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Templating motifs of molecular axles in hydrogen bonding [2]rotaxanes: Synthesis and applications
In [2]rotaxanes, hydrogen bonding interactions are found to be one of the prominent factors driving the templation of the macrocycle to the molecular axle. Several hydrogen bonding templating moieties like amides, hydrazones, nitrones, and squaraines have been incorporated into the molecular axle and the macrocycle for generating hydrogen bonding [2]rotaxanes. This review focuses on the design and synthetic strategy adopted in rendering various molecular axles, which can be used to generate [2]rotaxanes for numerous applications. Moreover, a detailed description is provided with suitable mechanistic insights about the utilization of hydrogen bonding [2]rotaxanes in applications like molecular motors, organic synthesis, and catalysis. 2022 Elsevier Ltd -
Template-based classification of SDSS-GALEX point sources
We have classified a sample of 37,492 objects from SDSS into QSOs, galaxies and stars using photometric data over five wave bands (u, g, r, i and z) and UV GALEX data over two wave bands (near-UV and far-UV) based on a template fitting method. The advantage of this method of classification is that it does not require any spectroscopic data and hence the objects for which spectroscopic data is not available can also be studied using this technique. In this study, we have found that our method is consistent by spectroscopic methods given that their UV information is available. Our study shows that the UV colours are especially important for separating quasars and stars, as well as spiral and starburst galaxies. Thus it is evident that the UV bands play a crucial role in the classification and characterization of astronomical objects that emit over a wide range of wavelengths, but especially for those that are bright at UV. We have achieved the efficiency of 89% for the QSOs, 63% for the galaxies and 84% for the stars. This classification is also found to be in agreement with the emission line diagnostic diagrams. 2018, Indian Academy of Sciences. -
Template based speech enhancement of disordered speech
In this paper, we have taken Electro-Larynx (EL) speech and have improved the speech quality, electro-larynx speech was improved in terms of naturalness and intelligibility by introducing variations in the F0-contour and template matching with correlation coefficient. Initially, we introduced two different speech signals, the first speech signal introduced was healthy speech signal and the second speech signal introduced was disordered speech signal. Here, the second speech signal, the disordered speech is taken as the EL speech. The fundamental frequency or pitch was extracted first from the two inputed speech signals, then the contour of each fundamental frequency was extracted from the two input speech signals. Using these extracted features of fundamental frequency the gender classification by K-means algorithm was instigated. The same process was implemented with F0 contour features which was extracted using K-NN algorithm. EL speech contains directly radiated electrolarynx noise (DREL). The noise was filtered out using spectral subtraction algorithm. Once DREL noise is removed from EL speech, the quality of the speech was greatly improved. Then EL enhanced speech signal is compared and mapped with healthy speech signal using template matching algorithm with the help of correlation coefficient, this improves the overall quality, that is the naturalness and intelligibity of the introduced disordered speech signal. This technique helps solve the major problem of speech faced by differently abled persons with larynx disorder. 2016 IEEE. -
Temperature-induced variations in the structural, morphological and optical features of cobalt oxide nanoparticles synthesized via hydrothermal method
Cobalt oxide is a promising material that attracts the researchers to find its application in various fields like catalysts, dielectric applications, gas sensors and electronics devices, etc. In this work, we investigated the effect of temperature in the structural, elemental, morphological and optical properties of Co3O4 nanoparticles synthesized by hydrothermal method. The as-prepared and annealed samples were observed for their structural and optical properties. The structural analysis and micro-strain effects of Co3O4 nanoparticles with cubic spinel structure were carried out through X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies. The crystallite size of as-prepared and annealed samples were around 27 nm and 29 nm, respectively. Raman spectrum showed the lattice vibrations of both oxidation states of cobalt oxide nanoparticles. Elemental analysis were observed through X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The morphology and chemical composition of the samples were determined from the field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) image and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX). Moreover, the internal structure of both samples were compared through transmission electron microscopic (TEM) studies. The optical studies were done using the absorption spectrum and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Two direct band gaps (1.8 and 3.2 eV) were observed in the as-prepared, which got red-shifted on annealing (1.7 and 2.5 eV) due to size effects. The charge transfer process in two oxidation states of cobalt oxide could be identified from these bandgaps. Emission peaks in the photoluminescence spectrum of samples are due to the recombination of free-excitons and point defects in the crystal lattice. 2024 -
Temperature and pressure dependent luminescence mechanism of a zinc blende structured ZnS:Mn nanophosphor under UV excitation
