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Green Innovation for Sustainable Development
In recent years, organisations have notably taken up Green Innovation for sustainable development to maintain the customer base and keep the natural environment safe. Consumers are aware of the current environmental issues, such as global warming and the consequence of environmental pollution. As a result, organisations are demanding to craft green strategies and embryonic to advance holistic methods towards maximising shareholders' values. This paper attempts to provide valuable insights into the going green concepts and their association with the value creation in the automobile industry regarding the e-vehicle by examining the effects of green innovations in Mahindra Electric Mobility Limited, India towards the launching of Mahindra e2oPlus on the Reva platform. Furthermore, the authors analyse the performance of this innovation on the organisational financial performance with the help of event study methodology. 2022 IET Conference Proceedings. All rights reserved. -
Everybody has been in campus environments and academic buildings at some point in their lives. The layout of these structures is crucial because it influences how a person behaves and presents themselves. The use of space syntax enables us to examine how individuals behave in relation to their surroundings and how places are used. The nature of the space and the way people move through it have improved because of the application of space syntax in campus planning.A primary concern is safety, this paper is devoted to comprehending how various user groups navigate across a university. Here, we'll be looking at how students move around and behave in relation to how safe they feel on campus. Each user group's paths, nodes and gathering places will be recorded and we'll confirm both the original puiposes and the current uses of the spaces. Additionally, several maps will be created to support the study that the campus is a safe place to be, including axial mapping and analysis mapping, convex mapping and grid analysis mapping. This with a combination of survey shall be used to understand safety with respect to space syntax. ZEMCH Network. -
The concept of 'Recreation' justifies the human need for satisfaction, leisure, and a state of pleasure. The elements involved in a recreational space impact the activities of the user in that space. Recreational spaces act as the in-between sojourns for formal pedagogy or andragogy. Spaces of recreation are essential, especially in educational institutions, where students spend most of their time. Public, semi-public, and private spaces are all included in the institutional design, with a large percentage used by students. Open public spaces, including recreational places, are measured in terms of their physical characteristics and connections to nature. The components of a recreational area influence the activities that users engage in there. This paper seeks to list and assess the many components that are present in a recreational space. This study will evaluate those elements and their types. Informal outdoor areas or other breakout areas promote interaction and provide the students with refreshments and leisure. The focus of this paper is to draw out the quality of leisure space synonymous with a productive environment for the student, where they feel rejuvenated. Five recreational spaces of CHRIST University were studied, and the elements that combine to form this place were also observed. A survey among the students who are frequent users of these spaces was conducted, and their responses were evaluated. The elements that majorly help students go to a place were assessed, and the element's significant role was concluded. The result of this study to design professionals is to understand the need to incorporate recreational spaces while designing an educational institution and design a student-oriented space. ZEMCH Network. -
Systematic Literature Review on Industry Revolution 4.0 to Enhance Supply Chain Operation Performance
Industry 4.0 is a notion in which industries automate systems and processes, innovate digitally, and share information. It aims to obtain a smart factory in an attempt to lessen required time in responding to consumer demand or unexpected circumstances and to enhance organizational productivity. The integration of Industry 4.0 and supply chain management (SCM) ensures immense development opportunities for manufacturing firms. This article provides a systematic literature review and formulation of the existing research on Industry 4.0 in SCM, resulting in some intriguing analyses that will be useful to academics and industry, particularly top managers. The content of the article is classified into three categories: exploratory vs. confirmatory, qualitative vs. quantitative, and management level vs. technology level. The findings will benefit managers in understanding the significance of Industry 4.0 and its relationship with SCM. The formation of clusters and their affiliations has resulted in the emergence of new areas requiring managerial attention. The article concludes by examining the possibilities of the present and future research. 2022 ACM. -
A review of buoyancy driven underwater gliders
