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Study of suction and injection combination on the onset of double-diffusive convection in a micropolar fluid
The effect of suction and injection combination (SIC) on the onset of double-diffusive convection in a micropolar fluid is studied us- ing linear stability theory. The eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free, rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isother- mal or adiabatic on the spin-vanishing boundaries numerically using Galerkin Technique. The influence of various micropolar fluid param- eters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. It is found that by adjusting SIC it is possible to control the double-diffusive convection in a micropolar fluid. It is also observed that the effect of Prandtl number on the stability of the system is dependent on the SIC being pro-gravity or anti-gravity. -
Keeping the demand of Infotainment programs, the media houses started producing news magazines, entertainment magazines and news programs for different channels. Within a short span of time news journalism became so popular in Kerala and now more and more media houses were planning to setup their news channels in the state. By several measures news channels has come to realize the potential for news broadcasting. Each network has dramatically expanded their news programming over the decades and TV news producers take great pains to make their stories visually appealing to present news instantaneously and to make viewers feel they are a part of the events shown. New computerized graphical techniques present technical and statistical data in compelling formats. Broadcast organizations routinely conduct researches to keep up to date on what audiences preferences about the news and continuous feedback also make television an ideal medium to satisfy the demands of the people. In addition to the presentation of more news in more technically advanced formats, there's an audience presumably better able to understand news. Thus the study will find out the characteristics and preferences of news viewing population in Kerala. -
Analytical Studies on Metal Complexes in Solution
Analytical chemistry is the study of separation, identification and quantification of the chemical components of natural and artificial materials. Mainly analytical chemistry deals with quantitative and qualitative analysis. It has applications in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, geology and other sciences and also in industries. Many analytical methods occupy a unique position because of its simplicity, less expensive instrumentation, high sensitivity and selectivity. A great development in spectrophotometry is based on development and measurement of colour. Molecules which do not give colour by themselves develop appreciable colour on reaction with chromogenic reagents and provide a method of analytical determination of molecules. So efforts are being directed towards finding suitable reagents, which have characteristic absorption with metal ions in spectrophotometric analysis. Molybdenum and vanadium are important elements both for industry and for biological systems The simultaneous determination of these metal ions in various samples are of great importance. Therefore efforts are being directed towards finding suitable reagents, which have characteristic colour reactions with microgram amounts of metal ions of interest for spectrophotometric analysis. Salicylaldehydep-chlorophenyl thiosemicarbazone(SAPCPTSC) as a chromogenic reagent for the extractive spectrophotometric determination of Vanadium(V) and Molybdenum(VI) is presented in this study. The reagent SAPCPSC gave instantaneous and stable yellow colour with Vanadium(V) and Molybdenum(VI) in the acidic pH range. The colour reactions in detail has been explored and the possibility of spectrophotometric determination of the micro amounts of vanadium(V) and molybdenum(VI) is established with necessary conditions. The stoichiometry of the complex is established by Jobs method of continuous variation and confirmed by mole ratio method. The stability constant, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variations are reported. Derivative spectrophotometry enables the exact determination ?maxof this type of metal ions. Molar absorptivity, Sandells sensitivity and quantitation limit values show that the proposed method is highly sensitive. The coloured species were stable over several hours making the method practicable. Many cations and anions do not interfere with the determination even if they are present in excess. Surfactants have the ability to solubilise a water insoluble complex or ligands and so micellar medium has also been employed so as to avoid the use of toxic organic solvents. The proposed method has been successfully applied for the determination of molybdenum and vanadium in steel samples.KEY WORDS: Salicylaldehydep-chloroanilinethiosemicarbazone, vanadium, molybdenum, derivative spectrophotometry, micellar medium, simultaneous determination. KEY WORDS: Salicylaldehydep-chloroanilinethiosemicarbazone, vanadium, molybdenum, derivative spectrophotometry, micellar medium, simultaneous determination. -
In the last few decades, information technologies have changed the banking industry and have provided a way for the banks to offer differentiated products and services to their customers.The advent of technology made the banks which were used to branch based operations for over 200 years,change the nature of financial services offered to its customers. For instance, automated teller machines (ATM) displaced cashier tellers, telephone represented by the call centers replaced the branch banking, the internet replaced mail, credit cards and electronic cash replaced bank transactions. The changes occurring in the banking sector can be attributed to increasing deregulation and globalization, the major stimulus for rationalization, consolidation, and an increasing focus on costs (Ibrahim et al., 2006). Internet Banking also called as on line banking is the new age banking system. Internet banking used the internet as the delivery channel to conduct banking activities like transferring funds,paying bills, viewing account statements, paying mortgages and purchasing financial certificates of deposits (Haque et al, 2009). Banks know that the Internet opens up new horizons for them and moves them from local to global frontiers (Mavri and Ioannou,2006).Banks gain competitive advantage over their rivals by providing electronic banking services as technology induced services reduce cost of operations, removes geographical barriers, provides 24 hours banking, extended hours of business and efficiency in daily banking processes. Without even interacting with the bankers, customers can transact banking activity from any corner of the world. Electronic banking has experienced rapid growth and has transformed the traditional banking practices(Gonzalez et al.,2008).According to Broadie et al(2007) e-banking is leading to a paradigm shift in the marketing practices of banking industry. A professional banking service can be provided only if the background operations are efficient. The background operations can be effective only if it is integrated with an electronic system. The data, hardware, software, network; people are all the essential part of this system. Customers are happy with the system only when it provides them comfort and convenience while transacting with the bank. Internet enabled electronic system facilitate these operation to obtain the result. According to Christopher, E banking has become an important channel to sell the products and services and is perceived to be a necessity in order to stay profitable and successful. The perception is the result of interpreting the experience. There is a growing interest in understanding the users experience (Hiltunen et al.,2002), as it is observed as a larger concept than user satisfaction. From this it is inferred that assessing the user experience is essential for many technological products and services (Wilson & Sasse 2004). Dabholkar (2000) claims that very little are known about customer preference for self service options, particularly those which are technology based. Researchers have found that significant number of customers are either not aware of Internet Banking Services or do not trust IB as a channel to conduct financial transactions. They have also found that customers may adapt the IB services only if they perceive the technology to be useful. This research paper aims to find out the customers perception to internet banking and also tries to examine whether there is any relation between various demographic variables and customers perception about internet banking. The sample consisted of 200 bank customers, 54 from State Bank of India, 44 from ICICI, 27 from HDFC, 19 from other private sector banks, and 56 from other public sector banks. The convenience sampling technique was adopted for selecting the respondents. Tool for measuring the variables was developed by the researcher with the help of previous studies. A questionnaire was developed on a five point likert scale. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was assessed and found to be 0.7501. The major findings of the study were: 1. There is significant relation between Age and Usage of Internet Banking Services 2. There is significant relation between Profession and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 3. There is no significant relation between Education and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 4. There is no significant relation between Gender and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 5. There is significant relation between Income and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 6. There is significant relation between types of Banks and Usage of Internet Banking Services. 7. There is significant relation between ease of use and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking 8. There is significant relation between operational advantage and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 9. There is significant relation between perceived risk and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 10. There is significant relation between infrastructure constraints and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 11. There is no significant relation between personal limitations and satisfaction level of customers of internet banking. 12. There is significant relation between IB users and their satisfaction level The implication of the study will help Banks to pay more attention towards creating awareness among its customers so that the usage of Internet Banking is increased. Strategies have been detailed in the study. -
This study is concentrated on Irula women population in Chengalpet of Tamil Nadu. The social life of Irula women was studied for the better understanding and to acquire knowledge on Irula tribal community and the social life of women. These Chengalpet Irulas are located in the plain areas near the forestry boundaries. Their social life was mainly concentrated in the present study because their lives are surrounded with non tribal population in the plain areas and also they are the indigenous tribal population of TamilNadu. Their life style, culture, education, economy and social life was included for research purpose in this study. This is a descriptive and comparative component study. The two types of villages were selected, one is developed village and the other one is undeveloped village. These villages were chosen based on the infrastructural facilities. The developed village was with the basic facilities like water, electricity, transport, roads, schools and hospitals. The undeveloped village was without the water, transport, proper roads, and electricity for all the houses, schools and hospitals. The Irula women population from both the village, particularly the age group between 18 and above was considered as a universe of this study. The stratified random sampling method was adopted to select the samples. The sample size was 100, and there were more than 60 Irula families living in respective villages and the samples were collected randomly 50 from each village. The primary data was collected using different techniques. It had framed totally 50 questions based on the hypothesis and objectives. Most of the questions are focused on social and cultural life of Irula women. The other technique was used by the researcher was case study method which focused on the social life of Irula women. It also enables the researcher to get a better in to a polygamy marriage and other cultural aspects. Interview schedule administrated on Irula women were codified and tabulated. Data processing was carried out with the help of computer. Numerical symbols were assigned to the responses in the interview schedule yielding a total of 40 variables. Computer was also used for statistical analyses of data. In the first instance sorting was done to generate frequency tables for the variables. The report that follows incorporates the data, analysis, the interpretation and the inferences draw there from. The major findings were expressed and determined the social life Irula women. In developed village 28 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28 and in undeveloped village 40 percent of the respondents were belongs to the age group of 18-28.Both in developed and undeveloped village 72 and 52 percent of the respondents were illiterates. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 86 and 82 percent of the respondents were married. Both in developed and undeveloped villages 60 and 68 percent of the respondents were working as coolies. In developed village 37.21 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.2000-3000 and in undeveloped village 47.83 percent of the respondents were earning monthly Rs.1000-2000.Both in developed and in undeveloped villages 74 and 50 percent of the respondents were not getting equal wages in their work sector. The major findings were described under 6 main headings as socio-demographic life, educational background, economic conditions, health and awareness and social life. These findings incorporate the social life Irula women in Chengalpet of TamilNadu. -
The Impact of Changes in Monetary Variables on Stock Prices of Commercial Banks in India
Commercial banks in India, as agents of the reserve bank of India, are key players in the implementation of exchange rate and interest rates and have huge role to control the inflation in the country. The purpose of this study is to examine impact on banking stocks because of frequent changes in important monetary variables. The concern is whether or not current economic indicators, as reflected in interest rates exchange rates and inflation, can explain banking stock returns. This study considered NSE bank nifty index as banks stocks representative because this bank index consist of all major banks listed in the Indian capital market The explanatory variables in this study considered the three important monetary variables namely foreign exchange rates ,long-term interest rates and inflation rates. This paper tries to find the impact of changes in monetary variables on bank nifty. Also the relationship (long run and short run) between bank nifty and monetary variables has been analysed. Different econometric tools have been applied in the study to attain the objectives. The econometric tools like unit root test, ordinary least squares, Johansen-Juselius (1990) Multivariate Co integration test and Vector error correction model (VECM). Based on the unit root test, it is found that all the variables are used in the study are non stationary at level and become stationary at first differences. Johansen cointegration test prove that there is long run relationship between bank nifty and three monetary variables. Based on the result of Ordinary least squares on vector error correction equation this study find that monetary variables have significant impact on bank stock return, but major portion of the bank nifty movement is explains by its own innovations. And also this study find that changes in foreign exchange rates and long term interest rates are affecting the bank nifty movement negatively. But the whole sale price index or inflation rates does not affect the bank nifty or banks stock price movement significantly. Among the three monetary variables are used in this study foreign exchange rates have high influence on bank stock prices. -
Infomercials are one of the most effective tools for communication . Infomercials bring out the importance of content and presentation of various products. Infomercials whether international or Indian / Hindi infomercials try to identify consumers behaviour and attitude towards the product . The study aims to analyse the perception of audience of television infomercials by applying qualitative and quantitative ( survey and in depth interview ) methodology. -
Movies have been an integral part of the society along with other aspects of social life. The societys reflection can be seen in movies and the impact of movies on the society is very much visible, hence it is a two way process. People watch movies either for passing time or it is their hobby. There is a niche audience who watch movies because they consider movies as an educational tool; it increases their knowledge about different aspects of society and life. The researcher is focusing on the movies, having animals as protagonists because such films are rarely made in Indian film industry. Due to the rarity of such films, Indian audience have to shift their focus or depend on Hollywood. Here, the researcher tries to find out audiences perception on movies having animals as protagonist and the reason for having only few movies in Indian film industry in the present scenario. -
Political Representation of Mumbai Political Representation of Mumbai in Rohinton Mistrys Such a Long Journey and A Fine Balance
The representation of cities in works of literature is significant as it is these images of cities which are consumed throughout the world. The objective of this thesis is to examine the Political Representation of Mumbai in Rohinton Mistrys Such a Long Journey and A Fine Balance. I have used Stuart Halls essay The Work of Representation as the theoretical framework for analysing the two selected works of fiction. I have analysed representation in the two texts by applying the semiotic approach to representation; by studying the contextual major political events, characters and spaces in the city as signs which are encoded by the author in the texts to construct the city of Mumbai. It was found that the author encodes Such a Long Journey with the political representation of Mumbai as ??a city in siege, as ??a city in throes of conspiracy and as ??a city of struggle, squalor, pleasure, nostalgia, loss, spirituality and political power struggles and thus constructs the city of Mumbai in this novel . Moreover, the political representation of Mumbai in A Fine Balance is done by employing signs like Mumbai as ??a city grappling with a draconic state and its life-denying laws, Mumbai as ??an all-embracing and redemptive city and of Mumbai as ??a city great in its magnanimity but also great in its inadequacies. Thus, Mistry constructs Mumbai which is the signifying field on which Emergency politics are played out in the novel. -
The aim of present study is to assess the Quality of Life (QOL) of persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) in relation to physical health, psychological health, social relationship, and environmental dimensions with orientation to Indian context. The objectives of the study was to describe the Socio demographic and clinical profile of respondents, to measure the Quality of life of persons Spinal Cord Injury and to evaluate the relationship between socio demographic data, clinical data and Quality of Life dimensions among persons with Spinal Cord Injury. Universe of the study was individuals with spinal cord injury from different states of India. Sample Unit was Patients with spinal cord injury admitted as inpatient under the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, St Johns National Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore. A total of 40 subjects were participated in the study. It has been considered the Descriptive research design for the study. Purposive sampling design was selected. Tools administered were Socio Demographic Data Sheet, Clinical Data Sheet and WHOQOL - BREF Scale (26 Item Questionnaire). Results confirmed that mean score on Quality of life of the respondents with regard to their Physical health, Psychological health and social relationship domain was at moderate level, whereas mean score on Quality of life of respondents in relation to their environmental domain was found at lower level. Majorly findings of present study also demonstrated that there was no significant difference in quality of life between different Age groups, Marital status, different Education levels, duration of Rehabilitation, Type of treatment (Surgical/ Non surgical) and between people with Paraplegia, Tetraplegia and Non Traumatic Paraplegia (p >0.05), while there was significant difference in quality of life between Male & Female, Duration since injury, Post injury Occupation status & Post injury monthly income status (p < 0.05). The study finding suggest that comprehensive rehabilitation program team professionals need to incorporate some more appropriate interventions & remedial procedures which can enhance the quality of life of persons with spinal cord injury in relation to physical health, psychological health, social relationship and environmental dimensions. In addition government has to modify policy and develop new projects/ programs in the interest of enhancing quality of life in relation to environmental dimensions of persons with spinal cord injury. -
The Experience of Meditation among Long Term Sahaja Yoga Practitioners and its Role in Facilitating Well Being and Managing Stress
Meditation is increasingly becoming a popular practice and is used as a strategy for stress management, coping with illness and spiritual growth. It is estimated that meditation is being practiced by a hundreds of millions worldwide (Deurr, 2004). However, results of the published studies on meditation have often been interpreted to be inconsistent (Shear, 2007). This could be attributed to the modification and westernisation of the original ancient meditation practice (Manocha,2008). Also, it is not clearly understood how the experience of meditation leads to stress management and well being. Hence, Sahaja yoga which is based on the classical understanding of meditation and begins with Self realization or Kundalini awakening was chosen for investigation for the present study. The present study aims to understand the experience of meditation among long term meditators and understand its role in facilitating well-being and management of stress. To achieve this 6 long term meditators were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide and were also requested to make diary entries of their daily meditation experience. All the participants were full time working adults. Interpretative phenemonological analysis was used to analyse the interview transcripts. The results of the study indicate that Sahaja yoga meditation practice aids its practitioners to attain thoughtless awareness and experience ??Sahaja and ??witness states which is accompanied by experience of indescribable bliss and peace. These states were found to create a sense of well-being among the practitioners and also had a significant role in facilitating physical, psychological, social and spiritual well-being and helped in the management of stress as well. Since, participants found it easy to balance it with work and family responsibilities it can be recommended for working adults. Key words: meditation, Sahaja yoga, stress, well-being. -
The language we use to communicate with one another is like a knife. In the hands of a careful and skilled surgeon, a knife can work to do great good. But in the hands of a careless or ignorant person, a knife can cause great harm. Exactly as it is with our words- Anonymous. For the news media, particularly the newspaper, the greatest weapon is the power of words. The success or failure of a newspaper depends largely on the way its headlines appear to the readers. A well thought out headline does half the job of conveying the message. And consequently, a poorly written one can lead to misinterpretation. This research is an effort to delve into a complete understanding of the structuring of headlines in English newspapers and analyzing it against the use of phrases and words that are misleading and ambiguous. Through a thorough analysis of the textual presentation in the headlines, the researcher intends to study how the interplay of words in headlines works in grabbing attention of the readers through creation of curiosity and ambiguity. Furthermore, this study tries to understand the strategies employed by juggling of words in the headlines and the meaning creation of the same in the readers. -
The research paper was aimed to look into the portrayal of women in media especially those who do item numbers. The paper also looked into the matter that how due to the lack of relevance of item numbers in movies today, the portrayal is negative. Whether this in turn has led to a negative stereotypical representation of women in general was also a concern of the study. The researcher focussed on this matter as she is strongly against any kind of stereotypical representations. As a media student she wanted to inform people about the rights and wrongs in the society and how this leads to framing of stereotypes which is often regarded derogatory. The research was done using both primary and secondary sources. Primary data collection included questionnaire method to general audience of sample size of 100 and a comparative analysis will be done. An extensive study was done of secondary sources too including books, journals, movies, short videos, internet and newspapers. The study revealed that item numbers have definietely lost its relevance in the movies and that has led to the negative portrayal of item girls. There were other reasons also found have an impact on the audiences?? mind which in turn influences his thinking towards the item girls, this was found by comprehending the study with Cultivation theory by Gerbner. -
Second Language Learners problems in acquiring Reading and Writing skills in English: A Study at the Higher Secondary Level
This dissertation is the result of a study that aimed at identifying problems in Reading and Writing skills in English faced by students studying at the higher secondary level. The study, by way of a series of tests administered to students from three schools in Bangalore, and questionnaires administered to the teachers, along with interviews of the faculty, found that students faced problems in acquiring language skills, and the teachers certain challenges in imparting these skills to students. The sample consisted of 110 participants. It included three schools. The survey employed three research instruments for data collection: four tests, questionnaire and interview. By listening to the teachers through the interviews, and the evaluation of their caliber as teachers through the questionnaire, and through the results of the tests conducted for the students, the researcher was able to garner information that helped to make the dissertation more comprehensive by identifying the specific area that students face problems in and the reasons behind these problems. Based on the above-mentioned information, the researcher was able to propose a few suggestions for the learners, teachers and the management. The objective of the study was to motivate students and to develop an interest in English language learning so that they will be better-equipped to cope with the challenges of society in future. The results impelled the researcher to conclude that one cannot generalize that students from English medium schools would perform better. Students from the regional medium marginally out performed those of the English medium, and this was a surprising element of the study. This helped the researcher to understand that the role of the teacher in imparting skills is very important. It was noticed that if provided with better learning facilities, and adequate motivation, appreciation and encouragement, students from regional medium schools can do well on English language tests. -
Study on Effect of Overdraft facility on market liquidity and income of private banks in Bangalore
This Dissertation depicts about the use of overdraft facility by the business men/women as customers of the private banks and how it affects the liquidity status and income of those private banks in Bangalore. This study helps the private bankers to identify the financial changes in the annual reports supported by statistical tools depicting the significant changes in relation to market liquidity and the income of the private banks. An overdraft allows an individual to continue withdrawing money even if the account has no funds in it and the bank will cover the checks which would otherwise bounce. The interest on the outstanding balance of an overdraft loan often is lower than credit cards. Market Liquidity is an asset's ability to be sold without causing a significant movement in the price and with minimum loss of value. Referring this meaning to the banks, overdraft plays a small part in changing the interest rates and also incurring a very minimal expense to maintain the OD account for the customers among the banks compared to cash credits and loan repayable on demand which are the major reasons for the influence on bank rates. In order to provide for the overdraft facility to the customers, even though for period of 22 days up to 45 days depending on the respective banks policies, banks must maintain a ready source to compensate the customers demand to withdraw beyond a nil balance. Thus Total Deposits are considered to represent the market liquidity of the banks. Income of private banks mainly in connection to the topic of the study considers only the interest earned on the overdraft for approximate comparison between the overdraft balance and interest earned on it. Thus giving no grounds for confusions as to why net profit or income earned through other sources is not considered. Reason for taking the liquidity and income to compare it with overdraft is that all three factors are of shorts terms in nature. It gives a common ground for significant comparison. It also provides appropriate data for correct statistical analysis giving accurate result. While increase in overdraft balance increases the interest amount earned on it or the banks have to increase the deposits to provide for the increasing overdraft balances. Other than the problem of the study, smooth or turbulent financial periods, behaviour of funds rate in response to declining required reserves, political scandals, bad cheques etc. are the various factors practically influencing the overdraft to affect the private banks market liquidity and income The scope of the study reckons to give the results as an answer for various queries of not only to the selected sample private banks but also to other banks that are providing the overdraft facility. It also helps the other researchers to carry on the further study. The hypothesis is to prove whether or not the overdraft affects the market liquidity and income. Sample size N=20 taken for data analysis includes the five years of the three variables of the study from 17 NSE Listed and 3 non listed private banks located in Bangalore which are available from annual reports the websites of sample banks, pay sites like report junction and CMIE-business beacon. This sample size is accumulated through convenient sampling of non-probabilistic sampling technique. Mainly Correlation is used as Statistical Technique for analysis and other than that, financial analytical tools are also employed i.e. Growth analysis, Peer group comparison and Industrial benchmarking. Through correlation analysis, findings are drawn that the effect of overdraft on market liquidity and as well as the effect of overdraft on income of the 20 banks are highly significant (p<0.01). Thus, the null hypothesis 1 and 2which shows that overdraft does not affect the market liquidity and income is proved otherwise. Increase in overdraft does affect the market liquidity and income positively. -
Cross border Mergers and Acquisitions originating from India: An evaluation of long term post-merger performance of acquiring firms.
This research follows the enhanced M&A activity in the Indian market to trace the impact of outbound international Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) by Indian firms on the acquiring firm??s shareholders. The research makes a unique contribution in evaluating the long-term financial performance of acquiring firms in cross-border M&As and to detecting the strategic factors of their long-term success. The research used a sample of 91 events covering the period of deals occurring from 2004 to 2009 inclusively. The research used the Buy and Hold Abnormal Returns (BHAR) control firm method to evaluate the performance of firms. The research evaluated BHARs for 1-month, 3-months, 6-months and 12-months post the announcement of the acquisitions. The results obtained for the analysis showed significant negative returns for firms performing a cross border acquisition over a period of 12-months post the acquisition announcement. Hence the research concluded that cross-border acquisitions by firms from India generate negative effects on shareholder value for the acquiring firm??s shareholder, as on 12 months post the acquisition announcement. The above conclusion implies that the firms that perform cross border acquisitions actually perform worse than their counterparts that did not perform a cross border acquisition in the same period The research identified factors of long-term success for cross-border M&As. The results obtained suggest that acquiring firms engaged in cross-border M&As are able to realize efficiency gains and create value for their shareholders, under certain conditions: one when they possess high levels of R&D and secondly when the firm makes an acquisition in a related industry. These results were in accordance with the internalization theory of Buckley and Casson (1976) and Rugman (1981), which state that cross-border M&As help create value for acquiring firms by tapping into their expertise and know-how on international markets. While, Buy and Hold Returns were found to be substantially negative for the subgroup of firms that were larger in size as compared to firms that were relatively smaller in size. The size of the firm was negatively associated with performance of firms post an acquisition announcement and hence larger firms were more likely to fail in an acquisition as compared to smaller firms. Dissertation Layout: The first chapter of the dissertation titled ??Introduction?? primarily covered the conceptual framework, statement of problem and the objectives of the research. The second chapter ??Review of Literature?? covered the review of earlier literature on M&A performance and conclusions and gaps observed in the literature. The third chapter titled??Research Methodology?? covered the hypothesis, data collection and sample description and the methodology for data analysis. The fourth chapter ??Results and Findings?? covering results of the data analysis for the long term returns, strategic factors of M&A success, correlation analysis and regression analysis. The last chapter of the research ??Summary and Conclusions?? covered the summary of all the chapters, major findings of the study, the implications, limitations of the study and the conclusions drawn from the research. Keywords: Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), cross border acquisitions, post-merger, Abnormal returns and Buy and Hold Abnormal Returns (BHAR), -
Cartoons are the most popular form of entertainment for children. There are very few children who do not watch cartoons. Cartoons are animated figures which carry a story along with it. Every child is exposed to cartoons in some way or the other and whether we except it or not cartoons do have an impact on the minds of the viewers. That??s why most of the cartoons for children are sweet and innocent. But there are a few cartoons that have violence in them. This violence at times can affect the minds and the thinking process of the child. Over the past two decades violence in cartoons has increased. So this study compares the cartoons in the two decades and the increase and the effect it has on the minds. The study to a certain extent proved that the sample population believes that the violence that they view affects them in some way or the other.