A comprehensive photoluminescence and mechanoluminescence analysis of a ZnS:Mn2+ nano-phosphor with a zinc blende structure is presented. The sample containing quantum dot-sized nanocrystallites was synthesized by the chemical precipitation method and shows excellent orange luminescence at ambient conditions related to the 4T1 ? 6A1 transition. The sample shows stable and identical luminescence behavior under both UV and X-ray excitation at ambient conditions and also exhibits excellent self-powered mechanoluminescence properties. The pressure and temperature-induced luminescence mechanism of the phosphor is also established. The shift of the 4T1 ? 6A1 luminescence band of Mn2+ with both pressure and temperature and the luminescence mechanism is explained via the d5 Tanabe Sugano diagram. The broad luminescence band of the 4T1 ? 6A1 transition shifts from the visible to near-infrared range at a rate of ?35.8 meV GPa?1 with the increase of the pressure and it is subsequently quenched completely at a pressure of 16.41 GPa due to a reversible phase transition from zinc blende (F4?3m) to rocksalt (Fm3?m) phase. The high-pressure and temperature-dependent decay kinetics measurements of the sample luminescence are also reported. 2024 The Royal Society of Chemistry. -
TelsNet: temporal lesion network embedding in a transformer model to detect cervical cancer through colposcope images
Cervical cancer ranks as the fourth most prevalent malignancy among women globally. Timely identification and intervention in cases of cervical cancer hold the potential for achieving complete remission and cure. In this study, we built a deep learning model based on self-attention mechanism using transformer architecture to classify the cervix images to help in diagnosis of cervical cancer. We have used techniques like an enhanced multivariate gaussian mixture model optimized with mexican axolotl algorithm for segmenting the colposcope images prior to the Temporal Lesion Convolution Neural Network (TelsNet) classifying the images. TelsNet is a transformer-based neural network that uses temporal convolutional neural networks to identify cancerous regions in colposcope images. Our experiments show that TelsNet achieved an accuracy of 92.7%, with a sensitivity of 73.4% and a specificity of 82.1%. We compared the performance of our model with various state-of-the-art methods, and our results demonstrate that TelsNet outperformed the other methods. The findings have the potential to significantly simplify the process of detecting and accurately classifying cervical cancers at an early stage, leading to improved rates of remission and better overall outcomes for patients globally. 2023, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. All rights reserved. -
Telemedicine-The New Digital Healthcare Platform
The concept of Telemedicine was known to the public since 1970s but the real potential was realized only during the pandemic Covid-19. The pandemic has reviewed Telemedicine and has given a wide acceptance among the public within a short span of time. This technology enabled tele-healing offers very little direct interaction between the healthcare providers and the patients. This article explores the technology requirements, ethical, and legal challenges, and opportunity to offer different healthcare services through Telemedicine. There is a scope for this technology morphing into platform models like what we have for social media. As more people start using telemedicine, the other healthcare services could be identified and offered for each individual. It can be concluded that telemedicine offers huge potential to take health benefits at places where health infrastructure could not be offered due to scalability issues. 2023, Indian Pharmaceutical Association. All rights reserved. -
Telehealth Services for an Adolescent with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The neuropalliative approach in a hospital setting for neuromuscular disorders is essentially multidisciplinary in focus and involves co-ordinated interventions. This case report describes an intensive case management approach through telehealth services provided from a hospital context in South India for psychosocial interventions for an adolescent with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Case management interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic were provided through sixteen sessions over the telephone, focusing on need assessment, service plan development, implementation, co-ordination, and monitoring. Major strategies were crisis management, supportive psychotherapy, and cognitive-behavioural strategies. Adaptations made to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic using telehealth facilities can be incorporated into routine clinical practice in low-resource settings. IMPLICATIONS Telehealth, which emerged as a viable option for providing effective psychosocial care during the COVID 19 pandemic, could be adopted to complement routine clinical care in low-resource settings. 2024 Australian Association of Social Workers. -
Technology-integrated after-school program: A case study of the DREAMS intervention
In the rapidly evolving context of the 21st century, education is experiencing a profound and transformative shift, driven by the emergence of digital technologies. This innovative paradigm seamlessly weaves technology into the very fabric of learning and administration, not only within the traditional school setting but also extending its transformative reach to affiliated initiatives like after-school programs. The aim of this chapter is to share the valuable insights and firsthand experiences gained from the integration of technology in the DREAMS program in both learning and project management. By sharing these learnings, the chapter aims to share the knowledge and best practices of adopting technology in any program. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Technology-based scalable business models: Dimensions and challenges of a new populist business model
