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Sustainable carbonaceous nanomaterial supported palladium as an efficient ligand-free heterogeneouscatalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura coupling
A novel ligand-free heterogeneous catalyst was synthesized via pyrolysis of Samanea saman pods to produce carbon nanospheres (SS-CNSs), which served as a carbon support for immobilizing palladium nanoparticles through an in situ reduction technique (Pd/SS-CNS). The SS-CNSs effectively integrated 3% of Pd on their surfaces with no additional activation procedures needed. The nanomaterials obtained underwent thorough characterization employing various techniques such as FT-IR, XRD, FE-SEM, TEM, EDS, ICP-AES, and BET. Subsequently, the efficiency of this Pd/SS-CNS catalyst was assessed for the synthesis of biaryl derivatives via Suzuki coupling, wherein different boronic acids were coupled with various aryl halides using an environmentally benign solvent mixture of EtOH/H2O and employing only 0.1 mol% of Pd/SS-CNS. The catalytic system was conveniently recovered through centrifugation and demonstrated reusability without any noticeable decline in catalytic activity. This approach offers economic viability, ecological compatibility, scalability, and has the potential to serve as an alternative to homogeneous catalysis. 2024 RSC. -
Sustainable biodegradation of textile dye reactive blue 222 by the novel strain Enterobacter CU2004, isolated from the industrial waste: A design of experiment based optimization study and characterisation of metabolites
Reactive Blue 222 (RB222) is widely used in textile industries and hence a common recalcitrant pollutant in the industrial effluent. Bioremediation of this dye is of significance as its one of the complex dyes with high molecular weight. In the present study, we isolated a novel bacterial strain Enterobacter CU2004 from the industrial waste and characterize using16S rRNA gene sequencing. Its potential to dye degradation was evaluated in a simple minimal salt media with the parameters namely dye concentration (1001000 ppm), pH (49), temperature (1555C), Carbon source (Lactose, Sucrose, Glucose, Starch, and Fructose), and Nitrogen source (Casein, Yeast extract, Peptone, Tryptone, Ammonium sulphate, and Urea) in a 24 h culture. Finally, data obtained were extended to design of experiment based optimization for the degradation efficacy of Enterobacter CU2004 and to validated design space was established. The novelty is in optimizing the design space parameters for highest percentage of degradation ?90% by the bacterial isolate Enterobacter CU2004 were finalized as 3037C temperature, 133249 ppm dye concentration, Lactose as Carbon source, Yeast extract as Nitrogen source, and the pH as 8. Microbial dye degradation was confirmed by FTIR, HPLC and GCMS studies. Further studies revealed the dye intermediates and the potential of Enterobacter CU2004 toward the degradation of complex, high molecular weight industrial dye RB222. 2024 Vasantha Veerappa Lakshmaiah, et al. -
Sustainable Biodegradable and Bio-based Materials
The quest for sustainable biodegradable and bio-based materials is ever increasing due to their versatile properties and also their ability to serve as potential alternatives to their synthetic counterparts. The major types of bio-based materials of commercial importance can be derived majorly from plant, animal, and microbial sources through physical, chemical, or biological extraction methods. Despite their potential applications, biocompatibility, and biodegradability, these bio-based polymers still face hurdles in competing with conventional plastics. The major factors contributing to this involve the production and extraction cost. In recent years, the integration of waste valorization with biopolymer production and the development of eco-friendly green extraction protocols with minimum usage of chemicals were visualized as efficient strategies for the sustainable production of biopolymers. This study summarizes the important biodegradable and bio-based materials of commercial importance along with their production methods and application in diverse sectors. 2023 selection and editorial matter, Ajay, Parveen, Sharif Ahmad, Jyotsna Sharma, Victor Gambhir. -
Sustainable Assessment of Advanced Machine Intelligence in Clinical Safety
There is growing acknowledgment that artificial intelligence (AI) is being used to evaluate complex and vast volumes of data, producing findings without human input, in a variety of healthcare contexts, including image analysis, bioinformatics and genomics. Although this technology can offer opportunities in the diagnostic and therapeutic process, various safety-related difficulties and traps can still exist. To shed light on these opportunities and challenges, this article addresses the use of AI in healthcare and its security consequences. To deliver safer technology through AI, this research explores the cost implications of all potential technological systems, while design safety, failure safety, procedural security, and safety margins are the primary methods for identifying risks & uncertainties. Additionally, the suggestion involves the identification and distribution of explicit instructions and procedures to all relevant parties, aiming to facilitate the creation and implementation of safer Al applications within healthcare settings. 2023 IEEE. -
