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Tourism business management and competitiveness: Intervention of inclusive practices and community based approach towards community empowerment
The travel, tourism, and hospitality industry is a rapidly evolving sector that contributes to the global economy effectively. Effective business management is crucial for success in this industry, as it requires a delicate balance of customer satisfaction, financial sustainability, and responsible practices. In this chapter, we delve into the key aspects of business management in the tourism industry and explore strategies for achieving sustainable growth and success. This chapter explores a multistakeholder perspective in examining the various facets of business engagement in an inclusive setting. The chapter is iterative, with a focus on the crisis management strategies adopted by the tourism business, to tackle the challenges that stakeholders face in a crisis situation. The study also examines case-lets from the hospitality operators. The chapter primarily endorses business management with coping strategies in a crisis management scenario to equip the stakeholders during disasterprone situations. Towards building a competitive and empowered community, a competency framework is proposed for speedy crisis management responses. The implications indicate the role of destinations, over internal strategies and strategy formulation. Paradoxical dilemmas towards inclusive engagement is clarified with dynamics to understand stakeholder engagement in the leisure industry with strategic and tactical perspectives adopted by a good destination governance. The allied and supplementary tourism industry practitioners in the hospitality sector portray business management and success in business through empowered communities with a tactical and strategic outlook. This indeed can reposition and rebrand tourism in the "New Normal" examined through case lets to address the success of inclusive engagement for community self-sufficiency and empowered teams. 2024 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved. -
Tourism and Hospitality in Asia: Crisis, Resilience and Recovery
This book analyses the ways in which crises, including COVID-19, can be managed within the tourism and hospitality industries in Asia, in ways that support the future of these industries and help to make them more resilient. This book supports efforts to develop a new direction for the tourism and hospitality industry by considering their development holistically in the context of sustainable development. Going further, this book highlights actions to make the tourism system more resilient to external shocks and crises. Readers of this book will get insights into the economic, social, technological, and environmental implications of crises on the tourism and hospitality industry in Asia, including issues within the food and beverage industry in the Asian post-COVID-19 period. This book has three major objectives: to explore the crisis context of Asian tourism and hospitality, to present multiple cases from countries in Asia, and finally to envisage the paths to make the Asian tourism system more resilient, through the discussion of new trends and issues emerging following the pandemic. This book examines the economic, social, environmental, and technological implications of crises on the Asian tourism and hospitality industry and discusses the various ways of managing these crises more efficiently, contributing new knowledge to the industry. In its wider context, this book covers tourism management, crisis management, and destination management. At the more micro level, themes explored include tourism economics, marketing management, hospitality management, food and beverage management and tourism technology. The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2022. -
Tourism and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach
The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of tourism on economic growth in Sri Lanka through the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach. The analysis was carried out for the period from 1969 to 2009. By and large, our analysis reveals that tourism has a positive impact on economic growth in Sri Lanka both in the short-run and long-run. 2012, National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA). All rights reserved. -
Tourism and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach
The Romanian Economic Journal Vol. 15, No. 45, pp. 211-226, ISSN No. 1454-4296 -
Total syntheses of Prelactone V and Prelactone B
The total syntheses of natural products Prelactone-V and Prelactone-B have been accomplished by a novel Chiron approach starting from D-glucose. The synthesis involves isopropylidene acetal formation of D-glucose using Poly(4-vinylpyridine) supported iodine as a catalyst, Tebbe olefination, Grignard reaction, Wittig olefination, selective mono deprotection of acetal using PMA/SiO2, hydrogenation and anti-1,3-diol formation are as key steps. 2017 -
Total k-rainbow domination in graphs
In the modem world a huge concern among people is about their security\ People in the planning and execution focus much about proper security. This is a paper on the Mathematical aspects of some type of security enhancement. If a system is have various nodes and if there is availability of multiple types of security instruments, how will we ensure that every security is used to secure every node in an optimal way? We answer this question here by defining a graph theoretic model named Total k-Rainbow Domination. Here k stands for k types of security instruments. Easiest case is that of k types of cops. We define the optimal value as total k-rainbow domination number. Total k-rainbow domination numbers of certain graphs are calculated. IAEME Publication. -
Total induced vertex stress in barbell-like graphs
This paper introduces new parameters called induced vertex stress and total induced vertex stress in G, respectively. For graphs G and H, aspects of the maximum and minimum total induced vertex stress that can be obtained by 1-edge addition and 2-vertex merging are discussed. 2021 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. -
Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis of a Seven-Level Inverter for Fuel Cell Applications
This paper focuses on the total harmonic distortion (THD) analysis of a multi-level inverter (MLI) for fuel cell applications. Furthermore, a 50 kW 625 V proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) stack was employed for this analysis. The various modes of operation of the suggested inverter are presented accordingly, along with its switching combinations. Also, a sinusoidal pulse-width modulation (SPWM) controller was employed to drive the power electronic switches in the suggested topology. The suggested inverter can produce sinusoidal voltage with only fundamental frequency switching. Moreover, the number of components and voltage stress of the suggested topology are compared with the conventional topologies presented. In addition, the THD was analyzed with and without the LC filter. Finally, the validity of the system was verified through MATLAB/Simulink software R2022b. 2023 by the authors. -
Total Global Dominator Coloring of Trees and Unicyclic Graphs
A total global dominator coloring of a graph G is a proper vertex coloring of G with respect to which every vertex v in V dominates a color class, not containing v and does not dominate another color class. The minimum number of colors required in such a coloring of G is called the total global dominator chromatic number, denoted by Xtgd (G). In this paper, the total global dominator chromatic number of trees and unicyclic graphs are explored. 2023 University of Baghdad. All rights reserved. -
Total domination coloring of graphs
A total domination coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring of G in which open neighbourhood of each vertex contains at least one color class and each color class is dominated by at least one vertex. The minimum number of colors required for a total domination coloring of G is called the total domination chromatic number of G and is denoted by ctd(G). In this paper, we study the total domination chromatic number of some graph classes. The bounds of total domination chromatic number with respect to the graph parameters such as the domination number, chromatic number, total dominator chromatic number and total domination number are also studied. 2021 the author(s). -
Topologies Emanating From Graphs
A topology on a set is a collection of its subsets, including the set itself and the empty set, which is closed under union and fnite intersections. This dissertation introduces the notions such as graph topology, spanning graph topology, generalised graph topology, and generalised spanning graph topology by considering subgraphs and spanning subgraphs of a graph. Analogous to the set-theoretic notion, a graph topology is a collection of subgraphs of a given graph, including the null graph K0 and the graph itself, that is closed under newlineany union and any intersection. At the same time, a spanning graph topology of a graph is a collection of spanning subgraphs, including the spanning empty graph Nn, where n is the order of the graph and the graph G, which is closed under any union and any intersection. The topological concepts such as open sets, closed sets, base, subbase, neighbourhood, interior, subspace, and connectedness of spaces are extended to graph topology and spanning graph topology. In order to study the closed graphs in the above-mentioned graph topologies, two new graph complements are introduced in these graph topologies, such as decomposition and neighbourhood complements, to defne decomposition closed newlineand neighbourhood closed graphs. The decomposition complement is defned with respect to the edge set and the neighbourhood complement with respect to the vertex set. Since all the members of a spanning graph topology have the same vertex set, the neighbourhood closed graphs are described in terms of the edge set. The notion and characteristics of subspaces of both these graph topologies are defned, and the properties of closed graphs in these subspaces are also studied. Connectedness in topology holds a prominent role and applications in various felds of mathematics. The idea of connectedness is extended newlineto these graph topologies, and the same is characterised in the context of graph newlinetopology. -
A topological index or an invariant can be defined as a function from a set of graphs to the real line. Topological indices are invariant under graph isomor- phism. This paper deals with the general expressions for various topological indices of two derived graphs called generalized splitting graphs and k-shadow graphs. In particular this manuscript discuss about the first Zagreb index, second Zagreb in- dex, F-index, hyper-Zagreb index, symmetric division degree index, first and the second multiplicative Zagreb indices and a lower bound for the irregularity index of generalized splitting graphs and k-shadow graphs. 2022 Yarmouk University. All rights reserved. -
Topological insights into weather dynamics in the Indian context: An application of clustering and Mapper algorithm
Analysis of day-to-day weather patterns is critical and essential in daily life. Although traditional methods exist, in modern times, we have developed realistic and reliable methods to provide better insights and understanding of complex weather patterns for various surges, especially in these times of global warming. Implementing clustering and topological data analysis in this analysis has looked into a vast understanding of how regions with similar characteristics behave when weather changes occur due to heat, pressure, or wind-related phenomena. The classification model developed using Mapper analysis has produced 95.8% accuracy, concluding that weather follows a transient weather pattern due to various resources and how stagnant conditions affect transient weather patterns, causing rise in sub-clusters. Thus, fitting and interpreting newer models helps us understand weather analysis and classification. 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Topological Indices Based on Distance Labeling
This thesis explores the prospect of combining two prime branches of graph theory, newlineviz., topological indices and graph labeling, specifcally radio labeling. The majority newlineof the work includes the topological radio indices of graphs and their properties. Topological indices are numerical values associated with graphs and invariant with graph isomorphisms. Apart from Topological Radio Indices, it provides some additions to the eccentricity-based topological indices. newlineRadio labeling or radio coloring, c, is assigned to a graph G such that the label difference between any two vertices must be greater than diam(G)+ 1 and#8722; d(u,v). Optimum radio labeling is the foundation for defning Topological radio indices. Labeling whose span is the radio number of the graph and which leads to the minimum value of the index newlineis considered the optimum radio labeling. The topological radio indices and coindices newlineare defned and are found out for some special classes of graphs, including gear graphs, newlinewheel graphs, and star graphs. The bounds for the frst, second and third Zagreb radio indices have been established and characterized for the classes of graphs for which the bound is sharp. Furthermore, newlinespecifc relationships between Zagreb radio indices and coindices are established concerning different parameters of the graph. newlineThe idea of consecutive radio labeling is explicitly studied. We have characterized the newlinegraphs with diameter 2 admitting consecutive radio labeling. We have studied the properties of graphs admitting consecutive radio labeling and stated the necessary and suffcient conditions for a graph to follow consecutive radio labeling. The study extended to eccentricity-based topological indices, viz., the forgotten eccentricity indices. The maximum d(u,v) for all v in V(G) is the eccentricity of the vertex u in G. This work also investigates eccentricity-based coindices and some of their properties. newlineApart from this, some uniquely radio colorable graphs are examined and characterized. -
