is concluded from the phase-space plots and the bifurcation diagrams that the generalized Lorenz model for certain sets of boundary conditions retains all the features of the classical Lorenz model. Such a conclusion cannot be made by a linear stability analysis and the need thus for a nonlinear analysis is highlighted in the paper. 2020 Elsevier Inc. -
The Effect of Bloom's Taxonomy on Random Forest Classifier for cognitive level identification of E-content
With the advancement in internet, the efficiency of e-learning increased and currently e-learning is one of the primary method of learning for most learners after the regular academics studies. The knowledge delivery through e-learning web sites increased exponentially over the years because of the advancement in internet and e-learning technologies. The learner can find many website with lots of information on the relevant domain. However learners often found it difficult to Figure out the right leaning content from the humongous availability of e-content. In the proposed work an intelligent framework is developed to address this issue. The framework recommend the right learning content to a user from the e-learning web sites with the knowledge level of the user. The e-contents available in web sites were divided in to three cognitive levels such as beginner, intermediate and advanced level. The current work uses Blooms Taxonomy verbs and its synonyms to improve the accuracy of the classifier used in the framework. 2020 IEEE. -
The effect of an environmental education program based on empathy and reflective thinking on preadolescents environmental values and knowledge
As a remedial measure to human-induced climate change, it is imperative to develop intrinsic altruistic values and adequate knowledge of environmental phenomena and behavior to act in favor of the environment. The study aims to assess the effect of an Environmental Education Program (EEP) based on empathy, reflective thinking, and information on preadolescents environmental values and knowledge. For that, a non-equivalent control group design was used. Data collection was done through questionnaires, checklists, and participant thought diaries. Forty-six students (eleven-to-twelve-year-old children) selected through purposive sampling from the sixth standard of two semi-urban schools in Kerala, India, constituted the sample. In the intervention, empathy was manipulated through stories and empathy exercises, reflective thinking through thought diaries, and information on environmental phenomena, issues, and the effect of human actions through stories and knowledge exercises. Empathy, reflective thinking, and information manipulations positively influenced the participants environmental values and knowledge, and the effect manifested in cognitive, affective, and conative dimensions. The study has implications for conducting Environmental Education indoors effectively by integrating affective, cognitive, and metacognitive approaches. Empathy stories can be utilized to address various environmental phenomena and issues. Reflective thinking on environmental phenomena and issues can be applied to teach appropriate environmental behaviors. 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
The effect of airline service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty in India
Indian Aviation Industry has been one of the world's fastest-growing aviation industries with private airlines representing more than 75 percent of the domestic aviation industry. With an 18 percent compound annual growth rate (CAGR) and 454 airports and airstrips in place in the country, 16 of which are designated as international airports, it has been stated that by 2011 the aviation sector will be witnessing a revival. In 2009, with traffic movement rising and revenues rising by nearly US$ 21.4 million, India's Airports Authority appears expected to earn better margins in 2009-10, as indicated by the Civil Aviation Ministry's latest estimates. The most crucial step in identifying and providing high-quality service is to understand exactly what customers expect. Quality of service is one of the best models for measuring customer expectations and perceptions. A company's performance results in customer satisfaction with a product or service. Passenger satisfaction is important to customer sovereignty. Customers can be loyal without being highly satisfied and being highly satisfied and yet not being loyal. Companies are required to gain a better understanding of the online environment relationship between satisfaction and behavioural intention, and to assign online marketing strategies between satisfaction initiatives and behavioural intention programme. In addition, the findings of this research will assist airline managers to better serve their customers, track and improve quality of service and achieve the highest level of satisfaction for their passengers. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
The Eff ect of Music and Editing Style on Subjective Perception of Time When Watching Videos An Eye-tracking Study
Arousal, editing style, and eye movements have been implicated in time perception when watching videos. However, little multimodal research has explored how manipulating both the auditory and visual properties of videos aff ects temporal processing. This study investigated how editing density and music-induced arousal aff ect viewers time perception. Thirty-nine participants watched six videos varying in editing density and music while their eye movements were recorded. They estimated the videos duration and reported their subjective experience of time passage and emotional involvement. Fast-paced editing was associated with the feeling of time passing faster, a relationship mediated by fi xation durations. Higharousal background music was also associated with the feeling of time passing faster. The consequences of this study in terms of a possible auditory driving eff ect are explored. The Author/s -
The economics of market and inclusive growth in tourism: A narrative of rural artisans' socio-economic wellbeing
