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Organisational justice, job performance and work engagement: The mediating role of perceived supervisory support
The study establishes a relationship between organisational justice, work engagement, job performance, perceived supervisory support and their sub-dimensions. The major research objectives of the study were to check if perceived supervisory support does mediate between organisational justice, work engagement and job performance of faculty in higher educational institutions. A research model was framed and tested to determine the direct and indirect effect of justice of faculty members on work engagement and job performance in the presence of supervisory support in higher education sector. The present study is based on 912 faculty members of higher educational institutions. Five valid, reliable and standard questionnaires were adopted to collect primary data from the higher educational institutions' faculty members in south India. From the study, it is proved that perceived supervisory support partially mediates organisational justice, work engagement and job performance. 2023 British Educational Research Association. -
Effective Emoticon Based Framework for Sentimental Analysis of Web Data
The Explosive development in the social media domain has created a platform for mass generation of textual and emoticon based web data from micro blogging sites. Sentimental Analysis refers to analysis of sentiments or emotions from such heterogeneous reviews are the present urge of the market. Thus, an effective emoticon based framework is proposed which generates scores of both textual and emoticons into seven layered categories using SentiWordNet and weighs performance of various machine learning techniques like SVM/SMO, K-Nearest Neighbor (IBK), Multilayer Perception (MLP) and Naive Bayes (NB). Using Jsoup crawler input reviews are obtained and processed with initial pre-processing model for emoticons and text data followed by stemming and POS tagger. Projected framework is investigated on college and hospital dataset obtaining upper attainment level by Kappa statistic metrics having 98.4% correctness and lesses bug value. Proposed Framework showcases greater competence score with lesser FP Rate based on weighted average of correctness measures. The investigational outcomes are tested on training data with Ten-Fold cross validation. The outcome reveals that suggested emoticon based framework for the task of Sentimental analysis can be efficaciously applied in online decision job. 2019, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. -
Feature Based Fuzzy Framework for Sentimental Analysis of Web Data
Social mass media has emerged as a projectile platform for the evolution of web data. The sentimental Analysis where the huge textual online reviews are analyzed to extract the actual sentiment or emotions hidden in the reviews. In this paper an effective approach for sentimental analysis of web data is proposed which deploys the fuzzy based machine learning algorithm to accomplish fine-level sentiment analysis of huge online opinions by assimilating the fuzzy linguistic hedges influence on opinion descriptors. The seven layered categories are designed that uses SentiWordNet which has three stages: Pre-processing phase, Feature Selection Phase and Fuzzy based Sentiment Analysis phase. Various machine learning algorithms like AdaBoost, (IBK) K-Nearest Neighbour, (NB) Nae Bayes and (SVM)/SMO Support Vector Machine are used for classification. Jsoup is implemented for gathering web opinions which are subjected to initial processing task later applied with stemming and tagging. This fuzzy based methodology is investigated for Mobile, Laptops dataset, also compared with state-of-the-art approaches which demonstrate upper indication of 94.37% accurateness through Kappa indicators showcasing lesser error rates. The investigational outcomes are tested on training data using Ten-Fold cross validation which concludes that this approach can be efficaciously used in Sentimental analysis as an aid for online decision. 2019 IEEE. -
Looking at psychological well-being through the lens of identity among adolescent girls: An exploration
Purpose: This research endeavours to delve into the intricate dimensions of adolescent girls' psychological well-being and identity, aiming to shed light on their interplay and identify key predictors of psychological well-being. The study, conducted with a sample of adolescent girls, seeks to enrich our understanding of the multifaceted nature of their developmental experiences. Psychological well-being is attained by achieving a state of balance affected by both challenging and rewarding life events and a stable sense of identity. Approach: The present research is an ex-post facto research falling in the area of quantitative research design. Data has been collected on 348 adolescents, purposely recruited from different schools of Delhi NCR. The age range of the respondents was 15 to 17 years. Findings: The results reveal that psychological well-being is being predicted by identity processes among adolescent females. The different dimensions of identity processes are found to be explaining almost 19% variance in the regression model. Commitment has been found to have a ? value of 0.197 (t= 3.511; p<.01), in-depth exploration has a ?= 0.161 (t= 2.867; p<.01), and reconsideration of commitment has a ?= 0.314 (t= 6.294; p<.01). Value: By addressing the objectives of this research, valuable insights may be received by educators, mental health professionals, and policymakers to better support and enhance the well-being of adolescent girls through having a stable sense of identity. 2024 RESTORATIVE JUSTICE FOR ALL. -
An Innovative Method for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for Business and knowledge Management Based on Tree MLP Model
This strategy highlights the benefits of utilizing cutting-edge IT to back up company goals and genuinely assist in changing internal procedures by implementing an ERP-appropriate solution. Any organization, no matter how big or little, can benefit from an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which is an integrated suite of tools designed to streamline and improve internal business operations. Staying true to this approach will ensure that you get the greatest results while training the model, selecting features, and doing preprocessing. In order to use dense vector embedding for preparing the raw system logs, ERP system logs are typically represented by a combination of alphanumeric characters. While selecting features, SIM uses Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to create uniform product configurations. Using a Tree-MLP, the model was trained. This new strategy outperforms the old one, including Decision Tree and MLP. A 94.30% improvement in accuracy was achieved after implementing the technique. 2024 IEEE. -
Multimodal Emotion Recognition in HumanComputer Interaction Using MFF-CNN
The rise of technology in the digital era has amplified the importance of understanding human emotions in enhancing humancomputer interactions. Traditional interfaces, mainly focused on logical tasks, often miss the nuances of human emotion, creating a gap between human users and technology. Addressing this gap, the development of the HumanComputer Interface for emotional intelligence uses advanced algorithms and deep learning models to accurately recognize emotions from various cues like facial expressions, voice, and written text. This paper presented a significant approach for emotion detection in HCI and the challenges faced in capturing genuine emotional responses. Historically, the emphasis in HCI design was on operational tasks, neglecting emotional nuances. However, the tide is changing toward embedding emotional intelligence into these interfaces, leading to enhanced user experiences. This research introduces the MFF-CNN, a neural network model combining both textual and visual data for accurate emotion detection. Through sophisticated algorithms and the integration of advanced machine learning techniques, this paper presents a refined approach to emotion detection in HCI, supported by a comprehensive review of related works and a detailed methodology. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2024. -
A Systematic Study on Unimodal and Multimodal Human Computer Interface for Emotion Recognition
A systematic study for human-computer interface (HCI) for emotion recognition is presented in this paper, with a focus on various methods used to identify and interpret human emotions. It delves into various methods used to identify and interpret human emotions and highlights the limitations of unimodal HCI for emotion recognition systems. The paper emphasizes the benefits of multimodal HCI and how combining different types of data can lead to more accurate results. Additionally, it highlights the importance of using multiple modalities for emotion recognition. The study has significant implications for mental health assessments and interventions as it offers insights into the latest techniques and advancements in emotion recognition. Future research can use these insights to improve the accuracy of emotion recognition systems, ultimately leading to better mental health assessments and interventions. Overall, the paper provides a valuable contribution to the field of HCI and emotion recognition, and it underscores the importance of taking a multimodal approach for this critical area of research. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Evidence and Predictors of Resilience among Young Adults Exposed to Traumatic Events of the Armed Conflict in Kashmir
No study to date exists regarding resilience in the context of armed conflict in Kashmir, India. Therefore, this study intended to understand the factors that predict resilience among young adults affected by the violence of the protracted conflict in Kashmir. The data were collected from 656 students, who experienced stress, related to the conflict. Findings showed that more than a quarter of the respondents (35.8%) were exposed, from 7 to 10, less than a quarter (16.6%) of participants reported 26, and almost half of the respondents (47.6%) were exposed to 11 or more stressful events related to the conflict in Kashmir. Multiple hierarchical regression analysis was used to examine the role of conflict exposure, social support, and demographic variables in predicting resilience. The results of the final regression model revealed that exposure to armed conflict, social support, level of education, monthly family income and gender, emerged as significant predictors of resilience. The study recommends the formulation of programs to sensitize people living in the areas affected by the armed conflicts, regarding the importance of social support and resilience, to help them withstand various adverse life experiences. 2021 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. -
Sustainability and Social Responsibility in Marketing
