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Structural analysis of log periodic and monopole antennas considering cyclonic, interference effects
The Broadband High Frequency (HF) Transmit and Receive Antenna System are used as Surface Waveover the Horizon Radars (SWOTHR) for surveillance application. HF Transmit & Receive antenna systemconsists of transmit antenna and receive antenna array operating in HF band 2 to 30?MHz, which have tobe installed near sea shore. The antennas are of Monopole and Log periodic Dipole wire mesh antenna (LPDA). The height of Monopole and LPDA depends on wavelength ? of antenna. For HF band, the height range of receive is from 5 to 25m and transmit is from 10m to 100m. In this study, 10m high monopole for receive and 55m high 60m long Log periodic antenna for transmit are considered. Structural analysis and design of these antennas is critical due to installation at sea coasts. Based on the application, receive antennas are designed as array type consisting of 64 numbers monopoles as 32 doublet's and transmit antennas are 2 numbers of LPDA. If the same height structures installed side by side as an array, wind interference is caused by the obstruction caused by a structure in the path of wind. The antennas are installing on sea coast subjected to cyclonic storms. Dynamic effect of cyclonic and interference of wind is studied. Wind loads are calculated as per IS: 875 part 3:2015. Antennas are analyzed using FEM software STAAD Pro Advanced Connect Edition. Both antennas are analyzedfor self-weight, wind loads considering cyclonic and interference factors. Natural frequency of structure is determined using modal analysis to examine the problems of wind induced oscillations and dynamic effects of wind. 2023 Author(s). -
Strongly connected interval-valued fuzzy graphs
In interval-valued fuzzy graphs (IVFGs) strong paths need not exist between every two nodes in contrast with fuzzy graphs. Based on this, we define a particular class of interval-valued fuzzy graphs called strongly connected interval valued fuzzy graphs (SCIVFGs). A connected IVFG in which a strong path always exists between every two nodes is called a SCIVFG. We prove several sufficient conditions for an IVFG to be strongly connected. Finally we show that strong connectedness is preserved under isomorphism and co-weak isomorphism. 2020, Research Publication. All rights reserved. -
Stress, resilience, and brain performance
The chapter explores the complex interplay among stress, resilience, and optimal cognitive functioning within the context of leadership. It researches the neuroscience of stress, chronic stress's neurobiological effects, and resilience's buffering function. This chapter examines evidence-based stress management techniques and provides practical strategies for developing resilience. The chapter elucidates the neuroscientific underpinnings that support the notion that resilience influences problem-solving, creativity, and decision-making. Real-world illustrations serve to demonstrate the adept navigation of challenges by resilient leaders. Case studies illustrate the integration of resilience practices by organizations. Furthermore, the text covers practical leadership advice and the overarching concept of organizational resilience concerning neuroleadership. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Stress strain characteristics of reinforced hollow concrete block masonry melded with mesh reinforcement
Plain Masonry similar to unreinforced concrete, is resilient in compression and weak in tension. Masonry gains strength with age similar to concrete. Inspite of these resemblances, there exist numerous differences between masonry and concrete. The major difference is the regular pattern of horizontal joints(known as bed joints) at specific intervals along the height of walls introduce due to the method of construction of masonry. These bed joints make masonry a direction dependent material possessing orthotropic properties, unlike concrete which is usually regarded as isotropic atleast in the elastic range. Mechanical properties such as compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength are a pre-requisite as part of the design of masonry walls. The present study deals with the experimental study to evaluate the mechanical properties of hollow concrete block masonry specimens for varying cement mortar proportions melded with mesh reinforcement at bed joints. Parameters such as compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, failure pattern have been studied and compared for reinforced and unreinforced hollow concrete block prisms. The study showed higher compressive strength and improved elastic modulus for specimens with higher grade of mortar Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. -
Stress mindset as a mediator between self-efficacy and coping styles
