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Does geopolitical risk alleviate the sticky cost behavior of firms? Evidence from India
This study explores how geopolitical risk (GPR) affects the sticky cost behavior of firms. Using a piecewise linear regression analysis on 11,180 firm-year observations from India for the period 20112020, we discover that GPR reduces asymmetry in the cost behavior of firms. These results imply that GPR incentivizes firms to adopt a more cautious approach to cost management practices in order to mitigate bankruptcy risks. Nevertheless, we find that financial constraints limit the ability of GPR to moderate the stickiness in the cost behavior of firms. The Author(s) under exclusive licence to The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2024. -
Mindfully fashioned: Sustaining style through product value retention
In the ever-evolving landscape of fashion industry, the pursuit of sustainability and mindful consumption has emerged as an imperative. This study presents an innovative and integrated framework that amalgamates the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) approach. This comprehensive framework explores the dynamic interplay between Sustainable Mindfulness (SM), Product Value Retention (PVR), Brand Loyalty (BL) and Circular Practices (CP) in the fashion domain. The study underscores Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as the theoretical foundation, shedding light on how attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control shape SM and, subsequently, PVR. This study explores into the multidimensional aspects of sustainable fashion, enabling a holistic understanding of the nuanced relationships between PVR strategies, and sustainable consumption attitudes. The study sets the stage for a more harmonious coexistence between style and sustainability, charting a course for the fashion industry that values mindfulness, longevity, and environmental responsibility. The findings offer actionable insights for fashion managers, emphasizing strategic approaches to enhance sustainability, consumer awareness, and circular initiatives in the industry. This study not only advances theoretical discourse but also offers actionable insights for fashion brands and policymakers aiming to foster SM among diverse consumer segments. It sets the stage for a more harmonious coexistence between style and sustainability, charting a course for the fashion industry that values mindfulness, longevity, and environmental responsibility. 2024 Elsevier Ltd -
Artificial Intelligence based System in Protein Folding using Alphafold
Artificial Intelligence has a high potential to solve many real-world problems. In the recent years researchers are dealing with one of the biggest complications in biology, which is protein folding. With the assistance of technology, we can foresee how proteins fold from a chain of amino acids into 3D shapes that do life's errands. There are mainly three big problems associatedwith folding of proteins. The first problem is there any particular folding code. The second one there is a folding system. Then the final problem is we able to determine the 3D structure of proteins. Proteins are the microscopic machines and structural building blocks of our cells. They carry out important functions like breaking down foods, storing oxygen and forming scaffolds to help cells keep their shape. Each one is built up of one amino acid chain that folds in on itself into a mostly defined structure. Each part of our body and in any other organism is made either from or by proteins and this is true for every living creature, even for viruses. The structure of very small proteins can be foreseen using the computer method. This article is all about the protein folding problem with more spotlights on the role of AI-based systems in protein structure forecasts. The motivation behind this article is to convey an overall understanding of AI-based answers for protein folding problems. 2022 IEEE -
Promoting entrepreneurship in higher educational institutions: The role of entrepreneurial methodologies
Entrepreneurship education is one of the most influential forces in the growth and development of an economy. It diminishes the twin issues of unemployment and poverty through entrepreneurship creation. The paradigm shift of student focus on job-oriented programme to job-creating programmes such as Management in Entrepreneurship, Diploma in Entrepreneurship and other training programmes raised the scope of entrepreneurship. Based on a comprehensive review of the relevant literature, this paper suggests that the pedagogical tools employed in entrepreneurship education such as role modelling, hands-on experience, incubation and mentoring support can be effectively used for developing entrepreneurial intentions among the students in higher educational institutions. The paper discusses few propositions developed based on the literature review and proposes a model which can be adopted by higher educational institutions for increasing entrepreneurial intention and thereby entrepreneurship. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2017. All rights are reserved. -
Influence of organization ethos on research competence of teachers in higher education institutions
The standards of research depend on the maintenance and coordination of research activities that are conducted by the teachers in higher education institutions. The flexibility in ordinances and statutes empowers the higher education institutions to frame the guidelines that empower the research competence of the teachers. This descriptive research has collected the data from 451 regular teachers of higher education institutions from different areas of discipline for the research. The results of the study show that there is a significant difference in measures of the perceptions of the teachers towards the relationship between organization ethos and research competence in higher education institutions. The study indicates the practical and academic importance for teachers to enhance research performance of higher education institutions. 2024, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Uncovering User Attitudes and Satisfaction Levels with HRMS Applications: Insights from Sentiment Analysis
This study examines employee perspectives on various features and specifications of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) applications, as expressed in online discussion boards. An in-depth literature review was conducted to identify key factors, followed by topic modeling on unstructured text data. Sentiment analysis using the Li-Hu method and a tweet profile helped gauge employee satisfaction with HRMS applications. The findings suggest a moderate level of satisfaction among users, offering insights for companies to enhance user interfaces and software development. By addressing negative attitudes and fostering positive ones, businesses can cultivate better relationships with users. This research also aids in identifying top-performing HRMS applications in the market, highlighting the features and specifications that set them apart from competitors. Overall, the study serves as a valuable resource for organizations aiming to improve their HRMS offerings and user experiences. 2024 IEEE. -
Dimensions of Brand Equity: A Hybrid Approach
Subjectivity and emotionality of a brand influence the subconscious motivation of customers. It determines brand loyalty, value of the brand, and sustainability of relationship with the customers. This study explores the qualitative dimensions of brand and aims to analyze the impact of qualitative dimensions of a brand on brand equity. In the present study, a sample of 450 respondents were taken who have positive inclination towards Apple iPhone. The variables of the study were extracted using qualitative research while data were processed using SPSS 20 statistical software. The hybrid approach is used in the study as it delivers better result. The proposed model was validated and the results of the study depict that brand friendliness, emotionality, brand trust, and alignment with the brand personality significantly influence brand equity. The study brings important insights about invisible, intangible, and subjective attributes of the brand. The study can be further used to build another inclusive model by incorporating both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the brand. 2022 KJ Somaiya Institute of Management. -
Sustainable Consumption Practices of Rural India
It is said that real India lives in rural areas. Sustainability can be found very easily in traditions, practices, culture, ethics, sense of belongingness, camaraderie, mindful living of the villages, and small towns of India. They may lack the modern way of living and infrastructure, but their way of existence is such that they contribute toward making sustainable communities. This is specifically reflected in their behavior of consumption; obviously it is also related to their income but consumption in rural areas of India is way lower than those of urban areas, even if that is to be compared by keeping population size as the same. This chapter presents an informative analysis for the reasons and methods which rural population of India practices that results in sustainability. There are practices which are found wide and large such as sharing, self-sustenance because of farming, recycling, less influence of media, simpler living, work-life balance, valuing natural resources, inherent practices of protecting the environment, and pro-community sentimentalities that lead to sustainability. Attitude toward consumption is guided by the so-called spiritual way of living and having satisfaction with life. Happiness does not necessarily come by acquiring tangible resources but by having meaningful relationship, acquiring wisdom, and following indigenous way of living and transferring it to the next generation. This chapter presents a short report by having a take on economic indicators and traditional and cultural practices of rural India and hence present an explanation for how and why sustainable consumption practices are prevalent in such places. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
Investor's behaviour to COVID-19 vaccination campaign; An event study and panel data analysis in the southeast asian region
This study examines how the COVID-19 immunization campaign has influenced the stock market responses in the WHO Southeast Asian Region. The effects of the immunization campaign on the WHO Southeast Asian countries were different, and the study used event study techniques and panel-data regression models to investigate the impact of the WHO South-East Asian capital market. Some countries like India, Sri Lanka, and South Korea had positive markets that responded to the news, while others did not. The findings of this study suggest that investors make fair assessments and respond to events and announcements, but they tend to have a more visible reaction to negative incidents than to positive news/events. However, after 51 days, the WHO South East region as a whole had internalized the encouraging news. The study has a few limitations, such as a small dataset and period, only a few variables and models, and so on. Future studies could include a few additional countries and periods to produce more significant results. Originality/value- This study contributes to the existing knowledge about the impact of drugs and vaccinations on stock markets. It is the first study to investigate how the WHO Southeast Asian Region's COVID-19 immunization program affects the stock market reaction. The study used keywords such as Immunization campaign, abnormal returns, Cumulative average abnormal returns, Event Study, and WHO Southeast Asian Region. 2025 Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. All rights reserved. -
CSR initiatives: A way of enhancing employees' wellbeing
Employees are seen as a valuable resource for assessing a business's competitiveness. Providing for their wellness, health, and running employee support programmes may increase their drive and commitment to the organization. This chapter will explain the role of CSR activities on employees' well-being, examine the impact of CSR activities on well-being of employees, and provide CSR strategies to maximize employees' well-being. A qualitative research technique was applied in this study. A systematic literature review was based on articles in national and international journals, magazines, working papers, etc. gathered and analyzed to achieve the research objective. The implementation of employees CSR activities has been significant, since employee health and wellness have a direct impact on the competitiveness of the business and have been a driving force behind employee's performance. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Women and tourism: A study on gender equality, social inclusion, and empowerment
To achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, which include the goals of gender equality, social inclusion, and women's empowerment, tourism is an essential industry. Gender disparity is a major development barrier in the majority of developing nations. The study aims to explore the challenges women face and gender inequality in tourism industry. The inter-linkage between tourism and SDGs will also be explored. A qualitative research technique was applied, and systematic literature review was based on articles in national and international journals, working papers, etc. explored. The study concluded that restricted opportunities for education, healthcare disparities, economic inequality are among the challenges faced by the women in tourism industry. It is also found that gender inequality in terms of dual presence, discrimination in wages, glass ceiling, sticky floors, etc. are also there. There is a definite linkage between the tourism industry and SDGs. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Technological Innovation and Accounting in Industry 6.0: Application, Implication, and Future
The way we live, work and play are being changed by the use of technology. Technology's influence is transforming our daily lives. Since COVID-19, more businesses than ever have realized the benefits of digital solutions and are embracing them. While the epidemic has disrupted the way businesses across industries have traditionally operated, it has also created opportunities to use cutting-edge technologies like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc. to aggressively revolutionize business methods. This chapter will provide insights into the cutting-edge accounting technologies actively reshaping the sector. The methodology, which is qualitative in nature, entails the thematic examination of the academic literature to discover newtechnologies like blockchain, data analytics, robotic process automation, artificial intelligence, etc. along with their applications, significance, drawbacks and possible industrial effects. The purpose of the paper is to serve as an addition to the literature on technological innovations in the field of accounting and finance. 2024 by IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Aplicaci obligatoria de las NIIF y relevancia del valor de la informaci contable en la India; [Mandatory IFRS enforcement and value relevance of accounting information in India]
This study investigates the influence of IFRS enforcement on the explanatory power of earnings and book value on the market price in an emerging economy, India over five years that is two years before mandatory IFRS enforcement for 2014-2015 and three years after IFRS enforcement for 2016- 2018. Total 3470 firm-year observations were examined by assembling data from the BSE website and the annual reports of the firms for this purpose. The findings of the study conclude that the financial reporting environment has improved after introducing the IFRS, which was reflected through a strong and significant association between market price and its two dominating variables earnings and book values. However, the findings also suggest that earnings have been stronger and more significant predictors of market price post-IFRS enforcement than book values, which showed a negative association with market price and declined after IFRS enforcement. The study also suffers from diverse constraints similar to previous studies such as limited data sets and years coupled with only two variables and suggests future scope for research in diverse angles where researchers can employ the return model, and add more control variables such as cash flows, leverage, size, growth... 2019 Universidad Nacional Automa de Mico, -
Echoes of Conflict: Unveiling the Interconnected Tapestry of Russia-Ukraine Warfare, Oil Price Ballet, and the Asian Stock Symphony
The purpose of this research is to look into the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on the relationship between oil prices and the Asian stock market. While earlier studies have investigated the impact of oil prices on stock markets, there has been little research into the impact of crude oil prices on the Asian stock market in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war. For this purpose, the data is collected from NSE and Bloomberg database the study's findings imply that the Russia-Ukraine war has had a major impact on the relationship between crude oil prices and stock market indices in numerous Asia-Pacific countries. The study suffers from a few limitations such as it only examines the relationship between crude oil prices and stock market indices but there are other macroeconomic factors, such as interest rates, inflation, and political instabil ity which also affect the market. 2024, ASERS Publishing House. All rights reserved. -
Perceived organizational support, employee engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour among knowledge workers of R&D organization
The reflections of professional life hold an imperative value for an employee. The I/O relationship depends upon myriads of factors. For the sustainability of individual and organization, the internal organization in which the employee operates should provide nurturance and growth to the employee. This study examined perceived organizational support as an antecedent of employee engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour as it`s consequence. The present study employs an ex-post facto research design. 300 knowledge workers (scientists) were assessed on work and organizational engagement, perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behaviour. Results indicated that perceived organizational support emerged as a significant predictor of work and organizational engagement and organizational citizenship behaviour emerged as a significant consequence of employee engagement. For mediation analysis Baron and Kenny`s (1986) framework was employed and observed that employee engagement partially mediated the relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behaviour. 2021 Ecological Society of India. All rights reserved. -
Bollywood movies have a stereotypical way of depicting politics and politician, corruption and bureaucracy. There has been repetition in the way themes have been portrayed. Love, loyalty, patriotism, pain, glamour, difference between rich and poor and also politics/politicians. These stereotypes have been kept aside in very few films but the general notion of the character is more or less the same. The 1980s had a league of movies that portrayed politicians as the villain and police as the hero in the films. It is this stereotyping of power, politics, corruption and politicians that the researcher would like to analyse and find a common link in the characterization and pasteurization of the same. This dissertation will analyse three films Raanjhanaa, Paa and Sarkar. It is this cinema showcasing politics is mostly a negative light. It unlike Hollywood has not glorified the deeds of the good doings of politicians instead always shown the dirt, filth and negative side of politics linking it to the underworld. This paper will try and find similar links/ traits to the portrayal and study it in detail. -
ChatGPT in education: Augmenting learning experience or dehumanizing education?
This chapter critically examines the potential of ChatGPT, an AI language model, to revolutionise education. It presents a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using ChatGPT in education, including its ability to enhance the learning experience and the potential loss of essential skills due to over-reliance on technology. The chapter also raises ethical concerns about using ChatGPT in education, including data privacy and bias. Ultimately, the chapter concludes that ChatGPT should be used with human teachers to create a learning environment combining technology and human interaction. It highlights the importance of using ChatGPT responsibly to enhance, rather than dehumanise, education. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
A Psychoanalytical Deconstruction of Surpanakha in Kavita Kane's Lanka's Princess
This paper endeavours to examine the character Surpanakha in Kavita Kane's novel Lanka's Princess. It attempts to critically follow her struggle in the androcentric space with the trapping of being a female. Breaking down her identity as a daughter, sister, wife and more specifically, as an individual, it tracks down the formulation of her own self-perception in order to reinterpret her femininity. Through the psychoanalytical lenses, this work also critically analyses her 'repression, rage and revenge' by connecting the dots in her journey that shape her personality. The giving of voice to the 'unvoiced' through revisionist myth making in the novel and the evolution of 'Surpanakha' from 'Meenakshi' due to her experiences in the oppressive and suffocating environment is the focal point of the paper. Keywords 2021 Copyright 2021 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. -
Climate change and water insecurity: Who bears the brunt? (A case of Yelenahalli Village, Bengaluru)
Rapid urbanisation and neglect towards traditional water bodies have aggravated water security issues in isolated pockets. In the recent past, they have also manifested into natural disasters in major urban centres such as Bengaluru (Bangalore), Mumbai, Chennai and Hyderabad. An examination of the problem is essential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal on water security laid down by the United Nations in the context of climate change. This paper explores the various socio-economic costs of water scarcity through a case study of Yelenahalli village in Bengaluru. The study's preliminary results find that the encroachment of water bodies has led to a significant cost to households and local governments. Water scarcity is found to have a differential impact on poor and non-poor households in terms of access and the resultant water consumption due to the prevalence of price discrimination in the private water markets. The disparity in access to water is exacerbated despite the government's commencement of piped water supply due to worsening climate conditions and falling groundwater levels. The Author(s), 2023. All rights reserved. -
Psychological distress and quality of community life among migratory construction workers in India
Objectives: The objectives of this study are to elicit sociodemographic details, assess the level of psychological distress, and measure the quality of community life (QoCL) of migratory construction workers. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional research design and survey method of sampling was followed. The semi-structured interview schedule, self-reporting questionnaire, and QoCL scale were used as measures for the study. Results: Out of 75 respondents, 37 (49.3%) did not have formal education, 38 (50.7%) have migrated for less than a month duration, 33 (44.0%) respondents migrated with their families. The mean age of respondents was 32.03 9.82 years. About 48 (64.0%) were identified as potential respondents for psychosocial care and female respondents (M = 12.90 4.03, t = ?3.03, P < 0.003) have higher distress than males (M = 9.50 4.56, t = ?3.03, P < 0.003) ones. Overall, QoCL indicated a below moderate (59.08 8.31) level. Conclusion: The distress was high and QoCL indicated a below moderate level. Intersectoral and community mental health services were required to enhance QoCL and reduce distress among migratory construction workers. 2023 Published by Scientific Scholar on behalf of Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice.