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Fluorescent Carbonized Polymer Dots Derived from o-phenylenediamine and its Photonic Application
Optimizing the optoelectronic characteristics of low-dimensional carbon dots (CDs) through surface modifications and doping has proven instrumental in tailoring them for diverse applications. This study explores a facile and economical hydrothermal synthesis method for generating Carbonized Polymer Dots using o-phenylenediamine at different temperatures. The resulting materials exhibit structural and morphological variations linked to the synthesis temperature. A transition from carbon dots (CDs) embedded in reduced graphene oxide (rGO)-like sheet structures at low temperatures to the core-shell structure at the highest temperature is observed in HR-TEM, implying the formation of CPDs. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) corroborates these findings, showing an augmented degree of graphitization in alignment with HR-TEM results. The photoluminescence spectra of CPDs synthesized at the lowest temperature exhibit multiple emission peaks, resulting in a yellowish-orange color. Utilizing these CPDs to fabricate light-emitting diodes (LEDs) produces a vivid bright-green emission with CIE coordinates (0.378, 0.522). Moreover, the CPDs demonstrate solvatochromism across diverse solvents of varying polarity, covering the entire visible spectrum. This intriguing solvatochromic effect positions the CPDs as promising materials for polarity probing applications. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
Cloud Virtualization with Data Security: Challenges and Opportunities
In recent years, Cloud Computing is emerging as a torrid research area for both academicians and industrialists. It provides effective ways to handle and store the data in advanced system processing applications. Furthermore, it also leverages a radical change in the way the users access and use the available resources. Despite the hype, it also has the challenge of slow data transition from present physical storage to the cloud based platform. This is mainly due to the security challenges associated with the Cloud Computing applications. Hence, data protection has become very critical and always requires an efficient and effective security protocol into the existence. So, the security and reliability of the cloud platform would definitely attract more researchers to this platform. This article discusses an overview of Cloud paradigm and the different virtualization techniques adopted to overcome the security issues associated with the cloud computing platform. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
According to World Health Organization Learning disability is a state of arrested or incomplete development of mind. The most common learning disabilities are Dyslexia, Dyscalculia Dysgraphia, Auditory and Visual Processing Disorders and Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. Adolescents with learning difficulty have trouble expressing their feelings, calming themselves down, and reading non-verbal cues which can lead to difficulty in the classroom and with their peers. In India approximately 13 to 14 per cent of all school children suffer from learning disorders (Sadaket 2009). The social relationships of the adolescents with learning disability have a positive influence on their self esteem. It helps them to maintain a constructive relationship with their peers, teachers and parents. The study was focused to know the relationship of self esteem and social relation in adolescents with learning disability. The study was conducted among all the Adolescents with Learning Disability, in an alternative school in Bangalore. The size of the sample was 50 which include both genders and the sampling design was purposive sampling. Adolescents with learning disability of the age group 11 to 18 years were included for the study. The students level of self-esteem was assessed by using a 10-item scale developed by Rosenberg (1965). The Rosenberg Self- Esteem Scale was rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). The researcher reverse scored five items that were negative in nature so that higher scores would indicate higher level of self-esteem. The scale ranges from 0-30. Scores between 15 and 25 are within normal range; scores below 15 suggest low self- esteem. A semi structured questionnaire was designed to gather information on the socio demographic profile and social relation of adolescents with learning disability. A pilot study was conducted among 10 percent of samples and necessary modifications were made. The statistical analysis was done on the data using SPSS. The level of significance was fixed at 0.005(p<0.05). The results show that, among the total respondents, 62.0 percent of them are male respondents (n=31) and 38.0 percent are female respondents (n=19).56 percent of the respondents are being compared with their siblings by their parents. The study indicates that 44 percent of the respondents feel stressed due to parental pressure. The respondents who fall under the age group of 16-19 years have a higher self-esteem than the respondents who fall under the age group of 11-15 years. The study shows that, statically there is a significant relationship between the respondents relationship with parents with respect to respondents self-esteem. There is less significant relationship between the respondents relationship