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ABL as a linguistic pedagogy-An experimental study of acquisition of English language among primary school children
The history of English language teaching has been regarded as a pursuit for more effective ways of teaching and learning. The teaching profession has held constant discussions and debates over issues like framing effective learning strategies,techniques for teaching the four skills to the students, choice of curriculum frameworks, materials available for effective English language teaching, role of grammar and vocabulary in English classrooms, teaching English language using technology, improvement of fluency and accuracy during the process of language learning and so on. English language experts are constantly engaged in clarifying these areas including the search for an appropriate approach of teaching English language effectively in classrooms. -
Abusive Words Detection on Reddit Comments Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Utilization of artificial intelligence contributes to the efficient examination of emotions, resulting in valuable insights into the psychological condition of users on a large scale. In this research endeavor, sentiment analysis is conducted on a dataset from Reddit, which was obtained through Kaggle. The feedback in this collection of data was divided into downbeat, neutral, and upbeat sentiments. Various machine learning techniques, like Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting Classifier (XGB), Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), were detected and examined to assess their effectiveness in sentiment classification. The review of these techniques comprised performance criteria such as F1 Score, accuracy, precision, and recall. Additionally, confusion matrices were utilized to assess the algorithms' proficiency in identifying abusive language. The investigation's conclusions indicate that, when it comes to sentiment analysis, the random forest method performs better than any other strategy, with a maximum accuracy of 0.99 that is on par with the CNN model's accuracy of 0.98. Moreover, random forest proves to be the most effective algorithm in recognizing negative comments and abusive language. This study underscores the significance of employing machine learning algorithms in sentiment analysis, content moderation, social media monitoring, and customer feedback analysis, emphasizing their role in enhancing automated systems that aim to comprehend user sentiments in online discussions. 2024 IEEE. -
Acacia auriculiformisDerived Bimodal Porous Nanocarbons via Self-Activation for High-Performance Supercapacitors
Carbon nanomaterials derived from Acacia auriculiformis pods as electrodes for the electrochemical double-layer capacitors were explored. Four pyrolysis temperatures were set (400, 600, 800, and 1,000C) to understand the role of temperature in biomass pyrolysis via a possible self-activation mechanism for the synthesis of carbon materials. The carbon materials synthesized at 800C (AAC800) were found to exhibit a well-organized hierarchical porous structure, quantified further from N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms with a maximum specific surface area of 736.6m2/g. Micropores were found to be contributing toward enhancing the specific surface area. AAC800 exhibited a maximum specific capacitance of 176.7F/g at 0.5A/g in 6.0M KOH electrolyte in a three-electrode setup. A symmetric supercapacitor was fabricated using AAC800 as an active material in an organic electrolyte composed of 1.0M tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TEABF4) as a conducting salt in the acetonitrile (ACN) solvent. The self-discharge of the cell/device was analyzed from fitting two different mathematical models; the cell also exhibited a remarkable coulombic efficiency of 100% over 10,000 charge/discharge cycles, retaining ?93% capacitance at 2.3V. Copyright 2021 Bhat, Jayeoye, Rujiralai, Sirimahachai, Chong and Hegde. -
Academic Certificate Validation Using Blockchain Technology
Academic certificates are essential for an individual's career and hence they are more prone to being tampered. This paper proposes an idea of sharing certificates and verifying their authenticity using blockchain technology. Blockchain paves the way for secure storage and sharing of information. Its main focus is to maintain trust among users. This proposal focuses on designing and implementing a system that will prove to be a solution for addressing the issue of fake certificates using Hyperledger Fabric. The technology here is tamper-proof and maintains transparency. This system will have a database of academic certificates awarded by the University, which is recorded as a transaction using the Hyperledger Fabric, which further can be referred by other organizations present in the network to verify the authenticity of the certificates using the information provided by the students to the database. This system provides end to end encryption. 2022 IEEE. -
Academic leader behaviour influence tactics in relation to organizational commitment and work engagement of faculty in higher educational institutions
The importance of academic leader behaviour and influence tactics needs to be overemphasized, as these are the most essential components of practically every newlineeducational institution. A clear understanding of educational institution requires a thorough analysis of academic leader behaviour and influence tactics as main features. Academic leaders regularly acquire and use power. They do so newlinedeliberately and consciously as well as intuitively and unconsciously. Leadership newlineand power do differ in goal compatibility, direction of influence on one s newlinesubordinates and research emphasis. This study attempts to reduce drastically these newlinedifferences and focus on the positives of influence tactics and leadership processes newlineto be exercised by higher authorities for enhancing institutional effectiveness. newlineThe present investigation focused on understanding the leader s behaviour and influence tactics adopted by individuals when they hold power positions, how it hinders the growth of individuals and institutions goals. Faculty Organisational Commitment, Work Engagement and the intention of stay/leave the institution of both academic leaders and faculty members working for higher educational institutions (Engineering, MBA and MCA colleges) were involved in thorough newlineinvestigation. The dependent variables were work engagement and Organisational newlinecommitment. Five tools were adopted to collect data. Leader Behaviour Description Questionnaire (1962) developed by staff members of Fisher College of Business, Ohio State Leadership Studies, Influence Behaviour Questionnaire (2002) developed by Gary Yukl, Organizational Commitment Questionnaire newline(1991) developed by Meyer and Allen, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (2003) developed by Schaufeli et al., and Intention to stay/leave tool developed by Dilyis Robinson. The Cronbach Alpha reliability for Leadership Behaviour Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) was 0.907; Influence Behaviour Questionnaire (IBQ) was 0.677 for academic leaders. -
