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Sustainable resource allocation in higher education
Higher education is crucial in moulding individuals and societies for a better future. This chapter examines vital aspects such as resource allocation, faculty development, student support, research and innovation, mental health, STEM education, attitude formation, and quality assurance. Effective administration requires sustainable resource allocation and faculty development to enhance instruction quality. Incorporating technology and mindfulness enrich students' experiences. Mental health support is vital for student well-being. Emphasizing STEM, life skills, and a positive mindset equips students for an evolving job market. Quality assurance ensures consistent education. Resolving these challenges allows higher education institutions to shape the future positively. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable practices in Indian aviation
Air travel produces about three percent of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. The air travel industry requires an enduring vision that focuses on sustainable practices in the entire aviation sector, which will be a significant aspect of the future of civil aviation. The study adopts a systematic review to portray significant challenges, issues, and best practices in the worldwide aviation industry, highlighting the Indian scenario to establish future exploration in India. The chapter extensively investigates the latest sustainable developments in the airline business, the logical agreement on its ecological effects, and steps taken for sustainability. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable materials for urban streets: trends, challenges, and case studies
Urban planners face a growing need for efficient, smart, and sustainable projects. One of the dynamic urban elements of cities is its streets, which accommodate the majority of the public realm. This study aims to identify sustainable materials that are employed in the construction of urban streets and analyze the potential for other sustainable materials in future street design. We conduct a thorough literature review through case studies and identify sustainable materials currently in use in the construction of urban streets across the world. This study focuses on existing and potential sustainable materials for urban streets suitable for Qatar. Hence, the objectives of this study are: (1) to identify sustainable materials in the construction of urban streets; (2) to analyze challenges to using sustainable materials in making urban streets more sustainable; (3) comparative analysis of the case studies. The study concludes with sustainable urban street design guidelines derived from Qatar. 2025 Elsevier Ltd. All rights are reserved, including those for text and data mining, AI training, and similar technologies. -
Sustainable Marketing Initiatives and Consumer Perception of Fast Fashion Brands
The fast fashion industry has been criticized for negatively impacting the economy, environment, and social justice. Consequently, many brands adopt sustainable marketing practices to promote eco-friendly manufacturing and encourage sustainable purchase behaviour. To explore this trend, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among fashion brand consumers using a quantitative research design. The survey data was analyzed using variance-based partial least squares-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that sustainable marketing practices can be supported by creating a positive brand image and building trust. Such practices can positively influence consumers' perception of sustainability and promote brand loyalty, which can lead to sustainable purchasing behaviour. The study provides valuable insights into sustainable marketing strategies that fashion brands can adopt to promote sustainable practices and policies in local markets. 2024, idd3. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable marketing in e-commerce: Strategies for environmental impact reduction
In this chapter, the authors examine the significance of sustainable marketing and business practices for e-commerce companies in reducing their environmental impact and contributing to a more sustainable future. It emphasizes the importance of implementing sustainable strategies, such as adopting eco-friendly packaging, minimizing energy consumption, and partnering with sustainable suppliers, to enhance consumer trust and credibility. It addresses the challenges associated with sustainable marketing and recommends effectively promoting sustainable products and services. They suggest practices such as explicit communication about sustainability efforts, obtaining sustainability certifications, and showcasing sustainability initiatives to convey the company's commitment to sustainability. It emphasizes the importance of adopting sustainable marketing and business practices in e-commerce. By implementing these strategies, companies can reduce their environmental footprint, gain consumer trust, and contribute to achieving sustainability in the business world. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable Management of Exotic Fish Biodiversity in Karnataka: Status, Challenges, and Threats
Fish biodiversity, a significant part of the aquatic ecosystem, has been studied widely in India. However, the distribution and diversity of fish species have not been well-researched at the state and/or regional levels. Karnataka is bestowed with 8% of the countrys water resources, which are under extreme pressure because of unregulated population growth, biological invasion, and developmental requirements. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, India has been introducing alien species to its water bodies. Currently, 13.6% of the fish diversity in India is exotic and has been established voluntarily or involuntarily for various purposes. The establishment of invasive alien fishes negatively influences native fish communities around the globe. In general, most publications present the latest status of ichthyofauna in several regions of Karnataka; however, there is no up-to-date documentation on strategic environmental developments and unforeseen challenges, such as invasive alien species (IAS). This study reconstructs existing knowledge while analytically reviewing challenges, potential management techniques, advancements, and the impacts of climate change and disseminates the data necessary for the comprehension of the biological invasion of IAS. 2024, Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE). All rights reserved. -
Sustainable luxury tourism: Promises and perils
Recent decades have witnessed a rising concern regarding the prosperity of the environment and utilisation of resources. A sustainable approach is being promoted in all sectors. In the field of tourism, sustainable tourism is widely discussed among researchers and practitioners. On the other hand, luxury tourism is criticised for lavish resource utilisation to serve the few luxury tourists. There is a need to include sustainability in luxury tourism to benefit the environment, local communities, tourist destination and luxury tourists. However, sustainable luxury tourism is an emerging concept and needs more investigation. This chapter attempts to present the existing knowledge about sustainable luxury tourism by implementing a systematic literature review. Further, the opportunities and challenges associated with sustainable luxury tourism are being highlighted. This study has identified the factors that need to be considered to promote sustainable luxury tourism. Moreover, suggestions of the researchers are being presented to serve as guidelines. This study includes an example of the Diphlu river lodge, which has practised sustainable luxury tourism for many years. The viewpoint of luxury tourists are being understood by analysing the reviews of tourists from TripAdvisor using NVIVO-12 qualitative data analysis software. The combination of literature review and practical information provides insight into sustainable luxury tourism. 2022 by Emerald Publishing Limited. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable IoT for smart environmental control
The network of physical items/things/objects, that are implanted with sensors, software, and other networking technologies to communicate and exchange data with other devices and systems through the internet, is referred to as the Internet of Things (IoT). Environmental control in the context of IoT systems refers to the use of connected devices and sensors to manage and regulate various aspects of the environment, such as temperature, lighting, air quality, water quality, and more. The goal is to create an intelligent environment that is more efficient, comfortable, and sustainable. 2023, IGI Global. -
Sustainable Interior Designing in the 21st Century - A Review
The concept of Sustainable interior designing has gained recognition in recent times. The study focuses on the history, growth and the future of sustainable interior designing. The main aim of the research was to review 102 select journal articles from various Sustainability, Interior designing and combined fields from 2001 all through to 2020, to provide an apprehension on the frequency, study methods, data collection and analysis procedures of the reviewed articles; Alongside providing the readers with an insight on the functionality, aesthetic appeal, client satisfaction and benefits to both environment and the clients. The study also sheds light on the important concepts of Biomimicry, Biophilia and Natural Luxury. The Electrochemical Society -
Sustainable intensification of water guzzling crops: Identifying suitable cropping districts of India
With food sufficiency being achieved, emphasis of policy makers is now on to sustainable intensification in line with the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).Widening discrepancy between the water-resource supply and demand necessitates relook into the cropping pattern of the country.Based on district-level secondary data of area, productivity and level of groundwater extraction, this study aims to identify critical and potential area for cultivation of three major water-intensive crops, i.e.rice, wheat and sugarcane.Study found that 1.93 million ha of area under rice, mainly in north-western and western India, need a gradual shift.Nearly 43% of the rice cultivated area in eastern and north-eastern states of West Bengal, Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Assam has potential for further intensification of rice cultivation.In case of wheat, around 0.65 million ha of area, mostly in Rajasthan, is critical in terms of sustainability.Livestock is an integral part of agriculture in this region and hence diversification of wheat would require mixed strategy of shifting to alternative dual-purpose crops and wheat cultivation with water conservation technologies.Study ftirther found that around 13543 ha of sugarcane in mainly in western Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu is deterring the groundwater resources.Recommendations emanating from the study include differentiates agricultural price policy, payment for ecosystem services and greater focus on productivity enhancement in eastern India. 2021 Indian Council of Agricultural Research. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable human resource management and job satisfactionUnlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross-cultural perspective from 54 countries
