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A study on partial domination in graphs
The theory of domination is one of the most studied fields in graph theory. Many new domination parameters have been defined and studied so far. One such parameter that was introduced in 2017 is partial domination number. For a graph G = (V,E) and for a p ∈ (0,1], a subset S of V(G) is said to partially dominate or p-dominate G if |N[S]| ≥ p|V(G)|. The cardinality of a smallest p-dominating set is called the p-domination number and it is denoted by γp(G). In scenarios wherein domination concepts are applied, partial domination concepts can also be applied with the added advantage of being able to dominate the underlying graph partially, when the need arises. This advantage makes this parameter appear unique amongst most other domination parameters. We present some basic properties of partial dominating sets, some properties related to particular values of p, some properties related to the eccentricity of a p-dominating set, some results in the line of classical domination and characterization of minimal and minimum p-dominating sets. Then we study partial domination in the context of prisms of graphs. We give some bounds for partial domination numbers of prisms of graphs G in terms of partial domination numbers of G for particular values of p. We define universal γp-fixers and universal γp-doublers and we characterize paths, cycles and complete bipartite graphs which are universal γ 1 2 - fixers and universal γ 1 2 - doublers. Then we concentrate on establishing a domination chain in the context of partial
domination, which we call as ‘partial domination chain’. -
Studies on color energy and its variations in graphs
This thesis consists of studies on color energy and its variations in graphs. Apart from the exploration of color energy corresponding to various coloring schemes, the notion of P-energy as a generalization of color energy has been introduced. The computation of color energy and P-energy of graphs has been carried out using Python programs, while the general results are derived using research methods and proof techniques in linear algebra. The bounds of color energy for a graph G have been established in terms of several graph parameters such as chromatic number χ(G), domination number γ(G), maximum degree ∆(G) etc. It has been found out that the color energy of a graph G is greater than or equal to 1 n γ(G) p 2(m+m′ c ). Further, the bounds of color energy of a graph G in terms of extreme eigenvalues of color matrix of G have been obtained. -
Pain detection system in real time healthcare environment
The negative feeling of pain is often involuntarily expressed through facial expressions. Facial expression therefore is an important non-verbal cue to determine if a person is in pain. This property can be applied for diagnosis of pain especially among patients who are differently challenged and lack the ability of expressing their issue. In spite of the developments made so far, this field still lags behind in finding pain expressing faces in an uncontrolled environment through unprocessed real time images and videos. To bridge this gap, the study proposed a
hybrid or fusion model that could adequately detect a face expressing pain. The model was executed with inputs taken from pre-recorded or stored videos and live streamed videos. It involved the combination of Patch Based Model (PBM), Constrained Local Model (CLM), and Active Appearance Model (AAM) in concurrence with image algebra. -
Morphology of interstellar medium using multi-wavelength observations
The interstellar medium (ISM) is the matter that exists between the stars in a galactic system. The structure and composition of a galaxy can be understood by a study of the ISM. Our Galaxy is the only place where the observations of the ISM can be resolved and studied in great detail. There are various archived observations from space-based and ground-based telescopes spanning a large region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Combining these different observations with one another will help to study the ISM on a large scale. -
Foreign policy of China under Deng Xiaoping and its contemporary relevance
Political leadership plays an important role in foreign policy decision making in general. Studying leadership traits, styles, beliefs and world view is one of the common methods to comprehend political leaders and their influence on foreign policy. When it comes to authoritarian countries like China, its foreign policy decision making has several layers of which political leaders play all the more crucial role. Irrespective of the period – Imperial, Nationalist or Communist – the political leaders of China are guided by its history, philosophy and the then existing domestic and global circumstances, in formulating and implementing the country’s foreign policy. -
Predictive analytics for cardiac arrhythmia using machine intelligence
Myocardial Infarction (MI) is the primary cause of death worldwide. MI occurs when a plaque buildup in the inner surface of the coronary artery suddenly ruptures and prevents the blood flow. A heart attack is medically termed as MI. It is the irreversible damage caused by the prolonged ischemia. Ischemia is nothing but the heart organ doesn’t get enough blood and oxygen which is also termed as coronary artery disease or coronary
heart disease. The heart gets damaged if it has not received enough blood or oxygen. In connection to the damage of the heart, arrhythmia would occur. Arrhythmia is the problem based on the heart rhythm or rate of the heartbeat. Tachycardia, when there is a fast beat in the heart. Bradycardia, when the heart beats too slow. The common type of arrhythmia is atrial fibrillation. The great concern is that the patient who has arrhythmia has to be treated immediately. They lose consciousness in a few minutes when the heart is not pumping enough blood mainly to the brain. Death occurs when the patient is not given emergency treatment. -
Investigating structure and spectral energy distribution of galaxies using UVIT and multi-wavelength archival data
Observational astronomy and studies of galaxy formation and evolution made dramatic advances in the past few years. This thesis deals with the multi-wavelength investigation of the different aspects of galaxy formation and evolution. The work focuses on the star formation properties of late-type spiral galaxy NGC 2336, and the properties of unresolved galaxies and of resolved early-type galaxies using spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting method. The first part of this thesis deals with the studies on the characteristics of in orbit performance of the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on-board AstroSat . AstroSat is the first Indian multi-wavelength mission and was launched on 28 September 2015 into a low Earth orbit. The UVIT instrument on AstroSat provides a unique opportunity to study the ultraviolet (UV) sky simultaneously in three channels, covering the wavelength range 1300–1800 Å (FUV), 1800–3000 Å (NUV) and 3200–5300 Å (VIS). Characterizing the in-flight properties of the instrument is a prerequisite to obtain scientifically accurate and self consistent results from the scientific programs running on it. -
Indian catholic priests' identity, relational autonomy and attachment to god: A narrative analysis
A thematic narrative analysis was carried to explore the 28 South Indian Roman Catholic religious priests’ identity, relational autonomy and attachment to God. Fourteen participants were selected from the structured priestly ministry settings namely education ministry and, another 14 participants from the semi-structured priestly ministry settings namely parish and priestly formation ministry settings. The qualitative data collected through the interviews were analyzed through the narrative thematic analysis method. The thematic narrative analysis found five major themes, influence on the priestly identity, value-oriented life, purpose in life, priestly celibacy and challenges in the priestly ministry and 46 subthemes for the participants’ priestly identity narratives. For relational autonomy, the study found five major themes, impactful childhood, the influence of priestly formation, interpersonal relationships, relationship with the person in authority and decision making and 42 subthemes. For attachment God, it found six major themes, God as an attachment figure, seeking and maintaining proximity to God, God as a haven of safety, God as a secure base, perceiving God as stronger and wiser, and individual differences in attachment to God, and 24 sub-themes. The study results revealed strong support for the correspondence pathway, as the majority of the participants had narratives of correspondence between the attachment to their parents and their attachment to God. It also found evidence for the theme of compensation in three participants’ narratives. -
Impact on economic activities by adoption of international financial reporting standards by Indian companies
The importance of international accounting practice studies has grown over the past few years in order to meet economic agent demands and to facilitate international business practices. It is essential to understand that international accounting convergence is an important topic for capital market regulators, investors, markets, governments and all others who deal with financial information of public companies. This brings out the importance of accounting as being an essential fiscal tool for various economic agents. The merit of international accounting convergence lies in its ability to minimize negative effects resulting from diversity of accounting practices in different countries (Cordeiro et al. 2007). In such a scenario, the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for listed companies in many countries around the world is viewed as one of the most significant regulatory changes in accounting history (Daske et al. 2008). -
Impact of corporate social responsibility on consumers' purchase intent with reference to information technology professionals in Bengaluru
Today market participants' choice behaviour has multiple objectives. Consumers through their purchase choices attempt to achieve both materialistic improvement and social betterment resulting in a phenomenon called Consumer Social Responsibility (CnSR). However there is very limited research on how consumers can impact corporate social responsibility (CSR) through their buying behaviour. This study seeks to explore whether consumers' awarenes of CSR affects their purchase intent and if their knowledge of CSR situations would induce them to pay premium for such a product. -
Effectiveness of family centered psychosocial intervention programme for primary caregivers of the children with cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is one of the multiple disabilities affecting 2 to 2.5 per thousand new born babies in India. It usually affects both individual and families. Though care giving is a normal part of being the parent of a child, caring a child with special needs takes on an entirely different life perspective when a child with disabilities, and especially one with multiple disabilities like cerebral palsy which have an effect on long- term dependence. -
Study of three-dimensional mapping of interstellar extinction in milky way galaxy
It is very difficult to model the three-dimensional distribution of interstellar matter (ISM) in our Galaxy because of the general lack of distance information. One of the few ways to probe the distance of the interstellar gas and dust is through absorption line measurements (in the case of gas) or through extinction (in the case of the dust), but these have been limited to a relatively small number of directions. -
Tribal population and skill development programme: A study of Idukki district in Kerala
India is a country which has people of different cultures, religions, traditions, languages, castes and creed. In the democratic country of India, tribal people are one of the groups keeping their own culture and tradition that needs to be emphasized. The significant characteristics of the tribes are primitive traits, geographic isolation, distinct culture, shyness of contact and economically backwardness. By and large, tribes are living in different geo-climatic and ecological conditions covering from forest and plains to hills and the area lack accessibility. Though they are considered as the marginalized or most vulnerable population in India, their way of life and tradition, culture is to be preserved and they should be brought into the mainstream of society. In order to uplift the tribal community to be a part of the mainstream of society, the development of their skills is very essential. Skill development is the driving force for the transformation and development of an economy. The Government of India has taken several steps and launched many skill development schemes along with other welfare schemes for the betterment of the mainstream as well as the tribal communities in India. -
Investigations on plasma sprayed yttria stabilized zirconia thermal barrier coatings on Al-11Si