Stress mindset is a lens through which one views stress and its consequences as beneficial or harmful for them. It is a distinct variable that differs from frequency, amount, and intensity of stress. The literature review indicated that stress mindset could mediate the link between self-efficacy and coping style, which was previously not tested. Hence, the study aimed; 1) to examine the relationship between self-efficacy, stress mindset, and coping style; 2) to investigate the influence of stress mindset and self-efficacy on coping styles; 3) to find whether stress mindset mediates the association between self-efficacy and coping styles. The study employed a correlational research design, whereby through multi-phase sampling recruited 727 participants (male = 300, female = 427, mean age = 16.26) studying in 11th and 12th standard. The researchers administered validated stress mindset, self-efficacy, and coping style and performed a multiple correlational and regression analysis. They computed mediation analysis using Hayes model 4 in Process Macro. The finding indicated that the association between self-efficacy and self-controlling coping style is mediated by stress mindset. Furthermore, it mediated the connection between some sub-domains of self-efficacy and coping styles. The data were evident to infer that individual with high self-efficacy can interpret social stressors as beneficial and improve their coping skills. 2023 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. -
Stress Management among Employees in Information Technology Sector Using Deep Learning
Information technology is one of the areas in India that is developing the quickest India's information technology (IT) administrations industry has become more merciless. The information technology area has been managing additional difficult issues like specialized development, administration enhancement, and worldwide overhauling starting from the beginning of this long period. Along these lines, it is unimaginable for everybody to adjust to the moving difficulties they experience in the field of information technology, which causes stress. Stress is something that individuals battle with for most of their lives. Albeit the information technology (IT) industry is notable for its hazardous turn of events and development, it is likewise portrayed by high worker burnout and stress levels. This theoretical proposes an original strategy for overseeing stress in the IT business that utilizes deep learning methods. This study utilizes deep learning calculations to expect, distinguish, and decrease stress makes all together location the earnest issue of stress among IT experts. The principal objective is to make a shrewd framework that can help organizations proactively recognize stress-related issues in their labor force and proposition specific cures. 2024 IEEE. -
Stress Level Detection in Continuous Speech Using CNNs and a Hybrid Attention Layer
This paper mainly targets stress detection by analyzing the audio signals obtained from human beings. Deep learning is used to model the levels of stress pertaining to this whole paper followed by an analysis of the Mel spectrogram of the audio signals is done. A hybrid attention model helps us achieve the required result. The dataset that has been used for this article is the DAIC-WOZ dataset containing continuous speech files of conversations between a patient and a virtual assistant who is controlled by a human counselor from another room. The best results obtained were a 78.7% accuracy on the classification of the stress levels. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2024. -
Stress and resilience in British Indian parents with an autistic child: a comparative study with white British and Indian parents
Purpose: This study aims to examine the levels of stress and resilience in a sample of British Indian parents bringing up a child with autism. Design/methodology/approach: A total of 52 British Indian parents took part in a survey that included measures of stress, resilience, support and child adaptive functioning. Results were compared to a sample of white British (n = 120) and Indian parents (n = 120). Findings: The British Indian parents recorded higher levels of stress and less perceived social support than their white British counterparts. British Indian parents took longer to register concern about their childs development and sought a diagnosis at a later age than the white British group. The delay in concern and diagnosis was similar to that found in the India group. Originality/value: The research suggests that British Indian parents are disadvantaged in social support and mental well-being compared to white British parents and may face similar community pressures to parents bringing up a child in India. 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
Stress analysis of the vertical tail skin joint and estimation of fatigue life due to fluctuating side loads