Technology based scalable businesses (TSB) have made a significant impact on our lives. The landscape change driven by TSBs has forced many well-established brick-and-mortar businesses to relook at their business models. Despite the influential strides made by TSBs in altering the business landscape the business literature on them is scant. This chapter is a modest attempt to examine TSBs. Scalable businesses could be broadly described as those that can achieve a disproportionate increase in sales/revenue/profits compared to the costs incurred, primarily aided by technology. Google and Uber are examples of how new industries get created and how existing industry landscapes get changed because of technology. Interlinking of technology has offered hitherto unexperienced growth opportunities to such companies. However, the uniqueness of these businesses leaves much to be desired from conventional metrics in adequately explaining the performance of technology-based scalable businesses. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Technology acceptance model and customer engagement: mediating role of customer satisfaction
The primary aim of this study is to examine the influence of the technological acceptance model on customer engagement. An additional aim of this study is to examine the mediating effect of customer satisfaction in the relationship between the technology acceptance model and customer engagement. The present study gathered primary data from users of retail banking services in specific metropolitan areas in India. The participants were chosen based on their considerable expertise in utilizing online, digital, and mobile banking platforms and their substantial knowledge of implementing advanced e-banking strategies. The application of confirmatory factor analysis investigated measurement validity. The studys findings indicate a significant correlation between emotional and rationalengagement, mediated via perceived usefulness. Additionally, the study revealed that the relationship between perceived usefulness and emotional engagementis mediated by customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it can be observed that this factor entirely mediates the relationship between transaction cost and emotional engagement. The studys findings suggest that customer satisfaction is a complete mediator in the association between transaction cost and rational engagement. The results of this study make a valuable contribution to the current body of literature on the technological acceptance model, customer satisfaction, and customer engagement. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2023. -
Technologies in Transportation Engineering
Deteriorating quality of the air, traffic congestions, and rising accident rates have all resulted from an ever-increasing number of vehicles in Indian cities. As a result of a variety of issues, current public transit systems often fall short or are considered unreliable. The present paper deals with multiple ITS architecture and to be specific four major parts of the ITS. These four major parts are Advanced Public Transportation System (APTS), Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS), Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), and Emergency Management System (EMS). Thus, the framework and produced models of four key divisions of ITS have been evaluated in order to conduct a comparative study of the many models currently being developed in respective investigations. 2022 IEEE. -
Technologies Driving Digital Payments in India: Present and Future
The payments market in India has been witnessing a significant transformation in recent years. The Indian payments market has robustly and consistently been moving towards digitization due to enhanced digital infrastructure, favourable government policies, and initiatives, availability of new technologies, disruptive innovations, and changes in the mindset of the customers. India tops in the worlds real-time digital payments with 20.5billion transactions in the year 2020 despite the adverse effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. This article deals with the growth of the Indian digital payments market and the technologies that drive the digital payments space at present and in the future. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Technological Innovation and Accounting in Industry 6.0: Application, Implication, and Future
The way we live, work and play are being changed by the use of technology. Technology's influence is transforming our daily lives. Since COVID-19, more businesses than ever have realized the benefits of digital solutions and are embracing them. While the epidemic has disrupted the way businesses across industries have traditionally operated, it has also created opportunities to use cutting-edge technologies like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc. to aggressively revolutionize business methods. This chapter will provide insights into the cutting-edge accounting technologies actively reshaping the sector. The methodology, which is qualitative in nature, entails the thematic examination of the academic literature to discover newtechnologies like blockchain, data analytics, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, etc. along with their applications, significance, drawbacks and possible industrial effects. The purpose of the paper is to serve as an addition to the literature on technological innovations in the field of accounting and finance. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Teaching through urban sensorium: urban spatiality as a smart learning environment