6-8% Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, (Y2O3-ZrO2), typically known as 8YPSZ, Thermal Barrier Coatings (TBCs) when applied via Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition (EBPVD) finds wide application in aerospace engineering. TBCs, applied on aero turbine super-alloy blades protect them from the high operating temperature environment and permit reduction in the required amount of cooling air, thereby improve engine performance and efficiency / component life. Likewise, 8YPSZ TBCs are widely used in larger components of the power generation turbines as well. In addition to aerospace, TBCs also find applications in automobiles and many other engineering fields where high temperature and protection to metals is involved. Though a good amount of published literature is available on the 8YPSZ TBCs on super alloys (high temperatures alloys used in jet engines), the same on TBCs on Al-11Si alloys (frequently used in automotive components) is very limited; even though the potential of this alloy in the automobile industry is enormous. -
Growth and characterization of certain III-VI compound semiconducting crystals
The rapid advances in solid-state physics over the last few decades have uncovered many effects in crystals,which have formed the basis of large industries. the availability of crystals from the natural resources is inadequate to meet the need of these industries and also does not give sufficient variety. This led to a great deal of research work on the method of production of crystals artificially. -
A Search for a grounding source in interpersonal relationships through metaxology in the select novels of Bernard Malamud
This research examines interpersonal relationships in the select novels of Bernard Malamud from a metaxological perspective. By examining the formation of the community through individuals where there are agapeic service and transformation of individuals, it attempts to bring out the relevance of metaxological relationships that give importance to dialogue, ethical relationships and love. It is essential to understand the space between interpersonal relationships to lead a meaningful life in the contemporary world. It explores to ascertain whether human beings attain fulfilment in the community through transformation. This thesis addresses the issues that are relevant to the novelist in the context of Jewish identity and assumes that this study is essential since the study informs us about the interpersonal relationships which are very relevant in today’s context. This study claims that the interpersonal relationships portrayed in the novels of Malamud are metaxological because it affirms the self and transcends towards the other and forms a community where there is agapeic love and service. This research claims that interpersonal relationships attain its fulfilment through metaxological relationships. This mode of interpersonal relationships is relevant since it enables us to understand many existing problems between people, culture and nations, and to find a solution to it. The question of how to maintain a proper relationship with other human beings by giving equal importance to the individuals who are involved in the relationship is prominent today. The analysis of the novels based on metaxology changes our existing understanding of the interpersonal relationships and gives a new dimension to it.
A feminist study of food in select culinary narratives
An academic study of food entails a study of food at the intersection of individual experience, socio-cultural significance and global politics of food. A study of the emerging genre of culinary narratives, therefore, is a study of women’s experience of food, shaped by the socio-cultural context she occupies and its interaction with the world food scenario. This research titled “A Feminist Study of Food in Select Culinary Narratives” studies Indian immigrant women’s relationship with food in the twenty-first century globalised, capitalist, multicultural, American society. The research places itself within the broader framework of literature, cultural and women’s studies and focuses on the emerging genre of South-Asian diasporic culinary narratives. It, therefore, adds to the limited scholarship on the genre of diasporic culinary narratives by looking at the works of Shoba Narayan’s Monsoon Diary: A Memoir with Recipes (2003),Amulya Malladi’s
Serving Crazy with Curry (2007), Bharti Kirchner’s Pastries: A Novel of Desserts and Discoveries (2009) and Sandeepa Mukherjee Datta’s Bong Mom’s Cookbook (2013).Consequently, the research examines the various roles performed by food, as the immigrant woman navigates her geographical and cultural displacement. In this context, the research views food as a means for immigrant women to articulate their sense of ‘self’ and critiquing the standardization of women’s relationship with food by the capitalist food industry. Moreover, critiques of capitalist notions of women’s relationship with food further enables the select texts to re-envision women’s relationship with the kitchen and domestic work. The research also highlights the difference in the first and second generation immigrant women’s use of food to navigate their displacement. -
A study towards constructing a reproductive health account as sub-account of health at sub-district level of India
Reproductive health is a state where everyone of the reproductive age cohort can make informed choices based on their reproductive health needs and reach a state of bliss and well-being. Informed choices are a possibility only if there is awareness regarding options of healthcare available. Awareness further indicates capacity to measure the worth of the options available in hand. One major aspect of measuring this worth is dominated by the financial aspect of awareness. -
Empirical analysis of antecedent and mediators on turnover intention of educators in higher educational institutions
Employees are undoubtedly the key intangible asset to any organization. Fundamentally employees are the building blocks and they are the brand ambassadors of their organization to the society. Therefore, considering competition in today's world, retaining key employees is of genuine concern for every organization. Among many perils that organizations wrestle with, turnover intention is a persistent and pervasive issue that every organization has to face irrespective of the type and size of the organization. -
Critical analysis of computer application at secondary schools of Bangalore district
Computer is an electronic device that has the capacity to store,
retrieve and process both qualitative and quantitative information fast and accurately. Over the past few years the growth of the computer industry has been quiet remarkable and today it is the fastest growing industry in our economy. The use of computers is not restricted only to office desktops or laptops. We see the use of computers all around us. Computers have made our lives simple and very convenient by catering to our needs at a click of the mouse; we use computers practically for every activity in our lives. Computers are being used in most of the appliances or gazettes that we use in our day to day living, thereby making it the most important part of our lives. Education system is not an exception to the same.