Vertical tail VT is one of the main components of the airframe. VT is attached with a rudder, which is the control surface, which is used for controlling the yawing motion of the aircraft. The deflection of the rudder introduces side load on the VT. Without rudder deflection, the aerodynamic load will not be applied to the VT. The load due to the deflection of the rudder is the major load for the VT. From a design point of view side, gust load is also important in transport aircraft. The present study is on a critical region with a riveted joint in the VT skin. A stiffened panel of the vertical tail with the spliced skin will be considered for the identification of the critical location. FEM will be used for the analysis of the component. In this study, loads of small transport aircraft will be considered. The maximum stress location and distribution of stresses on the stiffened panel are conducted by the FEM method. To obtain the mesh independent magnitude of stress, a refined local analysis is conducted. The tensile stresses on the skin are caused by the side loads of VT on the stiffened panel. Rivet holes are the stress concentration locations. The locations for fatigue crack initiation is the rivet holes. Fatigue damage estimation is calculated by the use of Miners rule. Fluctuating loads due to rudder deflection will be considered for damage calculation. SN data curve of the aluminium alloy material used for the VT skin will be considered for stress-based damage calculation. TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. -
Strengthening the Security of IoT Devices Through Federated Learning: A Comprehensive Study
There is a strong need for having an operative security framework which can help in making IoT (Internet of Things) devices more secure and reliable which can further protect from adversarial intrusions. Federated Learning, due to its decentralized architecture, has emerged as one of the ideal choices by the research practitioners in order to protect sensitive data from wide IoT-based attacks like DoS (Denial of Service) attack, Device Tampering, Sensor-Data manipulation etc. This paper discusses the significance of federated learning in addressing security concerns with IoT (Internet of Things) devices and how those issues can be minimized with the use of Federated Learning has been deliberated with the help of comparative analysis. In order to perform this comparative analysis, we investigated the published work in FL based IoT application for the last five years i.e., 2018-2022. We have defined a few inclusion/exclusion criteria and based on that we selected the desired paper and provided a comprehensive solution to IoT based applications using FL approach. Federated learning offers an optimistic approach to intensify security in IoT environments by enabling collaborative model training while preserving information privacy. In this paper a framework named Federated AI Technology Enabler (FATE) has been envisaged which is one of the recommended frameworks in safeguarding security and privacy measures of IoT devices. 2024 IEEE. -
Strengthening Supply Chain Management Through Technology
The removal of trade barriers with the advent of WTO and which led to LPG (liberalization, privatization, and globalization) across the universe increased choices of brands for consumers and even the complexity of products within organization and the expectations of consumers rising daily. Organizations look for better management of their supply chain from end to end, i.e., sourcing of raw materials from vendors to delivering finished products at the doorstep of consumers. This means businesses that used to be operations hubs within the company have moved into the epicenter of business innovation, and this process can not be done manually or by few people within organizations, thus the need to back up business innovations and product complexities through advanced technologies. Using sensors like RFID, CRM, AI, and ML, organizations today collect information at every checkpoint from status of raw materials flow to the location of finished goods. Supply chain management is the process of planning and implementing the operations of the sourcing of quality materials at competitive cost. This chapter explores strengthening supply chain management through technology. 2023 by IGI Global. -
Strengthening of brick masonry using biaxial polypropylene geogrid as confinement reinforcement
Recent and past earthquakes have once again reiterated the requirement of strengthening the masonry structures to withstand both in-plane and out-of-plane loads. In this experimental investigation, biaxial polypropylene geogrid was used as a confinement reinforcement on the surfaces to strengthen masonry specimens. The masonry specimens without and with geogrid have been subjected to a compression test, flexural bond strength test and diagonal tension (shear) test as per IS 1905, ASTM E518 and ASTM E519, respectively. From the results, it has been found that biaxial polypropylene geogrid significantly enhances the strength in masonry specimens with geogrid and also reduces crack propagation in all three tests. The relationship between compressive strength and flexural bond strength, compressive strength and shear strength of masonry specimens with geogrid has been established. Furthermore, based on the cost analysis of various strengthening techniques, it was concluded that the use of biaxial polypropylene geogrid is an economically feasible alternative to other reinforcing materials, such as stainless-steel wire mesh and polyester geogrid. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Strength of internet ties and impact of facebook on youth /