In the past few years, several techniques and approaches have been developed by researchers for the ocean survey. An autonomous underwater vehicle primarily known as the glider is vastly used for oceanographic study and survey. With the help of these vehicles now it possible to have a study on the effects of pesticides, metal, biological toxins, or chemicals on the living organisms of the sea. Additionally, monitoring of threats such as biological weapons, radioactive leakage, and detection of mines is a very important parameter for keeping safety in check. Considering these parameters autonomous vehicles primarily known as glider are vastly used by oceanographers as they are relatively inexpensive, reusable, and have long mission durations. Such vehicle uses advanced sensors to perform automated monitoring and fast data acquisition. Since their inception in the 1980s, there have been considerable developments that have led to the augmentation of scientifically and commercially focused products. A comprehensive analysis of various underwater gliders and their working principle has been done here, emphasizing their architecture and working capabilities. 2022 Author(s). -
Stalling angle predictions of symmetric aero foil by flow analysis
The computational examination of the 2D subsonic stream over a National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) 0012 airfoil at different approaches is done in an ANSYS R14.5 software. The stream elements are acquired by computing the fluid stream conditions of coherence and energy, momentum conservation with the K- model. The present investigation is fundamentally significant, ascribed to the way that the considered aero foil creates lift by moving rapidly through the air, and the examination of the flow over aero foil helps in execution assessment of the flight of the aero foil. In the current work, for a given stream speed with the aero foil set at an approach to the airstream, a pressure gradient among upper and lower wing surfaces exists, which involves the generation of lift, and the lift generated increases up to a certain angle of attack, beyond which the lift decreases, this particular point gives rise to stalling. The distinction in these pressing factor is very important to understand the effect of angle of attack on the lift of the wing. Consequently lift is a significant aspect to be evaluated for stalling angle predictions. The steps associated with assessment of the lift includes forecast of stalling angle at different flow conditions over a symmetric aero foil by modeling the NACA0012 aero foil using the co-ordinates provided by the NACA database and henceforth bringing in it to the ANSYS work bench for meshing, preprocessing followed by the interaction of post processing for different angles of attack. 2022 Author(s). -
Performance Improvement in E-Gun Deposited SiOx- Based RRAM Device by Switching Material Thickness Reduction
A performance improvement by reduction in switching material thickness in a e-gun deposited SiOx based resistive switching memory device was investigated. Reduction in thickness cause thinner filamentary path formation during ON-state by controlling the vacancydefects. Thinner filament cause lowering of operation current from 500 ?A to 100 ?A and also improves the reset current (from >400 ?A to <100 ?A). Switching material thickness reductionalso cause the forming free ability in the device. All these electrical parametric improvements enhance the device reliability performances. The device show >200 dc endurance, >3-hour dataretention and >1000 P/E endurance with 100 ns pulses. 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. -
Design and optimization of the process parameters for fusion deposition modelling by experimental and finite element approach
Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) is a rapidly evolving technology since the last couple of years. This method is also used for rapid prototyping, which uses layer on top of layer deposition of the material using hot extruders to build a given 3D model. 3D printing technology basically a tool-less process designed specifically to avoid assembly requirements with intricate geometry and complex features created at no extra cost and at the same time it is an energy-efficient technology that can provide environmental efficiencies in terms of both the manufacturing process and material utilization. This research primarily focuses on analyzing the critical process parameters and its influence on the properties of the components made out of FDM process. The FDM specimens are fabricated by using four factors (parameters) at three levels, and the factors are layer thickness, travel speed of the extruder, infill ratio, and infill density. The experiments are designed based on Taguchi L-9 orthogonal array. Total three responses are considered and they are tensile strength compressive strength and flexural strength. Taguchi analysis has done to optimize the factors and its levels. Finite element analysis has also done and compared with the experimental results. 2022 Author(s). -
The impact of Covid-19 on global upstream and downstream supply chain management activities