Social trading companies must adhere to the concept of social responsibility by engaging in activities that provide benefits to society. Social responsibility in marketing is through providing products and services that help the community environmentally, socially, and economically. Several literatures have discussed the role of social responsibility in customer intentions toward social trading channels. Discussing and describing the role of social responsibility in marketing is an important issue that needs to be investigated. This chapter describes the role of social responsibility in marketing activities. Promotions that raise awareness of societal issues and problems, recyclable packaging, and direct portions of profits toward charitable efforts are critical factors that will be described in this chapter as well. The majority of business companies, however, are still unable to fulfill the finest CSR principles in their marketing activities. Therefore, the focus of this chapter is on the requirements for CSR as well as the deficiencies in corporate organizations marketing operations. Considering the important of social media for communicating CSR is address at the point, where corporations use social media effectively for delivering their CSR goals and initiatives. This chapter is followed by two main questions: how can corporate social responsibility be delivered in marketing? And why do we need to study CSR?. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
A Systematic Review on e-Wastage Frameworks
The electronic devices that are targeted to the end users have become day to day essential parts. Traditional methodologies have changed drastically resulting in efficient mode of communication and fast information retrieval. As the demand and the production are exponentially growing, patterns of sales, storage and their destruction and then again, their collection have also been changed. This paper analyses many such behaviors of (electronic) waste management and recommends solutions like recycling management, different directives and policies required to be followed. Authors have emphasized on providing substantial information that can be useful to the regulating authorities responsible for waste management or the manufacturers of various electronic products and then the policy makers. With an extensive review of electronic wastages, authors have emphasized three variables (sales, stock and lifespan) for replacing/upgrading the older products with advanced versions. The root causes of electronic wastages are found in industrializing countries like India, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, the Philippines, Ghana and Nigeria whereas industrialized countries also play equally important role for its generation. This paper signifies the importance of e-waste management practice to reduce the emerging electronic waste hazards. Authors focus on todays demand of electronic devices, importance of e-waste management and management practices. The paper recommends key findings based on surveying data regarding the lack of regulation to manage the e-waste. The review concludes that the lack of regulation and improper awareness are the basic factors responsible for e-wastage and requires major focus to manage the e-waste. 2021. All Rights Reserved. -
Certain comics achieve cult status, a status which ensures they are replicated in other forms to reach out to a wider audience. The Adventures of Tintin is one such cult series which has been loved by generations across the globe. Each reader of Tintin is unique in his/her own way and the research aims to figure out if the educational background of the readers influences the way in which they perceive the series. This perception is being looked at from two the point of view of two groups, one consisting of readers from the Journalism/media background and another consisting of readers from various other backgrounds. -
Studies on anti-microbial potential of withania somnifera (l.) dunal and future perspectives: An overview
Withania somnifera is a herb of immense ethnopharmacological importance in Ayurvedic, Siddha and Unani systems of medicine. Due to its immense therapeutic potential and being an important source of novel withanolides, it has been a subject of immense intrigue among researchers. Apart from its anti-inflammatory, antitumor, anti-stress, antioxidant, immunomodulatory, antidiabetic, sedative and hemopoetic properties, there is mounting evidence for its antimicrobial and antiviral properties too. Various withanolides and steroidal lactones isolated so far are known to have high therapeutic value, but works pertaining to their antimicrobial potential have largely been at the synergistic level. No single withanolide has been characterized as a sole antimicrobial and thus, work in this regard is still in the stage of infancy, except for withanone which has recently shown in silico activity against SARS-COV-2. This review summarizes the elaborate antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and anti-viral work that has been done so far and casts focus on the limitations, in terms of mechanistic aspects of each. 2021 Society for Biology and Biotechnology. All rights reserved. -
Effect of salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, and a combination of both on andrographolide production in cell suspension cultures of Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees
Elicitors act as signaling compounds that can induce and enhance the production of metabolites by activating biochemical pathways in response to external stress. Salicylic acid (SA) acts as a signaling molecule in plants in response to an attack by biotrophic pathogens whereas jasmonic acid (JA) is released in plants in response to wounds and herbivory. Both the signaling molecules aid in plant chemical defenses by increasing the production of secondary metabolites. The present study investigates the effect of SA, JA, and the combination of both (SA + JA) on the andrographolide content in cell suspension cultures of Andrographis paniculata. Four different concentrations (25, 50, 75, and 100 M) of SA and JA individually, and an equimolar combination of both SA and JA together, were administered to cell suspension cultures taken in triplicates at shake flask scale. Andrographolide content was estimated using high performance liquid chromatography. Both SA and JA showed a positive effect on andrographolide content with the increase in their concentrations. SA at its highest concentration resulted in just 0.18-fold increase (83.33 6.7 g/g DCW) in andrographolide content compared to control, whereas JA resulted in a 3-fold increase (211 5.8 g/g DW); the combination of both SA and JA had an intermediate effect at all concentrations except one concentration (75 + 75 M) which resulted in a 3.8-fold increase (280 2.7 g/g DW), in andrographolide content. 2023 Ahmed and Praveen. -
