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Teaching Data Journalism: A Systematic Review
Data Journalism has attracted considerable academic attention as an innovative journalism practice in the recent past. It has resulted in a steady increase in academic research on data journalism. A subset of these studies deals with imparting training in data journalism. This study attempts to systematically review the peer-reviewed academic literature on data journalism training in order to ascertain the present status of academic research on the subject. By examining the studies, it brings together insights about the prevalent methods used in data journalism training, the challenges faced by the instructors, the recommended best practices and the students perception about data journalism training. The study finds that accommodating a new programme in the existing tight schedule of journalism curricula, alleviating the math-fear in students and adequately addressing the interdisciplinary nature of the practice through consistent up-skilling are some of the challenges faced by data journalism educators. It also finds that the academic literature on data journalism training is less concerned about imparting ethical awareness related to the practice. 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Teaching as a political act: The role of critical pedagogical practices and curriculum /
Human Affairs, Vol.26, ISSN: 1337-401X. -
Teaching as a political act: The role of critical pedagogical practices and curriculum
The present paper is an inquiry into the role of the teacher in the context of the dominant Indian value system, an imposed curriculum and teacher-students interactions from the social psychological and critical interdisciplinary perspectives. The role of the school in the present modernist worldview is to frame and impart knowledge which may lead to economic growth. In this context, the role of the teacher is observed as being limited to a bearer of information rather than a leader who visualizes change and develops critical ability among students. Based on the theoretical framework of postformalism and collective/social identity, the current work argues that the role of the teacher is not limited to passively following and communicating mainstream values but involves constructing a new participative identity through critical pedagogical engagement and by acting as an active agent of social change. Institute for Research in Social Communication, Slovak Academy of Sciences. -
Teaching and learning practices initiated in department of management studies, Christ University, Bangalore to meet global standards /
European Journal of Business and Management, Vol.6, Issue 31, pp.329-334, ISSN No: 2222-1906 (Paper), 2222-2839 (Online) -
Teacher-Trainess Attitude Towards ICT
Journal of Education and Practice, Vol-4 (19), pp. 18-21. ISSN-2222-1735 -
Teacher Trainee's Acceptance of Interactive eBooks for Teaching: An Analysis Using the Modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
The current empirical study utilized the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to investigate teacher trainees' acceptance of interactive eBooks for teaching. The study investigated the relationships among variables such as attitude toward using interactive eBooks, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, enjoyment, perceived self-efficacy, and behavioural intention to use. A sample consisting of 89 teacher trainees studying in diploma and bachelors teacher training programs from two private and public universities in Malaysia participated in the study. The TAM model, which involves seven hypotheses, was tested using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modelling approach (PLS-SEM). The key findings of this empirical study confirmed that attitude influences both behaviour intention to use, and perceived self-efficacy of teacher trainees in teaching using interactive eBooks. Besides, the study confirmed a direct effect of ease of use on the level of enjoyment and a direct effect of perceived usefulness on the perception of ease of use. The study findings shed light on preparing teacher trainees for technology-integrated teaching. 2024, The Pacific Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (PacCALL). All rights reserved. -
TD?DNN: A Time Decay?Based Deep Neural Network for Recommendation System
In recent years, commercial platforms have embraced recommendation algorithms to provide customers with personalized recommendations. Collaborative Filtering is the most widely used technique of recommendation systems, whose accuracy is primarily reliant on the computed similarity by a similarity measure. Data sparsity is one problem that affects the performance of the similarity measures. In addition, most recommendation algorithms do not remove noisy data from datasets while recommending the items, reducing the accuracy of the recommendation. Further-more, existing recommendation algorithms only consider historical ratings when recommending the items to users, but users tastes may change over time. To address these issues, this research presents a Deep Neural Network based on Time Decay (TD?DNN). In the data preprocessing phase of the model, noisy ratings are detected from the dataset and corrected using the Matrix Factorization approach. A power decay function is applied to the preprocessed input to provide more weight-age to the recent ratings. This non?noisy weighted matrix is fed into the Deep Learning model, con-sisting of an input layer, a Multi?Layer Perceptron, and an output layer to generate predicted rat-ings. The models performance is tested on three benchmark datasets, and experimental results con-firm that TD?DNN outperforms other existing approaches. 2022 by the authors. Li-censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
Tb-doped strontium aluminate nanophosphor: Cytotoxicity, phytotoxicity, and bioimaging in plant cells
This study explores the novel application of terbium-doped strontium aluminate nanoparticles for fluorescence imaging in plant cells. The study encompasses microwave assisted solid state synthesis as well as the structural and optical characterization of terbium-doped strontium aluminate nanophosphors, their toxicity studies in plant and animal cells and their use as a fluorescent dye for plant imaging. The X-ray diffraction pattern analysis, along with Rietveld refinement studies, show the formation of SrAl2O4 as a dominant crystalline phase. Photoluminescence investigations demonstrate green emission from Tb3+ transition levels. In vitro biocompatibility of terbium-doped strontium aluminate nanophosphors was studied using L929 fibroblast cells. The plant Clitoria ternatea was used to examine phytotoxicity. The samples' potential for bioimaging was further investigated. Our findings reveal improved growth of seedlings, positioning these nanoparticles as promising tools in plant-related research. This study advances our understanding of nanoparticle-plant interactions and holds potential for transformative applications in agriculture. 2024 The Authors -