COVID-19 pandemic has affected thousands of people worldwide; with significant economic changes in the past and to the changes to be made for future. Many organisations especially; The Intergovernmental economic organisation (OECD - The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) warned the companies and industries on the global economic cut, the corona virus will be boarding. The global economy and international markets pitched down with the spread of corona virus spreading from China which is the world's second largest economy to other countries including Asia; Europe; Australia; Europe; America and the Middle East. Many economies came up with many policies to prevent the further spread of this virus; including restrictions on travel and quarantines; which has disrupted international supply chains affecting a lot of business operations and dwindle revenues. About 75 percent of business including Wholesale; Manufacturing; Retail and Services in China and about 51,000 companies have this impact at a global level according to data from Dun and Bradstreet. The success or failure of every Business depends on how well they manage their supply chain management activities. The impact of corona virus on supply chain activities is twofold. One is; Upstream Supply chain management where companies should monitor the backward integrated activities in procuring the inventory; which has accommodated a loss in the production because of closure of factories and a slowdown in the economy. Second is; Downstream Supply chain management where the intermediaries and middlemen face a lot of problems because of scarcity in inventory and many quarantine measures taken by many economies. Many disruptions in both Upstream and Downstream Supply chains lead to severe scarcity of inventory which was experienced globally by all the economies. This situation has made many economies to think of the inter connectivity and inter dependency among global nations in terms of supply chain. This article is aimed to highlight the effects and changes COVID-19 pandemic has brought in the supply chain industry from both Upstream and Downstream perspective. 2022 Author(s). -
Model independent approach to photodisintegration of 7Li at the range of energies of interest to BBN
One of the elements that was synthesized primordially in the standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis is lithium. Lithium, being fragile gets easily destroyed at relatively low temperatures in the mixing process between stellar surface and hot internal layers. So that, at the end of the stellar lifetime the lithium content is believed to be depleted. Series of experimental measurements on lithium isotopes were carried out at High Intensity Gamma Ray Source (HIGS) at Duke Free Electron Laser Laboratory. More recently experiments [1]-[2] were performed, to measure the differential cross section of the photo-neutron reaction channel in photodisintegration of 7Li, where the progeny nuclei is in the ground state as well as in excited states. The purpose of present contribution is to study the reaction channel 7Li + ? ? 6Li + n using linearly polarized photons.The model independent irreducible tensor formalism [3]-[5] will be used to study the differential cross section of the reaction. We study the angular dependence of differential cross section by expressing differential cross section in terms of legendre polynomials. In view of the several theoretical and ongoing experimental studies, a detailed theoretical study of the spin structure of the amplitudes in 7Li+ ? ? 6Li+ n and their expansion in terms of'electric' and 'magnetic' amplitudes is needed to analyze the measurements of spin observables as well as differential cross section, which leads to a better understanding of the problem at astrophysical energies. 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved. -
Low-Velocity Impact Characteristics of GLARE Laminates with Different Sheet Thickness
Fiber reinforcement with metallic face sheets is one of the recently implemented advanced materials in distinctive applications such as fender, bonnet, and chassis used in automotive sectors. While the reinforcement enhances the sustenance property of the laminate, the face sheets provide resistance to impact force. In most automotive sectors, drop-weight analysis at varying velocity range is performed to evaluate the damage characteristics of the vehicle body. The present work is aimed at studying the influence of low-velocity impact (LVI) on glass laminate aluminum-reinforced epoxy (GLARE) laminate. Three distinct thicknesses of Al-2024 T3 aluminum alloy (0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 mm) were chosen as the face sheet, the overall thickness was kept at 2.0 mm for all the cases. Absorbed energy and damage characteristics of GLARE for different energy was experimentally determined using drop-weight impact tester. From the results, it was found that GLARE laminate can sustain a maximum impact energy of around 20 J, beyond which damage in the form of cracks begin to occur at bottom face sheet also. It was also evident that laminate can sustain impact at a velocity of 3.13 m/s and beyond which it leads to delamination damage at 3.49 m/s. Further, it is noticed that GLARE laminate with 0.3 mm face sheet thickness has best results with reference to both absorbed energy and damage when compared with other thicknesses. Also, the sample B indicates the optimal surface texture when subjected to LVI damage obtained through scanning electron microscope (SEM). 2021 SAE International. -