This dissertation aims at studying the social networking sites impact on people and relationships. There are different reasons why people use social networking sites like Facebook. The study aims to check whether it is the loneliness or the need for socialization that encourages networking on such sites. Study looks into Facebook and other social networking sites have changed the youngsters lives and lifestyles. This research tries to find out how this new media trend has affected peoples attitude towards life and also their attitude towards relationships. A questionnaire has been used to find the opinion of the people regarding the social networking concept. 75-100 people were researched to find out the exact need for social networking. The ability of networks to introduce new actors and new contents in the process of social organization, with relative independence to the power centres, increased over time with technological change, and more precisely, with the evolution of communication technologies. -
This dissertation aims at studying the social networking site??s impact on people and relationships. There are different reasons why people use social networking sites like Facebook. The study aims to check whether it is the loneliness or the need for socialization that encourages networking on such sites. Study looks into Facebook and other social networking sites have changed the youngsters?? lives and lifestyles. This research tries to find out how this new media trend has affected peoples attitude towards life and also their attitude towards relationships. A questionnaire has been used to find the opinion of the people regarding the social networking concept. 75-100 people were researched to find out the exact need for social networking. The ability of networks to introduce new actors and new contents in the process of social organization, with relative independence to the power centres, increased over time with technological change, and more precisely, with the evolution of communication technologies. This is the reason that social networks has encouraged creating strong bonds. Through this study I want to understand if these ties are actually as effective as they seem to be. Internet does have both positive and negative impacts on the youth but the relations that are formed or maintained cannot be used to replace the real world actual relations. -
Strength Development of Geopolymer Composites Made from Red Mud-Fly Ash as a Subgrade Material in Road Construction
The application of industrial waste in construction reduces the dependency on natural resources. The materials, including red mud (RM) and fly ash (FA), proved to be favorable materials. However, the materials potential together as a geopolymer composite for road applications has rarely been explored. This study will examine the possibility of the replacement of natural materials in subgrade applications. To achieve this, the geopolymer compositions will be prepared by replacing RM with FA at replacement rates of 10%, 20%, and 30% by dry weight basis. The alkaline activator solution of 8 M will be prepared using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate to develop geopolymer composites. The strength properties will be studied using the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and unconfined compression strength (UCS) and validated with microstructural analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results reveal that geopolymer composites could achieve a maximum CBR value of 12% and UCS of 2,700 kPa. The microstructural analysis revealed that the formation of dense calcium aluminate hydrate (C-A-H) and calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) are the reason for strength improvement. The leaching studies show that the toxic elements were within the permissible limits. Overall, the test results confirmed that the geopolymer composites meet the required strength and could be used as a subgrade material in road construction. 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers. -
Strength and leaching characteristics of red mud (bauxite residue) as a geomaterial in synergy with fly ash and gypsum
Red mud (Bauxite residue) comprises microscopic particles and other chemical constituents that pose a major threat to the environment. The most common solution to resolve issues related to any solid waste is its reuse in construction. This paper delves into the possibility of using red mud as a geomaterial in synergy with fly ash and gypsum. In this regard upon finding the geotechnical properties of virgin red mud, it is strengthened with fly ash by replacing 10, 20, and 30% of red mud by its dry weight and to these combinations gypsum was added by 0.5% and 1% and prepared various combinations. The impact of these material additions on the characteristics of red mud were investigated using the Unconfined compressive strength and California bearing ratio values and their environmental compatibility was further studied by conducting the leaching characteristics using Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procudure (TCLP) method. The findings of the tests indicated that fly ash and gypsum significantly enhanced the strength qualities of red mud as compared to unstabilized red mud. The stabilization helps red mud to attain a minimum strength required to use as a subgrade material. Furthermore, leaching investigations performed on stabilised samples have revealed that the vast majority of leaching heavy metals are within the WHO's authorised threshold for toxicity. 2022 -
Strength and durability properties of geopolymer paver blocks made with fly ash and brick kiln rice husk ash
In India the generation of agro waste rice husk ash is abundant. The utilization of rice husk ash in development of geopolymer binders can be suitable to alleviate the environmental problems associated with disposal of rice husk ash. Further, the utilization of rice husk ash generated from the stacks of brick kilns has not been addressed in past, particularly in development of geopolymer binders. This study proposes development of geopolymer paver (GEOPAV) blocks utilizing brick kiln rice husk ash (BKRHA). It presents fresh, mechanical and durability properties of GEOPAV blocks blended with fly ash, BKRHA, natural aggregates, NaOH and Na2SiO3 solution, and cured in both sundry and room temperature conditions. Microstructural analysis using scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) was adopted to study the influence of BKRHA on hardened properties of GEOPAV blocks. The results show that addition of BKRHA reduce the workability of GEOPAV mixes due to micro porous surface with honeycombed structure of BKRHA particles. The addition of BKRHA showed negligible improvement in compressive strength of GEOPAV blocks. However, the major advantage was observed with improved split tensile strength and flexural strength for GEOPAV blocks with BKRHA. Further, the durability properties in terms of resistance to acid and frost attack was significantly improved with the addition of BKRHA in GEOPAV blocks. Such improvements can be attributed to high amounts of amorphous silica in BKRHA which contribute towards dissolution and formation of polymeric gel, and thereby serve as a binder to enhance the geopolymer matrix making it dense. Finally, all the developed GEOPAV blocks satisfy the IS 156582021 specification requirements and perform much better when compared to commercially available paver blocks. 2021 The Authors -
Strength and ductility behaviour of FRC beams strengthened with externally bonded GFRP laminates
The repair and rehabilitation of structural members are perhaps one of the most crucial problems in civil engineering applications. One of the advanced techniques of strengthening the reinforced concrete members is done by fiber-reinforced polymer composites. FRP is very effective to repair and strengthen the structural members that have become structurally weak over their life span. FRP repair system provides an economically viable alternative to traditional repair systems and materials. This experimental study focuses on the flexural strengthening of fiber reinforced concrete beams externally bonded with FRP laminates of different thicknesses. Six beams were cast for the study and tested under a four-point bending system. Out of which two beams were served as a control beam, one beam was considered as a reinforced concrete beam and the other was fiber reinforced concrete beam. The fibers used in this investigation were steel fiber. The beams were strengthened with GFRP of 3 mm and 5 mm of woven roving type. The study parameters of this investigation included yield load, ultimate load, deflection, yield load deflection, ultimate load deflection, deflection ductility, energy ductility, and the beam was found to be very effective in the load-carrying capacity, deflection, and ductility when compared to the control specimen. The fiber-reinforced concrete beam exhibit an increase in ultimate deflection by 79.3% when compared to the control specimen. GFRP strengthened beams showed an increase in ultimate deflection by 18.75% to 94.06%. GFRP strengthened fiber reinforced concrete beams showed an increase in ultimate deflection by 7.8 to 13.125%. GFRP strengthened beams showed an increase in ultimate deflection by 54.7% to 81.88%. GFRP strengthened fiber reinforced concrete beams showed an increase in ultimate load-carrying capacity by 36.9% to 48.7%. The ductility for the specimens increases by 1.27% to 1.34%, compared to the controlled specimen. 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. -
STREE: A Secured Tree based Routing with Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Network
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications are today not only limited to the research stage rather it has been adopted practically in many defense as well as general civilians applications. It has been witness that extensive research have been conducted towards energy efficient routing and communication protocols and it has been reached to an acceptable stages, but without having a secure communications wide acceptance of the application is not likely. Due to unique characteristics of WSN, the security schemes suggested for other wireless networks are not applicable to WSN. This paper introduces an novel tree based technique called as Secure Tree based Routing with Energy Efficiency or STREE using clustering approximation along with lightweight key broadcasting mechanism in hierarchical routing protocol. The outcome of the study was compared with standard SecLEACH to find that proposed system ensure better energy efficiency and security. 2015 IEEE.