Taylor series method in TDOA approach for indoor positioning system
Localisation technologies have always remained in the limelight of positioning-science as researchers have ever shown keen interest to know the exact positions of things. Ultrasonic sensors are mainly used for localisation of mobile robots since they provide high accuracy. This paper presents Taylor Series Method in Time Difference of Arrival approach using ultrasonic sensors.Signals are send from the sensors periodically. The time difference of arrival of signals from the ultrasonic sensors is used by the receiver unit to estimate the location of the mobile unit. The equations formed by using Time Difference of Approach are solved using Taylor Series Method. Taylor Series Method provides a more accurate result since they give less error compared to other methods and they ignore the measurement errors. 2019 Insitute of Advanced Engineeering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Taxonomic studies in the genus Haplanthodes (Acanthaceae)
The endemic Indian genus Haplanthodes (Acanthaceae) is revised. Four species, viz. H. neilgherryensis, H. plumosa, H. tentaculata and H. verticillata and a new variety, H. neilgherryensis var. toranganensis are recognized. Lectotype is designated for Haplanthodes, Haplanthus plumosus and H. verticillaris. The nomenclature of the Linnaean name Ruellia tentaculata is also discussed. Micromorphology of seed using light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) is observed for the first time, and two types, reticulate and micro papillate, have been recognized based on surface sculpturing pattern. The genus differs from the related genera Andrographis and Haplanthus by distinctly two grooved seeds with hygroscopic hairs. Pollen grains of the genus are oblate or prolate spheroidal, distinctly triangular, trizonocolporate with reticulate exine ornamentation. Copyright 2021 Magnolia Press -
Taxonomic revision and molecular phylogeny of flemingia subgenus rhynchosioides (Leguminosae)
A taxonomic revision of Flemingia subg. Rhynchosioides based on morphology and molecular information (matK and ITS) is presented. The subgenus comprises six herbaceous taxa (F. gracilis, F. mukerjeeana, F. nilgheriensis, F. rollae, F. tuberosa and F. vestita). All species except F. vestita are endemic to India. Morphological evidence and molecular phylogeny revealed that the subgenus is monophyletic. Nevertheless, the systematic position of F. tuberosa remains unclear on account of its unique ecology and inflorescence. A new species, F. mukerjeeana, is described and four binomials, namely F. gracilis, F. nilgheriensis, F. tuberosa and F. vestita have been lectotypified. Furthermore, all species have been described, illustrated and their ecology discussed. A taxonomic key including the recently described species from Thailand, F. sirindhorniae, is also provided for easy identification. 2019 Naturalis Biodiversity Center. -
Tattooing and the Tattoo Number of Graphs
Consider a network D of pipes which have to be cleaned using some cleaning agents, called brushes, assigned to some vertices. The minimum number of brushes required for cleaning the network D is called its brush number. The tattooing of a simple connected directed graph D is a particular type of the cleaning in which an arc are coloured by the colour of the colour-brush transiting it and the tattoo number of D is a corresponding derivative of brush numbers in it. Tattooing along an out-arc of a vertex v may proceed if a minimum set of colour-brushes is allocated (primary colours) or combined with those which have arrived (including colour blends) together with mutation of permissible new colour blends, has cardinality greater than or equal to dG+v. 2020 World Scientific Publishing Company. -
Taste of your Hometown: Evoking Nostalgia through the Diner Space in Midnight Diner
Restaurant spaces are seen as a space that intersects between the personal and the cultural. This paper looks at a Japanese TV series, Midnight Diner, an adaptation of a Manga by Yaro Abe, where a tiny, not-so-popular restaurant in one of the back lanes in Tokyo serves food from midnight to 7 a.m. This show makes several meaningful connections between food, memory, and space as the customers come with specific food cravings, and the Master (the owner-chef of the Diner) is happy to customize. The diner space transcends the traditional meaning of a diner that not only serves food to satiate hunger but is an experience that evokes nostalgia for their home and their loved ones. The wistfulness in the lives of the customers for their home, people, and home-cooked food finds a release in the diner. The space of the diner acquires different meanings, as do the dishes the customer relishes. Thus, the paper explores the diner space as a symbolic space where each episode introduces a new character, a new story, and the past they deal with while the food is prepared and consumed on screen. The taste, smell, texture, and ingredients of the food in this diner stimulate the senses, and this space acquires emotional meaning for everyone stepping in. 2023, University of Malaya. All rights reserved. -
Task-based Autoethnographic Pedagogical Approach: a phenomenological inquiry into online learning of Critical Food Studies courses
The disengaging experiences reported in the online mode of learning have resulted in considerable deliberations highlighting the need for pedagogical innovations. Therefore, it is crucial to rethink these ideas and develop pedagogical approaches that accommodate a dynamic understanding of learning spaces and meet the demands of the teachinglearning environment of the contemporary period. This study discusses the various steps through which the task-based autoethnographic pedagogical approach (TAPA) was implemented in an undergraduate-level Critical Food Studies course and proposes it as an effective approach to administering certain courses by enabling active learning in the online mode. The study captures learners perceptions of meaningful online learning experiences by using an interpretative phenomenological approach, mapping the aspects that contribute to a sense of rekindled interest and involvement in the course. Some of the dominant patterns that emerge from this phenomenological study are (1) appreciation towards praxis-based online learning, (2) recognition of lived space as a ripe site for inquiry and learning, (3) a heightened sense of engagement with lived contexts, and identity discourses, (4) learners negotiations with TAPA, and (5) learner as an active agent and curator of knowledge. Thus, while situating TAPA as an effective pedagogical approach for online learning and Critical Food Studies curriculum, it is also posited as an approach that initiates negotiation with the epistemic hierarchies within academia. Education Research Institute, Seoul National University 2022. -
Targeted drug dispensing capsule /
Patent Number: 202041003843, Applicant: Shardul Ajinkya Koli.
There are various diseases that can benefit from targeted drug delivery. Many of these diseases occur in areas like stomach and the intestine. These diseases are hard to cure as there is no way to apply medications directly to the affected area. Some of them are Ulcerative colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Pancreatitis, Colon cancer, Chrons disease. -
Tanishq: Brand Activism Gone Wrong?
Mansoor Khan, 45, brand manager, Tanishq Jewellery for Media and Communications, was facing lots of backlashes for Tanishqs advertisement on interfaith marriage advertisement aired to promote unity and harmony amongst different communities. In contrast to its stated objective of promoting unity and oneness, this interfaith marriage advertisement created a huge controversy in social media dividing its consumers and netizens into two opposing camps supporting and some even boycotting the advertisement. The brand Tanishq was trolled because of its alleged insensitivity and blindness towards the recent spate of killings in interfaith love affairs and marriages across different parts of India. This controversial advertisement of interfaith marriage and its resultant controversy has left the brand manager pondering should brands rely on more mainstream work rather than any edgy or controversial messaging? Should brands add their business voice to the societal and cultural debates or just stick to conventional advertisement? Or should Tanishq take a moral high stand and continue to promote the advertisement or should it withdraw the controversial advertisement? Whether the reckless pursuit of social, environmental, political and cultural issues and brands may alienate the very customer base, who they try to impress? Therefore, this case intends to teach the postgraduate students of marketing about concepts and theories of brand activism, celebrity endorsement, brand management and brand crisis management. 2023 MDI. -
Tangent Search Long Short Term Memory with Aadaptive Reinforcement Transient Learning based Extractive and Abstractive Document Summarization
Text summarization is the process of creating a shorter version of a longer text document while retaining its most important information. There have been a number of methods proposed for text summarization, but the existing method does not provide better results and has a problem with sequence classification. To overcome these limitations, a tangent search long short term memory with adaptive reinforcement transient learning-based extractive and abstractive document summarization is proposed in this manuscript. In abstractive phase, the features of the extractive summary are extracted and then the optimal features are selected by Adaptive Flamingo Optimization (AFO). With these optimal features, the abstractive summary is generated. The proposed method is implemented in python. For extractive text summarization, the proposed method attains 42.11% ROUGE-1 Score, 23.55% ROUGE-2 score and 41.05% ROUGE-L score using Gigaword. Additionally, 57.13% ROUGE-1 Score, 28.35% ROUGE-2 score and 52.85% ROUGE-L score using DUC-2004 dataset. For abstractive text summarization the proposed method attains 47.05% ROUGE-1 Score, 22.02% ROUGE-2 score and 48.96% ROUGE-L score using Gigaword. Also, 35.13% ROUGE-1 Score, 20.35% ROUGE-2 score and 35.25% ROUGE-L score using DUC-2004 dataset. 2023, Modern Education and Computer Science Press. All rights reserved. -
Taming theComplexity ofDistributed Lag Models: A Practical Approach toMulticollinearity, Outliers, andAuto-Correlation inFinance
This research investigates the application of robust estimators within the finite distributed lag model (DLM), a critical framework in finance research capturing temporal dependencies between lagged explanatory variables and a response variable. Traditional Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation faces challenges when dealing with high lag counts, multicollinearity, and outliers, potentially compromising parameter estimates and model reliability. Employing real-world data from the RBI, spanning the years 20222023 encompassing budgetary and economic variables of Indian states and Union Territories, the study demonstrates that the MMS estimator emerges as the most efficient estimator, showcasing enhanced robustness against outliers and multicollinearity. Additionally, the study reveals positive autocorrelation in residuals, underscoring the importance of robust methods in addressing such issues in financial modeling. This research contributes valuable insights to financial analysts and offers a more accurate understanding of dynamic relationships in financial systems. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024.