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Effect of Doping in Aluminium Nitride (AlN) Nanomaterials: A Review
Piezoelectric materials can generate electrical charges when subjected to mechanical pressure through the piezoelectric effect. In addition to generating electricity from environmental vibrations, they are also used as nano energy generators for micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS). Aluminum Nitride (AlN) with a doping element exhibits unique physical and chemical properties. It is used to manufacture many electromechanical devices. They are ideal candidates for many applications, including MEMS resonators and microwave filters, due to their large piezoelectric coefficient and low resistance. A number of material properties led to its selection, including high thermal conductivity, good mechanical strength, high resistance, corrosion resistance, and the largest piezoelectric coefficient. A piezoelectric coefficient d33 characterizes the piezoelectric response of AlN thin films. By doping this material, a wide range of applications have been explored. The Electrochemical Society -
Development of Family Intervention for Management of Psychogenic Seizures : A Qualitative Study
Background: In the somatoform and dissociative spectrum, family functioning has been poorly researched based on the search in PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, PROQUEST, EBSCO and Cochrane Reviews. In Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures (PNES) primarily, family functioning has been understood as a comparison between Epileptic Seizures (ES) and PNES. However, an attempt to study different aspects of family functioning and its ability to influence the newlinemanifestation of the disorder is yet to be made. Methods: This study attempted to understand different family functions qualitatively by interviewing both the patients and family members of these patients. Nine patients and seven families of these patients participated in the study. Braun and Clarke s thematic model was used. Latent thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Based on the analysis, major and sub-themes were used to develop family intervention and a family psychoeducational model. Both were developed with the help of the GUIDED Checklist to report health interventions; the TIDieR format and Delphi newlinetechnique was used to collect the expert opinion of the developed intervention. newlineResults: Two sets of results and analyses were compiled with qualitative data, that is, for patients and families. Major themes and sub-themes were developed for both, including family interaction, attachment, poor communication, structural-systemic aspects, distressful family aspects, negative newlineexpressed emotions, cultural aspects, nature of the illness, family s views of the illness and coping mechanisms. These themes indicated the importance of family functioning and its impact on the manifestation of the disorder. newlineConclusion: The researcher concludes that family dysfunction can impact the manifestation of the disorder. Hence, an additional family intervention or psychoeducation is essential for holistic newlinetreatment. -
Spectral and Timing Properties of Selected Black Hole Binaries
X-ray binaries hosting a black hole (accretor) and a main sequence or a post-main sequence star (companion star) are called black hole X-ray binaries (BHXBs). BHXBs are gravitationally bound systems where the matter from the companion star is accreted onto the accretor either via a Roche lobe overand#64258;ow (low-mass companion star) or stellar wind (high-mass companion star). The accreted matter spirals towards the accretor, losing its angular momentum in the process. The gravitational potential energy of the in-falling matter is converted to kinetic energy which is eventually released as X-rays. X-ray spectrum of BHXB is quite complex by nature, which is contributed by various X-ray production processes. Systematic and comprehensive investigations of the X-ray production mechanisms are essential for understanding the fundamentals of accretion physics and exploring the general relativistic effects in extreme gravity environments. Launch of several dedicated X-ray missions like Uhuru, Ginga, RXTE, Chandra, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, Swift, etc. for over half a century have led to the discovery, classifcation and fair understanding of spectro-temporal properties of BHXBs. Despite the continuous and ongoing newlineefforts, the physics of the accretion mechanism in BHXBs, accretion disk geometry, the origin of quasi periodic oscillations (QPOs), energy-dependent time lags and coherence of X-ray photons in different energies, etc., are yet to be completely understood. Hence, there is a need for newlinerevisiting these problems using the data from more sensitive instruments, that have broadband energy coverage and have better spectral and timing resolutions than RXTE. Thus, data from the latest missions like AstroSat, Swift, NuSTAR with their broadband energy coverage, especially in the lower energy regime (and#8804; 3.0 keV), and larger effective area can help fll in the gap in the newlineexisting body of knowledge and provide a holistic understanding of these sources. -
Exploring the economy of creativity and culture in the light of Industry 5.0: a systematic literature review of the setup ofcreative industries