Developing nations are starting to take centre stage and are becoming more conscious of their economic potential in the tourism sector. Earlier, these countries were largely left out of the tourist sector. Today, the foreign exchange reserves of these nations are mostly derived from tourism and a nation's balance of payments derived through tourism supports international trade and stabilizes the economy. The chapter adopts a case study method to evaluate the prospects of inclusive growth through socio economic well-being. In the dynamic and constantly evolving tourism industry, it is imperative to make the growth more inclusive so that there is a balanced approach to long term sustainable development. When it comes to using traditional skills and cultural heritage to participate in this economic paradigm, rural artisans face both opportunities and challenges as the global tourism landscape undergoes evolving transformations. The study commences by closely examining the current market obstacles that rural artisans in the tourism industry face, which encompass a range of issues such as shifting consumer preferences, market saturation and the aftermath of external shocks like pandemics. The chapter indicates major obstacles impeding the integration of rural artisans into the tourism value chain by means of a thorough empirical analysis. In order to overcome the obstacles, the study investigates inclusive growth and how it might act as a spur to improve the socio-economic circumstances of rural craftsmen. The findings in the chapter distil best practices that promote inclusivity, empower local communities and support sustainable tourism development by looking at successful case studies and policy interventions. 2024 The authors. All rights reserved. -
The economic impact of floods on the plantation sector: a study of selected districts in Kerala
The people of Kerala have suffered the worst natural calamity in the form of heavy flood in 2018 and this continued for a week. The flood and the landslide had created a havoc in the agricultural sector of Kerala. The worst affected sector in the vagary of nature was the plantation sector. The industry lost around Rs. 3.382 crore due to heavy floods (CDS). The floods and the landslide had a major impact on the major planation crops including rubber, tea, coffee and cardamom. Among the different districts, Wayanad was the worst affected district along with Kottayam and Pathanamthitta. In the given context, this study is an attempt to analyse the economic impact of floods in the plantation sector in Kerala. The study found that the farmers are facing the worst financial crisis due to low price and high cost of production. The major problems faced by farmers are the inadequacy of assistance, reduction in yield and lack of pure water, delay in getting support, repayment of the loan and so on. 2023, World Research Association. All rights reserved. -
The double-edged sword of ChatGPT: fostering and hindering creativity in postgraduate academics in Bengaluru
Purpose: This research examines the complex relationship between usage of Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (ChatGPT) amongst student and their creativity, learning and assessment using empirical data collected from postgraduate students. In addition, the study explores the students intrinsic motivation for usage to understand student categories. This research seeks to provide further insights into this artificial intelligence tool in enhancing the educational ecosystem for all stakeholders concerned. Design/methodology/approach: The target population of this research the students of post-graduation in diverse fields of science and management. A five-point Likert scale-structured questionnaire adapted from earlier literature relevant to the research questions was adopted for data collection. The data were collected for twomonths, resulted in 403 usable responses. Ethical considerations of assurance of confidentiality to the participants were strictly adhered to. Structured equation modelling (SEM) was employed to explore the relationships between the constructs of the study for the assessment of latent relationships. SmartPLS 4 was used to explore these relationships. Findings: Usage has a negative impact on a students creativity, but increased usage of ChatGPT encourages a students adoption due to its perceived usability. Pedagogical applications of ChatGPT aid students as a learning tool but require controlled usage under supervision. Originality/value: This study is innovative in the context of postgraduate students, where very little evidence of creativity exists. Through this research, the authors illuminate how ChatGPT use affects academic performance, benefiting educators as a tool but for evaluation and assessment, policymakers and students. Thefindings of the study provide implications that help to create effective digital education strategies for stakeholders. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
The digital transformation: Crafting customer engagement strategies for success
In the business world, the digital transformation has ushered in an era of unprecedented change. The explosive growth of digital technology over the past three decades has profoundly changed how businesses operate, compete, and engage with their customers. Businesses across industries have been forced to navigate this constantly changing environment due to the adoption of cloud computing, data analytics, the growth of e-commerce, and the rise of artificial intelligence. Organizations are forced to reconsider their strategies, operations, and consumer engagement models as a result of this significant instability. This chapter discusses the role of artificial intelligence in aiding customised and personalized marketing strategies, acknowledging the diverse preferences and behaviour of consumers. It shares insights on branding and customer management in an AI-driven environment. It also emphasises on online and technology-mediated customer engagement. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
The diffuse radiation field at high galactic latitudes /
The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.858, Issue 2, pp.1-9, ISSN No: 1538-4357.