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Classification and analysis of Alzheimer's Disease using Deep Learning methods on MRI and PET
Alzheimer's disease (AD) falls in the category of neurodegenerative illness in which an individual loses his or her power to remember things and behaviors. It affects memory in younger patients and as it progresses causes diffuse cortical functions. However, a major issue with the diagnosis and treatment of AD symptoms is that it has complex pathogenesis because of which there is no clinical intervention for its treatment. There is no disease-modifying treatment to cure AD symptoms that increases co-morbidities among the patients. The present research identified this gap and focuses on using Deep Learning methods on MRI and PET data so that there is early diagnosis of AD by healthcare experts and they could propose a better treatment process for reducing AD symptoms. The present research identified that by using deep learning-based approaches particularly ResNet50 architecture, there is the execution of quantitative assessment of brain MRI and PET to acquire insights about the internal abnormalities through self-learning features. It will help in initiating proper treatment and avoiding damage to the brain further. 2022 IEEE. -
Academic Certificate Validation Using Blockchain Technology
Academic certificates are essential for an individual's career and hence they are more prone to being tampered. This paper proposes an idea of sharing certificates and verifying their authenticity using blockchain technology. Blockchain paves the way for secure storage and sharing of information. Its main focus is to maintain trust among users. This proposal focuses on designing and implementing a system that will prove to be a solution for addressing the issue of fake certificates using Hyperledger Fabric. The technology here is tamper-proof and maintains transparency. This system will have a database of academic certificates awarded by the University, which is recorded as a transaction using the Hyperledger Fabric, which further can be referred by other organizations present in the network to verify the authenticity of the certificates using the information provided by the students to the database. This system provides end to end encryption. 2022 IEEE. -
Comparison of Augmentation and Preprocessing Techniques for Improved Generalization Performance in Deep Learning based Chest X-Ray Classification
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models are well known for image classification; however, the downside of CNN is the ineffectiveness to generalize and inclination towards over-fitting in case of a small train dataset. A balanced and sufficient data is thus essential to effectively train a CNN model, but this is not always possible, especially in the case of medical imaging data, as often patients with the same disease are not always available. Image augmentation addresses the given issue by creating new data points artificially with slight modifications. This study, investigates ten different methods with various parameters and probability and their combined effect on the test dataset's generalization performance and F1 Score. For the study, three pre-Trained CNN models, namely ResNetl8, ResNet34, and ResNet50, are fine tuned on a small training dataset of 500 Pneumonia and 160 Non-Pneumonia(Normal) Images for each augmentation setting. The test accuracy, F1 Score, and generalization performance were calculated for a test dataset consisting of 50 Pneumonia and 16 Non-Pneumonia(Normal) Images. 2022 IEEE. -
Patient Monitoring System for Elderly Care using AI Robot
The use of robots in numerous industries has expanded in recent decades. Self-guiding robots have started to arise in human life, particularly in sectors pertaining to the lives of old people. Age-related population growth is accelerating globally. As a result, there is a rising need for personal care robots. The purpose of this requirement is to increase opportunities for mobility and support independence. To meet this demand, a robot with specific functionalities to help older people has been designed. The standard values of healthcare parameters are stored in the database by recording and comparing the current values the system will give an alarm and also sends a message to the doctor or caretaker so that a proper care would be given to the patients. We are including a preset distance value to monitor the elder people. Here we are using some sensors to detect the health parameters from the person. Robot have designed to intimate the family members if any changes occur in the health parameters. It helps the people to stay alone in home with safe manner. 2022 IEEE. -
Machine Learningcloud-Based Approach to Identify and Classify Disease
The term "Internet of Things"(IoT) describes the process of creating and modeling web-related physical objects across computing systems. IoT-based healthcare applications have offered multiple real-time products and benefits in recent years. For millions of people, these programmers provide hospitalization can get regular medical records and healthy lives. The introduction of IoT devices in the health sector has several technological developments. This study uses the IoT to construct a disease diagnostic system. Wearable sensors in this system initially monitor the patient's sympathy impulses. The impulses are then sent by a network environment to a server. In addition, a new hybrid approach to evaluation decision-making was presented as part of this research. This technique starts with the development of a set of features of the patient's pulses. Based on a learning approach qualifications are neglected. A fuzzy neural model was used as a diagnostic tool. A specific diagnosis of a particular ailment, such as the diagnosis of a patient's normal and abnormal pulse or the assessment of insulin issues, would be modeled to assess this technology. 2022 IEEE. -
Classification of Disaster Tweets using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
Social networks provide a plethora of information for gathering extra data on people's behavior, trends, opinions, and feelings during human-affecting occurrences, such as natural catastrophes. Twitter is an inevitable communication medium during calamities. People mainly depend on Twitter to announce real-time emergencies. However, it is rarely straightforward if someone is declaring a tragedy. Sentiment analysis of disaster tweets aid in situational awareness and realizing the disaster dynamics. In our paper, we perform a sentimental analysis of disaster tweets using techniques based on machine learning and deep learning. The tweets are pre-processed before being converted into a structured form using Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods. Supervised learning techniques such as the Support Vector Machine and the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm are used to develop the Classifier, which categorizes tweets into distinct catastrophes and selects the most appropriate algorithm. The chosen algorithm is further enriched with an emoticon detection algorithm for explicit elucidation. Our research would help disaster relief organizations and news agencies to conclude about the state of affairs and do the needful. 2022 IEEE. -
ESSA Scheduling Algorithm for Optimizing Budget-Constrained Workflows
Workflows are a systematic approach for defining various scientific applications of distributed systems. They break down complicated, data-intensive processes into minor activities that can be executed serially or in parallel according to the type of application. Cloud systems need to allocate resources and schedule workflows efficiently. Despite many studies on job scheduling and resource provisioning, an efficient solution isn't found. Therefore, techniques are required to enhance resource utilization for optimal cloud computing platforms. Hence, user and provider quality of service (QoS) goals, like shortening workflows and ensuring budget limits with low energy utilization, must be considered. Enhanced Salp Swarm Optimization (ESSA) is designed to optimize makespan and QoS metrics in cloud systems. A Virtual Machine (VM's) compute capacity is related to Central Processing Unit (CPU) and memory. Size and memory demand is considered for tasks in the workflow, and task execution time is evaluated using both CPU and memory. The collated experimental outcomes convey that the newly presented technique boosts the workflows' energy utilization (up to 89%) and pushes the normalized makespan results to 3.2ms. 2022 IEEE. -
Rebuilding the Capabilities for Post COVID-19 Pandemic: Issues and Challenges of Bangalore Model of Development
The pace of urbanization has achieved considerable momentum in recent years with 34.93 per cent of India's population living in urban areas. However, the COVID - 19 pandemic has severely affected urban development with adverse effects on people's mobility, consumption level, health and poverty. Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka and the third largest city in India, has a population of 11 million and contributes more than one third of the state's GDP. The expansion of certain sectors including Information Technology, infrastructure and spread of educational institutions has fueled Bangalore's rapid growth in the past three decades which has made it a regional superpower in India, if not South Asia. This paper explores the unique features of the 'Bangalore Model of Development' as a regional development model and provides a systematic introspection of its capabilities. It discusses the impact of the pandemic on the key driving forces of Bangalore Model and assesses the current government measures. The situation analysis with the policy prescriptions would help to strengthen and sustain the urban system during the postpandemic times. 2022 IEEE. -
An effective Approach for Pneumonia Detection using Convolution Vision Transformer
Early detection of pneumonia in patients through effective medical imaging may enable timely remedial measures and reduce the severity of the infection. There is an increase in cases among new-borns, teenagers and also people with health issues in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic also revealed the major impact pneumonia had on the lungs and the consequences of delayed detection. The presence of the infection in the lungs is examined through images of Chest X-ray, however, for an early diagnosis of the infection, this paper proposes an automated model as a more effective alternative. Convolutional Vision Transformer (CVT) which gives an accuracy of 97.13%, and is a robust combination of Convolution and Vision Transformer (ViT), is suggested in this paper as a potential model to detect pneumonia early in patients. 2022 IEEE. -