Purpose: This study aims at stirring up the existing research conducted in the field of creative economy (CE) and also in the context of Industry 5.0. CE encompasses all the creative industries/businesses which form a major part of the knowledge-based economy. The functionalities of these setups, their global trends and developments are to be assessed for a better understanding of its present circumstances and its prospective opportunities by augmenting Industry 5.0 and its core principles. This provides a comprehensive illustration to enhance the economic, social, creative and sustainable performances of the creative industry. In addition, the study also seeks to identify the dynamics of creative units and how it could highly contribute to the glorification of the creative and cultural history in the Indian economic backdrop. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopts a systematic literature review process to fulfill the research objective. Four critical databases in Scopus such as Emerald Insight, Springer Link, Sage Publications and Taylor and Francis have been chosen for the review process. Following the critical literature review process, the chosen articles from each database have been retrieved for an exhaustive analysis within a time frame of 20132023 to evaluate the research evolution on the subject area. Findings: The paper identified various research dimensions and perspectives of the researchers in the area of study. This gives a platform to extensively evaluate the capabilities and functionalities of the sector for strategy building and enhancing returns from the sector. Research limitations/implications: As the methodology was restricted to top 5 articles from 5 important databases, the study was limited to only those articles and the other open-access peer-reviewed articles/journals/databases have not been considered which is a major limitation. Alongside, as the time frame was restricted for a period of 10years and only English language papers were chosen, prior study has not been considered, which is also a key limitation to the study. Practical implications: Policymakers, i.e. government and institutions, can understand the existence and contribution of the CE in different geographical regions for a specified period of time. This helps them understand the new revolution, Industry 5.0, and how they could merge their concepts to bring innovations in the sector and support in building sustainable cities in the emerging economies. Originality/value: As the paper works on bringing out the viewpoints of multiple authors and research works, it is considered to be a novel study as none of the previous studies, especially systematic literature review works, have been done only in high-quality journals of Scopus database. Therefore, the study holds high-quality information which can be significantly used by creative business units. 2024, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
EXPERIENTIAL TOURISM: Nature-based Tourism Trends in India
The rise of experiential tourism in recent years is seemingly gaining momentum. Tourism providers are marketing immersive travel experiences by engaging visitors with the destinations history, residents, and environment. Experience tourism entails immersing oneself in the essence of the destination in its truest sense. Authenticity involving emotions and values is of great importance for tourism marketing. Experiential travel rejects the idea of the traditional visitor experiences and gets back to the roots of travel. Over the last decade, nature-based tourism has become a widespread phenomenon and contributes more than US$120 billion to global GDP. The recent pandemic has additionally stimulated the demand for spending time and nature. Thus, experiential nature-based tourism could play an important role in the sustainable recovery of global tourism. This chapter discusses Indias critical experiential tourism trends through the marketing perspective and provides innovative marketing solutions for nature-based experiential tourism planning and development. Extensive and comprehensive literature has been used in this study to identify and critically reflect on vital nature-based experiences worldwide and the recent trends in the market. 2023 Taylor and Francis. -
Efficacy study of readiness for smoking cessation programme among male adolescents in bengaluru
Among the remarkably challenging preventable cause for death all over the world is cigarette smoking behavior.Smoking among adolescents in cities has proved unusually challenging in spite of determined efforts in developed and developing countries.Dearth of governmental will and source to implement wide-ranging anti-smoking policies to reverse the trends in youth smoking (StantonandMcGee,2009) makes the need to develop an attitude change towards smoking cessation very crucial in controlling the smoking behavior. newlineA novel approach to smoking cessation is considered in this study, here the emphasis newlineis laid on the importance of acquiring skills to quit rather than quitting itself. The newlineobjectives of the study were achieved through several phases, where in the relevant newlineliterature was reviewed and an apt theoretical framework was built, based on which the program content was developed and finalized under the guidance of experts in the field. The final step was the creation of a manual for the RSCP. The outcome measures were selected considering the study sample characteristics. The study was carried out by randomly assigning the study participants in the two groups with respective interventions. Outcome measures were determined before and after the training. The results indicate that the two groups significantly differed in the variable Readiness to change , Defensiveness and behavioral components of change. newlineSpecifically, the experimental group was ready to change their behavior when compared to the controlled group, suggesting that the developed RSCP facilitates adolescent s to realize a more realistic aspect of themselves relating to smoking behavior and are very much willing to make lifestyle changes which would eventually result in behavioral change among adolescents when compared to providing a general awareness on smoking behavior. -
A Pilot Feasibility Study of Reconnecting to Internal Sensations and Experiences (RISE), a Mindfulness-Informed Intervention to Reduce Interoceptive Dysfunction and Suicidal Ideation, among University Students in India
Although 20% of the worlds suicides occur in India, suicide prevention efforts in India are lagging (Vijayakumar et al., 2021). Identification of risk factors for suicide in India, as well as the development of accessible interventions to treat these risk factors, could help reduce suicide in India. Interoceptive dysfunctionor an inability to recognize internal sensations in the body has emerged as a robust correlate of suicidality among studies conducted in the United States. Additionally, a mindfulness-informed intervention designed to reduce interoceptive dysfunction, and thereby suicidality, has yielded promising initial effects in pilot testing (Smith et al., 2021). The current studies sought to replicate these findings in an Indian context. Study 1 (n = 276) found that specific aspects of interoceptive dysfunction were related to current, past, and future likelihood of suicidal ideation. Study 2 (n = 40) was a small, uncontrolled pre-post online pilot of the intervention, Reconnecting to Internal Sensations and Experiences (RISE). The intervention was rated as highly acceptable and demonstrated good retention. Additionally, the intervention was associated with improvements in certain aspects of interoceptive dysfunction and reductions in suicidal ideation and eating pathology. These preliminary results suggest further testing of the intervention among Indian samples is warranted. 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
Stability of porous medium convection in polarized dielectric fluids with non-classical heat conduction
International Journal of Mathematical Archive Vol.4, Issue 4, pp.136-144, ISSN No. 2229-5046 -
Rate Adaptation Mechanism for Multirate WLAN with Background Traffic Awareness
In recent times wireless communication has become more popular with its commercial usage. WLAN has evolved over the years to facilitate wireless communications for commercial usage. IEEE 802.11 working group focuses on developing global standards that can support the WLAN evolution. There are many features that IEEE 802.11 working group emphases on to provide the best experience for the Wi-Fi user. The popularity of Wi-Fi among commercial users has demanded more importance in terms of traffic and congestion. IEEE 802.11 have come with many updates enhancing with additional spectrum space, method of spectrum utilization, and so on. There are a few aspects of Wi-Fi adoption that have been kept outside the scope of the 802.11 standards, which are open for research. Wi-Fi rate adaptation is one of newlinethe important aspects of research. Many researchers have contributed with effective newlinemethodologies to improve user experiences. The literature review proves the importance of rate adaptation in the performance of wireless communication. The different version of the IEEE 802.11 standard provides a set of transmission rates to choose from for single-stream transmission. It is important to switch the transmission rate dynamically for more efficient utilization of the physical medium in a fluctuating environment. Dynamically identifying the optimal transmission rate from a list of single-stream transmission rates is a tedious task. There are different causes for the change in channel conditions and packet loss in the network. Identifying the best data transfer rate for the next transmission is a tedious task in such a network. It requires identification of the exact cause of loss. Improper channel estimation may lead to the channel may be underutilized or overused. Both situations will degrade the newlineperformance of the network. Evaluating and identifying the latest channel condition is newlineimportant. -
A Review of Channel Estimation Mechanisms in Wireless Communication Networks
The fluctuating nature of wireless networks influences network performance. Estimation of channel condition is essential for many reasons. The accurate estimation and prediction help to improve the performance, like better rate adaptation in Wi-Fi, improved video streaming, reduce energy consumption, and better scheduling. There are many different approaches introduced past two decades. In this paper, we are focusing on providing a brief review of different channel estimation approaches and their importance in improving performance. 2021 IEEE. -
Networks Simulation: Research Based Implementation using Tools and Approaches
The advancements in computer networks and communication technology keep network-related research in high demand. Protocols are designed to improve the environment and it is mandatory to test their effectiveness before deploying them. Deploying an untested protocol in a full-fledged real environment is not desirable as there exists uncertainty about its success. Simulation software is one of the essential tools in network research areas. It gives a platform for testing and observing newly developed protocol's behavior with less cost and risk. Different kinds of network simulators are available., some are exclusive for wired or wireless., and some are for both. There are many simulators available hence selecting the most appropriate simulation tool among them is a difficult task. This paper focuses on giving a detailed review of popular simulation tools. 2022 IEEE. -