Academic leader behaviour, influence tactics in relation to organisational commitment and work engagement of faculty in higher educational institutions
The importance of academic leader behaviour and influence tactics needs to be overemphasized, as these are the most essential components of practically every educational institution. A clear understanding of educational institution requires a thorough analysis of academic leader behaviour and influence tactics as main features. Academic leaders regularly acquire and use power. They do so deliberately and consciously as well as intuitively and unconsciously. Leadership and power do differ in goal compatibility, direction of influence on one’s subordinates and research emphasis. This study attempts to reduce drastically these differences and focus on the positives of influence tactics and leadership processes to be exercised by higher authorities for enhancing institutional effectiveness. -
Academic stress and its sources among university students
Stress has become part of students' academic life due to the various internal and external expectations placed upon their shoulders. Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to the problems associated with academic stress as transitions occur at an individual and social level. It therefore, becomes imperative to understand the sources and impact of academic stress in order to derive adequate and efficient intervention strategies. The study employed a quantitative research design where participants were screened using Academic Stress Scale (Rajendran& Kaliappan,1991 from four streams namely, commerce, management, humanities, and basic sciences. The five dimensions of sources such as personal inadequacy, fear of failure, interpersonal difficulties with teachers, teacher pupil relationship and inadequate study facilities were further analysed and gender differences were also obtained. Understanding the sources of stress would facilitate the development of effective counselling modules and intervention strategies by school psychologists and counsellors in order to help students alleviate stress. Published by Oriental Scientific Publishing Company 2018. -
Academic workbench for streetlight powered by solar PV system using internet of everything (IoE)
Renewable energy is one of the growing trend in developing countries. Rapid development of renewable energy leads to the economic benefits and reduce environmental pollution. According to current scenario 20 to 40 percent of the power generated is consumed by streetlights. The problems faced by the current street lighting systems are when there is availability of light there is no proper utilization. Sun intensity shift is not constant all the time, it varies as the climate changes. Real time monitoring and control using intelligent algorithm avoids energy wastage during day time. ZigBee as a communication protocol current and voltage values are sent and received. Base Controller (Single Board Computer) acts as an interphase between the communication protocol and the cloud account. Remote client application is developed to control and monitor streetlight. 2018 IEEE. -
Acceptance of consumer-oriented health information technologies (chits): Integrating technology acceptance model with perceived risk
This paper is focused on understanding the growing demand for consumer-oriented health information technologies (CHITs) wearable and adult healthcare management apps. This study utilised the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and integrated the concept of perceived risk. The structural Equation Modelling (SEM) technique was applied to test the research hypotheses based on the 450 quantitative responses. This study confirms significant relationships between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, attitude, behavioural intention, and actual intention in using CHITs. The findings also showed no evidence to conclude that age and education influenced respondents perceived usefulness and perceived ease of the CHITs. This study incorporated the perceived risk to fill a gap in the literature and broaden the current TAM theoretical application in the public health setting. The study findings fill the health-related technology acceptance literature gap and broaden TAM's present application in the public health realm. 2021 Slovene Society Informatika. All rights reserved. -
Accessing Accurate Documents by Mining Auxiliary Document Information
Earlier techniques of text mining included algorithms like k-means, Nae Bayes, SVM which classify and cluster the text document for mining relevant information about the documents. The need for improving the mining techniques has us searching for techniques using the available algorithms. This paper proposes one technique which uses the auxiliary information that is present inside the text documents to improve the mining. This auxiliary information can be a description to the content. This information can be either useful or completely useless for mining. The user should assess the worth of the auxiliary information before considering this technique for text mining. In this paper, a combination of classical clustering algorithms is used to mine the datasets. The algorithm runs in two stages which carry out mining at different levels of abstraction. The clustered documents would then be classified based on the necessary groups. The proposed technique is aimed at improved results of document clustering. 2015 IEEE. -
Accessing the role of critical success factors for successful ERP implementation at Indian SMEs: A statistical validation