Multi-lingual Spam SMS detection using a hybrid deep learning technique
Nowadays, the incremental usage of mobile phones has made spam SMS messages a big concern. Sending malicious links through spam messages harms our mobile devices physically, and the attacker might have a chance to steal sensitive information from our devices. Various state-of-the-art research works have been proposed for SMS spam detection using feature-based, machine, and deep learning techniques. These approaches have specific limitations, such as extracting and selecting signifi-cant and quality features for efficient classification. Very few deep learning techniques are only used for classifying spam detection. Moreover, the benchmark spam datasets written in English are mostly used for evaluation. Very few papers have detected spam messages for other languages. Hence, this paper creates a multilingual SMS spam dataset and proposes a hybrid deep learning technique that combines the Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) model to classify the message dataset. The performance of this proposed hybrid model has been compared with the baseline deep learning models using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score metrics. 2022 IEEE. -
Subscriber Preference and Content Consumption Pattern toward OTT platform: An Opinion Mining
Introduction: The outburst of the pandemic has paved the way for the immense popularity of over-The-Top (OTT) platforms among viewers. Furnishing an alternate medium to watch favorite shows and making it a new normal, the OTT platform has replaced the traditional entertainment platform. However, migrating from traditional television to an OTT platform is still a challenge in developing countries. Hence, the understanding of subscriber preferences and content consumption patterns becomes essential to planning and strategizing future business models. Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to examine the subscriber preference and content consumption pattern toward the OTT platform. In addition, this paper also investigates the popularity of leading OTT platforms among Indian viewers. Methodology: Data has been collected from the subscribers of three major OTT: Amazon Prime, Netflix Video, and Disney+Disney+Hotstar. A total of 1860 reviews were scraped as textual data and analyzed using the lexicon-based method. The polarity of the sentiments pertaining to the reviews of different platforms was analyzed using sentiment analysis. Furthermore, the topic modeling on the reviews was performed using natural language programming(NLP). Findings: The findings of sentiment analysis showed that Netflix and Disney+Disney+Hotstar had a considerable number of positive sentiments among viewers when compared to Amazon Prime Video. Eventually, the paper also showed negative sentiment towards Amazon Prime Video regarding streaming content, ad pop-ups, interface issue, shows, etc. Our findings help OTT platforms to determine which factors are driving this dramatic shift in viewer behaviour so that better strategies for attracting and retaining subscribers can be developed. Despite the rise in OTT platform popularity, this is the first study to investigate the content consumption pattern of OTT viewers comprehensively. 2022 IEEE. -
Machine Learning based Food Sales Prediction using Random Forest Regression
Sales forecasting is crucial in the food industry, which experiences high levels of food sales and demand. The industry has concentrated on a well-known and established statistical model. Due to modern technologies, it has gained tremendous appeal in improving market operations and productivity. The main objective is to find the most accurate algorithms to predict food sales and which algorithm is most suitable for sales forecasting. This research work has mentioned and discussed about several research articles that revolve around the techniques usedfor sales prediction as well as finding out the advantages and disadvantages of the said techniques. Various techniques were discussed as to predicting the sales but mainly Incline Increasing Regression and Accidental Forestry Lapse is used for attention. The manufacturing has concentrated on a well-known and established statistical model. Although algorithms like Modest Direct Regression, Incline Increasing Lapse, Provision Course Lapse, Accidental Forest Lapse, Gradient Boosting Regression, and Random Forest Regression are well familiar for outdoing others, it has remained decisively established that Random Forest Regression is the most appropriate technique when associated to the others. After doing the whole examination, the Random Forest Regression technique fared well when compared to other algorithms. The feature importance is generated for the selected dataset using Python and Random Forest Regression and the nose position chart is also explainedin detail. The proposed model is compared three major parameters that are accuracy score, mean absolute error and max error. The proposed random forest regression accuracy score is improved nearly 1.83% and absolute error rate is reduced 4.66%. 2022 IEEE. -
Topic Modelling of ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine
Online news sites provide hotspots to extract popular ratings and opinions on a wide range of topics. Realizing what individuals are referring to and understanding their concerns and suppositions is exceptionally significant to organizations and political missions. Furthermore, it is incredibly difficult to physically peruse such enormous volumes of data and gather the themes. Keeping in mind the prevailing plight of war-Torn nations such as the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This study performs aims to perform topic modelling using LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) and text analysis on datasets collected from various online news websites. To increase the accuracy and efficacy of the topic modelling, a comparative analysis is proposed that elevates the performance of machine learning models. This study also develops an algorithm where the entire process can be automated from the point of data collection to finding optimum array of topics in the given dataset. Searching for insights from the collected information can therefore become very tedious and time-consuming. Topic modelling was designed as a tool to organize, search, and understand vast quantities of textual information. The topic model using LDA was utilized to do a text analysis for this research. In the beginning, researchers have scraped a total of 1178 articles that covered the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine from December 1, 2021, to May 16, 2022. After that, researcher built the LDA model and modified hyper parameters based on the coherence score Cv that was used for the model evaluation technique. When using the most effective model, prominent topics, and representative documents pertaining to each topic, topic allocation among the documents, and potential enhancements are covered in the last section. 2022 IEEE. -
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Live Stream using Machine Translation and Transformer in NLP
YouTube has become one of the all-inclusive video streaming sources on the internet. Today, the news is streamed on YouTube, marketing of a product is done live on YouTube and it has become a platform for one of the biggest PR producers for companies. Various companies have proposed an optimized way of understanding and getting the opinions of the viewers from YouTube live chat and find the best possible way to provide relevant and informative content to boost the business strategy. This study uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) based approach along with NLP transformers to classify and analyses the sentiment. 2022 IEEE. -
Transforming towards 6G: Critical Review of Key Performance Indicators
With the experiences acquired upon the successful implementation of 5G networks academia, researchers, and industry are envisioning the need for 6G networks. The vision of the 6G communication network is supposed to completely assist the creation of a Ubiquitous Intelligent Mobile Society. Already 5G technologies are in place and still few extended features of 5G are continuously being introduced. Even though the 6G communication network is expected to have greater capabilities than the existing 5G, there are no clear specifications on how far these capabilities shall be capitalized in 6G. The 6G technologies shall move past ordinary mobile internet services and advance to support ubiquitous Artificial Intelligent (AI) services from the network's core to end-to-end service devices/applications. The architecture, protocols, and operations which are the primary constituents of the 6G network shall implement AI technologies for self-optimization and actualization. This article brings an all-inclusive deliberation of 6G based on an assessment of preceding generations' evolving technology developments. 2022 IEEE. -
MRSP-Multi Routing Systems and Parameter Explanations to Build the Path in Underwater Sensor Network
The underwater network is currently widely used to locate moving objects beneath the sea, monitor marine security, and detect changes in the sea water. A large number of sensors, as well as a precise methodology, are necessary to detect changes in sea depth. The protocol should be revised in response to environmental and chronological changes. The sensor should have been designed with multiple knowledge to route packets in order to optimise transmissions. Because the node will choose the best route based on the circumstances, especially in an underwater network, the paper MRSP - multi routing systems and parameter validations to create the path in an underwater sensor network is discussed in the multi routing knowledge sensor operations, energy saving systems, redundancy reduction, and so on. All of these measures, combined with secure transmission with trusted neighbour selection, result in safer transmissions and more accurate path selection. 2022 IEEE. -
Antecedents of Adoption of Peer to Peer (P2P) Lending-A Fintech Innovation in India
This study examines the association between adoption variables and behavioural intention (BI) to adopt Peer to Peer (P2P) lending technology platform in India. A critical review of literature on technological and personal adoption factors led to development of the theoretical framework using multiple technology adoption models. Results support the generalizability of technology adoption readiness (AR), a parsimonious higher-order construct for the use and acceptance of technology context In addition, a personal antecedent, personal innovativeness (PIIT) was shown to positively affect behavioural intentions and technology adoption readiness. 2022 IEEE. -
Enhanced Automated Oxygen Level controller for COVID Patient By Using Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) shall be merged firmly and interact with a higher number of altered embedded sensor networks. It provides open access for the subsets of information for humankind's future aspects and on-going pandemic situations. It has changed the way of living wirelessly, with high involvement and COVID-related issues that COVID patients are facing. There is much research going on in the recent domain, like the Internet of Things. Considering the financial-economic growth, there isn't much significance as IoT is growing with industry 5.0 as the latest version. The newly spreading COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease, 2019) will emphasize the IoT based technologies in a greater impact. It is growing with an increase in productivity. In collaboration with Cloud computing, it shows wireless communication efficiently and makes the COVID-19 eradication in a greater way. The COVID-19 issues which are faced by the COVID patients. Many patients are suffering from inhalation because of lung problems. The second wave attacks mainly on the lungs, where there is a shortage of breathing problems because of less supply of oxygen (insufficient amount of oxygen). The challenges emphasized as proposed are like the shortage of monitoring the on-going process. Readily being active in this pandemic situation, the mentioned areas are from which need to be discussed. The frameworks and services are given the correct data and information for supply of oxygen to the COVID patients to an extent. The Internet of Things also analyzes the data from the user perspective, which will later be executed for making on-demand technology more reliable. The outcome for the COVID-19 has been taken completely to help the on-going COVID patients live, which can be monitored through Oxygen Concentration based on the IoT framework. Finally, this article discusses and mentions all the parameters for COVID patients with complete information based on IoT. 2022 IEEE. -
Chaotic Binary Ant Lion Optimizer Approach for Feature Selection on Medical Datasets with COVID-19 Case Study
Binary version of the ant lion optimizer (ALO) are suggested and utilized in wrapper-mode to pick the best feature subset for classification. ALO is a recently developed bio-inspired optimization approach that mimics ant lion hunting behavior. Furthermore, ALO balances exploration and exploitation utilizing a unique operator to explore the space of solutions adaptively for the best solution. The difficulties of a plethora of noisy, irrelevant, and misleading features, as well as the capacity to deal with incorrect and inconsistent data in real-world subjects, provide rationale for feature selection to become one of the most important requirements. A difficult machine learning problem is to choose a subset of important characteristics from a vast number of features that characterize a dataset. Choosing the most informative markers and conducting a high-accuracy classification across the data may be a difficult process, especially if the data is complex. The feature selection task is usually expressed as a bio-objective optimization challenge, with the goal of enhancing the performance of the prediction model (data training fitting quality) while decreasing the number of features used. Various evaluation criteria are employed to determine the success of the suggested approach. The findings show that the suggested chaotic binary algorithm can explore the feature space for optimum feature set efficiently. 2022 IEEE. -
Perception and Practices of EdTech Platform: A Sentiment Analysis
Virtual and digital learning being the new normal, pandemic outburst and unexpected disruption in the functioning of educational services have paved way for online learning services. Considering the fast-Track growth of the education technology (EdTech) industry, in order to sustain, it is imperative for the industry to understand the underlying issues by capturing the end users' perception. The primary purpose of this research is to examine the perception of users towards EdTech platforms A sample of 600 reviews regarding three major EdTech platforms were scraped from as textual data and analysed using lexicon-based method. The polarity of the sentiments pertaining to the reviews of different platforms was analysed using sentiment analysis. Furthermore, the topic modelling on the reviews was performed using natural language programming. The results revealed a positive sentiment of users towards the EdTech services and platforms. The most influential factors are faculty expertise, interface user-friendliness, syllabus, and pricing model. Our findings help EdTech service providers to understand which factors are driving this dramatic shift in student behaviour so they may develop better strategies to attract and retain consumers. Despite the rise in EdTech platform popularity, this is the first study to investigate perception of EdTech users comprehensively. 2022 IEEE.