with peers with respect to respondents self-esteem. Present study indicates that, statically there is a significant relationship between the respondents relationship with teachers with respect to respondents self-esteem. Learning disability is a disorder which can be remedied using appropriate instructional strategies. The early identification helps in remedial teaching and building self-esteem. The present study indicates that adolescents with learning disability with better social relationship will have high self-esteem. Realizing the importance of self-esteem and its relationship with social relation, a multidisciplinary approach is required to initiate appropriate interventions in building self-esteem and teaching learning disabled child. Thus the learning disabled child can be mainstreamed effectively. -
The Politics of Cultural Homogenization and Territorialization: Representation of Northeast in Tinkle's WingStar Series
Tinkle, the children's magazine in English in India has been instrumental in shaping the imagination of the young urban Indian child ever since its inception in 1980. No other magazine has the readership and reach that Tinkle enjoys with a circulation of more than 3 lakh. The fact that Tinkle has survived unlike many other magazines in India for 40 odd years is testimony (marketing strategies aside) of its reach and popularity. Tinkle, ever since the days of its founder-editor Anant Pai, has been instrumental in constructing imagined communities of national identities for children in India over the decades since the 1970s ever since the Amar Chitra Kathas. One such attempt in constructing children's imaginaries is the addition of a series Wing Star in 2015, scripted by Sean D'mello and inked by Vineet Nair that features Mapui Kawlim, a 13-year-old superhero from Aizwal, Mizoram. While it is empowering that a national mainstream popular magazine for children would feature a female superhero from among the less represented Northeastern states, what is problematic, according to this study, is the manner in which there has been a conscious erasure of all markers of her ethnicity by appropriating her into the larger mainstream homogenised pan-Indian identity of a young female superhero with no specific markers to represent the culture she belongs to. This study will attempt to read this 'sanitised' representation of a Northeastern superhero in the light of the idea of cultural appropriation and deterritorialization and reterritorialization posited by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari that looks at the erasure of specific ethnic and other identities markers. This study will also engage with the implications of how 'sanitised' representations like this in popular narratives would construct and homogenise the imaginaries of the children of a country as they would grow up with erroneous notions of cultural ethnicities and diversity within the country adding to the problematics of marginalisation and hegemonic nationalities. 2022 Aesthetics Media Services. All rights reserved. -
Agency and self expression: Fan writing as life writing
Fans, fandoms and fan activities have been part of every culture from time immemorial. Homers epics, Platos work all could be considered in a broad sense as belonging to the larger domain of fan activity or fan art as they are termed in modern day parlance. This paper examines India Forums a digital fan community based in India for audiences and fans of Indian television soaps/serials and attempts to understand how fanfiction and fan activities within this forum acts as means of self-expression and enable its fans to develop a sense of agency that is indigenous to the space in itself. This community is predominantly populated by women or gender anonymous and function as a space that allow fans to construct their own voices, identities and thereby agency, which is most often restricted to that space alone. The fans though not subaltern, in the technical sense of the term, as they belong to the urban space, have access to a computer and can read, write and speak English although not fluently, are still urban middle-class women who have been spoken for and never spoken themselves; and India Forums enable these unheard voices to be heard. This reading analyses the dynamics of this agential space, the politics of this agency and argues that all fan writing within this space functions as life writing within a hypertextual metaconversational paradigm which is not necessarily reflective of traditional forms of life writing using notions of revisionist Freudian psychoanalysis and paradigms of life writing. AesthetixMS 2021. This Open Access article is published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0 International License -
Decomposition of Graphs into Paths and Cycles
Journal of Discrete Mathematics Vol.2013 Article ID 721051 ISSN No. 2090-9845 -
Induced acyclic path decomposition in graphs
A decomposition of a graph G is a collection ? of graphs H1, H2,...,Hr of G such that every edge of G belongs to exactly one Hi. If each Hi is either an induced path in G, then ? is called an induced acyclic path decomposition of G and if each Hi is a (induced) cycle in G then ? is called a (induced) cycle decomposition of G. The minimum cardinality of an induced acyclic path decomposition of G is called the induced acyclic path decomposition number of G and is denoted by ?ia(G). Similarly the cyclic decomposition number ?c(G) is defined. In this paper we begin an investigation of these parameters. -