A mathematical approach to the study on alkylating agents
There are several classes of anticancer drugs, among which our study focuses on alkylating agents. As a chemical graph invariant number, topological index, has crucial role in predicting the physical, chemical, biological and toxicity properties of a molecule. Different versions of Zagreb indices correlate well with various physio-chemical properties of a molecule. We are analysing physio-chemical properties of the class of alkylating agents using various Zagreb indices. In this paper we are able to predict the physico-chemical properties of a molecule which is not yet discovered using the Zagreb class. 2022 Author(s). -
A review on prediction of cardiac arrest analysis in early stage
Cardiac arrest occurs as the heart muscle fails to contract properly, resulting in a sudden loss of blood supply. The ECG signal is one of the techniques for detecting cardiac electrical activity and is used to investigate heart block. In this paper different standardized work for early detection of cardiac arrest is described. Stages of ECG signal pre-processing involves denoised using digital filtering algorithms and extracting different features from clean ECG predicting cardiac arrest in early stage. Several other body parameters were also considered for this purpose. In this work denoising validation parameters were compared for showing effectiveness of the filtering algorithm and several body parameters and its implication on cardiac arrest was described. 2022 Author(s). -
Bounds for Zagreb class of indices on alkylating agents
The family of Zagreb indices have a pivotal role in predicting various physiochemical properties of molecules. Alkylating agents are some of the main classes of anticancer drugs. In this paper we find the bounds of some Zagreb indices. 2022 Author(s). -
Conceptual comprehension analysis of a student using soft cosine measure
Knowledge is the substantial wealth of a man and he possesses an innate thirst to acquire it. Knowledge embodies facts or ideas acquired through study, investigation and observation or experience. In this context, technology with its varied techniques comprising endless algorithms in natural language processing (NLP) plays an imperative role in the pursuit of knowledge. Inferences thus gathered are a clear pointer to the content teaching of students. Soft cosine measure algorithm is used in this analysis process to provide an answer regarding the grasping ability of each student with optimum learner participation and creativity. After each lecture, students have to upload their corresponding notes and this in turn would be compared with the teacher's lecture notes. The soft cosine computation gives individual results, on how much each student has comprehended a concept. This new methodology is a much awaited contribution of the educational field. 2022 Author(s). -
Theoretical Studies on Pion Photoproduction on Deuterons
The study of nuclear reactions between elementary particles and atomic nuclei plays an important role in understanding the interdisciplinary area of Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics. The study of photoproduction of mesons has a long history going back to 19500s. It was in the next decade, studies on photoproduction of ? meson on deuteron started. Since then coherent and incoherent photoproduction of ? meson on deuteron have been studied theoretically and experimentally. The study of photoproduction of pions describes the coupling among photon, meson and nucleon fields and also gives information about strong interactions that indirectly hold the nucleus together. A thorough investigation of the photoproduction process is firmly believed to give first hand information on two important aspects, one being the threshold of ? photoproduction amplitude and the other being propagation of low-energy pions in nuclear medium. The purpose of the present contribution is to theoretically study pion photoproduction on deuterons using model independent irreducible tensor formalism developed earlier to study the photodisintegration of deuterons[1]. Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) -
Mudhr: Malicious URL detection using heuristic rules based approach
Technology advancement helps the people in numerous ways such as it supports business development, banking, education, entertainment etc. Especially time critical and money related activities, people are fully really on internet and web applications. It saves valuable time and money. Despite of the benefits, it also gives wide space for the attackers to focus more victims. Malicious URL based attacks are most common and more dangerous attacks now a day which steals the credentials and sensitive data from the victims and perform malicious activities in the victim's space. Phishing, Spamming, drive by download are the example of such attacks and are preformed through malicious URL. Plenty of approaches are available to detect the malicious URL. That are grouped under three categories such as Blacklist based, Heuristic based and Machine Learning based approaches. Among the three, heuristic approach is better than the blacklist approach in term of better generalizing the malicious URL and gives equally accurate prediction with machine learning approach. This paper presents recent works in the field of malicious URL detection and novel technique to detect malicious URL based on the most important features derived from URL. 2022 Author(s). -