A Psychological Analysis of the Structural, Socio-Cultural, And Legal Aspects of Women's Rights, their Societal Development & Superstition-Gender-Based Violence and their Eradication Alarming Practice
This comparative analysis examines the phenomenon of witch hunting as an organized crime against women in India. It explores the similarities between witch hunting and organized crime, shedding light on the structural, socio-cultural, and legal aspects of this alarming practice. The analysis delves into the systematic targeting of women, the role of patriarchal power dynamics, economic motivations, legal frameworks, and the profound impact on victims. This exploration aims to enhance understanding of the complex dynamics surrounding witch-hunting as an organized crime against women in the Indian context. Witch-hunting, a deeply rooted, superstition-based practice continues to plague several regions of India. This practice has fostered another category of gender-based violence, making women the primary victims of witch-hunts over time. The paper delves into the prevalent issue of witch-hunting, focusing on its organized nature and thus, drawing a synonymity between witch-hunts and organized crimes. The paper also aims to analyze the various factors contributing to the organization of witch-hunting and its implications on women's rights and societal development. By examining historical contexts, cultural beliefs, socio-economic factors, and legal frameworks, this research seeks to shed light on the complex nature of this crime and propose strategies for its eradication. 2023, Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. All Rights Reserved. -
Implementation of FOAF, AIISO and DOAP ontologies for creating an academic community network using semantic frameworks
Web 2.0 delivers the information which is then displayed in human readable content, omitting the crucial information which can be drawn from the data by the applications. Web 3.0 or semantic web is an extension to the current web, with an ambition to determine the drawbacks of the current web. The semantic web has already proven its influence in several communities around the globe, such as social media, music industry, healthcare domain, online blogs or articles, etc.; Among the several tools and technologies, ontologies or vocabularies are the foundation pillar for the semantic web. In this paper, the developed system aims at improving the collaboration and academic relations among staff which is directly related to our education community by providing a better networking platform which lets the agents discuss their achievements, titles, domain interests, and various other activities. Results have been analyzed to show how new facts, information can be implied from the presented knowledge of several agents and help generate a relationship graph by utilizing various semantic tools. The system discussed in this paper processes all the information in a format which can be understood by both humans and the machines, to interpret the underlying meaning about it and provide effective results. Copyright 2019 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved. -
Post trumatic growth in women with breast cancer
Cancer survivors have the potential for personal growth, demonstrating positive changes in personal, interpersonal and socio-cultural functioning.vA diagnosis of cancer, which is perceived as life-threatening and seismic, demands an individual to accommodate changes in all areas of life, often leading to positive adaptive changes known as posttraumatic growth (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 2008). The aim of the present study was to explore what constitutes the experience of posttraumatic growth among women survivors of breast cancer with the objectives of understanding how they make sense of their diagnosis, exploring the strategies through which they negotiate the illness identity, exploring positive and negative changes in newlinethem as a result of the illness experience, and investigating the individual and socio-cultural factors that contribute to the experience of posttraumatic growth in the Indian context. This study employed a newlinequalitative approach using the phenomenological paradigm. Purposive newlinesampling was used to identity thirteen women who were diagnosed with early stage breast cancer (stage one or two) during their reproductive years and had completed cancer treatment i.e. surgery, chemotherapy and newlineradiation therapy at least one year prior to participating in this study. A short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (2010) was used to screen for positive changes, and Kuppuswamy s scale for socioeconomic status (2015) enabled selection of women belonging to middle class population, to ensure homogeneity within the sample. Semi structured interviews were used to collect data which was analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Interview guide validation, member check, inter-coder reliability and an audit trail ensured newlinevalidity of findings. One negative case in the sample displayed a positive attitude and approach, however did not report these changes due to cancer. It may be inferred that spiritual/ philosophical beliefs of the newlineparticipant shaped her worldview to accommodate and accept cancer. -