Topic Modelling of ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine
Online news sites provide hotspots to extract popular ratings and opinions on a wide range of topics. Realizing what individuals are referring to and understanding their concerns and suppositions is exceptionally significant to organizations and political missions. Furthermore, it is incredibly difficult to physically peruse such enormous volumes of data and gather the themes. Keeping in mind the prevailing plight of war-Torn nations such as the recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine. This study performs aims to perform topic modelling using LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) and text analysis on datasets collected from various online news websites. To increase the accuracy and efficacy of the topic modelling, a comparative analysis is proposed that elevates the performance of machine learning models. This study also develops an algorithm where the entire process can be automated from the point of data collection to finding optimum array of topics in the given dataset. Searching for insights from the collected information can therefore become very tedious and time-consuming. Topic modelling was designed as a tool to organize, search, and understand vast quantities of textual information. The topic model using LDA was utilized to do a text analysis for this research. In the beginning, researchers have scraped a total of 1178 articles that covered the war conflict between Russia and Ukraine from December 1, 2021, to May 16, 2022. After that, researcher built the LDA model and modified hyper parameters based on the coherence score Cv that was used for the model evaluation technique. When using the most effective model, prominent topics, and representative documents pertaining to each topic, topic allocation among the documents, and potential enhancements are covered in the last section. 2022 IEEE. -
Tools and technologies for the governance of knowledge management
Knowledge management is a consolidation of various endeavours and disciplines. This chapter assesses the space of knowledge management and examines the significance of running a successful business with an efficient management system. To have a smooth management in a company, all the employees in the company need to access all the required information, which may be comprised of documents, collaboration of teams, policies in various departments, etc. All of these require an efficient knowledge management system. A framework for characterising the various tools and techniques available to knowledge management practitioners are well explored in the chapter. 2022, IGI Global. All rights reserved. -
Tools and framework for cyber-physical agricultural systems
The development of cyber-physical agricultural systems (CPASs) has created new opportunities for precision farming, sustainable food production, and efficient use of resources. CPAS leverages advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML) to collect, analyze, and utilize data to improve farming practices. However, the implementation of CPAS requires the use of various tools and frameworks to ensure seamless integration and communication between different components of the system. One of the key tools for CPAS is sensors. This chapter focuses on key tools for CPAS, such as sensors that can collect data on environmental factors, including temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and nutrient levels, enabling farmers to monitor crop growth and identify issues. The use of drones equipped with cameras and sensors can provide a birds eye view of farmland, allowing farmers to detect issues that are difficult to detect otherwise. Frameworks such as the Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture (OPC-UA) provide a standardized approach to communication between different devices and systems in agricultural systems. OPC-UA enables secure and efficient data exchange between sensors, machines, and other components, enabling the integration of various tools and frameworks within CPAS. This framework ensures that different components of CPAS can communicate seamlessly, leading to more efficient and effective farming practices. Another critical framework for CPAS is the decision support system (DSS). DSS utilizes AI and ML algorithms to analyze data from various sources and provide recommendations to farmers. For example, DSS can provide guidance on crop selection, planting dates, irrigation schedules, and pest management. This framework can assist farmers in making informed decisions that can increase yield, reduce waste, and improve sustainability. 2024 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. -
Tool wear and tool life estimation based on linear regression learning
Tools have remained an integral part of the society without which stimulation of certain aspects of human evolution would not have been possible. In recent times the modern tools are used in the manufacturing of high precision components. We know that the accuracy and surface finish of these components can be achieved only by the usage of accurate tools. Sharp edged tools may loosen their sharpness due to repeated usage and machining parameters. Hence to address this issue we propose a system to monitor tool wear by using the captured image of cutting tool tip. We used vision system since it is the primitive method of predicting tool wear and two main machining parameters feed rate and depth of cut. The image of flank wear cutting edge at tool tip is captured by examining under profile projector. The system uses linear regression model to calculate tool wear which is mapped onto continuous 2-D coordinates with feed rate and depth of cut as axis from a captured digital image. Thus the proposed intelligent system uses profile projector and digital image processing methods to estimate tool wear continuously and predictively like humans rather than using strict rules. By estimating tool wear continuously the machine can better perform and machine components accurately by using the resultant values of feed rate and depth of cut as a threshold which are arrived as a result. 2015 IEEE.