This paper qualitatively analyses the implication of urban sensorium as a pedagogic mode in the teaching of Urban Studies. Underpinned by the frames of smart learning environments, the paper reiterates experiencing urban ontologies as spatial learning environments. By drawing from a range of transdisciplinary and experiential modes of learning, this paper maps how an undergraduate course on Bangalore city in India served learners to critically engage with and experience spatial urban ontologies both digitally, and in real-world experiences of learning, furthering learner autonomy and reflection. The methodological prisms of this paper are autoethnography and critical reflection. It is organised around enabling learners recognize the experiential, embodied urban spaces through the urban sensorium via real-life engagements with urban spaces, and creation of digital portfolios that map this learning. Findings from the learners knowledge of sensory learning, the citys intersectional aspects, and the students embodied and emplaced self in built environments and digital spaces are analysed via cognitive and affective-reflection levels; the course instructor's reflection is analysed via a process-reflection level. These reflections hold implications for the pedagogy of urban studies in undergraduate classrooms by foregrounding spatiality and urban sensorium as significant critical and affective pedagogic tools. The paper has also accommodated critical engagement with an external faculty member as a co-author, in order to manage any bias or researcher subjectivity in the design. 2022, The Author(s). -
Teaching Learning-Based Optimization with Learning EnthusiasmMechanism for Optimal Control of PV Inverters in Utility Grids for Techno-Economic Goals
This study presents the optimal placement and operation of distributed generation (DG) sources in a distribution system embedded with utility-owned DG sources. Cost minimization and technical improvement of the network are the key objectives of the distribution company (DisCo). With the increasing popularity for renewable energy sources, DisCos are installing their own DGs to fulfill their electricity demand partially. When DisCos are the DG owners, the technical and economic considerations overlap. A novel method is proposed in this paper based on the recent variant of the teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO) algorithm and learning enthusiasm-based TLBO (LebTLBO) to optimize locations, sizes, and operational power factors of DGs in a distribution system with DisCo-owned DGs. A multi-objective function to improve voltage stability, reduce distribution losses, and reduce energy costs has been considered for solving the problem. 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Teaching Language Through Literature: Introducing Aspects of Literary Nonsense
Nonsense Literature first came into existence after the publishers of nursery rhymes started using the term to describe the works of childrens literature. It evolved into a genre of childrens literature that is widely accepted for being covertly intellectually stimulating. It uses puns, riddles, trick questions, contrasts in language, paradoxes and oxymorons to raise philosophically challenging questions that break our ideas of conventional patterns of understanding grammar, logic and reason. Nonsense literature is known for defying the rules of conventional linguistics. It plays with the boundaries of what is linguistically acceptable with its wordplay. However, nonsense literature understands and explores the structures of grammar, logic and reason better than any other literary genre. It is the best source of instruction for the ways in which the fundamental structures of grammar can be manipulated to create more structures of meaning which are transformational in nature. It uses the basic knowledge of grammar to create new ideas and rules using devices such as portmanteau and neologisms. Most course syllabi either focus on language or literature, never both simultaneously. Since literary nonsense plays with both linguistic structures in its writing and logic and reason in its story, it becomes the perfect material for teaching language as well as literature in the classroom. 2023, IUP Publications. All rights reserved. -
The chapter provides a detailed account of the evolution of education at different time periods from the Vedic, Buddhism, and Mughals to the present day, exploring any presence of teacher education. However, the official teacher education institutes were opened during the pre-independence era under British rule. The number of institutes has increased over the years with the reformation of numerous educational policies, such as the National Education Policy and Commissions (Kothari Commission, Mudaliar Commission, The University Education Commission, etc.). The chapter also offers insights into the emergence of internships, the regulating body for teacher education in India, and their significance, along with the requisites for a teacher in India. The universal model of internship as declared by NCTE is introduced towards the end, followed by the conclusion and drawbacks of a teaching internship in India. 2023 selection and editorial matter G.S. Prakasha and Anthony Kenneth; individual chapters, the contributors. -
This is the last chapter of the volume. Thus, it presents the summary of the volume, which includes the storyline on teaching internship with an analytical argument across the chapters. It presents an overview of all the internship models discussed in the first part of the volume and then about its second part, which is essentially the research insights and practicing guidelines of the teaching-internship. The chapter concludes with a discussion of moving forward. Moving forward discusses future possible trends in teaching internship, which include internships in virtual spaces and other innovations, which might replace the current teaching internship practices. 2023 selection and editorial matter G.S. Prakasha and Anthony Kenneth; individual chapters, the contributors.