Sustainable approach to life in water: Science and ethics of the oceans
Oceans have always remained a mystery to humankind. We owe the oceans the very air we breathe. Oceans are storehouses of nutrient rich food that can alleviate the hunger of many generations to come, offer rich minerals and medicines to cure many diseases, regulate the temperature of our planet, stabilize weather patterns, and provide livelihood for many in the fishing and tourism industry. But sadly they are overexploited and polluted to the core. The very fact that these mighty oceans have started showing the ill effects of anthropogenic activities itself is testimony to the tremendous greed of humanity. Among all the mighty oceans, the Arctic ocean is the most sensitive and vulnerable to these changes as it holds a pivotal position in maintaining life on Earth by different mechanisms. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14 of the United Nations underlines the urgent need to conserve marine resources and give equal rights to people in all countries to enjoy these resources. The current review is an attempt to highlight the enormous number of ways in which oceans have helped humankind, the serious threats the oceans are facing now, and how best we can have a sustainable approach to halt the total crashing of our great ocean systems. 2021 Journal of Dharma: Dharmaram Journal of Religions and Philosophies (DVK, Bangalore). -
Sustainable after sale services: The effect of perceived value on customers behavioural intention
There is an increasing beleive that the biggest show stopper in any industry will no longer be technology or capital, but the environment (Sheth & Sinha, 2015). It evidently defines the main problem of our world today, and the concern, regarding our future generations. Ensuring that our action today do not limit the range of economic, social, and environmental options to future generation, the fundamental principle of sustainability has emerged (Trevena, Kaldor & Downs, 2014).In light of the same concern, Recently, sustainability management has developed in the service industry. Green/sustainable after sale services in customer durables have been progressively joining the service industry. Customersupport determinesthe sustainable development of the consumer durable industry for their services. This paper aims to explore relationships among perceived values viz. hedonic and utilitarian values, and behaviour intentions of the customer. A total of 360valid questionnaires were collected, and regression method was used to measure and test the research hypotheses. Thestudy presents empirical evidence of impact of hedonic and utilitarian values on customersbehavioural intentions. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed and suggestions for future research are provided. 2019 SERSC. -
Sustainability of Indian tourism in backdrop of COVID-19
The Indian tourism and travel industry is one of the fastest growing industry. According to WTTC (2019), India ranked 10th among 185 countries in terms of travel & tourism's having a total contribution to GDP of 6.8% of the total economy, Rs. 13,68,100 crores (US$ 194.30 billion) ( In the year 2017, The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has declared 2017 as the 'International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development', which underscores tourism's critical role in fostering inclusive growth. Hence, the efforts to achieve sustainability got an impetus and gained much wanted attention. However, everything came to standstill with the onset of Corona Virus Pandemic in November 2019, questioning the survival of the industry itself. The present crisis caused tremendous losses which have resulted in large scale job losses bringing the sustainability in question. This study aims to investigate the state of sustainability of Indian tourism through infrastructure development, environmental degradation, social, economic and cultural impacts on destinations due to this growth in the backdrop of the present COVID pandemic. It is an empirical study of perceptions of tourists to Indian destinations. The data was collected through self-administered questionnaires and interviews. A total of 520 valid responses were analyzed and results revealed a different scenario. The study concludes with a discussion of the findings and providing a few recommendations to rectify the situation for a sustainable industry and future. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
Sustainability Integration in Wine Destination Branding : A Comprehensive Review Perspective Fostering UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030
Purpose : This research work intended to evaluate the factors that could inculcate sustainability elements in branding wine destinations that align with the United Nationss Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Methodology : An intensive review of literature was carried out in the contexts of wine tourism, sustainability, and destination branding. Research publications in high-quality journals were reviewed, and the perspectives were generated based on our reflections. Key Findings : The perspective highlighted wine destination image, wine destination personality, technology inclusions, stakeholders and destination culture, wine destination policies, and wine destination marketing communication as the key dimensions to be considered for imposing sustainability elements while branding the wine destinations. Practical Implications : The insights generated here will assist policymakers and governments in aligning wine tourism transactions with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, and they suggested profitable positioning of wine destinations with sustainability value propositions. Additionally, they pointed to areas that require further research, which were potentially the most important ones in the field of wine tourism. 2023 ESTUDIOS TERRITORIALES. All rights reserved. -
Sustainability Indicators and Ten Smart Cities Review
The motivation of smart cities is to improve the standard of living of citizens and enhance the use of technology in sustainable city services. A city's sustainability can be measured using various sets of smart indicators. This study will analyse urban sustainability indicators as a research problem for ten smart cities. The review of smart cities will focus on the Internet of things (IoT), Mobile devices, and Artificial intelligence technologies (Sensors in street lights, smart homes) that help our citizens transform from rural to urban areas towards sustainability. This research uses a qualitative framework for the taxonomy of the literature for the terms 'smart city' and 'sustainability' Further, the characteristics, critical technology, and IOT application for mobility are elaborated upon. Finally, we discuss ten smart city review proposals reports, based on their sustainability indicators around the world. Concluding and Future studies could focus on using sustainable indicators for developing smart cities in India. 2023 IEEE. -
Sustainability In The Built Environment: Are We Doing Enough?
Sustainability is one of the key requirements for any business; however, there exist gaps in recognizing and aligning these sustainable practices with everyday operational activities. With this in mind, this study aims to explore the current awareness level in business leaders and stakeholders about corporate responsibility towards sustainability and reflects on the obstacles encountered by them in diverse built environments, laying the groundwork for addressing these hurdles and contributing towards the overall sustainable development. The study uses a thematic approach to analyzing data with the help of NVIVO12 software. The major findings include Energy Auditing process - not carried out frequently; both sustainability and profitability go hand in hand; absence of technology such as AI and Sensor technology has contributed to the built environment's energy performance gap; there is a knowledge gap that exists among business leaders in understanding the concept of sustainable development. The Electrochemical Society -
Sustainability in hospitality: The pathway to destination well-being in the "City of Lakes" Udaipur
With the rising popularity and a surge in demand for the "City of Lakes" Udaipur, the lake ecosystem has become vulnerable to various anthropogenic activities and pollution. The restricted structure of hotels on the lakefront faces various challenges in maintaining environmental regulations. This chapter explores hotels on the lakeside in Udaipur, which includes heritage hotels and modern accommodations, and their sustainability practices, such as energy efficiency, waste management, water conservation, and eco-design in hospitality architecture. Best practices in Udaipur's hospitality industry are explored through observation, document analysis, and interviews. The chapter establishes how circular economy builds environmental quality while regenerating resources. The implications of the study indicate a transformation of tourism governance in Udaipur by local authorities and academicians, which indeed can contribute to achieving a destination's well-being by addressing the challenges posed by the thriving tourism economy. 2024, IGI Global. -
Sustainability disclosure and green finance: Driving the transition towards a sustainable future
In recent times, policymakers and scholars have directed their attention toward the notion of sustainability and green finance, coinciding with the growing global emphasis on environmental protection, climate change mitigation, and sustainable development. The integration of sustainability and green finance practices has emerged as a crucial strategy to address climate change, advance sustainable development goals issues, and build a resilient global economy in the face of pressing environmental challenges. The adoption of green finance and sustainability practices is no longer limited to developed economies. Many developing and under-developed countries are also taking a proactive approach to develop and implement a roadmap and framework for incorporating sustainability. In this chapter, the authors explore the notion of green finance, its crucial role in advancing sustainability, and the substantial consequences it can bring about for diverse businesses and stakeholders. 2023, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Sustainability Concepts in the Design of Tall Structures
Construction industry is a rapid growing industry with various new technologies coming into practice. Sustainability concept is also a call for the present generation as many natural resources are getting exhausted. Thus the new era of development of Tall Structures with respect to Sustainability concept is being studied by concentrating on the Structural systems that can be adopted for construction of the same. In the present study we have considered two different 3D RC frame structural systems i.e., normal Beam-Column structural system and Outrigger structural system. The following two systems were modelled in ETABS 15.2 software in seismic zone V with three different heights that is 150m (50 storeys), 240m (80 storeys) and 300m (100 storeys). Response spectrum analysis is carried out considering Earthquake forces and the results are tabulated for maximum storey displacement and maximum storey drift. Then finally the structural system which is sustainable in construction of Tall structures is identified. 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Marketing
Social trading companies must adhere to the concept of social responsibility by engaging in activities that provide benefits to society. Social responsibility in marketing is through providing products and services that help the community environmentally, socially, and economically. Several literatures have discussed the role of social responsibility in customer intentions toward social trading channels. Discussing and describing the role of social responsibility in marketing is an important issue that needs to be investigated. This chapter describes the role of social responsibility in marketing activities. Promotions that raise awareness of societal issues and problems, recyclable packaging, and direct portions of profits toward charitable efforts are critical factors that will be described in this chapter as well. The majority of business companies, however, are still unable to fulfill the finest CSR principles in their marketing activities. Therefore, the focus of this chapter is on the requirements for CSR as well as the deficiencies in corporate organizations marketing operations. Considering the important of social media for communicating CSR is address at the point, where corporations use social media effectively for delivering their CSR goals and initiatives. This chapter is followed by two main questions: how can corporate social responsibility be delivered in marketing? And why do we need to study CSR?. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
Sustainability and green nanomaterials on nanotechnology-based sensors
Nanobiosensors multipurpose efficacy in various domains as next-generation device has set a revolutionary impact on the scientific technology. Green synthesized nanoparticles (NPs) have enhanced the properties of these nanobiosensors in commendable ways with remarked growth. The unique properties of NPs like optical, magnetic, electrochemical, physiochemical, mechanical, and good conductivity make them highly reliable and sensitive for conventional approaches to check minute concentrations. Quantum dots, nanotubes, and magnetic nanowires provide a novel signal transduction mechanism that helps to detect low level of pesticides, food contaminants, toxins, and metabolites. Various microbes have been documented for NPs such as Fusarium oxysporum, Alternata alternata, Trichoderma viride, Colletotrichum sp., F. oxysporum, Aspergillus orayzae, Aquaspirillum magnetotacticum, and Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum. It is used in sustainable agriculture or smart farming to aid plant growth in the form of sensor detector of plant metabolites, hormonal changes, ion concentration, volatiles and gas changes, etc., under physiological stress. Environmental remediation is carried out for analysis and quantification of contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, fungicides, pathogens, etc. Nanobiosensors have a tremendous impact on food industry as a means of sensitive method for detecting pathogens and recognition of mycotoxins. While, medical applications detect glucose in diabetics, cancer diagnosis, detection of urinary tract infections, HIV-AIDS, disease-causing pathogens, antigen-antibody interaction, etc. 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights are reserved including those for text and data mining AI training and similar technologies. -
Sustainability and Gender Equality: SDG5Gender Differences in Bargaining in the Housing Market
This chapter investigates whether gender differences exist in bargaining behaviour in the housing market. The impact of personality dispositions, location preferences and other such variables on the individuals willingness and ability to bargain and obtain a concession is studied. The variables were estimated using a 5-point Likert scale, and the final dataset was analysed by implementing logistic regression model. Findings suggest that gender, product knowledge, bargaining disposition, role of agent and reference price significantly impact bargaining behaviour. The study validates the need to attain the fifth Sustainable Development Goal, i.e. Gender Equality. The current emphasis is to ensure full participation of women in decision-making capabilities by 2030 (UN Women, Progress on the sustainable development goals: the gender snapshot, UN Women, New York, 2022), but it is found that men bargain more than women in the rental housing market. The chapter contributes to existing literature by studying gender differences in the rental housing market and justifies the findings with the help of primary data analysis. 2024 The Author(s). -
Sustainability and efficiency of micro finance institutions - Evidence from selected listed companies in India /
Journal Of Economics And Sustainable Development, Vol.6, Issue 11, pp.286-293, ISSN No: 2222-2855 (Online) 2222-1700 (Print) -
Sustainability & Comparative Impact Analysis of Coral reef bleaching in Indian context
An estimated value of 500 million of the population are directly benefited through coral reefs related jobs, food and defence of coastal areas. Coral reefs help to reduce wave energy by 97%. They help to protect the coastal areas from storms, floods and wave energy by 97%. Natural disasters such as Tsunami and erosion of coastal areas are protected by reefs. In this process, they help to protect the lives of many staying in the coastal areas including animals, properties, and other natural resources. There are reasons for reef deterioration like change of climate, high pollution, destructive fishing, bleaching of coral reefs is a big concern now worldwide. Severe coral bleaching is also reported in India. A significant rise in the surface temperature of Sea has become a critical reason for coral bleaching. This work attempts to Study the link between sustainability, SDG goals of 2030 given by United Nations and coral bleaching. In this work study period is focussed from 1985 to 2021 in the Indian coral reef bleaching areas. The Electrochemical Society -
Suspension culture of somatic embryos for the production of high-value secondary metabolites
Secondary metabolites from plants are ubiquitous and have applications in medicines, food additives, scents, colorants, and natural pesticides. Biotechnological production of secondary metabolites that have economic benefits is an attractive alternative to conventional methods. Cell, adventitious, and hairy root suspension cultures are typically used to produce secondary metabolites. According to recent studies, somatic embryos in suspension culture are useful tools for the generation of secondary metabolites. Somatic embryogenesis is a mode of regeneration in several plant species. This review provides an update on the use of somatic embryogenesis in the production of valuable secondary metabolites. The factors influencing the generation of secondary metabolites using somatic embryos in suspension cultures, elicitation methods, and prospective applications are also discussed in this review. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. 2023, Prof. H.S. Srivastava Foundation for Science and Society. -
Surviving Under Stress: Exploring Zea mays Adaptive Responses to Cadmium Toxicity and Mitigation StrategiesA Review
Cadmium (Cd) toxicity poses a significant threat to Zea mays, disrupting its normal physiological functions and metabolic processes. This chapter summarises current studies on the sources of contamination, Cd intake mechanisms, and the effect of Cd toxicity on critical physiological systems in maize. It then thoroughly investigates Zea mays physiological and adaptive responses to Cd toxicity. The section outlines how Cd inhibits vital metabolic processes, such as photosynthesis and the absorption of nutrients uptake in maize plants, leading to a reduction in biomass, yield, and growth. The adverse impacts on plant growth and development are amplified by anatomical changes brought on by Cd exposure, such as modifications to the roots and leaves. Furthermore, a thorough examination of biochemical modifications is conducted, such as adjustments to protein composition, glucose metabolism, and amino acid levels. The chapter additionally examines how enzymatic activity responds to Cd stress, focusing on modifications in the activity of enzymes involved in antioxidants and metabolism. Under the influence of Cd toxicity, maize plants display a range of intricate adaptive responses. These include upregulation of genes linked to the production of ethylene and the synthesis of peptides that bind metals, such as phytochelatins. The study covers the effectiveness of several mitigation techniques employed to reduce Cd accumulation and improve Cd tolerance in maize crops. These techniques include microbial remediation, phytohormone administration, biostimulant treatments, and designed nanoparticles and mineral ions. With everything considered, this chapter offers insightful information about Zea mays physiological and adaptive responses to endure and mitigate the impact of cadmium toxicity. To ensure sustainable maize production and food security in areas polluted by Cd, it is essential to understand these mechanisms and create appropriate mitigation techniques. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024.