Preparation and Characterization of Tungsten Carbide/Epoxy Composites for J-Ray Shielding
Polymer composites have attracted considerable attention as potential light weight and cost-effective shielding materials which could be used for applications in nuclear reactors, nuclear waste transportation, as protective cloth/apron for personnel in hospitals, and shielding instruments on-board satellites from space radiations. In this context, we have developed diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)-based epoxy resin composites loaded with tungsten carbide (WC) for J-ray shielding. Epoxy composites containing different loadings (0, 10, 30 and 50 wt%) of WC were synthesized by room temperature solution casting technique. Structural and morphological studies of the composites were performed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Thermal and tensile properties of epoxy were enhanced in the presence of WC fillers. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed the major degradation temperature occurring between 430C and 580C for all epoxy/WC composites. The tensile strength and Youngs modulus of the composites enhanced with loading, owing to greater intermolecular reinforcing effect, uniform stress distribution and enhanced energy-absorbing capacity. J-Ray attenuation studies performed in the energy region of 0.356 1.332 MeV using NaI(Tl) detector spectrometer showed the 50 wt% tungsten carbide/epoxy composites to have highest radiation attenuation at all the energies. The overall enhancement in thermal, mechanical, and radiation shielding characteristics of the composites may be attributed to the uniformity in distribution of the fillers in epoxy matrix. These nontoxic tungsten carbide/epoxy composites may be suitable as materials for shielding in radiation environments. 2022 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Leveraging and Deployment of AI / ML to Simplify Business Operations among Diverse Sectors during Covid-19 Battle
During the evolution of the COVID-19 outbreak, the necessity for companies to re-evaluate and restructure themselves is still not greater. It will make sense for things to change in the business operations. Most companies redesigned current existing ways of running business operations and capacity to make choices to benefit. The present condition sees Artificial Intelligence as a significant facilitator for companies to make their existing situation better (recover from their economic crisis), reconsider (prepare for a long-term change) and reinvent (completely re-engineer) their business model for long-term gain. Automated bots that could identify items and carry out duties that were previously reserved for people would make companies and other infrastructures operational around the clock, through more significant numbers, and at a lower cost. Simulated actual working conditions, including labour forces, would be created by using Artificial intelligence platforms. Businesses would use machine learning and sophisticated business intelligence to use artificial intelligence to explore better market dynamics and provide consumers with "hyper-personalized" goods. Some of the most compelling case studies can have human intelligence and expertise mixed with AI. Many firms should revamp current business processes and capacity to benefit the company in the near future. In this research paper, we have showcased how artificial intelligence would benefit businesses as they adopt with these current developments and during a condition of pandemic without inhibiting their activities. The research is carried in a descriptive way, choosing the diverse sectors in the economy like Banking & Finance, Manufacturing, Education, Retail, Telecommunications, Entertainment and media to make the research more robust and reliable. 2022 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved. -
Growth Of ZnSnN2 Semiconductor Films For Gas Sensor Applications
ZnSnN2 is a member of class of nitride semiconductors which have the additional benefits of earth abundance and non-toxicity. For device applications, NH3 gas detecting senor, which finds use in chemical, pharmaceutical, and food process industries, are fabricated with zinc-tin-nitride (ZnSnN2) thin-films on glass substrate by making use of metal as contacts. The ZnSnN2 sensor is found extremely selective to ammonia (NH3) amongst other gases like ethanol, NO2, H2S and exhibited good detecting responses at room temperature. There are many ways to develop thin films of ZnSnN2, and hence in this work we are trying to find a cost effective, feasible and easier method of synthesis, i.e., chemical vapor deposition method. The first step was the optimization of process parameters to grow Zinc-Tin (ZnSn) thin-films. Later, optimization of the process parameters for the growth of compound ZnSnN2 was completed. The grown films are characterized by material quality using X-Ray Diffraction and UV- Vis spectroscopy. 2022 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved.