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Fungal endophytic species Fusarium annulatum and Fusarium solani : Identification, molecular characterization, and study of plant growth promotion properties
Research on endophytic fungi has gained significant interest due to their potential to enhance plant growth directly by producing phytohormones, solubilizing macronutrients, fixing nitrogen, or indirectly inhibiting phytopathogens growth by producing ammonia, siderophore, hydrogen cyanide, or extracellular enzymes, thereby acting as biocontrol agents. The present study aimed to isolate fungal endophytes from Alternanthera philoxeroides and evaluate their plant growth promotion and antimicrobial activity. In total, nine fungal endophytic strains were isolated from different parts of A. philoxeroides such as leaves, roots, and stems. The results demonstrate that the strains MEFAphS1 and MEFAphR3 exhibited positive plant growth promotion properties, including phosphate solubilization, and IAA (Indoleacetic acid) production, and ammonia production. The IAA production was highest for MEFAphS1, with a concentration of 46.6351.04 g/mL, while MEFAphR3 displayed the highest ammonia production (0.9030.01 g/ mL). The phosphate solubilization index (PSI) is the maximum for MEFAphS1 (1.50.10). MEFAphS1 also exhibited antibacterial activity against Vibrio vulnificus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and V. parahaemolyticus, with the most substantial inhibition zone observed against V. vulnificus (281 mm). In contrast, MEFAphR3 showed an inhibition zone of 81.53 mm against V. parahaemolyticus. Molecular identification revealed the identity of the isolates MEFAphS1 and MEFAphR3 as Fusarium solani and F. annulatum. These results thus confirm the possible applications of the fungal endophytes as plant biofertilizers and bio-enhancers to increase crop productivity. Copyright: The Author(s). -
Understanding the Role of Antimicrobial Peptides in Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Promoting Autoimmune Disorders
AMPs are small oligopeptides acting as integral elements of the innate immune system and are of tremendous potential in the medical field owing to their antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities. They offer a multitude of immunomodulatory properties such as immune cell differentiation, inflammatory responses, cytokine production, and chemoattraction. Aberrancy in neutrophil or epithelial cell-producing AMPs leads to inflammation culminating in various autoimmune responses. In this review, we have tried to explore the role of prominent mammalian AMPsdefensins and cathelicidins, as immune regulators with special emphasis on their role in neutrophil extracellular traps which promotes autoimmune disorders. When complexed with self-DNA or self-RNA, AMPs act as autoantigens which activate plasmacytoid dendritic cells and myeloid dendritic cells leading to the production of interferons and cytokines. These trigger a series of self-directed inflammatory reactions, leading to the emergence of diverse autoimmune disorders. Since AMPs show both anti- and pro-inflammatory abilities in different ADs, there is a dire need for a complete understanding of their role before developing AMP-based therapy for autoimmune disorders. 2023 by the authors. -
Impacts of imprisonment of women on the rights of their children: An Indian perspective /
International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol.3, Issue 10, pp.1297-1303, ISSN No: 2320-5407. -
Intelligent PSO-Fuzzy logic based DC motor control system and method thereof /
Patent Number: 201941023480, Applicant: Dr. Sachi Nandan Mohanty.
The present invention present an intelligent PSO based DC motor control System and method thereof. The system for intelligent control of a DC motor, comprises a PID controller, and Particle Swarm Optimization Control unit, a PSO tuning algorithm & fuzzy logic control unit. -
Intelligent PSO-Fuzzy logic based DC motor control system and method thereof /
Patent Number: 201941023480, Applicant: Dr. Sachi Nandan Mohanty.
The system for intelligent control of a DC motor, comprises a PID controller, and Particle Swarm Optimization Control unit, a PSO tuning algorithm & fuzzy logic control unit. The present system and method disclosed novel & efficient control techniques with using PSO algorithm and fuzzy logic techniques for DC motor control using a PID controller with solving problems of efficient control the prior arts. -
Integrated synchronous buck converter emulation and method of design thereof /
Patent Number: 201941035816, Applicant: Jayanta Biswas.
The present invention is related to the Buck converter output ripple voltage analysis field, more particularly, the present invention is related to integrated synchronous buck converter emulation and method of design thereof. A DC-DC synchronous buck converter is emulated on FPGA based on geometric model of average inductor current. -
Method of computer added progressive die design with energy conversation /
Patent Number: 201941037095, Applicant: Dr. Debabrata Samanta.
The present invention is related to a method of computer added progressive die design with energy conservation. The computer implemented method is presented including the simulation of requirements of design with bending the blank sheet metal strip used as a simulation, boundary conditions and applying the constraint nodes motion on the object. -
Vitaware-culs 2020 vitamin awareness kit /
Patent Number: 202041005122, Applicant: Erumalla Venkatanagaraju.
Vitamins are available in abundant quantities in all natural resources. Inadequate intake of vitamins lead to severe abnormalities. Because of the rapid civilization, limited land resources, busy lifestyle and limited awareness, attention on the natural vitamin resources wafted towards Nutraceuticals that are supplemented with synthetic vitamin sources and preservatives. In order to bring awareness about the availability of bioactivevitamins in natural food sources, the current design, VITAWARE-CULS 2020 Kitwas developed. -
Understanding Nonsense Verse : A Study of Select Works of Sukumar Ray
Among all the literary genres created and cultivated over the ages, Nonsense verse newlineperhaps emerges as one of the most challenging to comprehend. Nonsense verse often employs subversion (language, syntax, logic, etc.) as its tool and usually leaves the readers in a state of confusion. A look into the limericks of Edward Lear would bear newlinetestimony to this fact. For readers and researchers, the quest for meaning has newlineunravelled many literary and philosophical pursuits. One such possibility, therefore, newlinecould be the attempt to comprehend and critically analyse the unique literary genre newlinetermed Nonsense verse. From the multiple understandings and debatable definitions newlineof verse forms, one striking and rare genre evolves into nonsense poetry. Following newlinethe cue, this thesis purports to seek sense and meaning from what is labelled newline nonsense . It depicts that the functionality of existing, creative stylistics in language newlineand understanding and the text s contextual placement bring out the sense in nonsense. As Edward Lear mastered this art form in the West, Sukumar Ray crafted this genre in India, though he was not the only one. The thesis traces the evolution of nonsense verse in India, literary and folk, to understand the possible functionality of this genre as it exists in India. As the study shows, the writer who made the most contributions to this evolution was Sukumar Ray. Therefore, understanding the evolution and function of Indian nonsense verse become the object of the study, and an in-depth, contextual study of the select poems of Sukumar Ray, the national pioneering writer of nonsense, becomes the subject. This research attempts to unearth a fresh approach to re-evaluating the function of nonsense verse and possibly confer upon it a more considerable eminence. The thesis aims to provide comprehension and newlinecredibility to the genre through the study of select works of Sukumar Ray. -
Isolation, Screening and Characterisation of Endophytes from Madiwala Lake for Biosurfactant, Bioremediation and Plant-Growth Promotion Properties
The significant surge in population, combined with the degradation of the environment, has imposed substantial stress on worldwide food newlinesecurity. The concerning pace of population growth, along with escalating environmental harm due to heightened industrialization, newlinehas indeed exerted considerable pressure on the global food provision. Considering the existing situation, the sustainable approach to enhance agricultural yield and facilitate environmental bioremediation entails utilizing endophytes that reside within plants. Endophytic microorganisms possessing the capacity to promote plant growth and exert biocontrol can significantly boost plant development amidst fluctuating environmental factors, both biotic and abiotic in nature. The current research aimed to extract bacterial and fungal endophytes from Alternanthera philoxeroides and newlineAlternanthera paranichoides and evaluate their potential for enhancing plant growth and controlling pests. Among the isolated newlineendophytic bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae exhibited various characteristics conducive to plant growth, leading to enhanced newlinegermination and vegetative growth in Vigna unguiculata plants. The isolate exhibited good Indoleacetic acid (IAA) production newline(48.752.95 g/mL) and potassium solubilization (2.130.07 ppm). The IAA production by K. pneumoniae was further enhanced by 4- fold using the RSM optimization to 195.662.51 g/mL. The newlineendophytic bacteria Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus subtilis newlineshowed good extracellular enzyme production and antimicrobial activity along with plant growth promotion. The endophytic bacterium B. amyloliquefaciens showed good newlinebiosurfactant production and bioremediation efficiency. The strain displayed notable resistance to Cr and Pb concentrations upto 2000 mg/L. It was found to possess maximum metal removal efficiency for Pb, 92.3% at pH 9 and 86.2 at 25 oC. -
Internet of Things Security and Privacy Issues in Healthcare Industry
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an imagines unavoidable, associated, and hubs connecting independently while offering a wide range of administrations. Wide conveyance, receptiveness and moderately high handling intensity of IoT objects made them a perfect focus for digital assaults. Additionally, the same number of IoT center points is assembling and taking care of private data, they are changing into a goldmine of information for malignant on-screen characters. Subsequently, security and particularly the capacity to recognize traded off hubs, together with gathering and safeguarding confirmations of an assault or malignant exercises develop as a need in effective arrangement of IoT systems. This paper is deal with some major security problems and challenging factors of IoT. This IoT security issues on really challenging factor in current world. 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. -
How much can we trust high-resolution spectroscopic stellar chemical abundances?
To study stellar populations, it is common to combine chemical abundances from different spectroscopic surveys/studies where different setups were used. These inhomogeneities can lead us to inaccurate scientific conclusions. In this work, we studied one aspect of the problem: When deriving chemical abundances from high-resolution stellar spectra, what differences originate from the use of different radiative transfer codes? 2016 Proceedings of the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society - Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics IX, SEA 2016. All rights reserved. -
Excitation mechanism of Oi lines in Herbig Ae/Be stars /
The Astrophysical Journal, Vol.857, Issue 1, pp. 1-9, ISSN No. 1538-4357. -
A Novel Georouting Potency based Optimum Spider Monkey Approach for Avoiding Congestion in Energy Efficient Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is one of the recent fields in wireless communication that involves a large number of wireless nodes, which could be changed arbitrarily with the ability to link or exit the system anytime. Nevertheless, network congestion and energy management is a major problem in MANET. Consequently, the infrastructure of a network changes frequently which results in data loss and communication overheads. Therefore, in this paper, a novel Georouting Potency based Optimum Spider Monkey algorithm has been proposed for energy management and network congestion. The proposed technique in MANET is implemented using Network Simulator2 platform and the proposed outcomes show that the node energy, overload, and delay are minimized by increasing the quantity of packets transmitted through the network. Moreover, the delay in routing overhead and congestion is decreased by the proposed protocol. Consequently, the energy management is enhanced based on constraints of delay, energy consumption, and routing overhead of the nodes. Thus the effectiveness of the proposed protocol is enhanced by selecting the optimal path within the network, decreasing the consumption of energy, and congestion avoidance. Sequentially, the performance of the proposed routing algorithm is compared to existing protocols in terms of end-to-end delay, throughput, Packet Delivery Ratio, energy consumption, etc. Thus the result shows that the lifetime of the nodes have been enhanced by a high 98% of throughput ratio, less 0.01% of energy consumption, and congestion avoidance using the proposed network. 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. -
Research on Unmanned Artificial intelligence Based Financial Volatility Prediction in International Stock Market
This study digs into the area of unmanned artificial intelligence (AI) for financial volatility prediction in the worldwide stock market, delivering unique insights into the deployment of cutting-edge technology to handle the multifarious issues of market dynamics. Our research uses Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks as the AI model of choice, showing its usefulness in capturing temporal relationships in financial data by analyzing past stock price data, trading volumes, and a variety of technical indicators. Our findings suggest a potential capacity to reliably predict financial market volatility after extensive data pretreatment, feature engineering, and model training. A powerful instrument for investors, fund managers, and financial institutions to make better informed and accurate investment choices, the model's low Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) and high (R2) values highlight its practical usefulness. Beyond the purely technical, our study considers the ethical, regulatory, risk reduction, and optimization implications for the financial sector. Financial decision-making and risk management are being transformed by the increasingly globalized market environment, and the results given here provide a concrete roadmap towards the appropriate integration of unmanned AI systems. 2024 IEEE. -
Time resolved spectroscopy of a GRS 1915 + 105 flare during its unusual low state using AstroSat
Since its disco v ery in 1992, GRS 1915 + 105 has been among the brightest sources in the X-ray sky. Ho we ver, in early 2018, it dimmed significantly and has stayed in this faint state ever since. We report on AstroSat and NuSTAR observation of GRS 1915 + 105 in its unusual low/hard state during 2019 May. We performed time-resolved spectroscopy of the X-ray flares observed in this state and found that the spectra can be fitted well using highly ionized absorption models. We further show that the spectra can also be fitted using a highly relativistic reflection dominated model, where for the lamp post geometry, the X-ray emitting source is al w ays very close to the central black hole. For both interpretations, the flare can be attributed to a change in the intrinsic flux, rather than dramatic variation in the absorption or geometry. These reflection dominated spectra are very similar to the reflection dominated spectra reported for active galactic nuclei in their low flux states. 2024 The Author(s). -
Artificial Butterfly Optimizer Based Two-Layer Convolutional Neural Network with Polarized Attention Mechanism for Human Activity Recognition
Human activity recognition (HAR) is a focal point of study in the realms of human perception and computer vision due to its widespread applicability in various contexts, such as intelligent video surveillance, ambient assisted living, HCI, HRI, IR, entertainment, and intelligent driving. With the prevalence of deep learning techniques for image classification, researchers have shifted away from the labor-intensive practice of hand-crafting in favor of these methods in HAR. However, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) face challenges such as the receptive field problem and limited sample issues that remain unsolved. This paper introduces a two-branch convolutional neural network for HAR classification, incorporating a polarized full attention method to address the aforementioned issues. The Artificial Butterfly Optimization (ABO) is employed for optimal hyper-parameter tuning. The proposed network utilizes twobranch CNNs to efficiently extract data, simplifying convolutional layers' kernel sizes to enhance network training and suitability for low-data settings. Feature extraction effectiveness is improved by implementing the one-shot assembly method. To amalgamate feature maps and provide global context, an enhanced full attention block called polarized full attention is utilized. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed model in detecting human behaviors on the LoDVP Abnormal Behaviors dataset and the UCF50 dataset. Furthermore, the suggested model is adaptable to incorporate new sensor data, making it particularly valuable for real-time human activity identification applications. The Recall is 100 for the 1st dataset, 94 for the 2nd dataset, and 100 for the 3rd dataset, respectively. The F1-Score is 96.61836 for the 1st dataset, 96.90722 for the 2nd dataset, and 98.03922 for the 3rd dataset, respectively. 2024 The authors. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license ( All Rights Reserved. -
Group Key Management Techniques forSecure Load Balanced Routing Model
Remote sensor organizations (WSNs) assume a vital part in giving ongoing information admittance to IoT applications. Be that as it may, open organization, energy limitation, and absence of brought together organization make WSNs entirely defenseless against different sorts of pernicious assaults. In WSNs, recognizing vindictive sensor gadgets and dispensing with their detected data assume a vital part for strategic applications. Standard cryptography and confirmation plans cannot be straightforwardly utilized in WSNs on account of the asset imperative nature of sensor gadgets. In this manner, energy productive and low idleness procedure is needed for limiting the effect of malignant sensor gadgets. In this research work presents a secured and burden balanced controlling contrive for heterogeneous bunch-based WSNs. SLBR shows a predominant trust-based security metric that beats the issue when sensors proceed to influence from extraordinary to terrible state and the other way around; besides, SLBR alters stack among CH. In this way, underpins fulfilling superior security, allocate transmission, and vitality efficiency execution. Trials are driven to calculate this presentation of developed SLBR demonstrate over existing trust-based controlling show, particularly ECSO. The result accomplished appears SLBR demonstrate fulfills favored execution over ECSO as distant as vitality capability (i.e., arrange lifetime considering to begin with sensor contraption downfall and total sensor contraption passing), correspondence overhead, throughput, allocate planning idleness, and harmful sensor contraption mis-classification rate and recognizable verification. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Efficient neighbour feedback based trusted multi authenticated node routing model for secure data transmission
The Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a network that does not have a fixed infrastruc-ture. Migratory routes and related hosts that are connected via wireless networks self-configure it. Routers and hosts are free to wander, and nodes can change the topology fast and unexpectedly. In emergencies, such as natural/human disasters, armed conflicts, and emergencies, the lowest configuration will ensure ad hoc network applicability. Due to the rapidly rising cellular service requirements and deployment demands, mobile ad-hoc networks have been established in numerous places in recent decades. These applications include topics such as environmental surveillance and others. The underlying routing protocol in a given context has a significant impact on the ad hoc network deployment power. To satisfy the needs of the service level and efficiently meet the deployment requirements, developing a practical and secure MANET routing protocol is a critical task. However, owing to the intrinsic characteristics of ad hoc networks, such as frequent topology changes, open wireless media and limited resources, developing a safe routing protocol is difficult. Therefore, it is vital to develop stable and dependable routing protocols for MANET to provide a better packet delivery relationship, fewer delays, and lower overheads. Because the stability of nodes along this trail is variable, the route discovered cannot be trusted. This paper proposes an efficient Neighbour Feedback-based Trusted Multi Authenticated Node (NFbTMAN) Routing Model. The proposed model is compared to traditional models, and the findings reveal that the proposed model is superior in terms of data security. 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
Data Security-Based Routing in MANETs Using Key Management Mechanism
A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous network developed using wireless mobile nodes without the support of any kind of infrastructure. In a MANET, nodes can communicate with each other freely and dynamically. However, MANETs are prone to serious security threats that are difficult to resist using the existing security approaches. Therefore, various secure routing protocols have been developed to strengthen the security of MANETs. In this paper, a secure and energy-efficient routing protocol is proposed by using group key management. Asymmetric key cryptography is used, which involves two specialized nodes, labeled the Calculator Key (CK) and the Distribution Key (DK). These two nodes are responsible for the generation, verification, and distribution of secret keys. As a result, other nodes need not perform any kind of additional computation for building the secret keys. These nodes are selected using the energy consumption and trust values of nodes. In most of the existing routing protocols, each node is responsible for the generation and distribution of its own secret keys, which results in more energy dissemination. Moreover, if any node is compromised, security breaches should occur. When nodes other than the CK and DK are compromised, the entire networks security is not jeopardized. Extensive experiments are performed by considering the existing and the proposed protocols. Performance analyses reveal that the proposed protocol outperforms the competitive protocols. 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.