Sustainable human resource management is gaining importance in organizations due to its role in developing a sustainable work environment and well-being. This paper discusses the relationship between employee perceptions of sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction in 54 countries. We propose that sustainable HRM is positively associated with job satisfaction but that this relationship is moderated by employees' identification with the organization and country-level individualismcollectivism. Thus, we suggest national culture functions as a second-level moderator of the relationship of sustainable HRM with organizational identification on job satisfaction. Findings from the multi-level analyses using data from 14,502 employees nested within 54 countries provided support for our hypotheses, namely that employee perceptions of sustainable HRM were positively associated with job satisfaction and that this relationship was more pronounced for employees with lower levels compared to higher levels of organizational identification in individualistic rather than collectivistic countries. These findings bear important implications for both theory and practice. 2024 ERP Environment and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. -
Sustainable environment protection and waste management in higher education institutions: A case study
Sustainable environment protection and waste management are global concerns that major cities are grappling with, and it is the most important environmental factor that higher educational institutions in India are considering right now. "Parivarthana, "-the recycling unit of the Centre for Social Action at Christ University, Bengaluru, is evolved as a paradigm for all higher education institutions in terms of long-term environmental protection through waste management and the efforts of student volunteers. The student volunteers have been successful in sensitizing all members of the University to the importance of environmental conservation, and there is rising evidence of accountability among all members regarding waste management. The basic sense of social responsibility of student volunteers toward environmental sustainability is the primary focus of this chapter. Student volunteers who have a higher sense of social responsibility have a better attitude toward their studies, which leads to higher academic accomplishment and a desire to take action to address environmental challenges. Their environmental awareness, climate change, the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, efficient use of natural resources, waste management, and sustainable consumerism have served as an example for students of other higher educational institutions. A qualitative method with a case study approach was applied for this research with In-depth interviews with all stakeholders of the unit. The objectives include the participants' understanding of the prevailing process of waste management in the unit, the relation between waste management and Climate change, and the role of the student volunteers and other stakeholders of the Higher Educational Institutions in bringing a model to Sustainable Development and Global Climate Change. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. -
Sustainable driven Predictive Approaches to Address Climatic Crisis: Issues and Challenges
The issue of climate crisis is currently one of the critical challenges humanity faces in the present era and it holds significant implications, for the future of our planet. To gain an understanding and mitigate the impacts of climate change several methods have been developed to model and forecast future climate trends. This paper critically analyzes sustainable techniques utilized in studying the climate crisis, such as statistical models, machine learning algorithms and climate simulations. The strengths and limitations of each method is analyzed while also considering the factors that can affect their accuracy and reliability. By consolidating existing research on this subject our aim is to provide insights into the effective sustainable approaches for predicting our climates future trajectory while offering suggestions for further research, in this crucial field. 2023 IEEE. -
Sustainable Development- Adopting a Balanced Approach between Development and Development Induced Changes
The emergence of globalization has raised serious concerns and promoted ever increasing dichotomy between development and climate change issues that are borne out of such trade development plans and strategies. The sustainable development goals embark on 17 broad categories that calls upon the nations to achieve them by 2030. In order to achieve these goals the need of the hour is to make a paradigm shift from traditional trade agreements and policies to such agreements that aim to prioritize the attainment of these goals. There has to be uniform environment laws to promote intergeneration and intra-generational equity among the nations and leaving no lacuna for geographical disparity. The Artificial Intelligence can play a pivotal role in achieving sustainability by cross fertilization of technology and sustainable development leading to smart states, effective utilization of resources, green investment policies, use of eff icacious renewable energy resources, analyzing agricultural needs and prior analyses of prospective disasters. The Electrochemical Society -
Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility - An Analysis of 50 Definitions for a Period of 2000-2011
Zenith International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2, Issue 10, pp. 169-193, ISSN No. 2231-5780 -
Sustainable Consumption Practices of Rural India
It is said that real India lives in rural areas. Sustainability can be found very easily in traditions, practices, culture, ethics, sense of belongingness, camaraderie, mindful living of the villages, and small towns of India. They may lack the modern way of living and infrastructure, but their way of existence is such that they contribute toward making sustainable communities. This is specifically reflected in their behavior of consumption; obviously it is also related to their income but consumption in rural areas of India is way lower than those of urban areas, even if that is to be compared by keeping population size as the same. This chapter presents an informative analysis for the reasons and methods which rural population of India practices that results in sustainability. There are practices which are found wide and large such as sharing, self-sustenance because of farming, recycling, less influence of media, simpler living, work-life balance, valuing natural resources, inherent practices of protecting the environment, and pro-community sentimentalities that lead to sustainability. Attitude toward consumption is guided by the so-called spiritual way of living and having satisfaction with life. Happiness does not necessarily come by acquiring tangible resources but by having meaningful relationship, acquiring wisdom, and following indigenous way of living and transferring it to the next generation. This chapter presents a short report by having a take on economic indicators and traditional and cultural practices of rural India and hence present an explanation for how and why sustainable consumption practices are prevalent in such places. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
Sustainable Computing: A Determinant of Industry 4.0 for Sustainable Information Society
Rapid advancement in technology and continuous environmental degradation have attracted the attention of practitioners toward sustainable solutions. This study intends to promote Industry 4.0 information society research by comprehending sustainable ICT adoption in businesses to promote sustainable information society (SIS). Further, it extends the theory of planned behavior model and deploys a quantitative research approach. The findings from PLS-SEM confirm the perceived environmental responsibility (PER), a precursor for attitude (ATT), perceived behavioural control (PBC), and subjective norm (SN). Further, there is a significant positive influence of ATT, PBC, and SN on the adoption intention of sustainable ICT practices followed by the effect of adoption intention on sustainable information society (SIS). This study bridges the literature gap through a novel attitude behavior gap model and provides a possible understanding of how businesses might contribute to the creation of sustainable development and information society. 2022 Nishant Kumar et al. -
Modern information technology has made cloud computing a cornerstone by providing scalable and flexible services to fulfill the ever-increasing demands of businesses and individuals. However, since data centres use enormous quantities of energy and contribute to rising carbon emissions, the exponential rise of cloud infrastructure has caused serious environmental concerns. This research addresses the environmental issues that traditional cloud computing poses and presents a way forward by incorporating Green Network Function Virtualisation (NFV). A paradigm change towards sustainable alternatives is required due to the traditional cloud data centres increasing energy consumption and carbon impact. The suggested Green NFV strategy utilises the virtualisation technologies to optimise and combine network services, which lowers energy consumption and improves resource efficiency. The goal of this research is to reduce the environmental impact of data centres and increase the ecological sustainability of cloud services by incorporating NFV principles into cloud computing in a seamless manner. This work investigates the effectiveness of Green NFV in reducing the environmental impact of cloud computing through an in-depth analysis and empirical analysis. It assesses the energy efficiency benefits of NFV adoption, taking into account operational sustainability overall, server consolidation, and dynamic resource allocation. The results highlight that Green NFV can help with the environmental issues regarding cloud computing and provide a viable route forward for a more ecologically conscious and sustainable future for digital infrastructure. This research offers significant aspects to experts, policymakers, and industry practitioners who are looking for practical methods to balance the need for environmental sustainability with the rapid expansion of cloud computing. 2024, Scibulcom Ltd.. All rights reserved. -
Sustainable Climatic Metrics Determination with Ensemble Predictive Analytics
Sustainable features are dependent on vital climatic elements that has a prominent impact on the retention of sustainability provided its metrics are in desired domain. Regression analysis and ensemble learning models are some of the predictive analytics methods which were used to detect the association of every feature on sustainable criteria. Weather samples from Delhi during 1970-2020 is used in the research which considers features like humidity, pollutant level, temperature etc which are gathered from several authenticated sites like pollution management unit of India. After analyzing several elements affecting weather endurability, it is noticed that pollutant level and temperature exhibit the highest significance recording 30% and 44% respectively. Also the R-square metric of 86% and 82% was observed with implementation of analytics models. The major conclusion recorded that random forest outperformed regression model and it established the importance of predictive analytics in predicting sustainability results. The research validated the relevance of climatic tracking for regulating sustainability. 2023 IEEE.