Increasing usage of indirect advertisements and its effects /
Advertising is not at all a new term for the contemporary world. Brands have been using advertisements for the promotion and popularity. As an industry which needs a lot of creativity, advertising industry had undergone a lot of changes. According to the time and trend advertising industry found various changes and practised it. Here the researcher is trying to find out the latest trend in the advertising industry. -
AI Based Seamless Vehicle License Plate Recognition Using Raspberry Pi Technology
This research presents the implementation of an innovative Vehicle Management System designed specifically for the Christ University Project 'CampusWheels.' The system incorporates cutting-edge technologies, including YOLOv8 and Tesseract OCR, for robust license plate recognition. Addressing the unique challenges faced by Christ University in managing and securing vehicular movements within the campus, this project becomes crucial as the number of vehicles on campuses continues to grow. It not only provides an effective solution to these challenges but also introduces innovative methodologies, marking a significant departure from conventional campus management practices. The paramount importance of this project lies in its ability to enhance campus security through real-time vehicle monitoring and identification. The utilization of YOLOv8 for vehicle detection and Tesseract OCR for license plate recognition ensures a high level of accuracy in identifying and tracking vehicles entering and leaving the campus. This precision significantly contributes to the prevention of unauthorized vehicle access, a common security concern on educational campuses. Moreover, the system's ability to streamline traffic flow and improve efficiency in parking and access control addresses practical issues faced by campus administrators and security personnel. 2024 IEEE. -
Treexpan instantiation of xpattern framework
Most of the data generated from social media, Internet of Things, etc. are semi-structured or unstructured. XML is a leading semi-structured data commonly used over cross-platforms. XML clustering is an active research area. Because of the complexity of XML clustering, it remains a challenging area in data analytics, especially when Big Data is considered. In this paper, we focus on clustering of XML based on structure. A novel method for representing XML documents, Compressed Representation of XML Tree, is proposed following the concept of frequent pattern tree structure. From the proposed structure, clustering is carried out with a new algorithm, TreeXP, which follows the XPattern framework. The performances of the proposed representation and clustering algorithm are compared with a well-established PathXP algorithm and found to give the same performance, but require very less time. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd 2021. -
Coming out of the desi closet: disclosure of same-sex sexuality in metropolitan-India
Coming out of the closet is a psychosocial process that entails the disclosure of ones non- heteronormative sexual orientation to family, peers, and the wider publica phenomenon that is necessitated by the prevalence of societal heteronormativity. With the recent legal decriminalization of consensual same-sex sexual relationships in India, there is renewed interest in and emergent necessity to expand upon the existing academic discourse on the lives, rights, health and well-being of same-sex attracted individuals in India. The present study accumulates detailed narratives of disclosure of sexual orientation of five male and five female young-adults of same-sex sexuality from ages 18 to 25 in metropolitan cities of India. Thematic narrative analysis is used to gain insight into the factors of being in the closet, those underlying coming out of the closet, and the expectations from and impact of coming out to ones family. Five major themes have emergedthree restraint factors and two propulsion factors influencing sexual identity disclosure. Restraint factors are those that reduce the probability of coming out and these arean incessant pressure to conceal, perceived lack of stability and support, and anticipated disintegration of long-standing familial tradition. Propulsion factors act as catalysts of disclosure and these are target congeniality i.e. approachability of the target of disclosure, and parental validationwhich, when attained, enables the individual to come out more easily to others. The findings have been critically compared and contrasted with the existing body of literature in the domain, which sets the agenda for further inquiry. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Dynamics of fractional model of biological pest control in tea plants with beddingtondeangelis functional response
In this study, we depicted the spread of pests in tea plants and their control by biological enemies in the frame of a fractional-order model, and its dynamics are surveyed in terms of boundedness, uniqueness, and the existence of the solutions. To reduce the harm to the tea plant, a harvesting term is introduced into the equation that estimates the growth of tea leaves. We analyzed various points of equilibrium of the projected model and derived the conditions for the stability of these equilibrium points. The complex nature is examined by changing the values of various parameters and fractional derivatives. Numerical computations are conducted to strengthen the theoretical findings. 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. -