Partition Refugees in Jammu Cry for Protection of Land and Job Rights
Article 370 was presented as an obstacle in the complete integration of Kashmir and it had denied citizenship and land rights to around 1.5 lakh West Pakistan Refugees (all Hindus) since their migration in 1947. However, after the lapse of merely five years of the abrogation, these WPRs, the new citizens of Jammu and Kashmir, have started feeling disillusioned and demanding protection of lands and jobs under Article 371 of the Indian Constitution. 2024 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
A heuristic analysis of equity and equality in the institutionalisation of property rights: The Baliraja water distribution experiment, India
Natural resource management perceived as a search for institutions that can ensure simultaneous fulfilment of three goals: productivity (or efficiency), sustainability and equity. In this article, we study the implications of pursuing the goal of equity in the management of surface water resources for irrigation with a heuristic model incorporating a Leontief-type fixed production function. The analysis has been carried out in the backdrop of the Baliraja water distribution experiment in India. One suggestion is that the allocating tradable water rights over water, a common property natural resource, can be used as an instrument to improve equity. Unfortunately, advocating the use of water distribution as an instrument of poverty alleviation is fraught with implicit assumptions about the rural economy and uncertain outcomes. It is important for planners to understand that the concepts of equity and equality are applicable to inputs and outputs or outcomes. We attempt to understand the implications of equality in water distribution on social welfare with a simple heuristic analysis. Theoretical analysis shows the possible outcomes of such a policy and also intended to raise pertinent questions and hypotheses in studying the effectiveness of irrigation and watershed initiatives where rights over water have been redistributed equally. Copyright 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. -
Monopsonistic exploitation in contract farming: Articulating a strategy for grower cooperation
Contract farming has been considered a new hope to instil dynamism in third world agriculture. However, there remains serious concern whether small peasants will be able to benefit from this system since buyers may often be a single large or at most, few large corporations, a typical case of monopsony. In this paper we question the basis of the fears that are often raised in the literature. A clear analytical approach to understanding the (economic) meaning of monopsony helps us articulate a strategy for grower cooperation that could effectively deal with monopsony power in contract farming systems. Copyright 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. -
RDAH-health notification: IOT based health notification and real time doctor availability checking in hospital using machine learning /
Patent Number: 202041041351, Applicant: Dr. Babburu Kiranmai.
Our Invention RDAH- Health Notification• is a monitoring system for a person includes a processor coupled more than one wireless nodes a wearable mobile appliance in communication with the client and one or more wireless nodes. The invention also implemented agents with rules executed by the processor, the rules being selected to respond to a client communication relating to a predetermined health condition each agent communicating with another computer implemented agent, the client or the treatment professional. -
Death-worlds, Necropolitics and Decoloniality Colonial Negotiations in Mah
The boundaries of sovereignty are mostly relegated to modern and late modern political thoughts that focus on biopolitical and democratic theories. This paper marks a shift of sovereign subjectivity to the interstitial spaces of life and death of the colonial subjects. Through the study of the necropolitics of colonial control in the erstwhile French colony of Mah as narrated in the novel On the Banks of the Mayyazhi, this paper argues that colonial subjectivity and the idea of sovereignty have decentred itself from the traditional notions of political control and violence to newer avenues of life and death. The perusal of the decolonial approach to necropolitics will examine how colonial logic has shaped the idea of sovereignty. 2024 Economic and Political Weekly. All rights reserved. -
EEG Signals Acquisition and Processing of Mental Tasks for Controlling Smart Systems
With the help of this biosignal, we can create various kinds of interfaces. These interfaces were especially used for paralyzed individuals who have problems in the normal bio-sensor channels. Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals play a vital role in semi-paralyzed and fully paralyzed individuals to make communication with their caretakers. EEG signals are used not only for paralyzed individuals, nowadays most of home appliances are designed due to their reliability and accuracy. EEG based Smart devices are very easy to operate because signals are generated by the human brain automatically whenever the task is performed by humans. Through this research, we discussed the basic methodology needed for interfacing the EEG signals with smart devices. From this paper, most of the researchers will be going to know how to connect the EEG signals with the smart systems to control the external devices and induce the researchers to apply the EEG signals in real time. 2023 IEEE.