Indian SMEs are also integral part of Indian economy; they also face numerous challenges in implementing technologies such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, including a lack of human, technical and financial resources to support such initiatives. Like many other technological advances, ERP systems were initially implemented mostly at large organisations even in India. Their relative absence from Indian SMEs has probably been the main reason for the research focus on large Indian enterprise. A model is developed with the help of quantitative survey-based method to identify and rank the 30 CSFs and, then a framework has been proposed in terms of recommendations for managing these CSFs. It was determined whether the survey instrument was complete and clear or not with the help of pre-pilot survey of 30 questionnaires responses from the Indian ERP consultants. As a result, the initial survey instrument was extensively revised. For the final data collection, new revised survey instruments were then given via a survey to 500+ Indian ERP consultants. Copyright 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Accident Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Accidents have been a major cause of deaths in India. More than 80% of accident-related deaths occur not due to the accident itself but the lack of timely help reaching the accident victims. In highways where the traffic is really light and fast-paced an accident victim could be left unattended for a long time. The intent is to create a system which would detect an accident based on the live feed of video from a CCTV camera installed on a highway. The idea is to take each frame of a video and run it through a deep learning convolution neural network model which has been trained to classify frames of a video into accident or non-accident. Convolutional Neural Networks has proven to be a fast and accurate approach to classify images. CNN based image classifiers have given accuracy's of more than 95% for comparatively smaller datasets and require less preprocessing as compared to other image classifying algorithms. 2019 IEEE. -
Urban Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) face challenges in managing accidents and enhancing safety, particularly on slippery roads post rainfall. This study addresses this issue by proposing an Accident Prevention and Management System tailored for improving ride safety in such conditions. The problem statement identifies the increased risk of accidents and decreased road grip due to rain-induced slippery surfaces in urban areas. The proposed method integrates real-time data collection from vehicles and road infrastructure to predict and detect slippery road segments. Utilising this information, the system dynamically disseminates warnings to nearby vehicles, enabling them to adapt their driving behaviour and avoid potential accidents. The flow of the proposed system involves a multi-step process: (1) Real-time data collection using sensors installed in vehicles and roadside infrastructure, (2) Data analysis and prediction algorithms to identify slippery road segments, (3) Communication protocols for disseminating warnings to vehicles in the neighbourhood, and (4) Driver assistance mechanisms to aid in adapting to the road conditions. Results from simulations and real-world experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the system in significantly reducing the likelihood of accidents on slippery roads after rainfall. By leveraging VANET technology and real-time data analysis, this system enhances safety by providing timely warnings and promoting safer driving practices, ultimately mitigating the risks associated with adverse weather conditions in urban environments. 2024, Scibulcom Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Accident prevention system using real time embedded technology
Two different aspects are presented in the proposed system: a transmitter and a recipient. The velocity boundary is controlled immediately after entering the emitter area by receiving a signal from the RF transmitter. A few meters even before the area, the significantly impacted might be put for this purpose. The surveillance program contains an alcoholic detector, an eye detector, and a smoke detector. GPS and GSM for the detection of incidents on mobile phones. The electromechanical device monitors the information as a consequence of the impact by transmitting it to the microprocessor ATmega330Q. GPS of your smart telephone will then communicate with both the satellite to acquire latitude and longitudinal data as well as the incident names will be transmitted to the families, fire departments, etc. which are already defined. 2021, SciTechnol, All Rights Reserved. -
Accounting fraud and bankruptcy: The case of wirecard AG
This chapter examines the scandal at Wirecard AG, a German payment processing and financial services company, that became one of the most valuable companies on the German stock exchange in the 2010s. From 2010 to 2018, Wirecard reported consistent revenue growth and profitability. In 2019, the company reported revenues of 2.8 billion ($3.2 billion). As of September 2018, its market capitalization was over 24 billion ($27 billion). In late 2019, the Wirecard scandal was discovered through investigative reports by the Financial Times, which raised questions about Wirecard's accounting practices. The company faced a major scandal in 2020 when it was revealed that 1.9 billion ($2.1 billion) was missing from its balance sheet. Subsequent investigations revealed a massive accounting fraud that had been going on for years. Subsequently, the company filed for bankruptcy. Multiple Wirecard executives, including its CEO, were charged with fraud and market manipulation. German regulators and auditors were criticized for failing to detect and prevent the fraud. 2023, IGI Global. -
Acculturation and adaptation experiences of third generation adolescent migrants of Andaman and Nicobar islands