Understanding Binary Employees Awareness Toward LGBTQ Inclusion atWorkplaces
The LGBTQ [Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer] community does not comply with the conventional categorization of gender identity and sexual orientation. While there are laws that provide reservations to transgender employees, the other members of the LGBTQ community still find job security as a significant career threat if the member is open about their respective gender identity or sexual orientation. Individuals who belong to the LGBTQ community are facing several forms of discrimination in the workplace. Obtaining jobs has also become problematic. The study aims to understand the gender binary employees awareness, perspective, and support toward the LGBTQ community. The study is exploratory. The sample consisted of 238 respondents; data was collected from gender-binary employees working in white collared jobs in Bengaluru City. Gender has an impact on the awareness of binary employees regarding the LGBTQ community, sexual orientation, and sexual identity. With inclusion practices, diversity policy, and pride celebration, the world is moving toward an inclusive and welcoming sphere. Still, the absence of awareness and support will hinder the development and welfare of the LGBTQ community. The findings denote the need to increase awareness and broaden the horizon of inclusion practices. Applying inclusion awareness at all employment levels is imperative to create an equity-driven and inclusive workplace. The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024. -
Business and Environmental Perspectives of Submarine Cables in Global Market
If an individual uses any of the social media networking sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and the like, a subsea cable is involved there. Submarine cables are considered as critical global communications infrastructure. These cables are used by various telecom providers and content provider companies such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft to provide seamless transmission of data for their services. Growing internet users and increasing internet traffic for various social media sites is the major reason for the growth of this market. Submarine cables enable data services such as the email, internet banking, social media networking, search engines and all other aspects related to internet that are taken for granted in daily life. These submarine cables scales up the ubiquity of cloud computing and builds digitization of activities. Undersea cable network is the new economic trade route and acts a commodity in Information age. This paper reviews the business and environmental impacts of submarine cables in the global market. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. -
Can menstrual cups become an alternative to sanitary napkins? A critical analysis among women in bangalore city
The topic of menstrual hygiene is always considered as a taboo to speak out in the public and even women hesitate to discuss their feelings or experiences about the same. With the help of revolutionary product called Sanitary Napkins, many women were able to understand their menstrual pattern and maintain their personal hygiene effectively. However, there has been number of new products flooding the market that is eco-friendly as well as economical. One such product is Menstrual cups and this research paper primarily tries to understand the consumer awareness and the usage of menstrual cups as an alternative to sanitary napkins among women in Bangalore city. Since sanitary napkins result in generation of ample amount of wastes and possess the risk of health hazards like TSS,UTI and yeast infections; this research focuses on understanding how women are ready for adopting eco-friendly method like menstrual cups. To understand the same, a sample of 138 women respondents were taken for the study from different age groups, educational qualification and income groups and were asked to fill a questionnaire. Their perception on menstrual hygiene, menstrual cup awareness and its usage are recorded, analysed and interpreted with the help of SPSS. 2019, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. All rights reserved. -
This research paper explores a crucial yet often underestimated nexus: the relationship between workforce diversity and employee sustainability in the vibrant television media industry. Through an in-depth examination of diverse dimensions such as age, gender, culture, and socio-behavioral factors, it illuminates how these elements intricately influence the long-term viability of employees within this rapidly evolving sector. The paper's standout feature lies in its rigorous statistical analyses, which uncover the nuanced connections between workforce diversity and employee sustainability. By grounding its findings in empirical evidence, the paper transcends mere conjecture, offering a robust framework for comprehending and tackling this pressing issue. Moreover, the spotlight on the Indian media industry brings a unique perspective, given its extraordinary growth trajectory and substantial economic impact. Readers stand to gain invaluable insights into the dynamics of diversity within this context, potentially yielding transferable lessons and strategies for other industries and regions. In its culmination, the paper presents a synthesis of actionable recommendations and conclusive insights, serving as a practical guide for organizations seeking to harness diversity as a catalyst for long-term employee sustainability. With its blend of academic rigor and real-world relevance, this paper is indispensable reading for industry practitioners, policymakers, and scholars alike. 2024 Sciendo. All rights reserved.