A Neural Network Based Customer Churn Prediction Algorithm for Telecom Sector
For telecommunication service providers, a key method for decreasing costs and making revenue is to focus on retaining existing subscribers rather than obtaining new customers. To support this strategy, it is significant to understand customer concerns as early as possible to avoid churn. When customers switch to another competitive service provider, it results in the instant loss of business. This work focuses on building a classification model for predicting customer churn. Four different deep learning models are designed by applying different activation functions on different layers for classifying the customers into two different categories. A comparison of the performance of the different models is done by using various performance measures such as accuracy, precision, recall, and area under the curve (AUC) to determine the best activation function for the model among tanh, ReLU, ELU, and SELU. 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Securing International Law Against Cyber Attacks through Blockchain Integration
Cyber-attacks have become a growing concern for governments, organizations, and individuals worldwide. In this paper, we explore the use of blockchain technology to secure international law against cyber-attacks. We discuss the advantages of blockchain technology in providing secure and transparent data storage and transmission, and how it can enhance the security of international law. We also review the current state of international law regarding cyber-attacks and the need for a robust and effective legal framework to address cyber threats. The study proposes a blockchain-based approach to secure international law against cyber-attacks. We examine the potential of blockchain technology in providing a decentralized and tamper-proof database that can record and track the implementation of international laws related to cyber-attacks. We also discuss how smart contracts can be utilized to automate compliance with international laws and regulations related to cybersecurity. The study also discusses the challenges and limitations of using blockchain technology to secure international law against cyber-attacks. These include the need for interoperability between different blockchain networks, the high energy consumption of blockchain technology, and the need for international cooperation in implementing and enforcing international laws related to cybersecurity. Overall, this study provides a comprehensive overview of the potential of blockchain technology in securing international law against cyber-attacks. It highlights the need for a robust legal framework to address cyber threats and emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in implementing and enforcing international laws related to cybersecurity. 2023 IEEE. -
An Innovative Method for Election Prediction using Hybrid A-BiCNN-RNN Approach
Sentiment, volumetric, and social network analyses, as well as other methods, are examined for their ability to predict key outcomes using data collected from social media. Different points of view are essential for making significant discoveries. Social media have been used by individuals all over the world to communicate and share ideas for decades. Sentiment analysis, often known as opinion mining, is a technique used to glean insights about how the public feels and thinks. By gauging how people feel about a candidate on social media, they can utilize sentiment analysis to predict who will win an upcoming election. There are three main steps in the proposed approach, and they are preprocessing, feature extraction, and model training. Negation handling often requires preprocessing. Natural Language Processing makes use of feature extraction. Following the feature selection process, the models are trained using BiCNN-RNN. The proposed method is superiorto the widely usedBiCNN and RNN methods. 2023 IEEE. -
Nonlinear Dynamics in Distributed Ledger Blockchain and analysis using Statistical Perspective
More and more in healthcare is blockchain technology applied for safe and open data storage. Still, it is understudied how deeply regression analysis combined with nonlinear dynamics into distributed ledger systems performs. This kind of approach may help to increase data transfer efficiency and help storage management in blockchain systems. Data speed and storage efficiency restrictions make current blockchain systems difficult to handle for large amounts of healthcare data. Conventional methods find poor data retrieval and transfer due to the great complexity and nonlinear characteristics of healthcare data. Combining nonlinear dynamics with deep regression analysis, this paper proposes a fresh approach for maximizing data transfer and storage in blockchain systems. Inspired by nonlinear dynamics ideas, a deep regression model aimed at maximizing block storage and forecast data transmission requirements was assessed on a simulated healthcare dataset using a distributed ledger system with 1,000 blocks and a 500 GB total dataset size. Performance criteria covered transmission efficiency and storage consumption. The proposed technique improved data transmission efficiency by thirty percent over current techniques. Another clear improvement was using storage; block size needs fell 25%. The best model, according to numerical research, lowered an average transmission time from 120 to 84 minutes and storage overhead from 200 to 150 GB. 2024, International Publications. All rights reserved. -
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in CRM (Customer Relationship Management): A Sentiment Analysis Approach
The use of customer relationship management (CRM) in marketing is examined in this essay. It looks at how CRM makes it possible to use reviews, integrate AI, conduct marketing in real time, and conduct more regular marketing operations. CRM tactics are illustrated through case studies of businesses like Uber, T-Mobile, Amazon, Apple, and Apple. CRM offers centralized data, better marketing and sales, and better customer support. There is also a discussion of the ethical, private, security, adoption, and scalability challenges of AI in CRM. In general, CRM makes data-driven decisions and customer insights easier to achieve to increase growth, loyalty, and engagement. 2024 IEEE. -
We are Treated as Outsiders in Our Own City: Lived Experiences of Intersectional Stigma Against Sex Workers in Kolkata, India
Introduction: Sex workers in India experience intersectional stigma related to their gender identity, sexuality, and profession. The objective of the present study is to analyze the lived experiences of intersectional stigma against sex workers in Kolkata. Methods: We interviewed 30 cisgender female sex workers in March 2023 in Kolkata, India. Interviews were digitally audio recorded, translated from Bengali into English, and transcribed and coded using thematic analysis. Results: We identified five main themes regarding intersectional stigma: (1) internalized stigma regarding the shame associated with being a female sex worker, (2) perceived stigma of sex work as a dirty profession, associated with lower caste status, (3) enacted stigma against sex workers who are mothers, (4) enacted stigma against the children of sex workers, and (5) reduction of stigma through unionization/labor organizing. Conclusions: Intersectional stigma against sex workersis impacted by negative attitudes regarding gender, caste status, single motherhood, and occupation. We identified internalized stigma as a source of shame for sex workers. Sex workers also were perceived to beengaged in afilthy profession, associated with lower caste status. Those sex workers who were mothers experienced discrimination, as did their children. Respondents reported how collectivization has helped to address these experiences of stigma anddiscrimination. Policy Implications: Addressing the intersectional stigma against sex workers in Kolkata necessitates a shift in social attitudes.Findings underscore the urgent need for stigma reduction interventions and socialpolicies, including (1) labor protections for sex workers, (2) individual/community-level interventions for sex workers, and (3) media campaigns to address stigma reduction. By understanding the lived experiences of sex workers, we may develop better interventions to reduce stigma in the lives of sex workers in Kolkata and throughout India. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2024. -
Design and development of a method for detecting sleep roll-over counts using accelerometer ADXL335
Sleep plays an important role as it helps human body to rejuvenate, boosts mental function and manage stress. Sleep is restorative function which enhances muscle growth, repairs tissues, maintains health and make physical appearance look or feel better. The lack of sleep in human body can increase the risk of diseases which are asthma, diabetes, depression. For healthy physiological function, sleep is essential and has strong relation to mental condition. Easy way of sleep management is considered for maintaining good mental health. Numerous scientists, doctors and researchers have proposed various ways to monitor sleep, some of those best tests are polysomnography test and actigraphy test. However, taking sleep test covering the whole body with wires and electrodes which is polysomnography test is uncomfortable for patients, and sensors used for different approaches like this are costly and often require overnight treatment and expert monitoring in clinics. Therefore, easy way of detecting roll-over movements which is convenient for patients to wear is proposed. Accelerometer ADXL335 sensor is taped on socks during sleep which is comfortable for patients to wear and do not cause any inconvenience during sleep. Algorithm is proposed to read the dataset and count the roll-over during the sleep based on threshold. Resulting the number of roll-over detected during a sleep period. Copyright 2020 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Characterization of product cordial dragon graphs
The vertices of a graph are to be labelled with 0 or 1 such that each edge gets the label as the product of its end vertices. If the number of vertices labelled with 0's and 1's differ by at most one and if the number of edges labelled with 0's and 1's differ by at most by one, then the labelling is called product cordial labelling. Complete characterizations of product cordial dragon graphs is given. We also characterize dragon graphs whose line graphs are product cordial. 2024 Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University.