Andaman and Nicobar Islands saw movement from 1857 amid the reformatory settlement design of the British Government followed by Independent relocation after 1947. The relocation makes a heritage of acculturation and adaptation experiences of the migrants and their descendants. The administration stretched out certain facilities to the migrants like job reservation, simple access to government jobs in the Islands, reservation for higher education and so forth amid the 50's, 60's and 70's. The number of inhabitants in the Islands has now come to a disturbing level and the facilities and opportunities have contracted down, yet individuals have not changed their outlook rather and for them, everything stays in and around the Islands. This study aims to understand the acculturation and adaptation experiences of the third generation adolescent migrants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The study proposes to follow the methodology based on grounded theory. Using Theoretical sampling method, third generation adolescent migrants of the Islands were recruited for the study. The average age of the participants recruited for this study is 18.6 years with 83% of them are male and the remaining 17% are female. Individual interview sessions, lasting approximately 45 to 90 minutes were conducted with the participants to know how their acculturation and adaptation experiences. The transcripts of the interviews were thematically analyzed with the help of Nvivo 10. The transcripts were dissected and 1950 codes from 7903 text segments which became the main foundation for the analysis of data. The codes were further reduced into 54 basic themes, again into 21 organizing themes and finally into 05 global themes. The process of acculturation, psychological adaptation, socio-cultural adaptation, influencing factors and academic aspiration were the global themes which became the building block for five thematic networks addressing the main and specific objectives of the study. -
Acculturation and adaptation experiences of third generation adolescent migrants of andaman and nicobar islands
Andaman and Nicobar Islands saw movement from 1857 amid the reformatory settlement design of the British Government followed by Independent relocation after 1947. The relocation makes a heritage of acculturation and adaptation experiences of the migrants and their descendants. The administration stretched out certain facilities to the migrants like job reservation, simple access to government jobs in the Islands, reservation for higher education and so forth amid the 50's, 60's and 70's. The number of inhabitants in the Islands has now come to a disturbing level and the facilities and opportunities have contracted down, yet individuals have not changed their outlook rather and for them, everything stays in and around the Islands. This study aims to understand the acculturation and adaptation experiences of the third generation adolescent migrants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The study proposes to follow the methodology based on grounded theory. Using Theoretical sampling method, third generation adolescent migrants of the Islands were recruited for the study. The average age of the participants recruited for this study is 18.6 years with 83% of them are male and the remaining 17% are female. Individual interview sessions, lasting approximately 45 to 90 minutes were conducted with the participants to know how their acculturation and adaptation experiences. The transcripts of the interviews were thematically analyzed with the help of Nvivo 10. The transcripts were dissected and 1950 codes from 7903 text segments which became the main foundation for the analysis of data. The codes were further reduced into 54 basic themes, again into 21 organizing themes and finally into 05 global themes. The process of acculturation, psychological adaptation, socio-cultural adaptation, influencing factors and academic aspiration were the global themes which became the building block for five thematic networks addressing the main and specific objectives of the study. The findings showed that the adolescent migrants of the islands settled in the islands by adopting the integration or assimilation technique. The migrants who initially opted for the integration strategy later moved to the assimilation strategy in the adaptation process. The migrants through social incorporation look for a social identity in the islands and furthermore mirrors a feeling of confidence in the islands setting making them all the more psychologically adjusted contrasted with sociocultural adjustment. Parental impact and the acquisition of the dialect Hindustani encourage their expectation to remain in the islands itself for higher education and job. The findings on the relationship between acculturation and adaptation, academic aspiration and career self-efficacy reveal that lack of educational facilities and the incompetence in the existing educational facilities takes the migrants in a state of confusion. The expectations of the migrants are seen to be in conflict, which makes them hesitant to leave the islands for higher education or employment. The interconnectedness between all these leads the adolescent migrants to assert their identity in relation with their attachment to the islands and prefers to be confined to the islands. Findings highlight the pattern and influencing factors of acculturation and adaptation experiences of the third generation adolescent migrants of Andaman and Nicobar Islands and its impact on their academic aspiration and career self-efficacy. The findings have implications for professionals and scholars who work with migrant adolescents, stakeholders of the islands for framing policies benefitting the adolescent migrants, especially in higher education policy. Suggestions for future research are also included. -
Acculturative stress: Psychological health and coping strategies
There is an increasing shift in focus from the causes of immigration to the consequences of immigration, a major aspect being the stress triggered by the myriad changes and challenges experienced during the process of moving into a different culture and settling in. The main aim of this chapter is to introduce the reader to the concept of acculturative stress in detail. The author has gathered the content by doing a keyword search of relevant terms on Google Scholar and choosing articles that provide insight into acculturation, acculturative stress, and psychological health. The chapter will delve into how the different strategies of acculturation are associated with the level of acculturative stress experienced and consequent mental health problems as well as strategies to manage or reduce acculturative stress. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved.