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The effects of non-linear temperature gradients and rotation on the onset of Rayleigh ?? Benard ?? Marangoni magneto ?? convection in an electric conducting Newtonian fluid are studied using the Galerkin technique. In the case of Rayleigh-Benard convection, the eigenvalue is obtained for free-free, rigid-free and rigid-rigid velocity boundary combinations with isothermal and adiabatic temperature conditions on the boundaries. In the case of Marangoni and Rayleigh-Benard-Marangoni convection the eigenvalues are obtained for an upper free / adiabatic and a lower rigid / isothermal boundaries. A linear stability analysis is performed. The influence of various parameters on the onset of convection has been analyzed. The four non-linear temperature profiles are considered and their comparative influence on onset is discussed. -
Processor implemented method for watermarking and cyber protection of deep learning models /
Patent Number: 202141013761, Applicant: Dr. C Kailasanathan.
The present invention relates to processor implemented method for watermarking and cyber protection of deep learning models. The objective of the present invention is to solve the problems in the prior art related to technologies of cyber security in communication and processing of block chain data. -
An IOT based self phased analysis of adverse effects in covid recovered patients /
Patent Number: 2021101599, Applicant: Jasmine Selvakumari Jeya I. -
System method for crop and fertilizer recommendation through soil nutrient monitoring using cyber physical system and machine learning /
Patent Number: 202141022914, Applicant: Dr. Ajith Danti.
The present invention relates to system and Method for crop and fertilizer recommendation through soil nutrient monitoring using cyber physical system and machine learning. The objective of the present invention is to solve the problems in the prior art technologies of crop and fertilizer recommendation based on soil nutrient, soil type and agriculture field location. -
A low cost and high actuation speed 3D printed prosthetic arm /
Patent Number: 202241047867, Applicant: Sujatha A K. -
Anomaly detection in online social media
Online Social Media (OSM) is a platform where users post opinions, discussions, product reviews, random thoughts, advertisements, comment exchanges and status updates.These platforms help in text mining applications such as prediction of election results, newlinestudying global mood trends, public perception of a national concern or an issue, mining of public health knowledge, detecting epidemics and business analytics. These newlineapplications also present some research challenges like personal data stealing, community phishing, hate speeches, spreading misconceptions, cyber bullying and terror attack planning. Some of these challenges are anomalies or outliers which don t conform with the majority ones. The anomalies focused in this research work are behavioral and content anomalies. Data preprocessing for textual data from OSM plays an important role for creation of the Vector Space Model (VSM) which is used as an input for behavioral and content anomaly models. The contents posted by the public in OSM is written using natural language and sometimes may not follow the formal communication mode. It has lexical, newlinesemantic and syntactic ambiguities and becomes a challenging task to extract accurate information and discover logical patterns during the text mining process. Some of the commonly used methods for text mining are, Bag of Words (BoW), N-grams and Term newlineFrequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF). Few limitations of these techniques newlineare, high dimensional sparse feature vectors, missing contextual meaning, presence of newlineweak features and Part of Speech ambiguity. In this research study, an improvised Feature Engineering model is proposed which is a combination of Forward Scan Trigrams and weighted TF-IDF to address the creation of an efficient Vector Space Model (VSM). This proposed model is used with an improvised Feature Hashing technique to address the removal of weak features. -
Expatriate perceptions towards commitment based HR practices: impact on job retention in Indian IT industry /
International Journal Of Management And Development Studies, Vol.6, Issue 8, pp.29-45, ISSN: 2320-0685 (Online) 23211423 (Print). -
Impact of catchment, direct to consumer advertisement on consumer buying intention: Retailer and consumer aligned perspective from Indian pharmaceuticals industry /
Internaional Journal of Management Studies, Vol.6, Issue 1, Part 5, ISSN No: 2249-0302. -
Forecasting volatility evidence from the futures market in India
This thesis focuses on modelling and forecasting of select products in the Indian futures market using econometric time series models and artificial neural network based models. These models have been compared for their forecasting accuracy to determine the best forecasting model for a particular futures series. This study applies GARCH, EGARCH, PARCH, TARCH, and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to assess the best predicting model for exchange rate futures, commodity index futures and stock index futures. After testing for stationarity of data series, GARCH, EGARCH, PARCH and TARCH models are developed. In addition to in-sample forecasts, 1-day, 5-day, 10-day, 15-day and 30-day out-of-sample forecasts have been carried out. For ANN, data is scaled using the minmax scaling methodology to ensure that newlinethe data series is normalised and in the range of 0 to 1. ANN is developed using the feedforward methodology. While the basic neural network architecture has one input layer, one hidden layer and one output layer, the number of neurons in the input and hidden layers vary from 1 to 20. The optimum number of input and hidden neurons in their respective layers are then selected based on the combination which gives the least error. These network combinations are used for out-of-sample forecasting and errors are compared with the forecast output of the GARCH models. RMSE, MAE, MAPE, Theil s-U statistic and Correlation coefficient is computed for error newlinecomparison. Results indicate that for currency futures and commodity index futures, ANN provides better forecast accuracy. For stock index futures, GARCH family models work better in some cases. -
From the local to the global: the journey of Suguna Foods
Learning outcomes: On completion of this case study, students will be able to understand collaboration and synergy between farmers and organisations through value creation, like fundraising, based on the comprehension of the resource-based theory; understand the overview and concept of the value chain and supply chain management in the agribusiness to reduce costs of inventories; understand the concept of segmentation and positioning to increase revenue for organisations by leveraging existing resources human and financial; and understand the branding strategy to create a sustainable competitive advantage for Suguna Foods. Case overview/synopsis: Suguna was started by two brothers, B. Soundararajan and G.B. Sundararajan, to help other farmers. Suguna, with just 200 broilers in 1984, grew to be the number 1 poultry company across India. Soundararajan was a pioneer and innovator who started contract farming in India in 1991. This model helped both the farmers and the company to became successful. The farmers always struggled to pay the cost of feed and other materials, as credit was not readily and easily available from financial institutions. Suguna helped farmers by providing feed, medicines, etc., free of cost in return for the good rearing of chickens. Because of the success of this venture, they decided to continue with it. Today, Suguna is a successful company that sells chicken, eggs and processed meat. They modernised the retail chain to supply consumers with fresh, healthy and hygienic meat. Sugunas vision was to Energize rural India by helping farmers succeed. They helped over 40,000 farmers from 15,000+ villages in 18+ Indian states. Although the growth helped both farmers and Suguna, the increased cost of raw materials for Suguna and increased input costs/power costs for farmers had to be tackled on a war footing so that both could have good income despite the increased inflation. Moreover, the retail price of live chicken was more or less stagnant in the past five years, especially after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Complexity academic level: This case can be used as the basis for a 90-min class discussion. This case study is suitable for use in an master of business administration course module or in an executive education program on developing an understanding of value creation in the business model in a rural market and also how the supply chain works. This case study can also be used to teach pricing, segmentation in marketing and supply chain perspectives and decision-making skills. Supplementary materials: Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code: CSS8: Marketing. 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited. -
How to win back the disgruntled consumer? The omni-channel way /
Journal of Business And Retail Management Research, Vol.12, Issue 4, pp.200-207, ISSN No. 2056-6271. -
Investigation on multistep purified carbon nanostructures synthesized from a variety of hydrocarbon precursors
Nanotechnology has become by far the fastest growing area and the shooting star in materials science. Carbon is a fascinating element observed in a large variety of morphologies and atomic structures owing to its chemical ability to form different hybridizations. Carbon nanotechnology has gained significant attention, energized by discoveries such as fullerenes, followed by carbon nanotubes, and, of course the latest addition to the carbon family, graphene. Graphene, a two- dimensional honeycomb lattice of sp2-bonded carbon atoms, possesses a wealth of exceptional properties that has resulted in intense research activities. Although graphenes prospect for applications in wide areas is attractive, making and manipulating graphene is a daunting task. The most fruitful and cost-effective way to synthesize graphene in huge scale from bulk graphite is by reduction of Graphene oxide. Graphene oxide is nothing but a corrugated carbon sheet with over half of the carbon atoms functionalized with hydroxyl and epoxy groups, and edges partially occupied by hydroxyl, carboxyl, ketone, ester and even lactol structures. It has recently emerged as a new carbon-based nanoscale material that provides an alternative path to graphene due to its own alluring properties. In the present study, carbon nanomaterials are derived from hydrocarbon precursors- kerosene, camphor and liquid paraffin by thermal decomposition. Graphene oxide is then synthesized from these carbon nanostructures by modified Hummers technique. The as-prepared soot nanostructures and graphene oxide nanosheets are investigated by various experimental techniques viz. Raman Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), UV- Visible Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDS), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The effect of ultrasonication on the samples is also studied. -
Experience of Resilience in Women with Breast Cancer : Implication for Resilience-Based Intervention
Breast cancer is prevalent among Indian women and affects their physical, emotional, and social well-being. Resilience in breast cancer refers to the ability to maintain newlinepositivity and adapt to challenges. However, evidence-based studies and theoretical newlineframework interventions on resilience in the Indian context are lacking. The current newlinestudy aims to explore the subjective experience of resilience and intend to provide resilience-based intervention in Indian women with breast cancer. The study also explores sociodemographic, clinical outcomes, relation with resilience, quality of life and posttraumatic growth in the Indian context. The study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological paradigm to understand the patterns, processes and outcomes in exploring the concept of resilience. Purposive sample of 33 participants from two hospitals in Bengaluru, India were recruited. The participants consisted of 21 breast cancer survivors on follow-up, four on anti-cancer therapy and eight family members of breast cancer survivors for triangulation. Along with sociodemographic, clinical details, and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003) to screen for categorising the resilience levels was collected. The in-depth interview guide was validated with experts to collect data. The interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed, and subjected to member checks, triangulation, intercoder reliability, and thick description to ensure the validity of the findings. The data was analysed using reflective thematic analysis by Braun and Clarke (2019). The finding describes four themes of experience of resilience in women with breast cancer. (1) Cancer diagnosis is a life-changing experience. Breast cancer diagnosis and therapy causes existential crisis, psychological distress, and social stigma. (2) Restoring healthy perception in an adverse event. Navigating challenges and achieving a balance between internal and newlineexternal factors. (3) Types of support-the pathway to resilience. -
A system for water utility management and conservation in community households /
Patent Number: 202241035724, Applicant: Dr.Vivek S.
A control device for managing water flow and consumption is provided. The device include an overhead tank fill control module, a submerged pump module, a ground level pump module, a ground level storage tank fill module, an inlet flow meter module, an outlet flow module and a flow control valve module; wherein the central control device communicates with an overhead tank fill control device through the overhead tank fill control module, with a submerged pump or ground level pump through the submerged pump module or ground level pump module. -
A Sociopolitical Study of Contemporary Ideological Discourse on Ethnic Nationalism From Tamil Nadu
The discourse on nation-building is primarily ideological and differs according to context. The present research intends to study the newlinecontemporary discourse on Ethnic nationalism produced within Tamil Nadu. It specifically focuses on the ideological discourse of Seeman and engages with the ideological discourse analysis model of Teun A van Dijk. The present research traces the emergence of Tamil nationalism in the Dravidian political terrain and the rise of Seeman s Tamil nationalism among various notions of Tamil nationalism. In this context, Dijk s ideological discourse analysis model contributes to finding the position that Seeman s Tamil nationalism occupies. Further, the research seeks to locate its position within the sociopolitical milieu of Tamil Nadu by critically analysing three cases: newlinethe pro-Jallikattu protest (2017), the Salem-Chennai Greenfield Highway protest (2018) and the Language Issue over the Consecration of Thanjavur Brihadeeswara Temple (2020), and the Assembly election results of 2016 newlineand 2021. These cases foster to explore how Seemanism is turning out to be an influential ideological discourse. Besides, the research intends to determine how far Seemanism fits within the theoretical framework of Anthony D. Smith s three processes of ethnonational transformation. The three processes are vernacular mobilisation, cultural politicisation of vernacular heritage and ethnic purification. Vernacular mobilisation works to protect the ethnic sources such as indigenous traditions, customs, language, symbols and memories. This process has underpinned to figure out how the ideological discourse is striving to disseminate the knowledge of ethnic symbols such as Murugan, Jallikattu, and Parai. Further, it has newlineassisted to find that the ideological discourse is rediscovering the position of Tamil by claiming it is an ancient language.